View Full Version : Summer Season 2024
Sun, 06-16-2024, 12:37 PM
Just realized that a lot of anime are already near their end, so the Summer season 2024 isn't far off!
Here's what I'm gonna give a look:
- Oshi no Ko S2 (nice, this was really great in S1, hope it stays as strong
- Shika Nokonoko Koshitantan (the absolute obnoxcious marketing of turning the intro song into a meme has me check this out at least, sigh)
- Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga nai (premise is somewhat fun, but eh)
- Boku no Hero
- Karasu wa Aruji o Erabanai
... wow. Super bad season incoming? So much dumb comedy stuff or really generic isekai/fantasy shows :/ Guess time to watch some older anime.
Sun, 06-16-2024, 01:03 PM
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai. - Member of Dark Elf Supremacy Faction, reporting in. The animation doesn't look great, but I'm still going to watch it faithfully. It's a cute gag reverse-isekai.
That's probably it. I'll catch up on the series I didn't get time for this season or the previous (maybe).
Oshi no Ko is fine, but I really don't like this arc (which is one of the longest in the series) for a number of reasons that I will not elaborate on. If anything, I'll binge it or download and not watch it.
Sun, 06-16-2024, 08:03 PM
Mon, 06-17-2024, 12:35 AM
lol, like anyone doesnt know how to find it ah this point :D
Mon, 06-17-2024, 01:58 AM you.
Yes to...
Oshi No Ko
Tower of God
More Fairy Tail? I thought that ended.
That's it?
Well, at least Slime and HeroAca are continuing.
Mon, 06-17-2024, 10:56 AM
Oshi no ko
I guess I'll watch some Fairy Tail if the music is still good.
Maid Cafe Terrace's art looks pleasing enough, so I might check out the first series to see if I like it.
Looking at the studioes, PA Works has three shows at least this season. They're usually very pretty. Too bad it's been years since I actually liked something they've done.
Death BOO Z
Mon, 06-17-2024, 12:20 PM
will probably watch oshi no ko and 2.5d seduction (at least for a few episodes) - I like the mangas and that's enough.
Tue, 06-18-2024, 04:56 PM
Tower of God because I enjoyed the first season (especially the music)
That show with the russian girl
That show with the deer girl
Isekai Shikkaku perhaps because it sounds like it can be funny.
That "Parry" show
Perhaps that Chobits2.0 show, but I doubt it's going to have the same feel to it.
Maybe that "Sword guy in a magic dominated world" show, because the trailer looked like it has good animation.
Sun, 06-30-2024, 08:32 AM
Perhaps that Chobits2.0 show, but I doubt it's going to have the same feel to it.
So the first episode released and it got kinda awkward, considering how desperate MC is and how "non-human" she looks like.
But I think robot/cold characters that are actually "dere" inside are kinda cute and thus I'm quite sure I'll enjoy this worldly innocent robot trying to please her "owner".
I already smiled quite a bit when she tried to close her eyes slightly to not look as "scary", of course that actually made her look mad/angry and had the exact opposite effect.
Wed, 07-03-2024, 06:38 PM
Where tf is this SHikanokonoko anime now? AFter months of obnoxious advertising on instagram, I now wanna see it lol. But it's not up on the usual source
Thu, 07-04-2024, 02:30 AM
Where tf is this SHikanokonoko anime now? AFter months of obnoxious advertising on instagram, I now wanna see it lol. But it's not up on the usual source
Thu, 07-04-2024, 10:25 AM
So the first episode released and it got kinda awkward, considering how desperate MC is and how "non-human" she looks like.
But I think robot/cold characters that are actually "dere" inside are kinda cute and thus I'm quite sure I'll enjoy this worldly innocent robot trying to please her "owner".
I already smiled quite a bit when she tried to close her eyes slightly to not look as "scary", of course that actually made her look mad/angry and had the exact opposite effect.
She uses her strength to to coerce her master. She's not made very pretty and her design is purposely done as a robot. Hands, legs, camera lens eyes, mouth not moving when speaking with a synthetic voice. We might also see her head open at some point.
Interresting how you read her semi closed eyes as her way to try to look a little better to her master.
I totally read that has a payback for his lack of tact.
But it's totally possible it's a bit of both. She tries that, sees how he panicks and understand she can bully him a little with that.
I use "she/her" because we are waiting for a machine with feelings and something that crosses the boundaries to be considered a living/sentient entity.
Fri, 07-05-2024, 07:30 AM
The "I Parry Everything" show is super silly, guy left his animals to die, lol.
Obviously not what actually happen but would've realistically happen because the author couldn't be arsed to show someone else taking care of them.
Animation seems okay though and I like adventure-stuff, I'm interested so far because MC is bulky as hell, I'll probably keep watching anyway, even though pretty much everything about it is stupid.
The "Russian Girl" show however seems fun and hopefully will remain that way - in terms of quality as well.
Kinda hope we'll get to see him telling her that he can speak russian.
Fri, 07-05-2024, 07:39 AM
I'm just so tired of all these ONE GIMMICK-anime. Have anime producers/manga writers lost their ability to write ACTUAL stories? Compare Record of Lodoss War to "I parry everything" - WTF?!? Or BERSERK. If BERSERK were made today, it'd be called "My Sword is so big is it really a sword?" and the whole story would focus on Guts shocking people with his giant sword. :/ Why can't we have coherent, GOOD, well-written stories anymore where, sure, crazy stuff happens, but it is NOT the main focus? If the guy here wants to parry everything, sure, let him. But WHY DOES THAT DEFINE THE WHOLE STORY?!? It's so fucking frustrating. Normal writer: "So here's a guy trying to become an adventurer and he's experienceing all sorts of adventures". Modern writers: "So this guy's only ability is parry and EVERY scene must be about parrying and he only talks about parrying and fuck any proper story building, let's just focus on the parrying because it hilarious!11" :/
On another note: ALL men in that last scene died, only the girl got saved. Can western feminists pls be outraged about this? Oh wait, it's just men. Nobody cares when they're killed ...
Fri, 07-05-2024, 10:03 AM
On another note: ALL men in that last scene died, only the girl got saved. Can western feminists pls be outraged about this? Oh wait, it's just men. Nobody cares when they're killed ...
That's because it's a male's dream to be the only one able to rescue the helpless "princess" that can't do jack to save herself and she needs to rely on the bulky man and almost gets wet while looking at him.
So, it's probably rather hard to be outraged about that specific thing, when the whole scene is already so male oriented ;).
The whole show is super bad in terms of... anything.
"I can now parry 10 swords in a single breath"
"I can now parry 100 swords in a single breath"
"I can now parry 1000 swords in a single breath"
"Dude, calm down and get your 5 yo child away from the script! - W-Wait... *YOU* wrote that?!"
