Thu, 04-01-2004, 02:23 PM
I dont know, it may just be me, i dont mind the character sasuke or anything, hes pretty badass and all, but seriously, is anyone else out there tired of all this sasuke and his clan crap? I mean come on, the final exams they where all like, yeah we wanna see the sasuke, yeah that tragic clan, who cares i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif and gaara fight (i can understand that considering this is like a feared guy with all that sand stuff in him and pretty awsome) but seriously, nobody really cares about naruto's battles, when alot of people there know about the godly immortal(?) demon nine-tails and all that, you'd figure that would be a battle worth seeing? just seems like sasuke is getting all the fame and i cant wait to see him bow down to naruto. i/expressions/devil.gif