View Full Version : Amagi Brilliant Park

Tue, 10-07-2014, 01:27 PM

"Seiya was forced to accept an invitation to an amusement park by the mysterious and beautiful girl Isuzu. What he didn't know was that she would bring him to the decrepit Amagi Brilliant Park, Japan's most disappointing amusement park. Seiya is introduced to the leader of the Park, the "real princess" Latifah, who suddenly entrusts him with saving the park, which is in danger of shutting down." -ANN

Links: AniDB (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=10399) | ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=16133) | Official (http://amaburi.jp/animation/)
Download: Episode 1 - Vivid (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=606412)

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The KyoAni show of the season. After Free, KyoAni fortunately did a 180 and now marched on the screen a bunch of ladies and one disgruntled dude who wouldn't want to put up with the kind of shit KyoAni girls are known for, but it doesn't look like he has much of a choice. At least the girls are beautiful and as opposed to KyoAni's usual crop, they even show some skin. Then there's Bonta, of course.

It's actually nice to be able to watch a KyoAni show for a change. I couldn't bother finishing the second season of Chuunibyou, so it has been a while. After all, there was a time when I could count on their show to be one to watch, among the more unknown ones.

This looked fairly interesting, but it's a bit hard to say after just a single episode. The main character dude has some personality, which is always good, and he's not afraid to tell the other characters just how stupid they are. The girls are all apparently fairies of some manner, which might encourage a bit more varied plots than otherwise, and fortunately also not happening only inside the characters' heads. However, only time will tell. I'll keep watching for now.

Thu, 10-09-2014, 07:27 PM
Loved the delayed "Kyaaaa...". I also felt bad for those faeries in the Elemantario.

I think this is one of those series where you know how it's going to end up, but you're in it for the journey. Should be interesting, hopefully.

Thu, 10-09-2014, 07:30 PM
I loved every second of it.

KyoAni showing ass is awesome. Expressionless girls are the best. Top that off with a loli and tons of waki then oops I made a mess.

Fri, 10-10-2014, 11:11 AM
Episode 2 - Vivid (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=607540)

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Quite a good second episode. It was super traditional the dude would first refuse, but then listening to the developmental firm's dude dis the place and everybody working there, and lastly seeing all those employees giving up hope, he would finally accept his fate. Luckily he didn't drop his general arrogance and coldness but used the, again, traditional method of firing them up by making them hate him. Naturally he still has the two bishoujo who understand his real motives, otherwise it would be quite unbearable. The heavy-handed way of closing the place for a day and telling every attraction which failed to improve itself during that day would be shut down was another promising deed from the dude.

Somehow I have grown to appreciate rude characters with a big heart. Since this is a KyoAni show, maybe there's even hope he will hit it off with Isuzu. They would make a nice pair, with or without the musket.

Sat, 10-11-2014, 12:16 AM
Isuzu was great this episode. The emotions she showed really made me warm up to her.

Sun, 10-12-2014, 04:38 AM
Finally KyoAni decided to do something good!

I really like the odd cast of characters and I'm interested in how our MC is going to bring the park back to life.
I'm kind of shocked they still get like 2000 visitors a day or whatever they said it was.

So, apparently the characters all have namesakes that are pretty hilarious.
Seiya Kanie = Kanye West
Isuzu Sento = 50 Cent
Latifah Fullanza = Queen Latifah

I was disappointed there wasn't a Sagara Sousuke or really anyone from FMP cameo in the pictures in the shooting hall.

Also, the magic muskets are totally reminiscent of Mami from Madoka.

Sun, 10-12-2014, 02:17 PM

Sun, 10-12-2014, 02:25 PM
I'm really enjoying this show.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 07:49 AM
Vivid - Episode 03 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=610557)


I really like the odd cast of characters and I'm interested in how our MC is going to bring the park back to life.
I'm kind of shocked they still get like 2000 visitors a day or whatever they said it was

It was closer to 200, which isn't much at all but still a surprising amount I guess given how shitty the park is.

The dad who threw the punch won't remember any of this, so what would be the trouble that'd brew from it? Probably not much though if the vid's got such good support, and the guys know they're assholes anyway.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 08:12 AM
It's all about the editing.

I love the fanservice in this show. So much waki from varying boob sizes.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 09:29 AM
Did they ever talk about Kanie's reward, should he actually manage to save the amusement park? I'd actually think it wise not to talk too much about it, considering the nearly impossible level of difficulty and consequently high chances of failing, but it's still pretty dangerous to leave it open. Or was the telepathic ability (I forgot it even existed during this third ep) supposed to be the reward? I reckon it might be viewed as priceless, but it seemed more like a tool given to him to make the project even just a little bit more plausible.

