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View Full Version : ' Rar ' Episode

Thu, 12-25-2003, 02:08 AM
the episode? cant remember, sorry http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif i dont have the episodes on my comp either so i cant look. i think it was like rock lee's fight or maybe shikamaru's anyway it was during the prelims, maybe the hyuga fight

shinobi kakashi
Thu, 12-25-2003, 04:23 AM
i've got every single episode on my computer and not a one came in a rar file, where did you got the file from anyways? all the bt's at gotwoot are .avi. compression isn't effective on avi files anyways, so it could be a bogus file,

Thu, 12-25-2003, 05:21 AM
Rar just uses better compression then zip, its a favoured compression program

www.winrar.com or google it

Thu, 12-25-2003, 06:57 AM
It's the end of gaara / rock lee 's fight...

Thu, 12-25-2003, 01:04 PM
Yea ..

Around the mid 50's, there is this certain episode where you need WinRar. I remember seeing it and being like, " Aw hell naw. " Lol, I don't know. Could someone inform me about this episode or something? Just curious of what it was about. If this has been addressed previously, sorry. I was too lazeh to look back.

Thu, 12-25-2003, 01:17 PM
WinRar is basically an archiving program like winzip and winace

it compresses the files inside it to make it more secure and a weigh a lil less MB wise

basically the .avi file or whatever format it was on, is inside the .rar like a folder

Thu, 12-25-2003, 01:49 PM
more secure? not really.... ive never seen an avi with a virus a zip/ zip executable however...

but i guess u can pw it... either way id recemend (spelling) a good antivirus befure getting your video in zip format