The way how he "parried" them is also just beyond silly... like... he farted a big wind and *woosh*, all the hanging wooden swords move a bit
"I'm now powerful enough to parry 1000 swords hanging from a line - yet I can't do anything else"
That's basically what other animes use as jokes, but in this show it's supposed to be taken seriously :D
Fri, 07-05-2024, 10:16 AM
I find it hilarious that he thinks the Minotaur that killed an entire guard retinue was... a cow.
I think this is supposed to be treated as half-satire.
Fri, 07-05-2024, 10:18 AM
I find it hilarious that he thinks the Minotaur that killed an entire guard retinue was... a cow.
I think this is supposed to be treated as half-satire.
I hope so!
Fri, 07-05-2024, 10:25 AM
That's what I hope about 90% of all anime made in the past 10 years :/
Although it's terrible either way, sigh.
I know I'm repeat-ranting, but last night I reminisced about several old anime. Claymore, Dennou Coil, Gantz, and others. It feels like modern anime-makers (or the mangaka writing the stories that get adapted) have completely forgotten how to tell GOOD stories. Now it's all about singular "cool" scenes, some marketable gimmick and an utmost generic artstyle that doesn't offend anyone. I really refuse any notion of "everything used to be better back then"-boomer accusations, because at least for anime, it's simply true. Anime used to be so much better. And I haven't even mentioned the good stuff like Ghibli-movies, Akira, Armitage, and all the lesser known yet gorgeous anime. Heck, even ecchi anime was higher quality in the past, see Golden Boy or Agent Aika. Rant end.
Fri, 07-05-2024, 02:27 PM
I'm just so tired of all these ONE GIMMICK-anime. Have anime producers/manga writers lost their ability to write ACTUAL stories? Compare Record of Lodoss War to "I parry everything" - WTF?!? Or BERSERK. If BERSERK were made today, it'd be called "My Sword is so big is it really a sword?" and the whole story would focus on Guts shocking people with his giant sword. :/ Why can't we have coherent, GOOD, well-written stories anymore where, sure, crazy stuff happens, but it is NOT the main focus? If the guy here wants to parry everything, sure, let him. But WHY DOES THAT DEFINE THE WHOLE STORY?!? It's so fucking frustrating.
What? You don't think the premise of an elf that can't stop eating french fries is fertile enough ground to carry an entire series?
It feels like modern anime-makers (or the mangaka writing the stories that get adapted) have completely forgotten how to tell GOOD stories. Now it's all about singular "cool" scenes, some marketable gimmick and an utmost generic artstyle that doesn't offend anyone.They haven't forgotten. That's just what their dipshit shut-in audiences want. And they want to pay their bills.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 07-05-2024, 05:16 PM
I watched that parry anime. remarkably stupid and empty for 20 minutes.
it's not even bad in an interesting way, it's just devoid of any value or attempt to have value.
will drop, unless someone writes here in the next few weeks that it somehow became good.
also, when did the translation become so bad and so low effort?
Twenty years ago we would get each OP and ED fully translated, kanji and romanji to sing along. now we don't have anything.
They would never allow the subtitles to clash with the on-screen text and create this unreadable mess.
and they would have translated the MC's name as Null, indicating that he has no skills.
this is basic shit.
Fri, 07-05-2024, 07:03 PM
It feels like modern anime-makers (or the mangaka writing the stories that get adapted) have completely forgotten how to tell GOOD stories.
I really refuse any notion of "everything used to be better back then"-boomer accusations, because at least for anime, it's simply true. Anime used to be so much better.
You say this multiple times a year, and it fundamentally and objectively is not true. I see no reason to repeat the rebuttal I wrote last time across dozens of posts, so find it and re-read it.
Anime adaptations are going to be what sells, as DEX pointed out.
As for manga, you're reading the wrong shit and that's on you.
also, when did the translation become so bad and so low effort?
Twenty years ago we would get each OP and ED fully translated, kanji and romanji to sing along. now we don't have anything.
They would never allow the subtitles to clash with the on-screen text and create this unreadable mess.
and they would have translated the MC's name as Null, indicating that he has no skills.
this is basic shit.
When Crunchyroll took over licensing and Funimation subsequently bought CR and took their name because Funimation's was permanently tainted by their decades of lower quality that made CR rise over them in the first place.
There's no fansubbers anymore, just rippers using the official simulcast translation.
The OP/ED lyrics come when the singles are released. Same as fansubs did mid-season. But good riddance to the karaoke hardsubs on top of the OP/ED, imo.
What? You don't think the premise of an elf that can't stop eating french fries is fertile enough ground to carry an entire series?
How little you know...
Fri, 07-05-2024, 09:04 PM
You say this multiple times a year, and it fundamentally and objectively is not true. I see no reason to repeat the rebuttal I wrote last time across dozens of posts, so find it and re-read it.
Anime adaptations are going to be what sells, as DEX pointed out.
This doesn't contradict what I wrote.
Yes, shit stories are made into shit anime, because it sells. At the same time, they remain shit, unlike anime from 20-30 years ago which told bonafide great stories combined with great animation.
Just because you like modern gimmick bait doesn't mean anime is good.
And I don't read manga. I watch anime and commented on that.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 07-06-2024, 02:39 AM
When Crunchyroll took over licensing and Funimation subsequently bought CR and took their name because Funimation's was permanently tainted by their decades of lower quality that made CR rise over them in the first place.
There's no fansubbers anymore, just rippers using the official simulcast translation.
The OP/ED lyrics come when the singles are released. Same as fansubs did mid-season. But good riddance to the karaoke hardsubs on top of the OP/ED, imo.
so you're saying that it's normal to have multiple lines of dialog clashing like this?
Sat, 07-06-2024, 04:13 AM
This doesn't contradict what I wrote.
Yes, shit stories are made into shit anime, because it sells. At the same time, they remain shit, unlike anime from 20-30 years ago which told bonafide great stories combined with great animation.
Just because you like modern gimmick bait doesn't mean anime is good.
And I don't read manga. I watch anime and commented on that.
Oh come on, you know damn well that the majority of animes 20-30 years ago were absolute shit as well. It's not true at all that they used to be better, no matter how much you want to deny it.
It's rare for anime to have good writing or direction.
All the kid shows you probably liked are absolute garbage and full of these nonsense situations you are complaining abut.
("Parry" is shitty writing and low effort, just pointing that out in case someone might think I'm defending that garbage)
And that's just the stuff you watched like everyone else on RTL2, VOX, MTV and the likes.
The sea had way more fish, fish that never crossed the sea, that were even dumber than what we watched.
so you're saying that it's normal to have multiple lines of dialog clashing like this?
I don't watch streams, I guess this will get fixed soon. It's not "standard" at all though.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 05:07 AM
Oh come on, you know damn well that the majority of animes 20-30 years ago were absolute shit as well. It's not true at all that they used to be better, no matter how much you want to deny it.
