View Full Version : Summertime Render
Tue, 04-19-2022, 02:29 PM
After his parents died, Shinpei Ajiro lived with the Kofune sisters, Mio and Ushio, but he has since moved to live on his own in Tokyo. But after Ushio drowns while trying to save the young Shiori Kobayakawa, he returns home to mourn her departure. However, bruises around Ushio's neck bring her cause of death into question.
Taking a step back, Shinpei becomes convinced there must be another explanation. Dangerous entities roam among the islanders, and a vision of deceased Ushio asks him to "save Mio" as her final request. He is certain that something is afoot—and Ushio's death is only a piece of the puzzle.
Episode 1:
Alright, let's gooooooooooooooooooo. Dat end lol :D
I've tried watching tonally similar shows before, but the thing that always made me quickly drop it was the character designs that I disliked. This anime has sympathetic, likeable character designs and it makes all the difference.
As for the story, it's intriguing. Maybe a little too many construed mystery scenes, but that's to be expected. My expectation is a nice, little island mystery with some neat twists. And that's fine.
Wed, 04-20-2022, 04:13 PM
Alright, I'm in. Let's go.
Time loops can be pretty fun, and the style reminds me of early 2000's punk, for some reason. Here's hoping the story pans out to at least half of its potential.
Sun, 04-24-2022, 10:36 AM
episode 2:
I like the pacing, we got a lot of new stuff this week, but the mystery still feels far from solved. I also like the "no bs" attitude, like, most anime would have added plenty of minutes wasted on dumb reactions a la "i dont believe you" or "the photo is fake!" or whatever. This anime just stepped past that bs and went right for the core. Good decision.
Of course, that Mio knows doesn't really help anything for now, only adds one anxious person, lol. Calling police is useless, too, because there's only one police guy on the island who's not exactly capable from the looks and is one of the first victims himself. Shinpei literally must solve the mystery himself or all is lost.
But apparently he's a shadow himself, huh. Well, he must be special in some way to travel back in time during death. Definitely another good episode.
Fri, 05-06-2022, 02:55 PM
Episode 4:
Damn, this was actually the best series this season.
Sat, 05-07-2022, 10:42 AM
Intriguing, for sure. I like introducing the time loop and having it almost immediately deduced and countered by the enemy. I'll pretend the fireworks were still going and covered up that shotgun blast. I heard this is slated for 25 episodes- if so, can they keep it up? I want to know more about the shadows. I'm still a little unclear on the catalyst for copying a person. I get its the photoflash, but does it require touch or anything?
Sat, 05-07-2022, 12:26 PM
Doesn't seem like touch is necessary.
These shadows are waaay OP.
I also like that Ushio2 doesn't have the memory of a shadow and is called a traitor. It presents a dilemma to the other characters. If you know it is fake, but it is effectively the exact same being, what is the right thing to do?
Sun, 05-08-2022, 04:25 PM
The actual story and twist was nice, but goddamn, I hate everything about this Ushio. Not only is she ugly as hell, but her behavior made ZERO sense. Even if she is a kage, she doesn't know that, so she thinks she's human. How would a human react if she suddenly found herself at a beach in a swimsuit at night? Fear? Panic? Crying? Shock? No, it's: "I wanna go to the fireworks with Shinpei!" :/
And the scenes at the festival were handled really badly: This is supposed to be a small island town where everyone knows everyone ... and the just deceased Ushio, the only girl with blonde hair, is ruinning around there in a conspicuous swimsuit? Give me a break. Honestly, the scenes with her almost made me drop this episode. THere's 2 possibilities know: Either she's actually really dumb. Or it's a case of "anime". And I don't like either option. Why can't we have good, logical story-telling for once :(
At least the end of the episode answers one important question: You CAN actually fight against the shadows. Although that also doesn't make quite sense, when Shinpei just experienced that the kage are too fast to even see, at least after the first hit, the Mio-kage should have rushed up to tiddie-woman and killed her. Eh, maybe the hit weakened the kage or something.
Anyway, I hope the anime puts Ushio at the side and goes back to Shinpei-scenes. He's in for a reboot anyway with his broken arm. I expect tiddy-woman to tell him something like "when you meet my past self, tell me this", and that's gonna be the basis for the next attempt at fighting the kage.
