View Full Version : Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei Suru

Wed, 10-06-2021, 12:17 PM

"The greatest assassin on Earth knew only how to live as a tool for his employers—until they stopped letting him live. Reborn by the grace of a goddess into a world of swords and sorcery, he's offered a chance to do things differently this time around, but there's a catch...He has to eliminate a super-powerful hero who will bring about the end of the world unless he is stopped. Now known as Lugh Tuatha Dé, the master assassin certainly has his hands full, particularly because of all the beautiful girls who constantly surround him." -Yen Press


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I suppose most isekai reincarnation series will have a younger original character to avoid an older person mentality, but this isn't particularly novel either. At least it's easier to explain why he would have good skills if he was a real veteran already before dying. Other than that, it seems strange to take down a whole airplane full of civilians to kill a single person. We know from the incident when the Russians shot down the airplane above Ukraine that the investigation will always be beyond thorough. I wouldn't want to be the pilot of the fighter plane. That dude would soon be neck deep in shit. It would have been much easier and less of a headache to assassinate just the old man and nothing else. The author clearly got ahead of himself here, right at the very beginning.

Hard to say anything much about the story otherwise. It seems to be bloody. It has an annoying goddess. That's about it.

Wed, 10-06-2021, 12:39 PM
I'll give it a go later, but from what I remember of the manga, this is paint-by-numbers generic isekai with a side of edgy. That's not a bad thing per-say, especially if you like those kinds of shows.

Wed, 10-06-2021, 01:21 PM
I'll give it a go later, but from what I remember of the manga, this is paint-by-numbers generic isekai with a side of edgy. That's not a bad thing per-say, especially if you like those kinds of shows.

This looks very generic. I've read a huge number of isekai manga, although I've also dropped a bunch, and this doesn't honestly seem unique in any way. I'm far from sure I'll keep watching this, but I decided to give it a try because I haven't read a manga adaptation of this, assuming this has one. I haven't read that many LNs in general, and only a couple of isekai LN, partially.

Wed, 10-13-2021, 01:44 PM
Episode 2

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This isn't, for far, as terrible as I expected it to be. Maybe it's the lack of comedy, intentional or unintentional, that manages to keep this flowing. Some authors have little gift for comedy and ruin their works because of it, by still trying to incorporate it. It also feels like the author of this story is trying to keep things a little under control by not throwing every isekai trope in immediately. Although there are still a bunch, now with the token loli included. I especially enjoyed the interaction between the no-nonsense old man and the goddess. He simply totally ignored all of the goddess's quirks and proceeded to sort out the things he wanted to know. I'm going to miss his voice, but at least the younger voice is also trying to stick to the same personality, within reason.

Thu, 10-14-2021, 07:53 AM

It's better than I remembered. That his target is much more imba than himself is interesting, and the usual handicap of getting ridiculous blessings during reincarnation itself are (slightly) tempered and he is instead born into an ideal assassin household. Que rolling eyes, but it serves the story well and felt kind of tender, in an Addams family kind of way (is the mother even part of the family business?). I'm curious if they are going to touch more on the other child who allegedly died. The flash forward at the beginning of the first episode (slave auction) made me feel old, but once it transitioned to backstory, it felt much better. He didn't even spare a thought for his cute kouhai dying in the plane with himself, lol (I don't even think she was in the manga). Perhaps she was reincarnated, too? Another child mage (looking) prodigy teacher? Nice that pops is looking after the boy. Whatever- murder harem action squad, go!

Sat, 10-16-2021, 04:42 PM
It's a bit stupid and the typical "I'm this OP guy" trope.
But the setting is interesting and the animation is above average.

I like it.

I think killing the "hero" is a great idea.
Although that depends on how they will portray the hero. If he just turns out to be a villain even pre-demon king defeat, then that'd be boring.

Sat, 10-16-2021, 11:00 PM
Well, MC already asked if killing the Hero was mandatory, or just preventing the end of the world.

Tue, 10-19-2021, 01:54 PM
I think the implication was that without the Demon King to take his focus, the Hero becomes blinded by his unopposed power, eventually. So he isn't allowed to kill the hero before the demon king is dealt with, and perhaps it won't be necessary at all depending on how things play out.