It's rare for anime to have good writing or direction.
All the kid shows you probably liked are absolute garbage and full of these nonsense situations you are complaining abut.
("Parry" is shitty writing and low effort, just pointing that out in case someone might think I'm defending that garbage)
And that's just the stuff you watched like everyone else on RTL2, VOX, MTV and the likes.
The sea had way more fish, fish that never crossed the sea, that were even dumber than what we watched.
But I'm not comparing EVERYTHING then to EVERYTHING now. I'm comparing the best from then to the best from now and that difference is crass imo.
Simple question: Which fantasy anime of the past 5 years is on par with Record of Ldoss War? Certainly not Mushoku Tensei, as much as I'm enjoying it.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 08:03 AM
Frieren - easily.
Much better even.
Mushoku too, even if you don't think so.
You overestimate that old flick btw, standards where pretty low, that's why it's so good.
Depending on whether you refer to the OVA or series I'd rate the show differently too.
Grancrest Senki is from the same author.
As far as I remember that show didn't do well on this forum, I kinda liked it, because it featured the coolest fire mage ever shown in anime, but it was nothing to write home about. It wasn't a bad work though, I think standards just became higher.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 08:33 AM
Grancrest Senki is from the same author.
As far as I remember that show didn't do well on this forum, I kinda liked it, because it featured the coolest fire mage ever shown in anime, but it was nothing to write home about. It wasn't a bad work though, I think standards just became higher.
I liked Grancrest a lot, but the title of coolest fire mage still goes to the Gorilla Cyclops herself: Maki Oze of Fire Force.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 08:37 AM
I liked Grancrest a lot, but the title of coolest fire mage still goes to the Gorilla Cyclops herself: Maki Oze of Fire Force.
Ah, yeah, she's cool too.
But in Grancrest I loved her last battle where she soaked herself with something flamable to enhance her power, just to be burned alive in the process to defend her Duke.
Pretty awesome move, the fact that she was "dancing" while throwing flames around was even better.
If anything, that's something I'll always remember and hope to someday integrate in my p&p campaigns
Sat, 07-06-2024, 09:53 AM
Frieren - easily.
Much better even.
Mushoku too, even if you don't think so.
You overestimate that old flick btw, standards where pretty low, that's why it's so good.
Depending on whether you refer to the OVA or series I'd rate the show differently too.
Grancrest Senki is from the same author.
As far as I remember that show didn't do well on this forum, I kinda liked it, because it featured the coolest fire mage ever shown in anime, but it was nothing to write home about. It wasn't a bad work though, I think standards just became higher.
Frieren is one of the most overrated anime of all time and the more people praise it, the more I hate it. Emotionless characters, a story that's boring until the tournament in the last 6 or so episodes and nothing exciting being told ever. An anime where every character tries SO HARD to look and sound bored. Fuck Frieren.
I'm honestly at a loss of words if you put that and Mushoku on par with Record of Lodoss War ... which I rewatched last year and damn, it's as good as it ever was.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 09:58 AM
You overestimate that old flick btw, standards where pretty low, that's why it's so good.
Depending on whether you refer to the OVA or series I'd rate the show differently too.I have a ton of nostalgia for Lodoss, but it's pretty generic compared to some of the stuff that comes out now.
Though a lot of that is "It feels standard because it SET the standard." I mean, hell, the entire concept of what anime Elves and Dark Elves are comes from Lodoss.
Frieren is one of the most overrated anime of all time and the more people praise it, the more I hate it.Die wrong then.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 10:47 AM
"Generic" is such a worthless adjective. Execution is what matters, and modern anime fails at it.
If we stay with it, Mushoku Tensei AT ITS BEST is maybe as good as Record of Lodoss War. But: Record of Lodoss War is at its level ALL THE TIME, whereas we get a scene like the fight against the crystal hydra dragon maybe twice per Mushoku-season.
And Darth, I'm not trolling or anything, I really don't think Frieren is that good of an anime. If it received more hype, it's because the rest is so shit nowadays.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 12:06 PM
Frieren is "hyped" because it's actually good.
I recommended this show to a lot of non frequent anime watchers that mostly don't watch anime because most of it is mediocre-to-shit.
They all liked it and are praising the story telling and the concept in general. And they are right, the show is brimming with details and worldbuilding and the story has a very unique touch to the typical "lets go on an adventure" genre because the point of view is so different.
It's a very good show, in my opinion - the best anime in my lifetime so far. I can only hope that Season 2 will just be as awesome.
Music, animation, characters, world building, sense of scale, it's all there.
The discussion is kinda irrelevant though, we can't put Story 1 and Story 2 side by side and compare them.
Though a lot of that is "It feels standard because it SET the standard." I mean, hell, the entire concept of what anime Elves and Dark Elves are comes from Lodoss.
Well, tbf, Lodoss is mostly (entirely?) "western" fantasy, elves included.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 12:15 PM
the best anime in my lifetime so far.
Never call anyone else a troll again. Sigh.
Edit: And people who don't watch anime like Frieren? Yeah, let's judge the quality of an anime by the opinion of people that hate anime, LOL.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 12:22 PM
Never call anyone else a troll again. Sigh.
Edit: And people who don't watch anime like Frieren? Yeah, let's judge the quality of an anime by the opinion of people that hate anime, LOL.
It's almost certainly better than using you as a base, lmao.
Imaging saying that, when at the same time saying that anime sucked for the last 20-30 years.
I wonder who hates anime more.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 12:30 PM
It's almost certainly better than using you as a base, lmao.
Imaging saying that, when at the same time saying that anime sucked for the last 20-30 years.
I wonder who hates anime more.
I'm saying modern anime has been shit compared to anime in the past, not ALL anime is shit, otherwise I wouldn't watch anymore.
But calling fucking Frieren your FAVORITE anime of all times is just so ... spiteful. I don't believe you.
And yeah, try shitting on my anime taste, when I cite anime like Record of Lodoss War, Claymore, Gantz, Berserk or others. Clearly those are all mediocre shows compared to big brain-anime like Mushoku Tensei and Frieren and Smartphone Isekai.
Oh man, the dishonesty is too much rn, sorry, gotta cool off somewhere .... ugh
Death BOO Z
Sat, 07-06-2024, 01:27 PM
should we maybe have a different thread about bashing/questioning why other people like a certain manga and why they don't like another one or think it's overrated? cuz I also have opinions!
watched the 2.5 seduction first episode. it was ok, I liked it. (I also started a re-read of the manga, so I know that the great parts should start in two or three episodes). I think they dialed down the echi (and the nose bleeds), which is both nice but also takes away from the series.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 01:47 PM
I'm saying modern anime has been shit compared to anime in the past, not ALL anime is shit, otherwise I wouldn't watch anymore.
