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Wed, 03-31-2004, 01:50 AM
well i was lucky enough to see an advance screening of this the punisher tonight and i must say for all you marvel fans or non marvel fans that enjoy dark movies this is one you will truely enjoy

rated R and for good reason

this movie i would have to say surpasses the hulk,daredevil and xmen and is on par with spiderman and x-men 2

but with spiderman 2 release in july this is a movie you don't want to miss

this movie was awsome

so i would tell you about the movie but as of the moment that would be a spoiler because it hasn't been released till april 2

but i suggest that when this movie comes out in theateres


Wed, 03-31-2004, 02:04 AM
Yeah that guy makes a better Punisher than Dolf Lundren or whatever that guy's name is.

Wed, 03-31-2004, 02:35 AM
i think i will go check it out.

Wed, 03-31-2004, 03:01 AM
From the preview I saw a pretty badass crossbow, and John Travolta. This means it should be pretty good.

Wed, 03-31-2004, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
From the preview I saw a pretty badass crossbow, and John Travolta. This means it should be pretty good.

Travolta is in it? lol... i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gifi/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif

Wed, 03-31-2004, 03:50 AM
yes he is the villin and suprisingly he does a good job

Wed, 03-31-2004, 09:27 PM
i also decided to include hellboy in the discussion since it comes out friday

i for one am looking forward to hellboy

looks bad ass

and also sorry about the double post

Thu, 04-01-2004, 04:14 AM
Oh so it IS rated R... I was worried they'd make it into a family movie... I guess it'll be good then.

Although I still can't accept that his family is killed on some beach rather than a manhattan gang war like the comics.

Thu, 04-01-2004, 04:40 AM
Hellboy looks decent, might go see it.

Thu, 04-01-2004, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei

this movie i would have to say surpasses the hulk,daredevil

like thats hard i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

both hulk and daredevil sucked...well ok daredevil was ok but Hulk really sucked

Thu, 04-01-2004, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
yes he is the villin and suprisingly he does a good job

havent you seen Swordfish? hes kinda the villin there (altho its not the same kind of villin in movies like the punisher)
i love john i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
anyways, i saw the poster for it some time ago, it looked really cool, so im definately gonna see it

Thu, 04-01-2004, 03:43 PM
both hulk and daredevil sucked...well ok daredevil was ok but Hulk really sucked

i liked hulk alot more then i liked daredevil (daredevil written very poorly,not so great)

but your right both of them are disliked but the punisher much better then both im mean like alot better

the trailers and commericals you see don't do punisher justice the commericials are slow and only show like one good seen and that him with the bow (really cool what he does with it )

but if spider man is a 10 and daredevil is a 3 lets say punisher falls at about a 8 hulk is at 5 they each where good in there own way so punisher is the better of the two and could i could almost say i liked it more than spiderman (only cause i have seen spiderman a gagilion times) but i love spiderman and this one will take third place

3.the punisher or spot 2 really there both good
4.the hulk

also up coming movies such as iron man and the fantastic four might be good but i dunno
as for spiderman two i have seen the international trailer and it is badass (recorded on camera in austrailia) so its a bootleg copy

there are gonna be a bunch of marvel movies but punisher for me ranks pretty high up there cause the rest arn't gonna be as violent as punisher they didn't hold back this film was ment for adults and so it made it much better .

all marvel movies would benefit from making the films are so they could be more violent

Fri, 04-02-2004, 12:07 AM
i say hellboy is gay cause the title is gay and the character named hellboy is gay and i say Punisher is real good better then the other puniser cause that one was really gay

Fri, 04-02-2004, 12:34 AM
how can you say that this punisher is better then the other unless you have seen it (unlikely because it doesn't come out till the 16th and there are no sneek previews for punisher 15 days in advance ) i had a press pass that allowed me to get in (advance screening for press)

in and second hellboy is not gay if you had ever bothered to read the comic you might now whats going on, the movie looks really good

don't make stupid remarks about things you most likly now nothing about

and don't reply unless can tell me what hellboy "the comic is about" in full detail

in detail

Fri, 04-02-2004, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by: A77ALiSTiC

Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
yes he is the villin and suprisingly he does a good job

havent you seen Swordfish? hes kinda the villin there (altho its not the same kind of villin in movies like the punisher)
i love john i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
anyways, i saw the poster for it some time ago, it looked really cool, so im definately gonna see it

yeah, he's the bad guy for half of Face Off and in Broken Arrow. Vash, looks like sangai called you out, stop callin everything gay, it makes you look like a fag also.

