View Full Version : Alternatives to Naruto Chuushin
Sat, 02-14-2004, 04:54 AM
For some of you from the 204 discussion and those that have seen the unaltered INANE release, you would know what this thread is pertaining to. I would just like to post my opinion about narutochuushin's actions.
This is from XplO - an editor for Inane citing comments made by a Chuushin admin
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><@Gogeta619> I don't care about Inane because you're pointless
<@Gogeta619> the world would not mourn your loss
<@Gogeta619> all would still receive the same weekly scanslated manga
<Lvl9> god, my head hurts from trying to read u re lame typ in
<@Gogeta619> I modify your crap because it sucks cock the way it is
<@Gogeta619> and sorry if I don't host homosexually challenged multimedia
gogeta is an admin of narutochuushin btw...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I find Gogeta's criticisms very disturbing.
I think I'd be happier going to another site not runned by 8 year old homophobes who have no idea where the hell they're coming from.
I hope that people like this aren't allowed to publicly voice their opinion if they can only stereotype and degrade other individuals in hopes of saving their own hides.
Like Kakashi, I sympathize with XpLO on this one.
Although they have indeed "resolved" their differences, but the manner in which NarutoChuushin handled it shows severely damages their reputation. The editor that added "Do not support Chuushin" tag, was likely to have had other motives for doing so and that has been resolved, but in light of comments made by Chuushin reps, a new can-of-worms have been opened.
The slander and ignorant squabblings of Gogeta is something of a different issue. The attitude that I see reflected by this founder of NarutoChuushin is something that I do not want to associate with.
I for one, will get my manga elsewhere, and I encourage anyone else to let the infantile chuushin site rot. If you support chuushin's homophobic, discriminatory views, go ahead and keep kissing their butts.
I'm did not come to make enemies, but Chuushin - you've made an enemy of me with your ill-founded derogatory comments; especially to the gay community.
I support the boycott against chuushin.
Does anyone else have any opinions, or is it just me that has felt the offense?
Nine Tailed Demon
Sat, 02-14-2004, 05:42 AM
Sad, why can't everyone be happy?
Sat, 02-14-2004, 05:57 AM
lol from anime/manga to gay discrimination ... something is wrong with this world
Sat, 02-14-2004, 06:22 AM
Boycotts are for nerds.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 06:22 AM
If you want, I'll post the entire log. Then we'll see how much you respect your wonderful XpLo.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 06:26 AM
I entirely love XpLo, I doubt you have anything on him that shows how stupid he is. Please, show me. I want to see it.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 06:34 AM
I suppose.
Some of this might not make sense if you haven't hung out with us in IRC for awhile, so bear with it. Perhaps now you folks can understand where I'm coming from, and why I'm so endlessly irritated with XpLo. Just because he happened to choose a few hot-headed lines of text I wrote, means nothing against what this moron has put me through.
This is only the last of many, many long conversations/arguments with XpLo. A number of us found it humorous, that's why it's saved/hosted. I tried many times to compromise with the guy and come to a fair deal, but he simply wrote off "lame stealer" in 15 more non-grammatically-sensical ways. I can't help the fact that he's spreading lies.
Lastly, I'll say this "boycott" attempt is unbased and idiotic. Your entire argument is based on lies from one single idiot who can't even structure a sentence without tripping over himself and crying "stealer" again.
Read, If You Must ('')
Sat, 02-14-2004, 06:50 AM
As the member who regularly helps prepare the manga for upload to Chuushin, I would simply like to say that we have never edited the images in any way, nor have we removed Inane's (or OT's, when we had it) credits from the manga. We respected their dedication to the Naruto fan community for putting out a consistently well-done scanslation.
However, after a spat with a certain member of Inane's staff, things began to rapidly deteriorate. This staff member was upset that we shortened the filenames for our own organizational purposes, changed file formats from .png to .jpg (which had been previously discussed with Inane's staff, yet this editor decided to still make it an issue), and that we accidentally left off a color plate that we assumed was someone's fanart and not an official part of the manga.
When we found the latest release emblazoned with a slur against Chuushin, we did make a retalitory remark against Inane, in the same public manner that they used to defame our site.
Discussions have taken place between Chuushin's and Inane's staff, and an understanding has been reached. So please let go of any speculations regarding a "feud" with Inane or any other Naruto site; it's just not true.
Legendary Nin
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:12 AM
^Dude..your name is bukkake,jizim face,snowballar,dirty sanchez,your name is Xplo or whatever is just an editor,in the scanlating totem pole editors are at the bottom,since they can come a dime a dozen,unlike translators and proofreaders.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:14 AM
She's aware of that. It's an inside joke.
Also, thanks for your point regarding editors. Appreciated, and very truthful.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:16 AM
actually I'd call that more of an outside joke.
get it?
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:17 AM
Wow. I don't really give a shit about what you did. It seems you didn't really do anything that bad but since Inane is providing the translated manga to you guys, you should listen to what they have to say. As far as i'm concerened if they want you to put their name on every page the manga is on you should do it. You should really have no say into what you do with their translations. Remember they're providing naruto fans with the manga. They should get the most credit for doing that.
Also after reading that irc script it seems to me that you started the fued. You were the one who said "Why haven't we banned Xplo yet". What, do you think he is gonna sit their and take that crap from you guys. And on top of that you guys are fuckin racist. You are the scum of the world, the worst kind of people around. I can't believe you are trying to defend yourself. I am really ashamed that there are shitheads like you in the naruto community. I stand by my statements 100%. I don't care what other people think.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:20 AM
whoa whoa whoa
If you did not read my carefully prepared reply, I did mention that until our little retaliatory effort, we NEVER intentionally changed ANYTHING from their releases.
