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Mon, 12-29-2003, 02:26 AM
hm... Bad Length. Sounds like your file is either corrupt or incomplete. You said you tried re-downloading already right? Have you ever experienced anything like this before?

How did you get your file? Did you get it from the Torrent Network? Where was the invalid chunk information located? Was it under the file length, video information, audio information or rendering information section of the program?

If it was under length, and you got it via the torrent network. Then that part of your HD may be corrupt and can't be fixed. I'm not saying it is, but it may, and i don't have any other possible solutions or explanations on my part... sorry =/

If it's under audio, or video. One of your codecs may be corrupt, in which case you should re-install some. You should only need to re-install 3 basic codecs tho to play the file: xvid, divx, and wmp9 codecs.

If it's under rendering, then i have no solution for you i'm afraid. If G-Spot dosn't suggest or state that it's a codec problem, i really don't know.

I just hope you got this file via a different source other than through the torrent network..

Mon, 12-29-2003, 02:36 AM
This is my first time to downloading from Gotwoot. Yes, this is my second time to download. Very soon, I'll be able to see how Naruto 12 turned out.

I recieved the file from here: http://www.gotwoot.net/torrents.php ('http://www.gotwoot.net/torrents.php')
The invalid chunk was located 1.5 seconds into the video. It said bad chunk under the file section.

I do not believe my Hard drive is corrupt but I could run the Disk Defragmenter if you believe that would help.


I just finished downloading Naruto 12. It does not work at all. I got this from the Gspot:

This is, or appears to be, an unsupported file type. GSpot provides full support for AVI and OGG media streams. Based on its composition, GSpot believes the filetype to be "Non-AVI File - Type Unknown".

That text was from under "File".


I downloaded Naruto 11 a 3rd time. It does not work. It quits after 1.5 seconds. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sleep.gif

Mon, 12-29-2003, 01:53 PM
Ok, I've tried all the things that you guys have suggested for other people but it doesn't work for me. I tried redownloading. That didn't work. I tried changing the Video Format with AviC (FourCC changer). That didn't work. I even checked it with the GSpot Codec Information Appliance. The GSpot informs me that the video has an invalid chunk.

While processing chunk /RIFF:AVI /LIST:movi, found bad length value 295148897 at file offset 0x000414ec

Wed, 12-31-2003, 11:14 AM
This is weird, and totally messed up o_o;

I don't have answers for this problem unfortunately, if your Harddrive is messed up, running defrag wouldn't help. However, i think it would be a good idea to check to see if your HD is corrupt by doing a scandisk.

Go to My Computer, right click your harddrive which you are saving the anime to, and then go to properties. Then go to tools, and tick the two boxes and click scan. The computer will then tell you the Harddrive is in use and can't be scanned without restarting your computer. Click "Yes" and let the computer restart.

The problem with this new scandisk system, is that Windows automatically boots straight away when it's finished, so you don't get the chance to see the report. In other words, you must either keep watching it until it's finished. Or make sure you check on it every 5 minutes or less.

If it finds a problem, it will mention a file and trunacate (sp?) it. If there are a lot of these, then the possibility that your harddrive is physically messed up is high.

If you store the anime on the same harddrive as your OS, then you will only need to do the scan once. If it is stored on a different harddrive, then you will need to do a scan on both Harddrives.