View Full Version : 4th Hokage discussion

Dark Dragon
Sat, 02-14-2004, 02:38 AM
...........................................Possibl e Spoiler...........................................
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'><span style='font-family:Arial'>Ever Wonder Why the 4th Hokage Pick Naruto as the host for Kyubi ok let review some fact
1.We have never seen Naruto Parents
2.4th Hokage and Naruto look really similar
3.Out of all the kids in Konoha why did he pick Naruto

In my own opinion Naruto might actually be Hokage the 4th son but this is just my own opinion it might not even be true and i have never seen the Manga so tell me what u think.</span></span>

Uzumaki Naruto
Sat, 02-14-2004, 02:47 AM
um i think this has been discused a couple of times and if ur going to post a spoiler u have to change the font to match teh back ground of the forums so then only those who want to read highlight it and read it so then u dont get plz whinnig and bitching about it

Sat, 02-14-2004, 03:12 AM
nothing you said there is a spoiler, but the truth is that none of those who watch the anime know the answer
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>neither do those who read the manga, actually</span>

Sat, 02-14-2004, 03:29 AM
great observation captain obvious...... http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/rolleyes.gif

u&#39;ve been here how long?

pretty much everyone believes that naruto is the 4ths son, or that they&#39;re atleast related. it hasn&#39;t been proven in the anime however, so all u can really get is opinion thats already been given before. try searching, im sure u&#39;ll find something similar.

ps: although ur post isn&#39;t a spoiler, so it doesn&#39;t matter......its pretty stupid to create a thread where the first post is in spoiler font...atleast in anime section. most ppl wouldn&#39;t even read it.

Sat, 02-14-2004, 03:37 AM
with that in mind, thread locked, im sure by looking through the pages of past threads you&#39;ll find a thread that had many people&#39;s speculations on this topic, and you can add your opinions in that one http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif