View Full Version : Would Naruto be as popular in the states without bittorrent?
Fri, 04-02-2004, 01:54 AM
For that matter, would it even be possible to distribute it?
Maybe MIRC, but that capacity is limited.
Was bittorrent released after the Naruto anime started?
Fri, 04-02-2004, 06:55 AM
I really don't have an answer. Personally, I know I wouldn't have been able to watch this series without it, nor would I have been able to get all the episodes to burn to VCD myself (since my friends got the avis from friends, and I never got my hands on them.
Fri, 04-02-2004, 08:09 AM
No. It would still be worth it... but the trouble you'd have to go thru would be ridiculous... my connection is 1223k as of right now, and I have had Kazaa running for a few days just for 1 episode. Honestly, 1/2 the Naruto following would be gone, at least... In my opinion.
Fri, 04-02-2004, 08:16 AM
I got almost all my episodes form a LAN, but I guess he got it from BT , I'm from Norway tho =)
Poiple Weezard
Fri, 04-02-2004, 08:35 AM
I don't use MIRC and when I began watching Naruto I was still using a flaky 56K connection (now up to cable). With how often my old connection dropped out, I don't think I would've gotten the chance to download one episode. I'm extremely thankful for bittorrent.
Fri, 04-02-2004, 10:11 AM
i was useing kazaa for like the first ten eps. then i found gotwoot. and i would probly only be on eps 50 now if i had to keep going thought kazaa
Fri, 04-02-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by: Kumiriko
i was useing kazaa for like the first ten eps. then i found gotwoot. and i would probly only be on eps 50 now if i had to keep going thought kazaa
Same with me! first ten was from kazaa, some of them were shitty subs, too, untill i realized Toriyama was the best one. Once i found gotwoot, my life was changed i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Fri, 04-02-2004, 11:35 AM
yeah it was the same with me i used klite for like the first fifty eps then a friend told me bout got woot and i had like all the episodes within a week
Fri, 04-02-2004, 11:36 AM
speaking of which anyone know when ep 77 is out on the torrents'
Fri, 04-02-2004, 11:54 AM
Try not to double post, andro. there's an edit button at the bottom. The torrents will be out when ANBU finsihes subbing, usually friday or saturday. If ya can't wait, bakasan has his now.
Fri, 04-02-2004, 12:18 PM
Kazaa is useless. Not only did it cause my computer no end of problems, but it was incredibly slow. I tried
dl anime off of it once and got NOWHERE.
Fri, 04-02-2004, 12:51 PM
bittorrent has greatly helped distrubuting anime and extremely fast too, the same day or the next you can get the ep that just aired in japan, if not for bittorrent we'd all still be stuck rewatching DBZ every day on CN, it would suck ass since bittorrent appeared my collection of anime has grown dramatically, bittorrent is probably the best way of distrubuting files out there, i downloaded the first 30 eps of naruto using Kazaa on 2 comp's cable connection took me a while but then i found out about bittorrent and quickly turned over
Fri, 04-02-2004, 08:04 PM
heh... I don't get any anime from bittorrent. I just use irc.
Fri, 04-02-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by: PaD
I got almost all my episodes form a LAN, but I guess he got it from BT , I'm from Norway tho =)
Norway? more like SNOREWAY!!!!
Fri, 04-02-2004, 10:35 PM
i didn't start on naruto with bt, but i think it undoubtedly helped its popularity...
Fri, 04-02-2004, 11:54 PM
i used kazaa up to episode like 62.. no fair.
Sat, 04-03-2004, 12:55 AM
Bittorrent just makes things easier, I'm sure people would find a way to access it either way.
Sat, 04-03-2004, 01:10 AM
you guys wanna know where bittorent came from
it was made by a company for mass file delivery between companys, originally ment for business to transfer information it got to the public and became widely distributed
thank you tech tv they featured an episode about bt
Sat, 04-03-2004, 01:58 AM
i used to downlaod from my cousin who distributed the tw subs on irc.. but now i go bittorrent all the way i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif thanks anbu aone!
