View Full Version : Chi: Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite
Sat, 10-05-2024, 03:47 PM
15th century Poland—a time when heretical ideas led those who possessed such a mindset to be burned at the stake for their beliefs. Rafał, a child prodigy, is expected to major in theology at university, the most important subject at the time. However, one day he meets a mysterious man, and begins researching a potential "truth" amid heretical ideas!
Episode 1:
Ok, this opening is amazing, lol. Made it totally feel like I'm about to watch some Vinland Saga-spinoff :D
The episode itself was also quite nice, although animation cannot keep up with the Vinland Saga-comparison. Also, the whole "frame" is very small in that first episode, we have no person close to the hero other than the short appearance of Hubert. Most of the episode is a monologue of his thoughts. But that's okay for a first episode, I'm hopeful the cast of characters widens with episode 2 onwards.
The inquisitor also was such a Vinland Saga-character, lol. I'm pretty sure his voice actor actually voices some prominent character in VL, too, sounds very familiar. So did the hero's voice actor, is it the same as Toya from Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai?
Anyway, very glad to see that this turned out interesting so far. Another serious story with character designs where adults don't look like taller children. Hopefully it keeps up. And hopefully some more of you will watch this!
Sat, 10-12-2024, 07:22 PM
Episode 3:
Absolutely didn't expect that to happen. No bs happy end. Rafal is truly inspiring. Wow.
Sat, 10-19-2024, 04:14 PM
Episod 4:
Another nice episode. The animation suddenly became incredible during the duel :D
Oczy being so devote to the church while also doubting the afterlife is a bit hard to understand for me, i like Gras more who shows a more direct path, having his family taken from him, then his interest in Mars, then this "opportunity". But interesting characters nonetheless.
The noble guy in the tavern was suspicious imo. Why does a random noble guy know such details about Mars' movement? Maybe we'll see him again.
Also, the opening being changed for the new protagonist was a nice surprise.
Sat, 10-26-2024, 03:38 PM
Episode 5:
Great episode. This episode made my almost cry several time, first in the opening when Rafal looks at the camera. There's something that hits me deeply emotionally about this story where people are willing to give up their life for the hope that something they helped doing is being carried on.
Also as of now this reminds me a lot of "Fumetsu no Anata e".
Sat, 11-02-2024, 01:10 PM
Episode 6:
I love how hyped this anime gets me about something that's so NORMAL for everyone nowadays :D
Badeni, the monk, is a great character, but so is Occy the mercenary. I hope neither of them dies too soon.
Also, I wonder whether Badeni just got lucky with his second eye or the older monk spared him that one.
Sat, 11-02-2024, 07:01 PM
Are there cute girls or waki in this?
Sun, 11-03-2024, 07:20 AM
Are there cute girls or waki in this?
Begone, thot!
(from the opening, I assume a little girl will play some bigger role, but she hasn't appeared yet)
Sun, 11-03-2024, 09:04 AM
Dropped before picked up.
Sat, 11-09-2024, 06:15 PM
Episode 7:
And there the girl from the opening is introduced, Jolena. The anime hasn't shown it yet, but I'm 99,9% sure her father is the inquisitor, which makes it highly ironic she'd be the one coming into contact with Rafal's work.
Frustrating how she didn't tell the magister that she wrote the text, but I wonder if this was a good or bad idea. Maybe the old man really would have accused her of being a witch. You just cannot know.
So the 3 meet. Wonder what they'll do from now. Also ... was Rafal the only one to die? The opening change kinda makes me nervous and expect more deaths to occur.
Sat, 12-07-2024, 09:02 PM
Episode 11:
Also, Badeni is WAY too carefree about the topic of astronomy/astrology.
I only wonder whether it was that topic that made Nowak return or he actually realized that it's Oczy just from having seen his eyes or mannerisms.
Since the episode ended the way it did, I kinda don't expect next episode to start with a quick double kill, so at least one of the two will survive. Although both have red flags: Badeni wanted to write a letter but didn't, saying "I'll have time for this later". And Oczy talked about his beautiful future plans of studying, which is just as revolutionary as the other two's plans, escaping his lower class and working towards a better life. So both him and Badeni are written to end in a tragic death :/ I really hope they don't both die.
Sat, 12-14-2024, 02:21 PM
Episode 12:
"Hey, they'll be here in 5 minutes to slaughter us ... also let's calmly discuss what to do for another couple minutes." >___________________>
It was a spectacular, awesome episode, but that time management was REALLY stupid.