Episode 4:
Damn, this was actually the best series this season.
Nah, that's Dance Dance Danseur that you're all ignoring.
Fri, 05-13-2022, 10:37 AM
episode 5:
This anime really is directly on my personal border between "i like this" and "I hate this". There's a lot I like (the characters, the general atmosphere, the serious story), but then there's some bs that just makes it hard to watch. For example, this episode the boobs-girl was fast enough to turn around WHILE the Mio-kage was already rushing at her. We know from previous episodes that kage are supernaturally fast, too fast to even see, instantaneous basically. So boobs-girl really shouldn't have been able to turn around in time.
And then the, more important, complaint I have: The whole story is suuuuuuuuuuuuper constructed. Like, especially after the new info we got this week, it feels more like a video game story now. There's this shitty little island, but somehow there's human-eating shadows with all sorts of magical abilities, and that's supposed to be believed just like that. Honestly, it reminds me of Kokkoku, that also started out nicely but then added too much construed stuff.
Maybe the explanations and solutions in upcoming episodes will give answers that satisfy me, but I'm reasonably doubtful.
PS: Boobs-girl is distractingly sexy. And I don't mean this in the usual "haha, MFauli horny", I mean it in an actualy critiquing manner. Her attitude, her brunette long hair, her glasses, her perfectly shaped body ... it's too much. Especially for a serious story like this. When Shinpei was looked at by her, all I could think was "suck on them! Do it!" or at least start flirting with her. Ofc, he already has two other crushes, lol, but damn. I feel like they could have toned down her attractiveness 2-3 levels, would have been more advantageous for the plot. Oh well. Gimme the doujins :>
Fri, 05-13-2022, 02:14 PM
Nagumo has a foresight ability, which is how she dodged the shotgun bullets heading to her face, as well as the stab from Shadow Mio. She wasn't reacting to the attack from behind, but instead foresaw it and countered accordingly.
I like how he is slowly moving forward each reset, giving the entire loop concept a much needed sense of danger.
The art is phenomenal as always. Nagumo is hot, especially with that masculine name and voice. Shotgun toting is a plus.
Shinpei needs a LOT more allies to win this battle. The enemy is like a virus, so he can't try to solve this alone. First order of business is getting Nagumo, and then using her knowledge to reveal the enemy to as many people as he can. It will be like Shiki with humans vs shadows instead of vampires.
Wed, 05-18-2022, 09:11 AM
Downs and ups. The first half of the "we will win, all is lost, aren't you sad" exposition was pretty boring. The scooting loop is a great idea that immediately re-injects tension and caps the groundhog day shenanigans to a reasonable level.
Sat, 05-21-2022, 04:49 AM
Episode 6:
Eh, an entire episode spent on reuniting with Nagumo. At least it was fun seeing the shadows get owned. Although I wonder: Is the "stepping on their shadows" something the don't like or literally cannot bear? If it was the former, a shadow could use this to trick them.
Also, I wonder how many kage there are at this point. There was a whole bunch last episode at the matsuri, but if there's not many as of yet, taking them out one by one might be a strategy. Ofc, that leaves the powerful leader.
Wed, 05-25-2022, 09:54 AM
Good episode that lays more cards on the table. It seems this isn't the first time shadow's have wreaked havoc on these people. Nagumo seems to be on a mission, but how does an author become a supernatural slayer, I wonder.
So, according to the bathroom scene, and the sniper shot, dealing physical damage to a shadow is the same as damaging their real bodies.
Wed, 05-25-2022, 10:46 AM
She was probably a supernatural slayer before becoming an author to make ends meet. In her youth, someone she loves was killed by a shadow, so she probably left town in search of ways to defeat them. But then she had to eat, and writing is a better alternative than using her body.
Fri, 06-03-2022, 07:26 AM
episode 7:
ugh, they're adding so much completely different elements to this story, starting to feel like a mess. A dual personality, uhuh ...
Also what was that shitty plan? "We know we failed in a previous time to kill the Wakyashi family, but stay out of the house when we try it again this time!". They had no way of knowing whether the attack failed inside or outside the house.
Also, why are they so confidently assuming that kage Mio will appear at the same tme? Chances are high that she found out about the killing of the Wakayashi shadows. Weak writing here.
