View Full Version : Akame ga KILL
Mon, 07-07-2014, 09:46 AM (
Genres: action
Themes: assassins, gore
Plot Summary
In a fantasy world, fighter Tatsumi sets out for the Capitol to earn money for his starving village, and finds a world of unimaginable corruption, all spreading from the depraved Prime Minister who controls the child Emperor's ear. After nearly becoming a victim of this corruption himself, Tatsumi is recruited by Night Raid, a group of assassins dedicated to eliminating the corruption plaguing the Capitol by mercilessly killing those responsible.
Info:ANN (
Horrible Subs Ep 01 (
The anime I have been looking forward to since I first read about it become an anime.
And so far, I am not disappointed. There doesn't seem to be a lot/any censoring which is good with these kinds of shows. Since there is plenty of blood flying around.
Mon, 07-07-2014, 11:19 AM
You are certainly not disappointing, having created this thread for us and all.
Mon, 07-07-2014, 11:25 AM
Ha, okay. I did not see that typo.
Mon, 07-07-2014, 01:50 PM
There doesn't seem to be a lot/any censoring which is good with these kinds of shows. Since there is plenty of blood flying around.
I was expecting a lot of censoring as well and I am pleased they didn't. It makes me wonder just how long they will go with that though. If memory serves me correctly, this series gets really dark. I wonder if they're going to animate THAT chapter.
Mon, 07-07-2014, 01:58 PM
I was afraid they were going to deviate from the manga a lot, but this was a pretty good adaptation. I would have wanted a higher budget for this, but it isn't horrible.
This is listed for 24 episodes, so we are going to get a lot of the story animated. I am so glad they didn't do a 1 cour testing the water approach with this one, since things get really good later on. More violence!
Mon, 07-07-2014, 03:40 PM
This was great.. I want more. I like that MC didn't hesitate to serve justice in a manner we (hopefully) all consider appropriate.
Finally someone that doesn't hesitate in a situation like this.
It might turn into one of my favorites if this keeps going.. the bullet-time scene looked really well done too, I'm hooked
Tue, 07-08-2014, 12:27 AM
A bit sad his friends are already dead :(
Tue, 07-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Not as powerful as I remember reading, but not due to deviance from the manga. Maybe I was overhyped, but I guess it feeling a little subdued works in its favor.
Mon, 07-14-2014, 09:34 AM
HS - Episode 02 (
I think it's mostly the art. It's not gritty enough and feels too happy. All the assassins are in dressed in various colours. So far this reminds me most of History's Strongest Disciple Keniichi (with a head start).
Mon, 07-14-2014, 09:39 AM
Yeah I agree during the day it's too colorful and Akame is not that big in the manga. Never thought I'd complain about that. But man, those killing animations do look awesome.
Mon, 07-14-2014, 02:01 PM
Ep 2 felt much better. Guess I adjusted. I enjoy that night raid has made peace with the fact that they are imperfect people enacting an imperfect plan to try and save an imperfect empire; the general lack of niavity really sets this one apart.
Tue, 07-22-2014, 01:25 PM
Episode 3 - HS (
- - - - - - - -
the general lack of niavity really sets this one apart.
Dunno, the main character is still pretty naive, although he's slowly being educated in the ways of the ruthless world.
The country in general seems a bit strange. Like the very first corrupt family. Why exactly were they torturing and killing all those people? The episode made it sound like it was just for fun, which sound dubious. The subsequent episodes furthermore painted a similar picture. Generally speaking the wealth/power disparity should be greater than we have seen if the summary killings and torture were used to keep the common folks under absolute terror and oppression. As things seem to be in this case, such wickedness typically means there's some demon or whatever behind it all, and thus there would be another purpose behind the bloody work. I do hope the larger reason doesn't end up being just for fun as that would be quite weak writing for the villains (it would work for the occasional psychopath, but not for all the upper class).
I like all the main characters so far. I hope Akame and Tatsumi grow closer to each other, even though this being a shounen show I guess nothing will happen.
Who was the girl in the preview? Just an illusion created by some illusionist enemy?
Wed, 07-30-2014, 02:16 PM
I read a little in this thread and decided to check this out... fuck me, i'm just one ep in and i already love it.
Also, ep 4 is out.
Watched all four episodes, love it even more now. Wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for this thread, so thanks GotWoot ^_^
Thu, 07-31-2014, 09:32 AM
Yep, I am still loving the 'killcams' they do :P
Thu, 07-31-2014, 10:15 AM
Yep, I am still loving the 'killcams' they do :P
Yup, they are great!
They remind me of a certain computer game trailer/recap video, whether it was the Witcher / Guild Wars or some other game, I can't remember, but I enjoy watching the "kill-scene" alot too
edit: Its really cool now that I think about it... they make each kill look so much more significant and rounds everything up nicely as if its saying "Mission accomplished!"
Fri, 08-01-2014, 11:11 PM
Did anyone else not realize the boss was a female until like half way through the 3rd episode?
Fri, 08-01-2014, 11:41 PM
Did anyone else not realize the boss was a female until like half way through the 3rd episode?
For me it was halfyway through the first minute that she was speaking at the fireplace way back when... so no. :P
I'm not impressed by this show thus far though. It seems a lot like play-assassin right now. The seriousness isn't enough.
Fri, 08-01-2014, 11:56 PM
Sat, 08-02-2014, 12:44 AM
Feels like it'll become serious when a night raid prominent member dies... And by prominent, we only have Akame and the MC as of yet.
Sat, 08-02-2014, 10:12 AM
Yeah, once it's done with the 'introduction' episodes it should get a whole lot better. Hmmmm Esdeath.
Edit: [HorribleSubs] Akame ga Kill! - 05 [1080p] (
Mon, 08-04-2014, 04:17 PM
Hmmmm Esdeath.
Speaking of this Esdeath, I can't say I'd have ever been a fan of making a villain (or even a hero) look strong by having them defeat scores of losers, even if the losers are called a tough resistance. Obviously they aren't tough if they are so easily beaten, duh. My respect for this Esdeath only dropped by the scene shown, as it's harder to take her seriously after such a farce. Even the pervert eyeball executioner seemed more dangerous after his introduction.
Mon, 08-04-2014, 05:08 PM
Just watched all the eps, and i like the show so far. I see where people are coming from with some of the tone being a little "light" but i guess it doesn't bother me. So far i like all the characters, even the main character which is often rare in these kinds of shows. I mean sure he has the typical naivete, and maybe spends a bit too much time crying, but at least he doesn't hesitate to kill when the time comes. A whole season of watching him struggle with the act of killing while his new assassin friends bailed him out as he freezes up would have been maddening.
Ok so on to current events. Not a bad backstory/setup episode. I was curious about Sheele. Nice to know she's not just ditsy, but also kind of just straight up crazy natural born killer. The setup for potential tragedy is kind of interesting, i wonder if Tatsumi is actually gonna have to ice that police chick (who's name escapes me atm). Seems like an obvious source of potential future strife for him, since nothing about her currently seems evil.
Also i'll agree wit Kraco about Esdeath, something that ridiculous it tough to take seriously. Especially when the show didn't seem like it was gonna have that level of "super powers". But who knows, maybe these assassins are army slaughtering monsters too.
Fri, 08-08-2014, 11:01 AM
I would like to point out that Tatsumi is one of the most likable MCs I've seen
While he gets cocky from time to time, he accepts all this training and is aware of his own weakness. He *knows* that he needs these lessons. its really cool, I always expect him to cry about how he doesn't need this training and that he wants to fight strong enemies... but he always ends up doing what he is told (without whining)... that's suprising because its a rare trait in anime and I like it alot.
He is reasonably strong and not mentally challenged, thats another big plus in my book
Leone was a masseuse?
Muuuuuuh diiick~
Fri, 08-08-2014, 11:24 AM
Yeah, he's pretty decent. The only part of him I didn't like was believing he could bring the dead back with Imperial arms. That came so out of nowhere and was so stupid that he could have gone without voicing such a wish. It was almost as bad earlier when the executor created the illusion of Sayo and he didn't doubt his eyes for a moment, despite the fact he buried the girl himself. That goes beyond simple naivety.
Sat, 08-09-2014, 12:40 AM
Felt pretty much the exact same way about everything you just said Kraco, especially that last part about him seeing the illusion of his friend.
That is *almost* as stupid as those idiots you see in zombie shows/movies that has one of their friends/family turned and they just refuse to accept it and end up risking their own life and the life everybody else thats with them because they won't kill it.
Sat, 08-09-2014, 01:08 AM
When he met the illusion of Sayo, he still believed Imperial Arms could resuscitate people. So he had a high affinity with that illusion.
You can even go as far as adding that the device places you in a dream state, so you really do not react like you're totally in control.
I guess it was not that clear when watching the ep...
Sat, 08-09-2014, 01:21 AM
I thought he didn't even get the idea of Imperial Arms being able to revive people until he first saw that book showing a bunch of them... and didn't that happen after that whole Sayo illusion thing? or has my brain completely trolled me here? lol
Sat, 08-09-2014, 09:35 AM
No, you're right. He based that idea off the fact that they didn't have information on all the Teigu's and after hearing about what the ones can do that they do know of. So I guess it's not that farfetched to think he would believe there would be one who could bring back the dead.
Sat, 08-09-2014, 10:23 AM
When he met the illusion of Sayo, he still believed Imperial Arms could resuscitate people. So he had a high affinity with that illusion.
You can even go as far as adding that the device places you in a dream state, so you really do not react like you're totally in control.
I guess it was not that clear when watching the ep...
No, Akame wasn't fooled in the least, like nobody smart would. It merely showed the target what they wanted to see. If you know a person is dead, because you saw the very dead body with your own eyes, the person isn't going to nonchalantly appear before you some days later, as if nothing happened (unless his first name is Jesus). Only a blistering idiot, or a shounen hero, would think otherwise. I'm not saying it would have been better to immediately attack in bloodlust, but high caution would have been the natural, intelligent approach.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 12:43 AM
[HorribleSubs] Akame ga Kill! - 06 [1080p] (
Mon, 08-11-2014, 12:49 AM
Good stuff. Speedy ep that felt like it was over in an instant. May the killing continue (to be entertaining)!
Mon, 08-11-2014, 01:10 AM
Damn that was awesome.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 02:25 AM
Now that was cool. I hope they can keep up this tension without necessarily killing core characters since they're limited.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 02:49 AM
It was good to see one going. It makes the show so much more believable, the danger real. Obviously Akame and Tatsumi aren't going to die, I reckon, but this core group was already starting to get established, the characters built to a degree, so seeing one with a background suddenly die does have an impact. It's no good if only enemies can die. Especially when the enemies don't seem nearly as interesting.
Mine made a mistake by not trying to grab the scissors when she fled. Now their Imperial Arms balance (measured from when Tatsumi joined) is back to zero. Furthermore, they might have the unfortunate luck to meet those scissors in battle wielded by an enemy. I also wouldn't count on the Absolute Justice girl being impaired too long despite the wounds: She seemed to be a full-body cyborg already. She'll probably have new arms soon enough, so it was an utter defeat for the good guys.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 03:28 AM
The fight against crazy girl and her dog was good, but there were just 2 things that made it laughably bad.
1) Sheele chops off both of her arms, twice, then waits for her to scream out her special move. Then she waits for the dog to transform and grab Mine. Why didn't she just immediately decapitate her? Plenty of time to do this. That was just stupid.
2) Sheele activates her flashbang so Mine can get away. And Mine... just debates it for way too long. These people are supposed to be super pro assassins.
Fixing these 2 things would be trivial and not make the fight a joke.
