View Full Version : Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!

Fri, 07-26-2024, 11:56 AM

"Kazuhiko Nukumizu, a self-proclaimed "background character," accidentally witnessed his popular classmate Anna Yanami being rejected by her childhood friend. Since then, Kazuhiko has become involved with several loser heroines, including Anna."

Genre(s): Rom-com

Research (https://subsplease.org/shows/make-heroine-ga-oosugiru/)


Oh yeeees. Very enjoyable, fresh twist on tired harem tropes that is so much fun to watch. Honestly; the gags are on point (as is the fanservice, I must say). The humor (characters being a little too honest/real with each other) is reminiscent to the writing style of Konosuba and it really sticks out against typical anime dialog in a good way without ever getting that smarmy. Animation is better than I expected and has tons of little unnecessary flourishes that give the characters life. Can't praise this enough, for my tastes.

I'm dying to see what they can do with the story once the last main girl gets rejected.

Don't sleep on this one if you can help it!

Fri, 07-26-2024, 02:50 PM
Yeah, the fanservice progressed VERY quickly in E2. :p

This is pretty funny so far.

I love that the school nurse seems to have the school bugged just because she's obsessed with eavesdropping on teen drama.

Fri, 07-26-2024, 03:15 PM
And her mis-speaking about her liaisons and the scribbled little chart. Funny gags.

Tue, 07-30-2024, 10:58 AM

Early for a beach episode, but whatevs.

Genuinely surprised she confessed out loud like that- the show is really adept at switching tones on a dime. Do you think next episode will fast forward past the rejection, or pick up right here?

Sat, 08-03-2024, 02:34 PM


The End!

Oh wait, we're only on episode 4.

Mon, 08-05-2024, 08:35 AM
Sure looked like it.

Next wonder: will it tease romance among the dejected, or will this be purely slice of life going forward?

Sat, 08-17-2024, 05:23 PM
Eps 6


Honestly, Mitsuki is so stupid it is appalling.

Wed, 08-28-2024, 10:43 AM
Well, he's a 'nice guy' in anime, so that tracks. Denser than a neutron star.


Circling back around to Yakishio's trauma and her getting over it was a smart move, and handled pretty well. While one could fear that hijinks would dilute the emotional stakes they've built up so far, they wisely step off the gag and veer into some good character writing mixed with a managable dose of angst that lets me root for everyone in the end. A difficult- but deftly handled- arc, I would say.

Wed, 08-28-2024, 11:52 AM
There hasn't been nearly enough of the teacher and nurse in this. They practically disappeared after ep 2.

Wed, 08-28-2024, 05:47 PM
True, but the students themselves carry the show well. Think we'll get a Nukumizu/teachers arc down the road?

Thu, 08-29-2024, 05:54 AM
Somehow I like the art and animation. Not an action anime, but feels easy to watch and follow. Feelings get across visually too, instead of only VA talents.

Thu, 08-29-2024, 07:14 AM
I would chalk that up to some good animation, but even more so to the direction. Like the subtle posing and expressiveness was explicitly storyboarded. You see this 'unnecessary motion' in anime sometimes, and it almost always makes watching a joy.

Thu, 08-29-2024, 01:24 PM
Thank you for your input, I didn't put it into words like you did.
I don't know if it costs a lot of resources to animate like that, but I feel it's a right way to do it like that for most slice of life and easy going shows

Thu, 08-29-2024, 06:02 PM
The show spends it's sakuga on characters doing nothing.

Wed, 09-25-2024, 12:07 PM

Each arc has had enough fun little twists and turns that I wonder if we'll get one last trip to the Anna slice of the story before the season wraps? Amazingly enough, there have been zero hints of romance among the main four yet, and that just doesn't compute in modern anime.