Fri, 04-02-2004, 02:47 AM
havent u ever seen of the other punisher movie that was out way before this one that is out now omg u dont try to make me look stupid i make u look like that lol sangai sakusei and how old are u for posting in in a fourm that is really mainly for kids lol cause to be able to see a screening u at least have to be maybe in ur 30's lol and KonohamaruCorps i only called hellboy gay i didnt call the punshier movie gay alrite and wats ur problem just casue i called hellboy gay doesnt make me look like a fag its my opinion that hellboy is gay and calling me a fag becasue u dont agree with wat i said makes u look like a fag

Fri, 04-02-2004, 03:01 AM
ok what are you twelve

an yes i have seen the other punisher movie this one far exceeds it

this forum is not for "kids" its for any age group

i am 19

and your posts have no relevency what so ever and will be ignored if you keep this up you will most likely get banned0, t

he one you just posted made no scence

Fri, 04-02-2004, 03:26 AM
i've lost all faith in the comicbook-to-movie thing. spiderman was 'ally mcbeal' with CG. these movies are nothing more than summer hits. there is no substance, whatsoever, just a lot of special effects. what hurts the most is how they butcher the characters and storylines. for example, the x-men movies were really good as standalones. but it would be better if they just said it's some alternate universe or something, because nothing at all fits the story from comics and cartoons. half the characters are gone, the rest are 12 year olds. i know it's a prequel, but rogue had boobies when she joined, damnit, storm was a milf and what happened to cyclops as the main character? they might as well call the movies 'wolverines adventures'.
see? it's just giving people what they wanna see, not sticking to the original concept. don't get me wrong, if you like the hype and effects and 2 hours of pure, mindless fun, it can be really fun. but i want (or need) more from these movies. they don't compliment the universe that was formed in the comics. if i were some kinda world dictator, i would order the ban of book/comic/cartoon remakes. what, oh what happened to originality? :/

Fri, 04-02-2004, 03:34 AM
well the xmen movies where never supposed to based after the original comic its more of a mix of a few newer ones hell in the comic wolverine dated jean grey and storm had a mohak (depends on the year of the comic) really there are so many series now they didn't want to stick with a campies 60's version so they went with one of the newer comics like most of the marvel movies are doin.

and without the cg you kinda end up with a lame movie cg can be cheaply done and sometimes done alot quicker then with a person

i understand what your sayin shadowmantis but im gonna disagree you have valid points though.

i am a hardcore marvel fan so im gonna like almost anything marvel (daredevil was a dissapointmen, only cause of the script.)

Fri, 04-02-2004, 03:39 AM
speaking of superhero movies i've wanted to see crossover films like a spiderman meets batman type of film. anyone think that would work out?

Fri, 04-02-2004, 03:45 AM
i dunno it might piss some fans off

more or less i think cameo's by characters in other movies would be alright like, for instance

spiderman running into daredevil some how. or even peter running into matt murdock

it could happen hell the first time wolverine was introduced was to fight the hulk.

so yeah maybe it could happen but not for a while like not till each movie has about five of there own

Fri, 04-02-2004, 03:52 AM
There is actually a hidden scene in the X men DVD. Were a guy in the cast runs in dressed like SpiderMan and says " Oops wrong movie"

Its pretty funny.

Fri, 04-02-2004, 03:54 AM
where is that at that would be great to see.

i always thought that seein daredevil in a cheezy red suit in jay and silent bob was funny.

well i know spiderman was on xmen once and he is with the fantastic four sometimes in the comics so its really hard to say.

is the xmen dvd the first one or second one and is the first one newer like version 1.1 the rerelease they put out.

Fri, 04-02-2004, 06:07 AM
Punisher looks good. I was never really a fan of a lot of the Marvel comics. I know who the characters are supposed to be. I've read some of X-Men (Dark Phoenix Saga being the most memorable of what i've read), and not much of anything else except for a 3 issue crossover with Venom and Punisher (Funeral Pyre?). Punisher didn't impress me in that, but the crossovers don't really do justice to the characters very often. He does seem like a really good movie character. I like the dark avenging types (like The Crow).

