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Tue, 03-20-2007, 05:57 AM
I was totally thinking both of those things. The wallpaper I'm too lazy to fix, though resizing the canvas might be possible.

Sun, 03-25-2007, 12:36 PM
couple new wallpapers

http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/3439/ichigowsgreenss8.th.jpg (http://img410.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ichigowsgreenss8.jpg)

http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/5800/naruovssasuke12zl9.th.jpg (http://img107.imageshack.us/my.php?image=naruovssasuke12zl9.jpg)

in widescreen size too :) gotta love widescreen

Tue, 03-27-2007, 01:13 AM
Ok, my last photoshop venture was today (Yesterday now) and that was to create somewhat of a layout for my website. It isn't really finished yet (some of the lines look funky to me), but I will leave the opinions up to yall. It is the layout currently on my website.

Mah Website! (also a link under my sig) (http://www.Spiegel-Kun.net)

Tue, 03-27-2007, 02:52 PM
nice site, any chance you could loan me some hosting to put up a gallery?

Tue, 03-27-2007, 03:26 PM
nice site, any chance you could loan me some hosting to put up a gallery?

I use a free hosting service... Right now I am looking for a better free service that has a good amount of space. If I find one I will let you know.

Thu, 03-29-2007, 05:34 AM
I finally got a sig! yay!:D
(just a background from guildwars, and added my character over it. Fear my l33t editing skillz!:p .. not really.. :( )

Board of Command
Thu, 03-29-2007, 05:14 PM
I use a free hosting service... Right now I am looking for a better free service that has a good amount of space. If I find one I will let you know.
Free? What service? I could use free hosting.

Thu, 03-29-2007, 07:12 PM
I use a free hosting service... Right now I am looking for a better free service that has a good amount of space. If I find one I will let you know.

sounds good, thanks. if you come through there might be some favors in it for you....sexua...errr...photoshop favors :p

Tue, 04-03-2007, 10:02 AM
Just put up a new banner on my site. It was a quick edit to a wallpaper i have but i like it none the less.


Tue, 04-03-2007, 11:10 AM
Ok, starting to work again. This one came out really nice, but of course I'm biased because of my Gundam Fandom :P


@Spiegel: Very nice site. The layout is good and very easy to navigate.

Wed, 04-04-2007, 08:40 PM
Very first sig done on my laptop with the laptop mouse. Rendering sucks with it... >.>


Thu, 04-05-2007, 12:02 AM
@ Phoenix, it seems really bright it might just be me but im sure if it were a bit darker it would look better

@Luci, man the beveled border just doesnt look right :\ also it's a tad bit on the very blurry side

Thu, 04-05-2007, 12:43 AM


what can I do to these to make i them better....

Thu, 04-05-2007, 05:23 PM
DF- first is good, just a little too much contrast especially on his face. Not liking the text but thats the hardest thing to pull off, I usually don't even add text anymore.

I don't like the second one on acount of the focal point(s) are all blurry.

couple new sigs from me...



Thu, 04-05-2007, 07:52 PM
Naruto needs to be over to the left more, the first needs a larger white focal point. I love them both anyway though :D I also love the C4Ds you used in the first, mind sharing their origin?

Thu, 04-05-2007, 11:30 PM
thanks for your comments

but as for the c4d they're just ones I picked up a while ago

Sat, 04-07-2007, 04:20 AM
New sig.
This is the first in a long time that I've done a normal background.What'dya guys think?

Sun, 04-08-2007, 02:29 PM
Not too shabby Luci. I like it more than your more recent sigs.

2 new ones:


Board of Command
Sun, 04-08-2007, 08:42 PM
http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/7048/tifaflowersug1.th.jpg (http://img64.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tifaflowersug1.jpg)

Looking for suggestions/comments.

Sun, 04-08-2007, 09:04 PM
Luc - that lens flare goes for a nice effect :)
BoC - the flowers stock is a little dull for the render, imo. I like it though. It would be perfect if you just worked on the flowers stock.

I've got this, which I made out of sheer boredom. I know it's an overdone style and it's nothing special, but it was the kind of moment where I was so bored I was about to start shaving.


Mon, 04-09-2007, 01:12 AM
:o shaving, never. Anyway the sig is simple and clean (no pun intended, good song though). I like it.

New one:
yeah used some techniques from you tuts MM

Board of Command
Mon, 04-09-2007, 01:54 AM
BoC - the flowers stock is a little dull for the render, imo. I like it though. It would be perfect if you just worked on the flowers stock.
Yeah I know what you mean... Got any tips on how to make it more "CG looking"?

Mon, 04-09-2007, 03:45 AM
Honestly, I know you hate it, but apply image, Gaussian blur at 3.0, and set to lighten might work. It would give a cool glow effect, at least.

EDIT: I'm also noticing, her hand in the upper right sticks out a bit.

Board of Command
Mon, 04-09-2007, 10:59 AM
Here's a variation of that technique:

http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/6544/tifaflowerswi8.th.jpg (http://img129.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tifaflowerswi8.jpg)

Doesn't look too bad. Thanks.

Mon, 04-09-2007, 09:31 PM
Yeah looks great IMO ^_^
that effect on the bg is just what it needed. Great job BoC.

Thu, 04-12-2007, 07:07 PM
decided to come look around on da forums and saw some sweet sigs so i decided to make a new one. Havent used photoshop in agess so it aint that great, wotcha think?

Board of Command
Thu, 04-12-2007, 09:42 PM
It's too......empty. Good for the avatar but sig has way too much background and not enough subject.

Sat, 04-14-2007, 06:55 PM
I think I was going somewhere with this......however im pretty sure I got lost along the way. Is it as bad as I think it is?....

Shouldnt have bothered even postin >.>

Board of Command
Sat, 04-14-2007, 06:58 PM
Yes it is...because you can't see anything at all.

Sat, 04-14-2007, 07:01 PM
I am now sure that you are all right that i've gone a 120% overboard on the blur. Boy o boy did I ever butcher this.


BTW Gratz on your Rep falling so fast.

Board of Command
Sat, 04-14-2007, 07:25 PM
It has slowed down dramatically.

Sun, 04-15-2007, 01:18 PM

I haven't posted here in a while. ^^ Its not one of my best works, but I'd like to improve it. Tell me what you think! :)

Sun, 04-15-2007, 03:16 PM
Actually it's the best I've seen from you. I think that if the text was better (which is usually a given in most work :/) and that the space to the right serves hardly any purpose other than for the text. So... I say make it something like 350x100 and try some other styles of text.

Sun, 04-15-2007, 04:55 PM
Made completely from scratch. It's a record player :D It's also my new dA icon.

Board of Command
Sun, 04-15-2007, 06:37 PM
Actually I have the best avatar in the universe.


It's for another forum. Too bad I can't use it here.


I proclaim this the greatest sig ever made:

Mon, 04-16-2007, 02:13 PM
I like the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" with the woman who thought that an elephant was bigger than the moon better. That IS pretty tasteful, though.

EDIT: I made this last night, and while it's ***NSFW*** and in ***very poor taste,*** I still think a lot of you'll get a kick out of this. (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/bonerscopy.png)

Oh, and on the topic of awesome avatars:
This is what I get from four energy drinks and a bag of fritos. I need to redo it.

EDIT2: Another new avatar. 55 layers, all made in Photoshop and Imageready.
Ah, how I wish animated avatars were allowed :(

Mon, 04-16-2007, 07:24 PM
Love the animated Ava's MM.

Heres a new one.


Tue, 04-17-2007, 08:10 AM

That's a TIGHT sig. Make me one just like it :O?

Tue, 04-17-2007, 01:16 PM
I can make a tut if you wants. =P Though I'm sure you could replicate it without it. Now that I said that, I wanna make a tut. >.>

Heres another to go with my Saber Avy.


Edit: Request by RZ.