Fri, 10-22-2021, 04:07 PM
Episode 3

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I feel like it was strange to say nobody had ever tried to use spells written down by someone else. Under other circumstances you might just say Dia didn't know what she was talking about, but in fact she's supposed to be a genius hired by a nationally important noble family to educate their son. So, there's no way she wouldn't know. Why didn't the script have her say that it just doesn't work. Because it wouldn't work if the spell wasn't written by someone with a special skill. People would most certainly have tried in the past, countless times. This is similar to the worn-out trope of a fantasy world missing exceedingly obvious everyday things, like soap, before the mighty Japanese man teaches the hairy barbarians something that should have been invented a thousand years earlier.

Other than that, I wonder just how many keywords the world actually contains for spells. Could the dude somehow deduce the words for a nuclear bomb? That ought to be everything needed to defeat the hero. Even if the hero could stand the heat (fire attribute) and blast (wind attribute), I have never seen a fantasy world that would have protection spells against radiation damage, haha.

Fri, 10-22-2021, 10:11 PM
I'd go antimater just to be sure. But I'd be careful to first be able to cast spells from a very long distance away.
Because 60 to 100kg of matter mixed with the same amount of antimater is alot of energy to dissipate.
Thinking about it, the head should be enough...

Black holes are too difficult to manage, haha.

Sat, 10-23-2021, 02:26 AM
I'd go antimater just to be sure. But I'd be careful to first be able to cast spells from a very long distance away.
Because 60 to 100kg of matter mixed with the same amount of antimater is alot of energy to dissipate.
Thinking about it, the head should be enough...

Black holes are too difficult to manage, haha.

He would likely end up killing himself as well with antimatter. Delivering the device actually isn't a problem since he can simply create it somewhere where the hero himself will later travel, only needing to worry about triggering it at the right moment. That would work with an antimatter device as well, but it's still too huge of a safety concern to be worth it, in my opinion. After all, if the pronunciation was a little off, he could be dead. That's not really nearly as big of a concern with a traditional nuclear weapon.

All that being said, if there's no keyword for such devices, he might be out of luck, especially with antimatter. He might still be able to create the components for a simple fission bomb, at least. It would be a chore to build and get it working, though. For whatever reason, the world does have keywords for (magic) guns and artillery, so it's anyone's guess what else is available.

Sat, 10-23-2021, 03:14 AM
Well, he's been shown managing incredible weapons and he's still young, so he can hone these new skills he combines with his past life knowledge.

I was a bit surprised he knows his Mendeleiev table so well, down to several decimals.
He also has a good understanding of matter and metals atomic structures.
I guess he's at least College graduate or even higher. For a tool, he had quite the education and gift for learning.
I would not be surprised he had quantum physics courses. That would go well with magic.
Antimater would then be trivial:
-coordinates 250km south, 320 km east.
-generate antimater

booooom haha

Sat, 10-23-2021, 03:52 AM
We haven't seen them use any magic that could materialise a significant distance away from the caster. It seems like a magic circle will appear in front of the caster, and the object being summoned will then appear next to the magic circle. However, if what you say is possible, antimatter would certain solve all of his problems concerning the hero, very quickly. The whole story could be over by the next episode...

Sat, 10-23-2021, 08:35 AM
I feel like it was strange to say nobody had ever tried to use spells written down by someone else.

Lugh actually thought of an explanation of this during the episode. He said that the people of that world were made to not be able to realize that potential, and he is only able to think outside of the "box" because he is an otherworlder.

I guess he's at least College graduate or even higher. For a tool, he had quite the education and gift for learning.

He's probably far more learned than that. Being a tool for assassination, he didn't really have leisure or down time, so other than the times he is killing someone, he should be honing his mind and skills. He mentioned before that he did infiltrations as well, not just sniping, which is why he knows how to cook. That means he is sort of a jack-of-all-trades on steroids.

Sat, 10-23-2021, 08:39 AM
I found the change from creating copper ore to fully functional rifles and bombard cannons to be kinda stupid.
Especially since the spell creation was the way it was.

Sat, 10-23-2021, 09:07 AM
Lugh actually thought of an explanation of this during the episode. He said that the people of that world were made to not be able to realize that potential, and he is only able to think outside of the "box" because he is an otherworlder.

There's a specific skill that makes writing down spells and teaching them to others work. If what you (or Lugh) say is true, then it would be meaningless for anyone (other than Lugh) to possess that skill because they couldn't use it anyway. Why would such a skill even exist then?

Sat, 10-23-2021, 01:44 PM
For otherworlders.

Sun, 10-24-2021, 12:34 AM
tama tama as the godess said...

Wed, 10-27-2021, 02:20 PM
Episode 4

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Dude's pretending to be all cold and analytical, talking about brainwashing and whatnot, but he's obviously secretly very happy to receive boobs in the face wake-up calls.