I'm really looking forward to Hellboy though. Mignola's work is great (and I heard he was pretty well involved in the movie and told writer/director Del Toro that if he was just starting the comics, this is the direction he'd have wanted to go). Ron Perlman IS Hellboy. Once I heard that they were making this movie Ron Perlman popped into my head. And apparently Mignola and Del Toro both came to their initial meeting about it ready to fight the other on who should play Hellboy, and both wanted Perlman. So it should be fun.

On other comic movies this summer, I have high hopes for Spider-man 2. I liked the first one and I hope the second does it justice (and I'm not looking for more mindless action, I like the characters). Catwoman can just go away. If they didn't design a costume that makes her look like she's selling off her body on the street, I might have gone to see it. I liked the old full body costumes for Catwoman, sexy but still in good taste. The S&M look has to go. I also have hopes that Blade 3 will live up to the previous 2 movies. Great action flicks. And even though both properties were movies first, I'm eagerly awaiting Aliens VS Predator. I have the original AVP graphic novel from Dark Horse (as well as AVP: War), and it's really cool. I just hope it's not a total cash-in movie and that it has entertainment value, even if it's only the fun of seeing Predators and Aliens doing "happy fun" battle on screen.

Oh and Banned!, do NOT go calling things "gay" unless you mean happy or homosexual (I'd even avoid using it as happy). It's an obvious sign of immaturity. And it's also very offensive. How about I find a label for you and ingrain into society that that's what you are, and then use it as a derogatory term at every possible turn? And don't go calling people fags, even if they are homosexual. I know a few that would make a black guy look nice after being called the "n word." It just pisses people off. And even if you didn't mean it that way, if you don't stop you're still an jerk. If you think the series, movie, or characters are stupid, just say that you think they're stupid (not "gay"), and then back up your statements. You can't go around in life saying things are stupid because they're stupid. Tell me why you think that and I'll respect your opinion. And if you're saying that Hellboy is homosexual, go read the comics again (assuming you've ever read them to begin with).

And how in bloody hell do you come to the conclusion that this forum is for kids? I never got that impression. There's nothing on the site that says it's for ages 13 and under. I always viewed this forum as one for people of all ages who enjoy talking about anime, manga, fandom, and/or whatever the heck else they feel like talking about. I'm 21. Oh, and by the way, having a decent handle on grammar and punctuation would make your posts a hell of a lot easier to read. Typing in "omg" and "lol" in place of punctuation marks and replacing "you're" or "your" with "ur" is not cool, nor is it a sign of great intelligence and thus negates just about any point you are attempting to make.

-The following is translated into plain English for those who didn't understand what Banned! was saying-

"Haven't you ever seen the other Punisher movie that was out way before this one? omg! Don't try to make me look stupid. I make you look like that, sangai sakusei. And how old are you, posting in in a fourm that is really mainly for kids? Cause to be able to see a screening you at least have to be maybe in your 30's. lol! And KonohamaruCorps, I only called Hellboy gay. I didnt call the Punshier movie gay, alright? And what's your problem? Just cause i called Hellboy gay doesn't make me look like a fag. It's my opinion that hellboy is gay, and calling me a fag becasue you don't agree with what I said makes you look like a fag."

Yes, I'm being a little harsh. Deal with it and stop acting like a brat. And sorry about the long post guys. If two separate posts would have been better, tell me and I'll do that next time. I am kinda new at the whole forum thing, and maybe I'm expecting too much in the way of manners from people like Banned!. Tell me what you think about that too. (use email or PM for that please).

Fri, 04-02-2004, 07:28 AM
nope, impossible. spiderman is marvel, and batman is dc comics. there is, however, a superman vs batman movie "in making" (since, like, 1998)

man, that's too many words for him. he's just gonna call you a fag, anyway. no point in arguing on forums, you can't really hurt anyone.

Fri, 04-02-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by: shadowmantis
i've lost all faith in the comicbook-to-movie thing. spiderman was 'ally mcbeal' with CG. these movies are nothing more than summer hits. there is no substance, whatsoever, just a lot of special effects. what hurts the most is how they butcher the characters and storylines. for example, the x-men movies were really good as standalones. but it would be better if they just said it's some alternate universe or something, because nothing at all fits the story from comics and cartoons. half the characters are gone, the rest are 12 year olds. i know it's a prequel, but rogue had boobies when she joined, damnit, storm was a milf and what happened to cyclops as the main character? they might as well call the movies 'wolverines adventures'.
see? it's just giving people what they wanna see, not sticking to the original concept. don't get me wrong, if you like the hype and effects and 2 hours of pure, mindless fun, it can be really fun. but i want (or need) more from these movies. they don't compliment the universe that was formed in the comics. if i were some kinda world dictator, i would order the ban of book/comic/cartoon remakes. what, oh what happened to originality? :/
I agree with you, although I still wholeheartedly enjoyed the movies you're talking about. I'm a complete hardcore Spidey fanatic, and while the movie's various flaws annoyed me a lot, and while Kirsten Dunst can't act to save her life, I still love the movie.