Experiment with this new style:

Random Saber Sig:


Tue, 04-17-2007, 07:23 PM
I'm flattered, but **** no. I'd rather a tut.

Anyway, I've put together a crapless web comic. I've posted it in two or three other places, only one of which where it's actually appealed to people - the only reason being because I made it :p And let's face it - you all adore me.

I've also got three others done, but I'm too lazy to link them. I'd rather just keep writing and instruct you all to edit the number in the url. So like, if you care enough, change the 1 to a 2, 3, or 4.

Wed, 04-18-2007, 09:37 AM
I proclaim this the greatest sig ever made:
This one is freaking awesome :D

I also have a new Sig

No the best but is kind of hard trying to put all the members of Akatsui in a 400x100 Sig
If someone would be nice enogh to make me another I would really appriciated :p

Wed, 04-18-2007, 03:05 PM
I did a redo of my current sig, I think I like this version a little better


Board of Command
Wed, 04-18-2007, 03:50 PM
Yeah I like it better too.

Wed, 04-18-2007, 06:18 PM
Heres another. Made this while making a tut. Check er outZ!
Lucifus's first tutorial! FtW (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=331833#post331833)


If someone would be nice enogh to make me another I would really appriciated :p
Dude, no spoiler sigs allowed

Thu, 04-19-2007, 12:00 AM
:eek: Freaking awesome but I think it would be consider a spoiler

Thu, 04-19-2007, 12:07 AM
Those are some hot sigs, man :)


http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/heartagain.png (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/53586390/)
I had some fun with C4D yesterday. I made a 1024x768 wallpaper, click on the sig to go to it. It was edited a ****load in photoshop, so don't be thinking I'm a C4D king or anything. The structure was all that came out, but the colors and certain other effects came out of photoshop.

And, omg, sig thanks to Lucifus's tut:

Fri, 04-20-2007, 08:11 PM
Totally love it.

Very first thingamajig done in Photoshop CS3. Remake of the Akatsuki one for nests because the previous contained spoilers.


Mon, 04-23-2007, 02:44 AM
It's nearly 4am, I have to go to work sooner than I want to think about, and I'm making sigs. >_<

Lucifus, what have you started? :p

The text is really terrible, but I had to put something in before I went crazy and never got to sleep tonight at all. Maybe I'll fix it tomorrow....

Mon, 04-23-2007, 10:48 AM
It's nearly 4am, I have to go to work sooner than I want to think about, and I'm making sigs. >_<

Lucifus, what have you started? :p

The text is really terrible, but I had to put something in before I went crazy and never got to sleep tonight at all. Maybe I'll fix it tomorrow....

Agh, damn websense and damn my evil school. They blocked photobucket. T-T
Least we got internet back. They totally cut off our net.

I need to see it! >.>

Mon, 04-23-2007, 11:43 AM
Aw, that's not cool. Here, I upoaded it to my never-updated google page for you! <3

Mon, 04-23-2007, 12:37 PM
Ouch, are you serious, that is totally sweet. And the text is better than anything I can come up with....>.>

I love the backgrounds you use on your sigs! Their so smooth and don't even hint any blurring. How do you do thats?

Edit: Photoshop has caused me to sleep in and forget about school at least 10 times. I got tardy referals as well......

Board of Command
Mon, 04-23-2007, 03:52 PM
Soi Fong is a whore and full of lesbo vibes.


Tue, 04-24-2007, 07:08 PM
I'm attempting to create....something.... no really. I'm attempting to create a new style. Heres my first two attempts.

And your the test subject this time KitKatZ.


Believe it or nots, these were created using the same methods.

Wed, 04-25-2007, 10:16 AM
I'm not sure where this should go, but I'm gonna post it here, and if you can think of where, please tell me. It's a PSP background I made in photodhop. It's actually AC Cloud asking for bus change. meh, check it out...


Wed, 04-25-2007, 07:34 PM
haha maybe some different text and that'd be a tight psp background.

Wed, 04-25-2007, 08:59 PM
That's because of the South Park episode, isn't it? :p

Kage's absolutely right. I would completely redo the text; gradients, glows, drop shadows, and strokes are always nice options. You might want to resize the text as well; love what it says though :D

Wed, 04-25-2007, 09:48 PM
LoL, I watched him make that in our Tech class and was laughing my a** off. xD:D
We were having a ..`discussion` about that episode. And I've been tring to get Richard to use Photoshop and heres the results. xD

Hes new to Photoshop, I'm tring to get him to waste a few hours of his life and get addicted and it seems to be working. Cut him some slack, he'll get better. =)

How could you do that to Cloud man? :cool:

Wed, 04-25-2007, 10:21 PM
I thank you for the suggestions and critiques, and I will try to work on my PS skills. I suppose I'm lucky for tutelage from lucifus...lol

Wed, 04-25-2007, 10:52 PM

AnywayZ, I had the urge to get a signature out and I ended up with something simple. Havn't made a simple sig in god knows how long.


Thu, 04-26-2007, 06:11 AM

So like, everyone. I'd like to rudely and informally announce the opening of Twisted Render's gallery, the link to which can be found in my sig. Normally, I wouldn't blatantly advertise like this in the art forum, but we've hit a very important milestone.
ZeRo, our head coder, has been working on a gallery that would be fully functional and skinnable with IPB for a while - it's called My Manga Tracker, and it'll be incredibly popular soon enough. Because this was made from scratch by him, we're sure to encounter many bugs. For this reason, we've decided to announce TR as beta testing. We'd all love it if you guys could help out and report any bugs or even upload some renders :)

New stuff:
Another respline. God, I hate that wallpaper.

Strawberry Milkshake. Same C4D as in The Heart Beats In Its Cage, which was too emo so I made this.

Can't Stop the Rock devID. Based off of another person's, with credit given to him. I like it a lot better than my Phoenix Wright one :D

Thu, 04-26-2007, 11:43 AM

AnywayZ, I had the urge to get a signature out and I ended up with something simple. Havn't made a simple sig in god knows how long.


It's better than anything I could pop out without your interference, so yeah. Posting on said PSP hurts incredibly, and the thought of myself waking up with Lucifus staring at me makes it much worse...Bleh.

Thu, 04-26-2007, 03:22 PM
I'm attempting to create....something.... no really. I'm attempting to create a new style. Heres my first two attempts.

And your the test subject this time KitKatZ.


Believe it or nots, these were created using the same methods.

Whoa, how did I miss this post! Both very cute, and well-done. Gorgeous blending of colours. The second one is so pink and girly! *yoinks*

I also like your newest very much. Clean, simple, and elegant.

Thu, 04-26-2007, 03:58 PM
Whoa, how did I miss this post! Both very cute, and well-done. Gorgeous blending of colours. The second one is so pink and girly! *yoinks*

I also like your newest very much. Clean, simple, and elegant.

I would make a lewd comment, but I happen to not want the crap kicked outta me...

Fri, 04-27-2007, 02:26 AM
hmm Likin the ones you made for KitKat, Luci

new one:

Fri, 04-27-2007, 05:41 AM
Ooh, I'm liking that one a lot, Z. Isn't scatter smudging terrific?

Fri, 04-27-2007, 04:14 PM
New Celebratory Missing Nin 1000th post sig. =P


Not as amazing as I would have hoped, but the outcomes pretty decent considering the render I originally had.

Fri, 04-27-2007, 05:01 PM
Ooh, I'm liking that one a lot, Z. Isn't scatter smudging terrific?

Yes it is, but i didnt necessarily scatter smudge but i did scatter brush for the sword. The rest of the smudging wasn't scattering. :)

Fri, 04-27-2007, 08:24 PM
Scatter WAHTEVERing. It's GREAT. :D

Love it, Lucifus. I might want to make a present for you~

New deviant ID. It's techy, it's red, it's... an ID. Not much to say. I like it.

