View Full Version : Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Sat, 04-05-2014, 05:20 PM

"Nike, the determined princess of the Rain Dukedom who has a mysterious power: she can control rainfall. She is forced to unwillingly marry the king of the Sun Kingdom, Livius I. Livius (or Livi for short) conquered the world in three years, and is known as the "Dreadful King."" - Manga-Updates

Download: Episode 1 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=539711)
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Shoujo
Links: Official (http://www.ntv.co.jp/soreseka/) | AniDB (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=10395) | ANN (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=15853)

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I looked forward to this show based on the description (longer ones than my edited spoiler free one here) and the genre list. Adventure shoujo has actually served me some jolly stories in the past and the description of this show sounded especially delicious with the forced marriage of persons who should be somewhat hostile, plus the guy is even younger than the girl. I'm no Korean, but a younger guy, older girl somehow interests me in manga/anime. It also doesn't hurt this show that the dude is apparently some kind of genius who not only managed to conquer the neigbouring countries in a few short years but also stabilised his own country and raised people's standard of living, yet the girl balances that out by being a powerful magician of some sort. So, neither should be useless by far.

Naturally I'm mostly looking forward to the interaction between those two. There probably won't be any love lost whatsoever in the beginning (what with the king throwing the princess into a prison cell right off the bat, according to the longer description), but that's all the better. If he treats her initially as an amusing performer of tricks and she treats him as a demon king, it should make a very amusing trip to the love-love land.

Production values generally looked very mediocre, so no surprises there. I'm not a huge fan of voiced narration, so I hope it maintains a level as low as in this episode or disappears altogether.

Sun, 04-06-2014, 01:07 AM
It wasn't too disatisfying comparing to the crapload that appeared from friday. Doesn't mean it's overly good or anything.
It seems it might be watchable.
I was just very annoyed at the guy duo, I knew from first frame they appeared they'd become her underlings, and for some reason I didn't like that.

Wed, 04-09-2014, 11:02 PM
I thought this was an interesting starting setting with a non-typical main character.
I'm hoping episode 2 has more interesting things.

Sat, 04-12-2014, 03:24 PM
Episode 2 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=542269)

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While the setting is very nice (subjectively speaking), I can't help but feel the story itself suffers from inadequate writing, as if the author couldn't really handle high politics, military affairs, and such to the degree something like this would require. While I still hope the entirely missing security and not sending the traitors to the gallows was indeed a crafty plot by the king to make the conspirators too bold and come out from hiding, I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't the case, after all, and it was just bad writing. It's especially jarring because the dude is supposed to be a genius who conquered much of the known world. I can't say I like genius characters who are only called such by other people and the plot but whose actions prove otherwise. So far he certainly has shown no signs if living up to the title.

I'll keep watching for now, but if it turns out the setting is totally inconsequential for what the author has in mind, I don't know if I can finish this. To be honest even the interaction between the king and the princess isn't living up to my expectations. The story simply has been too poorly written.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 04:06 PM
Episode 3 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=545041)

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Perhaps I was being a bit hasty. Not about the lacking depth of the plot, especially the politics and scheming, but about the interaction. It worked nicely in this episode, so much so that I liked this ep a lot. At the very least the strengths of shoujo are showing through, with the relationship of those two actually progressing somewhere, even if it's kind of back and forth sailing. Their personalities are slowly building as well, not looking as superficial anymore. The butler is a decent character as well. The antagonists could stand to be a lot better, though.

I still wouldn't say this is living up to my hopes (though those hopes were partly crushed by vejita613 even before the season launched), but I might be able to enjoy this, after all.

Sat, 04-19-2014, 10:35 PM
I really liked this episode. I really sympathize with the Sun King, and I understand how he feels towards Nike. The fact that he had to take drugs just to get to sleep is something to which I can relate, and the fact that he now has Nike makes me somewhat feel envious.

I read some of the manga and they really are going at break neck speeds.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 06:06 AM
Series like this are why I like shoujo. The two of them bickering consistently makes me smile throughout the episode.

I wouldn't mind another female character though.

If I had to say anything bad about the show, it would be the rain song. It feels way too contemporary and the English line makes it feel too Poppy. It's not a bad song, it is just terribly out of place given the setting. I'm sure those are the lyrics from the manga or whatever, but the arrangement is just bad.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 01:04 PM
About the song, I just fear it gets too repetitive...
Also, I don't know in other cultures, but in France it rains when you really are a bad singer :D

Now for the show, reminds me a lot about Itazura na Kiss. Major difference being Nike is smarter and has more will power than Kotoko.