KyoAni did find quite a nice level of fanservice so far, yeah. It works even better with the characters so interesting.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 09:39 AM
Did they ever talk about Kanie's reward, should he actually manage to save the amusement park?

Not No longer being shot at is his reward. They took the mind-reading ability any further.

It's all about the editing.

I do not mean presenting the man in a good/bad light. The man doesn't even know he went there to punch someone. That in itself could cause raise suspicions, unless they also have an Inception bullet so that the man ends up believing he punched after all.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 10:50 AM
Not No longer being shot at is his reward.

What does that mean? When the park is saved, Isuzu kicks Kanie out and tells him he's no longer needed and it was nice knowing him? That would be beyond cold and sucky.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 03:37 PM
Kanie himself wants to leave, right?

Mon, 10-20-2014, 03:44 PM
Kanie himself wants to leave, right?

Nah. Nothing forced him to stay in the first place. He decided to stay out of his own free will. He must be partly tsundere. In reality I guess he's happy he's recognized once again, since he used to be a child star and is a narcist to boot. On the other hand he didn't want to stay because the fairies were rather cumbersome or even annoying work force plus the amusement park is nearly a lost cause. Anybody would hesitate.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 11:17 PM
Kanie doesn't like helping out the fairies, who suck at what they do but look out for children. Kanie also doesn't like the asshole invester who called the good-hearted fairies losers and so on.

Realising he hates the latter more than the former, Kanie decides to help the fairies.

Mon, 10-20-2014, 11:25 PM
Kanie's Entertainment Industry value/image is a bit like that park... That similarity plays a role in his self investment?

Tue, 10-21-2014, 07:21 AM
Kanie's Entertainment Industry value/image is a bit like that park... That similarity plays a role in his self investment?

It could be. We were never told why he retired, but I'm totally expecting something like that. Maybe he pissed off some actress or something and the social circle banished him. Those flashbacks give me that impression, amongst others. It easily could have been that his narcissism became unbearable. "I'm too good for 30 yen" tells a similar story.

Tue, 10-21-2014, 12:16 PM
My guess is Kanie was a Star child. And we know most of those lose their stardom as they grow.

Fri, 10-24-2014, 12:09 PM
Ep 04

Hmmm :)
Isuzu <3
Such a likable female lead.

The scene with Tiramie asking for new talking flowers was hilarious
I like this show more than I thought at first

Fri, 10-24-2014, 12:38 PM
I felt a bit sorry for Isuzu when her shortcomings became so obvious. I hadn't even realised she was that bad, associating her gun waving habits only with her interaction with Kanie. But apparently she's even worse when he's not present. No matter how arrogant and bad the dude is sometimes, it can't be said he wouldn't be achieving anything. Of course his inexperience is showing sometimes, but he has one excellent quality and that's making prompt decisions. And those decisions aren't most of the time as bad as Isuzu's spartan ones. It's not wonder the park was going down with Isuzu trying to lead it like a military camp and the princess lying on her deathbed.

Still, I reckon this episode deepened the understanding between Isuzu and Kanie if nothing else.

Fri, 10-31-2014, 11:00 AM
Episode 5 - Vivid (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=617390)

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Quite a traditional but very funny scene of Kanie calling after Isuzu when she fell through the trap hole, and then when Makaron fell, after a brief pause, he just shouted "Sento!" again. The guy at least has his priorities right!

Once again I had totally forgotten Kanie had the mind reading ability before he beat the dragon with it. It hasn't really been put to an overly good use by the story, unlike, say, Lelouch's ability in Code Geass. While this show is pretty much comedy and moe and little heavier stuff, I still wish the ability was used to save the place, to justify its existence in the first place.

Fri, 10-31-2014, 11:08 AM
What I had forgotten was that Kanie is in fact far from saving the place. I expected things to gradually get better with noticable improvement, but the money issue hit home that it's still all trial and error.

And Dornell, them feels man. :'(

Sun, 11-02-2014, 06:22 AM
I don't know why they aren't charging for other things. They have the 30 yen admission, but they just found a new attraction and could charge a separate entrance fee for it. We already know they have a niche survivalist crowd fanbase.