And since you've never visited our little corner of the world, we talk that way to everyone, including seasoned veterans and their mothers. But I guess that's just our dry sense of humor.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:21 AM
As I ALREADY said, this is the last of MANY conversations/arguments with XpLo. He joined our channel first, and clearly started the "feud".
Scum? Shithead? Riiight.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:27 AM
I have a grudge against NarutoChuushin... if Inane is angry against them they most likely have a good reason..
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:30 AM
Well, I'm glad you at least put some thought into it.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:34 AM
I know you guys didn't really change anything. My point was, if inane thinks you changed something you should listen to them and do whatever they tell you to do. Even if it means not changing the scans to jpg format to make it look better.
Oh and i really don't think the was an argument. Xplo wasn't really arguing with you guys. It was more like you guys were talking shit about him. None of his comments seemed really offensive.
Oh and sry for calling you guys shitheads. I wasn't really directing it to you guys. I was directing it to the people on the irc script. You guys seem to be pretty nice here but if that happens to be you guys than i still stand by what i said.
Heh life isn't fair. Even if you hate the people guts you still have to listen to them because they're doing you a favor by translating the manga.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 07:36 AM
For the third time, that was the last of many. It's the only one I have saved. Sorry if I don't have the endless JPG vs. PNG debates from 6am saved
And I'm not going to bow to Inane just because they tell me to do something. There is a limit of sense and reason in everything. When breached, I'm not going to cross just because they make pretty scanslations.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 09:28 AM
LOL how old is that narutochuushin admin? he seems very immature... i wont support chuushin anymore with that guy there.....
INANE is the best scanlater out there we dont wnat to lose him...
Sat, 02-14-2004, 10:53 AM
Yeah even if they're in fault you should respect em more because well, that's THEIR work on your website afterall...
Sat, 02-14-2004, 10:59 AM
Can't resist to add my rant:
1) Editor :: manga editors are cleaning the scans and even redraw parts of the image that never existed before to give the english characters a nice fit. Don't know how that can be bottom work. Other than that, they do it, you do not. You are in no position to disrespetful talk of their work. If you do not like it, stop distroing their release.
2) File Format :: Chuushin news states that they change to jpg for browser compatibility. Lets check the better browsers first: Opera, Phoenix/Firebird/Firefox, Mozilla, Konqueror, Netscape Navigator, Safari. All of them have no problem with png, some not even with transparent or animated png. No for the browsers worse, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6. As bad as they are, even they can render normal png files correctly. Transparent/Animated png have to be embedded within Flash.
There might be many reasons to switch from png to jpg (worse quality, non free format whose legal status is vague ... can't think of reasons positive for jpg) -- browser compatibility for sure isn't one.
3) Name Change :: we all know the way it works. One guy sees the file on chuushin and he distributes the direct link via forum or instant messenger to his friends. So changing the file name is an issue, as these ppl won't see the news posts. It has a reason groups put their tags in the names.
4) Taking out tags, taking out images :: Looks like it applies in some extent. Evil.
5) Complaining :: No one is in no position to complain. If they decide to release 4 chapters once a month - then they decide so. If they release on sunday even if they finished friday night - then they decide so. If they drop naruto - then they drop it. End of discussion. They held it back, mwaa, mwaa, mommie. They do what they like and if you can't respect that, do it yourself. If you decide not to do so, shut your trap. They owe you less than nothing.
6) General :: Inane have stated conditions on what to do with their releases and what not before from what I can tell. It is their work, so respect these conditions. If you can't live with them - go for a different release. Maybe Inane should include some weird EULA with every release.
They give naruto to us and all they want in exchange is respect for their effort and respect for their work and the ways they want their work to be threated/distributed. That is not much, more like the least thing someone can ask for and should be self-evident even when it is not explicitly said so. To not do so shows clear sign of immaturity and problems in the field of social adjustment.
7) The worst :: changing the "Don't support" tag and telling people that what they saw was done by Inane in the news. Shame on you. The said what they said and had enough courage to avow it. You changed it but were to cowardish to say "That was done by us". Less than scum - all of you. Everybody above that level with a little bit of self respect would have left chuushin/the chuushin team at that point. Totally unbearable behaviour.
Summary :: if you are unhappy with Inane or its members, go with $OTHER_GROUP_OF_YOUR_CHOICE. But don't complain about them in the news and still go with their release. Be consequent. You have problems with them or you do not have. There is no such thing as "a little bit pregnant".
I was never very fond of chuushin for other reasons that do not matter right now, but after that thing it is sure that I will never be.
Sat, 02-14-2004, 11:58 AM
#1) This problem should have stayed Private...
Shame on those that made this a public issue...
#2) Stop posting your opinions on this matter, the only individuals this problem concerns is the parties involved, and it should stay that way.
#3) Inane does NOT own the rights to the Manga they are editing and translating, so as soon as it leaves that editing program anything goes. (BTW, no dis on you, thanks for your hard work and dedication, I know its alot of work) The only one that owns the rights is the original creator, Kishimoto...
#4) Put away your insults, and try to get along...Enjoy Naruto, if you dont like the group/what the group is doing, switch to someone else...Groups/sites/etc come and go, and even if no-one steps up and takes over, you will just have to wait til it is released in your country...or you could learn Japanese (there is a concept...)
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