Anime of the past (pre-2008 to set a milestone for sake of argument) was just as shit as it is today, minus two particular banner years (which the 2010s and 2020s have each also had). There was simply less of it by a factor of 3-4.
And yeah, try shitting on my anime taste, when I cite anime like Record of Lodoss War, Claymore, Gantz, Berserk or others. Clearly those are all mediocre shows compared to big brain-anime like Mushoku Tensei and Frieren and Smartphone Isekai.
Watch as I do so!
Lodoss War whatever, there's not that many standout fantasy series as a whole. Still not sure if we're talking OVA or TV series, and there's a big difference between the two. For that era, I've always preferred Slayers for its parody tone that switches on a dime. As for the sake of this discussion...Bakuretsu Hunter also exists from the same era what it is. Also the first three Queen's Blade seasons are weirdly just as detailed as Lodoss War in terms of lore. Is QB a good series? No. But fun.
Claymore? Absolute dogshit adaptation of a very good manga, which itself is not perfect. Not better than the author's other work Angel Densetsu despite being a completely different genre.
Berserk? 1997 version is reasonably close to perfect as far as dark fantasy/historical series go, but the series as a whole never quite hits the same high as the Golden Age arc ever again, but since we're only looking at the anime versions, we can set that aside.
Gantz? It's gore porn when it isn't regular porn. The anime adaptation was again, not great compared to the source material and the source material gets equally bad as it progresses. It's about the same level as Btooom, and only marginally better than the average death game anime. Which are generally quite bad modern or previously.
So aside from personal taste, no. They're really not that exceptional. Just catering to your specific tastes. And aside from Lodoss, there's a rather obvious through-line.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 02:27 PM
should we maybe have a different thread about bashing/questioning why other people like a certain manga and why they don't like another one or think it's overrated? cuz I also have opinions!
watched the 2.5 seduction first episode. it was ok, I liked it. (I also started a re-read of the manga, so I know that the great parts should start in two or three episodes). I think they dialed down the echi (and the nose bleeds), which is both nice but also takes away from the series.
That 2. seduction is this "dress up darling 0.5" - show, right?
Or is it better than 0.5?
Sat, 07-06-2024, 02:35 PM
Watched Elf-san wa Yaserarenai (aka Fat Elf).
I was surprised both that the episodes were only 11 minutes long (the second "half" is exercise instructional chibi content and not simulcast) and that there's just exposed breasts within the first three minutes. I kind of expected the series to be censored a bit.
The voice cast is good and the art is fine and generally faithful to the manga.
It's dumb and I'm going to watch it. Kuroeda (the dark elf working part time at a convenience store) is obviously best girl. Though they're all remarkably stupid. The isekai mechanic is deliberately simple and the series is better for just handwaving it.
Death BOO Z
Sat, 07-06-2024, 02:51 PM
it's different. both are good. better or worse depends on the mood and what kind of feelings you want from the story.
I'm more of a manga person, so I'll base my judgment on that.
it's got a more fantasy vibe than dress-up darling (it doesn't strive for realism), the world the story takes place in is a bit better, brighter, more positive, larger-than-life and the plot is happier than that of dress up darling. the actual parts of creating cosplay are glossed over to make place for the drama arcs of the characters. it's a journey of "meet character, action scene, flashback as needed, resolve" with cosplay as the connective tissue and the thing the characters experience their emotional issue through.
reading through it again, i can see that it has a thought-out plot progression, so it's not just repeating the same story beats again and again, which is a plus. I like when they do the reference based humor (I usually recognize the HxH ones, and not the dark souls references). I know cosplayers in real life (through social media), and it's great to see a depiction that cares for them.
however, the romance based parts are weaker in my opinion, and the series picks up only after a volume or two, when we get to the first event and meet the first out-of-school friend.
also, I'm excited to see real-life cosplayers re-create the fictional characters.
Sat, 07-06-2024, 10:28 PM
Well, tbf, Lodoss is mostly (entirely?) "western" fantasy, elves included.Up until Lodoss War. Elves in things like D&D were just depicted as having, like, Vulcan ears. And Dark Elves usually had, like, jet black or dark blue skin.
Lodoss popularized giving anime Elves those big, horizontal rabbit ears that they always have. And popularized anime Dark Elves as being Elves with a tan with Pirotess.
Berserk? 1997 version is reasonably close to perfect as far as dark fantasy/historical series go, but the series as a whole never quite hits the same high as the Golden Age arc ever again, but since we're only looking at the anime versions, we can set that aside.
God DAMN it. I just...I just want, like, Berserk Brotherhood, done by the same people that are currently doing Vinland Saga.
I don't care how long it takes. Just...adapt everything Miura ever wrote.
Sun, 07-07-2024, 05:07 PM
Shika no Ko nokonoko koshitantan episode 1:
Yeah, not sure I'll keep watching this. Opening is catchy and it was somewhat funny. But the complete lack of explanations for why the whole class and teachers are accepting of all the weird shit made it feel TOO random. Even Family Guy is more coherent. Will give it at least one more episode.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 08:59 AM
"Wistoria's Wand and Sword" seems to have an insane budget.
The animation was really pretty. Unless that budget is now all gone, of course.
Monster looked very plain and boring, but all the other things did not.
People walking, shadows, spells, movements. Pretty high class.
Fun shounen story as well.
Loser is bad at magic but a superb swordsman.
Will overtake the world of mages with his sheer strength to see his childhood love who is some super mage on top of some tower
I'll keep watching and hope it remains interesting and strong.
Never heard of this manga/show/novel/whatever-it-is before though
Mon, 07-08-2024, 11:18 AM
Really liked how he wore goggles not only for sentimental value but because he moves so fast he needs them, like a pilot.
Death BOO Z
Mon, 07-08-2024, 12:53 PM
Shika no Ko nokonoko koshitantan episode 1:
Yeah, not sure I'll keep watching this. Opening is catchy and it was somewhat funny. But the complete lack of explanations for why the whole class and teachers are accepting of all the weird shit made it feel TOO random. Even Family Guy is more coherent. Will give it at least one more episode.
I'll probably watch an episode or two more, see if it has anything going for it beyond the initial shock premise.
"Wistoria's Wand and Sword" seems to have an insane budget.
The animation was really pretty. Unless that budget is now all gone, of course.
Monster looked very plain and boring, but all the other things did not.
People walking, shadows, spells, movements. Pretty high class.
Fun shounen story as well.
Loser is bad at magic but a superb swordsman.
Will overtake the world of mages with his sheer strength to see his childhood love who is some super mage on top of some tower
I'll keep watching and hope it remains interesting and strong.
Never heard of this manga/show/novel/whatever-it-is before though
please update for the next few episodes if this is worth watching. the description sounds like something i'd hate... I'll try reading the manga a bit.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 01:02 PM
please update for the next few episodes if this is worth watching. the description sounds like something i'd hate... I'll try reading the manga a bit.