Thu, 06-09-2022, 10:58 AM
The production is getting a little uneven, in that some scenes are given arbitrary additional frames, and some of the reaction shots, I suppose to provide a bit of levity, are only slightly more welcome than what passed for humor in the old Hellsing Ovas.
In ep seven, they leaned into the horror/thriller aspects more and was a more interesting. LEarning more about shadow physiology and countermeasures keeps me engaged, and learning that the little girl was a abnormality among them (like Ushio) rests at the back of my mind.
episode 7:
ugh, they're adding so much completely different elements to this story, starting to feel like a mess. A dual personality, uhuh ...
I wont speak for how tightly written this is, but more importantly the different elements are coming together to make a somewhat interesting story, and if these new elements aren't in conflict with what we already know, they may be groundwork for plot points down the line, so no complaints from me.
Ushio isn't my favorite character or even type of character, but she is being put to good use. The cataclysmic event looming in these stories are invariably boring to me as they happen, so the more supplemental exploration of the circumstances we can get beforehand, the better.
The show runs the risk of being convoluted if it keeps this loop up much longer though, as a good chunk of information and causality will need to be re-earned, and re-learned by the audience. It is interesting right now, but staying that way will be a challenge.
Thu, 06-09-2022, 11:41 AM
I didn't comment on the last episode, because it's honestly becoming a bit of a cheap drag.
Oh the surprise, the shadows communicate with each other, so kage-Mio knew something was up and didn't behave the same as in the past loops - nobody could see THAT coming/s
And I really dislike Ushio. For two reasons: For one, she's unfittingly cheerful and behaves like this isn't a serious situation. I don't care about you telling me "that's her character", in a serious situation, even cheerful people know how to behave on a basic level. Instead she's laughing, grinning, cares more about eating curry than surviving, and just doesn't give any impression of someone who'd be in that situation. And the other thing I hate: She doesn't care one bit about walking around in a swimsuit. That is so dumb. You might call it a minor thing, but she's walking all over town, the island, wearing nothing but a swimsuit. That's not normal, and she would have found countless opportunities to grab some clothing from somewhere along the way, or at the very last instantly ask Jinpei to give her something - not wait until she turns naked for reasons.
She's such an "anime" character that really ruins a large portion of this story, it just takes me out of the otherwise serious atmosphere. Of, big boobs dual personality isn't a great character, either, but she's a bit more subdued than Ushio. Ideally, both wouldn't be the way they are.
I'm kinda not looking forward to this anime of all being 2 cour, but eh, I'm already too far in.
Thu, 06-09-2022, 12:19 PM
The swimsuit part was explained by her being a broken shadow. She didn't even recognize the incongruence until it was directly pointed out to her.
Her weird cheerful behavior also isn't just because of Ushio's personality. It is also caused by her being a shadow, who fundamentally think differently than humans. If the real Ushio were thrust in this situation, she wouldn't behave like that, as seen in the flashbacks where she can clearly express a wider breadth of emotion, and her behavior fit her current situation.
Thu, 06-09-2022, 12:51 PM
"she wouldn't behave like that", and yet Jinpei keeps saying she's just like the real Ushio.
As I said, I don't care about any tryhard-explanations, it ruins the atmosphere for me. If all of her behavior was because she's a a shadow, the anime did a bad job to portray it like that. One important action to portray this would have been Jinpei NOT treating her like she's the real Ushio, but he basically has already decided that she is the real Ushio.
Thu, 06-09-2022, 01:23 PM
Shinpei is comparing the real Ushio in his memories to an alien shadow that copied her. Of course he will get surprised about how uncannily similar they are.
I am not trying to convince you about anything. I just stated what I observed just in case you missed it.
Thu, 06-09-2022, 03:03 PM
but he basically has already decided that she is the real Ushio.
Well, he had a knife in hand and was seriously wavering on whether to stab and kill this Ushio. After sitting down for a meal with her, so I think he has drawn a clear distinction between the two (real and fake). If anything he is using her: she protected him from another shadow, and he isn't too worried about her losing an arm. He's making no promises about bringing her back or anything, and he hasn't even seen her for 3 years, so I'm unconvinced he is favoring her irrationally.