Sat, 04-28-2007, 11:33 AM
yeah...it is techy. I like it :)

another one:

Sat, 04-28-2007, 03:23 PM

What do you guys think?

Board of Command
Sat, 04-28-2007, 08:24 PM
New Celebratory Missing Nin 1000th post sig. =P


Not as amazing as I would have hoped, but the outcomes pretty decent considering the render I originally had.
Very nice. I approve.

Sat, 04-28-2007, 08:48 PM
Thank YouZ. This was the original pic. I think this is the most editing I've ever done for a render.


Sat, 04-28-2007, 09:10 PM
wowwwwww Extreme makeover.....

Sat, 04-28-2007, 11:27 PM
:eek: !

Oh my god! gr3atfull posted in the Fanart section!

Welcome! Have a gift basket. :D




More Hollow Ichigo:


Sun, 04-29-2007, 02:45 AM
:eek: !

Oh my god! gr3atfull posted in the Fanart section!

Welcome! Have a gift basket. :D




More Hollow Ichigo:


Can anyone say sig frenzy? They all look good.

Sun, 04-29-2007, 08:32 AM
I like the Hollow Ichigo one, but I don't like the other three. They have color and font issues.

Sun, 04-29-2007, 09:51 AM
:eek: !

Oh my god! gr3atfull posted in the Fanart section!

Welcome! Have a gift basket. :D




Wow!!!! :eek: Thank you!!!!!!!!!:)

Sun, 04-29-2007, 12:38 PM
I'm attempting to create....something.... no really. I'm attempting to create a new style. Heres my first two attempts.

And your the test subject this time KitKatZ.


This is superb, but there's some green spot in the other wing that immediately catches my attention. Was it created when you adjusted hues/levels, or something?

Sun, 04-29-2007, 06:30 PM
Comes with tut :)
Either find it in the tuts thread here (http://forums.gotwoot.com/showthread.php?p=333206#post333206) or download here (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/54278778/), which also comes with the PSD for the sig.


Mon, 04-30-2007, 11:46 AM
Here's my most recent (and INDEPENDANT, Lucifus) sig. Give me criticisms, things I can do better, whatever...


Mon, 04-30-2007, 08:32 PM
Experimenting for another style. This worth a tutorial?


Tue, 05-01-2007, 07:05 PM
prob not, not too visually appealing IMO. But its great that you experiment instead of sticking to the same old shit like most people.

Wed, 05-02-2007, 11:53 PM

Tue, 05-08-2007, 03:18 PM
finally got some stuff done with these Itachi sigs... What do you guys think? Critiscism encouraged, if you think it'll help, i'd appreciate it.

hosted on DF's new place... testing... (look, see? dumb small thumbnails...)

http://www.deadfiredesigns.com/labs/art/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/thumb_itachisigA.jpg (http://www.deadfiredesigns.com/labs/art/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/itachisigA.jpg)-edit DF....

http://www.deadfiredesigns.com/labs/art/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/thumb_itachisig2v2.jpg (http://www.deadfiredesigns.com/labs/art/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/itachisig2v2.jpg)

http://www.deadfiredesigns.com/labs/art/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/thumb_itachisig2v1.jpg (http://www.deadfiredesigns.com/labs/art/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/itachisig2v1.jpg)

made the border with my first ever PShop Action! huzzah:cool:



edit- it appears my border action was a bit off...:p (fixed for 1st & 2nd versions)

Tue, 05-08-2007, 05:25 PM
Personally love the Itachi/Sasuke one. Very well done on it.

Tue, 05-08-2007, 07:38 PM
I have to agree with Lucifus. Very nice job on the first one.

Mon, 05-14-2007, 01:28 AM
thanks yall. i've been messing around with Photoshop quite a bit recently, and I'll be sure to try to get that Itachi sig (it's actually Itachi in both renders in the image) some more time...

in the meanwhile, here's two things. The first is a little different, made it with master_me's polaroid tutorial, a quick Mom's day present for a friend (yaoi fangirls knocked up is a scary thing, yes it is). Obviously I screwed up the coloring, letting it get on the polaroid template, and the text could be better... Advise?


also, a very quick sig for Inazuma. I know, text sucks...

i blame deadfire's new site for this new found inspiration in Photoshop amateuring...

Wed, 05-16-2007, 05:58 PM
Masamuneehs, seriously keep it up. All it takes is a few attempts for improvement to show, and its already showing in my opinion.:cool:

Also, I couldn't tell that was also Itachi, but now that you mention it, I can tell the difference. The renders look amazing similar though. Guess the animators did a good profile for the 'Uchiha' and the brothers.

AnywayZ, heres two new ones. My clan leader requested 'urgent' signatures to be done. I'm studing for my finals damnit! >.>


Wed, 05-16-2007, 09:32 PM
Would that be =IM= and in an Unreal Tournament IM or some other game?
Just curious.

Also Masa, I love this one:


Thu, 05-17-2007, 09:03 AM
thanks guys, i'm tryin. with school just about finished, i should have more free time to pursue stuff like this.

@Lucifus - I know it's a rush job, but here's my thoughts anyway... I just don't like the colors in the top sig, the purple doesn't fit with the color in the BG (although it does nicely with Kadaj's eyes). For the second one, I'd have the render stand out more if ya can. Good lighting, I need to figure out how to do more of that.

Sat, 05-19-2007, 08:15 PM
@Luc: Set the render in the first one to luminosity and then duplicate, gaussian blur 2.0, and set to overlay at 35% on top. On the second, just throw on a cyan photo filter with a light color balance and it's a masterpiece. I would totally wear it.

EDIT: Working on a new adbanner for Twisted Renders. C+C needed. It's supposed to be vector abstraction, so please keep that in mind.

Mon, 05-21-2007, 06:10 AM
Also Masa, I love this one:


Dying of awsomeness

Tue, 05-22-2007, 10:14 AM
EDIT: Working on a new adbanner for Twisted Renders. C+C needed. It's supposed to be vector abstraction, so please keep that in mind.
I just don't like the font... It's a good work otherwise, though could enjoy more dynamic lighting (but the little period right about the faded/smudged website address is quite cool) I just don't like the gradient coloring in the text, as the font itself is fine. Maybe color balancing them a little more? Not sure how much of a help that was...

Tue, 05-22-2007, 03:59 PM
Well, the text to me is a must... thing is, this was originally going to be a vector job. Of course, I'm an asshole and decided not to do what was originally planned. I'm doing a more vectorized one soon, so I guess we can just see how this thing works out.

Thu, 05-24-2007, 11:43 AM
Couldn't help but try my hand at an Ichigo sig, using the image that I'm sure has been used a million times. Here's the progression, feedback is much appreciated, as always.

Space BG, added a neon smoke art to it, render. Messed with dupe layers, blending, etc. First time using a lens flare.

Some clone stamp action, slight brushing

Color and contrast/brightness balance layers, took a layer of the render away, some masking and a blended a brushed pattern fill layer.

Text (blech) and some slight editing. What do you guys think?

Tue, 05-29-2007, 01:05 AM
here are some code geass wallpapers I just tried. I havent used photoshop for like 6 years, and I never really made anything seriously.


this one has really bad quality images so its just for tiled wallpaper display.


And the sig is new too. I would like some comments, but since Im an absolute noob at this, please be nice. ;)

Tue, 05-29-2007, 09:11 AM
the first wallpaper... i just don't know... The second is cool, but I don't know if it would work as any larger. Good color contrast going on there. Third Geass wallpaper seems to be a Artistic Filter, charcoal or something like that? Try duplicating the original layer of C.C and just going crazy with trying different things (only changing the duplicate, so you can preserve what you originally have).

