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View Full Version : Introduction of the almighty Lyzander ( i wish )

Tue, 04-13-2004, 04:31 AM
Heya people

New to this forums as you can see.

My alias is Lyzander as shown to the left column ( attempt to lame something...dont ask )

19 year old and soon 20 in this late year and im spanish but currently living in sweden.

Nay im not new to Naruto since ive followed the anime along time and huge fan of it. Gather all information i can about upcoming events and so forth to find out.

Any questions just message me heh =)


I got alot of Naruto stuff including Gaara poster on the front of my door and Pakkun doll i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Tue, 04-13-2004, 04:50 AM
welcom to the forum =)

glad to see another one from sweden i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Tue, 04-13-2004, 05:16 AM

Tue, 04-13-2004, 05:17 AM
Sverige (Sweden) pwns!

Tue, 04-13-2004, 05:24 AM
you wish....

Cloud 9
Tue, 04-13-2004, 08:37 AM
Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 09:00 AM
1) Read the rules
2) "Hello everybody" Thread is in OT/General Discussion
3) Can't see the relation to Naruto at all

==> please move or close.

@Topic Starter:
Do you have a basic idea how many user accounts this forum has?
What it would look like if everybody opens a "konnnichi wa minna-san" Thread?
Just post at least semi-intelligent stuff and we will acknowledge you.
This was step one in the opposite direction.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by: Elessar
1) Read the rules
2) "Hello everybody" Thread is in OT/General Discussion
3) Can't see the relation to Naruto at all

==> please move or close.

@Topic Starter:
Do you have a basic idea how many user accounts this forum has?
What it would look like if everybody opens a "konnnichi wa minna-san" Thread?
Just post at least semi-intelligent stuff and we will acknowledge you.
This was step one in the opposite direction.

Holy christ! The guy is just saying hi! He is also saying hes a naruto fan. I see a direct relation to naruto. Its good to see communism is still at work somewhere... Chill out yo.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by: voodoo
Holy christ! The guy is just saying hi!The last time I checked there was a special topic for that purpose. Its existance is proof that the board moderators want it to be used. 4739 people saying "Hi" ends up in pure chaos. 4738, one did already.

He is also saying hes a naruto fan.
As most of the other 4738 board members. So what?

Its good to see communism is still at work somewhere... Chill out yo.

seems like the "Introduce yourself" Topic did not survive the board change (or was closed due to spam even earlier.
Still my point of view remains valid (at least for me): on such a large board opening "Hello world" topics is bad behaviour.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 11:13 AM
Still my point of view remains valid (at least for me):

Well, my point of view in referance to you is seems valid to me also, but I'll keep it to myself because I wouldn't want to start a fight.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by: Elessar

Originally posted by: voodoo
Holy christ! The guy is just saying hi!The last time I checked there was a special topic for that purpose. Its existance is proof that the board moderators want it to be used. 4739 people saying "Hi" ends up in pure chaos. 4738, one did already.

He is also saying hes a naruto fan.
As most of the other 4738 board members. So what?

Its good to see communism is still at work somewhere... Chill out yo.

seems like the "Introduce yourself" Topic did not survive the board change (or was closed due to spam even earlier.
Still my point of view remains valid (at least for me): on such a large board opening "Hello world" topics is bad behaviour.

no offence but if you got problems with it take it with the user personally instead of starting to attack other people posting their own opinion.

as in fact im sorry for posting here. Since i saw 3 people doing it i figured one could introduce oneself here but i was mistaken.

to the second note one only introduces him/herself once so chill out and accept it i would say

Tue, 04-13-2004, 11:48 AM
Ok, ok, enough flame warring.

Lysander, yes, Elessar is right, though he could have chosen a better way of getting it across.

Welcome to the boards, but please take a chance to read the rules and FAQs, as well.