View Full Version : whos more of a genious
Fri, 03-12-2004, 04:42 PM
sasuke developed the sharingan at 12... which is kinda late i think for an uchiha genious but he learned super fast taijutsu in 1 month..
neji learned kaiten on his own and the hakke move... and best of the hyuga..
i know itachi was some kind of ultra genious and they can't compare to him but i want to know who do u think is more of a genious sasuke or neji
Fri, 03-12-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by: ricefarmer
sasuke developed the sharingan at 12... which is kinda late i think for an uchiha genious but he learned super fast taijutsu in 1 month..
neji learned kaiten on his own and the hakke move... and best of the hyuga..
i know itachi was some kind of ultra genious and they can't compare to him but i want to know who do u think is more of a genious sasuke or neji
Sasuke didn't need a month to copy Lee's taijutsu, he needed that time to train his body to a level that he'd be able to move as fast as Lee. Basically he copied and then practiced in Lee's style. He also mastered part of the Omote Renge after seeing it once without and training. Something Gai said wasn't possible with the Sharingan alone.
Fri, 03-12-2004, 04:50 PM
i did say super fast taijutsu didn't i
Fri, 03-12-2004, 04:52 PM
Neji is more kind of a genius would I say... Itachi mastered sharingan when he was 9, three dots, Sasuke is 13 and haven't even mastered it yet, he just recently began to use it.. Neji did that 64 hit combo without being in the main-family and did it all my himself... Sasuke is a genius but Neji is greater..
Fri, 03-12-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by: ricefarmer
i did say super fast taijutsu didn't i
You said he learned it in a month, however, he likely learned it the minute he saw it and then trained for a month, there is a difference.
As for Neji.
Well Neji is a year older then Sasuke yet it seems like he's rapidly falling behind Naruto and Sasuke, so his genius doesn't seem to great considering Sasuke mastered something he couldn't.
Fri, 03-12-2004, 05:05 PM
Just want to add that you don't have to be strong to be a genius... just check shikamaru and the others..
Fri, 03-12-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by: itachi_
Just want to add that you don't have to be strong to be a genius... just check shikamaru and the others..
That's true, but Sasuke's ability to master part of Omote Renge which was something Neji was incapable of doing, after only seeing it once without any training does show a higher level of genius. Also, Neji and Sasuke's genius is different then Shikamaru's.
Fri, 03-12-2004, 05:20 PM
yeah, Shikamaru is literally a genius (like intelligence). As for Sasuke and Neiji, I'd say Neiji is more of genius. Like said before, he taught himself moves that only the main branch members were supposed to know, and even learned the Hyuga master finishing move (64 hands), but Sasuke hasn't even fully developed his Sharingan.
Fri, 03-12-2004, 07:59 PM
hmm i forget what is Omote Renge again??
neji is probably more of a genius then sasuke.
Fri, 03-12-2004, 08:02 PM
neji and sasuke are both geniuses. but if you compare their achivements, neji's outweigh sasuke's.
Fri, 03-12-2004, 10:34 PM
but sasuke would own neji big time.
Lee's taijutsu + chidori + fireballs ?
Fri, 03-12-2004, 10:44 PM
it's sasuke's taijutsu now.
Fri, 03-12-2004, 10:47 PM
It's sasuke's taijutsu until Rock Lee gets back into action
Sat, 03-13-2004, 01:58 AM
hmm... when the hell did gai try to teach neji a lotus??? i want proof!! Anyways sasuke learning all his shit with one glance is because of that lovely sharingan. neji cannot do that. duh so how can he learn things in one glance.. but i bet he can learn quick and he is pretty fast i mean neji wasn't all that impress when lee went super sonic. and he "mastered" the lovely byakugan.... i just wish there was sum kind of ultimate crazy move that the lovely byakugan can do.. something liek the mange sharingan..
ps. i think its weird how characters stick to their own moves instead of being rounded and learn lots of other moves.. such as kakashi and 3rd hokage... i mean im sure they can learn other shit i want to see other people do a bunshin.. i mean dam or maybe its because their genins thats y they focus on there own moves firsti/expressions/beer.gif
Sat, 03-13-2004, 02:03 AM
At this point, without curse seal nonsense ..