Will do, but I like underdog shows, so this will be biased.
Death BOO Z
Mon, 07-08-2024, 01:26 PM
I don't know how the anime goes, but I'm 4 chapters into the manga, and I think we have very different definitions of what an "underdog story" is.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 01:38 PM
Nah, first episode had him delete that monster as well.
But the world is painting him as the underdog.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 01:42 PM
It just sounds like Mashle again.
Which itself was just Black Clover again.
"I'm the wizard that can't do magic! Ooooh!"
Death BOO Z
Mon, 07-08-2024, 02:00 PM
I'm the most OP character from the start and I beat everybody who says otherwise.
I have no talent, but also some super power that's beyond the what's possible in the universe, I'm a loner, but all the girls are either my childhood friend, my step-sister, or I saved them!
black clover at least had other characters with their own plot. Mashle tried to be a comedy (sometimes, when it wasn't busy contradicting itself). I can't believe i'm praising BlackClover.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 02:27 PM
It just sounds like Mashle again.
Which itself was just Black Clover again.
"I'm the wizard that can't do magic! Ooooh!"
Well, yes.
You can probably name another 10 shows or mangas that have the same concept just from the last two years, if you'd remember their names.
lets check:
1. Black clover and this show - both have MCs that can't do magic (I didn't watch Black clover for long because MC was unbearable, but I bet he actually can use magic but his sword/body eats it or whatever - same thing will probably happen here.)
2. the world thinks they are garbage because they can't use magic.
3. Both characters have some kind of childhood friend who is a prodigy.
4. both will obviously try to reach whatever dream they have and never give up
5. both use swords in a magic world
Guess where the story will go.
As I said, I like these kind of stories. If Black Clover didn't have such a bad MC, I'd have watched it.
These kind of stories and pointers are basically found in just about every other anime show there is in one form or another. (except the magic/sword stuff which, obviously, won't always fit in every setting)
From Haikyuu to Ballroom to Naruto to this, and that's why I watch them ;).
Another few tropes that fit in that kind of story setup are.
"Revenge after being kicked out of the hero's party"
"I killed the demon king but no one knows"
"My cheat skill was considered weak but is the strongest"
etc. (it's actually extremely funny because I just made these names up, but I'm 100% sure they are actually anime/manga names)
To a certain degree these are all underdog stories because the worlds they live in usually don't expect anything from them. Then they surprise everyone and everyone is flabbergasted
oh that reminds me, this season has a show where these two fit
"Revenge after being kicked out of the hero's party"
"My cheat skill was considered weak but is the strongest"
It's called "Hazurewaku", no idea what the name means, but it's basically a version of this other anime we had a while back where MC got tossed away in a dungeon and he had to eat monsters to gain super skills, which wasn't just stupid but became something beyond "super stupid" due to him using guns and other nonsense. (which was the point where I stopped watching it)
Blabla Goddess summons class, class gets super power, he got a shity B-rank one (that's sleeper-op), even the losers he had friendly relationships with hate him, but that one class-press girl doesn't
Blabla finding new companions and swearing to kill everyone from his old class + the goddess.
I think that description also applies to the other show I was referencing, lol.
Death BOO Z
Mon, 07-08-2024, 02:59 PM
weakest? actually strongest!
I think my peeve is the pacing. naruto (and even black clover) can spend a few chapters of the main character actually being weak, so when they finally get the big break, it feels earned and like a cause for celebration. Naurto gets his first real win when he's up against Neji (first episose not withstanding), which is about 60 or 100 chapters into the story. until that point it's either him getting bailed out by a super power he can't control or remember, or by luckily scrapping a victory against small fry by sheer luck (Kiba, whatever was going in the forest during the exam).
The current generation of stories has the MC beating the "best in class" in the first episode, and by the the tenth episode, they have 10-0 win ratio after trashing the "strongest asshole knight" in the kingdom and the "most powerful demon general".
Mon, 07-08-2024, 04:02 PM
Oh man, people who like Mashle and Black Clover tell me that anime nowadays is just as good as when Record of Lodoss War aired.
I feel vindicated, lol.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 06:34 PM
Nah. Everyone believes Black Clover is shit. There's just stuff that is further bad. Nothing new.
It's like comparing Law of Ueki (2005) to Flame of Recca (1998)...oh wait, Flame of Recca was a bad adaptation of an otherwise amazing manga.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 06:46 PM
Some people don't understand that liking something is not the same thing as saying it is of good quality or well made, and vice versa.
Mon, 07-08-2024, 11:04 PM
Like, nobody here even said they like Black Clover. We just said "that has the same concept as Black Clover".
Mfauli is hallucinating.
Tue, 07-09-2024, 12:10 AM
Regarding that Wisteria show:
- It seems background characters can die. MC can't save everyone like in many other Hero shows.
- It's possible MMC will reunite with FMC quickly. MMC will probably outclass teachers next ep. That Edward probably is a demon trying to hinder/cull humans before they get too strong. Very bad writing, I know.
- I hope the title suggests we get battles with that duo: best mage and best brawler/swordsman
Tue, 07-09-2024, 10:53 AM
So anyway, now that the season has fully started: Are there any high quality-must sees?
I literally only have Oshi no Ko season 2 right now. Looked at a couple new anime, but nothing special. What I mean is: Is there anything that people are hype about?
... at least I'm almost caught up with One Piece, lol. Episode 951 ...
Tue, 07-09-2024, 02:07 PM
... at least I'm almost caught up with One Piece, lol. Episode 951 ...Only 3 more FMA:Bs and you'll be caught up!
Tue, 07-09-2024, 03:50 PM
What I mean is: Is there anything that people are hype about?
1) Elf-san wa Yaserarenai. (Elf Can`t Be on a Diet.)
2) Maybe Winter 2025.
I guess I can catch up on some kdramas.
Tue, 07-09-2024, 06:07 PM
No serious stories that are great? Damn.
Only 3 more FMA:Bs and you'll be caught up!
When I'm in the mood, I easily "watch" 20 episodes a day, lol. The pacing and amount of meaningful content per episode is ridiculous, takes me like 2 minutes for most episodes.
Tue, 07-09-2024, 06:58 PM
When I'm in the mood, I easily "watch" 20 episodes a day, lol. The pacing and amount of meaningful content per episode is ridiculous, takes me like 2 minutes for most episodes.
I'm legitimately excited about The One Piece. OP redone by a better studio with non-shit pacing?
I love that they decided to start doing the Brotherhood version of One Piece while the original is still going on.
Wed, 07-10-2024, 03:10 AM
I'm not hype for anything this season
Robot girl
Russian Girl
Drama club/1 person Harem Girl
are the 3 shows I watch without getting bored and "look forward" to.
next season looks bland as well... but it features a corgi show and that corgi looks majestic as fuck.
