View Full Version : Sand Village

Inuzuka Kiba
Mon, 04-12-2004, 11:18 PM
...shouldnt Gaara now become the hokage of the sand village?? Its very likely that he is the strongest warrior in that country, so it would make sense if hes hokage

Mon, 04-12-2004, 11:29 PM
AGAIN, just being the strongest ninja doesn't mean that he should be a kage. the fact that he is a psycho takes him out of the runnings.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 12:07 AM
Kazekage not Hokage ok lol
He still has a lot to lurn. Like how to become a proper ninga.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by: Inuzuka Kiba
...shouldnt Gaara now become the hokage of the sand village?? Its very likely that he is the strongest warrior in that country, so it would make sense if hes hokage

I can't see that happening, at least not anytime soon.
For one, Gaara's mental instability is a factor that can't be overlooked. Being leader of the village means protecting the people not killing everyone for the hell of it.

AGAIN, just being the strongest ninja doesn't mean that he should be a kage. the fact that he is a psycho takes him out of the runnings.
I agree.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 07:37 AM
note that to be a Kage in this case Kazekage he has to be worthy of the title. Fair and just as well as the strongest

Gaara can be it.....he isnt a psycho anymore cause he can control probally the demon inside of him.......unless Naruto beat the goodness out of him

so yeah i think in the future Gaara might run for Kazekage

Tue, 04-13-2004, 08:18 AM
They have said in the manga and anime, stated, "Kage is the village strongest ninja".... in that episode when he explain to naruto the different ranks..

Tue, 04-13-2004, 01:47 PM
Strength is more than just your abiltiy to kill and the amount of jutsus you can use. As Hokage himself has stated in the 20 or so flashbacks where he says that to Orochimaru as the sword refuses to move and blah blah *rant*.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 02:38 PM
Gaara is still a psychotic little kid, nobody would want him to be leader. He's more like a tool of the sand, their secret weapon. Baki would be a more likely candidate.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 02:57 PM
Remember, Gaara was defeated by Naruto, and there are many adult ninja out there stronger than Naruto himself.

Would anyone ever be silly enough to make a 12 year old the leader of his country, regardless of his physical prowess? I don't think so, even if Gaara weren't as psycho as we all know he is.

I definately think Baki has a high possibility of being the next Kazekage.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 02:59 PM
Not baki he's too weak, just a regular jounin, nothing special...

Tue, 04-13-2004, 04:38 PM
Nothing special? Baki wiped out Gekkou without much of an effort. Don't even think the guy let a drop of sweat off of his forehead. And, considering we have not seen any other Sand Nin, or have been introduced to any by name .. Baki has a strong chance of being the next Kazekage -- if that is even an issue within the Wind Country / Sand Village.

Ninja vanish.

Tue, 04-13-2004, 05:07 PM
I'd like to see Baki against Gai or Kakashi he would be beaten so badly..

Inuzuka Kiba
Tue, 04-13-2004, 07:56 PM
Well Gaara should be the strongest in his village, or else his dad would have hired that stronger ninja to kill Gaara...and since Gaara is still alive i would think that no other ninja was able to kill him.

Also in 212 Gaara is actually protecting Rock Lee, the old Gaara would have just killed them all, I think that headbutt naruto laid on gaara had some positve effects. So i dont think he is as psycho as some of you said

Tue, 04-13-2004, 11:22 PM
Agreed, Kiba, but he's still only 12 years old. Give him another ten or fifteen years, and THEN maybe he'll be Kazekage.

Wed, 04-14-2004, 12:42 AM
There are many types of Strength, spiritual, mental, physical. If you are the strongest you need to have both leadership skills, the intelligence to act smartly as a leader, and strength to fight, and Baki isn't as weak as you think. How are you so sure he's just a regular jounin, and also Konoha is supposed to be the strongest of the hidden villages, so the Hokage level might be higher then the Kazekage level, which means Baki has a chance to become Kazekage.

Wed, 04-14-2004, 12:45 AM
it has been said that the 3rd is the strongest kage out of all kages.

Wed, 04-14-2004, 03:21 AM
That saying is kind of vague though, because you cannot be sure of when it was cemented as a quote. Specifically whether or not it was said before or after the 4th's time. I'm leaning towards the 3rd being stronger overall, yet the possibility remains that the 4th indeed surpassed the 3rd's powers, even in his prime. From the presences we have seen, and the skills that each developed, it seems like the 3rd was more intelligent and amassed more jutsu, but that the 4th mastered more devastating combat abilities (top-level rasengan, gamabunta, long-range demon-sealing).

It could also be that the 3rd was a better politician and leader than the 4th, there is much more to the title of hokage than combat ability. And as for people being called 'powerful', the US president is widely acknowledged as being the most powerful person in the world, but it certainly doesn't have anything to do with his physical (or mental, rofl) strength... I bet Moby would even kick his ass.