Neji > Sasuke
Sat, 03-13-2004, 02:15 AM
Neji is more of a genius than Sasuke. His mastery of the byakugan, kaiten and jyuuken move hakke rokujuuyonshou are quite an accomplishment over Sasuke's not yet fully developed sharingan.
Neji>Sasuke at this point.
Sat, 03-13-2004, 02:41 AM
Neji is the greater genius.
Sat, 03-13-2004, 05:15 AM
Sasuke is more of a Pansy than a Genious and Neji will pwn his ass.
Gai tried to teach Tenten and Neji the lotus the same day that Rock Lee was learning it, they failed he didnt. That is his(Rock Lee's) Genious.
Rock Lee > All
I am abit Biased though
Sat, 03-13-2004, 06:52 AM
Neji, because he doesn't whine, he doesn't think he is an "avenger," and he didn't turn to the asshole orochimaru
sho nuff!
Sat, 03-13-2004, 03:16 PM
Everybody hates Sasuke!
Neji beats Lee. THat means, Neji can cope with Lee's speed (right?)
Fireballs.. Ah, they would just bounce of Neji.
Chidori.... Can he hit Neji in the first place?
Even if Sasuke can predict what Neji is doing or about to attack, he can't see the chakra points, thus, Sasuke can't learn Neji's attacks.. none whatsoever.
Sat, 03-13-2004, 03:27 PM
neji never fought lee with his lee's gates open.
Sat, 03-13-2004, 03:37 PM
But then, Sasuke never opened any gates..
I'm sure Lee has never won Neji. Thus, Neji is still supirior and can cope with Lee's speed (this is about Sasuke, and his speed which is similar to Lee)
Sat, 03-13-2004, 05:33 PM
why dont neji ever use normal ninja moves or learn different ones instead of his own bloodline crap .. i want variety in neji-kun
i wonder can the byukagan see through jutsu or see speed... seems like the sharingan has so much abilitys and an overlooked one is it can control metal objects.. telekenetic!!!
Sat, 03-13-2004, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Everybody hates Sasuke!
Neji beats Lee. THat means, Neji can cope with Lee's speed (right?)
Fireballs.. Ah, they would just bounce of Neji.
Chidori.... Can he hit Neji in the first place?
Even if Sasuke can predict what Neji is doing or about to attack, he can't see the chakra points, thus, Sasuke can't learn Neji's attacks.. none whatsoever.
Who said Neji beats lee now ?
No one sorry, he beat him when he was a lil brat that wasnt even as fast as a regular guy, he pretty much sucked...
Now i think lee would own him since he's much faster, and chidori would just kill neji so i guess sasuke> neji.
baka passing
Sat, 03-13-2004, 11:29 PM
sasuke is more genius b/c neji and lee are equal in speed. it took lee years to get his body to that taijutsu speed while it only took sasuke 1 month to get that speed.
Tue, 03-16-2004, 03:44 PM
most genious?
Neji is a genious of the genious.
Sasuke is a genious but not more genious that his brother who is a super genious.
If neiji whould be brought up by the main family, he would be even more genious.
If Sasuke would be brought up by his parents alot longer. he would aslo be even more genious.
but not more genious than his brother.
But Neji had little chance against naruto in kyubi mode, though it was a very small chance, it was still a chance.
And Sasuke almost got his ass whooped by naruto when naruto wasn't in kyubi mode.
But he fought Haku pretty good though.
And none of them became chounin,
Kakashi became a chounin at the age of 6 god dammit, that is genious. I bet they both would get there ass whooped by a six year old kakashi.
But the more genious of them would probobly be
Neji, he can master his bloodline limit better than sasuke, and he has a greater amount of chakra (I think).
And if they were to fight, I think neji would win. Because sasuke couldn't keep that speed very long. And neji knows that taijutsu because he have fought lee a couple of times, so therefor he knows how to avoid atacks. If sasuke would try to use the Chidori, neji would only defend himself against it with his ulitmate defense jutsu ( I never remembered the name of it). He would do so a coulple of times until sasuke can't use his chidori anymore, and is all tired. then he would use his other attack, with 64 hits ( I don't remember that name either) and then sasukes ass would be whooped. becuse he could not possible stand up against that kind of attack.
So that proves it (maybe) that neji is the more genious one.
Wed, 03-17-2004, 03:19 AM
thanks epoc.. u pretty much proved it by saying neji mastered his bloodline limit more then sasuke who still doens't have a 3rd pupil...
