View Full Version : Movie: Spider-Man joins the Marvel universe.
Tue, 02-10-2015, 08:01 AM
Yes, really. (
What do you guys think? Personally I want to see him in Civil War, since he played a big part in that story, and I feel no other character can really replace him and resonate as much. Do you guys want a continuation of the Amazing line or a new reboot? I want them to continue, just because I don`t want to sit through uncle Ben dying (again).
Tue, 02-10-2015, 10:22 AM
Smart move by Sony. Their handling of the Spider-man franchise has been abysmal, while Marvel Studios has done an amazing job with their other properties.
I don't want another reboot.
Tue, 02-10-2015, 10:38 AM
I really don't care. Just make more Spider man movies. If it's good, it's good. If it's bad, it's just another bad movie I happened to have watched. From the studio's view I'm sure they don't want any investments to flop, but as an audience without any fan loyalty I'm happy to gamble with 2hrs of my life.
So.. given that this means there'll be at least one spidey movie before 2017, that's good news to me.
Wed, 02-11-2015, 09:51 AM
Well, it appears they`re rebooting, back to high school...
Fri, 02-13-2015, 07:33 PM
I hope they go with the Miles Morales version. I think that would be pretty cool and a fresh way to re-introduce Spiderman.
Sat, 02-14-2015, 04:31 PM
I hope they go with the Miles Morales version. I think that would be pretty cool and a fresh way to re-introduce Spiderman.
I have to disagree. Instead of making a Hispanic Spider-man, they should just make him another superhero with similar powers. Spider-man is Peter Parker, a white guy.
Sun, 02-15-2015, 03:57 PM
I have to disagree. Instead of making a Hispanic Spider-man, they should just make him another superhero with similar powers. Spider-man is Peter Parker, a white guy.
Ultimate Spider-Man is just as legitimate as Ultimate Nick Fury. Miles Morales IS the Ultimate Spider-man and is actually very popular. He takes the story somewhat back to its roots and is very in spirit with the thinking(from the creators) that Spider-man could be anyone under the mask. I think it will be a Peter Parker Spider-man that will be in the films, but I don't see any reason why the other Spiderman couldn't eventually show up. The cinematic Peter Parker has kind of been done to death. I think a fresh look would probably piss a lot of people off at first, but I think they would get over it.
Sun, 02-15-2015, 07:26 PM
Ultimate Spider-Man is just as legitimate as Ultimate Nick Fury. Miles Morales IS the Ultimate Spider-man and is actually very popular. He takes the story somewhat back to its roots and is very in spirit with the thinking(from the creators) that Spider-man could be anyone under the mask. I think it will be a Peter Parker Spider-man that will be in the films, but I don't see any reason why the other Spiderman couldn't eventually show up. The cinematic Peter Parker has kind of been done to death. I think a fresh look would probably piss a lot of people off at first, but I think they would get over it.
Ultimate or otherwise, these re-imaginings are just bastardizations and ripoffs of original ideas. I'd prefer they came up with original heroes with their own stories and ideas. As I'm sure you've from read my other posts, supplanting the original Nick Fury with Ultimate Fury is in poor taste and typical Hollywood pandering.
Sun, 02-15-2015, 08:22 PM
I don`t think you can ripoff yourself.
Sun, 02-15-2015, 08:59 PM
Did Stan Lee and Steve Ditko have a part in creating the Ultimate universe with the re-imaginings of the characters they created? More likely Marvel owns the rights to these characters and the original creators had little say in how they are used or "re-imagined". Besides which, how does the Ultimate Spidey differ from the original? Everything seems more or less the same except his ethnicity. If that's true, then it's a bastardization more than a re-imagining.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 06:43 AM
By that logic, you could argue 616 himself is a half ripoff or whatever, considering Ditko left because he wanted a totally opposite direction from Lee, and everything after Lee is a full ripoff, so give or take the last 46 years. Your last question seems confused, Ultimate spider man is ultimate peter parker, a character that is VERY close to the original Lee version, just in a modern setting and small changes here and there, as well as more condensed storylines. Miles is not a black Peter, he is a legacy character like the last three Robins, the last three Flashes, last three green lanterns, captain America, thor, etc. He`s 100% a reimagining not a bastardization as you call it.
People want him because of his rising popularity and probably because of how DIFFERENT he is from Peter, I guess people are tired of him after 5 movies and now two remakes.
For the record, I think he should be left for later as a spinoff.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 09:31 AM
You can dither about who had more to do with the creation of Spider-man and who has more creative control, but the Ultimate series is completely removed from the original creators and their creations except where Marvel can make some dollars by changing the character's ethnicity or race instead of coming up with a new character with his own powers.
Miles is the black/brown Spider-man, which is the original argument. It's not about turning Peter Parker into a non-white guy, it's about turning the alter-ego of Spider-man into something besides what he is for the sake of being PC. How about a black/brown Batman next? And that black storm trooper? Wtf is that? Was him being brown/yellow not diverse enough? And how is Miles Morales as Spider-man a 100% re-imagining when he has the same powers and name and general story of an existing character that is tacked on to the existing story of Peter Parker as Spider-man? That makes it even less of a re-imagining and more fitting into revisionist history.
People "want" him (debatable) because he's the Spider-man they know from the comic books after Marvel changed him and promoted him as the new Spider-man in the Ultimate universe. Yes we are tired of the Spider-man movies, but that's mostly Sony's fault because they suck as a movie studio (at least with this property). Changing him to a brown kid won't help that. Funny how not that long ago we thought they'd never make a Spider-man movie because of budget and creative differences. Now we can't stop getting bad Spider-man movies because Sony and Marvel want to make them some damn money.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 09:50 AM
You can dither about who had more to do with the creation of Spider-man and who has more creative control, but the Ultimate series is completely removed from the original creators and their creations except where Marvel can make some dollars by changing the character's ethnicity or race instead of coming up with a new character with his own powers.
Miles is the black/brown Spider-man, which is the original argument. It's not about turning Peter Parker into a non-white guy, it's about turning the alter-ego of Spider-man into something besides what he is for the sake of being PC. How about a black/brown Batman next? And that black storm trooper? Wtf is that? Was him being brown/yellow not diverse enough? And how is Miles Morales as Spider-man a 100% re-imagining when he has the same powers and name and general story of an existing character that is tacked on to the existing story of Peter Parker as Spider-man? That makes it even less of a re-imagining and more fitting into revisionist history.
