View Full Version : Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!
Wed, 10-05-2022, 03:19 PM
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!
(The Eminence in Shadow)
Great heroes and diabolical villains are the types of characters that people long to be—but not Cid Kagenou. He longs to become the true mastermind behind it all, pulling the strings, and having his machinations drive the entire story. In his previous life in modern-day Japan, he was not able to live up the potential he imagined. The peak of power. But now, reborn into a world of magic, he will show the true eminence of shadow!
Since the episode goes a bit on its own direction compared to the manga, I'm certainly not going to spoil it. I assume it is more in line with the light novel.
This will be the preeminent, intentionally stupid series this season. Cringe? Loaded with it. Action and gore? Loaded with it. One recurring gag that forms the cornerstone of the comedy relief? Yes.
If those are problems for you, maybe skip it.
But if you are willing to risk it, look at all the best girls this season!
Thu, 10-06-2022, 02:15 PM
This looked pretty good. It was different from the manga in some ways. I felt like the manga beginning was more comedic and this more serious, but this is, or at least the manga was, still an action series with comedy integrated into it, which in itself is not anything unique, but it works better in some series than others. I find in this one, at least in the manga, again, it does work. The anime has a chance to make it even better than the manga. I hope it manages it pull it off.
Based on the fight against the kidnappers, the resolute violence wasn't toned down, fortunately. Though that being said, I don't understand how those goons were still alive. If you have ever held a crowbar in your hand, you know it's no joke. A single hit in the wrong place would easily kill a man.
Wed, 10-12-2022, 12:43 PM
Episode 2
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I feel like the manga adaptation works a little better for me, personally, in this series' case. Somehow the creation of the farce-like atmosphere is better in the manga. This anime adaptation is maybe a little bit too hyper. Hyperactive. In the manga the balance between action and the MC dude's faux eminence in shadow act is better. I can't remember the manga well enough to say if this anime is more hurried compared to it, but if this is, it would contribute to it. Actually, I felt like the first episode was closer to the atmosphere in the manga than this second one. I guess it remains to be seen how things turn out further down the line.
Wed, 10-12-2022, 09:56 PM
Chunibiou gone too far ?
Am I to understand that his chunibiou farce turns out to be mostly true as if the world followed his chunibiou ?
The end would be fun if the girls really left MC... But maybe I didn't understand, was fairly,exhausted yesterday.
Thu, 10-13-2022, 01:54 AM
Chunibiou gone too far ?
Am I to understand that his chunibiou farce turns out to be mostly true as if the world followed his chunibiou ?
Hard to say. It's a running joke like in Overlord, where Ainz's ambiguous words are interpreted by much more capable people (and monsters) to mean something really profound. In this series it's exaggerated further. But that being said, it certainly does give the kind of feeling the dude is lying in a coma in a hospital bed and this is one endless dream, which is why everything happens according to his (subconscious) will.
I wish it was shown how he recruited the members for his ad hoc (or is it ad lib?) organisation. We only saw Alpha, but then it was suddenly all there with multiple members. It renders the new members meaningless because they have got no history. Of course by jumping back and forth in time they can be given history later, but I was never a fan of flashbacks.
Thu, 10-13-2022, 02:11 AM
Chunibiou gone too far ?
Am I to understand that his chunibiou farce turns out to be mostly true as if the world followed his chunibiou ?
It's more like an Edgelord Chuunibyou with Kazuma's Luck Stats from Konosuba.
Cid is 100% spouting off bullshit because he thinks it makes him look cool, but he's correct every time due to sheer luck. He's having the time of his life fooling around, but also thinks the girls have gotten way too into his lies with their own overactive imaginations. Or at least Alpha and Beta.
As for his sister...Claire is a very doting sister. Hidaka Rina was a perfect casting for it, a particular kind of crazy that she does do the best. It was a little downplayed in this episode, but saying she picks on him every day wasn't an understatement.
Thu, 10-13-2022, 11:31 AM
Aye, the sister is the very little thing I got an interrest for so far. Feels like she has some demonic attributes. I wonder what she becomes later down the line and if she serves a purpose for the story other than being your very obsessional borderline crazy brocon.
The end of the ep piqued my interrest because it could lead to a very different story with a u turn done right.
But the cover image for the show seems to favor maximum levels of chunibiou, haha.
Thu, 10-13-2022, 02:27 PM
This is funny, as always I love it when MC is just trying to look cool (or not) and happens to be cool by accident in the end even when they mess up.
It reminds me of the sillyness of all my favorite characters.
Kintaro Oe
Kenji Harima
guys like them.
Fri, 10-14-2022, 02:50 PM
Just watched, and this is pretty good.
Weapons grade chunii-cringe if protag actually believed any of it himself, but because he's putting on a show with very gullible people, this comes of as a great running joke.
With this, I think I've settled on the notion that I am much more interested in isekai where the protagonist has a clear goal or direction, as opposed to the alternative: watching the chaos injected by a random OP actor following whims in an established setting. I prefer that Cid has his own weird hobby and wants to keep pursuing that now that he has access to magic as well. Not being a 'gamer', but a chunni is also more palatable than hearing people drone on about levels and 'status'.
The first episode was certainly different, but did an okay setup and taste for the texture of the power fantasy we're getting into, and the other girl's character introductions have, to this point, been handled by their scenes in the OP. I'll take that as a concession if we get an extra arc or two out of this cour without flashbacks. More doing, less remembering, please.
Fri, 10-14-2022, 02:58 PM
Weapons grade chunii-cringe if protag actually believed any of it himself, but because he's putting on a show with very gullible people, this comes of as a great running joke.
I don't think they are supposed to be gullible, although we hardly saw anything from others than Alpha. But since technically all the Greek alphabets ought to be rescued people, they do share some similarities: they were literally saved by Cid from a fate their thought hopeless. That would naturally make them view Cid as someone really wise and important, doing something no one else could. Furthermore, if Cid has pulled off continuously successes beyond their comprehension, like this time accurately pinpointing the enemy base, they would have a solid reason to believe his words: they are true, after all. From our point of view, and his own, Cid might be talking a lot of bullshit, but it's a fantasy world, so for the locals it should sound quite believable.
Wed, 10-19-2022, 01:18 PM
Episode 3
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This episode wasn't in any hurry whatsoever!
It's pretty funny how Cid explained the Greek alphabets leaving. It's also quite funny how his faux eminence in shadow act is, in fact, more successful than his "real" life, which is supposed to have nothing at all happening, yet has a bunch of unintended things triggered.
Wed, 10-19-2022, 01:23 PM
That tsun fausse femme fatale probably recognized his true power, even if just as a hunch.
It somehow felt like first ep, highbred girl going for faux mob A.
Wed, 10-19-2022, 02:40 PM
Alexia being cold, calculating and as much of a schemer as Cid is feels like the series finally found its own pace.
It creates a good dynamic of an overt domineering female lead playing the royalty romcom games vs. Cid trying to get out of her clutches so he can resume his own fakery goals.
Their fighting creates this third persona of Cid's where he's an obedient greedy dog who is slightly more forceful and prideful than he comes off publicly because he can't fight his disdain for her schemes, but gladly taking her money. Like her personality is making half of his mask come off.