I just can't believe that Stan Lee himself could be executive producer on all these movies, and yet allow all these flaws to take place! Oh well.

nope, impossible. spiderman is marvel, and batman is dc comics. there is, however, a superman vs batman movie "in making" (since, like, 1998)
Not impossible, I mean they do crossovers sometimes, I own a Marvel vs DC crossover and I've read a Spiderman/Batman teamup. So don't rule them out too quickly. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

But the likelyhood of a movie crossover isn't that great I guess. But you say they're making one? Interesting. I hadn't heard about that.

Fri, 04-02-2004, 11:09 AM
even when they mix spiderman and xmen, it's.. i dunno. their universes are very different. like, spiderman is based ina relatively reealistic world, where he just fights crime. xmen world is a world of utter chaos and there's a really big mutant issue. it's like mixing snoopy with mezzo forte i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
i like most cartoons and comics by marvel, and a few by dc, but sometimes i just think they're doing fanservice.
and yeah, that dunst chick is the worst possible choice for mj.

Fri, 04-02-2004, 05:03 PM
i to did not like krinstin dunst as mj i thought donna from that 70 show would have been better.

but she should do a better job

hell i wouldn't of picked tobey maguire but he did a good job

Fri, 04-02-2004, 09:39 PM
well im off to see hellboys ill post my review later

Fri, 04-02-2004, 10:33 PM
Toby Maguire suits young high-school Peter well, he has that nerdiness aura about him, but he doesn't suit adult Peter. I can't think who would suit adult Peter better though. Any ideas?

Sat, 04-03-2004, 12:55 AM
alright so i just finished watching hellboy and i liked it the movie initself was well done and in its seriousness it maintains a good comedy level,

hellboy allthough not for everyone i liked it.

some of you should enjoy this one

Sat, 04-03-2004, 01:02 AM
was Punisher better?

Sat, 04-03-2004, 01:06 AM
yes by far much better but that is because hellboy isn't marvel but it is worth seeing both of them

Sat, 04-03-2004, 01:19 AM
I figured Punisher would probably be better, I don't have the money to waste on seeing both. I'll probably end up seeing Punisher when it comes out.

Sat, 04-03-2004, 04:22 AM
It depends on your taste really. I haven't seen Punisher yet, but I'm planning to as soon as possible. So I can't say which one is better. I loved Hellboy. It's one of, if not the most faithful comic to movie translation. Granted, it takes liberties with things and it adds a new character, but he's incorperated well. So if your local comic store or library happens to have some of the hellboy graphjic novels (and you have the time) read a couple and then decide whether or not you think the movie will be worth your time. I'll probably still hold Hellboy higher than Punisher when that comes out, but I'll give Punisher every possible chance since I do want to enjoy it as well.

Sat, 04-03-2004, 06:25 AM
your right i did enjoy hellboy quite a bit, but punisher was damn good and a lil higher in quality only because i think marvel had a higher budget and a more experienced writers

hellboy gets a 8

punisher gets a 10

but hellboy was really good i enjoyed punisher a bit more only cause im a marvel fan but hellboy is one you should definatly see if you havn't yet

Sun, 04-04-2004, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by: bitwar
It depends on your taste really. I haven't seen Punisher yet, but I'm planning to as soon as possible. So I can't say which one is better. I loved Hellboy. It's one of, if not the most faithful comic to movie translation. Granted, it takes liberties with things and it adds a new character, but he's incorperated well. So if your local comic store or library happens to have some of the hellboy graphjic novels (and you have the time) read a couple and then decide whether or not you think the movie will be worth your time. I'll probably still hold Hellboy higher than Punisher when that comes out, but I'll give Punisher every possible chance since I do want to enjoy it as well.

There are some Hellboy comics online you can read for free:

Hellboy (http://www.hellboy.com/z-old-design/hbcomicsonline.html)

the style is very good imo, and i've been looking forward to this film for since i heard who the main character and director was (Ron Pearlman and Guillermo del Toro).

