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View Full Version : Fairy Tail 29

Sat, 10-18-2014, 01:01 AM
Fairy Tail 29 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=610909)


It really bothers me that Lucy doesn't have all 12 of the keys...Yukino is an okay character and all, but I don't really want her to have to be hanging around in order for them to have the complete set. Especially since she isn't even in Fairy Tail.

Also, Lucy skipped Scorpio.

Sat, 10-18-2014, 03:56 AM
Well, ext arc will be a filler. Won't be so bad I guess. I mean from what I understand from the intro and preview it's about a different set of zodiac spirits. Maybe the ones that didn't make it as one of the 12 main or something. I mean the guy in the armor is clearly the Leo of the group.

Sat, 10-18-2014, 07:27 AM
Also, Lucy skipped Scorpio.

Nah, Scorpio was summoned, at 9:46. We just didn't see or hear what he wanted. Maybe he just asked how to make Aquarius less grumpy...

I wonder if I should just stop watching for a while, like I did with the previous long set of fillers. These fillers aren't too bight, after all. Even the fan service seems lousy.