Wed, 10-19-2022, 03:02 PM
Their fighting creates this third persona of Cid's where he's an obedient greedy dog who is slightly more forceful and prideful than he comes off publicly because he can't fight his disdain for her schemes, but gladly taking her money. Like her personality is making half of his mask come off.
Not having enough money despite beating outlaws, cultists, and who knows what, plus having many years of time to make more would reveal a big flaw in shadow eminence act. It doesn't matter how much power you have if your logistics don't work, after all. Quite interesting he doesn't seem to realise it himself.
Thu, 10-20-2022, 10:40 AM
It creates a good dynamic of an overt domineering female lead playing the royalty romcom games vs. Cid trying to get out of her clutches so he can resume his own fakery goals.
Yes, this conflict is what I was waiting for. Without direct opposition to his shadow lifestyle, thhings would get boring fast. That the lass is a curt noble-ruffian in personality plays off Cid well. Even the other loser background characters are put to good use.
That he still doesn't believe his own lies and assumes the other girls 'going off to hunt the cult' is them being nice about breaking off their relationship is its own brand of funny, and hijinks I can get behind. This is turning out quite deft, indeed.
Thu, 10-20-2022, 03:13 PM
Oh my, this episode had a surprise for me in every minute of it.
Obviously, the fake confession turning out to be a success wasn't a surprise, but the way everything developed after that kinda was.
I liked this episode, even the show itself so far, waaaaaay more than I thought I would.
The heck... that was a lot of fun. I feel like the author successfully bamboozled me and I'm still left wondering what the hell just happened.
Throughout the whole episode I was always wondering when the "side character act" would be dropped and for sure he will show his "awesome" side and that girl will melt inside his hands afterwards... but that never happened. And since it never happened, I'm no longer confident enough to say that it will happen.
It's the opposite of episode 2 !
I'm digging this. The picture used in the opening post of this thread kinda means something to me now.
Is anyone reading the manga or LN? (whatever this show's original format is)
Does it go to the "school arc" as quickly as in the show as well? Or do they actually explain and show how he recruited everyone into 'Shadow Garden'
Thu, 10-20-2022, 03:48 PM
I've read some of the manga, but not much past this arc... making this post useless except to say that there have been some major differences/revisions so far from the manga, and perhaps more to come, so prophets might not be much help anyway.
Thu, 10-20-2022, 05:17 PM
Is anyone reading the manga or LN? (whatever this show's original format is)
Does it go to the "school arc" as quickly as in the show as well? Or do they actually explain and show how he recruited everyone into 'Shadow Garden'
I read the manga religiously, but do not read the LNs.
They do arrive at the school arc and Alexia just as fast. Episode 3 is chapter 3 and the first half of chapter 4. This period with Cid's age and the people shown in the promo image at the top of the thread are the main focus of the series, but even the manga hasn't gotten to all of them yet.
I'm being careful about spoilers, but it is safe to say that the recruitment of each of the Seven Shades is generally glossed over. Sometimes they are given a proper flashback when relevant to an arc.
Alpha's was a bit abbreviated from the manga, but the cuts are not of any significance. We only see Alpha and Beta in the manga by this same point in the plot. We do see Gamma and Delta in profile, but they are not named, have no lines, and appear in the background of three panels in total of chapter 2.
What the anime did touch on but didn't hang onto it long enough is that the Seven Shades all had the same affliction Alpha did. So did Cid's sister in a much milder form, which they said way too briefly last episode. Alpha is not a round blob of meat in the manga, but a gangrenous near-corpse that is still very obviously humanoid and he cures her much faster in the manga. Alpha finds or recruits most of the other girls, as Cid mentioned last episode.
The main cuts not shown in the anime are the development of the Slime suit and sword in more detail, even though it is still only a handful of panels, it's more than we got in the anime.
Wed, 10-26-2022, 12:29 PM
Episode 4
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That's a lot of preparation just for a single instance of impressing his underling. But if that's what it takes, then that's what must be done. His entrances are pretty impeccable, though, whenever he feels like it.
Aside from the captured princess herself, Cid's poor sister was actually the one suffering the most. Cid himself enjoyed every moment of it, after all.
Wed, 10-26-2022, 03:28 PM
Claire raging on the grounds below with every intent to plead to the royals with sword drawn, dislocating her own shoulder to try and escape, and ending up in the jail because she couldn't get to her Most Cherished brother is the highest class of brocon.
As funny as the disconnect between the girls and Cid is, they very obviously eat it up when he starts his cringelord routine. Beta even writing either fan-fiction or a severely embellished biography.
Alexia garnered some sympathy from the experimental monster, but they didn't really focus enough on it for it to feel actually deserved.
Wed, 10-26-2022, 07:25 PM
She invited her blood be drawn when the monster was getting beaten up. That thing probably never had any compassion given to it, so even such a small act could warrant saving her life.
I hate but also love this cliffhanger. I haven't wanted to see the next episode of an isekai so bad in years.
What this show does well is how it takes its time building up instead of rushing through pay offs. Any other isekai (other than slow-ass Overlord) would've finished this princess arc in 1 episode. We get three.
Thu, 10-27-2022, 12:18 AM
Alexia garnered some sympathy from the experimental monster, but they didn't really focus enough on it for it to feel actually deserved.
She invited her blood be drawn when the monster was getting beaten up. That thing probably never had any compassion given to it, so even such a small act could warrant saving her life.
At the end of the day, the monster would have seen Alexia was also a victim, being tortured by the mad scientist, even if in a different manner. Since the monster would obviously hate the madman, it would consider any other victim to be on its side, so simply freeing them would be an act against the scientist and whoever stands behind the scientist. I'd say Alexia's own actions, which didn't antagonise the monster, was all that was needed. Probably Alexia's despondent behavior helped as well, since it was similar to the monsters own behavior.
Sun, 10-30-2022, 02:38 PM
Hmmm, I'm not sure I really understand how many of the "knights" are with the cult.
Shadow Garden attacking mutliple places at once means they are fighting those in with the cult, am I right?
Or are they actually attacking the "good guys" as well because they have no real allegiance.
Anyway. I love all these misunderstandings. The show is fun. I just wonder how his daily, normal life will turn out eventually. The "background character" theme in this episode felt rather forced to me. Not sure if that torture stuff was necessary or even a good choice to tell that part of the story.
Sun, 10-30-2022, 02:43 PM
The torture part was there to show how utterly insane the protagonist is. He can ignore physical torture, which is already crazy, but couldn't endure not acting like the best mob character. It opens up the possibility of him doing even crazier things for the sake of his "lore and character."
I think there are a lot of knights in the cult, but not just knights. They are attacking all the cult hideouts and groups they have uncovered, not the knights themselves. I think the knights also just happen to be peacekeepers, so all of them are mobilized during this crisis.
Shadow Skill
Sun, 10-30-2022, 05:27 PM
My favorite new anime this season
Wed, 11-02-2022, 07:24 PM
Episode 5:
Did Alexia figure out Shadow was him, so she asked to extend their relationship? And that was why she figured slashing him like that wouldn't kill him?
Thu, 11-03-2022, 01:46 AM
Did Alexia figure out Shadow was him, so she asked to extend their relationship? And that was why she figured slashing him like that wouldn't kill him?