The sig.... Well, the text could use some shadows or any kind of effect to make it less standard, maybe a color gradient... You've got a good concept, but I'm afraid the background is just too blaise, and the renders of C.C. and Lelouch are just thrown on top, so there's no real blending (i have trouble with this myself). I'd advise checking some of the tutorials to get an idea of what some of the different things in PS can let you do. And just go experiment with things on your own. Personally, I think your sig right now is just too plain (same for wallpaper 1), so the more you mess around, the more it becomes yours and the more you learn about PS.

Things to try:
Duplicating layers and just messing with them
Brushing empty spaces in backgrounds (need some good brushes for that, deviant has). Remember to turn down the opacity to not over-brush.
Manipulating font
Messing with Blending layers (and Opacity!)

Don't know how much that helps... but stick with it and, like I said, just go nuts since you're starting out!

Tue, 05-29-2007, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the comments and advice! I really appreciate it. Im gonna get to work and try out the stuff you mentioned.

I also made some new ones after the first few, so again, please tell me what you think :)




Tue, 05-29-2007, 11:49 PM
Well shinta|hikari the Love Con sig has a very distracting background and the render is really blurry (it irritates the eyes). The Major sig is very simplistic (which isnt bad) but the back ground does nothing for the sig. However you did a good job on the wallpaper, only gripes are the font choice for the vertical text and the crustiness in the middle third.

new one from me:

Wed, 05-30-2007, 05:28 PM
Man I just got back to Photoshop after a few months.


What do you guys think?

Wed, 05-30-2007, 06:19 PM
i like the left side quite a bit, but the right... aside from the rainbow and the less than stellar red brushing (or whatever's in the bottom right corner), that fuzzy light glare is too harsh and the wings are a bit too bright for my taste... Making the contrast between sides more subtle would improve the sig greatly

Wed, 05-30-2007, 09:52 PM
Yeah I definitely agree with masa. The fuzzy lighting and "less than stellar" red brushing does not do justice for the sig.

Wed, 05-30-2007, 11:19 PM
Well, this is also in the Post your Picture thread, but since this is the first time I have opened photoshop in a while, here it is for your viewing Pleasure.


Thu, 05-31-2007, 04:44 AM
Hey folks. Nice to see this thread still going. You're all doing good i see? Maybe i should crank something out soon just to see if i still can keep up with you guys.

Thu, 05-31-2007, 09:24 PM
I doubt you wouldn't be able to PSJ ;)

Fri, 06-01-2007, 01:50 AM
Here is a new wallpaper for claymore I just did. Thanks for all the comments on the previous stuff. I am going to try and edit them later, or maybe apply all the advice to the next stuff Im going to do. Again, please tell me what you think of this new wall.


EDIT : also changed the middle third of the iris wallpaper, I think it should look a lot better now. I just cant find anything better for the font that would match R and J better...


Thu, 06-07-2007, 03:38 PM
A little wallpaper 2d/3d test:
http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/7886/wallpaper3ti4.th.png (http://img521.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wallpaper3ti4.png)

Sat, 06-09-2007, 04:22 PM
Haven't done anything in PS lately so I decided to make a new sig.

shinta|hikari: I like the first one, but it would be better without the text.

darkshadow: Nice picture. The plane is really nice.

Sun, 06-10-2007, 03:30 PM
@Koyuki - Hmm, maybe if I change the text a bit it would look better. I dont really want to lose it completely though...
Just made some new ones, so comments again please.





Sun, 06-10-2007, 03:56 PM
the first one is certainly the best. good use of text on the left and the larger font on the right works well too. Good color contrast with the black and white and the yellow goggles. Is that your brushing in the background on the right side?

...the movies one is pretty lackluster. the theme is good, but something about the image "on the movie screen" just doesn't seem to work. Maybe try doing a Photo Filter or some Dupelicat, Desaturate, Blend and Opacity with it, give it more of a 'on-screen' feel.

I simply despise the coloring in the third one. Colors are too saturated, and a bit too bright on the blue haired girl. Maybe mess the blending or use a Masking Layer to get her left-side shoulder/guy's head blending better. The BG is tolerable, but I'm not a fan of the words.

the 4th is simple and effective for going with the moe theme. I like the second one better, but this 4th one is closer to being done. Pretty simple and cute, excellent usage of the 'electronic billboard' font.

i like what i see. you're comin along just fine.

Sun, 06-10-2007, 07:17 PM
shinta|hikari: 1st one is really nice. I love it! The text and colors are really good.

2nd is a bit plastic and 3rd the text ruins it. Also both has too much contrast.
I dunno if it's just my screen though.

The 4th one isn't that bad. Clean up the girl a bit and work more on the bg. But I like the text.

Mon, 06-11-2007, 06:58 PM
another polaroid, this one from a Delita Hyral fanart (may recognize it from a sig I often use) and the BG is a photo of underwater Hawaii.


and two versions of a banner I'm working on. They need quite a bit of work, I've been told... Thnx to Lucifus for his help so far. Feedback would be much appreciated on these.



Wed, 06-13-2007, 07:11 PM
Long time no see again, ugh.


Took forever. Around the thirtiesh layer, I was getting really worried:


Wed, 06-13-2007, 07:26 PM

Sun, 06-17-2007, 08:58 PM
after the massive failure that was my Final Fantasy Tactics banner (the two above which have garnered zero feedback and, consequently abandoned), I'm quite proud to present:



and for a friend's site:


not too crazy about my 'mark' on the arm, but the rest of it's alright. Feedback, criticism and all comments are very welcome.

Sun, 06-17-2007, 11:05 PM
Wow they're great! I especially like the second one, with the thin border. I also think the mark on the arm is pretty nice; you could also try putting it on the sword and see how that looks.

But you might want to brighten up the bg to make it look a little more "alive" unless you purposely left it that way. But good job.

Mon, 06-18-2007, 02:41 AM
Oi, Masa. Damn nice job on that Banner man. Keep turning out ones like that and you'll be Elite in no time.

Mon, 06-18-2007, 01:21 PM
Finally finished a wallpaper with the vector of Ichigo I made months ago :D , though I'm still not sure about the background...
http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/4788/ichivectorbgea1.th.jpg (http://img126.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ichivectorbgea1.jpg)

Wed, 06-20-2007, 12:10 AM
I say work on the bg a bit. It doesnt look as finished as the Ichigo render, and it doesnt fit to me. Otherwise good job.

New sig and avy......comments welcome....

Wed, 06-20-2007, 01:29 AM
I like your sig nice, especially the bg and nice use of the colors. Your avatar is good too, but it's too blured.

Board of Command
Thu, 06-21-2007, 06:52 PM
New avatar. Enjoy.


Please forgive me, Sylar. You will always live on in my heart.

Fri, 06-22-2007, 03:46 PM
Sooo much new stuff, all of which has been made in the past two days. I've been real creative :)

Dragon logo, as seen in my signature.

Vectorized Susan Ward, pretty revealing ;)

ID Version of vectorized Susan Ward, also pretty revealing ;)

Also, I'm making an online portfolio soon.
News (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/news1-2.png)
Portfolio (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/portp1v1.png)
Tutorials (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/tut1.png)
Services (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/serv1.png)
About (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/about1-1.png)

Services are up now by the way ;)

News w/ Waves (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/news2WAVE.png)
Even with the navbar, it feels too 2d at the bottom. I tried this. I don't personally like it too much, but I'll wait to see what you guys think. I'm thinking about animating the waves in Flash so that they go across, but I kind of suck at coding, so...
Honestly, I might end up coding the entire site in Flash though.

Sat, 06-23-2007, 04:26 AM
Friend made me my new sig.. I like.

Sat, 06-23-2007, 10:03 PM
Just made a new sig and a new wallpaper. Again, comments, criticisms, anything please.
The sig is the one Im using btw.


Sun, 06-24-2007, 11:10 PM
New Signature, because the one I have had since I joined was just too old.