Observing the 40 years earlier scene, I wonder if it was still about killing the same hero. Was the goddess originally granting the hero killer 40 years of time to get strong enough to slay the hero? Only when the earlier reincarnation turned out to be a waste of skin, she instead chose the MC, but there were only 18 years of time left for him.

Thu, 10-28-2021, 11:03 AM
It's kinda weird that episode 1 spoiled basically all the important plotpoints of this season in such a detailed way.
Mage-teach gets the eyes through surgery from MC.
Tarte gets magic training
they develop new guns that don't require constant magic activations/magic-mags
And the third character is revealed as well and will most likely be more about information gathering.

And that's about as much as 12 episodes can take us.

And since from that episode I know how Tarte will turn out (visually), I kinda got a boner when she whispered in his hear ASMR-style.
I don't regret it though.

Fri, 10-29-2021, 02:31 PM
I really wanted to like this show based in Gigguk's video for the season, but I had to turn episode 1 off after seven minutes :/

A literally 14yo, 38kg frail girl somehow gets to kill a room full of adults. "Where are the guards?" the mistress asks AFTER everyone's dead - yeah, where indeed.

And her similar frail maid companion kills several adult men in close combat.

I just can't bear this shit anymore. Who likes this? Feminists and lobotomized people without any standards? Sorry for the harsh words, but I feel offended by this anime. Sigh

Fri, 10-29-2021, 03:21 PM
You know why Akame ga Kill works, even though it's also kinda bad and the majority of the cast is unlikable? More importantly, why this doesn't work?


An equally powerful villain who is also endearing and charming in her own twisted and fucked up way. You need that conflict and threat.

Fri, 10-29-2021, 03:30 PM
obviously secretly very happy to receive boobs in the face wake-up calls.

Obviously secretly, that's a good one. He does appear more soft hearted in this life than he was to his previous prototype student.

It's kinda weird that episode 1 spoiled basically all the important plotpoints of this season in such a detailed way. /examples

My hope is that we got through all of that with enough time for an assassination arc proper. Maybe 2-3 episodes left.

A literally 14yo, 38kg frail girl somehow gets to kill a room full of adults.


And her similar frail maid companion kills several adult men in close combat.

I just can't bear this shit anymore. Who likes this? Feminists and lobotomized people without any standards? Sorry for the harsh words, but I feel offended by this anime. Sigh

Well... anime has had the whole 'kids killing adults' thing going on for the better part of twenty years now. Remember Gunslinger Girls? This isn't new, and attaching questionable political labels to escapism isn't doing your argument any favors.

You know why Akame ga Kill works, even though it's also kinda bad and the majority of the cast is unlikable? More importantly, why this doesn't work?


An equally powerful villain who is also endearing and charming in her own twisted and fucked up way. You need that conflict and threat.

I'd argue Akame ga Kill worked because it featured regular character death long before that was common in edgy adolescent fiction... that, and some pretty good pacing. Esdeath wasn't even introduced until about a quarter in, right?

Also, we haven't even met the 'evil' hero yet. They could be just as charismatic.

Fri, 10-29-2021, 03:43 PM
I didn't say that it's new. I just can't atand it anymore.

Fri, 10-29-2021, 03:55 PM
I see. I just don't understand why that's where you draw the line in the sand for believability in your cartoons?

Fri, 10-29-2021, 04:19 PM
I see. I just don't understand why that's where you draw the line in the sand for believability in your cartoons?

Everybody has their own pet peeves. I can't read/watch harem anymore, unless there's a strong enough impetus overriding that dislike, such as the story being a good isekai otherwise. Even longer than that, I have come to dislike stupid MCs enough to drop series quickly. It doesn't matter if the MC is stupid because of the author's lack of skills (the author is also lacking intelligence) or because the author specifically wanted to write a stupid MC. The only exception are MCs that aren't genuinely stupid but still often act in stupid ways because of some obsession or equivalent (such as Black Star in Soul Eater) or just have one stupid trait for comedic purposes (like Zoro of One Piece getting lost all the time). Last but not least I hate the girls-only-can-save-the-world series, which have no logical reason whatsoever for the condition, the author just made it that way to have an all girls cast for a slavering otaku audience.

I guess this series will be a harem one as well, but not yet.