People "want" him (debatable) because he's the Spider-man they know from the comic books after Marvel changed him and promoted him as the new Spider-man in the Ultimate universe. Yes we are tired of the Spider-man movies, but that's mostly Sony's fault because they suck as a movie studio (at least with this property). Changing him to a brown kid won't help that. Funny how not that long ago we thought they'd never make a Spider-man movie because of budget and creative differences. Now we can't stop getting bad Spider-man movies because Sony and Marvel want to make them some damn money.
You sound distraught, remember I`m on your side (for different reasons).
Miles doesn`t has the same powers, nor does he has the same origin. If you go by comic book numbers, Peter vastly outweight him. Just for hilarity`s sake, what do you think of DC using legacy characters left and right?
You need to accept that different version of the same characters exist and is NOTHING new, and that doesn`t makes then any less of a character, if it were up to me they`d be making a Kaine movie instead. I can imagine it now "All the power, none of the responsibility", it will be glorious *snaps back to reality*, right, back to Peter.
Spider-Man has plenty of other characters that are more of a ripoff than Miles; Ben, Kaine, Mayday, Miguel and maybe Flash but there they are, having adventures and being unique, shocking. We have superman, superboy, supergirl, steel, cyborg superman, superdog, superhorse, and super all the animal kingdom really and they coexist just fine, supergirl even got a movie at some point and is getting a tv show. Sony has had plans for expanding the spider universe (understandably so), for ages now, Miles makes a TON of sense, whether we like it or not.
And yes, I know you`re going to counter ALL of my arguments by saying "But miles is blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!", I feel like a masochist now.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 04:03 PM
Personally, I'd rather they do Mayday than either the original or Ultimate.
But it doesn't make sense at all in the MCU, since Spiderman would have to have been well known for some time.
A bit off topic, but don't forget there are actually a half dozen Supergirls. DC is much worse at the spinoff characters, though a lot of the blame can be placed on the Comics Code Authority for those recurring disasters.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 04:14 PM
I'm annoyed, not distraught. Whether they make the change or not, I think it will fail because the vaunted Hispanic market doesn't translate to everything. The Latin music invasion of the early 2000s? Gone and forgotten. Avengers did fine without changing into a multicultural team. How easy would it have been to make Black Widow a black chick?
Try not to rely on the race card too much. It's not about him being black or brown or even non-white; it's about him not being Spider-man. Sure there are Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, etc but only one Superman. Superboy didn't take over for Superman, he retained his own identity and no one ever mistook him for Superman. Besides which, using that kind of idiocy and lack of creativity as a defense to bastardizing other heroes is weak. Is Miles called Spider-Mexican or something other than Spider-man? No, he's taking over the role of Spider-man because Marvel is trying to pander to what they hope is an untapped market to make a quick buck. You say he doesn't have the same origin story, but he gets bit by a spider, shirks his responsibility by letting Spider-man die, then assumes the role of Spider-man. Sounds a lot like Peter Parker's origin story.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 05:43 PM
I'm annoyed, not distraught. Whether they make the change or not, I think it will fail because the vaunted Hispanic market doesn't translate to everything. The Latin music invasion of the early 2000s? Gone and forgotten.
Seriously off-topic, but lolwut?
Hispanic music has made a permanent mark on United States music in much of the same way African-American music is the origin of most of the modern music genres.
The 2000s latin invasion might have felt like a weaker influence because of Gloria Estefan, Carlos Santana, and Tito Puente having an enormous influence decades prior. Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony, Enrique Iglesias permanently influenced male pop music acts from the 90s onward. Hell, Menudo is the sole reason boybands exist in America.
To pretend that any major ethnicity hasn't had a cultural impact on US culture is ignorance at best, racism at worst. The US "melting pot" culture is so goddamn pervasive you don't even notice it. That's the difference between the US "melting pot" and the "salad bowl" of any other nation. Yes, there are enclaves of given cultures, and racism abound, but even the most racist Americans won't realize that much of their favorite things come from one ethnicity or another, and were long ago co-opted by the majority.
Marvel was hamfisted with their equality issues in the 90s and early 2000s, but they've gotten much better in recent years. Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel) is a stark contrast to some of their earlier attempts, and quite nicely done.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 05:55 PM
I'm annoyed, not distraught. Whether they make the change or not, I think it will fail because the vaunted Hispanic market doesn't translate to everything. The Latin music invasion of the early 2000s? Gone and forgotten. Avengers did fine without changing into a multicultural team. How easy would it have been to make Black Widow a black chick?
Try not to rely on the race card too much. It's not about him being black or brown or even non-white; it's about him not being Spider-man. Sure there are Superman, Superboy, Supergirl, etc but only one Superman. Superboy didn't take over for Superman, he retained his own identity and no one ever mistook him for Superman. Besides which, using that kind of idiocy and lack of creativity as a defense to bastardizing other heroes is weak. Is Miles called Spider-Mexican or something other than Spider-man? No, he's taking over the role of Spider-man because Marvel is trying to pander to what they hope is an untapped market to make a quick buck. You say he doesn't have the same origin story, but he gets bit by a spider, shirks his responsibility by letting Spider-man die, then assumes the role of Spider-man. Sounds a lot like Peter Parker's origin story.
A) Nick Fury
B) Really? Do you see the irony here? No? Just me?
C) 3rd time now, what do you think of the flash, the flash, the flash and the flash?
D) He didn`t let him die, he got there late.
Mon, 02-16-2015, 11:56 PM
Wow, I didn't know it would get so heated. For the record, Ultimate Spiderman does have a few differences in how his powers work (the biggest being his "venom sting" attack). And yeah, look at the Green Lanterns in DC or the multiple Captain Americas in Marvel. I can see your argument that "Spiderman" is usually associated with Peter Parker, but as many titles have shown, that can change (I man, Thor is a woman now in the books, which is kind of weird, but it sort of works).
And the way Marvel structures its "continuities," the Ultimate universe is as legit as the Earth-616 one. They even had a storyline where the main Peter Parker met Miles Morales, which was canon, by the way. I am not saying to come flying out the gate with MM Spidey (that would be a bold move), but introducing him later in the film chronology would be a smart move and breathe fresh life into the character of "Spiderman"
Tue, 02-17-2015, 11:31 AM
A) Nick Fury
B) Really? Do you see the irony here? No? Just me?
C) 3rd time now, what do you think of the flash, the flash, the flash and the flash?
D) He didn`t let him die, he got there late.
One person of color doesn't make them multicultural. I guess adding a green guy helped but he was white for a lot of his scenes. And while it was peculiar to see such a lily white cast of heroes, I applaud that over weak attempts to colorize known characters for the sake of being inclusive. A better choice would be to include existing characters of color, but Marvel missed that opportunity by not introducing them in earlier works the way they intro'd other characters.