Mon, 06-25-2007, 12:27 AM

The wallpaper is moe, but it's really nothing aside from cute. The theme is properly executed (the 'photos' could use a glossy shean on them though, maybe using a lighting effect) but it just doesn't strike me. I also don't care much for moe. Also, the placement of the text is off. I don't know about others, but I instictively read the blue note first, then the pink one, yet the labels imply they should be read in the reverse order.

The sig is ok. I don't like the very sharp purple brushing or whatever on the far left. It should be more subtler, maybe lower the opacity. Could also use a border.

Spiegel, for some reason the 'blood splotch' at the point where Vincent's gun meets Spike's head just irks me. In fact, there's maybe a bit too much 'blood' on his gun and hand altogether. I like how you did on Spike's better. Also, maybe could benefit from a border?

Mon, 06-25-2007, 12:43 PM
Heres a new wallpaper for Guren Lagann. Thanks for the comments on the previous stuff. Please comment on this one too.


Mon, 06-25-2007, 02:32 PM
i like this one much better. The only things are that maybe you could resize the render of Sniper girl so her leg and right arm don't get cut off so awkwardly? Also, in the top right background area the yellow/black BG goes suddenly gray (like a 40% opacity black layer over it) above her neck. I understand it fits the other side, but it just looks a little weird to me. Good stuff.

also, didn't mean to neglect you master_me. All of it looks very good, but I'm certainly no good at website design, so I can't say much. I'm not a big fan of vectorized anything; the dragon logo is cool though. Simple, good lighting. That something you constructed on your own, and if so, what tools?

Mon, 06-25-2007, 05:48 PM
Heres a new wallpaper for Guren Lagann. Thanks for the comments on the previous stuff. Please comment on this one too.


Could you possibly make me a 1280 x 800 version for my laptop?

Mon, 06-25-2007, 10:14 PM
As requested.


I tried resizing the image, but her head and body would go out of axis if I show her hand and foot in the wallpaper, I tried the other stuff too and cleaned up the lines. Again thanks for the comments!

Mon, 06-25-2007, 11:16 PM
@masa: Indeed. I used the pen tool.

Floral Fallacy - 1600x1200 4:3 WP (http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/floralfallacy.png)
A fun photmanip; idea taken from -kol's Botanical Beauty (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/9053366/). Because of how similar his wallpaper was, I decided to wait and ask his permission before putting it up on dA. I LOVE THIS BY THE WAY. I also love -kol's, it's one of my favorite wallpapers :) This was originally for fun and practice, but since I liked the way it turned out so much, I really wanted to show it off :D

"The Desktop" - Basically, I took a photo of my brother's desktop and vectorized it.

"Let's Get Some Shoes." - Same idea here, 'cept it's more of a shoe kind of thing.

Tue, 06-26-2007, 07:33 AM
Master, Absolutly 'love' your vectorized desktop thingy! SicK! Also love your DevArt Icon. Seriously nice.

Tue, 06-26-2007, 11:45 AM
the vectorized desk and shoes are much more to my liking than the woman one... i like the floralfallacy one alot. I should try to be a little more simplistic in my style sometimes too... personally, i've cut a few renders, but nothing to show since those last few banners... (though i really should redo that DeathNote one...)

Wed, 06-27-2007, 12:50 AM
I'm actually working on a collab with another person from dA which should be up in a few days; I'm working on a lot of different techniques to make the piece more successful and to give it more depth. You guys'll love it, I can tell you that :)

Thu, 06-28-2007, 07:46 PM
I'd greatly appreciate feedback on the following two, especially the sig...
Requested sig... I'm not a fan of the base image or the text, but both were specifically requested, so there you have it... I feel stuck on this one...


A snap banner request. Was needed in less than an hour's time, and I got it done in less than 45 minutes. Not my greatest, but it made the deadline. I'd like to improve it if possible.
http://www.ashiftingperspective.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/thumb_ff7bannersoullypassionate_copy.jpg (http://www.ashiftingperspective.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10008/ff7bannersoullypassionate_copy.jpg)

Fri, 06-29-2007, 06:30 AM
A new wallpaper for guren lagann. Im not too confident about this one, just tried making a wallpaper out of some images I got from the anime. Comments please.


Tue, 07-03-2007, 05:23 PM
All you guys and your new sigs

I think its time I made a new one. My Sora one is getting old :p

Edit: Well I haven't photoshoped in im guessing over 6 months. So im horrible ;)


and the other is my current.

Sat, 07-07-2007, 02:07 AM
damn. Im falling behind. Nice job Lazie. Love both of them. I am definitely going to need to hit up photoshop hardcore when i get home

Mon, 07-09-2007, 10:46 PM
I havnt opened Photoshop in forever. I had nothing to do today and saw a kool render, which inspired this.

Wed, 07-11-2007, 02:16 AM
Very cool sig!

Thu, 07-12-2007, 01:56 AM
Lucifus and Lazie awesome as always. The backgrounds you have there lazie are very cool. And the Grunge look on Gaara is very fitting Lucifus

Well I thought I'd do something different with myself.

Sig and avatar are changed up a bit.

Thu, 07-12-2007, 05:11 AM
Wow, totally love the angelic effect there. At first glance I thought the blue was layed on a bit thick there. But its actually pretty well spread out.

You got lazy with the ava though. =P Che, so did I with my current. Nice job.

Fri, 07-13-2007, 02:13 PM
man, alot of really good work here. Lazie, shut up, you haven't lost any skill at all...

I haven't worked with PS in a few weeks, and was never great to begin with, but I was inspired by the new anime (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei) to take a stab at a new sig, and here's the result...


Feedback would be greatly appreciated

Sat, 07-14-2007, 02:07 AM
LaZie :o
That's pretty freaking terrific.

Anyway, I CGed a sketch made by a friend of mine. This was my first time doing so, but I'm pretty damned proud - so damned proud I made a tag out of it.

Sat, 07-14-2007, 12:07 PM
^^ Thats pretty nice Masterme. But I cant read the text :confused:

Lazie I hate you :(

Tue, 07-17-2007, 12:35 PM
Looks really good, the sig version needs work though.

Sun, 07-22-2007, 01:38 PM
Haha, no one likes the sig version. Everywhere I go, people are like "dude, I expect better from a five year old."
Still, new and better sig:
I got the idea from looking at a tut on GR, but I didn't actually use the tut because it looked boring.

Tue, 07-24-2007, 04:37 AM
Despite my preference for purely anime sigs, I must say I like that one. I cant really give much technical comments though, being a pure amateur at this.

Wed, 07-25-2007, 03:03 AM
I like it master_me text is a little hard to read though. There is something thats bugging me about it besides the text. cant put my finger on it though, feels like something is missing :/

^I tried, havent been in photoshop for awhile.

Wed, 07-25-2007, 05:38 AM
http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/1998/violinbackgroundkf0.th.jpg (http://img64.imageshack.us/my.php?image=violinbackgroundkf0.jpg)

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/2817/saberstarsjx1.th.jpg (http://img67.imageshack.us/my.php?image=saberstarsjx1.jpg)

http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4173/saberstarsdustwingshs7.th.jpg (http://img59.imageshack.us/my.php?image=saberstarsdustwingshs7.jpg)

I think they turned our alright

And yes I do love Saber. Got 2 more siggy's of her but ill show em later.

Wed, 07-25-2007, 07:43 PM
I think the first one relies on the background brushing too much.
I like the last two they are simple but it works for the render.

new one:

Fri, 07-27-2007, 04:22 AM
Hellooooooo gotwoot fanart peeps. Haven't dropped by in a while so I decided to come check up on everyone's progress :D

master_me your devart is quite impressive. I see you're well into the online graphics community. Nice work on that cg pirate.

I havnt opened Photoshop in forever. I had nothing to do today and saw a kool render, which inspired this.

Badass signature. You should hook us up with that "kool render".

Fri, 07-27-2007, 06:50 AM
At your request master o art. Heres the original render.


Fri, 07-27-2007, 07:22 AM
Haha thanks.

And after seeing the original render I definitely like what you did with it.

Fri, 07-27-2007, 08:58 AM
man, alot of really good work here. Lazie, shut up, you haven't lost any skill at all...

I haven't worked with PS in a few weeks, and was never great to begin with, but I was inspired by the new anime (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei) to take a stab at a new sig, and here's the result...


Feedback would be greatly appreciated

Realise this is a bit late, but I havn't checked the fanart section in awhile and noticed no one gave you Feedback.(Shame on you Art community!) So heres what I got for ya.

First of all. When doing a single color scheme project, you should try to get a gradient effect going. Not one solid color like what you've currently got. If your going to go with what ya got, make sure ya desaturize er a bit. And load up the background with any cool little effects you might think fits the signature.

Secondly, you gotta focus on one single render. You can have more then one render but, bring the focus onto them. Look at these for example.



LaZies got a fancy background yet has all the focus drawn directly to his renders. Always aim for that in a signature.


Heres an example of my own with multiple renders and i'd say the focus isnt diluted at all.

Just use these as examples for placement and lighting the next time you open Photoshop.

And thridly, with an anime like SZS, you should try to find an ...atmosphere that fits it. The shows funny as hell, and its ridiculously crazy. Think of a way to embody that in the signature.(A hanging Sensei and smiling Happy girl or stalker or something....)

And lastly.....text..... Dont do anything fancy, just keep it simple and outta the way. Not to attention grabbing. Thats all I got for ya on that one cause Text is my bane.

Looking forward to your next works. :cool:

Fri, 07-27-2007, 03:39 PM
I am honored that you used my sigs as an example Lucifus :p

Sat, 07-28-2007, 03:35 PM
Lol, take a bow LaZie.:p

Anyways, heres a quick makeover.






Edit: Changed the ava.

Sat, 07-28-2007, 09:59 PM
OMG, that sig is just too good. Wow. Can you share the render you used for that one?

Sat, 07-28-2007, 10:24 PM
Here ya go. Keep in mind after resizing it will need a good deal of smoothing out.

Sun, 07-29-2007, 01:24 AM
i def like the way you take rough anime renders and make em so smooth.

Sun, 07-29-2007, 03:49 AM
I absolutely have to agree with Kage. I'm assuming you use some method with gaussian blur, no?

Anyway, update to Tasteful:

And just messing around with filters and clipping masks again earlier today:

Sun, 07-29-2007, 07:08 PM
Yes...I realise my Claymore Makeover didnt last very long......but I have good reason!

After watching Code Geass 24 and 25 nothing could stop me from another makeover short of a nuclear attack and Michael Jackson.


Edit: Redid the sig due to the fact that I was so worked up and shyt-faced after watchiing 24 & 25 I wasn't concentrating on Photoshop all that much. =P


Sun, 07-29-2007, 10:19 PM
not liking that lens flare on v2, it flattens this sig.

Mon, 07-30-2007, 11:23 AM
Hehe, i noticed to, but I let it slide cause I liked the flattened version more.

Anyway, heres another. You can't have enough C.C.


Mon, 07-30-2007, 03:21 PM
Just entered the thread to see the recent new sigs and wow...
Lucifus... you really are a master on this... someday I'll ask you for another sig.

Mon, 07-30-2007, 03:23 PM
*Could Possibly Contain a Bleach Manga spoiler*


I gave up on text for now.:p

Mon, 07-30-2007, 11:43 PM
New avatar, sig, and wallpaper, all dedicated to the awesome season ender of code geass. The avatar and sig are the ones Im using, and this is the new wallpaper.


I was going for a more simple and minimalist style on these ones (well its not like I can do much else). Comments please!

Board of Command
Tue, 07-31-2007, 02:09 AM
Looks pretty cool. That's not a real picture of CC, right?

Tue, 07-31-2007, 03:53 AM
Its a snapshot from episode 25, I just added the wings.

Board of Command
Tue, 07-31-2007, 09:07 PM
I'm feeling generous, so here's a Lelouch render from yours truly. It was a pain in the ass because I had to reconstruct the entire bottom edge, so you better like it.

http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/2231/lelouchmz6.th.png (http://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lelouchmz6.png)

Oh, and here's a pretty simple tribute to the series:


Wed, 08-01-2007, 01:03 AM
Heres my two lastest:

__________________________________________________ ___________


Wed, 08-01-2007, 05:14 AM
This one is a joke wallpaper for code geass AND darker than black
spoiler warning - for those who havent watched til ep 16 of darker than black and ep 25 of code geass, be warned, you will be spoiled.


Seriously, that cant be mere coincidence.

Board of Command
Wed, 08-01-2007, 10:05 AM
No one likes my Lelouch render? That's it. No more freebies for you leeches.

Wed, 08-01-2007, 12:48 PM
No one likes my Lelouch render? That's it. No more freebies for you leeches.

An hour ago I would have told you to take your bloody render and shove it! But now someone wants a Lelouch sig so joy to the world, well done! The renders like smooth to, no feathering?

Wed, 08-01-2007, 03:07 PM
Many thanks to Lucifus for another great sig.

PS: Can you believe I just noticed where you put the 'RZ'? hell yeah!

Board of Command
Wed, 08-01-2007, 03:16 PM
An hour ago I would have told you to take your bloody render and shove it! But now someone wants a Lelouch sig so joy to the world, well done! The renders like smooth to, no feathering?
Women use feather.

Here's an ultra-large version of the Geass symbol I used in my sig:

http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/5778/superbiggeasszu7.th.png (http://img114.imageshack.us/my.php?image=superbiggeasszu7.png)

Thu, 08-02-2007, 02:39 AM
Haha, you can't beat that placement RZ. :D

Anyway, heres my lastest. Sig courtesy of BoCs Render. Had to give him the geass though. I just super shrunk your giant geass BoC.


Thu, 08-02-2007, 03:19 AM
Yup, big thanks to Lucifus for an awesome Lelouch sig. He just does amazing work.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 03:38 AM
Glad ya like it. Now I can say I have at least 4 successful stylios under my belt. Enough of PS's filters. Gotta create another one.:cool:

O ya, thats right, I still have one more request to do. SnapZ.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 07:52 AM
Hey Lucifus I would appreciate it if you could make me a new sig. Heres a couple of images you could use or you can find something you like. not sure what for a background and you dont have to use both pics, be creative =) Anyways thanks if and when you get around to making it.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 10:27 AM
Hehe, I'll give it a shot. But are you sure you don't want this for the render?

Edit: Heres what I got:


__________________________________________________ ___________


Your names 2 damn long. =P

Edit: Wish I saw that F24 in the corner of your sig earlier >.>

Thu, 08-02-2007, 07:45 PM
Thanks for the new sig and avatar Lucifus, could you possibly make the V on the left a brighter red so that it stands out a bit more. And instead of unity use the word Anarchy, with F24 under? If you could make those changes I would appreciate it. Rest looks great thanks.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 07:55 PM
Hahaha, Instead of Unity the guy wants Anarchy. xD I like you. Haha

Hows this?


Actually, lets brigthen the whole thing. hows this?


Thu, 08-02-2007, 08:03 PM
Perfect, you rock!

Thu, 08-02-2007, 08:09 PM
I've gotten rick rolled far too many times now to rock.:(

Enjoy the sig. Now. Does anyone want me to slap there name on this?


Board of Command
Thu, 08-02-2007, 08:26 PM
What the heck is that? Afro Samurai...?

Thu, 08-02-2007, 08:29 PM
That would be the Number One. And someones already claimed it over at psx forums.

Thu, 08-02-2007, 10:36 PM
Hopefully this will end my Photoshop mania for awhile. Usually whenever I do a frenzy I end it with a cute KK sig. Lets break the trend. =P


Edit: SnaP! Sorry for the double post. >.> Totally didn't look.