Other than that there is Re:Zero I guess.
Winter 2025 doesn't have anything I'd want to watch yet either, maybe Sakamoto Days is fun.
ugh. I hope some good stuff gets announced.
Wed, 07-10-2024, 05:51 AM
You'd think there'd be lots of great manga out there waiting to be adapted :/
Wed, 07-10-2024, 06:08 AM
You'd think there'd be lots of great manga out there waiting to be adapted :/
What's great in a foreigner's eye may not be great in the eyes of the Japanese audience. Other than that, it's business, so rather than objectively great manga/light novels, the adapted ones are those that will sell. The reason why every anime season now has half a dozen trash copy-pasta isekai series is because trash isekai sells in Japan like hotcakes. At least occasionally there's an isekai series that's a bit less garbage than normal, such as Mushoku Tensei.
I watched the first ep of Hazurewaku. For an anime only meant to market the novels, and edgelord isekai to boot, it was slightly better than I expected (I expected absolutely terrible). That's not saying much, at all, but I'll keep watching for now.
Thu, 07-11-2024, 03:44 AM
2nd ep of Russian Girl was good too.
It's cute and foxy sis is funny.
Simple but hits the spot. My favorite so far.
Thu, 07-11-2024, 08:27 AM
It was very waki.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 07-12-2024, 10:46 AM
2.5d 2nd episode.
the female childhood friend. ecchi genre staples. mostly buildup and introductions.
Sun, 07-14-2024, 02:17 PM
Wistoria 2nd episode.
I don't know... I think this could've been a great show but it isn't.
The animation work is way more worth than the story itself. This doesn't - in the slightest - touch DanMachi season 1 in terms of "pay out". Everything feels so pointless and generic.
I'll give this another episode or two just to see how good the fights against the monsters in the tower are.
After all, the spellcasting looks phenomenal.
Apropos animation.
Anyone watching "Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi"?
How amazing is *that one* looking. Nice!
Wow I hope that show is doing great.
The ending is so much fun to watch as well.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 07-14-2024, 02:26 PM
deer anime 2nd episode. still not clear what's the deal. I guess it's going to be a "wacky! so crazy random !LOL" thing all the way? keep introducing cute characters until the season ends.
Thu, 07-18-2024, 09:06 PM
Subete Parry Episode 3:
Tbh his crass obliviousness towards his own power comes off as condescending. He's the fantasy world equivalent to a school colleague who you'd worry together over the results of a test, then when you're happy you managed to get a C-, he's devasted by getting a B+. Honestly dislike the guy now.
Fri, 07-19-2024, 11:06 AM
I honestly kinda start to like the parry joke.
The show itself is still very subpar, but I feel like the "I parry every compliment" and "I parry every gift" is so silly, that's its starting to get funny. (thankfully, it is actually intended to go so deep into absurdity)
If this were build a bit more like Konosuba or Shadow I would've enjoyed it so much more.
It's obviously not lost on me that he didn't manage to "parry" the female MC.
Sat, 07-20-2024, 12:16 AM
Death BOO Z
Sat, 07-20-2024, 11:24 AM
2.5d seduction anime 3rd episode.
peak fanservice. but still wholesome... the cosplay parts are basically the strong point of the story. photoshoots, conventions, creating them, etc...
Death BOO Z
Sun, 07-21-2024, 03:35 PM
deer anime 3rd episode.
No idea why I'm still watching this. it's gonna reach episode 10 without anything happening.
Sun, 07-21-2024, 10:15 PM
It's just gags. There's no plot.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 07-26-2024, 09:43 AM
2.5d seduction anime 4th episode.
I engage with cosplay from the camera side (just a few times a year, when there's a convention near me), so I like seeing this represented. and this is the strong part of the story, really wholesome community of cosplayers.
I think that in the OP, when we they transition from background to foreground (and their after image becomes dotted), at least one of the Silhouettes should be their cosplay form.
Fri, 07-26-2024, 02:07 PM
Everything Parry episode 4:
The only good thing about this anime is that I'm kinda falling in love with Lynne's design. Petite, but not loli. Cute face. And somewhat submissive personality despite being really powerful. <3
Death BOO Z
Sun, 07-28-2024, 10:43 AM
deer anime episode 4.
first half was bad, second part was better. not good, but at least more jokes per minute. if they can double this and stop adding characters, it might be ok.
Sun, 07-28-2024, 12:31 PM
I didn't realize "get locked in the gym shed" was a trope back when I first saw it in Love Is War. But I've seen it twice in the last two weeks.
The Losing Heroines version wins.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 08-04-2024, 03:49 PM
deer anime episode 5, we moved into three-shorts format.
deer god, it's pointless.
Sun, 08-04-2024, 05:03 PM
Just saying, if you keep watching an anime, feel free to make a thread for it :>
I dropped it, so I won't make a deer-thread.
Wed, 08-07-2024, 02:23 PM
Don't feel like creating a thread for this, and it doesn't fit in this one either but I still thought I'd simply share it because I'm sure some people haven't seen it yet.
Apparently this is an anime in the making, but it's kinda silent for like a year and a bit now so I'm not really sure if this is ever going to be a full show? So if I make a thread now, it's gonna be on page 500 by the time it releases and a new one will be created anyway.
Funnily enough, this is a chinese "whatever they call anime" and the story of this show sounds a lot like "Social credit system - the anime hero version".
Here is the "totally-not-some-League of Legends-trailer-music" by itself.
sounds pretty dope imho.
Wed, 08-07-2024, 05:47 PM
Yeah, don't need pro-social credit propaganda >_>
On another topic: Now that we're in the thick of the season, are there any established Must-See highlights? Sequels aside.
Thu, 08-08-2024, 01:02 AM
the story of this show sounds a lot like "Social credit system - the anime hero version".
Yeah, don't need pro-social credit propaganda >_>
We already got a social credit anime from Japan, before China announced its social credits: Psycho-Pass.
Thu, 08-08-2024, 06:21 AM
We already got a social credit anime from Japan, before China announced its social credits: Psycho-Pass.
I was gonna say.
Death BOO Z
Sun, 08-11-2024, 06:58 AM
don't feel like making a thread.
deer anime, episode 6 - came out early, a few days ago. but I didn't know that.
weird structure, flat out saying it's going to be 18 stories in the episode. actually better than most, if not for how annoying everything is. more 4th wall breaking than usual, which somehow works.
and once they start pulling out the antlers, giving them different colors and textures, and selling them online.. they start looking very NSFW.
Sun, 08-11-2024, 08:41 AM
Worst season ever btw
Sun, 08-11-2024, 12:27 PM
Anyone have anything to say about the Monogatari series airing this season?