1) When Sheele cuts the fence, have crazy girl activate her special ability so the dog transforms and grabs Mine. Then you could have Sheele chop off her arms but hear Mine being crushed and go save her. That way the timing isn't just stupid.
2) Mine should debate it for like, one or two lines, and then run. None of this staring at her, having Sheele say something, having Mine arguing back. That's just dumb.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 05:26 AM
Mine never seemed like a real pro assassin. She's just a girl with a big gun. In fact few of them do. Akame is probably still one and definitely was one. Leone is a tough fighter, for sure, but she doesn't really give me assassin vibes. Sheele might have been somewhere there, but I don't think being an airhead and an assassin was a beneficial combination. Hard to say about the others. The big dude seems more like a guardian (in a physical sense, not legal) for the group than a sneaky assassin. That would actually be good for them as an organization. I hope the leader is a real assassin. Needless to say, Tatsumi is still far too green and naive to call himself an assassin. He can't even deal with death, so he's far from prepared.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 09:32 AM
Mine made a mistake by not trying to grab the scissors when she fled.
Wasn't Sheele still holding the scissors, with the dog holding her upper body, when Mine fled?
Mon, 08-11-2014, 09:46 AM
Yeah she was holding the scissors.
Anyway, I felt like the impact was bigger in the manga but that could be simply because I read the manga and knew it was coming.
Still, it's good that they showed the non-manga readers that in this show nobody is safe from death. Not even the 'good' guys
Mon, 08-11-2014, 09:48 AM
Wasn't Sheele still holding the scissors, with the dog holding her upper body, when Mine fled?
Indeed she was, but these people are supposed to be extravagant. Besides, she dropped them shortly after in any case, so she wasn't holding them that tight.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 11:23 AM
Jumping towards the dog that just ate your friend does not seem like a good idea, especially if you want to escape.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 11:53 AM
Mine made a mistake by not trying to grab the scissors when she fled.
Hmm, that wouldn't have made sense
1. she has a broken arm and it would result in even more luggage to carry around, as if her own weapon isn't already large enough.
2. she is trying to escape and needs the flashlight as cover
3. the flashlight would disappear and leave her directly in front of the huge dog.
Nah, there is nothing she could've done in that situation, I expected her to shoot a huge laser beam though, since the "pinch" was real this time. But it looks like she wasn't able to lift her gun with these wounds
2) Mine should debate it for like, one or two lines, and then run. None of this staring at her, having Sheele say something, having Mine arguing back. That's just dumb.
Did that scene really turn out that long? It didn't feel like it when I watched it...
edit: Hmm yeah, nothing too serious though
1) Sheele chops off both of her arms, twice, then waits for her to scream out her special move. Then she waits for the dog to transform and grab Mine. Why didn't she just immediately decapitate her? Plenty of time to do this. That was just stupid.
Ya, she could've finished the job, especially since they just said that all they have to do is to kill the wielder
It was okay for me that she cut her arms twice, because she was disarming her that way.. and she didn't really "wait" but the growl stunned her, but killing the wielder should've been the priority, especially since it wouldn't take long to do so.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 12:05 PM
Jumping towards the dog that just ate your friend does not seem like a good idea, especially if you want to escape.
Joining a small rebel group fighting a huge empire doesn't seem like a good idea either if you are interested in things like escaping without risking anything.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 12:19 PM
That argument is stupid, no reason to have a deathwish just because you fight for what you believe to be the right thing...
They might as well attack the emperor directly with that statement in mind... that's just silly
and the rebel group is probably not as small as you think it is, since high ranked officers in the imperial army are already deserting to them
If I'm not mistaken, the leader even said that the *army* grew so large that they created divisions such as Night Raid to handle covert-ops stuff and so on
Mon, 08-11-2014, 01:28 PM
The main rebel army seems to be in some remote region far from the capital, which of course makes sense as it would be an open war otherwise. It's just this bunch of elite assassins performing precision strikes in the capital. And of course the argument was stupid because I just twisted Shinta's words. But the underlying fact remains: They should push forward at 120% or they will pushed off the map themselves. You can't really say totally losing a 2 vs 1 fight (the nameless grunts appearing later don't count) and even losing the Imperial Arms would have been anything short of pitiful. They can't go on like that for the sake of escaping fights if they want to retain a shred of pride, that is, want to feel they can fight anything else but practically defenseless goons and other easy targets. They would be nothing but petty terrorists following such a path.
Mon, 08-11-2014, 03:19 PM
As you said, they are pretty much on their own, so why would they seek a fight?
They are not supposed to do that, they assasinate and retreat you could say its their *job* to avoid a fight. That's what they did and tried this time around too. On top of that, she had an broken arm and couldn't even fight anymore, pushing forward is wrong. Sometimes its better to fold even after you committed a large sum and not go all in just because you *might* win the whole pot, you might be able to come back with better cards later.
They can't go on like that for the sake of escaping fights if they want to retain a shred of pride, that is
They succesfully assasinated a relic wielder one episode prior to this one.. its not like they are on a losing streak and it's not like they care about "pride" either
Mon, 08-11-2014, 03:47 PM
Yeah, my main problem wasn't the escape, for that was obviously the only and best decision considering the circumstances. My problem is that she didn't try to do anything to take the Imperial Arms with her. Those weapons seem to be of immense importance and very rare, so it's not something you should simply let the enemy have without a fight. Obviously they are even more important for a tiny crew of assassins. If you say she was so beaten she couldn't do anything, then she has absolutely no business lecturing to Tatsumi or bossing him around. She should just shut up and join him in the newbie training. For she's far too weak.
Tue, 08-12-2014, 05:02 AM
As previously said, you can't take the flashlight and escape if the other girl needs to hold the flashlight to work.
Tue, 08-12-2014, 06:05 AM
As previously said, you can't take the flashlight and escape if the other girl needs to hold the flashlight to work.
The corpse needed no flashlight. A corpse needs nothing but a grave. Mine has a machine gun, which would have made a short work of the nameless soldiers, or at least discouraged them enough not to approach if she couldn't have aimed too well with one arm broken. The Armless Justice girl was already deep in her own little world of insanity, so she wouldn't have, likely, commanded the dog to chase Mine. In fact I doubt she would have even noticed Mine taking the scissors before fleeing.
Still, all said and done, perhaps this complete fiasco will prompt Mine to grow as a person and drop her baseless high attitude. At least if she has any sense left in her.
Tue, 08-12-2014, 11:06 AM
how do you operate such a large weapon, pick up the scissors (which are as large as a person) and fight your way through the masses with that
and wasn't Justice Girl fully aware of her surroundings during that moment?
Still, all said and done, perhaps this complete fiasco will prompt Mine to grow as a person and drop her baseless high attitude. At least if she has any sense left in her.
What I liked about the group and her in particular was that even though she can't control her anger, she realized that that Sheele death was in a way "just" and that the girl (even though she clearly enjoyed the killing) only did her duty as an imperial solider.
Tue, 08-12-2014, 12:44 PM
If this wasn't so representative of her personality, I'd be far more understanding. But after she said a bunch lines like this to Tatsumi a couple of episodes ago, she has some rotten guts to return to the base now after such a failure. She was supposed to be such a high and mighty, experienced pro assassin according to her own boasting.
Tue, 08-12-2014, 01:23 PM
Don't get me wrong, I can't stand her for the same reason. It's a really boring character "trait" too - but in the end she didn't fail to complete her mission and was at least intelligent enough to not die an unneccesary death, which would've ended in the loss of another relic. From what we've seen, you might even think that she wanted to fight, but Sheele convinced her to not do it.
edit: Haha, after watching EP3 again, even Tatsumi knows that she isn't as competent as she pretended to be
Tue, 08-12-2014, 04:03 PM me if I'm wrong here, but a broken arm, a dead best friend being eaten by a huge regenerating monster, surrounded by guards and a hostile "JUSTICE!" righteous-psychopath qualifies for just about the biggest pinch you could possibly get yourself in.
That thing should have been able to produce a beam the size and intensity of a thermonuclear blast in a convenient cone shape, even one-handed. Why would you even need to aim at all? Just pull the trigger, lay waste to everything, and then run. The thing does have a strap.
I agree that there was no way she was grabbing the scissors.
Thu, 08-14-2014, 07:38 AM me if I'm wrong here, but a broken arm, a dead best friend being eaten by a huge regenerating monster, surrounded by guards and a hostile "JUSTICE!" righteous-psychopath qualifies for just about the biggest pinch you could possibly get yourself in.
That thing should have been able to produce a beam the size and intensity of a thermonuclear blast in a convenient cone shape, even one-handed. Why would you even need to aim at all? Just pull the trigger, lay waste to everything, and then run. The thing does have a strap.
I agree that there was no way she was grabbing the scissors.
I suppose it'd be a question of if she could handle the recoil of that kind of blast in her injured state, she had trouble even lifting the weapon earlier so perhaps firing at that power level would have simply injured her further. There is also the question of limitations. We don't know much about her weapon, perhaps it's maximum output isn't high enough for that kind of attack. If it was i'd have to imagine they would have just aimed her at the castle, swung a sword at her neck and had her fire. Mission complete.
I agree the scissors were a lost cause, going after them would have been stupid on many levels. Not the least of which is that they were providing the cover she needed to escape that monster dog (apparently this series has some cross over with Earthworm Jim lol) and the large group of enemies. On top of that it's hardly a sound choice, tactically, to risk losing two Imperial Arms to recover one.
It was a kick ass episode, i was really shocked they killed Shelee after she'd become so close with Tatsumi. Super glad they did it though, maximum emotional impact. It's nice to have a series that isn't afraid to kill off a character right after they've made you like them.
Thu, 08-14-2014, 04:33 PM
I suppose it'd be a question of if she could handle the recoil of that kind of blast in her injured state, she had trouble even lifting the weapon earlier so perhaps firing at that power level would have simply injured her further. There is also the question of limitations. We don't know much about her weapon, perhaps it's maximum output isn't high enough for that kind of attack. If it was i'd have to imagine they would have just aimed her at the castle, swung a sword at her neck and had her fire. Mission complete.
This would be what would I expected to happen given the pinch she is in. Also agree that trying to recover the scissor would be so silly and practically impossible. How will she carry it anyway given she has a broken arm lol.
It was a kick ass episode, i was really shocked they killed Shelee after she'd become so close with Tatsumi. Super glad they did it though, maximum emotional impact. It's nice to have a series that isn't afraid to kill off a character right after they've made you like them.
After reading this I had a sudden A Game of Thrones flashback.
Sun, 08-17-2014, 01:03 PM
Episode 7 - HS (
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Tatsumi is already as good if not better than Mine, but there's a huge gap left to the likes of Bulat or Akame. All in all the team has quite a wide spectrum of levels of power. In that sense it's no wonder they took in a greenhorn like Tatsumi. Too bad Tatsumi thinks too much of himself (despite his occasional humble words) and thus makes basic mistakes, which lowers his actual power compared to the potential. It's not so bad when fighting against nonames since it removes hesitation and rises efficiency, but it will kill him and endanger his allies when facing real foes, such as the one in this episode. I suppose that's one aspect of his overwhelming naivety the older Night Raid members haven't managed to beat out of him yet.
I could have lived with Akame not showing such visible grief. It wasn't unclear to anybody she's a really good girl, so she could have maintained her forced calmness. If only Tatsumi hadn't been such a dick. At least he had the decency to punch himself. He should do that every hour.
Sun, 08-17-2014, 05:16 PM
I think it would have been better if she abruptly left and he followed her to see her trying to hide it. The message was she cries behind closed doors so not to emotionally destabilize the others. It's too bad the execution here was so heavy-handed.
