View Full Version : Hibike! Euphonium

Wed, 04-08-2015, 09:37 AM

Alternative title: 響け!ユーフォニアム

Synopsis: Hibike! Euphonium begins when Kumiko Oumae, a girl who was in the brass band club in junior high school, visits her high school's brass band club as a first year. Kumiko's classmates Hazuki and Sapphire decide to join the club, but Kumiko sees her old classmate Reina there and hesitates. She remembers an incident she had with Reina at a brass band club contest in junior high school. -MAL

Links: ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=16657), MAL (http://myanimelist.net/anime/27989/Hibike!_Euphonium), Official (http://anime-eupho.com/)

Download: HS - Episode 01 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=675229)


A slow episode to start, and it's definitely got KyoAni written all over it. Based on that I'm not expecting it to do too much wrong, but I am getting tired of the constant out-of-focus effect they're using. It's frankly distracting. I can deal with glowing lighting everywhere, but to add that on top is a little much for my liking.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 02:47 PM
I actually really liked K-ON: Big Brass Edition. In terms of first episodes, this one knocked it out of the park.

Kumiko is kinda...bitchy. I take that back, but only a little. Calling her a bitch is really too strong of word, but she definitely looks down on the type of people who starred in K-ON. People with no talent, but excited about being merely average. Huge disparity from most protagonists in this kind of series; usually people with more enthusiasm than talent.

It was an interesting dynamic. Kumiko really likes playing in concert bands, but she didn't really care about being the very best, like no one ever was. Her friend broke down in tears when they couldn't continue, causing a major rift there. At the same time, Kumiko really has no patience for those without talent. Her motivation is torn between not playing anymore because she didn't understand Reina's passion and wanting a change-up, definitely not wanting to join because they suck, and then finally agreeing because her new friends wanted to give it a shot.

Even more intriguing is that Reina also came to this school. Kumiko only picked it because she liked their uniform the best (another fascinating character quirk that defied my expectations). Kumiko's sister implied that there are two other nearby schools with much better bands. Reina's level of passion for it would like you to believe she'd be there, something Kumiko also expected. So what exactly is she doing at this school with such a shitty band?

Sapphire (Midori) is the third interesting character. It's quite rare we have a character with a bizarre name who happens to strongly dislike it instead of defending it with some garbage story about their parents coming up with it romantically. It added a bit of realism for me.

The crazy perky glasses girl was nice. Always a big fan of Kotobuki Minako voiced perky characters. Kumiko is not really comfortable around her, nor is the short-haired girl, adding to my impression that Kumiko is the antithesis to K-ON archetypes.

This episode was all about characters having natural reactions to natural-feeling developments.

Based on the feedback in the other thread, I'd actually say that this feels like the Yahari Wordspam version of K-ON...and I like it.

Also...puffy hair (shown above if you haven't watched it). Normally relegated to minor side characters. KyoAni is damn good at making interesting looking background characters. Quite important in huge casts like this. I wonder if their features are not even defined in the novel.


I agree that the visuals were a little distracting, but once I got used to it (took about 5 minutes), it was fine. Nice vivid colors everywhere as well. I'd expect this to be the Hyouka/Kyoukai no Kanata/Amagi staff, but it is actually the KEY/Chuunibyou teams.

edit 2:
Hah, RandomC agrees with me (http://randomc.net/2015/04/07/hibike-euphonium-01/) about Kumiko.

edit 3:
Worth pointing out that this is based on a novel. Not light novel. Novel.

Wed, 04-08-2015, 04:12 PM
edit 3:
Worth pointing out that this is based on a novel. Not light novel. Novel.

You say this as if it means something. There are as many trashy novels as there are light novels, and the same can be said for stories on the other side of the spectrum.

If you're saying that novels usually target an older demographic as opposed to LNs, then okay.


Edit: Some discussions below have been moved to a separate LN thread (https://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php/23063-How-often-do-you-read-light-novels?p=549054&viewfull=1#post549054). -Buff

Wed, 04-15-2015, 03:45 AM
HS - Episode 02 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=678413)


Until the end, Kousaka's responses were weird as if Kumiko was just another person around the school. For quite some time I expected her to have had amnesia.

The rest of the episode was rather entertaining. Props to the weird Vice President.

Wed, 04-15-2015, 08:19 AM
I started to like this much better when the teacher showed up. For some reason, only girls are onscreen all the time, even though I know some guys are in the club. I hear male voices too when the members speak in unison, but only girls are there. It's odd.

I like the kuudere trumpet girl, but I always like kuuderes.

Wed, 04-15-2015, 07:00 PM
I'm really liking this series. The episodes seem very long, which has always been a very good sign to me. That means the episodes are dense with actual content. At this point, the series is reminding me more of Sakamichi no Apollon than it is K-ON. Another good sign.

I found Aoi's speech to be very interesting. Her line that, "Three years pass by in a flash," combined with her vote against aiming for Nationals and stating that she was looking for an alibi makes me think that she will just randomly quit the club soon. The impression that I got was that she felt the last two years were completely wasted. They either didn't get to Nationals or got a Bronze at best. Maybe Aoi felt that all the hours she put in could have been better spent in a different club, getting better grades in classes, going out shopping with other girls, or finding a boyfriend?

Then we have the teacher asking what type of club they want to have. He was gauging how he should treat all of them. The way I took it was that if they just want to have fun he will casually teach them how to play and just have a good time. If they want to make it to the Nationals...he's going to be much harsher, not tolerate repeated mistakes, and make sure they place well so they can leave the Nationals satisfied.

And all the while, you have Kumiko, being a very real person. She's terrified of facing Reina, but at the same time, she treats Aoi as an equal, sneers at the Shuuichi like he is some kind of huge annoyance, and still comes off as a little stuck up. I find her very likable for those reasons. She's shallow to a degree, dishonest, selfish, and greatly dislikes confrontation or having to make a choice. She's forced back into euphonium by Aoi's slip up, but after all the time she's spent learning euphonium and playing bass, was there any doubt she would really enjoy playing trombone? She's been doing euphonium for so long (even placing gold in middle school) she's got to be able to play it pretty naturally. She's amusingly fake, but so adverse to confrontation that she still ends up honest to herself. That is a very realistic character.

Asuka and Hazuki are both good for comedy relief. Hazuki essentially tricked into playing tuba was amusing.

Honestly, the Kumiko-Reina plotline is far and away the least interesting.

Wed, 04-22-2015, 08:27 AM
Episode 3 - HS

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This felt a bit boring, to be honest, maybe partly because there was no fricking musical performance of any sort to speak of in the first three eps, almost. Fortunately at the very end the best girl, Reina, alone decided to save this show and make me not drop it after a 3 eps trial.

Ryll calls Kumiko realistic, and I won't deny that. But that's also why she annoys me. Real people of that age aren't interesting at all unless they are really focused on something. Kumiko isn't. She even wanted to change her instrument when she's already in high school, which means she in reality wanted to vote for the second choice of only having fun. She had the kind of ambition a group mentality can generate, but for her personally it doesn't matter at all whether the band gets anywhere. Although I have no doubt her home environment is partly to blame, with the bitch of an older sister.

Apart from Reina, Tanaka seems like the only energetic driving force, but unfortunately I don't really like her character type. The president is worthless. She might be okay if the band was composed of really focused and eager people, but since it's the opposite, the president is a waste of brass. I hope the end of the third ep means that Kumiko will leave behind her ultimate ordinary personality and do what an MC should do and reform the club with her own example.