Fri, 10-29-2021, 05:09 PM
Everybody has their own pet peeves. I can't read/watch harem anymore, unless there's a strong enough impetus overriding that dislike, such as the story being a good isekai otherwise. Even longer than that, I have come to dislike stupid MCs enough to drop series quickly. It doesn't matter if the MC is stupid because of the author's lack of skills (the author is also lacking intelligence) or because the author specifically wanted to write a stupid MC. The only exception are MCs that aren't genuinely stupid but still often act in stupid ways because of some obsession or equivalent (such as Black Star in Soul Eater) or just have one stupid trait for comedic purposes (like Zoro of One Piece getting lost all the time). Last but not least I hate the girls-only-can-save-the-world series, which have no logical reason whatsoever for the condition, the author just made it that way to have an all girls cast for a slavering otaku audience.

I guess this series will be a harem one as well, but not yet.

Agreed with a lot of this. The only harem I care about at this point are those that 'go through with it' (aka School Days ) or have a truly exciting twist otherwise.

Dumb heroes might be fine for me, but not unintentionally gay heroes. Ichika from Infinite Stratos really broke me back then. :/

So many anime, movies, tv show, video games and books, on too of all the irl stuff - I have no nerve for crappy stuff anymore.

Fri, 10-29-2021, 08:14 PM
Asexual heroes, you mean. If they were gay, they would go for other dudes.

Sat, 10-30-2021, 12:03 AM
Asexual heroes, you mean. If they were gay, they would go for other dudes.

I mean ... some of them kinda do 🤷*♀️🤷*♀️🤷*♀️

Sat, 10-30-2021, 01:47 AM
This is similar to the worn-out trope of a fantasy world missing exceedingly obvious everyday things, like soap, before the mighty Japanese man teaches the hairy barbarians something that should have been invented a thousand years earlier.How exactly is the fact that if you wet this very specific type of rock, rub it all over your body, and it'll make you smell different and get sick less...in ANY way obvious?

I was a bit surprised he knows his Mendeleiev table so well, down to several decimals.
He also has a good understanding of matter and metals atomic structures.
I guess he's at least College graduate or even higher. For a tool, he had quite the education and gift for learning.
I would not be surprised he had quantum physics courses. I'm betting it's a Hitman situation. He has to know everything and be able to do everything, so that he can be anyone to kill anyone.

He already said he mastered cooking so he could pose as a chef to kill someone. He probably learned all that science to pose as a professor for a hit.

Observing the 40 years earlier scene, I wonder if it was still about killing the same hero. Was the goddess originally granting the hero killer 40 years of time to get strong enough to slay the hero? Only when the earlier reincarnation turned out to be a waste of skin, she instead chose the MC, but there were only 18 years of time left for him.She called the NEET "number two-hundred"-and-something. She is CLEARLY not putting all her eggs in one basket.

My prediction? The Hero is an otherworlder the goddess herself empowered to kill the Demon King, but she made him too powerful and he's a threat to her and she's trying to clean up hermess.

Sat, 10-30-2021, 02:19 AM
238 is neet's number.

Trope: the hero is MC's former pupil, because isekaï and magic can do with messed up timelines...

Sat, 10-30-2021, 03:11 AM
My prediction? The Hero is an otherworlder the goddess herself empowered to kill the Demon King, but she made him too powerful and he's a threat to her and she's trying to clean up hermess.

Maybe the demon king is the very first reincarnate with cheat powers, created by that same goddess to make the world more interesting. But then things started to get out of hand. Now she's just trying to put out the fire by throwing gasoline into the blaze.

Wed, 11-03-2021, 02:56 PM
Episode 5

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Didn't the dude cause a significant explosion with a single Fahr stone in an earlier episode? It seems kind of hazardous to keep a suitcases full of them, loaded with magic, in his wardrobe. They would have more power than a MOAB. He merely copied them, a secret of some other clan, so there's no way he would know everything about how those things work. But then again, I guess the author didn't think about such things; he probably just wanted to show the dude having lots of them so that they wouldn't appear out of nowhere, with no foreshadowing, in a later episode.

Fri, 11-05-2021, 11:25 PM
He had one stone explode, but because he far exceeded its capacity.
He's smart enough to know the limits of the stone and OP enough to create far better ones with a much higher limit too.
What he lacks now is a magic bag to always have them ready.

My guess is that those stone will help his assistants. He chooses people with mana, but they will never have levels high enough for his plans, so those stones complement that.
I guess having some stones can help using some power without activating your mana, better stealth attacks

Fri, 11-05-2021, 11:56 PM
Sure, that what he PLANS to use them for.

But what's gonna happen is someone's gonna toss a fireball into his room during an attack, and it's going to set off the bag and turn the entire kingdom into a crater.