Tatsumi excels when he stays planted firmly on the ground, but he keeps leaping into the air like he's fighting one of those giant beasts from the first episode. He's an understated fighter. When he plants his feat firmly and waits for his attacker to come in, he hits them every time. When he zips along the ground toward he opponents, they lose limbs. When he tries to get all flashy like all the others, he does stupid shit. The more he reigns it in, the stronger he gets. He's not blessed with one of the Arms either, so I think it goes a long way into saying how good of a fighter he actually is, but he needs to calm the hell down.
I can't be the only one who thinks Esdeath will fall for Tatsumi, or even more hilariously, Bulat?
The foreshadowing was super thick in that scene, funny as it was. It has to be one of them.
Sun, 08-17-2014, 05:58 PM
But Bulat is full on Homo so that would leave Tatsumi.
Poor poor guy,
Oh wait...Lubback is also available. But we all seem to forget about him XD
Sun, 08-17-2014, 06:38 PM
That's why Esdeath falling for Bulat would be funny. Because he is totally gay, and she probably doesn't know that. She'd go psychopathic, moreso than she already is.
Mon, 08-18-2014, 02:08 AM
That's why Esdeath falling for Bulat would be funny. Because he is totally gay, and she probably doesn't know that. She'd go psychopathic, moreso than she already is.
Indeed. Let's hope she goes that way! It wouldn't actually even be totally out of the question if Bulat ends up defeating her underlings (these three). That already might pique her curiosity. Tatsumi, however, doesn't need a harem. He only needs Akame.
Mon, 08-18-2014, 04:35 AM
That Alucard voice! Nakata Jouji is about the only male voice that can make me wet. Please don't kill him off.
Mon, 08-18-2014, 09:30 AM
Come on, he's a bad guy with two others on a boat with a side character plus the MC. No way he is making it out.
But it would be funny to see Esdeath falling for Bulat.
Mon, 08-18-2014, 01:21 PM
Is it wrong that when Bulat smacked down that guys buddies, then chopped him in half with zero resistance, i laughed with joy? I love the way they build up characters in this show and then just erase them suddenly. Totally expecting this big three way fight and then, bam, lights out.
I'll agree that the one sided Bulat/Esdeath romance would be hilarious.
Mon, 08-18-2014, 02:00 PM
I hope that we'll see the conclusion of this fight next week...
Please no cliffhanger right before Tatsumi gets into the action, the very last scene of the preview for next weeks episode displayed something very interesting.
I'm hyped, just don't drag it out please.... ~23 minutes should be enough for a fight, right? Even if you add some background for that Liver guy and Esdeath. I can't stand several-episodes lasting battles.
Sun, 08-24-2014, 12:33 PM
Episode 8 - HS (
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And so another one bites the dust. I didn't really expect Bulat to die here, right after Sheele died, but on the other hand nothing makes a fight seem more tough and meaningful than such a sacrifice. At the very least Tatsumi doesn't walk out of this tragedy as a loser like Mine did. He'll bring back Bulat's Imperial arms as well as two others, and actually scored a kill against an Imperial arms user. He's now unquestionably higher on the Night Raid ranking than Mine, though I doubt he would care about such things after losing Bro. Still, their time of fooling around is clearly over anyway with two deaths reducing their already small numbers.
Sun, 08-24-2014, 01:28 PM
He brings back 3 new arms...
The double boomerang swords, the body control flute and the water control ring
Sun, 08-24-2014, 01:36 PM
You would certainly hope he does. Unless in his grieving he completely forgets about those. I mean that would suck.
Next episode is going to be great as well.
Sun, 08-24-2014, 02:07 PM
You would certainly hope he does. Unless in his grieving he completely forgets about those. I mean that would suck.
I would be close to dropping this show if he's so idiotic and airheaded he fails to bring them with him. Bulat's death would have been half wasted. It would be far too poor writing from the author to forget the arms.
He brings back 3 new arms...
Haha, yeah, indeed. The first guy died so fast I totally forgot him.
Sun, 08-24-2014, 09:39 PM
He wanted to quick level. It happens.
Mon, 08-25-2014, 08:36 AM
"Evolved" or not, Tatsumi's armour looks less cool than Balut's. Either the design's plainer, or it's simply Balut's frame holding the armour up well. In any case, I was only mildly impressed.
Live Eva(Dragon) Armour with a hidden Berserk mode would be cool.
And goodbye Mr Alucard's Voice. Until next time.
Mon, 08-25-2014, 04:23 PM
And goodbye Mr Alucard's Voice. Until next time.
You mean the Fate/Stay Night reboot next season?
Nakata Jouji plays Kotomine Kirei you know...
...and Nyanta from Log Horizon, also next season.
(Also Nrvnqsr Chaos...but nobody likes him)
I was more interested that the "key" to that armor is the exact style of sword Tatsumi uses. It's definitely more compatible with him than with Balut. I wouldn't be surprised if Tatsumi starts throwing out chains and stuff, or having the armor heal him, etc. He thinks it's cool, its base form is practically second nature to him already, and he has the same attitude Balut had...righteousness. Not the twisted black and white "Justice!" of little miss psychopath cop, but one of anti-exploitation and real perspective.
Mon, 08-25-2014, 05:06 PM
and he has the same attitude Balut had...righteousness. Not the twisted black and white "Justice!" of little miss psychopath cop, but one of anti-exploitation and real perspective.
Does that matter? The armour's attribute is adaptation, after the dragon creature that could live and survive anywhere. It transformed into an armor that protects the wielder when the poor creature was turned into an Imperial arms. I doubt it really cares about what the person wants to do or fight for. Naturally the wielder has to accept and be comfortable with the arms, or they wouldn't be compatible. It's an armour so it only wants to protect (adapt against any danger), just like a sword would only want to cut.
Mon, 08-25-2014, 05:29 PM
Does that matter?
Well we can't really say for sure, but i don't think we know enough about them to rule it out. Bulat said that compatibility was mostly about how you react to the arms when you first see it. So if your own impression of the arms is a factor, it doesn't seem too far fetched that the arms reaction to you could be as well. Especially considering it's made of a living thing that is apparently still very much alive. I wonder if he will manifest a sword at some point. Bulat had a spear, it would be a little disappointing if a swordsman with an armor who's form starts as a sword is reduced to fist fighting all the time.
I'm super bummed out Bro died. I mean i'm glad Tatsumi got an arms finally, but Bulat was one of my favorite characters. i'm gonna miss him. At least he went out kicking ass like a boss. That being said our group of assassins is shrinking at kind of an alarming rate, but they've got a few new arms. Maybe we'll be getting some cool new members? It'd be a waste to introduce boomerang axes and not have someone use them.
Mon, 08-25-2014, 05:43 PM
The last of the beast killers also was convinced it would kill Tatsumi (though some psychological warfare was involved).
Considering the last one Tatsumi tried gave him a splitting headache, because he remembered it as being the tool of a creepy fuck, there's definitely an acceptance factor from both side in play with these things.
Mon, 08-25-2014, 05:56 PM
Considering the last one Tatsumi tried gave him a splitting headache, because he remembered it as being the tool of a creepy fuck, there's definitely an acceptance factor from both side in play with these things.
I disagree. I'd say it could as well be nothing more than more pronounced you can only use a tool you want to touch situation with a feedback loop. So, if you don't accept the arms, the arms can't accept you either. That's fairly typical in fiction. Sort of like Souseke learning to pilot Arbalest and struggling to use the lambda driver. He couldn't accept it at first and thus sucked at using it with tragic consequences. Really, anime and manga is full of such tools, both magical and technological.
Tatsumi couldn't use the eye because he's not a healthy pervert!
Tue, 08-26-2014, 05:07 AM
You mean the Fate/Stay Night reboot next season?
Nakata Jouji plays Kotomine Kirei you know...
I know. They're not quite the same.
Nyanta has his "nice demeanor" on mostly, while Kotomine's sarcasm makes him more petty. Alucard's is more pure badassery and proud.
"Yes, my Master Esdeath!"
Wed, 08-27-2014, 11:53 PM
You would think Night Raid would have learned that maybe it would be smarter to travel in at least 3-man cells, especially when taking on equally tough opponents. They don't have a lot of good fighters to spare, and traveling in 3's isn't much more difficult than in pairs.
Thu, 08-28-2014, 03:06 AM
You would think Night Raid would have learned that maybe it would be smarter to travel in at least 3-man cells, especially when taking on equally tough opponents. They don't have a lot of good fighters to spare, and traveling in 3's isn't much more difficult than in pairs.
You said it yourself: They don't have manpower to spare. If I recall correctly, they split into three teams to cover the three most likely targets of the fake Night Raid in this arc. They wouldn't have had enough people to form teams of three fighters. Otherwise you are naturally correct, but I suppose the rebel army doesn't have competent people to lend them, either. In that sense it's no wonder they took the risk and recruited Tatsumi despite never having seen him before. Fortunately for Tatsumi, he had come straight from the woods, so he wasn't likely a spy, and witnessed the gruesome end of his friends at the hands of imperials, so he was pretty good material for an anti-government group. Still, Night Raid is now one person shorter compared to the situation before Tatsumi, so it's not looking good. They really need to get new people, as risky as it is.
Sun, 08-31-2014, 02:29 PM
Episode 9 - HS (
- - - - - - - - - - -
Alright, all is well: Tatsumi did bring back the loot and Mine actually was looking up to Tatsumi for a moment.
I wasn't really interested in Esdeath's new team, but on the other hand they now won't seem faceless out of nowhere opponents for the Night Raid members. With Bulat dead it was clear Tatsumi would be Esdeath target, but it was handled pretty funnily and successfully, with the requirements list adding to the inevitability. I didn't foresee Esdeath capturing him quite that forcefully, but in retrospect I really should have seen that coming. She's totally like that.
Hard to say if Tatsumi's position is enviable or not. Esdeath has a killer body (unfortunately also literally) and one couldn't ask for a better chance as a spy. But it's still going to be difficult to be under Esdeath's observation and even her infatuation. Tatsumi needs to start planning his escape immediately.
Sun, 08-31-2014, 03:50 PM
Damnit, what's going on with nyaatorrents? I have all the shows i watch as RSS feeds from Nyaa in uTorrent, and its been down for a while now :/
Sun, 08-31-2014, 04:11 PM
I would quit night raid and just be Esdeath's boytoy.
Sun, 08-31-2014, 04:15 PM
You do know you are fucked if she wants to....spice it up in the bedroom right? The ultimate sadist? Unless you are the submissive one....:P
Sun, 08-31-2014, 10:11 PM
But she's a virgin. She knows nothing of the bedroom.
Too bad Tatsumi is too. He could have reverse-raped Esdeath (I know it is usually the other way around, but Esdeath).
Time to make a new big boobed sig.
Mon, 09-01-2014, 03:31 AM
Time to make a new big boobed sig.
Stop hogging all the good stuff. You don't even like big boobs.
You do know you are fucked if she wants to....spice it up in the bedroom right? The ultimate sadist? Unless you are the submissive one....:P
She wants you to have a future, so you'll be fine.
Mon, 09-01-2014, 07:50 AM
Isn't Esdeath like perfect?
She is gonna make you a freaking general for crying out loud.
Oh and that hotness.
Mon, 09-01-2014, 08:16 AM
She is gonna make you a freaking general for crying out loud.
An Imperial general would be a pretty good position for a spy, but somehow I doubt Tatsumi's acting skills would last that long. Although he should definitely do some serious... spying in the bedroom for a while before escaping. Surely the poor rebellion couldn't afford to totally ignore the pair of valuable assets Esdeath will be offering to Tatsumi based on the preview. While I'm a Tatsumi+Akame shipper, I'm willing to grant him a little side quest for the sake of the Rebellion!