I loved Bakemonogatari. I also watched S2, and perhaps stopped sometime during S3. It got a bit same-y and confusing. I'm keen to try again if it's good, but if that's the general trend then I might just leave it there.
Sun, 08-11-2024, 12:28 PM
Same here. It kinda lost its spark after the repetition. I think I quit after the sisters arc.
Thu, 08-15-2024, 05:55 AM
Everything Parry episode 6:
His entire talk with the demon folk boy was like someone going "I don't see skin color". :/
Just because he's such a dumb stick who doesn't know ANYTHING about the work he lives in, doesn't excuse being this ignorant. Imagine living in 1850 in the USA and being a black slave kid, then some white guy appears and is like "hey boy, why you so sad? Cheer up! Huh, if I noticed you're black? Well, yeah, but it doesn't matter, right?" DUH
This anime just reached a new low.
Also: Introducing poison immunity six episodes in at the most convenient point in time. Textbook "bad writing".
Thu, 08-15-2024, 02:13 PM
He parried poisons a long time ago...
Thu, 08-15-2024, 02:58 PM
He parried poisons a long time ago...
I have no idea how that is in any way a reply to what i wrote ...
Thu, 08-15-2024, 03:08 PM
He paries everything. Ad nauseam. But they offered us a marvelous and refreshing twists: he had already parried poisons a long time ago. You should be happy, what a clever way of entertaining us :D
Fri, 08-16-2024, 10:14 AM
Shouldn't it be awfully clear by now that this is a gag and he will always parry everything, starting from romantic advances towards him, over intelligence and education, to enemy attacks?
The most disappointing thing about the latest episode was that he wasn't able to parry a thousand blades coming from the sky.
Like what the hell... that's quite literally what his whole training was about.
"I cAn PaRrY A ThoUsAnD SwOrDs HanGinG FrOm A wAsHinG LiNe" is what he said and did.
It's almost as if the author didn't understand his own joke :(, can't believe that this didn't happen.
Fri, 08-16-2024, 03:08 PM
I think it was because of the demon kid. If he was alone, I'm sure he would've parried them all.
That assassin looks like Gojo Satoru.
Fri, 08-16-2024, 08:33 PM
It must be said, though: Lynne is super hot. Not a loli, but a petite girl. Perfect body. Just imagine her sitting on you .... HNNNGG
Sun, 08-18-2024, 12:54 AM
Dunno if any of you were watching Suicide Squad Isekai. But the season is over, and it was a lot of fun.
The ED especially something to behold.
Amanda Waller is voiced by Orochimaru. :p
Sat, 08-24-2024, 01:08 PM
Subete Parry episode 8:
The big problem of that anime is that, unlike some of you claim, it's NOT presenting it like comedy. One Punch Man works because it's always clear "this is comedy, don't take it seriously". THis anime, however, does take itself serious all the time. This whole encoutner with the dragon was supposed to be threatening, epic, whathaveyou. But it all fell flat because the hero just used his comically overpowered parry and there was never any danger at all.
And then there's bs like "we need to use your wind spell to get me there in time", only to show Lynne arrive inside the town herself right after the initial parry. wtflol
Sun, 08-25-2024, 03:44 PM
the small baby robot thingy from this season "chobits"-like show is so goddamn cute.
I thought I would hate that thing specifically, I'm currently watching the beginning of episode 8 and it's adorable.
This must be how AI trains AI, lol
Thu, 08-29-2024, 01:45 AM
Deer E09
Lol, they did a Lucky Star cheerleading routine and didn't animate it AT ALL. :p
Death BOO Z
Thu, 08-29-2024, 11:24 AM
this was especially bad.
also, they are all awful, and it's getting to the not-funny tipping point.
Mon, 09-02-2024, 03:37 PM
You guys should watch "Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai" if you haven't.
Super fun and chill.
Tue, 09-03-2024, 06:06 PM
I can't find a thread for Dragon Ball, but since I'm rewatching DBZ right now, it's part of MY summer 2024, so whatever :P
I realized something: It makes no sense that Radditz and Vegeta and Nappa would want to kill all of mankind. When Radditz saw Gohan, Goku's son, he had to realize that for some reasons saiyajin can have offspring with humans. That must be pretty unique in the universe, because i doubt saiyajin can have babies with all the weirder alien races in the DB-universe. So for rebuilding the saiyajin empire, Radditz should have chosen to keep humans alive.
Also one thing I find weird is that they really expected baby Goku to eradicate humans. Without training, Goku would never have become strong enough and just transforming into a were ape once wouldnt be time enough to finish the job, so when he returned to normal, humans would easily kill him. Dumb plan, Vegeta!
Tue, 09-03-2024, 06:14 PM
It was a retcon because the manga became popular and needed to be extended.
Tue, 09-03-2024, 06:58 PM
It was a retcon because the manga became popular and needed to be extended.
Thx for this noob answer.
Come on, shinta.
Tue, 09-03-2024, 08:22 PM
No, it really was the reason. The original Dragonball was supposed to end while Goku is a kid, once they collected all the dragonballs. ght%20the%20story,manga%20was%20not%20popular%20in itially.
Wed, 09-04-2024, 02:29 AM
No, it really was the reason. The original Dragonball was supposed to end while Goku is a kid, once they collected all the dragonballs. ght%20the%20story,manga%20was%20not%20popular%20in itially.
.... I KNOW. That's what I meant with "noob", oh my lol. Everyone who wants to call himself a weeb knows that >_>
Despite it being retconned, it's still fun to discuss about it from a plot pov.
Wed, 09-04-2024, 08:40 AM
Oh I didn't get what you meant.
I also don't get why people would discuss something we already know is actually retconned, but far be it from me to stop you. Carry on!
Wed, 09-04-2024, 01:41 PM
Btw what's incredible about DBZ is how serious the story actually feels. Whether compared to DBSuper or any modern anime shounen. The world feels "real" within its setting, the danger feels tangible, and stuff takes time. People need to train and don't just get powerups out of nowhere (unless on very special occasions). And people die and grieve. Even with the Dragon Balls existing, yes. Really feels so good. Dragon Ball is often seen as this mindless, dumb, funny "everyone beats up each other"-anime, but it's actually an incredibly well made world with plausible characters and story developments. Really fun to rewatch this.
Oh, and another thing: Adult characters actually look adult! In modern anime, everyone just has the same "cute" face, and when they're really old, there's wrinkles or some bs. But they never look like proper "adult" characters. In Dragon Ball, everyone really looks their age and you have a wid variety of differeing ages.
I'm really falling in love with Dragon Ball again, wow <3
Wed, 09-04-2024, 03:06 PM
Also one thing I find weird is that they really expected baby Goku to eradicate humans. Without training, Goku would never have become strong enough and just transforming into a were ape once wouldnt be time enough to finish the job, so when he returned to normal, humans would easily kill him. Dumb plan, Vegeta!I mean, to hear them tell it, it's standard Saiyan operating procedure. So it must have worked a bunch of times already.