For me it's not an issue of race, it's an issue of changing characters for the sake of milking them and being PC. I'd rather they included known heroes of color instead of colorizing heroes.
As discussed, DC's shit rehash of characters under new identities is shit, but that doesn't make it ok for others to follow their lead. There is a reason Marvel is the dominant force in both comics and movies.
In most jurisdictions, negligence is as damning as willful action.
Seriously off-topic, but lolwut?
Hispanic music has made a permanent mark on United States music in much of the same way African-American music is the origin of most of the modern music genres.
The 2000s latin invasion might have felt like a weaker influence because of Gloria Estefan, Carlos Santana, and Tito Puente having an enormous influence decades prior. Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony, Enrique Iglesias permanently influenced male pop music acts from the 90s onward. Hell, Menudo is the sole reason boybands exist in America.
To pretend that any major ethnicity hasn't had a cultural impact on US culture is ignorance at best, racism at worst. The US "melting pot" culture is so goddamn pervasive you don't even notice it. That's the difference between the US "melting pot" and the "salad bowl" of any other nation. Yes, there are enclaves of given cultures, and racism abound, but even the most racist Americans won't realize that much of their favorite things come from one ethnicity or another, and were long ago co-opted by the majority.
Marvel was hamfisted with their equality issues in the 90s and early 2000s, but they've gotten much better in recent years. Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel) is a stark contrast to some of their earlier attempts, and quite nicely done.
And cows go "moo". I'm not saying there is no lasting cultural impact, as obviously there is. But the Latin music invasion was hyped to the gills and they even showed the Latin grammys on broadcast TV for a couple years (NBC I think it was). Now it's relegated to Univision, and while it gets good viewership numbers on that channel, it's not quite one of the big 4. Latin music in the mainstream US is now just music, as it should be, as segregating it to that degree is borderline racist. But that's hardly the point of this discussion.
Wow, I didn't know it would get so heated. For the record, Ultimate Spiderman does have a few differences in how his powers work (the biggest being his "venom sting" attack). And yeah, look at the Green Lanterns in DC or the multiple Captain Americas in Marvel. I can see your argument that "Spiderman" is usually associated with Peter Parker, but as many titles have shown, that can change (I man, Thor is a woman now in the books, which is kind of weird, but it sort of works).
And the way Marvel structures its "continuities," the Ultimate universe is as legit as the Earth-616 one. They even had a storyline where the main Peter Parker met Miles Morales, which was canon, by the way. I am not saying to come flying out the gate with MM Spidey (that would be a bold move), but introducing him later in the film chronology would be a smart move and breathe fresh life into the character of "Spiderman"
Nah it's not as heated as all that. It is a fun thing to discuss for those who are socio-anthropologically inclined. I don't take it too personally as I'm neither black, brown, nor white, and I don't read comics anymore. I do watch movies however and seeing an altered hero is as much an annoyance as seeing universal product commercials geared towards a particular demographic, like with McDonald's commercials. It's an annoyance more than a real issue.
Fri, 02-20-2015, 07:01 PM
I think just doing Spidey 2099 would mollify all of you. It is not like they don't have the money to burn and it would be no worse than that Spider Man 3 debacle. I really don't care for Amazing at all which is damned disappointing since Spidey is my favorite marvel character. I could do with another Hulk movie instead though. Spidey is becoming as old and tired as X-men is.
Fri, 02-20-2015, 07:59 PM
I think just doing Spidey 2099 would mollify all of you. It is not like they don't have the money to burn and it would be no worse than that Spider Man 3 debacle. I really don't care for Amazing at all which is damned disappointing since Spidey is my favorite marvel character. I could do with another Hulk movie instead though. Spidey is becoming as old and tired as X-men is.
Hey! I`m ok with Miguel!
Fri, 02-20-2015, 10:51 PM
Spidey 2099 wouldn't revitalize the character any more than a reboot with MM as Spider-man. Making Spider 2099 wouldn't make any sense if they want to add Spider-man to the larger Marvel movie world (like with the Avengers or other ensemble movie).
Sat, 02-21-2015, 01:25 PM
What is time traveling?
Sat, 02-21-2015, 03:25 PM
How ridiculously convoluted a movie that would be... introduce Spider-man to the larger Marvel movie universe, but not the Spider-man we all know, but another one from the future. You've been watching too many soap operas.
Sun, 02-22-2015, 01:29 PM
Yeah, time traveling, so crazy, it would never ( work. Your hate for legacy characters is dully noted.
A spider-man from the future goes into the present because the future got wrecked by the results of civil war, just saying.
errrr, how many soap operas have time traveling?
Mon, 02-23-2015, 12:21 AM
After the 4th or 5th movie and all the characters are well-established, then yeah time traveling can work. But time traveling an altered character to have him join present day existing characters is soap opera levels of convoluted mess. Will future Spider-Mex meet up with present day Spider-man, or completely supplant him in the present day universe? Most likely it will still be Garfield Spider-man who joins up with the rest of the Marvel superheroes, so keep dreaming.
Mon, 02-23-2015, 08:05 AM
Technically, this would be the 6th Spiderman movie, considering they don`t have to disregard the previous franchise, thanks for agreeing with me. You`re right, you need 4 movies to introduce time travel, just like the Terminator franchise. And Garfield is confirmed out, so YOU keep dreaming. I love how you keep trying to overcomplicate a simple notion like time traveling in a comic book movie of all things; Nordic god, perfect aim guy, super solider from 1945, impossibly technologically advanced man on armor with a near nuclear power battery attached to his chest, all of these things are fine, time traveling? NO, TOO COMPLICATED! what is this? a soap opera?. Give people credit, they are not anywhere near as stupid as you think them to be.
Seriously though, what kind of soap operas do you see that are more complicated than average comic book events?
How about this?
Introduce 2099 after civil war credits.
Make a movie where Miguel is sent to the present to fix the future.
Once fixed, continue with Amazing spider-man 3 (with new actors, same characters), with any terrible storyline dropped due to time changes. Everyone`s happy.
Pros: It allows the viewers a "break" from Peter, and they`ll be excited to see his return in Amazing 3.
It allows them to make a different take on the character, which could allow for future spin offs (which is in line with Sony`s plans).
No need to re-do Spider-Man`s origins for a third time.
Mon, 02-23-2015, 09:25 AM
People don't see it as 5 Spider-man movies, they see the original 3 and then the terrible 2 reboot movies with that British guy (talk about not giving people more credit for intelligence). A new Spider-man would be another reboot, if not an origin story, especially if it's 2099 Spider-man. I don't think that people are tired of PP, just the Spider-man character. After the first couple movies, it became like any other superhero movie where the villain is the main character. A Hispanic PP would not help because it's still Spider-man vs "some enemy with cool powers that we haven't seen in live action movies before." So if Marvel wants to add Spider-man to the larger universe, there is no need to change the character, just give him a supporting role like Thor or the Hulk in Avengers.