Wed, 03-17-2004, 12:49 PM
hm I always though being a genius meant that the person was born with a lot of potential. (I dunno could be wrong) But if thats the case wouldn't that make sasuke more of a genius? (since he has more potential than neji)
Plus how do you neji has mastered his blood limit. I bet you 100 chapters from now he'll learn some uber powerful move that no Hyuuga has ever learned. Same goes for Sasuke.
Wed, 03-17-2004, 01:13 PM
I would have to say Sasuke, since Neji was defeated by NARUTO! If you get defeated by Naruto, you can't be a genious! And as for Sasuke, he survived being sealed by Orochimaru, nad has mastered Rock Lee's super taijutsu, Kakashis thousand birds-thingies.
Neji is cooler.
Wed, 03-17-2004, 02:28 PM
i think both of them are genious but the truth is shikamaru is the true genious
Wed, 03-17-2004, 03:59 PM
Neji's more of a genius
Wed, 03-17-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by: Charlemagne
I would have to say Sasuke, since Neji was defeated by NARUTO! If you get defeated by Naruto, you can't be a genious! And as for Sasuke, he survived being sealed by Orochimaru, nad has mastered Rock Lee's super taijutsu, Kakashis thousand birds-thingies.
Neji is cooler.
losing to naruto doesn't mean anything, he is the main character for god's sake. naruto can't lose. except against kimimaro, but that won't be a loss, more of a "damn, he escaped and i am preoccupied therefor, i cannot follow him so this will be a loss" sort of thing.
but as vagabond said, if it was about potential, then sasuke would crush neji. sasuke is a late bloomer!
oni roh
Wed, 03-17-2004, 04:10 PM
neji's more of a genious
and sasuke would have been owend by naruto, you all remember that chapter , chidori vs rasengan
Death BOO Z
Wed, 03-17-2004, 05:12 PM
i'd just like to point out that Sasuke using chidori against neji is out of the question for now.
even kakashi can't use that jutsu against a moving enemy ( remember Zabuza? he had to summon dogs before attacking), and Sasuke doesn't have any binding moves for now, so unless he chooses to be an arragont bastard, he won't use chidori...
Wed, 03-17-2004, 07:20 PM
i think Udon is the true genious..just wait..JUST wait..
Sat, 03-20-2004, 07:52 AM
No comparson.
Neji is annoying but Sasuke is unsuferable.
Sat, 03-20-2004, 10:14 AM
neji is the greater genius out of these 2.
EDIT: just had to add a thing about sasuke's speed. sasuke can uphold that speed for like 5 minutes max Lee can uphold that speed for much longer. he can probably uphold it for 30 minutes or something. thats i na fight if they move constantly it woul more be like 30 sec - 1 min for sasuke and 5 - 10 min for Lee. there's the diffrence between the speed.
Uzumaki Naruto
Mon, 03-22-2004, 07:30 PM
id have to say that neiji is the better one, bc he mastered all of his moves by his self and without anyones help while in the other hand sasuke had some help inmastering his moves but he also did learn chidori which is a killer move, but neiji is the better one
Haku no Fuyu
Mon, 03-22-2004, 08:03 PM
Um....Neji did have help. He only mastered his spinning tech. because he has Ten Ten's help.
Mon, 03-22-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by: Haku no Fuyu
Um....Neji did have help. He only mastered his spinning tech. because he has Ten Ten's help.
I don't think Ten Ten really helped that much, she was only used for him to make sure he had the Kaiten perfected. She's wayy weaker than him, and couldn't have been that much help. Kakashi trained Sasuke personally for a long time, having Kakashi would be better than Ten Ten in training at least. Also, I doubt Neiji learned very much from Gai, so he basically taught himself what his limits were using the byakugan.
Mon, 03-22-2004, 11:59 PM
It seems like Tenten sorta hangs around Neji a lot, probably because Gai wouldn't give her any attention because he's too busy constantly training Lee.
It doesn't seem like either Neji or Tenten have many of Gai's techniques or mannerisms. Lee, on the other hand.....
Wed, 03-24-2004, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by: ESM
Originally posted by: itachi_
Just want to add that you don't have to be strong to be a genius... just check shikamaru and the others..