30 yen General Admission + 5000 yen and a liability waiver = Take the dragon's quest! Already built!
Slightly raise the price of merchandise
Put in one of those slingshot things that the parks charge you 3500-5000 yen for each ride. Low construction costs.
And get the bus stop changed!

But I guess that runs afoul of the good-hearted nature of this park's residents.

Fri, 11-07-2014, 10:54 AM
Episode 6 -Vivid (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=620322)

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I hadn't thought about it before, but they really did have few workers. Naturally it makes sense considering the dire financial situation, and also the fact they all were fairies, I believe, before Kanie was involved. Still, amusement parks tend to be quite labour intensive all in all, so they can't avoid staffing the place appropriately if they intend to really get things rolling. Not that some of the freaks they hired wouldn't be even weirder than the old fairies. The masked wrestler and the AV lady were the best interviews.

I'm liking it that Sento seems to be slowly becoming aware of her extra feelings for Kanie.

Fri, 11-07-2014, 11:01 PM
Kyoto Animation is the reason why this show continues to be good. No other studio (yes, including Ufotable) can do expressions as well as KA. Sento's subtle facial changes comprise 90% of the moe in this show.

Sat, 11-08-2014, 03:18 AM
Hahahaha, I laughed throughout the whole episode this time around. This is ridiculously funny

Btw, is Vivid doing troll-subs? Not that it matters, because if they do, they are actually really good.
but did the pink mascot really write "the killer has cowtits" with his blood?

Sat, 11-08-2014, 08:42 AM
The three mascots are particularly vulgar, Muffle being rude, Makaron being offensive, and Tiramii being outright disgusting. Tiramii is meant to the be the worst because it contrasts sharply with Nonoka Ai (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=creator&creatorid=347)'s voice.

If Vivid is exaggerating...it isn't by much.

This series has been expertly crafted with the minor details like that. The little things pile up. That's why it is one of the funniest shows this season (tied with Denki-gai no Honya-san in my opinion). It has a lot of the same dry humor that Kyoukai no Kanata had, but with more of the exaggerated expressions of Chuunibyou and even some influence from studios like Trigger or Brain's Base. This series is the result of KyoAni building their talent and expertise back up from their low point.

Sat, 11-08-2014, 09:15 AM
The little things pile up.

But the one thing that's not piling up is the visitor count. I'm getting worried for these guys. Kanie may be better than Sento in his management, but he's not the child prodigy I expected him to be.

I came here expecting Shinta to talk about waki but it didn't happen.


Sat, 11-08-2014, 09:37 AM
Btw, is Vivid doing troll-subs? Not that it matters, because if they do, they are actually really good.
but did the pink mascot really write "the killer has cowtits" with his blood?

The literal translation would be milk bag. 乳袋 has three possible meanings.
Chibukuro = Boobs.
Chibukuro (2) = The protruding part of a shamisen or a hand drum.
Chichibukuro = The shape of the boobs clearly visible through clothing.

I guess the first meaning is what is intended and does translate to cowtits. Personifying someone as boobs implies that they have huge ones, after all.

Whoever designed Sento's costume is a prodigy much better than Kanie. Wacky Waki.

Sat, 11-08-2014, 10:06 AM
But the one thing that's not piling up is the visitor count. I'm getting worried for these guys. Kanie may be better than Sento in his management, but he's not the child prodigy I expected him to be.

He was a failed child prodigy. After all, if he was a real prodigy, he would still be something in the business or have a business of his own. Instead he's an arrogant high school boy living with his big sister. But looking at it objectively, Sento only led the park to a disaster with her nonexistent (entertainment, management, and business) skills, so how on Earth could she have had the wits to choose and convince the right person to save the park? Instead she chose Kanie for whatever reason. Maybe due to some magical fairy guidance. Still, at least he's trying, trying really hard. Probably he's still far better than some random joe from the streets since he does have a distant background in the entertainment.

Mon, 11-10-2014, 02:34 PM
I admit, the pink mascot's vulgarity really makes me lose my crap. Excellent entertainment all around.

Fri, 11-14-2014, 08:39 AM
Vivid - Episode 07 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=623052)


I liked this episode even better than the last one. Eiko-chan is worth her weight in gold. That narration works wonders. I suppose the novelty was such that even the guests were happy to play a female slave for a while.

Fri, 11-14-2014, 08:54 AM
Amusement Park Wars VI - Return of the Manager.

I wouldn't exactly call this show outrageously hilarious, but it's very consistently funny and above all it works, from the beginning of the episodes till the end. The service is jolly good.

