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View Full Version : Bitorrent Never Really Lets Go

Fri, 01-02-2004, 08:48 AM
the other day i was trying to organize my naruto avi's which includes renaming ane moving in some cases. to my surprise -- i was not able to move or rename some of them. it said they were "in use by another application or person".

first off -- i was really pissed... because i hadn't had bittorent up for nearly a week... but i had noticed that things seemed r e a l s l o w l a t e l y.

i unplugged my network cable and within a few seconds i was able to rename my files w/o a problem.

so? what gives? does bittorent just pretend to close the connection? how can i be sure that i'm truly not being "used" at any given time. i think i actually even rebooted since the last BT session -- so it is as if it starts up on its own <?>

please advise.

Fri, 01-02-2004, 09:15 AM
What client do you use?

I use ABC ('http://pingpong-abc.sourceforge.net/download.html') and have not had any problems with moving or renaming. When you are done d/l leave it open for a while (30mins couple hours or so) then remove the torrent from the list, and move/rename all you want.

Sat, 01-03-2004, 02:02 AM
i ususally leave the torrent window open over night (ie i start it in the late evening and turn it off in the morning some time).

i'm using the "generic" one -- but it is the "beta" version that they had posted.

what exactly do you mean by "remove the torrent from the list"?

do you mean - move it from the folder that it was downloaded to? because that is what i tried to do.

anyway - last night i was trying to download 61 and 63, and when i came back this morning they both were about 75% done -- and it said "connection refused".

is it time for me to get really paranoid?

Legendary Nin
Sat, 01-03-2004, 02:33 AM
The reason why you couldn't rename the files isthat there is a 99$ chance they were still being used by bitorremt.Solution? right click on your bar and goto task manger,then process,look for btdownloadguide,then close it.You will now be able to rename your files,just make sure you aren't downloading anything at the time.
Connection refusal can happen when your having trouble connectiing to a peer.just like time outs,etc.It is nothing,just leave it on,you have no reason to be paranoid.