View Full Version : Uhhh... Profile error?

Mist Demon Zabuza
Sun, 03-28-2004, 05:42 AM
Eh... i select profile to modify it, but it shows me this

"Error Occurred While Processing Request
Parameter 2 of function Left which is now -2 must be a positive integer

The error occurred in /var/devf/www/com/kernel.cfc: line 527
Called from /var/devf/www/com/kernel.cfc: line 682
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 164
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 156
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 15
Called from /var/devf/www/include/tabtemplates/profile1.cfm: line 1
Called from /var/devf/www/profile.cfm: line 131"

This started happening when i tried putting my Sig on b4 they began allowing it again. Some one tell me what to do.... plz.

Sun, 03-28-2004, 03:00 PM
I fixed the error, you put in the sig command incorrectly.

It's not working now because your sig link is broken, 404 error.

Mist Demon Zabuza
Mon, 03-29-2004, 02:20 AM
Thanks man, you rule