People need to train and don't just get powerups out of nowhere (unless on very special occasions).Oh you sweet summer child...
Death BOO Z
Wed, 09-04-2024, 03:26 PM
I can't find a thread for Dragon Ball, but since I'm rewatching DBZ right now, it's part of MY summer 2024, so whatever :P
I realized something: It makes no sense that Radditz and Vegeta and Nappa would want to kill all of mankind. When Radditz saw Gohan, Goku's son, he had to realize that for some reasons saiyajin can have offspring with humans. That must be pretty unique in the universe, because i doubt saiyajin can have babies with all the weirder alien races in the DB-universe. So for rebuilding the saiyajin empire, Radditz should have chosen to keep humans alive.
it makes perfect sense. it's the core emotion that defines him. Saiyan pride. he won't see these things, it goes against everything he believes in. he's going to spend almost 300 episodes learning to see past it, die twice and lose his son once. That's his entire character arc.
but here are some other reasons:
1. Saiyans are pretty lust-less for a warrior race. they don't care much about sex.
2. Vegeta is a emotionally stunted, being made to serve the person who destroyed his planet and killed everyone on it. he's an angry twenty-something that spends his entire life in a constant struggle for strength. those above crush him, and he must crush those below else they rise up against him. there's no room in his mind for long-term planning.
Also one thing I find weird is that they really expected baby Goku to eradicate humans. Without training, Goku would never have become strong enough and just transforming into a were ape once wouldnt be time enough to finish the job, so when he returned to normal, humans would easily kill him. Dumb plan, Vegeta!
Even as a child. Goku was one of the top 100 warriors on earth. let's assume Goku is Saiyan evil and a child. does he know about the ape transformation? if yes, great, he can transform, wreak havoc, and transform back, nobody suspects him, he's just another kid with no family who managed to survive the giant monkey attack. and if someone suspects him.... well, he's still Goku. and if he doesn't know about it? well, then there's a serious chance that by the time he's grown up enough to stay awake until the full moon, he's also strong enough to defend himself. Goku wasn't particularly sheltered and house-trained, but he still transformed for the first time only when he was four or five years old, and the second time when he was nine or something. (I'm not too sure about the ages).
And the most important part... it doesn't matter if he kills 100% or 1%. it's a baby that they shot to space. if he wins, good, another soldier for Frieza. if not, then he was worthless anyway.
Do you mean Vegeta, his father or the planet?
oh no, you wrote Radditz and I answered about Vegeta... shit.
well, Radditz... he's an idiot. same as Vegeta for lesser extent? he does plan to take Gohan with him, so he realizes the potential for that specific child. but I don't think they are thinking so far, they care about killing Frieza and resorting the Saiyan empire, but the Saiyan empire is that because it's ruled by a Saiyan, it's more about putting Vegeta on the top of the pyramid than birthing tons of little saiyan half-breeds.
and also same as Vegeta, it doesn't matter if the kids are strong. they can't see this. admitting that "earthling and saiyans hybrid are surprisingly strong" is the same as forfeiting the pride in their race. they will only re-populate their kind with species that won't effect the strength of the people. since that means the saiyan blood is the only thing that matters, and it overtakes any other heritage. I'll go one step further - they'll avoid mixing with races that make the offsprings stronger. they'd rather say someone is weak because he's only half saiyan than accept other races can "improve" the saiyan blood.
Wed, 09-04-2024, 04:38 PM
I actually continued the rewatch and turns out: Vegeta and Nappa are such egotistical, power-driven idiots that they actively want to kill all humans BECAUSE their offspring might turn out more powerful than them and beat them. Lol. Vegeta is literally the dumbest piece of shit ever, forsaking his entire race in favor of his own power strife.
It's actually amazing what a character arc Vegeta goes through. He's probably the best-developed character in the series, isn't he.
Oh you sweet summer child...
What do you mean? I know all of DB. Instant power up I can think of are: The old wiseman on Namek, although he doesn't give Goku a powerup, only Gohan, Kuririn and Dende. The other one is the Potara ear rings that give you an insta-power up via fusion. You could include the regular fusion here, too, but that at least requires learning the dance.
Wed, 09-04-2024, 07:11 PM
nobody suspects him, he's just another kid with no family who managed to survive the giant monkey attack.
Except he has a monkey tail lol.
Wed, 09-04-2024, 09:00 PM
Okay that made me lose it LOL.
Thu, 09-05-2024, 04:13 AM
What do you mean? I know all of DB. Instant power up I can think of are: The old wiseman on Namek, although he doesn't give Goku a powerup, only Gohan, Kuririn and Dende. The other one is the Potara ear rings that give you an insta-power up via fusion. You could include the regular fusion here, too, but that at least requires learning the dance.Also Supreme Kai's powerup of Gohan. Piccolo's fusions. Super Saiyan God. Ultra Instinct.
And that's not even counting all the villain powerups.
Edit: Oh wait, you said not Super. Disregard the SS God and UI parts.
Thu, 09-05-2024, 06:36 AM
Also Supreme Kai's powerup of Gohan. Piccolo's fusions. Super Saiyan God. Ultra Instinct.
And that's not even counting all the villain powerups.
Edit: Oh wait, you said not Super. Disregard the SS God and UI parts.
And Supreme Kai-power up for Gohan still took quite some time.
Relatively to other shounen-anime, DBZ charakters had to work for their upgrades
Thu, 09-05-2024, 11:21 AM
And Supreme Kai-power up for Gohan still took quite some time.A day of sitting on his ass. Not exactly the fruits of training.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 09-05-2024, 11:36 AM
and it didn't help anyone, so the point still stands.
Buu is the only canon villain who was defeated by the spirit bomb. and it took the combined will of all the world, including getting Vegeta to swallow his pride and ask for earthling strengh, and mr Satan to drop his act and reveal weakness.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 09-05-2024, 01:54 PM
deer anime episode 10.
Is this a perverts series?
Not in the sex way, more Voyeurism related. a lot of the episodes revolve around looking at others (and being SHOCK!!!-ed by them), rather than interacting. we had spying through the window in the first story, then spying in the flower arrangement club, and then spying out the window.
Having the narrator constantly butting in doesn't help.
Thu, 09-05-2024, 10:50 PM
Not in the sex way, more Voyeurism related. a lot of the episodes revolve around looking at others (and being SHOCK!!!-ed by them), rather than interacting. we had spying through the window in the first story, then spying in the flower arrangement club, and then spying out the window.Skits are happening. And she is the audience.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 09-18-2024, 03:39 PM
deer episode finale. they're doing finale stuff, and it would have been better if all season was like this.
also, the first time I saw an eye-of-the-tiger montage in an anime.
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