Sat, 11-15-2014, 07:23 AM
So dissapointed Sento didn't drop into the pool of tentacles.

Sat, 11-15-2014, 07:30 AM
So dissapointed Sento didn't drop into the pool of tentacles.

In a way.. but those boots were hot in their own way. Imagine if she stepped on you with those heels ~

Sat, 11-15-2014, 08:05 AM
Sento is so hot. She is so hot, in fact, that I did not even pay attention to the loli (unbelievable, I know). The princess's character is simply being swallowed by Sento's.

The perv cat was hilarious because of how innocent it looks.

The shark joke was surprisingly funny probably because of the detailed art. It really DID look terrifying.

Sat, 11-15-2014, 09:40 AM
The shark joke was surprisingly funny probably because of the detailed art. It really DID look terrifying.

If the pirate show hadn't been so superb after the shark attack, the amusement park would have found itself sued, no doubt. Kids finding a thing like that right behind them in a pool would suffer from a horrible trauma if it wasn't immediately wiped from their (and the parents') minds by Sento's hot body by more awesome things.

Sat, 11-15-2014, 10:20 AM
Sento can simply shoot them and erase their memory. In fact, she probably did.

Sat, 11-15-2014, 10:33 AM
Speaking of Sento, what the heck was that at the end?

Sat, 11-15-2014, 11:39 AM
Speaking of Sento, what the heck was that at the end?

Sento performing a final check before seducing Kanie.

Sat, 11-15-2014, 12:17 PM
Speaking of Sento, what the heck was that at the end?
Given that "she" was with Macaron of all people, it is without doubt a fake Sento. I look forward to the ensuing hijinks.

It might even be Tiramii.

Sat, 11-15-2014, 12:46 PM
I am guessing.....a magical clone or something? Or she under some kind of spell...again xD

Sat, 11-15-2014, 01:05 PM
Hah, good point. First truth-beans, now transforming beans.

Sun, 11-16-2014, 04:31 AM
Sento can simply shoot them and erase their memory. In fact, she probably did.

Weren't those bullets expensive, unlike the simple pain bullets? I don't think she can erase the memories of too many people too many times. They are financially ruined as it is.

Sun, 11-16-2014, 08:11 AM
Just the two kids who were likely traumatized and gained hydrophobia after encountering Jaws.

Sun, 11-16-2014, 10:44 AM
When the park is saved and Kanie claims Sento as his reward, he better keep an eye on her and their children so that memory erasing bullets don't play too big a role in her parenting methodology.

Sun, 11-16-2014, 12:38 PM
In a way.. but those boots were hot in their own way. Imagine if she stepped on you with those heels ~
Sento has been depicted as the super dominant type and they really heavilly insisted in that scene, so that we understand we could be crushed by the ultimate S the show has to offer. I'm pretty sure many guy (and some gals) have had wet dreams after that.

Wed, 11-26-2014, 06:51 PM
Ep8 is out


Another episode worth watching. The 3 mascots + Sento are golden.
Too bad pink ruined it though, but damn - did I laugh.

Thu, 11-27-2014, 02:44 AM
Kanie is quite forgiving. But also quite suicidal to trust those three, or maybe just too standoffish to care. Moffle is included because despite being otherwise kind of stable, he hates Kanie. Makaron and Tiramii are bloody trolls. Sento might have her issues as well, but at least she likes Kanie, maybe even loves, so she wouldn't ruin his image purposefully.

A jolly good episode once again.

Thu, 11-27-2014, 03:59 AM
Kanie can only be so forgiving if everything works out okay for him, or if damages caused are deemed insignificant. It only takes a few occurrences where good intentions result in disastrous effects for you to believe that the endpoint is no less important than the good-will. Imagine if this happens twice a year, and each time Kanie has to change schools to avoid the social situation.

Tue, 12-02-2014, 12:43 AM
Vivid - Episode 09 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=628231)


Cute episode even without Isuzu much. Sylphy doesn't have much of a weakness as far as performing arts go. It's more just life in general.

Tue, 12-02-2014, 12:55 AM
Sylphy is the best Elementario.

Tue, 12-02-2014, 03:07 AM
Design-wise I like Salama the best.

Tue, 12-02-2014, 03:24 AM
I like Kobori! Although it's highly annoying the design reminds me of Shiba Miyuki every time I see her...

Tue, 12-02-2014, 04:05 AM
You guys spelled "Muse" wrong.

