View Full Version : Why is Gaara good?
Nine Tailed Demon
Mon, 04-12-2004, 02:22 PM
After re-reading the manga and watching the newest ep explaining Shukaku of the sand, Gaara should not be good. His demon inside is surpressed while he is awake, that's why he developed insomina and his character is bad, made him unstable. When he goes to sleep Shukaku comes out, no matter how good Gaara wants to be, he still is suppose to be crazy.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 02:23 PM
Well even good people can be crazy...
Mon, 04-12-2004, 03:09 PM
Gaara is cool now, He's one of my favorite now, since he left the darkside, 213 = pwns!
Mon, 04-12-2004, 03:20 PM
naruto changed him. that's what naruto does.
hiten mitsurugi
Mon, 04-12-2004, 03:58 PM
He was taught that protecting others requires greater strength then just protecting your own very existence.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 04:00 PM
well ok i didn't expect it but it was kinda obvious that he would return at some point, cuz who would let a insane demon like Gaara escape when he's so badly wounded? it looks more and more like naruto is gonna turn all his enemies in his friends or something because Neji has also started to change all because naruto whooped his ass, anyway I like how Gaara came to the rescue, he didn't become evil just because he had a demon inside him he became evil because noone loved him, everybody hated him and his father tried to kill him I would like to see somebody stay sane in these conditions, if Gaara had loving parents and a village who loved him he wouldn't have become this evil he would just end up losing control every time he fell asleep
Mon, 04-12-2004, 04:50 PM
Maybe since he has love now and feels no emotional stress he won't get mad to release the evil beast.
I have a question unrelated to this topic but its a real quick one so i didn't feel the need to make a new thread: Where did Shino go?
Mon, 04-12-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by: ad4mz41
Maybe since he has love now and feels no emotional stress he won't get mad to release the evil beast.
I have a question unrelated to this topic but its a real quick one so i didn't feel the need to make a new thread: Where did Shino go?
He is on a mission with his father, I am not sure who said that, maybe Shika, when Naruto asks why Shino is not going with them. Check the manga and you will find more precise details.
As for Gaara, maybe he is feeling better, now that he is good, which is a positive development for the character. Personally, I am more worried with my entertainment than with his well-being. So, I still like the insane Gaara better. Moral restrains make characters boring.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 05:11 PM
he got beaten so he cried then decided if he couldnt beat him he better take the easy way out and side with him
although no matter how good Gaara becomes he will always be evil on the inside and one slip of emotion could end up killing someone.
Nine Tailed Demon
Mon, 04-12-2004, 05:22 PM
That's not the point if he wanted to be good or not, he has no choice.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 10:42 PM
i hope gaara goes berserk again. it would ruin his image if he smiled from happiness (ie: flowers, raindows, bunnies, etc.) not from the fact that he smashed someone's brains out.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 10:42 PM
After realizing that caring only for yourself is not the ultimate path to power and survival, he finally decided to be nice again like he was before his uncle betrayed him.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 11:37 PM
Yeah it would be cool if Naruto and Gaara became friends and then turned into their beasts and ruled the countries. That would be pretty exciting.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 11:45 PM
it would be boring for gaara to return as a villian again
Tue, 04-13-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by: Aegeon
After realizing that caring only for yourself is not the ultimate path to power and survival, he finally decided to be nice again like he was before his uncle betrayed him.
What actually happened was:
Gaara went back to the Sand Village and with the change of Kazekage, there was a change of policy towards him.
Initially, they gave him a shot of Thorazine, and up to a few days before he was sent to rescue the Leaf Ninjas, he was institucionalized and recieving the best counseling money could buy.
After that, he was good to go, but will have to be on prozak for the rest of his life.
Well even if it's not what really happened, it still is a good enough theory i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
IMO, the Leaf should to the same to Itachi and Sasuke. And some counseling for Neji wouldn't hurt. Well, as a matter of fact, that goes also for all his extended family.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 12:09 AM
I dont think garra neccisarily changed too much from fighting naruto but the sand and leaf are allies so they would help them in a fight if around. Also Orochimaru killed there Kaze so it seems they would be against his plots to get Sauske as much as the leafs out of spite and wellbeing. Garra was not neccisarilly completly evil they were at war and he was supposed to kill its not like he gave the orders to attack and he only does bad crap when hes gettin out of hand demon wize. Im sure Garra is fine being on the leaf team and following the obligations of the alliance he looks perfectly calm in the manga.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 12:23 AM
Did Gaara change his outfit becuz everyone is saying he did but to me it looks the same?
Tue, 04-13-2004, 12:31 AM
I dont know???
Tue, 04-13-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by: Chek
Im sure Garra is fine being on the leaf team and following the obligations of the alliance he looks perfectly calm in the manga.
He's always calm. Until he gets bloodthirsty.
And being on the goodside?? I dont think there ever was one. Or a dark side for Gaara. I think he's moraless. Just doing whatever he's supposed to do for the Sand. He's under orders. Since the Sand is now allianced with the Leaf.