Tue, 06-21-2022, 08:09 AM
So, calling her defective wasn't just a turn of phrase. Looks like there was a whole Scobby-Do arc before Shinpei arrived in Ep1. Did they ever establish if the shadows need to maim people, if they can just turn them into skid marks at a touch, or is that only after they are dead?
Shadows, while considered a disease, are also a brood of things living under the old hospital? I was under the impression they manifested only when they "infected" someone and copied them... Speaking of, it was strange that the one outside could still somewhat copy Ushio when she had already been copied once.
Tue, 06-21-2022, 08:57 AM
I didn't write anytihng for the episode, because I was so upset over how dumb the underwater part was presented. I won't go into detail, because you people always find a way to excuse anime for when I criticize them, but that just was infuriating.
The only good part in all of this is that it actually is plausible for Ushio to be the one to make friends with her shadow because of her unreal personality.
Anyway, really hate that this of all anime is 2 cour -_-
Sat, 07-02-2022, 03:54 PM
Episode 12:
Shinpei is one crazy motherfucker.
The big shadow is really malevolent. What a nice easy to hate villain.
Fri, 07-08-2022, 12:28 PM
Only watched ep 12 now, haven't seen 13 yet which is already out, too.
I had trouble understanding the rules of Jinpei's time travel here. First he couldn't loop back. Then he decided to get killed/kill himself. And then, before the poison killed him, Ushio grabbed him and did time travel. What's what now? Is Ushio required for time travelling? Why couldn't he have killed himself earlier to loop back? And if getting scanned by a shadow was a danger, that could have happened while he was poisoned, too.
Outside of that, it was probably the best episode so far. First episode where I didn't hope it'd end faster, lol. Ushio nude scene was unnecessary, though. I wish the police guy wasn't that much of a wimp, though.
Very much excited about the next loop. Fuck that child goddess, hate villains ike that so much.
Fri, 07-08-2022, 05:22 PM
Shinpei needs to die to loop back. The enemy was trying to stop him from dying to prevent that. In the end, he had to use the poison to do it because all other methods failed. Ushio-clone grabbing him at the end is just to make sure she can come along.
Ushio-clone is not necessary for time travel. She is just tagging along every time he does it. Whether she can be left behind at this point is unknown, but so far she's been joining his time travels since he first saw her during the festival.
Fri, 07-08-2022, 05:53 PM
Was the Ushio-shadow really with him during the first 2-3 loops, too? Can't remember that at all.
Fri, 07-08-2022, 06:25 PM
Only after they met at the festival.
Fri, 07-08-2022, 09:16 PM
The spectacle of the sudden violence is still entertaining, and it being limited by finite re-dos keeps things interesting.
It is surprisingly easy to shut my brain off watching this, as the story is just convoluted enough to be a chore to track while simultaneously being flexible enough by its nature that you don't feel guilty for just taking this loop's exposition at face value. It is getting harder to muster the desire to watch this, but I still don't regret when I do. Its a weird place for an anime to be by my standards.
Sat, 07-09-2022, 02:50 PM
Episode 13:
See, this series' biggest problem is that it keeps throwing bs twists at you. But not in a clever way. More in an afterthrought-way. I'll see this through to the end, but, and I'm a clown for even mentioning that name, it will be a totally forgettable anime and nowhere near something like Steins;Gate, an anime that also has plenty of twists, but does them in a way that's clever.
Wed, 07-20-2022, 11:37 AM
For all his bluster, the hunter isn't very viable in the shadow fight. I like that they didn't show even a hint of the bullet killing him. I also like that they are skipping more and more of the process of getting everyone up to speed.
I don't really get the relationship between the girl and the core shadow...girl. She was friendly with her until her own appetite took over and made her kill the brother? Is that the long and short of it, or was the an implication that the four armed shadow had a hand in it?
Wed, 07-20-2022, 01:35 PM
She denied killing the brother, so four armed shadow might be the true instigator.
Sun, 07-24-2022, 03:25 PM
Episode 15:
First of all: Mio wasn't THAT flat, was she. Bad shadow copy!