Fri, 12-05-2014, 06:37 AM
Vivid - Episode 10 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=630979)


I don't get why Latifa dying is suddenly such a big deal. The whole amusement park itself was a happiness-harvesting machine that was feeding an entire country. They implied they didn't have the money to "start over again", so Amagi Brilliant Park going down is a national crisis anyway. One princess's survival is trivial in the big picture.

Fri, 12-05-2014, 08:59 AM
I don't get why Latifa dying is suddenly such a big deal. The whole amusement park itself was a happiness-harvesting machine that was feeding an entire country. They implied they didn't have the money to "start over again", so Amagi Brilliant Park going down is a national crisis anyway. One princess's survival is trivial in the big picture.

The rest of the fairy nation's very survival doesn't depend on it, I reckon, even if losing it would probably make them more miserable. They can do with less human happiness, and they can even fetch it from wherever they want, individually, like becoming employees of normal amusement parks. Latifa can't do much by herself, being so weak, and apparently she demands great amounts of happiness simply to continue to live.

Actually my sympathy is greatly on the wizard's side as well. He saved them from the dragon, and was backstabbed as a thanks. The only redeeming revelation would be that the dragon was sent by the wizard in the first place, and thus it would have been a classic plot of the problem and solution being created by the same person. However, nothing so far suggests that was the case.

Still, the rest of Latifa's curse makes this all pretty meaningless. They should instead search for a cure.

Fri, 12-05-2014, 11:29 AM
The rest of the fairy nation's very survival doesn't depend on it, I reckon, even if losing it would probably make them more miserable. They can do with less human happiness, and they can even fetch it from wherever they want, individually, like becoming employees of normal amusement parks.

That wasn't how they portrayed it at first. Sento told them Kanie that Maple Land has the park as a collection facility, and each magical realm has their own. Without the crystalised form of fun they'll cease to be, and that they were desperate to attract customers. Without this, they would cease to be.

It all sounded pretty dire. If they took this "fun" from other parks, the other realms would have to be willing. Kinda like Germany saving Greece.

Fri, 12-05-2014, 12:04 PM
It doesn't matter how they portrayed it at first. Now we have heard a couple of times that everybody except for the princess could go on on their own, seeking happiness to devour elsewhere, even becoming street performers. Maybe Maple Land indeed would be destroyed, but the inhabitants apparently wouldn't perish, save for Latifa.

Fri, 12-12-2014, 04:01 AM
Vivid - Episode 11 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=633699)


Game plan: Kanie is going to use his former stardom to gather 300 more people to the show.

Fri, 12-12-2014, 09:54 AM
Game plan: Kanie is going to use his former stardom to gather 300 more people to the show.

They have three hours left, so I'm not entirely sure what they can do anymore. I'm a bit surprised he didn't come up with lessers plans in addition to the soccer match. It shouldn't have been impossible to get a thousand guests more with some single time only events or whatever.

Fri, 12-12-2014, 11:12 AM
Not impossible, but less than projected. He was a little optimistic about the turn-out I suppose. Given that it's an accumulative counter you could also say that it was not this event but earlier things that could have been improved upon.

Also, yes I agree that Sylphy too is awesome.

Fri, 12-12-2014, 07:03 PM
Also, yes I agree that Sylphy too is awesome.

I will never understand why there are people who like her... or her character-type in general
It's beyond air-headed, its full retard.

Fri, 12-12-2014, 07:13 PM
I will never understand why there are people who like her... or her character-type in general
It's beyond air-headed, its full retard.

I could say stuff, but I'll let Moogle handle this one.

Fri, 12-12-2014, 08:17 PM
I'm firmly in the Muse/Salama camp. Sylphy is just too stupid. I mean I get that the joke is that she's the air fairy and is an airhead...but Muse and Salama are better in every way.

The only thing better than Salama's hashtags are Isuzu's completely wrong emojis.

It is kind of interesting that, so far at least, there hasn't been any hints that they will even try to cure Latifah's curse. Even when they succeed (and they will somehow), her memory will still get wiped unless some other miracle occurs.

Ashe, the accountant lady, still takes the crown of best minor side character.

Fri, 12-12-2014, 10:20 PM
I will never understand why there are people who like her... or her character-type in general
It's beyond air-headed, its full retard.

One word: Waki.

Sun, 12-14-2014, 05:35 PM
Not to derail discussion, but even after some light net research, I'm not able to find a concrete definition of "waki" as used by otaku, present company included. Could I please get a hookup?