The teacher is quite interesting, but again the useless president makes it all go to waste. The teacher said right in the beginning he honours the students own initiative and decisions, yet the president is totally incapable of making any decisions or lead anybody. She should be replace asap. The new president could then select a more inspirating composition as well. It would be 100% guaranteed the teacher wouldn't mind if it produced results.

Tue, 05-05-2015, 02:51 PM
Episode 5 - HS

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This series has found quite a good balance between training (the core content) and what goes for drama in shows like this. The drama feels somewhat stretched for me occasionally, but when I remind myself of the fact these are still school kids, it's okay. School kids can be awkward and shy, after all, and when they are bold, it can get stupid, not constructive. What I'd like there to be more is music. We are only getting bits and pieces of it. Music related series ought to have plenty of music to really fly. We have seen that numerous times in good and bad.

Tue, 05-05-2015, 09:39 PM
I find the little bits of fanservice to be a little out of place in a series as "natural" as this, but all that said I don't want them removed.

Tue, 05-05-2015, 10:12 PM
They're cute. Shut up.

Tue, 05-05-2015, 11:15 PM
They're cute. Shut up.

That they are. That they are.

Tue, 05-12-2015, 04:55 PM
Episode 6 - HS

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A bit too much K-ON, but there was also some real development going on. Could have used more music, but I guess that's a complaint repeated too much. At least there was some. On the other hand I suppose it's good there are all kinds of music shows, even if they can't all reach Shigatsu or Nodaime levels. This seems to be the path KyoAni has chosen.

Tue, 05-12-2015, 08:21 PM
I dunno, Kumiko's persistent sarcasm keeps this well out of K-ON territory in my opinion, and her perspective is carrying the show.

Hazuki and Sapphire emphasize the innocent love of music that K-ON had, but is heavily offset by Kumiko's sarcasm, Reina's legitimate enthusiasm and possible inappropriate attraction to Taki-sensei, and Aoi's cynicism and Debbie Downerism.

It keeps it grounded.

The fact that their school actually has boys helps too.

I can see why KyoAni was drawn to wanting to do this series. It is essentially a series filled to the brim with side characters for them to flesh out (K-ON nameless side characters style), but led by a KEY-style jaded protagonist. In addition, it taking place in their studio's hometown makes hunting for reference photos to animate to trivial.

Wed, 05-13-2015, 03:46 AM
I dunno, Kumiko's persistent sarcasm keeps this well out of K-ON territory in my opinion

Maybe I should have said too much KyoAni, then, but I kind of wanted to avoid saying that as I have got nothing against the studio.

The boys being there, despite not belonging to the MC cast, really helps this show as far as I'm concerned. Even if this is KyoAni moeblob and it shows through in all the interactions, but there's still something different in the scenes and the characters behavior when the girls are talking to other girls or to the guys. Though at the same time the biggest difference is only there when Kumiko is talking to Reina, for whatever reason. It even looked like Hazuki was falling for Shuuichi when he saved her from falling on top of... Tsubakabura, or whatever it was. K-ON was naturally totally free of all such tension.

Wed, 05-13-2015, 09:26 AM
I just hope they show more guys onscreen. The ratio is blatantly wrong most of the time.

Thu, 05-14-2015, 03:44 AM
Though at the same time the biggest difference is only there when Kumiko is talking to Reina, for whatever reason.
I've felt that the reason Kumiko gets all weird, shy, and cutesy around Reina is that she still feels guilty about the time Reina cried in Middle School. Kumiko has had her shitty, sarcastic, blasé attitude for some time, and some of it probably has to do with her sister and their relationship.

But in Middle School, Kumiko found out that Reina has a passion for music that Kumiko used to have. We saw Kumiko's passion briefly in a flashback where Kumiko is crying on her couch at home holding her Euphonium, during a discussion of how much it hurts when it doesn't feel like you're getting better (or whatever). Every time she sees Reina, she gets reminded of that time at competition when she didn't understand why she didn't feel the same way that Reina did. It took apart their friendship.

Kumiko also doesn't understand why someone like Reina would go to their shitty-band school, and not Rikka, where she later found out that Reina was actually invited to, but refused. We do know why Reina stays, and that's Taki-sensei.

It's a really strange an interesting dynamic. I love Kumiko's current shitty attitude (shown most vividly when she's talking to Shuuichi), but Kumiko has started to discover her old one while tending to Hazuki's growing enthusiasm more than interfacing with Reina again.

There's a similar attitude contrast going on with Kumiko and Aoi, though to be honest I still can't even figure out what that is. Aoi has either given up entirely and is just going through the motions, or jealous of Kumiko's minor enthusiasm and continued love for the Euphonium. I just can't figure out what part of it is making Aoi so damned bitter and two-faced about it.

It's these kind of undertones that, for me at least, are putting this series more in line with Nagi no Asukara Hanasaku Iroha than K-ON.

Thu, 05-14-2015, 04:08 AM
So, Kumino is still unsure whether she wants to change and take music as seriously as she used to, and that's keeping her from making up with Reina and sorting things out? Because if it turns out she won't bother to invest her everything in music again, they would just inevitably clash again. Yet at the same time some part of her does yearn to get closer to Reina and become her friend. Considering how Kumiko is quite good and at the time being is practicing and performing sufficiently, I don't think there's anything concrete keeping them apart, especially since Reina clearly doesn't hate her and in one way or another even forgave her, if there was anything to forgive in the first place (indicating it's just Kumiko's personality quirk that caused the conflict).

Dunno. It's much easier between guys, right?

Thu, 05-14-2015, 04:39 AM
Right, that's what makes it weird.

Kumiko is the one that feels guilty about the whole Middle School Competition thing and maybe even feels her words had hurt Reina, but Reina isn't affected by it. If anything, Reina might be confused why Kumiko is so standoffish.

All their relationship problems are Kumiko's issues.

The only mystery is why Reina came to Kitauji. Wanted a band that didn't take things so seriously so she could be the best? There's already a rivalry/jealousy dynamic building in the trumpet section. Likely about to come to a head during the audition phase. Is the beloved trumpet section leader not as nice as she acts? I am surprised to find that I can't wait to find out.

Thu, 05-14-2015, 06:32 AM
The only mystery is why Reina came to Kitauji. Wanted a band that didn't take things so seriously so she could be the best?

That feels kind of unlikely since the success depends on the whole band, and she seemed to care about the success. It's meaningless if only a single or a few persons are good. Such a band wouldn't still advance in the competitions. On the other hand if the beginning level is quite low, then there's only one way forward: Up. The progress would feel big. Like Hazuki's situation on a much larger scale. Hard to say whether such a thing would be a reason enough for anybody. Maybe she really chose the school because of that teacher.

Thu, 05-14-2015, 11:15 AM
I think Kraco is right and Reina came to Kitauji because of Taki-sensei

Thu, 05-14-2015, 11:42 AM
Oh yeah! Time for some sensei-student lovin.

Wed, 05-20-2015, 01:37 PM
Episode 7 - HS

- -- - -- --

I'm getting a bit annoyed by all the drama due to it overshadowing the music completely. Maybe that will change, but it feels like this show has so far had very little in the way of music (only the SunFes) and the rest has been drama. It's also difficult for me personally because half the time I can't even see what the big deal is supposed to be.