I'd say she was just feeling really happy because she got rid of the forced marriage deal, was much more satiefied about her sword fighting style, met her sister very warmly, got to witness an outstanding fight, and naturally about surviving an incident she had little chances of surviving realistically. She had got along with Cid sort of well. Somehow I doubt she has a whole lot of friends. Maybe she was just feeling so great she wanted it to continue, Cid also being involved in it. The slash could be mere Japanese slapstick comedy.
Up to the very title of the show, Cid being a grey eminence is the point, so it would make sense nobody realises who he is, aside from the team nominally working for him (the Greek alphabet girls).
Thu, 11-03-2022, 02:15 AM
Can't express enough how much more I'd enjoy shows if they would stop using these DragonballZ-faster-than-light-attack nonsense.
Not sure why japanese studios tend to use that in just about every single fight. It looks silly, dumb and kills the whole mood.
Thu, 11-03-2022, 02:23 AM
My takeaway has been Alexia could act like herself around Cid, and started to really enjoy that feeling, reinforced by all the realizations she went through during her abduction and subsequent rescue. She can relax around Cid, to a degree. His rejection of her and her slicing out a huge chunk of his neck arteries is for laughs.
Can't express enough how much more I'd enjoy shows if they would stop using these DragonballZ-faster-than-light-attack nonsense.
Not sure why japanese studios tend to use that in just about every single fight. It looks silly, dumb and kills the whole mood.
It really does, especially considering the whole point of that scene was Alexia saw her own simple sword-fighting mirrored in someone as absurdly strong as Shadow.
Thu, 11-03-2022, 03:15 AM
Yeah, I have also never liked it. It must be largely a budget issue, and, let's face it, animators aren't likely to know anything about real fights anyway. Nor do the light novel or manga authors. For as much as Japan worships swords, most Japanese directors, animators, and authors probably have never held one in their hands, due to the draconian Japanese weapon laws also covering blades longer than a bread knife. Furthermore, the Errol Flynn movie swordsmanship definitely had its impact on Japan as well.
Thu, 11-03-2022, 08:36 AM
Yeah, I have also never liked it. It must be largely a budget issue, and, let's face it, animators aren't likely to know anything about real fights anyway. Nor do the light novel or manga authors. For as much as Japan worships swords, most Japanese directors, animators, and authors probably have never held one in their hands, due to the draconian Japanese weapon laws also covering blades longer than a bread knife. Furthermore, the Errol Flynn movie swordsmanship definitely had its impact on Japan as well.
I wouldn't blame the budget here, because the scene would've been better without the whole thing (I'm talking about 1:1 the same but without that little saiyan-encounter - as if the show was 10 seconds shorter).
The way he held his sword and was sidestepping or blocking the attacks was "amazing"-ly simple and good. It didn't look amazing, but it just felt right and got the point across. He re-applied his posture after every exchange and that just looked professional and exactly what Shadow/the girl were all about.
Basics leveled up to perfection. The viewer was supposed to respect that, that's why the author made that whole scene a thing, and I actually DID respect that *a lot*
The Saiyan-BS that followed ruined everything and was 100% unnecessary.
Even if they wanted to express how strong the oponent was after the transformation. They did so by how he was able to destroy walls by merely swinging his sword and by using the air-current/pressure that was created by doing that (as silly as that is).
A simple yet heavy-strike, sidestepped and partly parried by letting the attack glide away from his sword would have been 20x more awesome and just as "cheap" to show.
I actually *hate* animation studios for doing that... just why :(.
It's also one of the reasons why I think anime are mostly just cartoons (the old type) and have a hard time getting people onboard... I'm not going to pretend it's the only thing, but I think you get my point. It's almost as if they are scared of themselves when something becomes too serious, or whatever... and it would be fine if the scene was actually supposed to be funny, after all, these kind of moves are mocked in many shows as a joke battle-move.
There are places were it fits (mostly when it's a joke), and then there are places were it's just cheesy and dumb.
It's probably not in their own hands, but if I were an animator and would have to use this saiyan-nonsense, I'd actually feel pathetic to be honest, it must feel like flinging dung on your paper. It just doesn't look good and I don't think there is a single human being above 12 years old that thinks it does. And the amount of blood and scenes in this show tell me this isn't supposed to be a show for small kids.
Thu, 11-03-2022, 10:48 AM
Yeah, I admit it's certainly not only a budget issue, but obviously some flashing curvy lines are easier to draw and animate than actual sword swings in an intelligent manner. True, it's also a tradition of trying to depict a fight faster than an eye can follow. It's just unfortunate that the result is an Errol Flynn fight faster than an eye can follow, where the purpose seems to be to hit the opponent's sword as many times as you can. It's actually even worse if the fighters are more powerful, resulting in a fight that's only colourful lines filling the sky, as the combatants are jumping/flying around, clashing here and there, but it's too fast to comprehend.
Wed, 11-09-2022, 10:23 AM
Episode 6
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Those are some miserable friends, but I guess if you want to appear like a nameless mob character, then worthless friends are the best cover. After all, you can judge a person by the kind of company they keep.
It felt like not a whole lot happened in the episode, aside from world building and setting the pieces ready for the new arc. It's a bit annoying this is one of the "MC must always be poor" Japanese trope series, but on the other hand, it's something Cid has consciously brough upon himself, not something dictated by the world (author), so it's easier to accept. If he wants to carry the public role of a nobody, he can't very well be a millionaire. That being said, he does seem mildly annoyed by it, even though it's his own decision.
Thu, 11-10-2022, 08:07 PM
It's not that he's poor, it's that he spends it all on decorating so he can look cool.
The girls are just much better than him at earning money with the knowledge he gave them.
Thu, 11-10-2022, 08:40 PM
Or the girls have none of his "must be a mob" mentality, and they do their utmost while just keeping hidden, resulting in more profits. If he decided to do away with his mob goal, he can just secretly steal treasures from rotten elites and be rich.
Thu, 11-17-2022, 03:10 PM
Episode 7
Pretty sure that was NOT a background character move :D.
This show is so silly, I like it though.
Thu, 11-17-2022, 03:19 PM
Which one was not a BG character move? The self-sacrifice one? I think some genre of shows have a mob character who dies trying something heroic just to show that story doesn't respect such idealistic actions.
Thu, 11-17-2022, 04:21 PM
Yeah, it's also a minor character move because it results in death, which is supposed to encourage the MC to try harder later. Usually the main character doesn't die, so that alone makes it a background/very early character move. Of course sometimes the main character does die, but not before having left their deep impact on the new MC and story. The girl hardly knows Cid, so it's not the MC dying after having taught everything to her, leaving his mission to her, etc.
It was kind of cruel Cid was carried away from the arena prematurely, cutting short his planned performance.
Other than that, those chocolates must have been as good as Light Yagami's potato chips.
Fri, 11-18-2022, 12:04 AM
Well, the thing is that he doesn't die. So it's basically the main characters plot armor and thus a main character move.
On top of that he is playing the no-name background-character. Not a supporting character.
Fri, 11-18-2022, 03:18 AM
Well, the thing is that he doesn't die. So it's basically the main characters plot armor and thus a main character move.