Sat, 11-06-2021, 03:53 AM
He had one stone explode, but because he far exceeded its capacity.
He's smart enough to know the limits of the stone and OP enough to create far better ones with a much higher limit too.
What he lacks now is a magic bag to always have them ready.

My guess is that those stone will help his assistants. He chooses people with mana, but they will never have levels high enough for his plans, so those stones complement that.
I guess having some stones can help using some power without activating your mana, better stealth attacks

I'm fairly sure that when dynamite was first developed, most didn't expect that if it's left to sit for some years, it would start to "sweat" or "weep" and become dangerous and unstable. It doesn't really have anything to do with how smart he is or not, apart from the lack of caution. When you have a huge pile of those magic pearls in a bag, isn't it possible they will slowly leak mana? Where does that mana go? From the outer stones, it might just disperse into the atmosphere, but what about in the very middle of the pile? The leaking mana would actually concentrate there, as we can assume mana isn't even affected by gravity to a significant effect. The stones in the middle of the pile might then, instead of leaking, absorb mana extruded by the stones around them. Eventually this might lead to a situation where the outer stones are half empty, whereas the inner stones are getting overcharged.

But like I said, the author most likely never thought about such things. In fact I bet the author doesn't know dynamite starts to leak nitroglycerin before long. If he did know that, he might have actually used the knowledge to do things differently, just to flex about his knowledge.

Wed, 11-10-2021, 12:11 AM
I'm fairly sure that when dynamite was first developed, most didn't expect that if it's left to sit for some years, it would start to "sweat" or "weep" and become dangerous and unstable. It doesn't really have anything to do with how smart he is or not, apart from the lack of caution. When you have a huge pile of those magic pearls in a bag, isn't it possible they will slowly leak mana? Where does that mana go? From the outer stones, it might just disperse into the atmosphere, but what about in the very middle of the pile? The leaking mana would actually concentrate there, as we can assume mana isn't even affected by gravity to a significant effect. The stones in the middle of the pile might then, instead of leaking, absorb mana extruded by the stones around them. Eventually this might lead to a situation where the outer stones are half empty, whereas the inner stones are getting overcharged.

But like I said, the author most likely never thought about such things. In fact I bet the author doesn't know dynamite starts to leak nitroglycerin before long. If he did know that, he might have actually used the knowledge to do things differently, just to flex about his knowledge.

Considering that the family, who uses this stones for generations, felt it was save enough to give it to their daughter who is also using a lot of mana.

So I doubt there is anything wrong with them unless they break. But since he creates them, it seems they are not that complicated in the first place.

I think it does basically nothing unless you overfill it with so much mana that stone starts to break and the massive amounts of mana react violently.
If they aren't filled to the brim, nothing will happen, even if they crack or "leak".
Otherwise they wouldn't give it to their daughter and put it around her neck.

Kid falls down -> explodes(.gif)

We've all seen it happen, no one wants that.

Wed, 11-10-2021, 03:29 AM
But since he creates them, it seems they are not that complicated in the first place.

The thing is, the MC dude wasn't given the recipe for the stones. He reverse engineered them. There might have been factors Dia's clan figured out over the centuries, but some dude who was only interested in using the stones the "wrong way" would be blissfully unaware of. It's not like our world would be lacking cases of cheap manufacturing countries copying originally more expensive products to flood the market with them. Typically they are inferior to the originals.

Wed, 11-10-2021, 01:05 PM
Episode 6

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Maybe it's even the author's real intention, but if you consider the MC's actions from another point of view than just the usual isekai harem, you could see his actions as coldly building a toolbox of absolute loyalty by saving the unfortunate girls. By saving them from death or worse, giving them training and, above all, a purpose in life, by making them fall in love with him, making them share a heavy secret (like he noted himself earlier), he basically does everything possible, aside from some fancy mind altering magic, to have an expendable team that would be willing to sacrifice themselves for him.

When you consider his own aim, to kill the hero, it could be the best way to reach the goal by mainly relying on what he can do as a lone agent (with the team being an extention of his own power). The other way would be to gather a coalition against the hero, but if he's fighting against time, it could be a difficult (slow) way of achieving it. Of course he still could use such a cooperation effort, if an opportunity presents itself, but, in the end, he is an assassin, not a general or a politician.

I wonder why the criminals in this incident weren't simply assassinated since the kingdom has such an official system? Perhaps it was necessary to use them to crack a larger human trafficking syndicate. At least the director of the so called orphanage was used for that purpose. I suppose the nobleman as well will be interrogated (tortured) for every bit of information.