Sun, 04-20-2014, 03:37 PM
Yeah, I also fear the song will indeed and inevitably become too repetitive if it keeps happening, like it likely will before the show is over. It would be better if she had a few songs, at least. It would be hard to believe this particular song has anything to do with the rain magic; I'd rather think it's merely something that she likes and that gets her into the right mood for the magic to happen. Alas, it's all too common for these kinds of plots to stick to the exact same song time after time. Maybe it's simply a question of the budget, who knows. Maybe only Key with their multi-talented Maeda Jun is free of such inconveniences.

Sat, 04-26-2014, 05:19 PM
Episode 4 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=547856)

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Another good episode. The breakneck speed is worrying me a little, though. I haven't read the manga, so I don't know if it's as high-speed, but this makes me think this isn't going to be a long series. It also gives the various characters a bit too little time to develop before they are given big roles in the larger plot.

I thought the whole plot in this ep was quite nicely built, as opposed to my doubts about the author's talents in an older post. Basically there being no good solutions to the problem. As much as the king opposed the temple, he still needs them for an official marriage, and the temple can naturally make it difficult. Yet agreeing to this equals admitting the temple's power. It's hard to say just how much power the priesthood has, but obviously Livi isn't able to simply crush them, at least not without a reason. That being said, it seems like the temple is handing him that reason right now. While they could deny knowing anything about the attackers, it's still their site, a holy one at that, and thus under their guard. A host is responsible for the guests' safety. Plenty of reason for the king to arrange a change of leadership in the priesthood, I say, or would say, but the head priest seemed like a persistent villain.

Sat, 04-26-2014, 09:58 PM
Has there ever been a more spoiler filled preview?

Sat, 04-26-2014, 11:11 PM
Has there ever been a more spoiler filled preview?

This is shoujo. Girls wouldn't be able to handle the suspense.

Sat, 04-26-2014, 11:15 PM
I nod to your sagely knowledge.

Sun, 04-27-2014, 06:47 PM
I was a little disappointed Nike said the air was too thick and stagnant for it to be of use for her down there.

I rather like when she simply shreds thing to ribbons in front of her would-be attackers to prove her point. Part of what makes her so well liked by the king and the bane of his opposition is she is pretty much the least princess-like princess he could have chosen. In other words, a true shoujo heroine!

I don't think he was teasing her when he was more worried about her coming out feral than not coming out at all. It is a legitimate concern with her. She has a history of rampaging already.

Mon, 04-28-2014, 02:24 AM
So far she has been the only character with abilities that would allow her to defeat physically and numerically stronger opponents. Livi hasn't really shown any signs of the ultimate wits that allowed him to conquer the world. The enemies are continuously one-upping him. Nike is truly the only hero of this story. It makes sense she would have a weakness or two as well, like heroes are wont to have.

Sat, 05-03-2014, 03:18 PM
Episode 5 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=550415)

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That was a bit naive, no doubt, but what the hell, if I enjoy friendship beams in Nanoha, I can enjoy regular friendship punches in this. Aside from the bad guys having been forgiven once again, I actually liked a lot Liv's plan, the ring around the sun, and the whole occasion. The rain starting to fall right when Liv started to explain things nicely enhanced the atmosphere, as well. The mushy parts through the eps were jolly as well. Liv and Nike's cooperation is slowly getting better, that's for sure.

The preview looks dubious, but I guess rivals can't be helped in shoujo. I just hope it won't be too cliched. But then again, Liv and Nike should be married already, with the ceremory and everything, so perhaps the rival appearing won't mean so much. I doubt anybody other than Nike could have much of an effect on Liv in any case.

Sat, 05-03-2014, 05:42 PM
Well, given that Nike is more or less a full-on witch, I think I can agree that she's willing to have the priest approve their marriage in exchange for his life. There's really little if anything they can do to her.

Their whole plan hinged on trapping her underground to kill her. That temple (and probably a few deep and dry caves) are the only places a person could really kill Nike by physical means. She can easily slice even a sword to tiny bits, or far more easily, her attacker's neck. I suppose they could poison her, but Nike really doesn't want to have to worry about watching her or Livi's back, so a little forgiveness goes a long way.

Their plan was quite fitting and nicely done. It wows the populace, shows off her power, and is a nice symbolic touch. He's the most powerful king, but she encircles even the sun. Her country may be a small one, but it showed there is none more worthy to be queen.