On top of that he is playing the no-name background-character. Not a supporting character.
Everyone is their own life's main character. That's not something he can change. His cover to hide the gray eminence "reality" is being a minor character, so he's trying to pull off random stunts that suit his concept of a mob character. In the first place, his whole life is nonsense, so it's no surprise the arbitrary mob character acts don't exactly work for their intended purpose, that often, nor is he obviously looking for continuity. It's enough if it looks like something a mob character could do then and there. In the end, he treats his life like a giant theatrical performance, so the appearances are extremely important.
He can't act as a no-name character because everyone has got a name in real life, unlike in the games/movies. So, concentrating on that is probably not a priority for him. A mob character can still have a name, as "named mob" is a concept. It doesn't really matter. Some random alleyway gangster beaten in a single manga frame could have had his name announced if it serves the script, but he would still belong to the mob.
Fri, 11-18-2022, 03:16 PM
I just think there is quite a big difference in reasoning (unless he wanted to do something completely different) compared to the arena scene for example.
In the arena, he is actually doing a random-guy move by getting smashed by the main character.
The only reason he got any attention is because he wanted to show off how BAD he can get beaten up and that was mistaken for tenacity.
In this case however, he "sacrifices" himself with a loud scream, grabbing all the attention and the "goal" is that everyone will talk about what he did for that girl - it will for sure not be "Ugh... that was lame". And since he is most likely not planning on leaving the school, after this event he will be declared a hero.
All his moves so far were supposed to show how lame he is.
This move however seems to be about the complete opposite to me.
And isn't he trying to avoid "messing" with main-character type characters, so he doesn't become the focus? This will as well lead to the exact opposite direction (and not by accident, like all the other times).
Fri, 11-18-2022, 03:53 PM
All his moves so far were supposed to show how lame he is.
I disagree on that. Mob characters don't need to be lame. In the beginning of a story a mob character can die to create a shock for the MC, to encourage them to fight for justice/revenge. The mob character could be even a childhood friend, but it's still a mob character, just a named one, if they die right off the bat. Like I said in my previous post, I don't think Cid is looking for a consistent continuity. It would be difficult anyway as he keeps acquiring fame. Gradually built fame is something a mob character can't really have. However, it doesn't matter to Cid because he just progresses from one scene to the next, looking for a way to look like a mob character, ignoring the past, even if it was becoming impossible slowly, due to everybody starting to know him. While it's true Cid is often trying to look lame, it's just a part of his "regular joe" cover. Average people aren't heroes. However, he isn't acting like an idiot either. His two "friends" are the idiots, whereas next to them Cid doesn't seem to have much character. That's also his goal.
Sat, 11-19-2022, 12:13 AM
I agree with Kraco. At the very least, the protag has a very broad definition of what a mob character is.
Wed, 11-23-2022, 03:25 PM
Episode 8
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Never underestimate Lord Shadow. And especially never overestimate him. The real reason wasn't to save the princess. He just believed a mob character should definitely be the first one to die in a terrorist attack. Well, he was right anyway, since the nameless gate guards actually were the first ones to die, likely.
Man, Cid really acted like a villain when toying with Rex the Red Scarf. It was pretty cool. Too bad the Shadow Garden girls weren't there to see it.
Wed, 11-23-2022, 07:31 PM
Man, Cid really acted like a villain when toying with Rex the Red Scarf. It was pretty cool. Too bad the Shadow Garden girls weren't there to see it.
I have little doubt that Nu witnessed the whole thing and will be relentlessly interrogated by Beta until she gets every detail out of her.
Wed, 11-30-2022, 02:07 PM
Episode 9
- -- - -
So, what, the kingdom thinks it was Shadow Garden vs Shadow Garden fighting at the school premises? No matter who wins and loses, Shadow Garden is guilty. But then again, it would obviously be highly convenient for the kingdom not to decide otherwise because no government would want an unknown, highly powerful, militaristic organisation to operate in the shadows under no governmental supervision. Even if Shadow Garden had saved the whole kingdom, and the government knew about it, they still wouldn't bless such an organisation, although they might try to recruit and incorporate it. I just hope Iris the Princess won't ever become hypocritical about it.
The part where Cid told the geezer that he doesn't care about his little tricks was pretty good. But then again, Cid doesn't really realise he is leading a bona fide secret army. Even if he did, it would surely only make him glad if he knew he and his army are accumulating notoriety.
Wed, 11-30-2022, 06:08 PM
Ironically enough, Cid protected Sherry's innocence by murdering her adoptive father in front of her in the same style that her mother was taken from her. She'll never have to know that her family was abused and cast aside by such an insufferably selfish and brutal man.
Rose kicked a dude's head clean off his body though!
Wed, 12-07-2022, 02:58 PM
Episode 10
- - - -
The Greek alphabet girls are finally getting more character development. And some other kinds of development, fake or not.
Thu, 12-08-2022, 01:36 PM
Epsilon and Beta are my two favorites, for sure. They're the only two quite as deranged as Cid is.
The former as equally obsessed with overcoming physical limitations, the latter stuck in her own head just as much as he is.
Thu, 12-08-2022, 02:22 PM
I like the 2 princess sisters. Is imouto trying to impress Cid with the undies? I thought she didn't know he was Shadow?
Thu, 12-08-2022, 02:43 PM
I like the 2 princess sisters. Is imouto trying to impress Cid with the undies? I thought she didn't know he was Shadow?
She might actually be trying to develop as a person of her own. She lived until the recent events in despondent ataraxia, although luckily not passivity, having failed to follow in her sister's footsteps. However, both Shadow and Cid kicked her out of it. Maybe it was more Shadow, but she has perhaps had enough of chasing shadows, so Cid would be the next best thing. Cid also doesn't expect anything from her, which should be refreshing. I don't know if it's for comedic purposes or what, but the story seems to make a point of girls being more interested in Cid if he doesn't give them even the time of day. It must be the cool, cold guy effect, even though Cid only tries to be as uninteresting as possible to be a mob character.
Wed, 12-28-2022, 04:53 PM
Episode 13
- -- --
Somehow the last scene, where the Witch and Baldy decided Cid is automatically going to lose the battle, reminded me of the games where the player can develop the player character into a nigh unstoppable fighting machine, but then you get a cutscene where the player character, out of the player's control, is caught by some inane, elementary ambush or another kind of silly attack that would never work against the player character during the actual gameplay. I'm not talking about Cid getting caught by anything, but how Cid reacted when he heard those two talking about it.
Alpha and Delta's dynamic was quite funny. I suppose Alpha is a huge authority figure whenever Lord Shadow isn't present.
Wed, 12-28-2022, 09:46 PM
Alpha is also only second to Cid in terms of power.
What a boring final battle. He is fighting against a bald fatty that already lost to his much weaker minions and a robot. Who is he even supposed to impress here?
Thu, 12-29-2022, 05:33 PM
Aren't we at Episode 13?
Thu, 12-29-2022, 05:49 PM
Which means this show goes another cour.
Fri, 12-30-2022, 07:05 AM
Ah, the instant chemistry between Cid and Aurora. Nazuka Kaori certainly helps with that because she makes almost any character instantly charming.
Which means this show goes another cour.
Sorta. It is slated for 20 episodes total.
