View Full Version : Need Help Removing Sig

Fri, 04-09-2004, 08:51 PM
I accidentally copied the wrong sig (animated) into my profile. Is there anyway to undo this? Everytime I click on profile, I get this message:

Parameter 2 of function Left which is now -2 must be a positive integer

The error occurred in /var/devf/www/com/kernel.cfc: line 527
Called from /var/devf/www/com/kernel.cfc: line 682
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 164
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 156
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 15
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 1
Called from /var/devf/www/profile.cfm: line 131

Fri, 04-09-2004, 08:58 PM
It is VERY VERY important to remember that when you add an image to your signature you follow the exact requirements. The reason this happened was due to the fact you forgot to add quotes to your <img src> statement. The correct way of doing this is...
<img src="linktoyourpic">

Wed, 04-14-2004, 07:43 PM
Now that I know what the problem is, how do I go back and fix it?

Wed, 04-14-2004, 10:02 PM
If you are experiencing the same problem let me know and i'll clear your signaure.