Thu, 11-11-2021, 12:44 AM
Maybe it's even the author's real intention, but if you consider the MC's actions from another point of view than just the usual isekai harem, you could see his actions as coldly building a toolbox of absolute loyalty by saving the unfortunate girlsCould see? He straight up said he did that with Tarte. He's obviously doing it here.

If he was just niceguy harem-building, he would have taken in all the girls. But he only took the one with mana.

Thu, 11-11-2021, 01:13 AM
Could see? He straight up said he did that with Tarte. He's obviously doing it here.

If he was just niceguy harem-building, he would have taken in all the girls. But he only took the one with mana.

Contradicts with his character and wish to not be used as only a tool himself though.
Pretty sure he is just a male tsundere.

There are ways to be benevolent and still get what you want.
And what good would a person without mana be to him. He would just put them in unreasonable danger.

His family works in dirty work for the greater good. In his earlier life, he just did dirty work for his employers, right and wrong didn't matter. Now it does.

Have to watch EP6 yet but I doubt it's going to be any different considering what has happened in the very first episode of this show.

Thu, 11-11-2021, 01:37 AM
And what good would a person without mana be to him. He would just put them in unreasonable danger.Well, he is working as a merchant. He could always employ them for that instead of as assassins.

Thu, 11-11-2021, 02:56 AM
Could see? He straight up said he did that with Tarte. He's obviously doing it here.

If he was just niceguy harem-building, he would have taken in all the girls. But he only took the one with mana.

Although he stated it himself, this is still a cookie-cutter isekai series, so I'd rather take anything said with a good pinch of salt. So, I was just observing the series from the general perspective of all isekai fantasy. That's also why I don't expect him to use the girls as expendable tools. For example, I'd be exceedingly surprised if he was precisely planning to make a few of them (depending on how many he ends up with) sacrifice themselves to create an opening to slay the hero. It's a possibility, albeit a remote one, that one of them will decide on her own to give up her life to save the MC, but I'd say that's it. Of course I could be proven wrong, but I very much doubt it.

An old proverb says, in various forms, that a bad ally is worse than a competent enemy (I believe those sayings are older than the jokes about Italy in WW2). Lugh isn't going to take random people with low prospects into his core unit.

Fri, 11-12-2021, 01:15 AM
There are many ways the girls can be used. Everyday nobodies informants as a start.
The girls he "saved" in that ep will serve a purpose however small.
Lugh even used his God level surgery skills to perfectly erase those visible scars... but he probably left the ones you can't see.
After all these girls are perfect bait (jailbait meme here)

Wed, 11-17-2021, 01:09 PM


Ah, he hired them after all.

Wed, 11-17-2021, 01:49 PM


Ah, he hired them after all.

Yeah, considering what he was doing, running a cosmetics store, it makes perfect sense, like he even said in the episode. When you visit the cosmetics section of a department store, the ladies there are never shabby. I don't mind those girls finding relevance this way. If he had employed and looked after them forcefully, out of pity, it would have been less fitting.

What I'm unsure of is making Maha and Tarte look like psychos by giggling and competing for Lugh's attention while they are torturing a chained man to death. Perhaps he does need to break them, who knows. If the hero is still a hero when he needs to kill him, it might be difficult for assistants that don't follow his every word without a question. Although I'm not sure he needs to go to such lengths. If he just told the girls the hero isn't what he seems to be, I'm sure they would believe him.

The last scene reinforces my opinion that despite all of the dude's talk about the girls being pawns and every other kind act he performs being nothing but another cog in his great assassination machinery, in the end it's all talk and this is a genuine harem series.

Fri, 11-19-2021, 10:42 PM
He made good points about wet dreams.

What a fucking ACE, just fuck them.

Wed, 11-24-2021, 02:44 PM
Episode 8

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I wonder what's behind saying he loves Dia and wants to marry her. At least he did say he wants to make the kingdom a better place for the people. It didn't sound like a lie, and his actions so far certainly speak for themselves. It doesn't really have anything to do with killing the hero, unless you go as far as to think about the popularity or lack of popularity the hero might encounter after becoming a tyrant. But, once again, it doesn't really matter if he wants to kill the hero as an assassin, not as a rebel leader, or something. Not to mention we don't even know if the hero is as wicked as the goddess says. The goddess herself was kind of suspicious, after all.

Maybe the dude just wants to secure himself a wholesome life, with the hero killing included or not. I wouldn't blame him, quite the contrary.