Fri, 12-30-2022, 10:36 PM
How's this series so far, from an animation and action perspective? I read a few volumes of the novel, not a big fan of "misunderstandings" type of series, but if animation and action is good I'll check the anime version.
Sat, 12-31-2022, 12:06 AM
It's not really a misunderstanding type series. It is an OP power fantasy with a different comedic twist. It has been a fun ride so far but nothing deep or unique. Loads of violence when it comes up, which I know you like, IIRC. Good art and action, but it is mostly the pay off scenes where the MC and crew just mess shit up that makes it worth watching.
Sat, 12-31-2022, 05:06 AM
It has misunderstandings in the same vein as Overlord: The Greek alphabet girls of Shadow Garden consider Cid some unnatural genius, who sees through everything, but in reality Cid is just living his own (self-aware) chuuni fantasy and coincidentally happens to be correct about great many things. That's one big misunderstanding. On the other hand, it's not something that's going on in every scene, rather, I don't think it's even happening in every episode.
Sat, 12-31-2022, 05:09 AM
As Kraco said. Maybe the pacing is a bit slow or I find the show quite boring.
Sat, 12-31-2022, 07:23 AM
How's this series so far, from an animation and action perspective? I read a few volumes of the novel, not a big fan of "misunderstandings" type of series, but if animation and action is good I'll check the anime version.
The animation is good overall, but from time to time the series also sadly skimps on some of the swordplay and goes for the "arcs of light" rapid attacks that DBZ specialized in. Spy x Family, CSM, Witch from Mercury, and Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita have the best action animation this season.
The voice acting, the stylish girls, and deadpan comedy are the main highlights here.
Shadow Skill
Thu, 01-05-2023, 11:03 PM
I'm enjoying this series. My favorite series this season.
Wed, 01-18-2023, 05:12 PM
Episode 16
- - - -
This series is pulling off the cheap jokes really well. Though I wish the names were translated with more finesse. "Perv Asshat" just doesn't work in my opinion. The Japanese original is laughable as well, but Great-M is still far better than Perv. Everybody worth their anime history would know what it's referring to, but it's not so blatant. You still need to know it. Perv is a perv. The family name could also be something more subtle but still obvious. Mundane Mann is barely passable, I'd say.
Wed, 01-18-2023, 05:18 PM
Annerose embarrassing herself trying to figure out his secrets is a real treat.
Beatrix's introduction was much cooler here than in the manga.
Thu, 01-19-2023, 03:55 AM
Annerose embarrassing herself trying to figure out his secrets is a real treat.
Annerose might be powerful, although her fights haven't been shown, but clearly her forte doesn't lie anywhere near her brain.
Wed, 01-25-2023, 01:29 PM
Episode 17
- - - -
Moonlight is indeed an excellent piece of classic piano music.
I have a feeling Cid was expecting the sister to give up. Now he's probably wishing she did.
Wed, 01-25-2023, 05:59 PM
Cid forgets (or is oblivious to) how much of a brocon his sister is. Obsession is an understatement.
It's funny that Rose starts saying chuuni non-sequitur shit right after her encounter with Shadow. His stupidity is infectious.
Thu, 01-26-2023, 02:33 AM
It's funny that Rose starts saying chuuni non-sequitur shit right after her encounter with Shadow. His stupidity is infectious.
Did she? The only thing Shadow basically said is not to give up and that a person power's is in their spirit and attitude. Rose was about to give up and considered her earlier decision (to uselessly attack Perv) to be a hasty mistake, so now she's ready to do something else she had time to consider. Now that she can do something else after Shadow healed her.
Wed, 02-01-2023, 11:18 AM
Episode 18
- - - - -
The sister is quite sick in the head. Iris should think again before hiring her as a knight.
It quite funny how the Shadow Garden members are working hard to fight the cult of evil, whereas Cid's greatest effort is spent on trying to ace the weird performance he has cooked up for the swordsmanship tournament. But then again, Cid did randomly save Rose. All that being said, he should have bet some money on himself. Although not having extra money might be a part of his mob character role playing, but in a way I think betting arbitrarily on a shady dude nobody expected to last long would be something a mob character would do.
Wed, 02-01-2023, 06:05 PM
The sister is quite sick in the head. Iris should think again before hiring her as a knight.
I'm pretty sure Claire is only this messed up and psychotic concerning Cid. She's very popular, well-liked, and viewed as mature by the other Academy students.
She's a bro-con yandere trope as a recurring gag.
Wed, 02-01-2023, 07:49 PM
Does she know Cid's secrets, or at least know that he is hiding his power? Seems strange to be such a brocon if all she sees is the boring Cid.
Thu, 02-02-2023, 02:09 AM
I'm pretty sure Claire is only this messed up and psychotic concerning Cid. She's very popular, well-liked, and viewed as mature by the other Academy students.
It would only be for the time being. She's obviously using mistreating Cid as a relief from stress. Her real personality ought to be something far worse than the well-liked and mature student that's her public image. Keeping up that facade is eating her mentally, and that's where Cid enters the picture. However, such relationship couldn't possibly continue when they grow up. Furthermore, it would become dangerous for Cid before long, for his cover as a nobody mob character. A totally uninterestig mob character can't have any really attention-catching characteristics, neither positive nor negative. Being the toy for sadistic pleasure for his own sister would be such a characteristic. It has worked so far because they are both students, but it's still risky.
But then again, since this series most likely won't cover any later times at all, it's not really relevant. But I only said Iris shouldn't hire Claire, which would only happen later.
Thu, 02-02-2023, 04:26 AM
Does she know Cid's secrets, or at least know that he is hiding his power? Seems strange to be such a brocon if all she sees is the boring Cid.
It's been somewhat poorly implied, but that the reason Claire is like this to Cid is because he is so good at hiding his power. She sees him as weak and in need of "toughening up." Her idea of it has become really twisted form of tough love.
Her reaction in the first few episodes to him losing to her in the stream training, forcing him to attend the tournament to watch and get ideas of how good fighters should be, etc.
She's so overprotective and clingy it turns back around and becomes violence towards him.
Wed, 02-08-2023, 01:29 PM
Episode 19
- - - - -
Mundane Mann vs Iris fight was actually quite well made. I know some people dislike the whole concept of sword intent, or whatever you'd call it, but I quite like it. There are only so many fancy things you can do with sword fights to bring them to the next level. This is just a staring contest brought to the next level. It could actually be a Western gun draw duel as well; it would make no difference.
Too bad Shadow's perfect entry was ruined by a fangirl.
Wed, 02-08-2023, 01:53 PM
awww.... the episodes are never long enough, god damnit.
Wed, 02-08-2023, 04:24 PM
Beatrix is so much stronger than Iris, or literally everyone else except Shadow. WTF was she doing all this time without making any waves?
Wed, 02-08-2023, 04:45 PM
Beatrix is so much stronger than Iris, or literally everyone else except Shadow. WTF was she doing all this time without making any waves?
Isn't she travelling around the world looking for Alpha? It seems like she cares for nothing else, except for now, suddenly, when she happened to find someone who should be a worthy opponent.
Actually, it would be nice to know which one is more powerful, Beatrix or Alpha.
