Fri, 03-26-2004, 12:28 AM
i need help in my history project it base on naruto we have to do this thing like make ur own people and shit and some questions are like How is ur government established?What is its purpose?How does iy full fill its purpose?How is it organized?WAT type of government system system do u have?Is it a demoeratic?communstic?theocratic?oligarctic?dictat orial?if the government does not fullfill itz purpase ,what methods of systems are in place to establish are government? thatz all the question it ask me for that one part of my project plz and someone help me in this cuz i dont know wat type of government it is and stuff.thankz for anyone that helps me
Fri, 03-26-2004, 01:00 AM
You mean, what? The country or the village?
The countries seem to follow the Daimyo system... you should check some site about Japan History. Daimyos are similar to Feudal Lords.
The government of the villages? I'd say, it's Ninjocratic or Kazecratic?
There doesn't seem to be elections there. The Kaze, at least in Konoha is appointed by his predecessors. So, it's not a Democracy.
Huh, a non-hereditary Monarchy? Mono=one. Or an Aristocracy. Aristos=the best, since the Kaze is choosen among the best ninjas?
Dictatorship? Could be. As I said, apparently there are no elections or another branches of government other than the executive.
Does the Kage make all the laws alone? Does he judge and interpret the laws alone? I honestly don't know.
There is this council, tho, which we don't know if is nominated or elected and whose function has yet to be clearly delineated... So far, we know they help the Kaze in his decisions and have the power to nominate the next Kaze. How they got to power, however, hasn't been said yet.
I don't think we have enough elements of the whole Konoha society to have a precise idea of what system of government they have. Not much is said about the common folks other than the ninjas.
Those, seem to be organized in an military hierarchical structure, and since the village is governed by the chief Ninja, one can even say it's a Military dictatorship.
Could be similar to England, except unlike the queen there, the Kaze has actual governing powers, but thre would be also legislative and judiciary powers, but we really can say if they exist...
Could be something like Tibet, where the Dalai Lama is choosen according to religious/mystical factors, or jutsus/chacra factors in this case... So instead of a Theocracy it would be something like a Jutsucracy or a Chacracry (huh, that sounds baaaad...)
Still, my main point is. We don't know how the non-ninja people participate in the goverment, so it's hard to tell what kind of goverment it is.
Don't think it was much help, but it was the best I could think of.
Fri, 03-26-2004, 03:11 AM
You have a history project on Naruto...
I'm confused. i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif
Fri, 03-26-2004, 03:59 AM
Weird, ain't it? Maybe it's a story project...:i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 03-26-2004, 07:44 AM
I think he/she has to invent their own system, and describe it using the proper terms. That's what it sounds like to me, anyway.
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