Furthermore: Lots of action, fun episode to watch. Well, except for all the times I was screaming at my tv because Shinpei or other characters wouldn't get some distance between them and the enemy. Most frustrating when Shide was "burning" in the hall and Shinpei only started at him, leaving Haine completely unmonitored, even though that monster is like 2-3 meters from him :/ Logic :/
Shinpei wearing bulletproof stuff was a nice surprise, I was already complainging "huh, how can he keep jumping like that when he's mortally wounded?!", but ahjo.
Shide having a human inside ... does that imply a human is wearing a shadow as a suit? The only one that comes to mind is Tokiko's father. Otherwise it'd have to be a new unknown character.
Sun, 07-24-2022, 06:39 PM
The hand/arm seems female, so the twist might be Shide's body is one of Shinpei's parents, likely the mom.
Mio was pretty darn flat, so I think the shadow clone did a fairly good job at the shape. Where it failed horribly is the nipples. There were none...
Tue, 07-26-2022, 08:54 AM
It was to cut down on wind resistance, obviously. These are some high speed fights and being aerodynamic is key.
...Sorry. Anyways, they really upped the animation during th action scenes, and team Shenpei having a sort of win was a good change of pace. This episode was so entertaining, that it makes the whole journey so far feel worthwhile, like a penultimate climax, even though there are plenty of episodes left. Everyone had screen time to contribute without cheapening the villains' threat.
Mon, 08-01-2022, 12:01 PM
episode 16:
Yeah, um, I'm kinda still not okay with the father shooting Tokiko. That she was fake wasn't know to him. Getting massive "Sakura married Sasuke, despite him trying to kill her" flashbacks ...
Otherwise I want to say that this series really pulled itself together. These past couple episodes were much easier to watch than the first couple ones. After almost dropping it, it's now one of the anime I look forward to each week.
Tue, 08-02-2022, 10:56 AM
Agreed that it is getting better. The setup is actually beginning to pay off and make an exciting story.
Tue, 08-02-2022, 11:06 AM
I dunno, I've always liked and felt impressed by this show. Based on the art and animation quality, I knew the loose threads would come together later on, and they did. The action is top notch too, and the girls are hot. There are no glaring plot holes or incredibly stupid characters, except for Doctor Dad. So far, it's been all good for me.
Doctor Dad is a supreme dumbass. He wanted shadows to be made of him and his family so they can live together eternally? Did he not realize the simple fact that his shadow is not him, but a mere clone? He himself would be dead. That's also how he convinced himself to shoot Tokiko. He thought she would simply be reborn as a shadow.
The problem is he knows that shadows can be born before the host dies and is erased, which means they are separate beings. There is no continuity or inheritance of consciousness. How did he think that was a good deal? For him and his entire family to die and have copies of them live forever? How did this guy become a doctor..?
Sat, 08-13-2022, 05:00 PM
episode 18:
i have no idea why Ushio vanished from the past. Also Shinpei's hesitation was annoying. Reminded me of the Gantz anime. Fucking SHOOT, you know he's a monster. Oh, and someone pls look that dad in a room, he still tried to kill his daughter ....
But to make Kray happy: Nice, Karikiri got to have sex with a loli god. lol
Sat, 08-13-2022, 07:01 PM
Ushio vanished because like Shinpei, she was special (splitting from Haine when she lost her eye) and is actually part of the loops. By dying and being unable to be pulled into the loop, she vanished from the rendering completely.
Both Ushio and Shinpei are dumbasses for standing around right after killing the dude. They didn't even know how he was armoring himself with shadows. Assuming the battle was over, especially because Shinpei already noticed the dood's hand wasn't burned, was absurdly foolish. They literally discussed the dood cloning himself...
I liked the crazy expressions of insanity and grief shown in this episode. Lent some emotion to the events.
Sun, 08-14-2022, 01:47 AM
Ushio vanished because like Shinpei, she was special (splitting from Haine when she lost her eye) and is actually part of the loops. By dying and being unable to be pulled into the loop, she vanished from the rendering completely.
Both Ushio and Shinpei are dumbasses for standing around right after killing the dude. They didn't even know how he was armoring himself with shadows. Assuming the battle was over, especially because Shinpei already noticed the dood's hand wasn't burned, was absurdly foolish. They literally discussed the dood cloning himself...
I liked the crazy expressions of insanity and grief shown in this episode. Lent some emotion to the events.