Sun, 12-14-2014, 08:26 PM
Not to derail discussion, but even after some light net research, I'm not able to find a concrete definition of "waki" as used by otaku, present company included. Could I please get a hookup?

Waki = Armpits.

Sun, 12-14-2014, 08:41 PM
I don't think Slyphy has really been shown to be stupid at all.
Rather, she just kind of does whatever she wants and has fun.

I can understand that she might be too deep for some people around here :)

...And she's not bad to look at.

Sun, 12-14-2014, 11:23 PM
Waki = Armpits.

You'd have thought my sig and avatar + the sig text would clue him in.

Kidding aside, it is actually "waki no shita" = "armpit." I just like using the single word for impact.

I don't think Slyphy has really been shown to be stupid at all.
Rather, she just kind of does whatever she wants and has fun.

Isn't that like the definition of a stupid person?

Mon, 12-15-2014, 04:56 AM
Not at all.
While "stupid" is used a lot for many different things, the typical definitions would either be someone who is ignorant and doesn't try to get better or someone who just can't understand at all.

Slyphy hasn't been shown to be either of these things. She's really just been shown to be free-spirited, and perhaps she understands what is going on more than most of the characters.

Also, remember in the Elementario episode how each trial had to do with one of their weaknesses?
Which one was Slyphy's again? Oh yea, no trial for her because she has none!

Mon, 12-15-2014, 06:22 AM
Which one was Slyphy's again? Oh yea, no trial for her because she has none!
Had the last game been a truly intellectual one rather than a feels/trust one, I'd be more sure.

Overall instead of telling us that Sylphy wasn't dumb, I felt the episode's message was more that it didn't matter that Sylphy was dumb (if at all).

Mon, 12-15-2014, 09:32 AM
Doing whatever you want + no understanding of the consequences = stupid.
Doing whatever you want + understanding of the consequences = ass.

Not sure which one Sylphy belongs to. Of course, this negative labeling only applies if something negative comes from her actions, but not caring about anything will inevitably have that consequence. The rotting state of their team was partly her responsibility if she had the smarts to fix it but did not give a damn and continued prancing around.

Mon, 12-15-2014, 11:26 PM
She hasn't done anything bad. I mean, let's be honest, she's hardly even in the show.
Basically she pops up to try and do something random/funny and make people happy/laugh. A lot of times it seems like she's trying to cheer everybody up when they're down in the dumps thinking about the trouble they deal with on the park. In the most recent episode, for example, she uses a samurai line to try to lighten the mood when they're cutting off half their park (and where did she get that sword!?).

I think its a little harsh to expect any of the individual girls to be able to fix their team considering the state they were in. I guess they're all pretty stupid if you want to count that. Slyphy was just trying her best by being awesome at everything.

Mon, 12-15-2014, 11:35 PM
Basically she pops up to try and do something random/funny and make people happy/laugh. A lot of times it seems like she's trying to cheer everybody up when they're down in the dumps thinking about the trouble they deal with on the park. In the most recent episode, for example, she uses a samurai line to try to lighten the mood when they're cutting off half their park.

There isn't enough evidence to support such a motivation behind her ditzy actions.

Tue, 12-16-2014, 02:42 AM
It's a devil's proof.
Way to be a pessimist, though :)

I'm not actually trying to seriously argue this point. I just like the character and think she is funny.

Tue, 12-16-2014, 02:50 AM
I haven't got a clue what you all are even arguing about. Sylphy is just like she's supposed to be. If the whole group was made of level-headed persons, they could never put up a performance of any kind (unless it was a chess match, or something, and would gather no audience). Those performances are more or less their only job and only work because they have varied personalities.

Tue, 12-16-2014, 09:17 AM
I don't think Moogles nor I were really arguing seriously. I actually like Sylphy, as I said before.

Stupid or not, she loves to raise her arms, and that's good enough for me.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 04:14 AM
Vivid - Episode 12 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=636125)


"Two for the price of one." - Tirami is the shit! This show just keeps delivering. Despite this show being comedy and slice-of-life, the driving force of reaching the yearly limit in a few months still kept things tense. There really should be a higher hurdle or challenge now to keep up the drama, now that the park is greatly improved.

Besides Tirami's upstaging act here, Sento fanservice wins as always.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 04:46 AM
Hmm... I was sure this was the last episode, but Mahou showtime doesn't list a count for this at all, and AniDB seems to say 13 episodes. Interesting. I wonder if the last one is more like an anachronic extra or something (assuming AniDB's count is correct). It would be pretty cheap if Latifa's curse and the wizard were dealt with in a single episode.

