View Full Version : Haku, why look like a girl?
Sat, 04-10-2004, 07:47 PM
I was just confused about why Haku would try to make himself look like a girl. I mean it could be that it was just because he was a freak or it might have some sort of a deeper meaning. I remember someone saying that in the ep that showed Haku and his mom and his mom slapping the ice out of his hands that somehow it insinuated that the bloodline limit was maternal and that the fact that Haku got the bloodline limit was by accident.
Sat, 04-10-2004, 07:53 PM
I think you're possibly over-analyzing things a bit. Pretty much every manga/anime series has at least one feminine/androgynous male character. As a matter of fact, it's somewhat difficult to find an anime series without one. I don't understand the appeal, must be some abstract of japanese culture that doesn't translate well, but I'm not complaining. Haku was cool, I just don't think it would have affected the story at all if he was a she instead, or if he dressed like a guy instead of a girl. I guess it makes things a little more memorable, I don't know.
Sat, 04-10-2004, 08:16 PM
maybe Zabuza wanted it that way i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif ....seriously
Sat, 04-10-2004, 11:32 PM
There's always a feminate male character in most animes for some reason, I don't know why. I too am curious as to how this came into being. ( may have something to do with the "harem"s in most animes too).
Sun, 04-11-2004, 12:51 AM
He might just be gay lol
Sun, 04-11-2004, 12:56 AM
i think they tried to make haku look innocent as possible. and what is the most innocent thing in the world besides puppies and kittens? haku.
Sun, 04-11-2004, 01:12 AM
Theres something wrong with Japanese people in liking guys being very gay. Correction.. VEry feminine.
Every anime has one.
Sun, 04-11-2004, 01:32 AM
Because you touch yourself at night.
Sun, 04-11-2004, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
Because you touch yourself at night.
Is that why dionasaurs are extinct? LOL!
Mon, 04-12-2004, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Theres something wrong with Japanese people in liking guys being very gay. Correction.. VEry feminine.
Every anime has one.
yea, bishounens, or.. feminine boys. they just look feminine. i don't remember haku ever doing anything "flamey". but i agree with the post about trying to show haku's innocence.
i love bishies i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Mon, 04-12-2004, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by: Baka-chan
Originally posted by: Stoopider
i love bishies i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Makes two of us. Even though, I like mine evil as in Kimimaru and Sesshoumaru. Possible exception is Haku from Spirited Away, who turn out not to be evil but this oh-so-cool white dragon.
And Sasuke, who I don't like, but is not worth being called evil at all.
Haku no Fuyu is lovely, but a bit too pretty for his own good.
More power to bishouneness!
Must be hard for the boys, though, when they catch themselves giving a second look at the bishies...
Mon, 04-12-2004, 02:22 AM
he might have been gay, do you have a problem with that?
hes only an animated character gay or not, does it really matter if he was if hes far past dead now?
his bodies probably already decayed i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 04-12-2004, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by: Insomniac
he might have been gay, do you have a problem with that?
hes only an animated character gay or not, does it really matter if he was if hes far past dead now?
his bodies probably already decayed i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
But beauty is immortal. Therefore, he will live forever.i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Besides, he just showed up in a flashback and they can make him return from the dead as much and as often as they please.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 05:03 AM
"Power is beauty, if u got power u are beutiful"
from the game Chrono Trigger //said by Flea, or something... whatever lol
Mon, 04-12-2004, 09:03 AM
I think it's just like some of you guys said, that Haku looks more innocent.
I think It's hard to make a villain look like a teenaged boy and innocent.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 10:39 AM
haku is gay. there's nuthing wrong with that every anime has a fruity char.or maybe zabuza wanted him like that 0_o
Mon, 04-12-2004, 02:25 PM
In my opinion Haku is slightly feminine not just because they want to emphasize his purity but also to increase the japanese female fan base with a shounen-ai pairing between Zabuza and Haku. For some reason throughout history japanese women love feminine and gay men as actors and characters. So it is economically beneficial to have a shounen-ai character in your anime. I dunno why girls love it but they do. People are even talking about a possible unrequited passion of Iruka towards Kakashi. I didn't think so but then if you look at all the episodes where they interact Iruka is always blushing when he talks to Kakashi.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 04:01 PM
It maybe would be better if they made haku a girl instead of a boy.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 05:41 AM
nah haku was fine as a guy i dont know if it would affect the story if he was a girl instead but its all good. i cant think of any reason for haku to look like a girl exept kishimoto making him look like one. and the funny thing is, kishimoto says he's bad at drawing women.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 03:37 PM
I think I heard somewhere that during the middle of the Zabuza arc, the author decided to make Haku a male because he didn't want Naruto to punch a girl in an upcoming chapter.