Thu, 11-25-2021, 11:36 AM
It's what he was looking for after all, killing the hero is the "price" for that, which he wants to avoid as well.

Anyway, I know this show is supposed to do that to pamper some weird weebs, but it's freaking disgusting how retarded they make the female characters look in front of MC.
When Tarte killed the wolves and started anime-girl running towards Lugh who then pet her head like a good doggy.
Jesus christ... do they have no shame at all?

I mean... they are just like one hundred other ways to do that without making her look like that and STILL get the message across that she is the obidient sex-slave-assassin monster she is supposed to portray.

Thu, 11-25-2021, 12:44 PM
Anyway, I know this show is supposed to do that to pamper some weird weebs, but it's freaking disgusting how retarded they make the female characters look in front of MC.
When Tarte killed the wolves and started anime-girl running towards Lugh who then pet her head like a good doggy.
Jesus christ... do they have no shame at all?

I mean... they are just like one hundred other ways to do that without making her look like that and STILL get the message across that she is the obidient sex-slave-assassin monster she is supposed to portray.

You really should try your best to totally ignore things like that if you want to enjoy regular isekai series. Isekai is the epitome of escapism and wish fulfillment literature. There are also isekai that aren't really either, but they are few and far between.

Thu, 11-25-2021, 01:36 PM
You really should try your best to totally ignore things like that if you want to enjoy regular isekai series. Isekai is the epitome of escapism and wish fulfillment literature. There are also isekai that aren't really either, but they are few and far between.

I know but it's really hard when it's as obvious as *that*.
You can hide it a little, you know? If it's like *that* however, it's almost disgusting.

I mean, it wouldn't change all that much but I'd feel a lot better if she were to kill these wolfs, walk up to Lugh normally, touch her skirt and lift it up a little while doing the "knee" (I don't know how it's called in english, it's called a "knicks" in german) and say "shujinsama, I took care of them, I hope everything was done to your liking" - You know, it would be the same thing and quite "condescending" as well, but she would at least have some kind of "false" honor.

But like this? I couldn't help but roll my eyes as it was really hard to ignore the loss of any remnant of humanity inside her. What I'm saying is, who actually wants *that* amount of .... docile(?)... behaviour(?). I don't even know how or what to call that. I've seen it more than once already, don't get me wrong, but most of the time, the characters were like 4-8 years old OR mentally challenged, corrupted or flat out brainwashed or addicted to something.

The helpless anime-girl running was what triggered me the most actually. Considering she isn't helpless at all and she won't get any reaction out of Lugh even if she did that for that reason alone.

Thu, 11-25-2021, 07:31 PM
I have seen enough isekai to just auto-filter that kind of silliness at this point. Didn't even register.

Funny thing is that that could have been a chilling scene if it weren't in and of itself a trope. Full on psychopathy can be interesting, but it isn't explored in edgy anime, it is just dead-pan supposed to be unironically cool and empowering to have no shame or remorse for extreme/autistic behavior. What you are looking for is a deconstruction (or fiction not aimed at this demographic).

Nice that he wants to marry at least one of them to keep the harem from being too obvious.

Fri, 11-26-2021, 12:16 AM
Let's say she tried to push Lugh's limits, they like to think they manipulate each other after all.
In a couple, this is a very soft silly game. Usually there's no one around to spy on you, if there is the game is more subtle-usually-
Anyway this anime fails in so many ways, why not go as low as possible and be so bad it gets fun in its own way ?
Art quality droped severely in the last two eps. So I'm not surprisee anymore

Wed, 12-01-2021, 11:35 AM
Episode 9

- - - - - -

Well, after the first half of this episode, the girls acting unnaturally should be the least of anyone's worries.

The count's death will only solve the military secrets leak. The drug trade might suffer a temporary slump, but in the end it's not like the count would have been doing the majority of the work there. Someone else will simply take his place as the head honcho. After all, the production is there, and those involved will need to make a living, so they will keep producing. The distribution is there, and the bosses of that level know everything the count knew. They also need to keep the drug flowing to make easy money. The dealers are also there, and their need to earn money by selling the drug could be greater than anyone else's, while they also are the easiest to replace. I'm not sure what the plan was regarding that. The count's successor as a lord of the fiefdom will be tasked with removing the whole drug trade scheme?

Thu, 12-09-2021, 02:56 PM
Episode 10

- - - - - -

I'm somewhat surprised Lugh didn't stick around to find out what's really going on in that kingdom. He already suspected something, and Dia did act unnaturally a number of times. Yet the dude just travelled back home to do some sunbathing. Not a wise course of action, considering what sort of choice he ended up with.