Sat, 04-03-2004, 06:26 AM
i downloaded the first 25 eps thru iMESH ages ago in about the space of a week. but it is a lot easier getting it thru Bittorrent. when i was at LAN i gave all my naruto eps to as many ppl that wanted it, jst to spread the love i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 04-03-2004, 06:33 AM
Im glad BT excists i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 04-03-2004, 07:08 AM
Before bit torrent came along I just d/l all my anime off news groups (which is really fast depending on your isp)
News groups are a great source for anything, its just the retention of the news group server you have access to (Free ISP ones usually have like 3 days, you can pay for ones that store over a months worth of information)
Sat, 04-03-2004, 11:54 AM
I think naruto would have still been popular without BT.. cause theres alot of ppl in mIRC too that watches it. Even before BT, IRC has been distroing to alot of people so it shouldnt effect anything. Just maybe the lazy ppl who dont bother to learn to use IRC =)
Mon, 04-05-2004, 11:31 PM
My first ep was like...40-something...then I decided to gather an archive (this was before NinjaBot, way back before even Hisoka f00s) and I was leeching the older eps from a guy named sumipan...then...suddenly I was caught up...amazing, ne?
Tue, 04-06-2004, 06:35 PM
I downloaded the first 10 eps on Kazaa, like some of you and then i discovered BT and Gotwoot.
That was a good moment.
Tue, 04-06-2004, 08:24 PM
Actually... For you knowledge most everything released is released to either newsgroups or FTPs.... So bittorrent is only for those without access to such things. Check with your ISP to see if they offer newsgroups and if they do get the info and check out the alt.bianaries.anime ^_^ FTPs you just have to have the knowledge of ^_^ Hope this helps a little...
Tue, 04-06-2004, 08:42 PM
BitTorrent doesnt seem to work for me...I guess the eps are in MPEG 4 format...which I can't figure out how to play so I usually dl them when theyre in windows media player format somewhere. Anyone know a place that explains how to play those MPEG 4 videos?
Tue, 04-06-2004, 11:14 PM
Back in the day before Bittorrent I used to download anime off IRC and newsgroups. Newsgroups being my first choice as they usually had the ep I wanted an hour or so after it was released and I could download at my max download speed off my ISP's news servers. I only went on IRC as a last resort because waiting in line on an XDCC bot always sucked.
Now time for alittle history....
Naruto started being subbed before Bittorrent became popular. When AonE/ANBU started subbing Naruto Gotwoot was there with a XDCC bot named 'AonE|Ciber' for those of you that may remember. Then I found out about bittorrent when it was just pretty much released and I setup a tracker and it went from there. Anime played a big part in making torrents as popular as they are now.
Wed, 04-07-2004, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
Anyone know a place that explains how to play those MPEG 4 videos?
Go to this site (;they have lots of codecs and players there, and you can view mpeg 4 stuff with them.
I am lucky: At episode 66, my friend introduced me to Naruto...he gave me all of the episodes on dvds, and he even mentioned this website. I believe he started late as well, and that he used BitTorrent for his episodes as I do now.
Wed, 04-07-2004, 06:29 AM
try shareaza its like kazaa only it can also download BT
Wed, 04-07-2004, 02:05 PM
Cool ty j00b I'll install those codecs and hopefully it will work.
Wed, 04-07-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
you guys wanna know where bittorent came from
it was made by a company for mass file delivery between companys, originally ment for business to transfer information it got to the public and became widely distributed
thank you tech tv they featured an episode about bt
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Bram Cohen
That's right, BitTorrent was written by one person, no company. Brian is a leading software engineer in the field of distributed transactions and peer-2-peer networking. It was made mainly because it could be done and he saw the main purposes for small community based linux distributions and other non-profit organizations that have to cope with a lot of expensive traffic.