At least this ep had a couple of good scenes: Reina appearing like a ghost next to Kumiko and Shuuichi, and of course Hazuki confronting Kumiko about Shuuichi. The latter was pretty funny considering how coldly Kumiko treats Shuuichi, as if she hasn't got any patience for him and barely tolerates his presence. It's clear as day she wants to keep her distance from him and probably wishes he had chosen some other school, yet due to their history she can't completely ignore him. And it's surely no tsundere behavior. It's all the funnier when she's so polite and friendly in the company of everybody else.

Man, I wish there was some music related stuff to discuss...

Wed, 05-20-2015, 01:41 PM
Kumiko is such a jerk towards Shuuichi.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 03:36 AM
That's one of the things I like about Kumiko the most. Shuuichi shows up, instant bitch mode. Kumiko, Aoi, and Shuuichi have all known each other forever, so something he did pissed her off a while ago. I think it is great that Hazuki misinterpreted it so badly.

I also enjoyed the seniors drama here. Aoi is annoying, but crybaby Haruka getting called out by Asuka was great. Asuka didn't want to do it because she knew she wouldn't enjoy it, and Haruka was "forced" to because she's too nice and too stupid to refuse. It's unintentionally hilarious that she didn't realize before now that refusing as well was an option.

You want the real bitch in this story, it is Aoi. She talks down to Kumiko about deciding to play again, she was one of the "let's do well!" faction the previous year, and now doesn't even want to bother. Nakagawa was even one of the worst offenders, and while she's kinda aloof until moments like these, she at least seems repentant about what she had done. Aoi is resentful and bitter about it, lashing out at others who weren't even involved passive-aggressively.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 04:11 AM
I don't think she's particularly repentant. She's just all "go with the flow". She'll relax with the crew if they want and practice hard with them the next year. She doesn't regret doing so, and doesn't feel like she should be punished for it - which is how I understand the word repentant.

I actually quite like her. The pony tail might have something to do with it.

I don't mind Aoi. She's just an example of all the other "fakers" typical of a Japanese achieving society. At least she's found her priorities now.

I'm hold more dislike for the "ribbon hair" girl who hates Reina just because she's outdoing her trumpet-senpai.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 05:07 AM
That's one of the things I like about Kumiko the most. Shuuichi shows up, instant bitch mode. Kumiko, Aoi, and Shuuichi have all known each other forever, so something he did pissed her off a while ago. I think it is great that Hazuki misinterpreted it so badly.

When I first saw them together, I got an impression Shuuichi might have a romantic interest in Kumiko. Kumiko could have sensed that and in response turned cold to push him off, obviously not sharing the interest. If Shuuichi had somehow offended her, I doubt he would act like that, as if nothing had happened, and likewise Kumiko would interact with him even less. I don't really blame her. Shuuichi should take a hint already.

I don't really blame Aoi either. It seems to me she really tried to hang on there, but it was impossible for her to invest as much time as was needed in the club. So, she ended up dragging down the whole band. It was the responsible move to drop out. It wasn't easy for her, I reckon, and probably for a long time she tried to convince herself it's not necessary, but when the teacher singled her out, it couldn't be helped anymore.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 05:29 AM
But at the same time, it was staged. She planned to quit since the beginning of the year. Now was simply a good time to do it.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 08:34 AM
About Kumiko's bitchiness, I think that was explained in episode 1 when she reunited with Shuuichi. She was really cold towards him back then, and he asked why. And then she said, "You told me not to talk to you. I'm just doing what you said. In the third year of junior high, you said, 'Don't talk to me, ugly.'"

Shuuichi then explained that it was a tsundere reaction because she invited him to eat dinner at her place in front of their classmates.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 10:40 AM
But at the same time, it was staged. She planned to quit since the beginning of the year. Now was simply a good time to do it.

It's not all too uncommon to decide to stop something yet keep doing it till it the last possible moment. I do agree that it was staged in the sense it felt like she didn't even try to play correctly this time, but the fact she was still sitting there reveals it wasn't an easy decision.

About Kumiko's bitchiness, I think that was explained in episode 1 when she reunited with Shuuichi. She was really cold towards him back then, and he asked why. And then she said, "You told me not to talk to you. I'm just doing what you said. In the third year of junior high, you said, 'Don't talk to me, ugly.'"

Shuuichi then explained that it was a tsundere reaction because she invited him to eat dinner at his place in front of their classmates.

Man. They took a CT and MRI of my head last month, but said everything was normal, yet I still had completely forgotten lines like that. Maybe the doctor was lying... Not that I'd have gone there complaining about poor memory. But yeah, that does explain it. School boys can be such shy brats.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 05:12 PM
I'm hold more dislike for the "ribbon hair" girl who hates Reina just because she's outdoing her trumpet-senpai.
I kinda like the squeaky-voiced ribbon girl. I eagerly look forward to the auditions part of the trumpet section, when Reina tries to take the lead part (you know she will, because she's good and wants to impress).

It will be interesting to see if it is squeaky-voiced girl that throws the biggest fit about it, or Kaori. I kind of expect Kaori's saintly disposition to be a front when it really comes down to it. She showed a different side when she went to console/harass Haruka. I suspect there is more than just that.

Thu, 05-21-2015, 10:46 PM
I like ribbon girl's contribution because it creates drama, but it's that very drama that grates me. I hadn't thought about Kaori like that. I actually hope she doesn't turn out bitter. We've got enough characters doing that sort of thing already, even if one of them left.

Fri, 05-22-2015, 02:47 AM
We don't need more drama, we need more music. It isn't a drama club. Surely those girls should understand that (the few boys haven't caused any trouble). The teacher should tell them if they don't.

Fri, 05-22-2015, 03:40 AM
It's high school. There are girls. There is drama.

Harmonious life only exists in utopian fiction and China.

You'd think that harmony and this band would go hand in hand. We've seen that is not the case.

Fri, 05-22-2015, 08:28 AM
Yeah, we get that. Doesn't mean we want it.

Moar music. Moar evil teacher.

Tue, 05-26-2015, 02:25 PM
Episode 8 - HS

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A jolly good episode. I find it sort of strange I'm saying this because I don't like triangles and I don't like yuri. This episode had both, yet I liked it a lot. Especially the scenes between Kumiko and Reina were really exquisite, I should say. The atmosphere seemed ephemeral with the low lighting and Reina being like a ghost Kumiko was following to the mountain shrine devoid of other people. Reina's strange personality really made it work and played well together with Kumiko's bitchiness (like Shinta described her character). We haven't seen Kumiko being that interested in or captivated by anybody.

I don't know if there could be anything lesbian between those two, but I kind of find it hard to believe Shuuichi could do anything at all to beat Reina's sheer presence in any way. He seems like dime a dozen compared to her. He shouldn't be able to turn Kumiko's attention from Reina to himself any time soon, even if Kumiko isn't interested in girls romantically (or sexually) and was just momentarily enchanted by Reina.

Too bad Shuuichi needed to give an immediate answer to Hazuki. Where could he find another cute girl when he can't have Kumiko? But I suppose he needs time to get over it if he ever has the guts to confess and get rejected. He can't very well treat Hazuki as a fallback girl.

Tue, 05-26-2015, 05:56 PM
As expected, this is a girlmance between Kumiko and Reina, restoring their former friendship. Reina does know her best, despite their recent distance and Kumiko making new friends that see her false front more than the truth.

The discussion about Reina feeling one shrine is more classy, grown-up, and wanting to be unique was quite telling. As was dressing up and wearing high-heels to hike up a mountain. I almost felt bad for Kumiko being outshined when she's so image obsessed herself, but then I remembered something.