That's true, but Sasuke's ability to master part of Omote Renge which was something Neji was incapable of doing, after only seeing it once without any training does show a higher level of genius. Also, Neji and Sasuke's genius is different then Shikamaru's.
first of all, sasuke did not master part of the omote renge move, all he did was to master the simple kick actions BEFORE the move, and these are NOT PART OF the move. thats your first point wrong.
secondly, "after only seeing it once without any training" DOESNT show a higher level of genius BECAUSE he has the sharingan, it naturally allows him to copy jutsu.
if u argue that because of that he is a genius, then the following statement would hold true as well : "neji is more of a genius because he can see the 64 chakra points and sasuke cant"
lastly, regarding genius. ok. a genius is someone who has an extremely high level of intelligence, mental skill, or artistic ability. when u are using the word "genius" to describe shikamaru, it is because of his intelligence. if u are using "genius" to describe neji & sasuke, it is the extremely high level of ABILITY that makes them the genius they are.
also, regarding all of the other people's posts about neji being more of a genius because he learnt his moves before sasuke, etc. etc.
not that im supporting sasuke or anything, but, just because u learn it first doesnt neccessarily mean ur more of a genius.
OH YEAH! also, "achievements" dont have anything to do with being a "genius". =D
Wed, 03-24-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by: EpoC
most genious?
Neji is a genious of the genious.
Sasuke is a genious but not more genious that his brother who is a super genious.
If neiji whould be brought up by the main family, he would be even more genious.
If Sasuke would be brought up by his parents alot longer. he would aslo be even more genious.
but not more genious than his brother.
But Neji had little chance against naruto in kyubi mode, though it was a very small chance, it was still a chance.
And Sasuke almost got his ass whooped by naruto when naruto wasn't in kyubi mode.
But he fought Haku pretty good though.
And none of them became chounin,
Kakashi became a chounin at the age of 6 god dammit, that is genious. I bet they both would get there ass whooped by a six year old kakashi.
But the more genious of them would probobly be
Neji, he can master his bloodline limit better than sasuke, and he has a greater amount of chakra (I think).
And if they were to fight, I think neji would win. Because sasuke couldn't keep that speed very long. And neji knows that taijutsu because he have fought lee a couple of times, so therefor he knows how to avoid atacks. If sasuke would try to use the Chidori, neji would only defend himself against it with his ulitmate defense jutsu ( I never remembered the name of it). He would do so a coulple of times until sasuke can't use his chidori anymore, and is all tired. then he would use his other attack, with 64 hits ( I don't remember that name either) and then sasukes ass would be whooped. becuse he could not possible stand up against that kind of attack.
So that proves it (maybe) that neji is the more genious one.
youre wrong about the fighting part, it just shows ur biased. first of all that speed is much faster than neji's speed, so even if he couldnt keep the speed for very long, he could defeat him before that. next thing is, sasuke has the sharingan, he can see thru jutsu, so he knows what neji is going to do,
simple thing
1) u are much faster
2) u know what ur opponent is gonna do
so, naturally he can hit him real hard. and also, sasuke wont be so stupid to use the chidori openly. it takes time to use. next thing is, the secret of the chidori lies in the SPEED of the stab, and etc. etc.
therefore, sasuke most probably would give neji trouble, (he can do this easily because of the above 2 reasons) until he sees a weak point, then attack with the chidori, neji most probably would not have time to use the kaiten, also, as u can see from neji vs naruto, the kaiten doesnt mean ur 100% safe, u can still get hit bad, so we dont know the outcome EVEN if neji uses the kaiten against sasuke's chidiori,
however like i said, sasuke most probably would only use the chidori at the correct situation, in which neji would not be able to kaiten.
hmm so far i have not added any comments on who is more of a genius, just pointing out the mistakes of what people are saying here.
well now im gonna add a comment : i'd say sasuke is more of a genius, simply because orochimaru chose him to be his "successor", meaning he is one of the better choices after kimimaro, and yes, there would of course be people better, but simple reason - he needs a young body
any other comments
Haku no Fuyu
Wed, 03-24-2004, 11:52 PM
Orochimaru-dono chose Sasuke as his new body specifically for his Sharingan. Not because he's more of a genious.
Fri, 03-26-2004, 07:08 PM
I'd believe Neji is more of a genius, he was able to accomplish alot even though he was never taught. Sasuke on the other hand is from a genius clan, but not a genius within the clan.