Ok, I digress, but you get the point. Back on topic, Gaara/Shukaku is almost certainly the most powerful fighting presence from the Sand, but would make a horrible leader until he can get psychologically balanced a bit more.

Sand Jounin "Hey Gaara how was your day? Ready to meet the Wave country ambassador?"
Gaara "ARGH!!! HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT!! I was playing with my Ant Farm!!! IM RICK JAMES BITCH !!! DIEEEE!!!!"
Sand Jounin "AIEEEEEE! ... splat"

Wed, 04-14-2004, 10:05 AM
That was pretty damn funny. High five for making fun of Bush. In any case I think it should be obvious that the strongest fighter won't become a Kage just for being strong. Otherwise Itachi would have become Hokage instead of being exiled.

Hatake Kakashi
Wed, 04-14-2004, 08:41 PM
Baki is most likely the new Kazekage.

Everyone that says he is weak, has no clue as to what they are talking about.

Kazekage himself wasn't the strongest guy around, Orochimaru killed him pretty easily. Without the Kazekage, Baki, the Jounin Sensei of the Sand Trio is easily the prime candidate for the Kazekage title. The Sand do not have as many people as the Leaf does, so they don't have a lot to pull from.

Naruto and Gaara will be Hokage and Kazekage one day, just give them time. Maybe 7 years.

Wed, 04-14-2004, 08:57 PM
Hatake Kakshi, it's the same as Kakashi being hokage, it dosen't go, he's too weak, but he do have that teamsquad-leadership and all that "I wont let my comrades die" but in strenge I doubt... *thinking of the Sennins*

Wed, 04-14-2004, 09:00 PM
Actually, Itachi, Kishimoto sensei said himself in an early interview that Kakashi was a good candidate for Hokage. This was before the storyline involving the Three Nins was introduced, and Tsunade became the successor to the third.

If you like, I will find the interview quote for you.

Wed, 04-14-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
That saying is kind of vague though, because you cannot be sure of when it was cemented as a quote. Specifically whether or not it was said before or after the 4th's time. I'm leaning towards the 3rd being stronger overall, yet the possibility remains that the 4th indeed surpassed the 3rd's powers, even in his prime. From the presences we have seen, and the skills that each developed, it seems like the 3rd was more intelligent and amassed more jutsu, but that the 4th mastered more devastating combat abilities (top-level rasengan, gamabunta, long-range demon-sealing).

It could also be that the 3rd was a better politician and leader than the 4th, there is much more to the title of hokage than combat ability. And as for people being called 'powerful', the US president is widely acknowledged as being the most powerful person in the world, but it certainly doesn't have anything to do with his physical (or mental, rofl) strength... I bet Moby would even kick his ass.

Ok, I digress, but you get the point. Back on topic, Gaara/Shukaku is almost certainly the most powerful fighting presence from the Sand, but would make a horrible leader until he can get psychologically balanced a bit more.

Sand Jounin "Hey Gaara how was your day? Ready to meet the Wave country ambassador?"
Gaara "ARGH!!! HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT!! I was playing with my Ant Farm!!! IM RICK JAMES BITCH !!! DIEEEE!!!!"
Sand Jounin "AIEEEEEE! ... splat"

Guess what? The examples you gave just contradicted yourself. The fact that the president of US is the most powerful person is due to his leadership skills. That is in fact a type a strength, a mental/mind one. Leadership is a Strength.

Originally Posted by: itachi_
Hatake Kakshi, it's the same as Kakashi being hokage, it dosen't go, he's too weak, but he do have that teamsquad-leadership and all that "I wont let my comrades die" but in strenge I doubt... *thinking of the Sennins*

This is also a stupid arguement, it's been said many times that the sand doesn't have as much of a choice. Baki may not be a good candidate in terms of strength for a Hokage, but he may be one the best Wind has to offer. Get that point through your head, and stop posting the same thing over and over again.

Wed, 04-14-2004, 09:12 PM
Rofl, if that's the way you feel, then we will have to respectfully disagree with one another. I can't think of many individuals with WORSE leadership skills than President Bush. He has successfully 'lead' our country into a hugely expensive war, drastically soured international support for the US, watched the domestic economy go into the toilet, and has spent more time on 'vacation' than any other US president in HISTORY.

He is powerful because of the office and the authority it gives to the holder, not because of his leadership skills, if he even has any.

Your point about leadership being a manifestation of strength is valid, but Bush is a horrible example of any form of strength, other that being full of hot air. Don't get me wrong, the Democrats are almost as bad, the US has only crooks for politicians.

Wed, 04-14-2004, 09:18 PM

Anyways i don't think baki will be the new kazekage. It will probably be one of the kazekages advisors.