Sun, 09-07-2014, 11:46 AM
Episode 10:
Gahhh awesome episode. I think in aggregate this is one of the best seasons we've had in a long time. A lot of good series showing right now. I want moar.
Not sure what Wave meant by enhanced version - did the mad scientist make alterations or something? I thought the imperial arms we're all made like a million years ago or w.e, though I might not be remembering correctly.
They really need to stop fucking travelling in 2's. If they limited their scope and just traveled in 3-man cells, they would still have 2 very powerful members left onboard.
Also, they should keep all the imperial arms they get and demand soldiers to man them. Night raid is way too small of a group now.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 12:51 PM
Not sure what Wave meant by enhanced version - did the mad scientist make alterations or something? I thought the imperial arms we're all made like a million years ago or w.e, though I might not be remembering correctly
Yes, but that doesn't mean they were made at the same time. Incusio might be Arms #56 and Wave's one may be Arms #87 or however many there were.
Esdeath is like a bloody sports car: an awesome ride that might just kill you.
[Shin-S] Akame ga Kill! ED Single - Konna Sekai, Shiritakunakatta (FLAC) [Sawai Miku].zip (
[Shin-S] Akame ga Kill! ED Single - Konna Sekai, Shiritakunakatta [Sawai Miku].zip (
[Shin-S] Akame ga Kill! OP Single - Skyreach (FLAC) [Amamiya Sora].zip (
[Shin-S] Akame ga Kill! OP Single - Skyreach [Amamiya Sora].zip (
Tatsumi's face should really be on a wanted poster right now, but somehow I can't see that happening unless the plot develops to something larger and battle-centred where walking around the capital isn't really important. I suppose that's already happened given that Night Raid's hideout is known.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 01:01 PM
I feel like the string guy from Nightraid is foreshadowed to die next episode :(
Sun, 09-07-2014, 02:18 PM
Tatsumi's face should really be on a wanted poster right now, but somehow I can't see that happening unless the plot develops to something larger and battle-centred where walking around the capital isn't really important. I suppose that's already happened given that Night Raid's hideout is known.
Maybe escaping from a hard lover isn't enough to land one with a Wanted Dead or Alive poster.
Night Raid has been sticking to the same hideout for so long that it would be a high time to switch places. It's risky to get too comfortable and feel too secure. Besides, if I don't remember entirely incorrectly, they were thinking of moving when Tatsumi got captured.
A good ep in any case. I was imagine Tatsumi would be stronger than these underlings but that doesn't seem to be the case. He might be able to beat some of them 1 vs 1, but likely not 1 vs 2 or worse. He sure had guts to try to convert Esdeath during the first evening. Though it's actually good it was the first evening as Esdeath was still far more forgiving.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 04:48 PM
Man Esdeath is getting bigger and bigger each episode.
Too bad they changed some stuff. I mean in the manga Tastumi and Burat went hunting together in those very mountains and that's why he knew what those danger beasts looked like and reacted the way he did.
Too bad Bols isn't getting a lot of attention. He is one of my favorites.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 05:09 PM
I don't know why he didn't try to have sex with Esdeath before trying to convert her. No joke. She's a virgin and everyone knows it, use it against her. She's in love with being in love. He should have seduced her at least a little. He wouldn't even have to go all weird about it, since his normal personality is what draws her to him.
She gets some credit for recognizing his poor pre-coitus attempt, and then declaring that she will be the one turning him.
Let's see who's iron will is stronger, Tatsumi's or Esdeath's!
All in all, she's a pretty good leader. I actually find it kind of hard to see her as evil. Excessively harsh for sure, but she's very regimented and strict, much like the Night Raid Boss. There just isn't an ounce of mercy in her at all...except toward Tatsumi. It's her soft spot, and Tatsumi botched his chances trying to convert her right away.
Her fucking psychopath underlings that are the problem. Wave and the burninator guy are the only sane ones. I really hate that JUSTICE girl, Kurome being a close second.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 05:31 PM
I don't know why he didn't try to have sex with Esdeath before trying to convert her. No joke. She's a virgin and everyone knows it, use it against her. She's in love with being in love. He should have seduced her at least a little. He wouldn't even have to go all weird about it, since his normal personality is what draws her to him.
Being a virgin and something of an idealist, I reckon Tatsumi wants to save his first time for Akame. Still, I have to say I can't disagree with you. It's not like he and Akame were a pair (yet) and one could have probably counted his infidelity as a part of the mission anyway. However, it's not really in his character to act like a playboy, or in fact act at all. While being so blunt might have actually saved his life, as it was by Esdeath's estimation a part of his naive charm, he wouldn't have had what it takes to weave a better plan anyway.
Might have been once in a lifetime opportunity. Esdeath also seemed surprisingly gentle, not S at all in the bed chamber.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 05:52 PM
Think that's because she didn't know what to do. Once she finds that out....I am pretty sure she will become much more...dominant in the sheets.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 08:35 PM
Maybe escaping from a hard lover isn't enough to land one with a Wanted Dead or Alive poster.
But being a part of Night Raid may well be.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 09:16 PM
Only the professor knows that, and he will probably die considering the preview title.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 11:14 PM
Is it just me or do the jaegers seem much more powerful than esdeaths original crew?
Sun, 09-07-2014, 11:19 PM
A guy who controlled water was probably more powerful than a pyromancer or feather shooter.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 11:27 PM
Tatsumi didn't have sex with Esdeath because:
He's a very good guy, naïve, a litle young and a virgin.
In fact, it's precisely because she's a little too forceful he wasn't able to take the opportunity.
There's also the fact she's an enemy, the fact she's extremely more powerful than he his and he fears her.
But that doesn't mean he was totally cold about her. Just that all of these problems kept him from taking the opportunity.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 11:45 PM
A guy who controlled water was probably more powerful than a pyromancer or feather shooter.
Maybe him, but Akame's sister and wave definitely seem leagues more powerful than the other two guys, one of whom got one-shotted by Bulat and the other who got pretty much one-shotted by Tatsumi. Tatsumi couldn't even last more than a few seconds against wave, and Akame's sister seems even more powerful.
Mon, 09-08-2014, 12:00 AM
Only the professor knows that, and he will probably die considering the preview title.
Wave knew right? Or did he just fight Incrusio without realizing it was Tatsumi?
@lelouch: Tatsumi had a bad match up. Wave was better than him in combat and flute guy should have affected Tatsumi with music instead of himself.
Mon, 09-08-2014, 01:50 AM
Wave knew right? Or did he just fight Incrusio without realizing it was Tatsumi?
No, he didn't realise it was Tatsumi. He thought he happened upon a Night Raid member when he went looking for Tatsumi, and naturally prioritised the fight over finding him. It's not like they would have known each other for a long time, making it impossible for Tatsumi to hide his identity, at least this once.
Mon, 09-08-2014, 04:06 AM
And not sure if it was a bad match up for Tatsumi. I mean he didn't try to fight. His goal was to escape, not to fight.
And Run is stronger than you think. I mean he can stay in the air and pretty much get headshots with his feathers. The only way to reach him would be to either lure him down or keep on jumping up. Not sure how well Meine would fair against him either.
Mon, 09-08-2014, 09:38 PM
Wave knew right? Or did he just fight Incrusio without realizing it was Tatsumi?
@lelouch: Tatsumi had a bad match up. Wave was better than him in combat and flute guy should have affected Tatsumi with music instead of himself.
Wave absolutely wrecked him.
The first guy in the trio got 1-shotted so he was not strong at all.
Flute guy's music spell was immediately disengaged by Bulat as it seems like all you have to do is cut yourself to snap out of it; and his only other power (which was to make himself more powerful) still got one-shotted by tatsume, who again just got one-shotted by wave. With the exception of the water-controlling guy, this group of 6 is just leagues more powerful.
Mon, 09-08-2014, 10:08 PM
Flute guy's music spell was immediately disengaged by Bulat as it seems like all you have to do is cut yourself to snap out of it;
I would have used the same power.That's one free cut. I don't feel like you can just paper-cut yourself awake either. It should be significant.
Tue, 09-09-2014, 10:35 AM
its not "free"
They made it clear that all relics drain your stamina when you use them.
I like Wave already, its obvious that he is Tatsumi's counterpart for the Empire-team. He's such a nice guy, I wouldn't be suprised to see him on Team Night Raid one day (if he doesn't end up dead of course)
Sun, 09-14-2014, 02:55 PM
HS - Episode 11 (
Stylish. As in, this episode felt more well drawn than usual. Even an episode without Esdeath can be pretty good I suppose.
Sun, 09-14-2014, 03:14 PM
Tatsumi carrying Akame around, and ending it with a princess carry was enough for me.
But yeah, it was a good ep and very nice action. Even if it was clear the scientist made a huge mistake and doomed himself by not getting the rest of the jaeger team involved, instead of relying on his nameless pawns.
Sun, 09-14-2014, 03:19 PM
Awesome episode. About time we got some new night raid members. I wonder if the two new members are each imperial arms users, or if the hooded girl is the user and the guy is the arms itself, like the dog for the justice girl on Esdeath's team.
Sheele's scissors arms should not be used solo. Seems like the type of arms that would be much more effective in a team (same with Mine's). Would be good to team with someone like the strings guy who can immobilize the opponent at least temporarily to give the scissors a chance to strike. Not much defense on them.
Sun, 09-14-2014, 09:13 PM
I was pleasantly surprised that string was able to be combined. That's the biggest weakness with strings in general - the inability to form one massive power-strike.
Sun, 09-14-2014, 09:42 PM
So our MC is just an APC.
I wish he were more similar to Susanoo.
I liked the comedy interspersed with the violence, especially because you know that one of the characters could die at any time.
Mon, 09-15-2014, 03:41 AM
I could not understand how Akame could poison/curse the doctor but not the first guy. If they gave a reason I didn't catch it.
Tatsumi is a good if not great swordfighter, but now that he has the Incursio they've gotten lazy about making him do cool things.
Mon, 09-15-2014, 05:16 AM
I could not understand how Akame could poison/curse the doctor but not the first guy. If they gave a reason I didn't catch it.
Tatsumi is a good if not great swordfighter, but now that he has the Incursio they've gotten lazy about making him do cool things.
She said his movements were robotic/mechanical. I took it to mean that the guy wasn't human enough.
Mon, 09-15-2014, 05:33 AM
She said his movements were robotic/mechanical. I took it to mean that the guy wasn't human enough.
Let's rather say not living enough. The doctor wasn't exactly human anymore when he got successfully poisoned. He was a monster with the size of a four story building.
Mon, 09-15-2014, 11:42 PM
Specifically, Mine said in episode 6 (fighting the dog Teigu) that the sword's curse required a heart. It's possible he had an artificial heart?
Tue, 09-16-2014, 12:12 AM
I still think strings will be the next one to get killed off.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 08:34 AM
HS - Episode 12 (
HS - Episode 13 (
Esdeath is really only a hair away from Gasai Yuno level, but somehow she manages to dampen her creep levels pretty well. I suppose not peeking through your letter slot's a good start.
I highly do not recommend making a hideout look exactly like your old one.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 08:45 AM
Well they did tone down the murders of those Danger Beasts. In the manga the woman was pregnant and that thing just squashed her belly first. And they introduced or semi introduced, one of my most hated characters of the manga.
But I like how out of all the people in Jaeger, Bols has the 'normal' one by having a loving family and all that.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 08:56 AM
God damn i love this show.
I read that this would only be 24 episodes...
Question: How long is the Manga? Like, is it long enough that they might make a second season of this later on, or is it likely that 24 episodes is all we'll get?
Mon, 09-29-2014, 12:02 PM
Best part of this episode:
All that Akame waki. That costume is godly.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 01:47 PM
With the current pace I think a 24 episode run would be it.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 02:54 PM
Best part of this episode:
All that Akame waki. That costume is godly.