It's like the C.S. Lewis quote:

"To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence."

Is this all about Reina being obsessed with the idea of being a classy, adult woman...because she admires Taki-sensei so much (to the point of being a little creepy about it) and wants to be worthy of him? It's kinda fucked up, but I guess not all the surprising. It's an adolescent's crush. Or is she merely obsessed with the idea of standing out for its own sake?

Compare her to Asuka, who doesn't care what anyone thinks about her and plays around doing whatever she wants, but still makes insightful comments to her peers and underclassmen, is knowledgeable about her passion, and knows her limits. The same goes for the far less showy Riko and Gotou.

The child who wants to be an adult, and the young lady who acts like a child but is actually the most responsible member of the cast.

Random notes:

- Bless Reina for recognizing that Kumiko is indeed a bit of a bitch with a horrible personality...and as a compliment.

- Kohaku? What an ominous name for a near-twin.

- Shuichi is a dumbass. Kumiko wants nothing to do with him romantically. He had his chance, years ago. Kumiko never forgot about what happened. She friend-zoned his ass.

Tue, 05-26-2015, 10:51 PM
You guys wrote so much but missed the entire point of the episode.

Reina's waki.


*Gone to make a gif of that ponytail tying scene.


Wed, 05-27-2015, 02:06 AM
Good analysis, Ryll, but I'm not sure it's entirely correct. It's not like her maturity, or like you said, her transparently pretended maturity, was all fake. A good deal of it stems from her concentration and desire to reach the goal. People with a vision and the willpower to go for it automatically gain some charisma. Compared to the likes of Kumiko living real adolescence, like wanting to switch away from her instrument of many years just because, Reina certainly would score some adult points. The fact she could pull off such a long act in front of Kumiko also speaks highly of her mental fortitude, even if not maturity directly.

Shinta's single-minded obsession with girls' armpits doesn't suggest high maturity, though.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 07:09 AM
My feeling is that Reina's being alternative. She's not trying to be grown up, nor is she trying to climb to the top of a social ladder. She's trying to be special for special's sake. She rejects the dime-a-dozen upbringing that the Japanese are infamous for.

The point hits home where she didn't even care about the pretty scene, just that she's doing something no one else would.

Her attraction to Kumiko's kind of weird though. Actually, everything that goes on between them is weird. Hot weird, but still weird. I'm in a state of confusion whenever I'm watching it. It's mainly how Reina's advances just come out of nowhere (like that hair-throwing scene at the traffic lights last time)

Wed, 05-27-2015, 08:30 AM
Shinta's single-minded obsession with girls' armpits doesn't suggest high maturity, though.

How mature of you to say so.

KyoAni's direction made that yuri mountain climb work. Without all the subtle facial changes and mannerisms, it would've been as sudden and cheesy as hell.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 09:45 AM
The point hits home where she didn't even care about the pretty scene, just that she's doing something no one else would.

Her attraction to Kumiko's kind of weird though. Actually, everything that goes on between them is weird. Hot weird, but still weird. I'm in a state of confusion whenever I'm watching it. It's mainly how Reina's advances just come out of nowhere (like that hair-throwing scene at the traffic lights last time)

Didn't you answer your own questions? She did it to be special. I reckon she sees Kumiko a bit special as well due to her bitchiness behind the polite facade. Kumiko was first interested in her, which means Reina could be just using Kumiko for practice and as an outlet as well. The mountain climb was a single, straightforward event, so she could have planned it all out beforehand, and then just followed that script. It's special, after all. If she really wants to become a special musician, it works much better if her whole personality has some peculiarities as that would make her memorable. She just needs the guts to develop herself into that direction. Based on this ep, she has what it takes, at least for now.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 10:05 AM
She's dating Kumiko because that would make her special?

Wed, 05-27-2015, 10:06 AM
I think Reina was already special from the beginning. Not prodigy special, but she is definitely different from the rest of the mob. Distinguishing oneself without giving into mediocrity or posturing is not what the masses do.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 11:54 AM
She's dating Kumiko because that would make her special?

We don't know yet if it goes that far. At this point I'd bet not. But, you know, you aren't special if there's nobody to witness your especialness. Before this date, Kumiko was slightly wary of Reina, even if also somewhat interested in her, wanting to apologise and become friends, possibly. Now she's probably enchanted, like I said before, and likely won't forget that encounter any time soon. So, Reina ought to be special in her eyes now. That's a step forward.

I think Reina was already special from the beginning. Not prodigy special, but she is definitely different from the rest of the mob. Distinguishing oneself without giving into mediocrity or posturing is not what the masses do.

We haven't really seen the beginning, though. We have seen... What? A couple of months of their life. Who knows when she decided she wanted to be special. The teacher doesn't actually seem like a run of the mill Japanese dude, so maybe that's connected, to return to the old theory.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 12:13 PM
I'm going off solely on what we have seen of Reina so far and what she said (assuming she wasn't lying). I specifically mean that her mentality is pretty different. It certainly is rarer than Kumiko's bitchiness, which isn't really rare at all.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 12:58 PM
Reina is an attention seeker. Blame it on the parents...

Wed, 05-27-2015, 02:04 PM
An attention seeker wouldn't be as quiet as she is. She wants warranted attention. That's different.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 06:10 PM
I dunno if you can even call it warranted attention. She wants to stand out, and some of the things she did take on a very different light when viewed now.

- She's been playing the trumpet since Kumiko has known her. Trumpets stand out the most in concert bands. It's not like she suddenly came the conclusion that she needed to switch instruments (like Kumiko wanted). She's potentially always been after this, and never told Kumiko before when they were friends in middle school.

- She wasn't just breaking the tension at the SunFes. She was showing off. Putting herself on the same level as the unflappable Asuka.

- She's not single-mindedly obsessed with practicing and wanting to be in a band, practicing on nearby hills when the others are too discouraged to play. She was again...just showing off or displaying her superiority.

I don't want this to sound like I suddenly realize that Reina is a bitch herself or an attention whore. It's just that this little reveal to her inner motivations casts a shadow on what otherwise looked like pure-hearted acts. If anything, I like Reina more because of this, she and Kumiko certainly do have a lot in common.

It explains why they are drawn to each other. Hazuki might have the only pure motives in the show.

Wed, 05-27-2015, 06:19 PM
Reina never looked pure-hearted to me. She is very prideful, and that usually causes people to deviate from the crowds. She wants to be truly special, not seem special. That's what I meant by warranted attention. She has the skills to do all those things and deserves the attention she gets. She isn't mouthing off or posing like the other girls who stand out in the band.

She probably did the things you mentioned with the idea of showing off in mind, but she could show off because she was better. I never believed in false humility in the first place, and neither does she. People who get envious because you are displaying your skills simply have self-esteem issues. Unfortunately, that kind of culture is very pronounced in asian countries, including Japan.

Tue, 06-02-2015, 10:16 PM
HS - Episode 09 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=697380)


The "lazy voice" makes these interactions quite real and down-to-earth. It's not a super-peppy voice, not an apathetic voice.. just normal.

I didn't expect Natsuki to have dropped out like that. Looking back, it shouldn't have been surprising given she practised little before all of this. I secretly hoped that she was good though and would stick around.

Nothing's stopping her and Hazuki from sticking around I guess.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 12:00 AM
Only 2 UFOs were picked. Taki-sensei is so strict.