So ... how DID Karakiri survive having his head split in half? I didn't get that either.
About the facial expression ... I found them rather hilarious, very out of place. Like when in Great Teacher Onizuka they suddenly change to "realistic" faces lol.
Btw shadow Mio is best girl rn, lol.
Sun, 08-14-2022, 09:03 AM
Karakiri, whose head got lopped in half, didn't survive. There were 2 of them, both human, which is why Ushio couldn't sense them. The one who uses the shadow armor is the one who killed Ushio. He had the burn on his hand.
Since all succeeding Karakiris are clones, there really wasn't a rule that they can't create more than one at a time. The one-child shadow rules don't apply to Haine, especially when using the previously unmentioned real pregnancy technique.
Sun, 08-14-2022, 11:13 AM
Kinda makes no sense for the killed Karakiri clone to be so chill about it. They don't share the same mind, only a copy of the original. So that clone did die, for real.
Sun, 08-14-2022, 06:50 PM
Same can be said for that dumbass doctor who wanted shadow clones of his family to live forever.
Griping aside, I think Karakiri in particular is insane and wants to fulfill Haine's wishes no matter what, including spending multiple lifetimes to do it. Remember, it isn't really a soul transfer but a memory copy that allows the continuation of Karakiri, meaning there are already many individual Karakiris who died for the cause.
Mon, 08-22-2022, 12:32 AM
episode 19:
I wonder how they'll get Ushio back, since I don't believe for one second that she's truly gone. Haine reacted to the shell Shinpei was carrying in his pockets, so maybe that's a remaining piece of her?
Hizuru going to Haine and Karikiri by herself just feels dumb. Honestly, with Ushio gone, their plan ought to be to leave the island and save as many loved ones quietly as possible.
PS: The doujins really write themselves with that end, lol: "Make full use of my body!". Makes me giggle at the thought of what doujin-Ryuunosuke would make her body do, lol.
Mon, 08-22-2022, 07:50 AM
Well, Ushio is just a piece of Haine, and Ushio's memories have been transferred to Shinpei and the others many times now, so I think they could transfer the memories into Haine or another piece of her to recreate her.
Sat, 08-27-2022, 01:28 PM
Ep 20.
Holy fuck, they are dropping like flies...
It's a small consolation knowing that even if Shinpei didn't loop, Sensei lost the fight anyway, proven by Tokiko having to return barely alive to deliver the news. Now, Shinpei has the physical ability of a shadow from Ryuunosuke, so while they did lose a formidable and critical ally, he himself gained a new weapon.
It looks like a part of Ushio is still alive in that shell. And that part seems powerful enough to scare away Haine twice.
I wonder if in the end, when both of Haine's eyes are together, they can simply go back in time using their full power and kill Shide before this entire mess happened. The main goal now is to convince Haine she is being used by Shide. That part was actually pretty obvious, since Haine's goal is to return home, while Shide's existence relies on her being on Earth. As a human, he can't actually come with her in his current form.
Tue, 08-30-2022, 01:40 PM
Really don't like the "twist" where the monster girl is actually innocent and the adult man who's serving her is the true villain. Haine deserves to be killed, fullstop, don't try to absolve her in anyway.
Given the consequences, I'd hate to be the first one that is killed permanently, lol. "I will loop back to save everyone ... except you, bad luck." It makes kinda sense in the context, but still must feel bad.
The one thing that has been irking me for long, though, is that Shinpei ended up just accepting that Haine put a mark on him that allows her to read his thoughts. Getting rid of the mark should have been #1 priority, even if it meant amputation. It's such an easy mark for the enemy.
Tue, 08-30-2022, 05:19 PM
Amputation won't work, just like when Haine tried to gouge out Shinpei's eye. The abilities are not physical but conceptual. The eye itself and the marking are just symbolic, not necessary for the effect/function.
Thu, 09-01-2022, 01:58 PM
[URL=""]Now, Shinpei has the physical ability of a shadow from Ryuunosuke, so while they did lose a formidable and critical ally, he himself gained a new weapon.
Just caught up. Did Ryuunosuke even get created in this loop? I didn't see him standing around out there, so was that a one-off for that loop? I was half expecting the other priest clone to have an equally sinister but different power, but it looks like he was just a body double, after all.