What you're missing about the other characters is that Marvel released entire movies with these characters before including them in the larger Marvel universe. So what you're suggesting is that Spider-man 2099 get his own movie (which would do poorly) then be added to an ensemble movie. Or that he randomly appears in a Marvel universe movie, but he's from the future and the current day Spider-man is where exactly? Dead? Busy with school work?
Your comparison to the Terminator movies is redonkulous because that entire franchise is based on time traveling. Genetic mutations and technological advances that allow super-human powers doesn't make bending the laws of time and space a trivial matter. Oh, a guy can fly, next let's re-write all the laws of physics!
Mon, 02-23-2015, 11:08 AM
Sigh, I give up, moving on.
Tue, 02-24-2015, 12:23 PM
People don't see it as 5 Spider-man movies, they see the original 3 and then the terrible 2 reboot movies with that British guy (talk about not giving people more credit for intelligence). A new Spider-man would be another reboot, if not an origin story, especially if it's 2099 Spider-man. I don't think that people are tired of PP, just the Spider-man character. After the first couple movies, it became like any other superhero movie where the villain is the main character. A Hispanic PP would not help because it's still Spider-man vs "some enemy with cool powers that we haven't seen in live action movies before." So if Marvel wants to add Spider-man to the larger universe, there is no need to change the character, just give him a supporting role like Thor or the Hulk in Avengers.
What you're missing about the other characters is that Marvel released entire movies with these characters before including them in the larger Marvel universe. So what you're suggesting is that Spider-man 2099 get his own movie (which would do poorly) then be added to an ensemble movie. Or that he randomly appears in a Marvel universe movie, but he's from the future and the current day Spider-man is where exactly? Dead? Busy with school work?
Your comparison to the Terminator movies is redonkulous because that entire franchise is based on time traveling. Genetic mutations and technological advances that allow super-human powers doesn't make bending the laws of time and space a trivial matter. Oh, a guy can fly, next let's re-write all the laws of physics!
You mention what would the current spiderman be doing while a future spiderman shows up forgetting that currently there is no spiderman in the avengers movie. I seriously doubt they'll do a 2099 spiderman, but if they do, having him come from the future/alternate universe would be a good way to bring him in.
As for Miles I have no real opinion on him since I don't read the comic books, but if it means that I don't have to go through another uncle Ben death then i'm up for something new.
Tue, 02-24-2015, 01:47 PM
You mention what would the current spiderman be doing while a future spiderman shows up forgetting that currently there is no spiderman in the avengers movie. I seriously doubt they'll do a 2099 spiderman, but if they do, having him come from the future/alternate universe would be a good way to bring him in.
As for Miles I have no real opinion on him since I don't read the comic books, but if it means that I don't have to go through another uncle Ben death then i'm up for something new.
A lot of Marvel characters don't appear in the Avengers movie but we know they exist in the same universe (or at least comic readers know that). If 2099 Spider-man makes an appearance among the Avengers, the obvious question would be what happened to the current day Spider-man, or would the producers pretend there is no PP Spider-man and only this future incarnation? I'm sure fans would be unhappy with that revision to history. And introducing future Spider-man would deserve more than the 20-30 minutes they could devote to it in an ensemble movie so they'd have to make an entire movie to introduce him, but that movie would flop so it wouldn't help intro him anyway.
While another Uncle Ben origin story doesn't appeal to most fans, that is the origin of Spider-man. Sticking another guy in the suit and calling him Spider-man without the origin and struggleties of PP is rewriting history and a shameful way to bastardize a character. How about DC re-write Batman's origin where his parents don't die? It wouldn't be the same character, just using the Batman identity, and that would be wrong.
Mon, 03-02-2015, 06:56 PM
Yeah, don`t bother, the guy is hellbent on absorbing the fun out of ANY speculation that doesn`t fit his selective elitist criteria of what a spidey movie should be. Anything that is not golden age spider-man is wrong.
Mon, 03-02-2015, 07:42 PM
Anything that is not golden age spider-man is wrong.
It's better than that. We've established ( previous ( times ( that Ani's knowledge about Spider-Man is entirely based on the 90s cartoon (, he's never touched the comics.
Maybe he has since 2013, but I seriously doubt it.
Tue, 03-03-2015, 01:05 PM
It's better than that. We've established ( previous ( times ( that Ani's knowledge about Spider-Man is entirely based on the 90s cartoon (, he's never touched the comics.
Wow. Lots of free time on your hands.
Maybe he has since 2013, but I seriously doubt it.Actually it's even better than that. I haven't read comics since 1993.
Tue, 03-03-2015, 02:14 PM
Well, were you born in 1994?
Tue, 03-03-2015, 11:18 PM
Little blurb out of Hollywoodland that addresses what we've been discussing here about re-imagining characters:
Wed, 03-04-2015, 06:39 AM
How many family members did you kidnap to blackmailing her into typing the exact same thing you said?
The most hilarious part is that she misinterpreted what they asked her, they didn`t mean Hal Jordan, they meant Jessica Cruz, who happens to be Latin. And then she went on in a totally irrelevant rambling... just like you! Hey! Are you Michelle Rodriguez by any chance?
Wed, 03-04-2015, 10:08 AM
Or the more likely reality that there are plenty of people who oppose your viewpoint and that "re-imagining" a character with a different ethnicity to satisfy a niche group isn't right, even a proud self-identifying brown person like her. Notice how she said she speaks without a filter sometimes then gets really PC with her view on Hollywood casting, to lessen the anger of casting directors who might pettily dismiss her as a choice for future roles as payment for her criticism. What that tells us is that more people have these "PC" feelings but keep such views to themselves for fear of being ridiculed or excommunicated from society by the PC-police.
As for the Brown Lantern, how many people outside of comic nerd circles think of her when they think of the Green Lantern? Not many. I'll admit I wasn't even aware there was such a "re-imagining", though I am familiar with the concept of the GL ring and how it picks different people to wear it and save the universe, but I don't read many DC comics.
And Will Smith as Deadshot? Wtf.
Wed, 03-04-2015, 03:22 PM
Or the more likely reality that there are plenty of people who oppose your viewpoint that "re-imagining" a character with a different ethnicity to satisfy a niche group isn't right, even a proud self-identifying brown person like her. Notice how she said she speaks without a filter sometimes then gets really PC with her view on Hollywood casting, to lessen the anger of casting directors who might pettily dismiss her as a choice for future roles as payment for her criticism. What that tells us is that more people have these "PC" feelings but keep such views to themselves for fear of being ridiculed or excommunicated from society by the PC-police.