Asuka was pretty annoying this episode. She got mad because Midori is a good person? She can practice alone if she wants, and she did. But she just had to be all high and mighty before doing so. She basically looks down on everyone like Reina, and that's fine, but at least Reina doesn't wave authority around like she does. Just because she doesn't understand friendship or romance does not give her the right to push around others who do.

Are they gonna do the yuri route or not? There's a lot of focus on Shuuichi if this is gonna go lilicious.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 03:51 AM
It should be interesting to see if the front that the "nice" girls put up starts to break down completely. We saw some substantial weakening this episode just from the auditions.

Too much to put into real paragraphs, so list time:

- Hazuki knew she wasn't good enough, but still tried anyway. Midori being a shoe-in, but I wished they had shown Taki-sensei being even harsher with her for some reason.

- Nakagawa was a big part of the bullying last year, but really turned around and cared about trying to make it. I think this episode painted a very nice picture of her the same way it did an unflattering one of Asuka. She practiced hard enough that the typically critical Kumiko complimented her, believing it was Asuka playing.

- The normally unflappable Asuka, taking it very seriously. With one of her friends losing the solo part, we might see another shift.

- Reina getting bullied isn't just obvious, it's expected. What I hope is that we see Kaori upset or even encouraging it, and squeaky-ribbon girl not being that predictable. Squaky-Ribbon girl is Koari's ultimate fan, but even she admits that Reina tries harder and plays better than most of their section. Hoping for something not cliché here.

- I'm also hoping they stick more toward the friendly-not-romance yuri route. Kumiko "suddenly" realizing that she still like Shuuichi because he's now interested in her is so dull and boring. Reina enchanting Kumiko to be her social partner again is much more interesting.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 06:50 AM
I don't think Asuka will change just because Kaori lost the solo duel. I get the impression that she encourages personal merit and not hierarchial oppression. She challenged Midori because it ate into group practice time. Self-practice is a back-up plan, but not why they were together in the first place.

Kumiko can be bisexual. Reina wouldn't mind that. Bisexuals are probably even rarer than simple lesbians.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 07:34 AM
I don't think Asuka will change just because Kaori lost the solo duel. I get the impression that she encourages personal merit and not hierarchial oppression. She challenged Midori because it ate into group practice time. Self-practice is a back-up plan, but not why they were together in the first place.

Sure, but she acted like a bitch. Let's go kick the nice girl while she's down! She even got angrier after finding out the reason lol. Kind senpais ftw.

Bisexuals are probably even rarer than simple lesbians.

Oh man, this will get you into so much trouble with gay people.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 09:35 AM
Oh man, this will get you into so much trouble with gay people.

Because... why?

Wed, 06-03-2015, 10:31 AM
Well, it depends on who you ask, but the more vocal gays don't want to be called lesbians or bisexuals due to the negative meaning attached to those words. But I think treating them like animals or objects [rare] (I know you don't mean to, it just read that way) is the clincher.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 12:47 PM
But Reina would feel special being able to snatch a bisexual girl from a male lover :D

Wed, 06-03-2015, 01:03 PM
I'm pretty sure that's not the kind of special she wants lol.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 01:48 PM
Asuka was pretty annoying this episode. She got mad because Midori is a good person?

I thought she threw the tantrum because she was envious when people started to talk about relationships. On the other hand, I'd have to side with Asuka. It's not cool to drag everybody down for such a minor reason. The whole affair didn't even involve Sapphire. Nobody found anything wrong about Hazuki's effort, and she's the one who should be feeling the worst. At least the issue got sorted out promptly enough.

Bullying Reina would be so unprofessional, childish, and unproductive that I certainly don't want to see it. It would bring down the whole band's level, which in turn would hurt all of them.

It's too bad about Nakagawa. I wonder if she's quitting soon. It wouldn't be strange at all. She is a victim of the band sucking earlier, in a manner of speaking. Not everybody can be like Asuka in that sense. It's team play, after all, even if the strength of the team depends on the individual members.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 01:53 PM
It's not cool to drag everybody down for such a minor reason. The whole affair didn't even involve Sapphire. Nobody found anything wrong about Hazuki's effort, and she's the one who should be feeling the worst. At least the issue got sorted out promptly enough.

Minor is relative. It was obviously important to Sapphire, but just because Asuka didn't care for it, she started acting like a bitch. There were better ways to handle that situation, but we already know that Asuka is not a nice person. Her words sound cool but they always contain thorns. Now, it just moved from subtle to obvious.

As the leader of their section, she should've taken measures to fix the problem, not get randomly pissed and leave to do solo practice. It's funny how the person who was dumped and the quasi-bitch Kumiko were the ones to help, but the cool and dependable Asuka just threw a fit. No wonder she didn't want to be president of the club.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 02:35 PM
As the leader of their section, she should've taken measures to fix the problem, not get randomly pissed and leave to do solo practice. It's funny how the person who was dumped and the quasi-bitch Kumiko were the ones to help, but the cool and dependable Asuka just threw a fit. No wonder she didn't want to be president of the club.

Nah. I'm sure she would have helped if it was something music and performing related. However, Sapphire's issue had nothing to do with anything relevant. Members are supposed to deal with their private issues on their private time. Of course Kumiko and Hazuki would help since they are Sapphire's friends and that's what real friends are for. Asuka isn't her friend, though. You might be correct about it being one of the reasons why Asuka wouldn't want to be the president: Since members might easily imagine it involves stuff it's not supposed to involve, like fixing bloody relationship slumps. People aren't machines, yes, but that goes both ways.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 03:09 PM
Emotional issues ARE performance and music related. Haven't you heard them repeat love and death as the cores of music? Didn't Kumiko change from having that yuri encounter?

A better senpai would've helped Sapphire through it. Supportive words, or even harsh ones if delivered with the intention to help, would've been appreciated. They aren't obligated to, but they would've been much cooler if they did. You know, like all other kind and cool senpai characters in a ton of different shows.

Did Asuka getting pissed about Sapphire's problem help any? No.

Asuka didn't want to be president because she was incapable of it. Charisma does not equal leadership. Leadership involves people and emotions, after all.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 03:48 PM
The world isn't so convenient there would be shoujo show perfect senpai around for every task. Like you said, Asuka obviously knows she can't handle the stuff that should be unnecessary for a club president, so she declined. There's no helping being the section leader, though. It's not like there would be anyone better around. With her skills and dedication, and being a senpai, it's natural she has some weight also otherwise. But it's strictly related to the band and music, or at least she would hope so personally.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 03:53 PM
I'm not asking for a perfect world, nor would I want it. This show is much better with Asuka the way she is because it gives her complexity.

I'm just calling her out for her bitch move and lack of empathy (even fake empathy).

Wed, 06-03-2015, 04:31 PM
I'm just calling her out for her bitch move and lack of empathy (even fake empathy).

It's every bit as much lack of empathy to belong to a music band very close to participating in the big competition and let one's private, unrelated (and minor to boot) regrets affect the whole band. If Sapphire's father had just died, I reckon Asuka would have been far more understanding or at least tactful. But this was just bullshit and very immature.

Wed, 06-03-2015, 04:41 PM
Immature? They are friggin high school students. Like I said, feelings are relative. A relative's death can mean less than guilt towards a friend for some (I'm like that).

You are stretching (read: changing) the meaning of the word empathy by applying the lack of it to Sapphire. She has too much of it, causing her to feel guilty for her wrong advice to a friend. She was also sorry for dragging down everyone during practice, but she couldn't help it. Where is the lack of empathy in that?