Not too exciting an episode, otherwise. I guess the long date was supposed to underline how much Dia matters to Lugh, but it felt kind of forced.

Thu, 12-09-2021, 08:45 PM
The date fell flat, underwater smoochies and all, but I expect next episode we'll 'discover' that he already knew everything ahead of time, and this was simply her chance to save face and ask for help. Que shadow support. No way he'd let a battle involving possibly the hero to go unresearched- too much information at stake.

Thu, 12-09-2021, 09:50 PM
I hope not. He can fail. He is human, albeit with many advantages.

So, was Dia the leader of the rebellion?

Thu, 12-09-2021, 10:45 PM
I just wanna know what his D-rank skill is, dammit!

Fri, 12-10-2021, 12:11 AM
We've never seen what the hero looks like, unless the hero has always been there with their powers dormant.
How good/bad would the story feel like if Dia is the hero ?

Fri, 12-10-2021, 01:59 AM
I expect next episode we'll 'discover' that he already knew everything ahead of time, and this was simply her chance to save face and ask for help. Que shadow support. No way he'd let a battle involving possibly the hero to go unresearched- too much information at stake.

The episode ending didn't really give such an impression. I suppose Maha would be learning more and more about it, being interested in acquiring the legendary weapon, but it would be quite irresponsible for Lugh to just take it that easy when a dire situation is probably developing.

He played his cards pretty bad from the beginning, though, telling Dia to simply flee the country. While the dude himself is doing his best to make his family's fiefdom prosper and is working as an expendable assassin for the government, he basically told Dia to be utterly irresponsible. His position was weak after that, including what comes to Dia actually asking for his help. He already offered his help, but it was to help Dia avoid all responsibility and save her own skin!

This brings us back to the first point: Did he know or not? If he knew enough, it means he was only probing Dia for information or reactions, and he's basically not interested in her at all romantically. In that case the assassination order wouldn't have been a surprise either. Why would he have been planning to marry her in that case, though?

Fri, 12-10-2021, 11:31 AM
This is the part where he exercises his humanity, the thing he didn't have being a tool in his past life.

He will find out that Dia has a meaningful goal and that she is right in this situation, so he helps her or something like that. Then when all is said and done, the assassination order is rescinded and the show ends. There are only 2 eps left, after all.

Fri, 12-10-2021, 04:54 PM
It would be pretty funny if the show had an anime original ending with Dia being the hero, like David suggested. Well, I wouldn't know who the hero actually is in the novels, maybe it's Dia for real, though I doubt it, but I'm pretty sure the story isn't so short.

Sat, 12-11-2021, 02:51 AM
well, from the first episode we do at least know that the king will, most likely, win this civil war and Dia will join Lugh.

The only possibility I can see that is not part of the expected is that Dia is the hero and Lugh starts helping her instead of killing her. (would explain why the goddess feels like the she is the bad guy all the time)

Wed, 12-22-2021, 09:42 PM

Assassination via orbital ICBM. Gave it a real 'home-town' touch. Since we're apparently ahead of the manga at this point, this was a pretty good ending and possible lead-in to another season four years from now, if we all haven't forgotten it by then.

Wed, 12-22-2021, 11:30 PM
Epona is gonna fall for Lugh.

The end.

Thu, 12-23-2021, 08:21 AM
I'm mildly curious what makes her go berserk eventually. But I also kinda don't care what happens in this series.

Tue, 01-11-2022, 03:10 PM
Dia will be introduced/explained as Lugh's younger sister. Soon after, Lugh marries her. Am I missing something here? Seems like a pretty degenerate plan. Marrying cousins wasn't that uncommon for the nobility, but marrying siblings was usually too much for them as well.

Tue, 01-11-2022, 04:07 PM
*shrug* fantasy world?

Wed, 01-12-2022, 12:07 AM
Dia will be introduced/explained as Lugh's younger sister. Soon after, Lugh marries her. Am I missing something here? Seems like a pretty degenerate plan. Marrying cousins wasn't that uncommon for the nobility, but marrying siblings was usually too much for them as well.

What to do.....

there aren't many women around with the quick, hale and beautiful perk. The next heir needs good stewardship values to hold all the holdings.
If they happen to be half-siblings without their parents being incestuous themselves, there is likely only a 10% chance of inbreeding. A risk I'm willing to take considering they are assassins and can assassinate the bad ones or throw the bad batch of babies in the dungeon.