Anything and everything Esdeath was the best part of this episode, and no one can convince me otherwise.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 02:59 PM
I'm not trying to. I love Esdeath.
I just love waki more. It's a personal thing.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 03:53 PM
Then you are going to love the next episode. All dat Esdeath.
Mon, 09-29-2014, 05:54 PM
Esdeath is the best dere. ever.
Tue, 09-30-2014, 09:40 AM
This is my favorite show this season. As much as I loved SAO S1, this blows S3 out of the water. Aldnoah Zero was a top contender until the ending.
I'm glad they didn't take the Wolf's Rain route and kill off a character per episode.
Sun, 10-05-2014, 04:12 PM
Episode 14 - HS (
- -- - -
I can't really blame Tatsumi for giving up on trying to talk Esdeath to the rebellion's side, despite the fact logic alone might offer some possibilities, such as more strong enemies to fight or that choosing the empire's side is like hiding in its big shadow like a weakling. But in the end Tatsumi is a naive idealist and I reckon he thinks he's only working for the absolute greater good with the rebellion, even when he needs to slay (bad) people. So, he wouldn't see somebody like Esdeath who kills for fun fitting in, even if the end result was the same (the rebellion winning). I bet the rebellion has all kinds of scumbags in its ranks, the same as every army, so it's good luck for Tatsumi to belong to the small, limited assassin group where the members seem like pretty decent people all in all.
Akame seemed to possess pretty nice curves according to the preview. I hope Tatsumi gets to share some time with her as well.
Sun, 10-05-2014, 04:38 PM
I was relieved to see Tatsumi let Esdeath know about the portal. If he didn't, she surely would have made her way back one way or another and I don't think even he would be let off the hook for pulling a move like that.
Sun, 10-05-2014, 08:41 PM
Oh Esdeath, why are thou unreachable?!
I had some alternative interpretations when Esdeath revealed she had Beast blood, then suggested that Tatsumi ride one.
Akame Leone (or even Chelsea) seemed to possess pretty nice curves according to the preview. I hope Tatsumi gets to share some time with her as well.
Dunno where you were looking Kraco.
Fairy Tail's Gray should learn a thing or two from Esdeath. That is how you control ice.
Mon, 10-06-2014, 01:49 AM
Dunno where you were looking Kraco.
I simply hope Tatsumi and Akame become a pair. So, I commented on Akame here. That's all. Naturally I looked at them all.
Mon, 10-06-2014, 09:52 AM
Honestly, as bad as the situation is, Esdeath X Tatsumi is several orders of magnitude better.
Mon, 10-06-2014, 09:57 AM
Honestly, as bad as the situation is, Esdeath X Tatsumi is several orders of magnitude better.
I can't even deny that, at the moment, because Esdeath x Tatsumi is getting whole episodes worth of development whereas Akame is getting so little screen time that they might as well drop her name from the series title. Besides, there hasn't actually been any Akame x Tatsumi in the show so far. It's just my shipping based on absolutely nothing, if not the fact they are apparently the two main characters.
Mon, 10-06-2014, 10:08 AM
Interestingly, both Esdeath and Akame have these "flips" in their personality where one moment they'll appear cold, but later they're revealed to be nice and much more human. The way it's effectively done differs quite a bit though. When Akame "flips", we think Oh, you're actually a nice girl, aren't you. When Esdeath "flips", we think You, girl, are cute as !@#$. A little dere goes a long way.
Kraco's right. Esdeath has had more character development than Akame. The only important things we know about Akame are:
1) she cares about her friends
2) she likes to eat
Stuff like her sister, her assassin camps have all been revealed but none of that matters right now.
Mon, 10-06-2014, 11:20 AM
Esdeath and Tatsumi's view of life, ideals, and morals (and also ethics) are totally incompatible, though. Tatsumi strives to be nice but strong, values his friends and wants to help them, he wants to protect the weak thinking it's his job as a strong fighter. Esdeath enjoys killing anyone, probably including her allies if it was a good challenge. The weak are nothing but fodder for the strong. Anybody who dies deserved to die. If she's sometimes nice, it's due to her own curiosity and desire, probably the pride of ownership (command) as well. Her infatuation with Tatsumi is highly greedy and selfish.
Mon, 10-06-2014, 12:11 PM
Her only 'redeeming' quality is that she does care greatly about her subordinates. Even if that is because of the fact that they would be more willing to die for her as she herself said.
Mon, 10-06-2014, 02:49 PM
It's really difficult to not like Esdeath at this moment.
A job well done if you ask me... she is really not a person you "should" like, but they made me forget most of her bad sides in this episode.
Can't wait to see Leone next week, she's Assassin No. 1 in my bingo book.
Both Akame and Esdeath are out of luck btw, she marked Tatsumi as her own already - a kiss or two can't undo this!
Mon, 10-06-2014, 05:12 PM
Can't wait to see Leone next week, she's Assassin No. 1 in my bingo book.
Both Akame and Esdeath are out of luck btw, she marked Tatsumi as her own already - a kiss or two can't undo this!
I actually feel like she might be the next or the one after the next to die.
Mon, 10-13-2014, 11:33 AM
HS - Episode 15 (
Damn, shit is about to go down for real now!
Also, ya'll might prefer Esdeath, but i'll take Najenda all day erry day ^_^
Thu, 10-16-2014, 12:21 AM
I was going to suggest that Chelsea (disguised as Najenda in the decoy party) was going to die soon because her cat form was already seen once. However, both Wave and Kurome are fighting Akame's group so her form shouldn't be recognisable. She still wouldn't be able to fend off Esdeath in a real fight though, so she'd better hope she can bail out like last time. This "information leak" doesn't sound good.
Sun, 10-19-2014, 02:10 PM
16 is out.
What an episode!
Sun, 10-19-2014, 02:52 PM
Kurome's necromantic Imperial arms is pretty crazy. She was basically doing all the fighting alone, with the sole exception of Akame, until the zombies finally started to drop. She would have been even more dangerous without the monsters, not counting the giant skeletal dragon thing, but with a full team of strong humanoid zombies. Of course she's not too shabby with her sword either.
In any case Night Raid seems a bit weak all in all. Based on this they would have been really hard-pressed against Esdeath's full team, even without Esdeath herself. With Esdeath around, it wouldn't even have been a proper fight. But I suppose they might have a chance against Esdeath alone since all it takes is a single cut from Akame. The rest would only serve as a distraction to allow that single cut.
Sun, 10-19-2014, 02:56 PM
I was pretty disappointed in Mine after she got eaten by the frog. I would have figured that would be quite the pinch she got herself in. I honestly expected her to stay in there a bit longer, and then a huge devastating beam would blast the frog completely open and possibly even graze Kurome (or one of her comrades for comedy relief).
Chelsea seems weak, but her skillset allows for some extremely nasty surgical strikes (with risk to herself of course). If anyone tries to takes down Esdeath, I expect it to be her. Probably disguised as Tatsumi. Which I equally expect to fail, because Esdeath knows what she sees in Tatsumi, and that might be hard for Chelsea to fake.
She was pretty cute running through the woods with her makeup case Imperial Arms though.
Sun, 10-19-2014, 05:06 PM
Well...pretty sure Chelsea is gonna bite it in the next episode. I mean a flashback episode about her during a battle? Deathflag right there.
Sun, 10-19-2014, 05:09 PM
Tatsumi is a sorry excuse for Bilat. Bilat really was the biggest muscle - shame they sent him on pretty much a 1-on-3 mission.
Thu, 10-23-2014, 11:46 PM
I just watched all of this series so far.
Pretty great.
I was going to suggest that Chelsea (disguised as Najenda in the decoy party) was going to die soon because her cat form was already seen once. However, both Wave and Kurome are fighting Akame's group so her form shouldn't be recognisable.Why would she turn into the same cat again?
She can turn into anything. There's no reason for her to reuse that cat form.
Fri, 10-24-2014, 01:22 AM
Why would she turn into the same cat again?
She can turn into anything. There's no reason for her to reuse that cat form.
Because when you are startled, you simply react. You also have to have an image in mind when you transform - I can't imagine it working in any other way. The most detailed, realistic image of a cat would be one that she's spent her time with the most.
Remember that she said "I had a cat so I got lucky" or something. This implies that she couldn't have just thought "Oh, I'll turn into a random dog right here and now" in a split second.
Fri, 10-24-2014, 03:06 AM
I notice that also here we have another example of a Susanoo wielding a Yata Mirror.
He also seems to have the other two Three Sacred Treasures ( as well.
The most detailed, realistic image of a cat would be one that she's spent her time with the most.What makes you think she spent a bunch of time as that cat?
In fact, earlier she showed up in the form of a completely DIFFERENT cat.
Remember that she said "I had a cat so I got lucky" or something. This implies that she couldn't have just thought "Oh, I'll turn into a random dog right here and now" in a split second.No, she said "He owned a few cats, so I transformed into one and snuck out." implying that the cats gave her something she could blend in with.
Now that she's in the woods it would make more sense to become a squirrel or bird or something.
Fri, 10-24-2014, 05:48 AM
No, she said "He owned a few cats, so I transformed into one and snuck out." implying that the cats gave her something she could blend in with..
You're right, that's where I screwed up.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 12:09 PM
Episode 17 - HS (
- -- - - - - - -
This was pretty terrible performance from Night Raid. Their trap worked perfectly and they fought against mere 3 jaegers, but still only managed to slay one, and lost one of their own in the process. They could have achieved the same in any random raid. Getting rid of a few of Kurome's zombies doesn't count for shit because they were nothing but zombies. They should be ashamed of getting so involved with them in the first place. Always kill the summoner, not the replaceable summoned things. If they call themselves assassins, they should know at least that much.
Still, Chelsea's death was largely her own fault for getting ahead of herself and trying to do too much alone.
Quite remarkable Kurome managed to escape carrying a corpse while coughing up blood. Tatsumi and Akame must have stopped a few times to make out in the bushes or something on their way, taking their sweet time.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 01:03 PM
Holy fuck that last scene was gut-wrenching...Especially with what's been going on with ISIS...Really wish they took a different route.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 01:59 PM
Really dude? ISIS?
Anyway, they couldn't go after Kurome BECAUSE of her summons. Night Raid didn't know about that nor that they'd be so damn strong. They were too strong to just ignore or try to pass by. And as she demonstrated. If she saw an opening to strike she would take it. That's how Leone lost her freakin arm. Only mistake I could think off was that Najenda didn't seen Suu after after Kurome when they took down the biggest threat.
But it's too bad Bols had to kick it. He was the most 'human' of the group. Being with a loving family and all. That's what I do like about the show. Some of the 'badguys' aren't portrayed as evil and sometimes aren't evil. I mean Wave isn't a bad guy nor is he evil.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 02:44 PM
Really dude? ISIS?
Yeah bruh, ISIS.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 02:49 PM
Anyway, they couldn't go after Kurome BECAUSE of her summons. Night Raid didn't know about that nor that they'd be so damn strong. They were too strong to just ignore or try to pass by. And as she demonstrated. If she saw an opening to strike she would take it. That's how Leone lost her freakin arm. Only mistake I could think off was that Najenda didn't seen Suu after after Kurome when they took down the biggest threat.
They were zombies. They weren't strong. Night Raid was weak. Do you think that Esdeath would have had trouble fighting the summons for a moment? Jaegers aren't even their real target, it's Esdeath. But this demonstrated very well it'd be a desperate fight with only pure luck granting them a victory, nothing else. But I suppose that's the reality for most rebels. They wouldn't be rebels otherwise, after all.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 08:29 PM
Quite remarkable Kurome managed to escape carrying a corpse while coughing up blood.