Gaara isn't just a killing machine. If not he would have massacred the Sand clan long ago. In fact he's been quite a good boy all the time during the gennin exams.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 06:25 AM
Leave the 1vs1 fights behind for a moment and check your long range sensors.
The world is at war when the first Hokage appears. He ends the war, brings stability and peace, and founds the leaf. After him all the hokages seek peace. Then, at the time of the 1st's granddaughter being the 5th hokage, appears a brat that is related to the 4th and that has the power to change the peoples hearts and minds - seeking to become hokage, following his own way without killing were possible. *Spin the manga wheel of time* The brat will become Hokage, unite the villages and bring lasting peace (maybe against one big bad enemy).
So why did Garra become good? Because the plot needs him to do so. To finish the epic scale story Naruto needs friends in other countries and other villages. Gaara will get more and more friendly and maybe Naruto will help him to make a deal with shukaku similar to his one.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by: Elessar
Leave the 1vs1 fights behind for a moment and check your long range sensors.
The world is at war when the first Hokage appears. He ends the war, brings stability and peace, and founds the leaf. After him all the hokages seek peace. Then, at the time of the 1st's granddaughter being the 5th hokage, appears a brat that is related to the 4th and that has the power to change the peoples hearts and minds - seeking to become hokage, following his own way without killing were possible. *Spin the manga wheel of time* The brat will become Hokage, unite the villages and bring lasting peace (maybe against one big bad enemy).
So why did Garra become good? Because the plot needs him to do so. To finish the epic scale story Naruto needs friends in other countries and other villages. Gaara will get more and more friendly and maybe Naruto will help him to make a deal with shukaku similar to his one.
maybe Gaara and Naruto will become lovers i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif i/expressions/lips.gifi/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
heh =)
Tue, 04-13-2004, 04:42 PM
He still dosent seem good to me. Just cause hes fighting with the leaf dosent make him good. Hes just following orders. So last time when he was at war with the leaf he isnt necisaritly evil since he was supposed to kill leafs. Just cause he enjoys fighting who cares sauske and naruto have both enjoyed fighting..its just perspective. Elessar to assume gaara is gonna get more and more friendly with naruto to the point were they have long talks and get starbucks together is an insane leap since all we have seen is Garra appear and save Lee and practically hurt him in the process. You shouldent state assumptions like its something you know will happen.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 10:09 PM
he wears a long sleeve now
and he is paried up with lee... i wonder how this is gonna turn out cause kimimaro is suppose to be very strong
Wed, 04-14-2004, 12:29 AM
He turned good because during the fight with Naruto, he deeply realized the meaning of love and friendship. He realized when Naruto was beating him that fighting for others is what gave him his strength. He had a revelation and thought about Kankuro and Temari, and realized he'd never been good to them. That's why he said sorry when they carried him off. That was when he became good, because he realized he was wrong about loving only himself all this time. Naruto changed him, just like he changed Neji.
Wed, 04-14-2004, 07:24 AM
hmm, i think everybody is way to willing to accept that gaara is gonna be this fun loving guy when all we have see is that they are now the allies of the leaf. I mean they arent an evil village like the sound they were just pissy cause they were getting fubared by their politicians.
As far as prediction as to what gaara is gonna be like as an ally, i wanna compare the transformation to possibly a degree that we saw of neji. He was an arogant asshole before(still cool but an asshole nonetheless) but after naruto hes shifted way of thinking but is still the same hard core arrogant in battle character.
Gaara will probably be similar to this, even though he will not be as vicious as before i cant see him giving lee a hug and then being a nice guy from here on out, he will still be mysterious and kinda mean, but we will see some sort of definite change.
Wed, 04-14-2004, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by: Chek
Elessar to assume gaara is gonna get more and more friendly with naruto to the point were they have long talks and get starbucks together is an insane leap since all we have seen is Garra appear and save Lee and practically hurt him in the process. You shouldent state assumptions like its something you know will happen.
Sorry, but try to not only read the words but understand their meaning too.
It is clearly visible that my post describes my overall vision of Naruto and that all following conclusions derive from and work up to that vision. It is not my fault if you can't understand that and think I talk about stated facts. Maybe it is common in kindergarten to add to each sentence (This is a fact / this is my opinion), but I think the vast majority of users here have already left it and should behave accordingly. That includes a better understanding of language than a child.
No offence intended, just couldn't find more polite words to describe the situation.
Back to topic:
ATM Gaara is everything but Santa Claus, that's for sure. But continuing contact with Naruto will change him. "I kill, therefor I am" will change to "I protect precious people, therefor I am". Naruto will become a sort of Iruka for Gaara, accepting him purely for what he is and not what others see in him, I am very sure of that. Naruto knows the darkness Gaara felt and he knows why he could escape it. He has better eyes than anyone else, he sees inside people at a completely different scale (according to Neji). The time will come when Gaara helps/protects Naruto not because he is ordered to, but because he wants to.
Wed, 04-14-2004, 04:08 PM
Gaara is good because naruto brought him out of the darkness, just like Neji(and everyone else who he inspired) and Gaara realized that he doesnt need to kill to recognized
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