Tue, 06-09-2015, 03:40 PM
Episode 10 - HS

- - - - -

Only a few of those people belong to a music club. The rest belong to a drama club. Or at least they think they do. If this band scores any major victory in the competition, it'll be highly unrealistic.

Reina's lesbian act is quite smooth considering she's apparently in love with a man, after all.

Tue, 06-09-2015, 10:23 PM
All the yuri shippers just died after that. I love it.

Those girls acted perfectly human, and humans are disgusting. They are able to say arrogant and scathing things in the guise of anonymity and numbers, but when given the chance to stand up for their words, they falter. Kaori was awesome for doing the exact opposite. Reina will still eat her alive, though. She's friggin' in love with Taki. No way she'll lose.

I like how Taki reacted to the rumors. Despite being awesome, he has weaknesses. He is probably as bad in politics as he is good in music, but he is fine that way. TakiXReina ending.

Good job to KyoAni for animating those scenes to well. No other studio can convey subtle feelings better. If Ufotable rules over action, KyoAni reigns over emotion.

Wed, 06-10-2015, 12:20 AM
Playing in front of the whole band was the obvious solution, and anybody should have seen that coming from the beginning of the issue. The only problem is how you execute it. I don't know if Taki saw this problem, or was simply too caught up in keeping auditions private and hoping rumours would go away.

Blatantly calling Kaori to play in front of the class with Reina would have put her on the spot. It would have also destroyed her relationship with ribbon-girl, since the latter basically forced the former to embarrass herself.

Kaori needed to stand up herself, and that happened. Too bad it took so long, but I don't mind drama. That's what this is, after all. If I wanted to listen to endless music I'd listen to a CD.

The friendly relationship between Reina and Omae makes sense when you remember they're middle-school "friends". That awkwardness at the start of the year made it seem like they're quite distant, but really Omae's known her longer than Midori or Hazuki. Reina's in the same category as Shuichi in that regards.

Asuka, despite her falseness, has still got the right attitude. She's in it for herself. Practising to better her own music, for her own sake. The whole "Don't bring that shit (your relationship problems) into the music room" isn't wrong IMO.

I equally like Natsuki's chill factor. She recognises that someone is both more serious and better than her.

Little pipsqueak ribbon-hair needs a slapping.

Wed, 06-10-2015, 12:56 AM
Little pipsqueak ribbon-hair needs a slapping.

Yeah, but Kaori needs to be slapped as many times as well. As much as I hate the ribbon sycophant, Kaori still did everything to look cool, yet didn't hesitate a moment to harvest the fruits of the ribbon girl's efforts and sacrifice. Despite her victory, there must be a bunch of people in the band now who find the ribbon girl obnoxious and ruining the atmosphere, a real bootlicker. Namely those people who would want to proceed with the fricking reason the club is supposed to exist for and are worried about the competition. You bet the serious schools, like the one whose invitation Reina refused, didn't waste time in this manner.

Wed, 06-10-2015, 05:50 PM
Asuka, despite her falseness, has still got the right attitude. She's in it for herself. Practising to better her own music, for her own sake. The whole "Don't bring that shit (your relationship problems) into the music room" isn't wrong IMO.
Eh? Can you clarify this, because this episode showed that Asuka is just as two-faced as Kaori is. As Kraco said, Kaori talked a big game of, "I'm already over it," to garner even more sympathy and pass herself as an angelic rolemodel, but she was practicing the solo parts the entire time hoping this chance would present itself.

Asuka tries to play herself off as the cool, serious beauty, only in it for "the art" and whatnot, but when Kumiko tells Haruka that Asuka went back to the brass section to continue practice, Haruka looks out the window and sees Asuka consoling Kaori and saying something that makes Kaori very happy. That's when Haruka knows she has to do something to stop this shit right now. Unfortunately, Taki-sensei undermines her actions a bit with the new set of auditions.

The seniors are close friends and all have each other's backs. Just as guilty of all the nastiness that happened the last year. The only one of them that actually genuine and looks at the bigger picture is poor Haruka.

Wed, 06-10-2015, 11:01 PM
I don't have a problem with either Kaori nor Asuka.

Kaori says she's over it. She's saying that so people won't start shit. What she hasn't accepted yet is that Reina is better than her. She's not into overthrowing the teacher's judgement because she distrusts him. It's simply that she hasn't heard Reina's audition herself to admit defeat. There's no problem with that.

Asuka plays her roles. As a vice-president, she abides by the teacher's decision and doesn't comment further. As a friend to Kaori, she keeps her happy and says hello, "I see you haven't given up yet" etc because that's the path Kaori has chosen. Off the record to Oumae (because Asuka recognises her facade as well), she really doesn't give a shit.

Asuka said "bye" to Haruka, Haruka assumes she went back. There's nothing wrong here. Like Asuka said, what they shared there was off the record.

None of these girls are the problem. The problematic ones are ribbon-girl and the clarinet bunch of fuckheads who actually have nothing to do with this but put their worthless 2c in anyway.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 03:22 AM
If Kaori accepted it, she wouldn't have spent every night practicing the solo part. When it came out that Reina knew Taki-sensei before, Kaori tells Sqeaky Ribbon girl to not have them spread the rumor, but doesn't do a damn thing aside from that to stop it and continues to practice those parts (or actively starts practicing again, that timeline is unclear). Her attitude definitely shifts when Squeaky Ribbon Girl reminds her of "her dream."

Squeaky Ribbon girl was annoying, but at least she was honest about it. Kaori plays saint in front of the girls that idolize her, while absolutely taking advantage of the dirty work they're doing.

I wasn't talking about what Asuka and Kumiko talked about. I was talking about what Asuka went to go Kaori, that Haruka witnessed from above. Haruka saw it, and when she did, knew this shit had to stop right now.

Kaori has the respect of the band to stop the rumors and actually have them focus on scoring well. But she doesn't do anything to stop it. She practices to take the solo part back instead. Asuka also commands the respect to stop it, but she chooses to improve her own image amongst all the parties while punishing the brass section for no reason.

Haruka is the only one who recognizes that someone has to act, but most of the band doesn't respect her because she's a weak-willed crybaby. Personally, a second round of auditions is bullshit. If the two advisors (because Taki-sensei is only a part of this equation), both thought Reina was better, that's it. This isn't Drumline, ffs.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 05:40 AM
Asuka also commands the respect to stop it, but she chooses to improve her own image amongst all the parties while punishing the brass section for no reason.

I wouldn't blame Asuka for much of anything in this case. She's been consistent throughtout, only concentrating on music, not any drama bullshit. Of course she's still a human, so she wants to hang out with friends and classmates and such, but what comes to the band club, she doesn't want to do anything but make sure she can do her (musical) part perfectly, allowing no compromises. Such an impartial and professional attitude generates respect among those who respect musical talent and dedication, but I'm not sure she could suddenly use it to make relationship and other emotional problems right.

Haruka is the only one who recognizes that someone has to act, but most of the band doesn't respect her because she's a weak-willed crybaby. Personally, a second round of auditions is bullshit. If the two advisors (because Taki-sensei is only a part of this equation), both thought Reina was better, that's it. This isn't Drumline, ffs.

Considering a good portion of the band apparently cares more about drama, relationships, and social hierarchy than music, there's no helping it. Nobody can order them to forget it and get back to music 100%. If a second audition can shut them up for good, then it's the easiest way out. In the end Reina must have enough self-confidence that it's probably nothing more than a passing annoyance for her.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 06:26 AM
If Kaori accepted it, she wouldn't have spent every night practicing the solo part.