Or she could have had her remaining two zombies carry for her. She also simply needed to finish eating her snacks to regain some form of normality.
Chelsea made a good call there based on what they knew. You could argue that since the raid went to shit it was obvious they didn't know enough and she should have called it quits, but she was right about Kurome being depleted on zombies. She lucked out on the extra information being a reinforced body.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 10:26 PM
Getting rid of a few of Kurome's zombies doesn't count for shit because they were nothing but zombies.Kurome herself seems to think she won't be able to replace them with anyone worthwhile. So it probably WAS worthwhile to do it assuming she has her big showdown before she does.
Quite remarkable Kurome managed to escape carrying a corpse while coughing up blood.She probably just had one of the zombies carry it.
But it's too bad Bols had to kick it. He was the most 'human' of the group. Being with a loving family and all. That's what I do like about the show. Some of the 'badguys' aren't portrayed as evil and sometimes aren't evil. I mean Wave isn't a bad guy nor is he evil.Yeah, I honestly felt sadder during Bol's death than I did Chelsea's.
This show actually kinda makes you like a lot of the villains. And not in a "they're such a great villain" way, in a "I like this person, it's too bad they're a villain" way.
Though the character that I originally thought I was going to like, the paladin chick, turned out to be one I absolutely hate because she's a complete fucking psycho.
Jaegers aren't even their real target, it's Esdeath.You gotta kill the adds before you can focus on the boss, man.
Sun, 10-26-2014, 10:33 PM
Kurome is a monster. Being able to wound her that badly is a significant achievement.
Chelsea was foolish because she had a chance to permanently kill Kurome, but wasted it because she was too confident in her needle kills. I would have torn Kurome's (and Bors') body apart before feeling relieved.
Mon, 10-27-2014, 02:21 AM
Kurome is a monster. Being able to wound her that badly is a significant achievement.
Chelsea was foolish because she had a chance to permanently kill Kurome, but wasted it because she was too confident in her needle kills. I would have torn Kurome's (and Bors') body apart before feeling relieved.
Given that's it's worked for everyone in the past, I would say her confidence isn't misplaced. She simply lacked info.
Our insecurity comes from the fact that we're weak, while these guys have killed plenty with their techniques.
I suppose it's like if you knew Hokuto ShinKen, except that technique has a rather... explosive feedback.
What I did think was weird though was how the katana disappeared from Chelsea's hands when Kurome woke up. If Kurome could snatch it out of her hands, she may as well have killed her right away.
Mon, 10-27-2014, 02:34 AM
Or she could have had her remaining two zombies carry for her. She also simply needed to finish eating her snacks to regain some form of normality.
But just summoning the zombies for the little while it took to finish Chelsea made her cough her lungs out and she was generally in a really bad shape. If I don't recall entirely incorrectly, she said as much herself, that she can barely summon them. So, suddenly after Chelsea is dead, there are no problems anymore and she can have them carry home on a palanquin? Whatever the case, Tatsumi and Akame must have stopped to do sometiming naughty on their way. There's no way they wouldn't otherwise have caught Kurome, considering Kurome even had time to put Chelsea's head on a display and the crowd had time to gather and gawk. I hope they consider it worth allowing the dishonourable treatment of Chelsea's body's.
Mon, 10-27-2014, 03:13 AM
So, suddenly after Chelsea is dead finishing off her sweets, there are no problems anymore and she can have them carry home on a palanquin?
That sounds about right.
Akame was also looking for Chelsea/Kurome. It wasn't exactly a race back to the capital.
Sun, 11-02-2014, 04:25 PM
[HorribleSubs] Akame ga Kill! - 18 [1080p] (
Just realized, despite people thinking Lubbock is kinda useless....he's been in the damn team the longest. He said that he folloled Najenda the moment she defected. From what I understand she founded the Night Raid. So he has remained alive during all that time.
Sun, 11-02-2014, 05:44 PM
Ip Man would have loved Lubba. Offense and Defense AT THE SAME TIME.
The thought of Esdeath "dissecting" Chelsea still makes me feel uneasy, even if it is just a show.
Looks like Night Raid is still up to their stupid tactics of sending only 2 people out at a time, except they made it even dumber by having people travel solo. Najenda is a shit general.
Sun, 11-02-2014, 08:11 PM
[HorribleSubs] Akame ga Kill! - 18 [1080p] (
Just realized, despite people thinking Lubbock is kinda useless....he's been in the damn team the longest. He said that he folloled Najenda the moment she defected. From what I understand she founded the Night Raid. So he has remained alive during all that time.
They still made him sound shitty this episode by having him give his position away right from the start. In his defense, he was surveying the most heavily guarded areas so maybe Tatsumi wasn't even being looked at.
Lubbock's survival rate may very well be due to his low combat rate. He's usually on recon roles to warn the others so he picks up and avoids enemies. He wouldn't even fight this time round if the spy hadn't been a girl. As for the fight itself, that was pretty cool despite being a pretty close call.
Sun, 11-02-2014, 08:37 PM
Lubbock and Tatsumi are the only survivors in Night Raid that can openly go out at all (or Leone's human form still okay?). Lubbock protects that position very carefully. Faking his death seems like it would only work once or twice, and certainly could never be used in the capital or against any of the Jaegers.
Tatsumi has had way too many close calls already.
It's kind of a shame that Mine got found out so early on, because she's one of the members of Night Raid that blends into normal society the best in terms of physical appearance (versus Najenda, Bulat, or Akame) or personality (Sheele being a born psychopath, Leone drawing a lot of attention to herself all the time). Even with her weapon case.
Sun, 11-02-2014, 09:38 PM
Isn't walking around with an obviously powerful looking sword on your back enough to at least attract suspicion?
The flying dude was utterly stupid. He shows up, shows off his powers, announces his role, and then tells Akame that he has seen through her sword... Everyone knew that her sword would kill with a scratch.
Sun, 11-02-2014, 10:16 PM
The flying dude was utterly stupid. He shows up, shows off his powers, announces his role, and then tells Akame that he has seen through her sword... Everyone knew that her sword would kill with a scratch.
I've thought that he might actually be another Rebel spy, since he seemed to be plotting against Esdeath in earlier episodes.
Sun, 11-02-2014, 10:25 PM
Even if, or especially if that's the case, he should be acting his role properly.
Mon, 11-03-2014, 02:12 AM
Looks like Night Raid is still up to their stupid tactics of sending only 2 people out at a time, except they made it even dumber by having people travel solo. Najenda is a shit general.
A big group of obvious fighters would have been caught immediately. They had no choice this time. They weren't meant to fight at this point at all.
I don't really see the point of the demon guys in this episode at all. Were they only there to get defeated so that Night Raid wouldn't seem quite as bad as the previous fight made them look? Otherwise they were totally unneeded seeing how the jaegers are in town already as well.
Mon, 11-03-2014, 02:49 AM
Just realized, despite people thinking Lubbock is kinda uselessDespite the fact that he presents himself as both a goof and a non-combat type, his powers are actually pretty awesome. His weapon is extremely versatile.
Mon, 11-03-2014, 02:54 AM
Despite the fact that he presents himself as both a goof and a non-combat type, his powers are actually pretty awesome. His weapon is extremely versatile.
Strings are pretty amazing. Too bad they're largely fictional and in real life are of no use other than for choking and trap-setting. In anime though, they're the old-school equivalent of funnels.
Traditionally these types of weapons are overcome by rendering them inoperable (psy-wave interference, sweat) or by overpowering them with a singular, strong weapon (swords) that cuts them down one by one. That's why I was impressed early on in Akame ga Kill when Lubback showed us he could combine his strings into a bladed melee weapon as well. Sadly, it doesn't seem to be very strong. Its effectiveness still lies in the dispersion of threads (going to the heart).
Thu, 11-06-2014, 06:18 PM
I still have no fucking clue how they plan on defeating Esdeath. They'll probably have to convert her.
Thu, 11-06-2014, 06:57 PM
I still have no fucking clue how they plan on defeating Esdeath. They'll probably have to convert her.
She still doesn't know Tatsumi is one of the Night Raid members. That would grant them one free opportunity to be exploited in any manner they could devise. Considering Esdeath's absolute strength, one opportunity is probably as much as any god of luck would be willing to grant them.
Sun, 11-09-2014, 01:31 PM
HS - Episode 16 (
Good riddance. That bitch had to die, no one likes her. It's still a shame since she could have been so likeable if her sense of justice wasn't so twisted. Good job Mine, though you only managed to set off even more death flags. Ironic how those feelings are actually supposed to keep you alive.
The demons are a joke. They're strong, but they're still human and never seem to be a match for Imperial Arms.
Sun, 11-09-2014, 05:51 PM
Good riddance. That bitch had to die, no one likes her. It's still a shame since she could have been so likeable if her sense of justice wasn't so twisted.
The demons are a joke. They're strong, but they're still human and never seem to be a match for Imperial Arms.
I'd guess they had been mostly slaughtering ordinary humans so far, growing arrogant. Imperial arms users are still only human, as well, as thus easy to kill if you get a punch through. But since every Imperial arm is different, it's quite hard to get used to fighting them, making the demons' human killing experience worth less. As we have seen, it's not so easy to fight Imperial arms even with another Imperial arms, but Night Raid has been accumulating experience on that front, thus forcing them to get used to more varied battles.
Sun, 11-09-2014, 06:36 PM
Good riddance. That bitch had to die, no one likes her. It's still a shame since she could have been so likeable if her sense of justice wasn't so twisted.This has my concurrence.
I despised that character. When they first introduced her, I thought she was a good person who just didn't understand how bad the people she was working for were(which is now Wave's schtick instead). But she was actually just a complete psycho, looking for an excuse to butcher people.
Mon, 11-10-2014, 12:41 PM
Suzuka is (was) kinda hot, the way she died was weird though... it felt so rushed - as if they had to finish this quickly so Tatsumi could return to rescue the princess in time without creating a plothole.
She was alot more level-headed than Tatsumi and stood ontop of him throughout the whole fight, I expected her to smash that rock falling from above and say something like "Just kidding, something like this can't scare/defeat me"
Mon, 11-10-2014, 01:01 PM
She was alot more level-headed than Tatsumi and stood ontop of him throughout the whole fight
She might have looked more level-headed because she was as arrogant as the other late demons. In my opinion she hardly stood atop, though. It's not like she would have achieved anything through his armor, even if she managed to throw him once. She was waiting for him to drop down tired. Fortunately Tatsumi wasn't willing to play her game. He couldn't catch her directly, so he made sure she had nowhere to run.
Mon, 11-10-2014, 02:16 PM
Suzuka is (was) kinda hot, the way she died was weird though... it felt so rushed - as if they had to finish this quickly so Tatsumi could return to rescue the princess in time without creating a plothole.Yeah, it didn't help that last time we saw them fighting, they were outside in the middle of nowhere. And then when it came time for Tatsumi to defeat her, they were both inside a huge building that he could drop on her all of a sudden.
Mon, 11-10-2014, 02:32 PM
Yeah, it didn't help that last time we saw them fighting, they were outside in the middle of nowhere.
That is not true they were right next to buildings, but yes - something was missing... They could've shown how Tatsumi thought up the plan to lure her into the building (since Suzuka is so mobile/agile outside) for example.
Would've made him look "cooler" too.
"Ah, he's calm enough while fighting and doesn't forget his surroundings and on top of that, he uses it to his advantage" - Something like that.
Mon, 11-10-2014, 09:10 PM
Suzuka is (was) kinda hot
So true. And her end was also weird in that she basically turned into a little girl.