Wed, 02-08-2023, 06:33 PM
Within Shadow Garden's ranks, Alpha is 2nd in ability only to Shadow, so it is a good question, but probably not answerable unless Cid is brought to a standstill by Beatrix.
(Yes, Delta is stronger than Alpha in raw strength, but she also doesn't have the control and elegance that Alpha does, or the magical aptitude, and she's also an idiot, where Alpha is the most well-rounded of the Seven Shades)
edit: In more detail:
Shadow - Better than the Seven Shades at everything they excel at, except his grasp on reality.
Alpha - All-around the best at everything as a complete package
Beta - Good at everything, but just not as good as Alpha, and weaker in combat than Delta
Delta - Strongest, dumbest
Gamma - Smartest, worst fighter
Epsilon - Greatest magical skill
Zeta & Eta - Didn't show up enough to assess
Wed, 02-15-2023, 01:34 PM
Episode 20
- - - - -
Episode 20 in the middle of February is kind of a strange ending point, but I have to say the ending was very stylish and fitting for the series.
Something makes me think Cid hasn't got a clue there's a huge Shadow Garden base and operation going on in the mountains, where he once prowled to train himself. These days he's mainly training his skills of uttering ominous but profoundly empty lines fitting for the eminence in shadows.
The long fight had a few very good parts, though I'm not a fan of the lights flashing type of battle depictions.
Fri, 02-17-2023, 03:17 PM
The long fight had a few very good parts, though I'm not a fan of the lights flashing type of battle depictions.
You could really tell that they didn't know how to move the combatants to a different area without using that, lol. What a shame.
Anyway, lets hope they anounce the 2nd season on the 22th
Wed, 02-22-2023, 08:23 AM
Cool trailer though, honestly. I would expect a completely different show... but it's cool.
Wed, 02-22-2023, 05:05 PM
It should be a fun season, I enjoy that arc.
The 2nd season getting confirmed was a foregone conclusion. The morse code in the last episode being tapped out by Eta was, "To be Continued."
Wed, 10-04-2023, 01:52 PM
Episode 21
- - - - -
That was quite a rocket start for the new seasons. I liked the recap, which was basically a joke. Far better than spending a whole ep for it, or any serious minutes at all.
New characters keep appearing, increasing the already large cast, but in this story it doesn't really matter that much. In the end, all the characters are there only as a choir to build Cid's chuuni story and to allow him to look either pathetic (to maintain his public nobody facade) or to act like the éminence grise, so it doesn't really matter how well or poorly you remember them. It was quite funny, though, how Cid was so impressed by Mary's lines that he immediately copied them.
Wed, 10-04-2023, 04:15 PM
This is going to be fun. I'm sure.
The show still has the right mix of silly- and awesomeness in it.
Wed, 10-04-2023, 04:37 PM
I dunno, I watched this first episode excited, but left very underwhelmed. I think I've gotten my fill of his "pretend to be a nobody" schtick. Will probably drunk watch this when I have nothing else.
Wed, 10-04-2023, 05:25 PM
Everyone is saying such deeply cringe shit throughout the episode, it kinda tells you what kind of arc it is.
I also enjoyed that while all the other girls are doing their annual report and inexplicably going into a panic about their personal hygiene, Delta is off on a mountain instead running around nearly-naked and howling at the moon. Like a good wolfgirl should.
It's also good framing to know that while we might have expected Claire to be on the level of Rose (i.e. Strong publically, but actually kinda weak in the "shadow vs cult/church" hidden world), Claire is actually absurdly strong when it comes to creeping on her own brother. She's not quite as cringe as Cid, but she's certainly up there in her own right.
I dunno, I watched this first episode excited, but left very underwhelmed. I think I've gotten my fill of his "pretend to be a nobody" schtick. Will probably drunk watch this when I have nothing else.
You might like the deeply divisive arc that comes after this one based on the series promo. Half the fans seem to hate it, the rest of them love it. I'm in the latter group.
Wed, 10-04-2023, 11:21 PM
How long is this current arc and until we get to the next one?
Thu, 10-05-2023, 03:17 AM
3-6 episodes if I had to guess?
The next arc is longer, so I would lean toward the fewer episodes since this season is only 12.
Wed, 10-11-2023, 10:45 AM
Episode 2:
I actually liked that 2nd episode because it finally broke the boring pattern. A surprise mini-nuke is a nice change of pace. I just wish he also killed the brute, which he could've easily done if he used his sword and not a kick.
Surprising how he doesn't give a shit about his sister's life, but a welcome one.
Wed, 10-11-2023, 01:43 PM
Surprising how he doesn't give a shit about his sister's life, but a welcome one.
It's not that he doesn't care for her, he just actually respects her.
Cid rescued her when they were kids but left her to return of her own devices (and she did, furiously pissed off that she was kidnapped in the first place).
Cid cured her of her possession years ago like he did with all the Seven Shades, but never told Claire what he did, so she thinks she's still afflicted.
He tolerates her creepy brocon behavior, and has made it a game escaping her, but if he gets caught by her he plays along until he can sneak off again.
He doesn't really rescue or watch over her because he thinks she can handle herself (same reason he left her in the woods when they were kids), unlike Rose (now 666 and pretty weak compared to the Seven Shades).
Claire is actually pretty capable and rather strong. He said that in the very beginning. He's just tremendously stronger.
Wed, 10-11-2023, 02:19 PM
But she almost died if he hadn't been there, and he didn't intentionally save her. He just happened to be there by luck. If he had already been in the treasure room when that fight happened, his sister would be dead. Now that he figured out it was in fact his sister, he didn't even bother protecting/helping/evicting her despite knowing there were monsters like the fox girl and barb guy around.
She could very well die right after their encounter due to being completely out of her depth, but he didn't seem to care.
Thu, 10-12-2023, 12:30 PM
But she almost died if he hadn't been there, and he didn't intentionally save her. He just happened to be there by luck. If he had already been in the treasure room when that fight happened, his sister would be dead. Now that he figured out it was in fact his sister, he didn't even bother protecting/helping/evicting her despite knowing there were monsters like the fox girl and barb guy around.
She could very well die right after their encounter due to being completely out of her depth, but he didn't seem to care.
He's writing his own story, others are writing theirs. Cid's family is a part of his mob cover story. That would make him give some value to it, but only some. But then again, even if you say it was mere luck that he saved Claire, when you are as powerful as Cid, luck plays only a small role anymore. He was there to save her because it was easy for him. He appeared very purposefully right then and there to kick the black tower master away. It wasn't one of those "Did I accidentally step on something?" scenes.
Thu, 10-12-2023, 12:47 PM
I can agree with the "he cares but only to a certain extent" idea.
Fri, 10-13-2023, 11:57 PM
This is his chunybio world, everything goes acording to his (Aizen) keikkaku
Wed, 10-25-2023, 06:54 PM
S2 eps 04
The others are all very cool, but Delta is the cutest.
He's definitely more tolerant of Delta's behavior and entertaining her requests than he is with the other girls. Maybe because she's so stupid that he can't really trick her?
Thu, 10-26-2023, 11:36 AM
He's definitely more tolerant of Delta's behavior and entertaining her requests than he is with the other girls. Maybe because she's so stupid that he can't really trick her?