As for the Brown Lantern, how many people outside of comic nerd circles think of her when they think of the Green Lantern? Not many. I'll admit I wasn't even aware there was such a "re-imagining", though I am familiar with the concept of the GL ring and how it picks different people to wear it and save the universe, but I don't read many DC comics.
And Will Smith as Deadshot? Wtf.
A) That is not my viewpoint.
Fri, 03-06-2015, 06:14 AM
Fri, 03-06-2015, 09:39 AM
That was pretty awesome and on point. Any idea what subject they were actually discussing?
Fri, 03-06-2015, 01:50 PM
Its hard to tell but he mentions the chef from his restaurant called him because he needed help with something and then all I hear is laughter, which I might add is quite contagious for some reason lol.
Fri, 03-06-2015, 01:52 PM
That was pretty awesome and on point. Any idea what subject they were actually discussing?
Some kind of anecdote/joke about his work in the beach. I remember seeing the original video with spanish subtitles by following the recomendations/similar videos youtube gives.
Shadow Skill
Mon, 03-16-2015, 11:06 PM
The 90s Spiderman cartoon is best spiderman. I wish they;d continue on with that spiderman story like they're going to do with the 90s X-Men, X92s or something lol.
Tue, 03-17-2015, 06:15 AM
Have you seen Spectacular?
Sun, 04-12-2015, 05:51 PM
Sun, 04-12-2015, 08:26 PM
Have you seen Spectacular?
The Spectacular Spider-Man was awesome too bad it got caught in the rights limbo and got cancelled, but it was a great cartoon.
Sun, 04-12-2015, 08:32 PM
Yep, aaaaand we`re back to high school. At least it`s consistent with the comics in how they just refuse to let Peter grow.
Sun, 04-12-2015, 10:14 PM
You seem to think Spider-man in an Avengers movie will be focused on PP's teenager problems and high school life, which will hardly be the case. They might give 5 minutes to PP's school setting in the entire movie. I think making him a high schooler will help him fill a more slapstick, comedic side-kick kind of role. His snarky one-liners and immaturity will contrast with the more stoic members like Thor, Captain America, Bruce Banner, etc. He'll be like Jar-Jar or those two ghetto-bots in the 2nd Transformers movie. If they made it Miles Morales and then only gave him a few minutes on his origin story before joining the larger cast in their fight to save the world, people would complain about that.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 05:44 AM
A) I did even not mention Miles.
B) It`s confirmed next movie will be in HS, it won`t be five minutes.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 08:43 AM
A) Sure but we all know you were referring to him.
B) We were talking about the article that discusses Spider-man's inclusion in the Avengers and larger MCU.
Yes, the reboot in 2017 will have PP in high school. Is your angst that it's PP in high school instead of MM, or is it that the setting is in high school? Would adult Spider-man's alter ego make for a more compelling story? Instead of teenager problems being a superhero, he'd have to worry about paying his mortgage and saving for retirement along with fighting crime and saving the world. Not sure what you think can be explored with an adult Spider-man that is more interesting than a teen-aged one.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 10:54 AM
A) Sure but we all know you were referring to him.
Incorrect, stop assuming shit.
B) We were talking about the article that discusses Spider-man's inclusion in the Avengers and larger MCU.
But my post in particular referred SM specifically.
Yes, the reboot in 2017 will have PP in high school. Is your angst that it's PP in high school instead of MM, or is it that the setting is in high school?
The setting, not the character, can you stop talking about Miles already?
Would adult Spider-man's alter ego make for a more compelling story?
Yes, it would.
Instead of teenager problems being a superhero, he'd have to worry about paying his mortgage and saving for retirement along with fighting crime and saving the world.
Yeah, and instead of that we`ll have him worry about getting home before 10 P.M or else aunt May will notice, doing his chemistry homework on time (he won`t), mowing the flawn, aunt May having to worry about paying HER mortarge and saving for retirement while saving for Peter`s future university. Do go ahead though, and mention three 616 good spider-man story when he was in HS.
Funny that you`re against an adult PP even though adult Peter (and his financial issues) are basically 98% of the comics, you would think a pretend purist like you would be disgusted with PP in HS... for the third time now, since this is clearly an attempt at attracting the hipster masses you despise so much. He`s called Spider-MAN, not Spider-BOY.
Not sure what you think can be explored with an adult Spider-man that is more interesting than a teen-aged one.
How about everything, considering all the good stories (The night Gwen Stacy died, Kraven`s last hunt, Sin`s pa... ok maybe not Sin`s past, Spider-man: Blue, The conversation, Marvel Knights, The wedding, Venom, The [Original] Clone saga, Best of enemies, The kid who collects spider-man, etc.) happened when he was in college or afterwards, of course, you wouldn`t know about half of these I presume.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 12:54 PM
All of those are specific stories that work in a comic or serial show but not in a 2 hour movie since they'd need a lot of lead-up to establish the story and deliver the emotional payoff. Regardless of what you're looking for, movies based on comics still target a certain demographic and their problems (ie high schoolers with their issues like dating, school, sex, adolescent changes, etc.) Sorry you're no longer in that demo, but maybe you should stop looking at comic book movies to relate to you and instead maybe try some more mature works. I'm not against an adult PP, I just see the sense in a high school setting over a workplace setting.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 12:59 PM
All of those stories can be done in movie format, some of those actually appeared in movies (Spider-Man no more, the night Gwen Stacy died). Are the Avengers in high school? Is Daredevil? Is Batman? Superman? Aquaman? Wonder Woman? The X-men? F4? The Flash? Arrow? Anyone? The notion that Spider-Man needs to be in high school to work is ridiculous since he`s hardly been shown in one. Was PP in high school in Spider-Man 2, a.k.a the best one?
News Flash: People date, go to class, suffer adolescent changes and do in fact have sex in college.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 01:11 PM
So you're going to dither between high school and college now? Wasn't he in college for most of the Raimi movies, and in the Amazing movies? And since when is being in college being an adult? It was different for you and me, but most people finish college by 22.
PP being a younger person is one of the draws of the character. All those others you mentioned are adults but hardly living normal adult lives. Thor, Bruce Wayne, Wolverine, etc don't worry about paying their mortgage or about their futures. Those adolescent worries are essentially the defining characteristics of PP.
Mon, 04-13-2015, 05:25 PM
Sigh, whatever you say.
Tue, 04-14-2015, 09:53 AM
I win again!