I found it pretty sad nobody really tried to make Kanie stay, apart from his sister, who probably thought it would be easier for her as well if the dude was tired (and satisfied) from work and thus wasn't only hanging around the home all gloomy and friendless. Sento might have attempted to, but she's too socially awkward to pull it off.

A jolly good show, in any case. I'm going to miss this, especially with the winter season looking quite desolate.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 06:30 AM
I found it pretty sad nobody really tried to make Kanie stay, apart from his sister, who probably thought it would be easier for her as well if the dude was tired (and satisfied) from work and thus wasn't only hanging around the home all gloomy and friendless. Sento might have attempted to, but she's too socially awkward to pull it off.

I can understand. Kanie's done such a great job that the cast can't possibly ask any more from him.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 08:40 AM
Kanie's done such a great job that the cast can't possibly ask any more from him.

And he didn't even ask anything in return! He really should have requested Sento as his reward.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 06:02 PM
He already has Sento in his pocket.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 06:19 PM
Indeed. They all but confessed to each other the night he left.

He managed to get Sento to show some real emotions (that wasn't rage) for more than an instant. She fell for him hard, and we found out it had become mutual. They'd been leaning heavily for him being attracted to Latifah, but in the end it was all admiration for her, not affection.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 06:36 PM
Indeed. They all but confessed to each other the night he left.

Yeah, all but.

They'd been leaning heavily for him being attracted to Latifah, but in the end it was all admiration for her, not affection.

Dunno. I never took it as being attracted to her. He knew from the beginning they had some kind of a connection, he just didn't remember it immediately. When he finally did, he was filled with regret of not having been able to help her. It's admiration and pity, both grew stronger the more he learned and saw. Besides, I don't know how he could be attracted to a kid like Latifa with Sento's killer body right next to him every day.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 11:20 PM
The Latifa deus ex machina sucked. It would have been great if she forgot and Kanie made it his life's mission to remove her curse. That was really the only thing I disliked about this show. It was excellent in every other way.

Sento is gold. I just wish she broke down and hugged Kanie when she saw him back in the office, only to realize what she has done and shoot him with her memory erasing bullet. Now that would have been perfect.

Fri, 12-19-2014, 11:30 PM
I initially thought (and hoped) that Latifa's recover was due to a more concrete reason, like this night being the only one where she held a non-Maple person etc.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 02:55 AM
The Latifa deus ex machina sucked.

It don't think it sucked as it makes perfect sense the fairies would have tried everything to counter the curse. And now it was indeed revealed they did. However, what sucks is that there were no foreshadowing at all. Regardless, the tree's efficiency was directly proportional to the amount of happiness gathered, and it's an undeniable truth that the amount skyrocketed ever since Kanie appeared and made the amusement park function properly once again.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 03:26 AM
Any form of deus ex machina sucks.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 03:34 AM
The problem is that they never (not even during Sento's explanation) did they say that the tree was planted to cure Latifa. The tree uses Anima to bloom, so if it consumes a significant amount it would even be counterintuitive. Sento's explanation more or less said the tree was a Litmus test for Animus accumulation, and Animus counters the curse.

It's all pretty unclear about what actually happened. Do the petals themselves, presumably a converted Animus, have the curse-countering effect? Or were they solely a proxy showing how much Animus was in the air?

Was the curse lifted? Or did the tree's bloom (assuming this is the answer from ^) counter her "reset" this time round? If the latter, Kanie will have to do this yearly.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 05:14 AM
Was the curse lifted? Or did the tree's bloom (assuming this is the answer from ^) counter her "reset" this time round? If the latter, Kanie will have to do this yearly.

I got the impression she was merely spared the memory reset this year.

You'd think the wizard wasn't so unique that they couldn't find a way to crack the curse itself, not just barely keep the princess alive with much struggle. This situation feels fairy tale style forced to serve the story. If they can convert people's happiness into a magic, then how come the single wizard's curse would possess so much more power than the happiness-converted-magic of half a million people? Is the wizard Esdeath's brother or something?

Sat, 12-20-2014, 05:21 AM
It was certainly a bit underhanded to introduce the tree and its effects as a plot tool at this time in the show.
So the tree was mitigating the effects of the curse. They could have mentionned it way before to make the delivery somewhat better.
And I guess the tree was responsible for Latifa's reset, the only action it could perform to save her with the low animus levels it got every year.