God, pls let Oczy survive this somehow. Maybe he could shout "your daughter believes in heliocentrism, too!".
Anyway, easily anime of the season. Wow.
Sat, 12-28-2024, 10:02 PM
Episode 14:
O - M -G
The good people are killed, the bad ones stay >_>
I wonder how Nowak will react now. One one hand he deserves all the worst. On the other, his "worst" is something bad happening to his daughter.
Goddamn, I really thought Oczy would make it somehow.
Logically, Nowak should become the strongest defender of heliocentrism now, because he should still want to protect his daughter. At least rn I have no doubt he values his daughter more than the church.
Sat, 01-04-2025, 05:15 AM
I was bored between episodes 4 and... 8 or something.
The last few episodes have been exciting, and very uncomfortable. The world back then was such a shit place to live in.
Sat, 01-04-2025, 08:49 PM
Episode 15:
Hard to feel sympathy for the guy who murdered so many innocent people. Although I was sweating a bit for the pos priest who stood next to him at the fire. If i were that guy, I'd be scared shitless, lol.
Not sure if I can buy the twist with the "books" at the end. Just some minutes ago the beggars spoke about how the eyepatch priest has been sus to them and it was only the guy with the tied hair aka Oczy who they liked. And now they let them shave and tattoo their heads? Ehhhhhh.
Sat, 01-04-2025, 11:22 PM
Not sure if I can buy the twist with the "books" at the end. Just some minutes ago the beggars spoke about how the eyepatch priest has been sus to them and it was only the guy with the tied hair aka Oczy who they liked. And now they let them shave and tattoo their heads? Ehhhhhh.
He paid them for it, and they let him because of it. They found him sus because they did stuff to their head and didn't understand the significance.
I can feel sympathetic for Novak. I can compartmentalize that he's killed a bunch of people as part of his job, and he's also had his daughter killed. I hope the blonde young inquisitor tells him the truth soon so he can start progress the story again.
I'm impressed with Bardeni's plan. That said, healthcare was shit back then so I'm not sure how long he'd expect the beggars to be alive for, and I imagine tattoos would also be a bigger infection risk back then compared to today and that doesn't help.
Sun, 01-05-2025, 08:47 AM
Was it said that Badeni paid the beggars for the tattoos or is that your theory?
Mon, 01-06-2025, 06:14 AM
During a particular episode he paid them coins, told them the bread would keep coming but also asked them to do something else for him. This was then never elaborated on until now. We also know that he's been reading old mate's diary.
Sun, 01-26-2025, 01:06 PM
Episode 18
Jolenta! Finally, a good character that isn't dead.
Sun, 01-26-2025, 01:28 PM
Draka memorizing the entire book was kind super bs, but ok.
I wasn't sure it'd be Jolenta at the end. Kinda expect her father who's now fighting the church after they took his daughter. This is better, though.
Draka is super lucky, though. Everything she said about god would probably have her got killed in the presence of anyone else. Only these people are open minded enough to let it slide. And even then, it's probably because Draka is kinda good with words to transport her believes clearly.
Sun, 01-26-2025, 09:45 PM
Yeah the dude who thinks "we should all go back to basics" is a nutcase himself but is surprisingly accommodating.
They also can't do shit like knock her out or beat her over her head since they need her memory. (I'm not saying they intend to, but even if they did, it would be contraindicated)
And for all of Badeni's talk, he included Potocki's name in the end.
Sat, 02-01-2025, 12:38 PM
Episode 19:
So it's safe to say Draka has a photographic memory, right? I wonder if that played a role elsewhere in his life, it's a significant adventage to have.
Jolana's father still being obsessed to fight heliocentrism is dumb. I wonder how he'll react when he meets his daughter. Kill her or change sides?
Sun, 02-02-2025, 05:10 AM
So it's safe to say Draka has a photographic memory, right?
Probably, or at least very good memory to the point where it more or less functions as one. She was making maps for the village etc prior.
It does have an advantage when used like this. I've heard that they can also suffer quite a bit from psychological trauma as well since it's hard to forget.
Jolana's father still being obsessed to fight heliocentrism is dumb. I wonder how he'll react when he meets his daughter. Kill her or change sides?
I doubt he'll kill her. He's not really obliged to either since his employment is all for show.
Sat, 02-08-2025, 01:10 PM
Episode 20:
That's bs! Ugh
Now there's no way Nowak will ever find out the truth, because there's no evidence of anything left. Oh man.