I'll go watch Punisher but i'm not expecting much from it (most of the marvel films turn out bad imo).

Mon, 04-05-2004, 06:11 AM
I don't think it's so much that the Marvel movies turn out bad. The Marvel comics have been going on for decades and decades and have developed so many storylines and changed in so many ways, that the fans all demand different things. Also because they have so many hardcore fans, it's difficult to please them while at the same time making something that will do well in the boxoffice and please the general public. For me who's someone who recognises the names for a lot of these Marvel characters and don't know much else about them, I've actually enjoyed all of the recent movies (from Blade and X-Men on, though Daredevil could have been a helluva lot better). I didn't care for the Dolph Lungren Punisher from the 80s or Captain America.

Hellboy's a much easier conversion because there isn't a whole crap load of comics spanning 50 years of Hellboy. That makes it easier to keep very close to the original comics while still being able to take a few liberties to give it some overall appeal. And because Mignola's not a pompous stuck-up jerk like Todd McFarlane, the Hellboy movie's a helluva lot better than Spawn (gag).

I know next to nothing about Punisher (since it's Marvel and I don't tend to read Marvel), so as long as it's a good movie overall, I'll probably enjoy the heck out of it.

Mon, 04-05-2004, 08:47 AM
thats why i say they should stop making comicbook movies

also.. i didn't hear you diss Todd McDaddy, did i?

Mon, 04-05-2004, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by: sangai sakuseithis movie i would have to say surpasses the hulk,daredevil and xmen and is on par with spiderman and x-men 2

Whoa... WRONG! X-Men was 3.76X better than X2. The last half of Hulk was what I came to see... and anyone that didn't like the 1st half didn't understand it... it still wasn't great though. X2 was disappointing in some parts... but Wolverine saved the movie. The beginning was pretty ownage as well. Spiderman was pretty darn good. Daredevil... I wish I could erase all traces of that trash from memory. I hate wasting money. Ben A... "ghey". Jennifer Garner made the movie watchable... all 40 minutes of it... or however short it was. I'm joking. It wasn't THAT bad. At least there was no "to be continued", like at the end of The Matrix II.

P.S. Struggling with downloading Hellboy when it is possibly released later this week on suprnova.org. What's with writers and demons? Punisher? I probably wont even watch it until It's on USA or TNT.

Mon, 04-05-2004, 12:43 PM
don't get me wrong i love all marvel movies

but in the heirachy of mine they got

xmen 2
the punisher
xmen- hellboy would be around here but since its not marvel and is darkhorse it won't be in here

expecting to see
iron man
the fantastic four
green lantern
superman (yes i know he is DC)
batman (yes i know he is dc)
hulk 2
daredevil 2 (its actually being made)
captain america
Wolverine (to be released after x3 supposedly)
spiderman 2 and all other new ones
and more

also on another note
Spider-Man 2: USA Today reports that the new 2 1/2-minute trailer for Spider-Man 2 will make its debut on Donald Trump's "The Apprentice", airing this Thursday on NBC at 9pm ET

Mon, 04-05-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by: Magnus

Whoa... WRONG! X-Men was 3.76X better than X2. The last half of Hulk was what I came to see... and anyone that didn't like the 1st half didn't understand it... it still wasn't great though. X2 was disappointing in some parts... but Wolverine saved the movie. The beginning was pretty ownage as well. Spiderman was pretty darn good. Daredevil... I wish I could erase all traces of that trash from memory. I hate wasting money. Ben A... "ghey". Jennifer Garner made the movie watchable... all 40 minutes of it... or however short it was. I'm joking. It wasn't THAT bad. At least there was no "to be continued", like at the end of The Matrix II.

I actually like X2 better. There were 2 things about it I didn't like: Changing Lady Deathstrike into a zombie puppet and focusing too much on Wolverine and not on the team until the very end. The story and everything just felt like better movie material than the first one. Of course this is the opinion of one who is not a hardcore Marvel fan.

Also Jennifer Garner annoyed me the most in Daredevil. Her fighting looked like crap, especially the twirlly sai VS sand bags scene. That's the problem with finding someone to fill the role of eye candy for fanboys and kickass fighter, they usually deliver on the former and not the latter. I don't know what it was but Keanu Reeves looked better doing the same twirling of sai in Matrix: Reloaded. Also the "to be continued" at the end of Reloaded was there because the next movie was already in post production. Reloaded and Revolutions were filmed at the same time. I have yet to hear official confirmation of Daredevil 2 (last I heard Ben was insisting on a darker movie written by Kevin Smith), and they definately didn't have solid plans for a sequel when the first was made, so no "to be continued" at the end.

