View Full Version : June Schedule - MIXED

frog hermit
Fri, 06-10-2016, 03:05 PM
06/02 - 463 - The Surprising Number One! - canon(2.1 manga chapters covered)
06/09 - 464 - Ninshū - Filler
06/16 - 465 - Ashura and Indra - Filler
06/23 - NO EPISODE
06/30 - 466 - The Journey of Ordeal - Filler
07/07 - 467 – Ashura’s Determination - Filler

Hagoromo's backstory continues

Tue, 06-14-2016, 03:40 AM
Filler worth watching? I hadn't watched for almost a year and came back only to find maybe 10 canon episodes waiting. Dafuq is that shit...

frog hermit
Fri, 06-17-2016, 02:30 PM
Filler worth watching? I hadn't watched for almost a year and came back only to find maybe 10 canon episodes waiting. Dafuq is that shit...

i dont know where you stopped watching, was it August 2015 episode 426? If yes, then i would just start back up on 459 until current. its mixed content, the filler portions seem to be more of canon padding.
its not like the filler is a random new arc or something.

Sat, 06-18-2016, 04:31 AM
The majority of fillers aren't worth watching. It's in the name...filler. Crap they make up to milk the franchise even longer.

Sat, 07-09-2016, 10:40 PM
To be fair, I think these last two filler arcs are stories the manga SHOULD have told.

When your big bad for the entire series is a thousands of year old creature that shows up out of nowhere, MAYBE it might be a good idea to give that villain a bit more context than a couple lines of a character quoting creation myth a hundred episodes earlier.