Tue, 04-14-2015, 10:53 AM
I'm curious if you really think that. Do you?
Tue, 04-14-2015, 01:02 PM
It's a discussion, not an argument. So no.
Tue, 04-14-2015, 02:22 PM
I don't see the difference in this case, but whatever.
Out of curiosity, if this was an argument, would you think you won?
Tue, 04-14-2015, 02:31 PM
It wasn't an argument, so it doesn't matter. The movie studio is going with high school PP if that means anything.
Funny thing is that UChess almost had me persuaded that adult PP would be more interesting than high school PP. However they already covered adult PP in the original trilogy of movies. Besides the first half of the first movie, PP was a working young adult balancing those responsibilities with being a superhero. The Amazing PP was also in high school, but not like real PP, since Amazing PP didn't have the typical issues we associate with being nerdy, uncool, and a superhero (you know, the very traits that define PP/SM). So having PP back in a high school setting makes the most sense, especially if they keep him true to the original character.
Thu, 04-16-2015, 05:49 AM
Call me Naive but I think its called target audience. They focus on the specific group of ppl that will get them the most revenues. Usually for this kind of content thats the bracket between kids (forcing parents and grandparents) and teens/"adults" that still (or want) think that are teens. Imo it has nothing to do with what environment will produce the better script/situations.
I wouldnt be surprised if Japan starts creating heroes and content focused on elderly ppl like they already did with the prono industry. In the end of the day its all reduced to whom is going to pay.
Thu, 04-16-2015, 07:09 AM
Yeah sure, pleasing the audience is totally cool, the issue is the overwhelming amount of hypocrisy in this thread. Yeah, sure, let`s send him to HS no problem (for the audience!), but make sure to put a threshold on the amount of melanin the main character can have. What`s that? the audience is ok with a black character? NO WAY! they need to stick to the source material! (that I haven`t read). FUCK PLEASING THE AUDIENCES!. Derp.
And again, most super heroes are not in HS and manage to be successful, why must Spidey succumb to this nonsense? because he was in HS for less than 1% of his career?
Thu, 04-16-2015, 10:29 AM
Call me Naive but I think its called target audience. They focus on the specific group of ppl that will get them the most revenues. Usually for this kind of content thats the bracket between kids (forcing parents and grandparents) and teens/"adults" that still (or want) think that are teens. Imo it has nothing to do with what environment will produce the better script/situations.
I wouldnt be surprised if Japan starts creating heroes and content focused on elderly ppl like they already did with the prono industry. In the end of the day its all reduced to whom is going to pay.
It's a given that movie studios typically don't care about about crafting great stories and making memorable movies. When we talk about environment and situations, that equates to appealing to more fans, which in turn means more money at the box office. A HS Spidey appeals to more of the target audience.
Yeah sure, pleasing the audience is totally cool, the issue is the overwhelming amount of hypocrisy in this thread. Yeah, sure, let`s send him to HS no problem (for the audience!), but make sure to put a threshold on the amount of melanin the main character can have. What`s that? the audience is ok with a black character? NO WAY! they need to stick to the source material! (that I haven`t read). FUCK PLEASING THE AUDIENCES!. Derp.
And again, most super heroes are not in HS and manage to be successful, why must Spidey succumb to this nonsense? because he was in HS for less than 1% of his career?Ironic that you want an adult comic book hero but refuse to be adult in a discussion about it.
The adult superhero market is covered (pretty much all the other super heroes in movies). How many teen superheroes are there so high-schoolers can relate to them? And this supposed audience you talk about is just a very vocal minority. Refusing to accept a non-white PP isn't some racist or exclusionist agenda. PP/Spider-man is white. From the studios' perspective, if for no other reason than to make as much money as possible (besides staying true to the character), how many successful superhero movies are there with lead characters of color? They aren't going to risk a franchise to satisfy that small minority. Stop stealing white peoples' superheroes.
Thu, 04-16-2015, 10:38 AM
Like the Amazing Spider-Man? Where do you get exactly that fans prefer a HS peter? Is there a poll out there?
Thu, 04-16-2015, 10:39 AM
As was discussed, that was a different PP characterization and was lampooned because of that. That wasn't the PP people know and love.
Thu, 04-16-2015, 02:58 PM
Ironic that you want an adult comic book hero but refuse to be adult in a discussion about it.
Hey, I was pretty civil originaly, you have a thing for killing neurons.
The adult superhero market is covered (pretty much all the other super heroes in movies).
Which is why they have plans to bring even more adult super heroes, because it`s too crowded already. The Defenders, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Ant-Man, Magneto`s kids, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, The Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg.
How many teen superheroes are there so high-schoolers can relate to them? And this supposed audience you talk about is just a very vocal minority.
Then why not bring one of the already established high school super heroes? Young Avengers? Teen titans?
Refusing to accept a non-white PP isn't some racist or exclusionist agenda.
Hey man, whatever helps you sleep.
PP/Spider-man is white.
He`s also a college graduate.
From the studios' perspective, if for no other reason than to make as much money as possible (besides staying true to the character), how many successful superhero movies are there with lead characters of color?
"It`s never been done, let`s not do it" - Animeniax
They aren't going to risk a franchise to satisfy that small minority.
The Fantastic Four.
Stop stealing white peoples' superheroes.
Stop stealing adult super heroes?
As was discussed, that was a different PP characterization and was lampooned because of that. That wasn't the PP people know and love.
And the new one we`re seeing is a different characterization considering the one thing we know about him is already different from his comic book (that you haven`t read[I can`t stress this enough]) persona. What makes you think the setting will be the ONLY thing not changed?
Thu, 04-16-2015, 03:54 PM
I dunno why you do this to yourself UChess.
Come to IRC and have an intelligent discussion about comics with Y.
Thu, 04-16-2015, 05:28 PM
Hey, I was pretty civil originaly, you have a thing for killing neurons. Nah, you just turn salty when you can't win with weak arguments. I'm ok with not being civil, but I'm ok with just being right too.
Which is why they have plans to bring even more adult super heroes, because it`s too crowded already. The Defenders, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Ant-Man, Magneto`s kids, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, The Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg. So what you're saying is that they have the adult superhero market covered. So PP/SM as a teen will reach a different (its intended) audience, as well as those who grew up reading the comics and are now adults. Win-win for Marvel.
Then why not bring one of the already established high school super heroes? Young Avengers? Teen titans?They've struggled to bring well known superheroes to live action. Teen Titans, Young Avengers? Who the f*ck are they? Spider-man has about 1000% more recognition and fanbase than both of those groups combined.