She's a pet, apparently. People tolerate all kinds of things from pets.
The counterfeit money scene between Shadow and the fox lady was quite funny, even if I've seen scenes like that before, occasionally.
Thu, 10-26-2023, 02:04 PM
The counterfeit money scene between Shadow and the fox lady was quite funny, even if I've seen scenes like that before, occasionally.
It's quite amusing that Beta, Eta, and Gamma all figured out his explanation of Fiat Currency Economics right away in their pre-teens, and Yukime figured out the threat of a bank run in 5 minutes, but Shadow has forgotten most of it and is clueless concerning what is about to happen, even if he instigated it.
Fri, 10-27-2023, 02:06 PM
I have to question the sanity of the fox lady for teaming up with Shadow. She saw him fight, and he clearly wasn't even serious considering he HEALED everyone to end it. I would just run away from such a monster, not try to make deals with it.
Delta is grating on my nerves. I've just never been fond of dumb af characters.
Fri, 10-27-2023, 04:02 PM
I have to question the sanity of the fox lady for teaming up with Shadow. She saw him fight, and he clearly wasn't even serious considering he HEALED everyone to end it. I would just run away from such a monster, not try to make deals with it.
She's using Shadow though. She wants to enact revenge personally on the gang boss who scarred her. Shadow can single-handedly take on all of the minions of their gang at once, including their specialists who are the same beastman species as Delta (and therefore considered very strong, of course Delta is stronger because she has Possessed blood in her).
That way Yukime can safely get revenge on the boss.
She clearly doesn't care what she has to risk to get her revenge.
Fri, 10-27-2023, 04:59 PM
She clearly doesn't care what she has to risk to get her revenge.
This is what I meant when I question her sanity. The risk is too great to approach godlike beings.
Mon, 10-30-2023, 07:55 PM
Just marathoned the last 11 eps to get caught up.
I forgot how funny I find the chunni cringe to be. Especially when Cid kept repeating the same generic moonlight/frenzy lines during the last arc to anyone who he found (even the person who originally said them to him- he just didn't recognize her). Comic gold.
I also really enjoyed the train car fake money scene. Great stuff. Even if the arc is predictable, I can really enjoy the journey. For a power fantasy, I like how much effort is put into the rest of the cast moving and shaking the plot along. It reminds me of an autistic One Punch Man in that regard.
Thu, 11-02-2023, 03:03 PM
S2 Episode 5
- -- -- - -- - -
First create a highly competent and powerful organisation, then turn against them to obtain a worthy adversary easily. A foolproof plan.
Although the competency is variable, looking at Gamma.
Sun, 11-19-2023, 10:45 PM
Episode 7:
@Ryll - How was this arc divisive? It's one of if not the best arc of the story! The misunderstandings, the drama, the emotions made a lot of sense, and the complexity of the plot worked because of the macro-economic angle. It was actually the first arc where there was actually something at stake, even if it is just the feelings of these cute harem waifus. Nine-tailed fox haremember acquired!
The treasure Delta found at the end was the cherry on top!
Mon, 11-20-2023, 04:34 PM
@Ryll - How was this arc divisive? It's one of if not the best arc of the story! The misunderstandings, the drama, the emotions made a lot of sense, and the complexity of the plot worked because of the macro-economic angle. It was actually the first arc where there was actually something at stake, even if it is just the feelings of these cute harem waifus. Nine-tailed fox haremember acquired!
The treasure Delta found at the end was the cherry on top!
A lot of fans of the novels and manga were deeply put off by Shadow "betraying" the girls.
The girls don't know he really did intend to steal all their money and keep it for himself. Beta (and Eta, who has a small but critical presence) is just a lot smarter than he gives her credit for. The way he treated Alpha is also not great.
Shadow happens to be just stupid enough for this half-baked plan of his to go slightly wrong for him personally though he surrounds himself with very clever people like Beta and Yukime, so that this worked out in Shadow Garden's favor immensely.
But yes, your read on this arc is correct.
There's some things they did leave out of the anime that was in the manga at least. John Smith soaked himself in cologne (I believe Yukime or the trio with Rose in it comments on how pervasive the smell is) so that Delta wouldn't figure out who he was. He knew she would be sent eventually. Unfortunately, Delta can smell him right through it, which leads to the same cute scene where she figures it out and immediately switches from battle mode. Secondly, the battle with Alpha was very poorly done. He does praise her as he leaves her, which was cut, so the overall effect comes off quite a bit more devastating for Alpha because the impression she gets is that he truly has left them behind without explanation.
Mon, 11-20-2023, 06:39 PM
All of that is consistent with what we know so far. Shadow is a selfish prick obsessed with his chuuni fantasies, so the betrayal putting off people makes no sense. Did they somehow think he was ever a good guy???
Everyone around him in the show just thinks he is a good guy because of misunderstandings. That was the premise and point of the show. Did other people somehow also fall for a misunderstanding as the story went on? That is somehow meta as hell.
Tue, 11-21-2023, 03:41 AM
All of that is consistent with what we know so far. Shadow is a selfish prick obsessed with his chuuni fantasies, so the betrayal putting off people makes no sense. Did they somehow think he was ever a good guy???
Everyone around him in the show just thinks he is a good guy because of misunderstandings. That was the premise and point of the show. Did other people somehow also fall for a misunderstanding as the story went on? That is somehow meta as hell.
The more essential point is that the whole army of girls in Shadow Garden view Cid as a really good guy, whose selfless mission is to defeat the evil cult and, on the side, do all sorts of good things like remove malign elements from the society and save those affected by the curse. All of that while being viewed as a villain by the (corrupt) rulers, which makes it all self-sacrificing. Like Batman, or something.
At the end of the day, this is an isekai trash series, so lots of people would read/watch this just for the usual reasons of finding an OP main character and lots of cute girls fawning over him. If the MC seems to betray the harem, it wouldn't sit well with their lowbrow expectations.
Wed, 11-22-2023, 05:20 PM
Episode 8
- --- -
Cid's voice actor must have taken a week off, and the studio had no choice but to make an episode like this.
Cid really succeeded beoynd all reasonable expectations to enhance his nameless mob character disguise by acquiring 100% utterly useless friends.
Wed, 11-29-2023, 05:22 PM
Episode 9
One of my favorite gags: Shadow doesn't even know that Shadow Garden uses numbers to refer to the girls below the Seven Shades and high commanders like Nu and Lambda, or that they have upwards of 666 girls.
Thu, 11-30-2023, 08:33 AM
Cid is being betrayed all the time, sometimes by his own organisation stealing his money, sometimes by his scummy "friends". He doesn't bother to develop a grudge out of it. However, nobody must try to ruin his fun as the shadow eminence. That's unforgivable.
Thu, 11-30-2023, 08:19 PM
It is literally the title of the show, so yeah.
Wed, 12-06-2023, 05:41 PM
Episode 10
The comedic timing on this episode was really on point. Epsilon is always a favorite. She deludes herself into thinking her fake boobs are flawless, and he magic skills are honed by the daily use of ultra-realism, but she still fails every time to the real thing. And of course, Cid has known the whole time but is still polite enough not to tell her outright.