It felt kind of off that Tatsumi's armour allowed him too to withstand an entire building dropping on top of him. If punches and kicks from Wave could damage Tatsumi through his armour, you'd think the building would be a threat. If speed was what got him out, then Suzuka should have been fast enough as well.
Tue, 11-11-2014, 05:21 AM
I dunno. She wore her bra over her robe. That's just weird.
If punches and kicks from Wave could damage Tatsumi through his armour, you'd think the building would be a threat.They basically wear the same armor. If it's hard enough to protect them him from the building, then it's probably hard enough damage itself.
Tue, 11-11-2014, 05:51 AM
I dunno. She wore her bra over her robe. That's just weird.
You know why you'll never be a superhero? Because you don't have a superhero fashion sense.
They basically wear the same armor. If it's hard enough to protect them him from the building, then it's probably hard enough damage itself.
See, I don't agree that their punches should be as strong as a collapsing building. I'll have to accept that for continuity's sake however.
Tue, 11-11-2014, 07:15 AM
See, I don't agree that their punches should be as strong as a collapsing building. I'll have to accept that for continuity's sake however.
You sound as if you haven't seen too much (shounen) anime. The power scale is very simple:
Fist > foot > sword > gun > anything indirect
Tue, 11-11-2014, 07:58 AM
Fist > foot > sword > gun > anything indirect
Roy Mustang does not concur with this assessment.
Tatsumi and Wave's armor both focus strongly on defense, and while Tatsumi's has invisibility and strong regeneration, Wave's focuses far more on direct offense. It also flies, I think, though I might be remembering him shonen-style super jumping instead. Hard to tell sometimes.
Also, Tatsumi is really stupid, with the bitch figuring out he was with Night Raid, this is how many times he's been found out and only barely not have the information passed back to Esdeath?
As funny as I would find it that she'd be understanding about it (enamored that her love has become "tragic love"), I really don't think she's going to take it well. Tatsumi is just way too casual about his identity being figured out, in stark contrast to Lubbock. Tatsumi has kept the secret through luck alone, Lubbock carefully guards it.
Night Raid is going to be in deep shit when only Lubbock can operate in the capital openly.
Tue, 11-11-2014, 07:41 PM
Yeah, at the very minimum, Tatsumi should be wearing his Assassin's Creed hoodie at all times when on a mission. The fact that they ditched their disguises outside of the town is just dumb.
Thu, 11-13-2014, 09:21 AM
Yeah, at the very minimum, Tatsumi should be wearing his Assassin's Creed hoodie at all times when on a mission. The fact that they ditched their disguises outside of the town is just dumb.
Creed hoodie sparks too much attention.
Thu, 11-13-2014, 10:26 AM
They should at least change their hairstyle and clothes from time to time.
Thu, 11-13-2014, 10:41 AM
They should at least change their hairstyle and clothes from time to time.
They just did, and it didn't work.
Thu, 11-13-2014, 12:13 PM
I mean, not disguising themselves but actually changing their look. That way, even without their disguises, the won't be as easily identified.
In any case, I was just making a sarcastic remark about how hair and clothes do not change in anime.
Thu, 11-13-2014, 12:25 PM
In any case, I was just making a sarcastic remark about how hair and clothes do not change in anime.
Oh, I know. I thought pointing out their recent failure here was better than a practical statement about how artists would have to come up with new character designs.
I have no idea what Najenda was actually doing, but speaking the way she did while remaining hidden was badass, lighting and all.
Thu, 11-13-2014, 06:02 PM
She was being badass, that's what she was doing.
I just hope it doesn't get her killed.
Thu, 11-13-2014, 08:05 PM
They never showed the conclusion of Wave & Kirome vs Blondie and Susannoo. I hope that went favorably
Thu, 11-13-2014, 09:17 PM
They just did, and it didn't work.Because they didn't WANT it to work. Tatsumi and Mine were intentionally trying to be noticed so that they could draw off their enemies so the rest of the team could get to the target.
Sun, 11-16-2014, 01:21 PM
HS - Episode 20 (
Lubbok's fights are always so good. I didn't realise until this episode that he actually loses his strings. He's talked about using his best strings in certain fights but I assumed he meant sharp threads were proportionally few and he reeled them back afterwards. Consumable Imperial Arms sure have their drawbacks. At least Esdeath's one lasts for her lifetime.
Too bad everybody's going to be hung up about Tatsumi now, and will be rejoicing once they get him back. I really want to see Najenda pay respects to Lubbok when things settle down. He deserves at least that much. How did that dumb bitch survive a throat-cut? I know she got set up, but still.. fuck her.
On a related note, I'm glad Kurome's still out of action. Even in death Chelsea's contributing. :'(
Now's as good a chance as ever to convert Esdeath. She'd be making an enemy out of the empire by releasing Tatsumi anyway (unless she wants to be tricky and kill a scapegoat), so she might as well make the most of it and fight them along side Tatsumi. After all, she loves both fighting and Tatsumi. I haven't felt any real loyalty from her towards the empire anyway.
Sun, 11-16-2014, 02:10 PM
How did that dumb bitch survive a throat-cut? I know she got set up, but still.. fuck her.
I'm glad her whole family is dead. That's good news for the population's gene pool.
Najenda sucks as a general. She keeps losing soldiers too fast, without reaching objectives that matter. Slaying random opponents from the Empire's side doesn't really matter since it's the Empire; they have men to spare, as we have seen. New ones keep appearing faster than the old ones die. The same is not true for Night Raid. The operation in this episode was especilly bad in my opinion. It was based on the naive assumption Tasumi and Lubbok can simply waltz into the fricking palace of the emperor without a single hitch. When problems arose, surprise surprise, then that was it, nothing could be done except to lose.
I find it hard to believe Tatsumi simply decided to surrender and get imprisoned. I guess he's the kind of a prideless man who would under no circumstances fight to the death. Sad.
Sun, 11-16-2014, 03:08 PM
Yeah like I've been saying for half the series now, Najenda is a shit general. When will you fucking learn to stop using 2-man cells. 4 or 5 members can mobilize just as easily as 2.
Sun, 11-16-2014, 05:12 PM kinda sucks they are diverting from the manga like this.They are leaving out so many good moments. No Wave vs Shura. No Wild Hunt. That just sucks. I know they only got 4 episodes left but come on. Lubbock was pretty badass in this episode though despite it going a whole lot differently in the manga. He managed to be a total badass in a different way.
But perhaps they can still fit in one battle they missed into later episodes.
Sun, 11-16-2014, 11:02 PM
Man. This series is such a bummer.
When Shura first mentioned during his last appearance that he was the minister's son, I thought he was going to end up taking his place during the course of the series. Cause, frankly, the fat old minister just doesn't seem like Big Bad material.
I find it hard to believe Tatsumi simply decided to surrender and get imprisoned. I guess he's the kind of a prideless man who would under no circumstances fight to the death. Sad.I was under the impression that the lightning bolt had knocked him out. And by the time he came to, he was already captured. kinda sucks they are diverting from the manga like this.They are leaving out so many good moments. No Wave vs Shura. No Wild Hunt. That just sucks. I know they only got 4 episodes left but come on. Lubbock was pretty badass in this episode though despite it going a whole lot differently in the manga. He managed to be a total badass in a different way.Ohh, so this is a FMA/Soul Eater situation.
So I can pretty much just ignore everything else that happens from here on out.
Mon, 11-17-2014, 06:05 PM
Depending on how it plays out. If it's going where I think it's going you can still watch. Still got 4 episodes left and a few fights. So if you want to know what really happens you can start reading the manga from where Tatsumi saves Mine.
Tue, 11-18-2014, 05:04 AM
Well, obviously I'm still going to watch. I'm just not going to care, because I know none of it matters.
Sun, 11-23-2014, 02:02 PM
Episode 21 - HS (
- - - - - - - - -
This show will run out of episodes before Tatsumi really achieves anything or puts his Imperial arms to good use. Night Raid will run out members long before, though...
Esdeath isn't OP much, is she?
Sun, 11-23-2014, 06:46 PM
They ruined the potential these battles had. Mine's anyway. And yeah Esdeath is OP.
Go read the manga if you really want to see the real deal. Which at the just epic.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 02:57 AM
Bleh, lost two members of the team and only took out one badguy. That's no good.
So we got, 4 notable villains left. And I guess 4 members of Night Raid left.
Akame vs. Korume
Tatsumi vs. Wave
Esdeath vs. Najenda(seems to be the setup, though there's no reasonable way Najenda should be able to do anything against Esdeath)
Which I guess leaves Leone vs. Run.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 03:33 AM
To beat Esdeath the whole Night Raid would need to face her alone. Although even that is getting useless now with how little members they have left. And Esdeath having that once a day haxor power that would allow her to either escape or kill anybody at leisure. If Tatsumi was less of a knight and more of an assassin, he could have become quite deadly as well with the invisibility power. But he looks like a chap who puts his personal values above the success of the mission, so the invisibility is half wasted on him. It also doesn't help their chances that Najenda sucks as a commander, like has been said before.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 09:28 AM
To beat Esdeath
Is impossible.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 02:57 PM
I really want to see Wave going at her or anyone in full power, I bet he alone could defeat everyone in Night Raid... even if they fight all at once.
Akame's sword is useless since he's armored
Leone won't be able to mess with him either and Tatsumi is probably weaker than him anyway, Najenda is pretty useless on her own too.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 03:31 PM
One by one, maybe. All of them vs. Wave? Even Susanoo could have killed him if released.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 03:45 PM
So they sacrificed Susanoo and Mine to save Tatsumi. A terrible trade if you ask me. Susanoo alone is more valuable than any other member by far.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 06:08 PM
I really don't like that Imperial Arms seems to be breaking left and right all of a sudden, but apparently none of that is canon, so whatever.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 08:44 PM
Najenda herself doesn't have any lifeforce left, so I don't know what's left for her. She's still alive for now, but technically she should be dropping dead really soon.
Mon, 11-24-2014, 09:15 PM
So they sacrificed Susanoo and Mine to save Tatsumi. A terrible trade if you ask me. Susanoo alone is more valuable than any other member by far.
They also took out Budou because Mine went love bonkers for Tatsumi. He was supposed to be the 2nd most powerful next to Esdeath, so sacrificing the usually weak Mine was worth it in terms of fighting potential balance.
Tue, 11-25-2014, 12:52 AM
I really don't like that Imperial Arms seems to be breaking left and right all of a sudden, but apparently none of that is canon, so whatever.
So you're telling me....Mine's cannon breaking while getting shot by another cannon isn't Canon?
Tue, 11-25-2014, 04:05 AM
So you're telling me....Mine's cannon breaking while getting shot by another cannon isn't Canon?I'm not nearly that clever.
Tue, 11-25-2014, 06:02 AM
One by one, maybe. All of them vs. Wave? Even Susanoo could have killed him if released.
Susanoo is dead... and why the word "even" he's by far the strongest member of team night raid at this moment... or rather was.
and Wave didn't fight him in Grand Chariot so we don't know how a real fight would've ended.
Tue, 11-25-2014, 08:39 AM
I used the word even to provide contrast between them fighting all vs. Wave as opposed to Susanoo vs Wave.
We haven't even seen Wave fight much, so I'm confused as to how you can even assume that he can fight that well. Tatsumi, in his weaker than now state, managed to survive and even escape Wave. Do you really think he could do the same with Esdeath, Budou, or even Susanoo (if released)?
Tue, 11-25-2014, 09:14 AM
Do you really think he could do the same with Esdeath, Budou, or even Susanoo (if released)?Maybe? Like you said, the only time we've ever seen him fight, the person fighting him had to turn invisible and run away.
He hasn't been hurt inside his armor yet, so who knows how strong he is.