Kaori says she's over it. She's saying that so people won't start shit. What she hasn't accepted yet is that Reina is better than her. She's not into overthrowing the teacher's judgement because she distrusts him. It's simply that she hasn't heard Reina's audition herself to admit defeat. There's no problem with that.


When it came out that Reina knew Taki-sensei before, Kaori tells Sqeaky Ribbon girl to not have them spread the rumor, but doesn't do a damn thing aside from that to stop it and continues to practice those parts (or actively starts practicing again, that timeline is unclear). Her attitude definitely shifts when Squeaky Ribbon Girl reminds her of "her dream."

That's fine as well. What did you want her to do, slap Ribbon in the face every time she did something? They made regulation in Australia at one point that doctors had to actively go around shutting people up if they made ridiculously (falsely?) good claims about him online. It's now no longer the case because they realise how absurd it was to make you so do.

You're expecting Kaori to go around shutting down people when they're doing things in good faith for her. In the grand scheme of things it might be wise, but I don't expect an individual to do that.

I do not think Kaori ever stopped practising her solo. She practised for the audition, and she never stopped because she has not been convinced yet that she's not as good as Reina for it.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 09:03 AM
I agree with Buff. Kaori wasn't doing anything with any malicious intentions or scheming. She was doing it because she couldn't accept it herself, not because she wanted to force the band into a second audition. There was little she could do in that situation. Attacking the people who are concerned for you, especially if you aren't in a position of responsiblity to do so (Prez, VP), is not a good idea socially.

Asuka is clearly two-faced. I don't blame her though. Everyone is like that. You just have to go with the flow sometimes. Even strong people cannot survive when they turn everyone against them, and showing her evil self to everyone would do just that.

Reina's thigh slapping tantrum was the best thing in this episode.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 11:24 AM
Asuka is clearly two-faced. I don't blame her though. Everyone is like that. You just have to go with the flow sometimes. Even strong people cannot survive when they turn everyone against them, and showing her evil self to everyone would do just that.

"Two-faced" loses its meaning if everybody is two-faced. I don't see what Asuka did that would earn her that description, anyway. Surely you don't mean she should have stopped talking to Kaori entirely to avoid it? That'd be senseless. She just kept doing what she always had done.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 01:15 PM
I'm not referring to a certain situation. Asuka pretends to be a cool and caring person, when in reality she doesn't give a shit. The disparity between her facade and true self is larger than the others (i.e. Sapphire, Dumped girl, Reina).

That said, it's not something I can blame her for. But that still doesn't change the fact that she is quite two-faced.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 04:26 PM
Pretends? She is cool by concentrating on music and staying out of irrelevant drama. I don't know why you would call her pretending to be caring. She values her friends like anybody would, but otherwise she's certainly not particularly caring. In the first place cool and caring are not complementary even if not totally opposite either.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 04:40 PM
Problem is we already know Kaori is as two-faced as Asuka, if not more so. See the episode where she went to visit Haruka at home to tease her.

I'm just surprised that many of you seem to be interested in justifying her behavior this episode and falling for the same act that her worshippers do.

@Buff: What you said and what I said are not the same thing. She not only doesn't accept that Reina is better than she is, she also doesn't accept the audition as a whole. She's doing the exact same thing her worshippers are doing, just pretending she's not.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 06:14 PM
I don't know why you would call her pretending to be caring. She values her friends like anybody would

Wait, where did you get this? She obviously doesn't care about friendship. She just stated that she didn't care who gets the solo, despite her friend being part of the selection. If she loved music, she would answer that the better one should get it. But she said she doesn't care at all.

Remember her blank eyes when Sapphire was talking about friendship (it was about friendship, not romance, because she felt guilty for pushing her friend)? Yeah, Asuka is not caring. But she goes and speaks with Kaori to make her feel better. Two-faced.

@Ryll - I'm actually not sure. I'll hold off til we see next episode to see if your interpretation is correct.

Thu, 06-11-2015, 10:50 PM
@Buff: What you said and what I said are not the same thing. She not only doesn't accept that Reina is better than she is, she also doesn't accept the audition as a whole. She's doing the exact same thing her worshippers are doing, just pretending she's not.

I don't think so. On what basis do you think she has a problem with the actual audition / teacher?

Fri, 06-12-2015, 02:45 AM
Wait, where did you get this? She obviously doesn't care about friendship. She just stated that she didn't care who gets the solo, despite her friend being part of the selection. If she loved music, she would answer that the better one should get it. But she said [I]she doesn't care at all.

That's a matter of interpretation. She does care about social interaction, the latest example being for example surprising Kumiko with the cold bottle and then going to speak with Kaori to cheer her up. That's caring about her social circle and not wanting to be an outsider and alone. Maybe it doesn't fulfill your image of friends, which might be deeper, but it works for me. Compare her to Reina who always looks and acts like she barely suffers the company of the rest of the band. She only got closer to Kumiko because Kumiko approached her multiple times. That's a person who is genuinely not caring and doesn't care about friendship.

I simply can't read too much into the not caring who gets the role and then going to chat with Kaori. You might as well say that conversing with Kumiko is choosing Reina's side, because Kumiko is the only bloody friend Reina has in the entire school. That's how I see it: She's not adopting any side, which means accepting the best/chosen person winning.

Fri, 06-12-2015, 07:42 AM
I'm talking about friendship as actual genuine concern vs social interaction, as you may see it. I see all of her "kind" and "friendly" actions as a guise to fit in/be popular/not be ostracized (because that is easier and better than being the enemy like Reina), not because she actually cares about the others.

Fri, 06-12-2015, 08:08 AM
It doesn't matter what she thinks inside of her head if her actions are sufficient. That's how it goes. Nobody's going to read her thoughts anyway, though many may try. It's not like you'd normally need to count on your schoolmates to watch your back in a life or death situation, requiring a true, trusted friend. Zombie apocalypses only come every so often, and even more rarely in KyoAni shows.

Fri, 06-12-2015, 08:21 AM
That's what two-faced means. She is being insincere and deceitful.

Tue, 06-16-2015, 05:18 PM
Episode 11 - HS

- -- --- -

Hah, what a farce this second audition turned out to be. Only a few people were ready to make any sort of decision, and those were the people who had decided their vote beforehand. Still, I suppose, despite the fact nothing was actually decided by the audion but by Kaori herself, that this will at least shut the malcontents' mouths and allow everybody to concentrate on the music and performance.

Another nearly yuri scene between Kumiko and Reina, with corny lines fitting a cheap period drama to ice the cake. Actually without those lines the scene would have been worse in my opinion as they added a joke to it. Without the humour it would have looked too much like they really meant it. I suppose they partially did, but not literally (the confession part, not the killing part).

Tue, 06-16-2015, 08:37 PM
I was appalled that only two people clapped for either contender. Cowards.

I think Asuka didn't fare too well this episode. Noncommittal to a fault, cowardly, and dishonest. Selfish to the core, putting a smiling face on while lying to those who sought her advice. Even when they asked her to cut the bullshit, she refused.

Squeaky Ribbon Girl looked good by comparison, and she was a melodramatic wreck. At least she was honest about who was better to Kumiko, even though intended to carry out her goal to the end. She meant well, but the way she went about it all was awful.

Wed, 06-17-2015, 02:56 AM
The crowd didn't applaud, but that didn't matter. That was probably for the best actually considering the characters involved in this show.