Mon, 03-29-2004, 06:13 PM
even though im a fan of sasuke id have to say neji because of the taijitsu he learned. he basically made it up himself we sasuke probably found out about his sharingan after seeing kakashi's but thats just my opinon.
Thu, 04-08-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by: Xceleration
I'd believe Neji is more of a genius, he was able to accomplish alot even though he was never taught. Sasuke on the other hand is from a genius clan, but not a genius within the clan.
heh i dont like to say things 2-3 times but here goes:
accomplishments have NOTHING i repeat n o t h i n g at all to do with beingi a genius.
Thu, 04-08-2004, 10:46 PM
That's an interesting opinion, but genius is worthless unless you ACCOMPLISH something with it.
Fri, 04-09-2004, 05:35 AM
Naruto is the true genius, just watch 78. He's creative, that's why he'll surpass everyone.
Fri, 04-09-2004, 09:05 AM
Imo, Sasuke isn't a genius. He's talented, but not a genius. Of those two, Neji is the genius.
hiten mitsurugi
Fri, 04-09-2004, 04:51 PM
Neji is more of a genious than Sasuke will ever be. What genious has Sasuke showed us?
hiten mitsurugi
Fri, 04-09-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by: Charlemagne
I would have to say Sasuke, since Neji was defeated by NARUTO! If you get defeated by Naruto, you can't be a genious! And as for Sasuke, he survived being sealed by Orochimaru, nad has mastered Rock Lee's super taijutsu, Kakashis thousand birds-thingies.
Neji is cooler.
Sasuke got beat and tied up by Naruto. Neji lost to an uber naruto. Whereas, Sasuke lost to a lame ass Naruto.
Sun, 04-11-2004, 12:04 PM
in a one on one fight sasuke could not defeat Neji, not right now. He needs to learn more justsu. Neji is likely jsut as fast as sasuke. and sasuke chidori requires close combat. a realm in wich Neji cannot be beat by any of te current gennin/chunnin. these boys are strong definately the strongest of the current gennin and most like stronger than a good majority of the chunnin group. who is greater. there talents attack diffrent weaknesses. their strength is relative in a close combat match Neji. once sasuke has jutsu outside of the core academy traning. under his bealt he wil be able to keep his distance most liek woudl be able to own Neji... oh yeahand when he developes mange sharingan( wich im guessing he will do, far before itachi was able to )- well game over he will be stronger
Sun, 04-11-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by: itachi_
Neji is more kind of a genius would I say... Itachi mastered sharingan when he was 9, three dots, Sasuke is 13 and haven't even mastered it yet, he just recently began to use it.. Neji did that 64 hit combo without being in the main-family and did it all my himself... Sasuke is a genius but Neji is greater..
I go with him. Sasuke needs more time to master his sharingan.
Mon, 04-12-2004, 01:13 AM
Neji is Genius.
The ONLY reason why sasuke got that good in 1 month is cuz he was trained by kakashi.
Who did Neji have?? NOBODY. THATS WHY HE OWNZ JOO SASUKE. he coulda been even faster than sasuke if he was trained by kakashi.
64 hands > chidori
kaiten > speed
359degrees of sight OWNZ that running and circling around shit.
Wed, 04-14-2004, 08:43 PM
Quick question. In Sakura's fight with Ino, she was able to speed herself up by focusing Chakra at her feet. Is it possible that Sasuke sped himself up by focusing Chakra at his feet, and didn't really need to use Taijitsu. I thought Kakashi said that it took a month for Sasuke to get fast enough, or did he say that it took a month for Sasuke to learn Taijitsu? Rock lee only made an observation on Sasuke's speed.
Thu, 04-15-2004, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by: IamSpazzy
Quick question. In Sakura's fight with Ino, she was able to speed herself up by focusing Chakra at her feet. Is it possible that Sasuke sped himself up by focusing Chakra at his feet, and didn't really need to use Taijitsu. I thought Kakashi said that it took a month for Sasuke to get fast enough, or did he say that it took a month for Sasuke to learn Taijitsu? Rock lee only made an observation on Sasuke's speed.
Interesting point. However, I think it was said quite clearly that in Sasuke's training Kakashi focused on taijutsu specifically to get Sasuke's speed up.
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