There's another meaningfull plot that happened throughout the show. The mage did give Kanie the key to prevent Latifa's reset !
So that mage isn't gone totally bad. He didn't even tried underhanded measures to have Kanie fail.
In retrospect, it might even be he tested Kanie.

Last but not least, Latifa's resets have been somewhat convenient, as they allowed for Kanie to grow older while Latifa didn't.
As if it was a way to wait for the right guy to appear.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 08:04 AM
So the tree was mitigating the effects of the curse.

That wasn't explicitly said, but I suppose we can't prove it wrong. It has been mentioned a few times that the princess shouldn't be out and about the park so easily, but again her proximity to the tree was never mentioned.

Given everything, I still can't say with certainly that the tree had a real role to play here.

Sento's message to me was "This tree lives off Animus. It's in full bloom right now. There must be a lot of Animus. That Animus must have saved Latifa."

That's an interesting interpretation of the wizard though. Given how the king broke their deal, I can't think of a reason for him to act so kindly however.

Maybe this whole curse was to torment the king so much that he'd finally let the princess marry him, and when that time comes she'll still be 14.


Sat, 12-20-2014, 08:52 AM
The tree is only an indicator. Like the rest of the people from the magical world, it thrives on Animus. The more it blooms, the better the overall feel at the park was.

The big difference this year at the park was that in addition to the visitors of the park having fun, for the first time in a long time, the workers at the park had a lot of fun as well. They were either worried about Latifah, worried about the park, worried about their own jobs, or otherwise simply disaffected and jaded (except Slyphy, she always enjoys herself). They went through the motions. It was a burden, not the fun job it should be.

Kanie's influence changed all that.

This critical mass of Animus from both the visitors and the residents pushed the levels of Animus higher than they have probably ever been.

Thus, the curse wasn't able to completely drain Latifah, and she retained her memories this year.

Sat, 12-20-2014, 01:42 PM
I don't know why I interpreted the lines about Elpis in the way I did... I was wrong.

Regarding the mage, he loved Latifa after all. Sure he put a curse on her after being betrayed, but it might be that in the long time he wants out of the curse too if he still loves her.

Sun, 12-21-2014, 05:19 AM
I like Ryll's explanation. I had something similar in mind.

Fri, 12-26-2014, 02:23 PM
Episode 13 Final - Vivid

- - - - -- - -

As expected after the ending of the previous episode, this felt more like an extra episode that could have happened at any point towards the end of the show, kind of like a regular BD extra. I wouldn't say this was an especially brilliant episode, but it had it's moments.

I have to say of all people involved, Kanie himself had the worst judgement by placing Sento in charge of supervising the PV production.

Fri, 12-26-2014, 04:49 PM
I loved how Sento tried to get a naked Kanie into the video, only to overcome the temptation at the very end.

Fri, 12-26-2014, 10:31 PM
Tirami I'll miss you so much, but not as much as your collection.

Fri, 12-26-2014, 11:11 PM
I really hope there will be a sequel in the future. The LN is ongoing, and this is pretty popular. I need to see a proper KanieXSento ending.

Tue, 02-17-2015, 05:15 AM
BD Specials 01 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=657207) | 02 (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=657210)


Nothing like seeing Tirami again. I chuckled particularly hard at the Ron! joke about Macaron.

Wed, 06-24-2015, 12:46 PM
And the rest of the specials. (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=search&cats=0_0&filter=0&term=Mori+amagi+720)

They're not as fantastic as the first ones, but still good.

Wed, 06-24-2015, 05:12 PM
Yeah, they werent's so brilliant but worth watching for fans of the show.

Sun, 06-28-2015, 04:28 AM
[Not-Vivid] Amagi Brilliant Park - 14 OVA (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC) [7FA99FB5] (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=705831)


Air-spirit-Sento isn't bad, mainly because their figures and hair lengths matched. A rather enjoyable ep, but it also highlights that we do need a pressing goal in this show or else it won't be the same Amaburi. The desperateness is required to balance out all the comedy.

Sun, 06-28-2015, 11:11 AM
I agree. These eps are missing something when the merciless limit isn't always hovering there, behind their backs. This was quite decent, nevertheless.

I reckon Kanie will find Sento's tastes questionable after this, especially when she said she believes Kanie needs a box full of insect molts... It doesn't bode well for their romantic relationship.