[URL=""]The main goal now is to convince Haine she is being used by Shide. That part was actually pretty obvious, since Haine's goal is to return home, while Shide's existence relies on her being on Earth. As a human, he can't actually come with her in his current form.
Sadly, this is one of the most trite things about anime storytelling, and I wish it had been avoided here. "But mankind is the real villain!" is so worn out- I'm cool with a face off against a real, intelligent sentient being who's evil isn't derived from mankind's twisted influence at least one in a while. /rant
Circling back to Ryunnoske, is the implication that Haine made him as a shadow, and, in a fit of sorrow for her best friend (at the time), ejected him instead of fully forming him and he possessed sensei, leading to the dual personalities, but with him existing two seconds in the future? Its been a hot minute since I watched so I'm sure I'm getting the mechanics mixed up, but I especially wobbly on their explanation.
Thu, 09-01-2022, 03:57 PM
It technically wasn't dual personalities since it is a possession. They are basically two spirits in one body, not one mind split into multiple personalities. The rest sound correct.
Ep 21. (
Mon, 09-12-2022, 11:12 AM
Just realized I havent seen ep 21 and 22, and there's no links o nya. Thx for the link, shinta, do you have ep 22, too?
Mon, 09-12-2022, 11:49 AM
Yes. (
Mon, 09-12-2022, 12:09 PM
Episode 22:
Ignoring the silly Dragon Ball-fighting: SIGH. Can't we do without the trope of feeling some last-second remorse for the villain, thus giving him/her another chance to kill the heroes? Oh man.
Fuck Haine. It can't be said enough. She doesn't deserve a happy end, nor any absolution. Whatever got her in that situation, it doesn't excuse the countless murders she committed. Screw her. I don't want Shinpei and Ushio help her in whatever way. :(
Also Shinpei is an idiot. The cute, tanned "sister" confesses to him, and he chooses his dead, ugly shadow gf. Sigh.
Speaking of: If somehow shadows won't die after Haine is "defeated", I hope Tokiko's brother at least gets together with shadow Mio. "Your coolheaded attitude is kinda cute", come on, make her fall for you, dude ;> I can kinda see the happy end now, though: Ushio turns Haine "good" or becomes the next Haine, thus allowing shadows to live. That means Tokiko's shadow mom can keep living, too. Now just find a way to revive boob lady.
Btw on the matter of time travel: This story has the same issue most time travel stories have, and it openly admits it: Every time Shinpei jumps back in time, a new timeline is created, leaving an old timeline where things went bad. That basically means that the only one who gets to work towards a good end is Shinpei himself (and shadow Ushio I guess). Everyone else gets screwed over in the failed timelines where Haine wins, and only the friends in the most recent timeline can hope to live through all this. Fucked up when you think about it, that's why writers love to ignore this dilemma.
Thu, 09-15-2022, 04:09 PM
Btw on the matter of time travel: This story has the same issue most time travel stories have, and it openly admits it: Every time Shinpei jumps back in time, a new timeline is created, leaving an old timeline where things went bad. That basically means that the only one who gets to work towards a good end is Shinpei himself (and shadow Ushio I guess). Everyone else gets screwed over in the failed timelines where Haine wins, and only the friends in the most recent timeline can hope to live through all this. Fucked up when you think about it, that's why writers love to ignore this dilemma.
This is NOT the case for this story. They explicitly said that the moment Shinpei returns, a new timeline is created, but the old timeline is also erased. Meaning, there is only 1 actual timeline, not multiple parallel universes always existing at the same time.
EDIT: This is the actual explanation in episode 21:
Shinpei's power is the ability to observe parallel universes. When he dies, the world is duplicated many times, and only his consciousness can travel to any one of those worlds. Once he does (the part where he wakes up in the "past"), everything that happened in the world he was previously in is gone, as if it never existed. So there are no failure timelines left hanging around.
Episode 23. (
Fri, 09-16-2022, 07:23 AM
This is NOT the case for this story. They explicitly said that the moment Shinpei returns, a new timeline is created, but the old timeline is also erased. Meaning, there is only 1 actual timeline, not multiple parallel universes always existing at the same time.