So I guess Haku started as a girl.
Tue, 04-13-2004, 06:25 PM
Oh, so guys cant hit girls but girls can hit guys...hypocracy.
Anywho-I always thought, story-wise, that Haku *became* the female persona to Zabuza's male persona due to Haku's trauma as a child. He wanted to be comforting and nice to be accepted (women are, supposedly, the more loving gender). This way, Haku can create the love
that he's always wanted, by *being* the gender that is suppose to, traditionally, give it while Zabuza gives the traditional fatherly discipline.
Though I am not advocating that fathers are necessarily more violent on children, mothers are just not expected
to do that to their children moreso.
Wed, 04-14-2004, 09:41 AM
well, I wouldn't hit a girl... I think I would ran off i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
or done something like shikamaru so that I wouldn't need to hit the girl...
Wed, 04-14-2004, 10:21 PM
Haku is alikened to a woman due to his strong attachment and dedication to Zabuzza. Sentimental, loyal and literally true to his end. Often, women generally display such attributes more frequently then men. Zabuzza, is very male. In denial of his love, yet realises Haku's love deep down and only acknowledges that towards his end. Which makes it all the more poignant. Interesting role-play here selected by the animators. Gay or not... isn't the main point. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Wed, 04-14-2004, 10:57 PM
It's more of a father/son love; furthermore males can show just as much loyalty to others. In terms of children, not so much i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif.
Wed, 04-14-2004, 11:30 PM
To appel to the to those who like women, but with a little something extra. ; )
Thu, 04-15-2004, 12:29 AM
I think it was set up as oposites Zabuza being like a devil and haku being pure and inocent like a angel. So a girly look would work best here. It was a good contrast of characters I dont think you could remake either of them better then they were.
Also, if haku would of been made female I think it would of taken away from his loyalty and made it look more like a girl in love, altho you do get the homosexual overtones this way. But, for the story it is prolly better this way then making it look like some girl all in love with her master...
Thu, 04-15-2004, 08:27 AM
Don't forget Orichamaru when he used the forbidden jutsu....he looked like a girl too...i think the way they drawed them was to show youth, but they did not do that for the main characters because they are the main characters and they want people to like them if people don't then they don't have a series!
Thu, 04-15-2004, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by: Mattea
well, I wouldn't hit a girl... I think I would ran off i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
or done something like shikamaru so that I wouldn't need to hit the girl...
He who runs away, lives to fight another day!
Thu, 04-15-2004, 02:46 PM
haku was a guy?
Thu, 04-15-2004, 02:48 PM
haku was a guy?
please tell me your not just figuring that out now.
he states that he is a boy to naruto. and what not. yes his appearance is very feminine but he is a dude.
Thu, 04-15-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
please tell me your not just figuring that out now.
I am hoping that was a joke...
Otherwise, cheeeeeee... 'taku, in the immortal words of Genma.
Something close to: crap...for crying out loud.
Thu, 04-15-2004, 03:16 PM
neji aniki sama.
im not sure if your directing that torwards me but. what i was saying is how could he not realize that haku is a dude. he tells naruto that he is a dude.
Thu, 04-15-2004, 03:21 PM
He like specifically says he is a guy several times and in the flash backs he has of him and Zabuza its a little boy atleast you can tell......(most people)...But i can see how the older Haku can throw people off, but in the end he's a guy! So people get that in your head if you don't believe it!
Thu, 04-15-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
neji aniki sama.
im not sure if your directing that torwards me but. what i was saying is how could he not realize that haku is a dude. he tells naruto that he is a dude.
I apologize if I didn't make myself clear.
I was shocked with the person who asked if Haku was a guy. Like, as you asked please don't tell me if you figured out that just now.
Personally, I hoped that it was a joke, otherwise it would be too much!!!!!
I totally agree with your comment!!!!
Thu, 04-15-2004, 05:03 PM
Haku is a guy, there should be no debate about that.
Thu, 04-15-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Haku is a guy, there should be no debate about that.
We should just close this topic its going no where...Haku girl or guy? well we all know its a guy, but there is always going to be controversy on how the Japanese do things so lets shut this thread down and move on.
