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View Full Version : Bit torrent question

Mon, 12-29-2003, 12:35 PM
Hey, i was wondering I have the first 31 eps of HXH,so i dont wanna download the whole series but the thing is the only place that has it is a series batch, so it possible i can change the file name of the first31 eps to the filename of the first 31 eps of that batch and then it wont download those 31 eps?

If it is relevant i use The Shadows as my BT client.


Tue, 12-30-2003, 02:43 AM
Okay thnktyou http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif ....................finally someone answered, and yes i agree TSBT is the best!

Tue, 12-30-2003, 07:37 AM
Yep , you can just change the filenames and the torrent batch will just check the files for errors. If there are no errors it will mark them as complete and go on with the next file.

And i think it's relevant to use The Shadows bittorrent client. It's the best.
And it has alotta usefull options.