Fri, 08-03-2007, 01:31 AM
yooo foomanchew what it do?

lucifus the bg of that sig is sick but the render just doesn't correspond well with it.

Fri, 08-03-2007, 02:49 AM
sig avatar combo :o >.> I know Im going to hell >.>

Fri, 08-03-2007, 08:30 AM
A bit disturbing Hikyuu, is that from an anime or your mind? Fun to put something shocking in your sig once in a while, I know I have.

Fri, 08-03-2007, 10:51 AM
That is the source image .. nabbed from 4chan

Fri, 08-03-2007, 09:49 PM
Nice one Hikyuu.:cool:

New Signature:


Courtesy of...........you guessed it. New Tutorial FTW!!!!:D :D

Check it out!!! (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?p=345002&postcount=156)

Edit: Request @ another forums:


One more:


Edit: NM -


For the heck of it:



Whad'yall think of this one?


Come On BitchZ! Comment on the Graphix!
Is it chicken scratch or chicken noodle soup!?

Mon, 08-06-2007, 12:59 AM
coolies e.e nice job :O


Board of Command
Mon, 08-06-2007, 02:55 PM
Maybe I'll make something new after my exams. Lots of activity here recently...

Tue, 08-07-2007, 04:27 AM
Just did another one. Saber for the win. This was so worth rendering.


:D Jealous DF? :p

Tue, 08-07-2007, 06:14 PM
Good job Luci, you sure have been busy :p
Keep it Up

new one:

Wed, 08-08-2007, 06:18 PM
bah.. I feel like my sigs are all cookie cutter crap .. anyone have any ideas on how to spruce them up

Wed, 08-08-2007, 11:51 PM
Go look in the tutorial thread Hikyuu.

Thu, 08-09-2007, 02:03 AM
I did.. alot of the links I saw are dead.. most of the original tutorials have been killed

anywhoo.. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v696/Hikyuu/Blacksmith.png there's another one

Thu, 08-09-2007, 12:25 PM
Yale, you just need a bit of practice. One thing that is VERY important in making sigs is matching the render to the bg. You can't just put any old render on any bg. That most recent one, for instance, your render is very flat and cartoonish, but your bg is 3-D, and the colours are too different. Also, having a good quality render can make or break your sig too. Those blurry portions of that render are a big no-no. Blur is acceptable when you're blurring a portion of your render INTO your bg, but the blur against your super-sharp bg is eye-glaring. Also, make sure your sig always has one main focal point, and the rest of the sig maintains a consistency of lines and flow, that don't detract from this focal point but instead enhance it. Don't despair. WIth a bit of practice, and going through some tutorials, you'll start to get a feel for what works and what doesn't. You probably weren't around at this point, but when Lucifus first signed up, his sigs were full of a lot of the same mistakes, but look at the beautiful work he can do now. He didn't give up and kept learning more PS, making more sigs, and now has 1337 skillZ. (I added that capital Z just for you, Luci :P )

Thu, 08-09-2007, 12:31 PM
thanks for the vote of confidence :O.. Ill keep trying

Fri, 08-10-2007, 03:46 AM
Friend made me my new sig.. I like.Are you supposed to be Russian in your sig? Nice fedora.

Everyone notice my new sig?

Sun, 08-12-2007, 05:47 PM
damn, haven't checked in this thread for awhile. Zinobi and Lucifus are still doing damn well (Lucifus, you must spend so many hours in PS...)

I was shocked to see that Yale makes sigs. Just didn't expect it. Some good stuff (i particularly like your current sig) and, like Kitkat said, just keep at it and you'll just get better and better.

as for me, i haven't gotten any motivation to work in PS, but I'm afraid what little abiltiy I acquired is just rusting... I need something to get me going... Maybe I'll try another Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei one this week...

Sun, 08-12-2007, 09:17 PM
I finished watching a video of the old "Battle of the Planets" series, y'know, the one that was butchered(then again, all of the English releases were), and I got the inspiration to do a sig... nothing to shout home about in terms of style, but it conveys the truth quite well I'd say :D


Mon, 08-13-2007, 03:26 PM
I need opinions:


And yes, I know there is no text or border. I'll work on that afterwards.

Mon, 08-13-2007, 09:04 PM
A bit tall and a little flat, but not terrible.

Hikyuu - Your sigs lack depth, you generally want to go for white whites and black blacks.

Got some new stuff, mostly work in C4D.
First for personal use, second was a request on another forum. Neither turned out that amazing :/
All you guys are getting good and I'm losing it :(

For a contest on dA

I'm back into C4D too, not that I was ever really into it in the first place.
Not much to say about either these, these turned out a lot better than that stuff I made in September.

Just some basic modeling to get used to an entirely new program.

Random scene of a UFO stalking a farm :/

Tue, 08-14-2007, 02:48 AM
Losing skill? I don't know about that but you must be losing your brain if you actually think that.

For the love of god! I commision you make a tutorial on how you made your current! Its insane!

And I am in love with your "Heartburn" creation but the name?:rolleyes: :D

The "Swear" one is pretty sweet to.

Man o Man do I wish I could model something liek you did with those headphones. Thats it, I'ma devout the last week o Summer to modeling something.

RofL! The UFO one has me lmao! :D Excellently done!~

Tue, 08-14-2007, 02:28 PM
Gah, thanks :)
I'd suggest that you get Cinema 4D to boot, but I like 3DS Max a lot better because it's a little more advanced.

Fri, 08-17-2007, 10:37 AM
New sig. The one Im using now. Comments please!

Fri, 08-17-2007, 12:00 PM
Nice :O the text is a lil tough to read but still pretteh nifteh

Fri, 08-17-2007, 03:37 PM
might be just me, but the hair at the bottom right just seems to be a bit weird, like it doesn't belong because there's no visible continuity from where the hair would be outside of the sig...

a border would be a good touch.

master_me... goddamnit, i wish i could pshop like that...

Board of Command
Mon, 08-20-2007, 12:23 AM
First "real" sig in a long long time:


Mon, 08-20-2007, 10:05 AM
remove the text, it's out of place and distracting.

Mon, 08-20-2007, 11:01 PM
BoC You can do much better. :o

I think this might be my best one yet:


*Note: I've given up completely on text. :p

Board of Command
Mon, 08-20-2007, 11:15 PM
I was out of ideas.....

Thu, 08-23-2007, 06:57 AM
Hey guys.

I thought i had to whip up something new since i checked the forums today for the first time in a long time.
So here it is my newest work, now remember i haven't used photoshop in at least six months maybe longer. Don't be to hard on me....

EDIT: I currented my bad excuse for a sig..

Thu, 08-23-2007, 01:01 PM
Wow PSJ. Nice job. The sig just jumps at me with those flowers and everything else desaturized. My only complaint, I have to look really hard to get the text. :p

Good work.

Thu, 08-23-2007, 02:07 PM
Thanks man. I can see the text real clear... maybe it has something to do with the monitors... i actually brought the opacity down a bit casue the text was too visible at first.

Thu, 08-23-2007, 03:04 PM
personally i'm not a big fan of such extreme desaturation, especially when it looks like there's something that would match the render in the BG. Maybe a little less saturation? I guess different strokes for different folks...

I agree that it's a little tough to see the text. Maybe filling the letters with some color similar to the bouquet would make it easier and also add some life to that part?

I like it though. Good stuff, I just wish I could get back into PS... no drive right now...

Thu, 08-23-2007, 04:16 PM
Unlike Masa, Im a huge fan of desaturation. I can also see the text clearly, I dont know what Lucifus is talking about. But one thing I can add is that the sig is too big, you have too much worthless space. Try shortening it a little, or making your render bigger. It'd be cool to see the text over the flowers.

Sun, 08-26-2007, 03:45 PM
Good points people. Thanks alot. Although i don't agree with the last opinion that the sig is to big. It would kill it if i made it shorter in my opinion..

Mon, 08-27-2007, 03:28 AM
Hey guys, been a long time since i dropped by this forum. But I figured I'll drop back in the same way I started with a ...narutoxsakura sig... just a simple fanart render, but i needed a sig and finally got some time to jump into photoshop.... comments plx... :cool:


ehhh i kinda felt like the saturation of the render was a bit much in the first one heres the updated one.


Mon, 08-27-2007, 10:33 AM
Is that a carnival attraction or something in the background? The main problem i have with it is that the background feels depressing while the render is cheerful, it's a nice idea you got going but the bg and render got very diffrent moods which spoils it for me. Keep trying though, you got something there.

So here's my newest work, i'm experimenting with white backgrounds so give me some comments on this piece.

Tue, 08-28-2007, 07:12 PM
PSJ - the desaturation works very well on the right behind the hair. There's alot going on with the background (that a c4d, correct?) and so it seems weird that further out in the sig, her hand is sorta out of focus and colored that way. The lighting on it just seems a bit off. Also, bump the text over to the right a bit more so we can see that 'P'

IFHTT- the less saturated version is better (also the TT in the corner). I don't get the feeling that the background is depressing, but the lack of colors might give people that... I dunno, maybe try some blurred colors and set the layer to 'Color' over the right portion of the background.

Wed, 08-29-2007, 04:39 PM
Actually it's not a c4d i have created all of the background simply by using the render a couple of times and a brush.

Thanks for the input, i'll be sure to think about it. I'm not sure if i will try to fix this sig up though as i don't like it all that much now after seeing it a few times.

Fri, 08-31-2007, 04:34 PM

Made this from Lucifus' tutorial... I tried to find a nice text, but couldn't find what I was looking for inside of CS3's text database. Text effects were drop shadow, inner glow, and bevel/emboss.

Anyway, it's Illidan, from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and if you've seen the intro video you'll get the text. Comments are welcome.

EDIT: I plan on making an Arthas Menethil sig in commemoration of "Wrath of the Lich King", as soon as I find a proper render...

Fri, 08-31-2007, 09:47 PM
Maybe you should try changing the text color, and making the ripples more visible since the background seems a bit plain. Red and green seems to clash a bit too much, and the upper left corner is kinda blank. I like the render though.

Fri, 08-31-2007, 09:57 PM
Maybe you should try changing the text color, and making the ripples more visible since the background seems a bit plain. Red and green seems to clash a bit too much, and the upper left corner is kinda blank. I like the render though.
I see what you mean about the corner, and I'm thinking of modifying this as soon as I can get my computer back up and running (it crashed earlier tonight, and I'm seeking to repair it)

Anyway, the render is the pretty much overused pic of Illidan, I just modifyed it a bit, so that the eyes slanted a bit more, and it looked as if he were in heat fumes. Just minor touch-ups, really... and about the red text, I sorta liked the contrast, but I'll see about other color choices...

EDIT: Compare this to Original, which is my current

Sun, 09-02-2007, 02:06 PM
Did a render with Urahara and thought it would be fitting for a new banner because the render is pretty small.
Again I'm not so sure about the background though... Comments are welcome :)

Sun, 09-02-2007, 05:52 PM
All i can say is that your current one with naruto is very cool, haven't seen that one before.

Sun, 09-02-2007, 06:41 PM
i don't like it, just because of the empty background. The render is good though, as is the font. I'm not a big fan of the blood splotch though... seems to clash with the colors in the Urahara render... Good lighting behind the splotch, though.

Python, the one with the logo on it is better, simply because there's less emptyness that way. The blurry one could have a better 'intimidation factor' than the sharp one, if you work on it more and incorporate the blurriness as a theme throughout the sig. The patch of red/brown on the left hand side needs to go. The text needs to be improved on both, and I'd suggest you go look for some fonts.

Mon, 09-03-2007, 06:34 PM
Two new sets with greater dimensions courtesy of DF's Farewell Contest.







Also made this for the contest but since thats done with I slapped my name on it.




Am I ever going to able to "equip" my sig? :(

Mon, 09-03-2007, 08:11 PM
the Galatea avatar is great, but I'm not a big fan of the sig itself. The Clare one, however, is great. The C in the Saber sig is a little weird.

it's been a long time since i've come up with anything... but don't be afraid to be harsh; just tell me what needs changing...


and an already slightly different second version... (just some added color to the black)


The character is Reinhard von Lohengramm, from Legend of the Galactic Heroes, the best goddamn space opera ever.

third attempt... fails with lighting...

Mon, 09-03-2007, 10:29 PM
One more for C.C.



Tue, 09-04-2007, 12:57 AM
Luci you should step outside and take a deep breathe ;)
Great work man.

New wallpaper:
FLCL = win? (http://forums.gotwoot.net/gallery/files/8/3/6/4/flcl_wallpapcopy_original.png)

Tue, 09-04-2007, 09:43 AM
I can barly tell what the robot was if I didn't watch FLCL.

But I guess that was what you were going for. I say its a win.:cool:



I really like this set. But I must stay faithful to C.C.
And yes...I did replace Clares eyes with Rigardo. The eyes just own.

Christ I wish Random Images.net was still around......

Tue, 09-04-2007, 10:12 AM
I see you're having fun with your sig increasements. Nice sig and why is my internet so slow?

And play some Lunia! :p

Tue, 09-04-2007, 10:17 AM
Yes I am. =) And I have been playing Lunia! You havn't been on. :p

Also, why didnt you enter you bastard.

Tue, 09-04-2007, 10:21 AM
And why I didn't enter the contest? I didn't have time to photoshop. I was way too busy with school (im a college man you know) and work. Also, I was too scared of your leet photoshopping skills and I didn't want to embarass myself.

Well I have been on actually
Level 28 now and I made a +9 Dimly Shining Sword! Its so sexy haha :p

Tue, 09-04-2007, 02:38 PM

Bastard.....I still have to do episode 3.

Anyway....another C.C. quicky.


Tue, 09-04-2007, 05:19 PM
made this for another forum... but i may use it here. Comments & suggestions appreciated.


Tue, 09-04-2007, 05:48 PM
Lucifus, your skills have truly become great. But you have way too much time on your hands.


I have 1 or 2 steps left, but how is it so far?

Tue, 09-04-2007, 05:57 PM
I really like that Carnage.. The yellow goes with the eyes.. the fact that your using basically three colors makes it look really neat I mean you have different shaves and hues... but yeah.. s'nice

Tue, 09-04-2007, 06:25 PM
I'm pretty sure I've seen all your work and I gotta say thats the best I've seen from you yet.

Damn shame you cant use that on these forums. Thats excellent work.

Cut it in half and use it. =P

Masa: Shorten the sig and center the render.

Tue, 09-04-2007, 06:47 PM
Nice stuff Carnage. Are you going to vectorize your name in there as well? :p

Tue, 09-04-2007, 07:00 PM
One more C.C. quickly.


Stay faithful, C.C. Devout.

Tue, 09-04-2007, 07:55 PM
Stop photoshopping and play some Lunia! Haha

And I find the pixelated parts don't mesh with the sig.

Tue, 09-04-2007, 07:59 PM
Yeah.. It reminds me of the spray paint feature on paint..

Tue, 09-04-2007, 08:04 PM
Hehe, I got lazy on the last one. it was like a 5 minute job.

I'm currently rendering stuff for some buddies at school, making phone bgs for Yuki, making another C.C. sig, and also making something for Hikyuu.

I have to live up to my new Custom Title LaZie!:D

I F*cking Have Testicular Titties: Nice job on your lastest. I really wouldn't change any cept for the text. I'd make er a bit smaller, but thats more of a personal preference.
Great work man.