Power PMV
Sat, 04-17-2004, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Originally posted by: Mattea
well, I wouldn't hit a girl... I think I would ran off i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
or done something like shikamaru so that I wouldn't need to hit the girl...
He who runs away, lives to fight another day!
wise words. That's why Shikamaru is the guy with the IQ of 200.
Sat, 04-17-2004, 01:31 PM
I feel like making an IQ test... dunno where to make one though...
I guess I'll dance or something... I mean!
search the net for it...
Sat, 04-17-2004, 01:54 PM
I thought I should point out that the Japanese stereotype for a gay man is a muscular man wearing very little and perhaps sporting some kind of facial hair.
Sat, 04-17-2004, 06:09 PM
what haku is a guy??? thanks for spoiling it for me.
Sun, 04-18-2004, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by: SDShamshel
I thought I should point out that the Japanese stereotype for a gay man is a muscular man wearing very little and perhaps sporting some kind of facial hair.
Like the american guy from ping pong club....LOL now that was hilarious!
Sun, 04-18-2004, 10:45 PM
Agreed. There is the idea of a father and son relationship as well.
There is also that of a man and a woman, which comes across more strongly than that. (which is why the debate why Haku should be a girl or a guy - confuses ppl) What a man is supposed to be and a woman supposed to be. These I feel, are character roles between the two; Haku and Zabuzza. Haku is seen as the gatherer, herbs, flowers. Inner quiet strength which often is what men like to see in women. The ideal role.
Quoting Fabik-X below as I think a good pt is made. They don't want it to get overly stereotypical of a woman in love.
Quote: Fabik-X: if haku would of been made female I think it would of taken away from his loyalty and made it look more like a girl in love, altho you do get the homosexual overtones this way. But, for the story it is prolly better this way then making it look like some girl all in love with her master...
Mon, 04-19-2004, 06:18 AM
And in this case Haku felt as if Zabuza was a father. Since he was abandoned and such and no one else cared about him Zabuza took him and taught him everything he needed to know.
hiten mitsurugi
Mon, 04-19-2004, 05:03 PM
If you're running away from a bunch of hunter nins, and they're looking for a man and a boy. Wouldn't you avoid suspicion if you were dressed up as a girl. That's part of being a ninja. Hell, Oro looks like a girl.
Tue, 04-20-2004, 02:42 PM
...haku is a hemaphrodite
Tue, 04-20-2004, 03:41 PM
Lets see wha tthe judges have to say.............................
Buzz that is incorrect
the correct answer is not a stupid one
or possibly pirate
Oro looked liek a girl when he turned youthful again, i guess its like innocence or something?
Tue, 04-20-2004, 07:20 PM
I was pissed off, when I saw Haku I was like...translation must be wrong, that's gotta be a girl, I thought Haku was hot
Tue, 04-20-2004, 11:06 PM
Weren't actual ninjas trained to disguise themselves as regular peasants? Posing as a woman might help a lot...does anyone know historical references?
Tue, 04-20-2004, 11:16 PM
I really really don't think it has anything to do with any deeper meaning or storyline. Virtually EVERY anime/manga has a character like Haku, who could be either a guy or girl. Look at Yashamaru for example in Naruto, or that Director girl in Hellsing (who looks like a guy for most of the series), or that He-She thing in Cowboy Bebop, or the badass but uber-feminine Dr. Jackal from Get Backers ..
It's actually a challenge to find an anime that DOESNT have at least one sexually ambiguous character.
Wed, 04-21-2004, 06:03 AM
Absolutely... Even among us chinese, cross-dressing as a form of infiltration is quite common.
Madame Butterfly is one such dude. I heard they (i.e. the sensei's) even taught them how to fake a <fill in the obvious blank> besides how hard is it to fake an orgasm.
BTW in the old days, it was quite common to do the dirty without the lights.
Wed, 04-21-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by: MemnochTheCaT
or the badass but uber-feminine Dr. Jackal from Get Backers ..
Actually I'd say that Kazuki would be the female looking character of GB, but Jackal does too, hehe i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif GB has two of them! Well, 3 if you count Makubex. Or 4 if you count Ren looking like a boy.
Wed, 04-21-2004, 05:12 PM
You're right, I had kind of forgot about the other femme guys in GB i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Lol I thought Ren was a guy too! That was a very gender-bending series, but I still liked it, Midou and Ginji and Dr Jackal were just too cool .. the only thing I DIDN'T like was the meandering and repetitively ambiguous 'infinite castle' stuff .. it just didn't make any sense. Oh well, every episode outside of I.C. rocked i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
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