They know that the audition wasn't biased, but they don't have to pick sides for any further "civil wars" to follow. Their noncommittal allows them to gel together as a group (in guilt). They also know now that since they don't have a productive opinion they should shut the fuck up in the future.

There's a difference between them and Asuka though. The class definitely didn't clap for Kaori because she was worse. They hesitated to clap for Reina because they don't want to be responsible for the decision. Asuka simply refused to participate outright. That's not necessarily bad.

What really matters is Kaori - and she feels satisfied. The only people in this picture are Reina, Kaori and Taki. This audition is for them. That's why I hated that clarinet section the most. For all their talk, it's not even their section.

Reina and Kumiko can be bi for all I care. Throw in Taki and Tsukamoto for variety.

Wed, 06-17-2015, 10:50 PM
Reina and Kumiko scenes are the best. And please stop making it sexual. Can't people have close same gender relationships anymore? Love isn't always romantic, you know.

So Kaori was a real nice girl, and Asuka was as two-faced as expected. Thought so.

Thu, 06-18-2015, 03:24 AM
I have to agree with Buff on this one.

It's definitely a Reina x Kumiko Friendship Love Story. But KyoAni (or the original author?) are going out of their way to make every one of these "encounters" as sexually charged and romantic as possible.

- It's not that Kumiko and Reina have a tender moment alone, it's Reina seduces Kumiko on a mountain and touches her face tenderly.

- It's not that Kumiko checks on Reina and Reina sighs, grabs Kumiko's hand and thanks her, it's that Kumiko goes to check on her, and Reina grabs Kumiko's face tenderly, whispers to her intimately, and confirms that she'll kill her if she betrays her at Kumiko's insistence that she can.

It isn't going to be a Strawberry Panic friendship, but it might be closer to Marimite. The viewers aren't the ones making it romantic and sexually charged.

Thu, 06-18-2015, 07:44 AM
That's obvious, but people should stop buying into it too much. This is exactly like Free!, only with girls.

Thu, 06-18-2015, 09:09 AM
I love it this way though.

Thu, 06-18-2015, 12:15 PM
I don't much care for yuri, but the trip to the temple was so artistic that it sold it to me. The fact Reina is romantically interested in a man also makes it easier for me.

Thu, 06-18-2015, 12:56 PM
I love yuri, but this just looks like it. It isn't.

This show needs more waki, though.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 02:37 PM
Ep 12 1080p http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=704310
720p http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=704308

Liked the flow of that ep, some scenes with very nice animation, sound background and VA.
Most of the time, it felt like watching a nice OVA.
Glad I watched the show for that ep.

All in all, Tanaka is a little bit like Reina. She's so high above in skills she doesn't care about the rest, besides what she wants to do.

Tue, 06-23-2015, 03:23 PM
A little blood spilt makes any show better!

It was a good ep and KyoAni really made it look like it was a hot weather. Kumiko's troubles for so long felt a bit stretched, though, only for the sake of some tension. The show began with people being impressed by her skills, so it doesn't make sense she would have that much trouble despite practicing like crazy. Things should have been like this if she didn't manage to practice and was trying to barely pull it off with old skills alone. Shuuichi's distress I don't mind because there's nothing impressive or interesting about him.

Wed, 06-24-2015, 10:42 PM
That part was just that hard. Anyone who ever played tried playing a musical instrument seriously would understand.

The best part about this episode was jelly Reina. She really does love Taki, going so far as interrogating her hurting friend the moment any suspicious activity turned up.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 10:01 AM
HS - Episode 13 END (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=706650)


Yes, Tuxesdos really are sexy. I think you can't be too muscular in them though. It has to be just the right amount to look both elegant and manly.

At the same time, KyoAni has always been able to draw female characters as being of idea weight - not anorexic, but not fat. I don't think they're particularly short either. Maybe it's the rounder heads? I dunno.

This feels rather short, but I won't with it goes on further. The musical goals aren't reached, but the character relationships have matured to the point where I'm happy to stop watching. Reina x Kumiko got to be special. Tsukamoto and Kumiko got off to a bit of a start, and Taki is well accepted by his students.

Next KyoAni show please.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 10:37 AM
This has sequel novels. It will probably have a sequel anime too.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 10:47 AM
First I couldn't get rid of the feeling Taki would suddenly drop Kumiko after all or, when they started the performance, that she would make a mistake. I'm glad she didn't, after all that blood spilling practice. The best moment was seeing the always cool Reina get emotional after their success.

I still couldn't care less about Shuuichi, so that scene just felt unnecessary, even if understandable. Kumiko would need a more colourful dude.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 10:57 AM
Hey man, he's not the heart throb that has Kumiko rolling around in her sleep, but he seems somewhat reliable and hard working. She can be comfortable with him, even if her heart's not in a constant flutter whenever he's around.

I think plain, easy guys who are just there for you have a role in the romance world.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 12:51 PM
Hey man, he's not the heart throb that has Kumiko rolling around in her sleep, but he seems somewhat reliable and hard working. She can be comfortable with him, even if her heart's not in a constant flutter whenever he's around.

I think plain, easy guys who are just there for you have a role in the romance world.

I'm only thinking about how entertaining the second season would be, should it have romance. Shuuichi wasn't entertaining in the least. His type might work in RL or some reality tv, like you say, but not here, at least for me. Like I (probably) said before, I don't much care for yuri, but Kumiko and Reina as a pair worked even for somebody with that attitude. It was that good. I wouldn't trade it for the <127,127,127> dude. It has to be something better for the show to deliver.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 06:14 PM
Kumiko and Reina are friends. Shuuichi is the obvious love interest. Reina is obsessed with Noboru.

Noboru raising his hand and then signaling for the students not to tell on him when menopause-sensei scolded them for going overboard during their cheer was so cute.

Wed, 07-01-2015, 11:13 PM
I really enjoyed this show.
Kyoto nailed it with the characters, animation, and music (their own original orchestra score! super impressive).
Here's hoping for a continuation.

Mon, 11-02-2015, 08:39 PM
I really enjoyed this show.
Kyoto nailed it with the characters, animation, and music (their own original orchestra score! super impressive).
Here's hoping for a continuation.

Continuation announced:

Mon, 11-02-2015, 09:04 PM
The waki and yuri goddesses have pulled through.

Fri, 04-19-2024, 09:38 PM
Chikai no Finale (Movie):

Nice movie. More interpersonal drama than I'm typically used to.
Reina dressing up really pretty to play trumpet at an unattended hill felt dangerous.
During the competition performance, they spent a lot of shots on the oboe player, but she got zero character development during this movie.
Meanwhile, Reina and Kumiko had solo parts (the former I presumed, the latter confirmed) but we didn't see any of it.


It's funny seeing Taki-Sensei getting all girls' attention every year.


I do quite like the dynamics between characters in this show. It doesn't necessarily make me comfortable, but it's more nuanced than regular anime script (likely helped by this coming from an actual novel).
Reina supporting Kumiko's role by letting her vent etc and getting up the Boyfriend-on-hold for example.
Also, by parking the Boyfriend-on-hold the yuri vibes get to go wild again.

Kumiko being tired from managing juniors resonates so much.

Thu, 05-30-2024, 01:08 PM


This is one of my favourite shows this season.

I don't watch it weekly because I feel like I need to be in the mood to watch it, but when I do I always have a great time. KyoAni animating it makes everything gorgeous, and the drama is keeps me on my toes without being (too) overly melodramatic.

So I know that Reina and Kumiko are really good friends, but I feel like swapping/matching swimsuit tops takes that to fake-yuri levels.