Sat, 02-08-2025, 03:02 PM
Episode 20:
That's bs! Ugh
Now there's no way Nowak will ever find out the truth, because there's no evidence of anything left. Oh man.
He'll meet the money girl one day and recognise the hood Jolenta gave her and learn of the truth that way.
Sat, 02-15-2025, 11:09 AM
This show can be half an hour of tension at times. When the OP started playing, I thought time had passed quickly and we were at the end, but it was only 7mins.
The spy dude asking all these important questions a few episodes earlier was suss then. I'm glad that it amounted to something.
I don't know who "he" is - the "he" that Draka was referring to. She should have no idea who Novak is. I'm expecting her to convince him to let her go, but all she should know is that there's a bunch of knights with maybe an inquisitor who are out to stop them. Trying to convince any of them to let her go should sound improbable unless you specifically knew that one of them was the dad of Jolenta.
edit: or, I suppose, the only other person she knows in the church was the person who originally abducted her and wanted her to figure out how they'd remain rich when the church collapsed. That's not going to help immediately though.
Sat, 02-15-2025, 03:51 PM
"Is that a suggestion, captain?"
"This is an order."
Made me tear up. Such loyal companions, damn.
I still don't get why they're not standing together to fight. The approaching inquisitors weren't that many last time we met them and the rebels have been shown to be capable fighters.
Sat, 02-22-2025, 02:32 PM
episode 22:
Okay, am I misunderstanding something? After all this time, all these deaths, all the struggle, we're now supposed to believe that heliocentrism was only blasphemy in some narrow area within Poland? And elsewhere it was totally okay to talk about heliocentrism?
I must be misunderstanding something, because I'm pretty sure that heliocentrism was blasphemy in all of the Christian parts of the world up to a certain point in time.
What a weird "twist" to go for.
Sat, 02-22-2025, 03:15 PM
I'm not familiar with this part of history. All I know was that Galileo got into shit, and it went to the level of the Pope.
I have no idea if Antoni meant other places as in other Christian kingdoms, or just other kingdoms entirely.
I felt annoyed during his confrontation with Nowak. He's right of course, from a modern viewpoint, but he's still a cunt who tried to get Jolenta killed to spite Nowak.
Interestingly, in this story the way to advance science was to effectively bribe authority.
Sat, 02-22-2025, 03:44 PM
My issue also is that nothing Antoni said should have changed Nowak's mind. Nowak has heard similar speeches all his life when heretics told him their stories. But this time he instantly folds? Weird.
Sat, 02-22-2025, 04:23 PM
His issue is his bias. He decides that heretics are liars, and that he should torture them until they fold. He doesn't actually listen to their logic.
He can't do that against a bishop who he isn't actively investigating and actually has to argue. When he has to argue, it shows that he doesn't actually understand why heliocentrism is bad aside from his employer saying it is.
In the beginning of the series he takes on a "I'm just paid to do a job" attitude and never really gave a shit about higher reasons. When his daughter was caught up heliocentrism and "died", it became personal. He then decided heliocentrism was bad because to him, this idea and its believers were responsible for corrupting/killing his daughter.
Sat, 03-01-2025, 08:02 PM
Episode 23:
I wonder who the guy is. Probably whoever received the dove?
Not sure how I feel about Draka landing a fatal hit on THE Novak, but I was positively surprised that both him AND her died. And it was kinda nice to see how both found peace in the end, despite having different believes.
When they were talking about replacing god with money, though, I didn't know who to root for anymore, lol. Capitalism is the root of so much evil today, we might have been better off with god.
The clown-award goes to Antoni, though. Last week I was like "disappointing how easily Novak let himself get persuaded by mere words". And this week showed that it, indeed, would have been out of character for him to falter that easily. Antoni was WAY too assured of his safety, wow.
Sun, 03-02-2025, 12:46 PM
Yeah, why the fuck would Nowak stab her then get stabbed back in reverse? I liked how Nowak's story concluded though.
Sat, 03-08-2025, 04:59 PM
Episode 24:
Don't know what to think about this. So apparently this is some alternative universe-stuff, or everything so far has been a dream or what. Suddenly we have an adult Rafael.
Need to see the last episode before I can judge whether or not I like this.
Sun, 03-09-2025, 10:20 PM
Is this an alternative universe? Or did Rafael survive somehow? Like you I'll have to wait and see but I didn't think about an alternative world.
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