My order of favoritism (for Marvel) is:
Blade 2
Spiderman, X-Men (both on the same level for me)

Hellboy would be at the top if it was a comic movie list and not just Marvel. That's all my personal opinion and I don't expect anyone else to share my taste in movies.

I have high hopes for this year's Marvel lineup of Punisher, Spiderman 2, and Blade 3. So many people tend to ignore the Blade series when talking about Marvel movies. . . Oh well.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by: animemaster
speaking of superhero movies i've wanted to see crossover films like a spiderman meets batman type of film. anyone think that would work out?

they couldnt do that b/c they were made by different comic book companies and spiderman and batman wouldnt work; just look at their personalities
Spiderman: always sad about how he cant save the people he loves or tell his secret to anyone
Batman: is obseesed with hiding around a corner and scaring the hell out criminals when they come that just happen to pass by.
See it wouldnt work

Wed, 04-07-2004, 03:08 AM
oh, rawr. they should never ever ever EVAR mix comics. it just doesn't work. their worlds are soooo different. how come spidey never had to fight vampires? or how come cyclopse never fought kingpin? and why don't fantastic four join the x-men? sigh.. i wish i could bitchslap stan lee sometimes, for pimping spiderman so much. i love spiderman, and just about anything by marvel. but when i see them mix shit up, i just think like "wtf, x-men could kill kingpin in a drop of a hat. he's human."

Wed, 04-07-2004, 03:18 AM
uh shadow mantis i take it you havn't read older comics

lets see

hulk vs wolverine (first appearence ever of wolverine)
spiderman teams up with the fantastic four
spiderman and daredevil
xmen and spiderman
punisher vs spiderman
spiderman vs morbius (even blade made an appareance)
punisher "kills" daredevil
fantastc four and the xmen

as for dc comics
batman and superman
batman and static shock
static shock and the justice leage
superman and static shock

and believe me there are alot more like that

Wed, 04-07-2004, 04:01 AM
you do realize that comic based movies are just an obvious attempt to whore out the franchise and take our hard earned cash?

admittedly spiderman was ok, but it would have been much better if you knew jack and shit about the entire spiderman mythos so you wouldnt notice all the huge gaping flaws in the storyline.

if you re going to rip apart an already established storyline then whats the point of using it in the first place other than to use the brand name to hedge your bets?

stan lee allowed all this to happen because the studios threw lots and lots of money at him. and to be honest i think he lost his artistic integrity a long long time ago.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 04:03 AM
really i don't mind cause i have been dying for the spiderman movie since i was like 8 i love spiderman and almost all marvel comics.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by: yenlowang
you do realize that comic based movies are just an obvious attempt to whore out the franchise and take our hard earned cash?

admittedly spiderman was ok, but it would have been much better if you knew jack and shit about the entire spiderman mythos so you wouldnt notice all the huge gaping flaws in the storyline.

if you re going to rip apart an already established storyline then whats the point of using it in the first place other than to use the brand name to hedge your bets?

stan lee allowed all this to happen because the studios threw lots and lots of money at him. and to be honest i think he lost his artistic integrity a long long time ago.

Umm, well duh. Any adaptation of a TV series, book, comic, etc is "just an obvious attempt to whore out the franchise and take our hard earned cash." Hollywood's all about taking our money, our had earned cash. It always has been. Do you think movies would have gotten to be this big a deal if there wasn't profit in it for the movie-makers? Do you think the entertainment industry is a charitable organization of people who make fun things for us to be enjoy out of the goodness of their hearts? If you do, what world are you living in? No matter how far back you go, entertainment has always been nothing more than a way to make money. Movies have always been a way to make money. Whether they come up with an original story with original characters, or whether they adapt a TV series, book, comic, or whatever they're doing it because they think it will make money, or rather because they KNOW it will make money. And they try to please the public because they want them to come back for more. If you're so upset about Hollywood and/or the rest of the entertainment industry (books, TV, comics, magazines, professional sports) taking your hard earned cash, stop watching movies, stop watching TV, stop listening to the radio (save NPR), stop reading, and go live in a cave. Everything you purchase is a way for someone to get money, otherwise everything would be free. It's the way the world is. If you want to stop paying for extras that you don't need to live, don't bother with the extras at all.