Rose does have it rough though. A pity that she only betrayed Shadow Garden because they were too kind to disclose to her that her mother is a greedy, self-serving whore who betrayed her father long ago. She's hated by her people and her previous closest allies (the equally self-serving maid), but she truly did the right thing in freeing her father.
The voice acting in this series is exceptional.
Wed, 12-06-2023, 07:05 PM
Shadow Garden's actions were not kind. They were utterly stupid. If the mother is a villain, report that immediately ffs. Keeping quiet about it especially because the mother is still alive helps no one.
Thu, 12-07-2023, 03:32 AM
Yeah, Shadow Garden's decision was extremely poor. On the other hand, you might say it wasn't only poor judgement to keep that important detail hidden from Rose, but in fact employing Rose at all. She's only a member to fix her own country, which is natural considering she's patriotic royalty, but she was also the last person who should have been sent to deal with the situation in her home country. It was already difficult enough for her to slay her own crazed father, so what did the Greek Alphabet team expect would happen when Rose meets her mother? Kill her as well? It was inevitable she would encounter the mother eventually, seeing how the mother is in a relationship with the current ruler, Doem.
But then again, it was all a part of Cid's plan (which rarely is a plan at all before all pieces mysteriously fall into place due to his random actions), so it's not like the Shadow Garden women would have much say in the matters. If you want to blame someone, blame Cid, but like he said at the end, everything's going smoothly and it's no problem for him to solve everything in a jiffy.
Fri, 12-22-2023, 06:36 AM
S2 Eps 12
A pretty standard and formulaic episode, but still a fun one.
Series done for now. There will be a movie covering the next arc apparently.
In case it wasn't clear, Cid wasn't the only one sent back to Earth. Beta just barely made it through the portal as well.
(turn subtitles on)
Tue, 12-26-2023, 10:59 AM
I just watched S1 and S2. I like the latter half of the series better than the first, mostly because I didn't enjoy him gimping himself in school, but rather liked when he goes all out undercover.
Most of the Seven are cool. My favourite would probably be Alpha just because she's a pretty badass, but Beta and Gamma have their charms. Delta is cute in a pet kind of way. Epsilon is entertaining.
Tue, 12-26-2023, 07:17 PM
Most of the Seven are cool. My favourite would probably be Alpha just because she's a pretty badass, but Beta and Gamma have their charms. Delta is cute in a pet kind of way. Epsilon is entertaining.
The ones that have presence (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon) are all the best. My particular favorite is Beta, but especially when she's "fighting" with Epsilon (the boob size rivalry is largely one-way, Beta is generally oblivious about it). Beta is also the most vicious to Alexia and the other girls outside of Shadow Garden, which is very funny to me.
Zeta is only good for cat gags imo, and Eta just has zero presence at all.
Wed, 12-27-2023, 06:53 AM
I'm a Delta Boy, because I like kemonomimi.
They are the cutest, and Delta gets bonus points due to how this show made her act like an actual dog that does and wants silly things.
Plus, she reminds me of Yuel (Granblue) in terms of looks and that's just hot.
Thu, 01-18-2024, 11:14 PM
I'm a Delta Boy, because I like kemonomimi.
They are the cutest, and Delta gets bonus points due to how this show made her act like an actual dog that does and wants silly things.
Plus, she reminds me of Yuel (Granblue) in terms of looks and that's just hot.
This would be my favourite clip from S2
Tue, 06-18-2024, 05:02 PM
yay...the movie I guess?
Tue, 07-16-2024, 11:15 PM
I got bored and decided to watch this.
I don't think I've ever disliked a protagonist more.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 09:15 AM
Interesting. Why did the chunni edgelord fall flat for you?
Wed, 07-17-2024, 11:51 AM
Watch it for the wives, not the husband.
I didn't like him during the school arc. It felt better afterwards.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 12:26 PM
Interesting. Why did the chunni edgelord fall flat for you?He's just, like, the most incredibly callous, self-centered, sociopathic character I've ever seen in anything where said character wasn't meant to be the straight up villain.
He just causes so much indirect harm because he just doesn't care at all about anyone but himself. And what good he accomplishes is purely accidental. I just watch this feeling terrible for all those characters around him that adore him and just have no idea what a piece of shit he is and how he doesn't care about them at all.
He is utterly without substance. And I realize that's the entire point of the character. But being the point doesn't make him any less awful.
He's on the opposite end of the chunni likability scale from someone like, say, Megumin.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 12:27 PM
I never liked him, but I enjoy him curb stomping stuff. It's the activity, not the character, I enjoy.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 01:12 PM
He's just, like, the most incredibly callous, self-centered, sociopathic character I've ever seen in anything where said character wasn't meant to be the straight up villain.
He just causes so much indirect harm because he just doesn't care at all about anyone but himself. And what good he accomplishes is purely accidental. I just watch this feeling terrible for all those characters around him that adore him and just have no idea what a piece of shit he is and how he doesn't care about them at all.
He is utterly without substance. And I realize that's the entire point of the character. But being the point doesn't make him any less awful.
He's onthe opposite end of the chunni likability scale from someone like, say, Megumin.
Yeah, him breaking Alpha was hard to watch.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 01:39 PM
Yeah, him breaking Alpha was hard to watch.Yeah. He truly does not give a shit about whether his actions are hurting other people. Just about whether they hurt his fake image.
I got really frustrated at the "secret message" translation.
Like, he lucks into a lot of solutions by accident. But how her fake translation managed to be THAT SPECIFIC, but still completely right is just dumb.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 03:01 PM
For me this is the most important aspect of the show though.
I probably wouldn't like it as much if it were any different.
My favorite moment is when he threw a dart (or was it a knife?) at a map, pointing out some hideout location, back in season 1.
Overall it's so much more interesting than watching the generic goodie two shoes.
And in turn it makes other characters more interesting as well, the two sisters for example.
If he were any different he'd be more like that one assassin-kid-show that aired a while back (where some assassin isekaied into a baron-family or something - that one was so much more boring to watch in comparison)
It's especially fun, because he gets the girls while being a (to be fair: semi-)selfish dick, and by accident a hero.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 03:49 PM
I'm sure it's by intention that the way those random things every time seem to go Cid's way, it kind of gives the impression he wasn't isekaied but is lying in coma in a hospital. So, this is his long dream. It's similar to Suzumiya Haruhi, with the difference that Haruhi has some kind of mental brake that prevents her from having too grand delusions.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 05:24 PM
It's especially fun, because he gets the girls while being a (to be fair: semi-)selfish dick, and by accident a hero.It physically hurts me how underappreciated they all are though because he can't even be bothered to listen to them when they talk. And when he does hear them, he just doesn't believe them.
I'm sure it's by intention that the way those random things every time seem to go Cid's way, it kind of gives the impression he wasn't isekaied but is lying in coma in a hospital. So, this is his long dream.I was thinking that too. But if it's all happening in his head, the girls wouldn't be doing so much without him even noticing.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 05:52 PM
I got bored and decided to watch this.
I don't think I've ever disliked a protagonist more.
You're really not supposed to. He's a self-centered asshole who does whatever he wants with very little concern for others aside from Aurora.
Wed, 07-17-2024, 10:41 PM
All caught up. Last 5 minutes actually had me interested.
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