Anyway, my prediction is that Tatsumi will fight and defeat Wave, then his armor will absorb Wave's armor as some sort of powerup. Then Tatsumi will go on to fight Esdeath after Esdeath finishes off Nagenda.
Tue, 11-25-2014, 09:27 AM
I used the word even to provide contrast between them fighting all vs. Wave as opposed to Susanoo vs Wave.
We haven't even seen Wave fight much, so I'm confused as to how you can even assume that he can fight that well. Tatsumi, in his weaker than now state, managed to survive and even escape Wave. Do you really think he could do the same with Esdeath, Budou, or even Susanoo (if released)?
because Tatsumi didn't escape from Esdeath before using the very same trick?
Tue, 11-25-2014, 01:35 PM
That's because Esdeath didn't even know he was a Teigu user then. The conditions are obviously different, so drawing a parallel between them is illogical.
@Darth - That's the entire point. We don't know how powerful Wave is, but Krayz is making the assumption that he is on par with Esdeath.
Tue, 11-25-2014, 03:40 PM
I am not?
well, at least not fully - what I'm saying is that Wave is more than enough for Night Raid to deal with and if anyone is to fight her, it should be Wave if we measure it by powerlevels... because right now he's clearly the strongest out of the bunch.
That's the entire point. We don't know how powerful Wave is
We saw more than enough to proof what I just said. If it isn't Tatsumi, it's Wave...
The conditions are obviously different, so drawing a parallel between them is illogical.
Both of them didn't know he could turn invisible... so its pretty much the same, they got fooled and assumed something else happened.
Tue, 11-25-2014, 04:24 PM
That last one is a big jump. Esdeath didn't even see Tatsumi as an enemy. She could, you know, just stop time and kill him before he could do squat.
The same goes to Wave.
And to everyone else.
Sun, 11-30-2014, 03:26 PM
Akame ga Kill! - 22 [1080p (
They really are kinda ruining it with these last episodes. Just pulling stuff out of their asses. Oh there happens to be a giant danger beast right where we fought. And the preview for the next episode....some kind of goddamn skyscraper sized mecha? Fuck this shit.
On the plus side....the remaining Jaegers seem to be 'sane'. Wave knows the place is corrupt and Run is going to help the revolution from the inside.
Sun, 11-30-2014, 04:30 PM
Yeah, it looks like hasty anime original endings haven't disappeared from the anime industry.
Without the totally unnecessary danger beast appearing out of nowhere this episode might have actually been somewhat stylish. Even though Kurome was kind of crazy, she still remained herself till the end. Akame is really kind, but at the same time she's a ruthless assassin. The duel to death in perfect understanding was a fitting end for their long relationship. Other than that, I especially liked Akame's words to the hesitating Wave.
Sun, 11-30-2014, 09:04 PM
Kurome's motivations were all over the place. All she wanted was to be with her sister, but she won't betray the kingdom because of her dead comrades... Huh? That makes absolutely no sense. It completely contradicted everything that was revealed about her siscon tendencies. A much better reason would be her drugs. If she can't get it if she defected, Akame's betrayal also means betraying her, since there is no way they could be together.
I'm fine with anime original endings, but why are they always so horrible? Don't people QC the script before having it animated? I can easily come up with a better ending for this story. How inept are the scriptwriters for these things?
I wanted to laugh at the comment about Esdeath being surrounded. Nothing so far has indicated she would give a fuck, much less be in danger lol. This entire revolution seems like a joke in the face of that monster.
Mon, 12-01-2014, 12:18 AM
It's only the second time, but do you think having that boomerang blade arms entitles you to be cut vertically from head to toe?
Mon, 12-01-2014, 01:34 AM
Kurome's motivations were all over the place. All she wanted was to be with her sister, but she won't betray the kingdom because of her dead comrades... Huh? That makes absolutely no sense.
That's not true. She wanted to be with her sister, but she also remained loyal to the Empire till the end. Akame invited her to leave the Empire, but she refused. The leaders of the assassins were no fools. They had separated Akame and Kurome for a number of years for that express purpose. Unlike Akame, Kurome had cracked during those years. Like a yandere, she wanted to kill Akame if she couldn't be with her.
Mon, 12-01-2014, 07:39 AM
That's what I was complaining about. Kurome, the siscon whose sole motivation was to kill (read: possess) her sister (she said so herself), would have simply left the empire. The reason for her staying loyal is her "dead comrades," as if the opinions of dead people matter more than the sister she has been longing for since forever. It's retarded.
Mon, 12-01-2014, 09:45 AM
Uh... No. If her sole purpose in life was to be with Akame, she would have left the Empire and joined Akame in Night Raid. Since she didn't leave, Akame wasn't her everything. I have no doubt she would have left if the leaders hadn't had the wits to separate them for years. But they did, and Kurome became a part of the Empire, whereas Akame was stronger. Kurome loved her own image of Akame, the one who formed an unbeatable team of Imperial assassins with her. The real Akame didn't cut it anymore, so she wanted to kill it. These are humans were are talking about here, one of which was crazy to boot. You gotta lessen your logic subroutines a bit.
Mon, 12-01-2014, 12:11 PM
You do remember that Kurome wanted to kill Akame because she can turn her into a doll, right? She has this twisted view that even as corpses, they are still with her.
To make it clearer, what I am saying is that Kurome being loyal to the empire makes no sense. I am not questioning that she is (or rather, they forced her to be with a BS reason). I'm saying that she shouldn't be, given everything we know about her.
Mon, 12-01-2014, 05:15 PM
Episode called "Kill the Little Sister", has a giant Big Daddy in it.
Anyway, I predicted both Wave and Tatsumi showing up, but I thought it was going to lead directly to a Wave/Tatsumi showdown. Instead, that whole fight just ended up getting disarmed and everyone just went home...
These last couple episodes aren't going to be as interesting as I though. With Wave faltering, and Free not actually being an enemy, instead of being relatively evenly matched, the badguys only have Esdeath and a giant Mecha left vs. the remaining Night Raid, and probably the Jaegers too.
Mon, 12-01-2014, 09:03 PM
The mecha is ridiculous. Hopefully it is not a ploy to get Esdeath on Night Raid's side after she sees something more powerful than her and decides to challenge it...
Sun, 12-07-2014, 02:05 PM
Episode 23 - HS
- -- - -
I have to say this show didn't manage to keep it up till the end. This episode especially was really unsatisfactory. It felt like it belonged to some other series. Also, why didn't anybody go and kill the minister while he was all alone, unguarded and screaming advice to the Emperor? The Emperor couldn't have protected him since the giant laser mecha wasn't capable of anything but destruction.
Sun, 12-07-2014, 03:43 PM
Goddamnit, the transformation scene may have looked alright but it was NOTHING compared to the manga. Really? Shining golden glow? Wings? Fuck that. Man did this show fuck up near the end. It really went downhill after Bols.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 12:12 AM
Uh, Tatsumi died.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 12:33 AM
Since the show's title is all Akame and lots of characters died here and there in boths the Jaegers and Night Raid, I expected Tatsumi could die too, regardless of his exposure.
I concur to the idea that this episode was unsatisfactory, not because Tatsumi died which could have been a nice twist if properly done, but because it felt rushed and useless.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 02:49 AM
I actually have a problem with Tatsumi dying because I wanted a Tatsumi+Akame couple. But if he had died in a nice manner (like dying saving Akame), it could have been acceptable. However, now he died saving idiotic citizens who couldn't do even so much for themselves that they would have run 30 meters to the side to avoid the slowly falling giant. Best of all: The pieces of shit Emperor and minister still live. In fact Esdeath still lives as well and is right where Akeme is. Logically the next thing to happen in the show would be Esdeath killing Akame. Then we would have the minister arranging a victory party, the stupider than a rubber boot Emperor back on his throne (once it was rebuilt), the rebellion crushed, and the corruption renewed. Such a wholesome and uplifting story!
Mon, 12-08-2014, 02:50 PM
It's not like I didn't expect things to be rushed, but this clearly topped my imagination.
I'm just going to tell myself that Tatsumi didn't die and will be crowned as the new Emperor because he saved all these people. Thus they want him to be the new protector of the realm and Esdeath + Akame fight to decide who will sit next to him
Well, everything that happened was very convenient and that fight against this Angel Guy was ... uh-hmm, it "happened" and that's it. Kinda out of place, very unnecessary and felt like he was screaming "Hey, I'm here too, don't forget me!"
Mon, 12-08-2014, 04:08 PM
I think Leone will come to Tatsumi's rescue and regenerate him at the expense of her Imperial Arm.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 04:36 PM
I think Leone will come to Tatsumi's rescue and regenerate him at the expense of her Imperial Arm.
That's what I also expect. As much as killing a character and then resurrecting them annoys me. Though all things considered nothing would anymore really annoy me about this show as I gave up already.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 04:47 PM
Hey, this show deserves at least a resurrection. So many have died already, and it would actually sort of make sense since Leone hasn't used her secret ability yet.
Akame is whipping hers out next episode, and maybe she can manage to survive against Esdeath.
My most favorite episode in this show is the one where Akame was in a bathing suit.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 04:56 PM
Didn't Kurome resurrect people all the time? :P
Anyway, if Tatsumi does make it back somehow it would be because Incursio would have adapted to death or something.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 10:01 PM
I Leone could resurrect people she'd have done so already right? It's not like Tatsumi was the first important person to have died. I don't think she can heal other people. That's like saying Tatsumi's armour can make other people invisible. It's a power granted to the individual, not everyone else involved.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 10:43 PM
Leone was never around a fresh corpse. Esdeath's ice ability can freeze time, so regenerating someone else is far less a stretch, especially if it comes at the cost of the imperial arm itself.
Rather than resurrecting, it's probably closer to resuscitating.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 11:14 PM
The difference I see with Esdeath is that her power's always been about freezing external things. Her imperial arms was always a damage-dealing type like Mine's, while Tatsumi's and Leone's have been user-stat-increase types that give the individual a boost. Never has its power manifested outside of its user.
It's possible I suppose, given the nature of this adaptation. Transferring her Imperial Arms to him would seem more plausible however.
Mon, 12-08-2014, 11:33 PM
Considering how much he likes Leone's transformed form, that is possible. Problem is, can a dead person use an imperial arm?
Tue, 12-09-2014, 05:30 AM
More importantly, they were pretty clear about nobody being able to use two imperial arms at once.
I wouldn't be surprised if he just stayed dead. We're in anime-unique ending territory. And that usually means huge depressing nonsense.
Tue, 12-09-2014, 10:25 AM
Esdeath isn't going to revive him either. He lost, so he was weak and not the man she had hoped him to be.
Tue, 12-09-2014, 12:19 PM
Technically speaking he didn't lose. He won the battle as the Emperor's mecha was finished. He died protecting a few idiot citizens who were too stupid to save themselves.
Tue, 12-09-2014, 02:01 PM
I'm not sure if Esdeath distinguishes between death and losing. The fact that he escaped because of his friends was evaluated positively by her despite it not being achieved by Tatsumi's power alone.
Why are Akame and Esdeath fighting anyway? The empire is hosed. Tatsumi is dead. What conflict do those two even have?
Tue, 12-09-2014, 03:24 PM
She is evil and sadistic.Enough for her. Esdeath has always been a target I think.
Tue, 12-09-2014, 03:52 PM
Is there enough reason to risk killing Esdeath right now alone?
Fri, 12-12-2014, 10:09 PM
Is there enough reason to risk killing Esdeath right now alone?Because she can lay waste to entire armies, and the the Revolution can't actually succeed as long as she's opposing it?
Fri, 12-12-2014, 10:18 PM
You didn't understand my post. I meant Akame is in a severe disadvantage right now. Why not wait for a better opportunity? Esdeath loves diving into danger. It will come.
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