I also think that they allow a lot of crap to be made so that the market doesn't get saturated with really good movies, thus making hits harder to make, but that's another story all together.

As far as comic crossovers are concerned, they are very common and abundant in comics. The idea for Aliens VS Predator was first in a comic years ago (Dark Horse), even though both were originally movies. Marvel characters appear in other Marvel series quite often. The same goes for just about every comic company. There are whole comic series that are essentially crossovers (Justice League of America, Teen Titans, Young Justice, etc.) Even crossovers between the comic companies (Batman VS Predator, Superman VS Aliens, everyone VS Aliens). Heck, you even get crossovers like X-Men and Star Trek: The Next Generation (no really, I'm serious). But these crossovers (save AVP) will probably never see the light of day. Why? The comic series' have all been licenced for Hollywood by different companies. There'd be too many firefights about who spends and gets how much of the money. There's also the issue of overall cost to get all these big-name actors to reprise their roles all in one movie. It's unrealistic. So why is AVP getting made? Both are properties of 20th Century Fox, and fans have been demanding it for years and years and years. And there are no big names that they ave to attach to it (though many Ripley fans will probably miss her in AVP, but she was never in any of the AVP comics to my knowlege). Maybe someday, year and years down the road, they'll make a crossover movie. I doubt that even Superman and Batman will get made. Except for the animated movie they already made, but the direct-to-video animated thing is a lot more open to things like that. In the cartoons, it's been done too (Spiderman vs X-Men, the previously mentioned Batman/Superman) because the Marvel stuff was all licenced by Fox, and DC was all Warner Bros. It's all about money, and that's nothing new.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 07:19 AM
sangai sakusei, that's what i'm saying. they team up, but they're so different. it just sucks.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 12:24 PM
X-Men and Star Trek: The Next Generation

speaking of that if i recall they even did a star trek vs predator comic..

thats just two weird i bet the predators got along with the klingons.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 12:30 PM
Wasn't there a Batman vs. Superman movie in the works?

Wed, 04-07-2004, 12:37 PM
yeah but it got canned they realized there is no way in hell batman could defeat sups unless he had cryptonite and really that kinda makes for a lame story since sups could hit batz in the face and kill him instantly.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 03:31 PM
all of you stfu with this dumb assed "they didnt stick exactly to the 40 years of storyline" shit.

like you can fit a million comics into 1 and a half to 2 hours.

comic movies = good
bastards who try to horde the comics for themselves = bastards

Wed, 04-07-2004, 04:52 PM
Not all comic movies are good. Has anyone else seen the original Hulk movie? Or the second Hulk movie, for that matter? I know that for a lot of people here, if someone's killed in a gruesome fashion, than it must be a good movie. But in a lot of these movies, plot is lacking.

I will say that the X-Men movies, Spider Man, Batman, and some of the Superman movies were good because they didn't try to be a serious movie. If a comic movie tries to be serious, it'll end up poor. Conversely, if a movie tries to deadpan the entire time (read: Hellboy) it ends up being flat and pointless.

Wed, 04-07-2004, 06:06 PM
Exactly Samanosuke. Exactly.

Originally posted by: bwabes
Not all comic movies are good. Has anyone else seen the original Hulk movie? Or the second Hulk movie, for that matter? I know that for a lot of people here, if someone's killed in a gruesome fashion, than it must be a good movie. But in a lot of these movies, plot is lacking.

I will say that the X-Men movies, Spider Man, Batman, and some of the Superman movies were good because they didn't try to be a serious movie. If a comic movie tries to be serious, it'll end up poor. Conversely, if a movie tries to deadpan the entire time (read: Hellboy) it ends up being flat and pointless.

Who said that those movies weren't serious movies? Do you mean lacking in all humor? Or do you mean that the movie makers did not take the movies seriously. I believe that you can make a serious movie that has humor and is not completely grave and depressing and/or overly saturated with social comentary in every single scene. I think that the recent comic movies have been serious movies and have been taken seriously (though not all possible effort was put into all of them).

Wed, 04-07-2004, 06:35 PM
Not all comic movies are good. Has anyone else seen the original Hulk movie? Or the second Hulk movie

i have seen those along with the original punisher the original captain america movie both where good for there times punisher was a great one back then, and as for the hulk a bit cheezy but lou ferrigno is the man. i did like them but the newer movies are much better