Hey man, whatever helps you sleep. Whatever keeps your angst up so you can feel like you stand for something, stick with it. Let that hate flow.
"It`s never been done, let`s not do it" - AnimeniaxIf it flops and the studio loses millions, that's ok. At least a couple kids liked it and identified with it. It's easy for you to tell them to risk everything and hope it works out.
The Fantastic Four.
One in 4, and the least significant of the 4.
Stop stealing adult super heroes? He was a teen before he was an adult. PP was never non-white.
And the new one we`re seeing is a different characterization considering the one thing we know about him is already different from his comic book (that you haven`t read[I can`t stress this enough]) persona. What makes you think the setting will be the ONLY thing not changed?That depends on which SM series/universe/time we're referring to.
I dunno why you do this to yourself UChess.
Come to IRC and have an intelligent discussion about comics with Y.
We're talking about movies...
Sat, 04-18-2015, 03:59 PM
Johnny Storm is the least important of the FF? That sounds pretty subjective. They are all pretty important; they are a family. If they could make Johnny Storm non-white, no reason to make PP a white guy, but I am 100% sure they will.
Sun, 04-19-2015, 04:39 PM
He's only there as a kid brother sidekick to Sue. Mr Fantastic and Thing stand on their own, and Sue is co-leader, wife, and sister to add those roles to the team dynamic. It says something that Johnny was 16 when he went into space where he got his super powers. On one hand you could say he was a child prodigy. More realistically though, he was tacked on by the FF creators to fill the role of obnoxious younger sibling. What better way to explore the pitfalls of gaining super powers than through the eyes of an adolescent teen? If the race issue was truly going to be challenged, Mr. Fantastic would have been the better candidate. Black man in charge, a scientist no less, and married to a white woman... that would have been a better statement that "color doesn't matter".
Only reason to make PP a white guy is because he was white as created. Now if they made Spider-man non-white, that would be a different discussion.
Mon, 04-20-2015, 11:31 PM
He's only there as a kid brother sidekick to Sue. Mr Fantastic and Thing stand on their own, and Sue is co-leader, wife, and sister to add those roles to the team dynamic. It says something that Johnny was 16 when he went into space where he got his super powers. On one hand you could say he was a child prodigy. More realistically though, he was tacked on by the FF creators to fill the role of obnoxious younger sibling.
I disagree with that point; he was the first one to get a spin off I believe, and made it cool for Marvel to start creating other teen-aged superheores, such as Spider-man and the X-men. He isn't as popular now, but back then, he was huge.
Wed, 04-22-2015, 07:10 PM
So, since this topic doesn't have all that much to do with Spiderman so much as changing characters in Marvel comics...
Guess what?
Now young Iceman is apparently gay, adult Iceman still isn't ( Yes, they both exist at the same time.
Thu, 04-23-2015, 09:35 AM
I disagree with that point; he was the first one to get a spin off I believe, and made it cool for Marvel to start creating other teen-aged superheores, such as Spider-man and the X-men. He isn't as popular now, but back then, he was huge.
He may have been big back in the early days of comics, but he's not now and hasn't been for a while, so changing him now isn't as big a deal. Like I said, it would have been a much bigger thing to change Reed Richards or even Sue to a non-white character. As it stands, there was enough hate for the changes to Johnny Storm.
So, since this topic doesn't have all that much to do with Spiderman so much as changing characters in Marvel comics...
Guess what?
Now young Iceman is apparently gay, adult Iceman still isn't ( Yes, they both exist at the same time.
So Bobby Drake is either a closeted gay man as an adult, or he's in an experimental phase as a teen. I think it's a pretty stupid justification that adult Drake doesn't have much success dating women, so he must be gay! What kind of message is that sending to young adults? No success with the opposite sex because you have trust issues or narcissistic tendencies? Nah, you're probably just gay.
Thu, 04-23-2015, 11:14 AM
I`m gonna presume past X-Men are alternate reality, otherwise, the present would have changed. I`m not sure how I feel about a gay Bobby, but at least the way he was outed was adorable.
Sat, 04-25-2015, 11:19 AM
Yep, aaaaand we`re back to high school. At least it`s consistent with the comics in how they just refuse to let Peter grow.What do you mean? Peter hasn't been in High School for, like, over 50 years in the comics.
I mean, he's currently the CEO of his own scientific corporation. That's a pretty long road from the teenage newspaper photographer he started out as.
They focus on the specific group of ppl that will get them the most revenues. Usually for this kind of content thats the bracket between kids (forcing parents and grandparents) and teens/"adults" that still (or want) think that are teens. Imo it has nothing to do with what environment will produce the better script/situations.It's also erroneous thinking. That your target audience only likes it when they see someone like themselves as a hero.
Because, you know, kids would never connect with a 40 year old technology mogul. Or a WW2 veteran. Or a thousand year old Norse deity, or a space raccoon...
...nah, kids and teens wouldn't like any of that.
I blame Harry Potter for this. HP was the most popular thing ever with teenagers. And it starred teenagers. So in a stupid studio exec's mind, teenagers must only like things that star teenagers.
A HS Spidey appeals to more of the target audience.That was never the case for me anyway. Even as a kid or a teenager, I never liked teenage super-heroes.
Having your superhero in high school inevitably means that their story time gets split between being a super hero and high-school drama. And there is NOTHING I hated more than stories about high-school drama.
I`m not sure how I feel about a gay BobbyThe LBGT's position on being gay is that you are born that way. Since young Bobby is just Bobby from the past, the fact that he's gay and present Bobby isn't implies that past Bobby's experiences in the present are somehow turning him gay.
So that's either offensive, or it just plain doesn't make any sense.
Sat, 04-25-2015, 12:20 PM
What do you mean? Peter hasn't been in High School for, like, over 50 years in the comics.
I mean, he's currently the CEO of his own scientific corporation. That's a pretty long road from the teenage newspaper photographer he started out as.
Until that gets One More Day`ed. Peter goes back and forth between Rock Bottom or "Big time", he never stays in one particular status quo. Today he`s an avenger, tomorrow he is not, until he is an avenger again tomorrow. That`s what I meant. I give it 10 issues before Parker Industries is down, it`s been self destructing for a while now. And then it`s back to living with the ancient mummy, yay.
The LBGT's position on being gay is that you are born that way. Since young Bobby is just Bobby from the past, the fact that he's gay and present Bobby isn't implies that past Bobby's experiences in the present are somehow turning him gay.
So that's either offensive, or it just plain doesn't make any sense.
But as I mentioned, he must be an alternate version, because if he weren`t, the present would have been different already, and Jean and Angel wouldn`t have completely new powers.