EDIT: This is the actual explanation in episode 21:
Shinpei's power is the ability to observe parallel universes. When he dies, the world is duplicated many times, and only his consciousness can travel to any one of those worlds. Once he does (the part where he wakes up in the "past"), everything that happened in the world he was previously in is gone, as if it never existed. So there are no failure timelines left hanging around.
Episode 23. (
Ok, so instead of countless failed timelines, there's countless "murdererd" timeline >_>
Anyway, thx for the link, will watch new episode later.
Fri, 09-16-2022, 11:13 AM
The way they said it is that "it would become as if the timeline didn't exist." So it's not murder, but like pulling out to avoid conception in the first place.
Sat, 09-17-2022, 10:07 AM
Episode 23:
As I said before: Not a fan of "the little girl is actually a victim and the adult man is the true villain". Also Ushio is just total Dragon Ball Z now.
Sat, 09-17-2022, 10:36 AM
I don't think they see Hiruko as a victim, but they do understand she is a monster and naturally eats other creatures. She does not have and should not be bound by human morals, so judging her for her "sins" is meaningless. If she can be sent home with no further damage to anyone, there would be no need to kill her. She is still the villain because without her, clone Shide wouldn't even exist.
What the story tried to do is separate the human girl personality (Haine) that Hiruko first copied from the monster. The girl that deadboobs befriended was that human personality, not the original creature. Hiruko itself, whether as a separate entity or combined with Haine, is still definitely a monster and killer, regardless of what Shide did or put her up to.
Fri, 09-23-2022, 07:47 AM
Episode 24. (
I knew they were gonna go with the reset ending. I just didn't think it was gonna be Ushio-shadow to do it instead of Hiruko. In the end, Hiruko was a selfish beast that just wanted her suffering to end. She never gave a damn about humans. All of that came from Haine, who I guess lived a normal life with Shide in the past this time.
If all the shadows are gone, why is Shinpei even coming back to the island? And Hizuru too? It was supposed to be Ushio's funeral and phone call that brought them back.
Sun, 09-25-2022, 08:44 PM
I'm more surprised that they are going to spend an entire episode faffing about in the happy ending. The goodbyes said in this episode will be completely undermined with the reset if everything winds up okay in the end, with the entire thing effectively 'had been a dream'.
Sun, 09-25-2022, 11:53 PM
Shadow Ushio is effectively dead. Even if Ushio never died in this universe, she wouldn't have those experiences, so Shinpei's goodbye is true and meaningful.
As for everyone else's, only Shinpei remembers all of that, so I guess it seems like "a dream" ending, except dream endings suck because the entire struggle was meaningless. Here, the struggle is the precise reason the horrific ending can be considered just a dream, so the two shouldn't be conflated.
Mon, 09-26-2022, 12:42 PM
Episode 24:
1.) The only difference between Ushio and "child-Ushi" was ... smaller boobs. :|
2.) I'm sorry, but I was really rooting for Shide at the end. This anime did bad something that a lot of anime mess up: The heroes end up looking too strong. At no point in this battle did it look like Shide had the clear upperhand. At best the upperhand kept shifting between him and Shinpei. The latter of which had no trouble dodging Shide's attacks. And who are we fighting here? Someone who just wanted to live forever and, since that came to an end, wanted to end the entire world. That last bit is bad, but I really liked his analogy: "Consider me a final boss who's found a way to cut the game's cord". He might have snapped at some point, but really he was fighting THE WHOLE WORLD all by himself. I can respect that. If they wanted me to hate him, they should have made him look more powerful and overwhelming.
3.) For all the pain Shinpei should have, he doesn't show it. That would have been a good way to alleviate the impression of being too powerful.
4.) The terrible design of Ushio as a blonde pinup girl inherently ruined her for me from the first second I saw her and that never changed until the end.
One episode left and I expect a 100% happy boring end. In any other season, this anime would have been a drop, but this season it made my #1 in the top 3-thread, really says it all.
Thu, 10-06-2022, 09:13 PM
I didn't mind that nearly as much as I predicted I would. I liked seeing the characters have a chance to live happy, normal lives, and the what-ifs, like Ryunoske being alive and Haine's father were paced well to keep up some form of intrigue. The lack of memories wasn't all bad, as the events would have been traumatic anyhow. Overall, a really solid show.
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