He is in no way fond of suprnova and all that stuff.
Maybe TechTV should think about some changes in their personal.
Wed, 04-07-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by: vivitar
Actually... For you knowledge most everything released is released to either newsgroups or FTPs.... So bittorrent is only for those without access to such things. Check with your ISP to see if they offer newsgroups and if they do get the info and check out the alt.bianaries.anime ^_^ FTPs you just have to have the knowledge of ^_^ Hope this helps a little...
Actually... for your knowledge most everything released is released to irc. After all, AonE (the subbers for naruto obviously) is an irc channel after all.
Wed, 04-07-2004, 10:43 PM
yeah, Aone irc channel is really fast, so i download all my naruto episodes from there
Thu, 04-08-2004, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by: riftwing
Originally posted by: vivitar
Actually... For you knowledge most everything released is released to either newsgroups or FTPs.... So bittorrent is only for those without access to such things. Check with your ISP to see if they offer newsgroups and if they do get the info and check out the alt.bianaries.anime ^_^ FTPs you just have to have the knowledge of ^_^ Hope this helps a little...
Actually... for your knowledge most everything released is released to irc. After all, AonE (the subbers for naruto obviously) is an irc channel after all.
Yea but how do you think those people get it in the first place? FTP's my friend. I know from experience (Gotwoot hosts a FTP dump for AonE). Heres how it works...
First the raw is uploaded to Gotwoot and it is downloaded by the translators.
Next the subtitle sheet is uploaded and then the encoders download it and the raw and encode it.
Next the encoded episode is uploaded to Gotwoot and then it is passed out to the QCer's.
Next if it passes the QC it is put into distro via FTP/XDCC (we usually use XDCC as it is alittle easier, sometimes FXP is used).
Once all the distro people have the file it is then released.
Thu, 04-08-2004, 10:24 PM
hah i hate bt.. i use xdcc and direct connection! w00t there are many sites were u can get ur anime direct d/l and xdcc has good speeds..
Fri, 04-09-2004, 03:59 PM
i joined the game really late on Naruto, i got the first 20 from a friend, then found the rest up to 60 on eMule through sharereactor, which is gone now, so now i get them from Anbudom in IRC... eMule took a long time, but not as bad as Kazza would have made it.
Fri, 04-09-2004, 05:00 PM
i think ANIME in general wouldn't be as popular, if it were distro'd exclusively through IRC. just the sheer number of bytes that BT pushes through the internet would totally cripple an IRC distro, or generate very long queues, at best.
Naruto is just the tip of the iceburg.
Sat, 04-10-2004, 02:13 PM
Yeah, i got my first 20 episodes of emule and direct connecct.
Naruto is very easy to get hold of.
Sun, 04-11-2004, 05:47 AM
i started by downloading naruto 70 at work with IRC then i used gogle to find some sites with anime and i found gotwoot and now in one month i already have over 20GB of anime using BT at home
Sun, 04-11-2004, 07:03 AM
i can say that i'm a bit lucky.. i arrived to naruto's scene a bit late so i was able to dl all the eps by BT.. the best so far.. newsgroups have alot of corrupted and missing files.. and i never went along with irc.. so.. BT all the way! i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Cloud 9
Sun, 04-11-2004, 07:04 AM
I got the first 19 episodes from a friend of mine using AIM transfer. At the time, I was on 56k. I had known about BitTorrent ever since before I started getting the series, but I was on 56k and didn't feel it'd be a good idea to use 56k on BT. Around ep 20, I got cable and I wouldn't be able to survive without BT. I'm not an avid IRC user and I don't have the HD capacity to use DC in most hubs. Without BT, most people I know would've never been introduced to Naruto-- and neither would I. At least.. not for awhile.
Sun, 04-11-2004, 12:06 PM
Yes it would because most of my friends and I found Naruto through Kaaza.
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