Sat, 04-25-2015, 12:30 PM
That was never the case for me anyway. Even as a kid or a teenager, I never liked teenage super-heroes.
Having your superhero in high school inevitably means that their story time gets split between being a super hero and high-school drama. And there is NOTHING I hated more than stories about high-school drama.I like the nostalgia that high-school settings bring. For me, a superhero in high school reminds me of how back in hs I dreamed of having super powers and how that would have changed how I interacted with girls, friends, bullies, and just standing out from the crowd.
The LBGT's position on being gay is that you are born that way. Since young Bobby is just Bobby from the past, the fact that he's gay and present Bobby isn't implies that past Bobby's experiences in the present are somehow turning him gay.
So that's either offensive, or it just plain doesn't make any sense.The way I read it is that present Bobby is just in denial about being gay. Since he grew up during a less tolerant time, he set it in his mind that he wasn't gay and has lived his life that way ever since. Maybe if he had the right support and influences as a teen then he would have embraced being gay. The younger version shows how that would have played out.
Wed, 04-29-2015, 09:55 PM
Asa Butterfield seems like being considered for the role... not feeling it.
Thu, 04-30-2015, 06:14 AM
Asa Butterfield seems like being considered for the role... not feeling it.
For what role? The only one I would aprove would be newspaper boy with 10 secs of screen time.
Thu, 04-30-2015, 06:44 AM
Yeah, he`s gonna be that kid that takes pictures of Spider-Man
Thu, 04-30-2015, 09:09 AM
I've only ever seen him in Ender's Game and I thought he was ok in that. Nothing inspirational or endearing about him, but he at least looks the part of a young nerd. One article I read questioned his ability to be funny and quippy, citing that his other roles have always been serious characters.
Thu, 04-30-2015, 11:05 PM
For what role? The only one I would aprove would be newspaper boy with 10 secs of screen time.
Well, we're on a Spider-Man thread...
Fri, 05-01-2015, 03:51 PM
But as I mentioned, he must be an alternate version, because if he weren`t, the present would have been different already, and Jean and Angel wouldn`t have completely new powers.They've already proven that to not be the case though. Because at one point where kid Cyclops died, present Cyclops vanished from existence. And when they healed kid Cyclops, present Cyclops reappeared.
Fri, 05-01-2015, 05:25 PM
Oh yeah, there`s that, but then how do you explain Angel and Jean having radically new power sets?
Mon, 05-04-2015, 10:47 PM
Oh yeah, there`s that, but then how do you explain Angel and Jean having radically new power sets?Bad writing?
Tue, 05-05-2015, 06:20 AM
Bad writing?
Goes either way. You could say Cyclops death was bad writing.
Fri, 05-15-2015, 02:37 PM
What do you mean? Peter hasn't been in High School for, like, over 50 years in the comics.
I mean, he's currently the CEO of his own scientific corporation. That's a pretty long road from the teenage newspaper photographer he started out as.
Until that gets One More Day`ed. Peter goes back and forth between Rock Bottom or "Big time", he never stays in one particular status quo. Today he`s an avenger, tomorrow he is not, until he is an avenger again tomorrow. That`s what I meant. I give it 10 issues before Parker Industries is down, it`s been self destructing for a while now. And then it`s back to living with the ancient mummy, yay.
See what I mean now?
Wed, 05-27-2015, 08:38 AM
Interesting take I read in a vulture article today about the Ultimate Universe:
Bendis wasn’t blind. He knew that by 2011, the decade-long Ultimate experiment had lost much of its luster. He was constantly talking to colleagues about how to fix the world he’d launched. “I would say, ‘Hey, what did we do right? What did we do wrong? What would I have done differently?’” he recalled. “In those conversations of what we did right or wrong, we’d come about the idea of Peter Parker being of a different race. That if you really look at the origin, there’s no reason that character wouldn’t be of color. In fact, maybe it makes more sense.”
Thu, 05-28-2015, 05:49 AM
Interesting take I read in a vulture article today about the Ultimate Universe:
Bendis wasn’t blind. He knew that by 2011, the decade-long Ultimate experiment had lost much of its luster. He was constantly talking to colleagues about how to fix the world he’d launched. “I would say, ‘Hey, what did we do right? What did we do wrong? What would I have done differently?’” he recalled. “In those conversations of what we did right or wrong, we’d come about the idea of Peter Parker being of a different race. That if you really look at the origin, there’s no reason that character wouldn’t be of color. In fact, maybe it makes more sense.”
A) Everything until the near end of U-Xmen and F4 was perfect, the severe drop in quality a result of constant writer changes.
B) Ultimatum is an insult to humanity /Thread, Bendis having ZERO clue on what continuity means, Anything Loeb touched besides Ultimate X.
C) Right, except that Miles` story was completely sleep inducing considering that ALL of his villains for the past three years or so since the character debuted have been defeated in exactly the same way. The fact that all his arcs seem to be closely related to him somehow made it seem as if the character still hasn`t started having his own adventures.
Thu, 05-28-2015, 05:18 PM
A) Everything until the near end of U-Xmen and F4 was perfect, the severe drop in quality a result of constant writer changes.
B) Ultimatum is an insult to humanity /Thread, Bendis having ZERO clue on what continuity means, Anything Loeb touched besides Ultimate X.
C) Right, except that Miles` story was completely sleep inducing considering that ALL of his villains for the past three years or so since the character debuted have been defeated in exactly the same way. The fact that all his arcs seem to be closely related to him somehow made it seem as if the character still hasn`t started having his own adventures.
Well, with the folding in of Ultimate into 616, that should change things. I know they are bringing Miles into the fold, and possible SLJ Nick Fury as well.
Tue, 06-23-2015, 01:26 PM
Looks like the new Spider-Man has been chosen:
Tom Holland
Tue, 06-23-2015, 02:41 PM
Wow, another Brit. Also, is he really only 5'6"?
Tue, 06-23-2015, 06:29 PM
Meh, Garfield was hotter, 5'6" is not bad if they`re really going with the high school approach is it?
Mon, 07-06-2015, 03:40 PM
I think Peter Parker is only like 5'10" or something like that, so it is pretty close.
Mon, 07-06-2015, 03:45 PM
I think Peter Parker is only like 5'10" or something like that, so it is pretty close.
Sorry but you must be a tall person to think that 4 inch difference is pretty close. Most 5'6" guys would give their left nut for another inch, and both nuts for 4 inches.
Mon, 07-06-2015, 04:10 PM
Those are some interesting guys. An inch won't do much, at least compared to a nut.
Mon, 07-06-2015, 06:30 PM
I`m ok being 5'6", would not trade nuts.
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