Sat, 05-03-2014, 10:24 PM
So many things didn't make sense or went all too conveniently for the couple in this episode, but that is typical shoujo. I still liked the general flow of the story. It was nice while it lasted.

Now we get love triangle shoujo drivel.

Sun, 05-04-2014, 03:34 AM
Their whole plan hinged on trapping her underground to kill her. That temple (and probably a few deep and dry caves) are the only places a person could really kill Nike by physical means. She can easily slice even a sword to tiny bits, or far more easily, her attacker's neck. I suppose they could poison her, but Nike really doesn't want to have to worry about watching her or Livi's back, so a little forgiveness goes a long way.

They could just have one competent mercenary put a crossbow bolt through her heart or brain. It doesn't really need to be any more elaborate than that. Considering she's all over the place, not sticking to the royal parts of the royal castle like a typical queen, it would only be a matter of time to get a good chance. Furthermore, there would be no direct link to any opposer, as long as the mercenary hit the road and disappeared, unlike attacking the princess in a place that's under the supervision of a single party.

Still, I'm happy the opponents don't try to do anything like that. The story is better this way, not so dark.

Sun, 05-04-2014, 05:16 AM
My impression was the Nike can sense the rapid disruptions in the wind from things like arrows and crossbow bolts. She already got shot once protecting Livi from assassins. It wasn't clear whether it was the glint of the arrow tip or the wooshing air of the arrow getting fired. It seemed like both. She noticed the arrow glint, but only moved to protect Livi after it was fired. She couldn't know what the glinting she saw was, but once it was fired she knew where it was going.

How much shoujo do you read? You'd know that the love triangles in shoujo never matter for very long. It's not like shonen or seinen where the triangles are never resolved. Nike will overwhelm this other girl with her awesomeness in short order. Then this new girl will be forced to swear her eternal allegiance to Nike.

Sun, 05-04-2014, 08:28 AM
I read (past tense) enough shoujo that I forgot how many. There was a point when I actually liked it, then got tired of the love triangles. If I had to estimate, I'm sure it is more than 50, but maybe less than 70 titles. Love triangles are resolved in shoujo but pretty late in the story. The presence of the love triangle trope itself is what irks me. At least the love triangle here is with a female, because majority of the never ending (yet serious because it can go either way vs shounen where it is obvious who the main love interest is) love triangles in shoujo is with two males.

Wed, 05-07-2014, 09:26 PM
I stopped watching this after the first ep. Is it any good?

Thu, 05-08-2014, 02:34 AM
I stopped watching this after the first ep. Is it any good?

In my opinion this is one of the better shows this season, so far. But that's only if you can enjoy shoujo. As opposed to some other shows (such a Mahouka), this has been getting better as it progressed.

But then again, I'm probably biased because I'm always highly receptive to fantasy adventure shoujo specifically. If you couldn't stand to give this even two episodes, I'm kind of doubtful of your chances to enjoy this. When I drop a show after or during the first episode, I never go back, but perhaps you are different.

Sat, 05-10-2014, 03:34 PM
Episode 6 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=552949)

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Like I said before, the preview last week didn't raise my expectations for this episode, quite the contrary, but in fact this worked decently enough. One reason is that everything was solved in a single episode, just like Ryll suggested. Although building a triangle and then solving it in a single episode might suggest skipped character development, it didn't really feel that way (or perhaps that's just because I don't like triangles). Luna was quite the little bitch, no doubt, but that only made the scene where the changed Livius scared her speechless all the better. Yeah, that was the best scene of the episode, no doubt. Stealing a kiss from Nike at the end was a good reminder this is shoujo through and through.

Sat, 05-10-2014, 10:46 PM
Luna triangle was... tolerable.

Now we get another one, in the span of one episode.


Livius is definitely what keeps me watching, and how Nike reacts to him. Why the rival development? Can't they do something less cliche? How about a common goal that they can both contribute to? How about an uprising that has nothing to do with romance? How about an economic crisis that they need to cooperate to solve? How about an assassination attempt at Livius that leaves him vulnerable and makes Nike assume the role of his savior? Noooo. We get a blond dude molesting Nike. Classic shoujo.

Sun, 05-11-2014, 01:31 AM
Well luckily for me I don't read any shoujo (and only watch some occasionally when they come around) so I'm thoroughly enjoying this one. At first I was a little worried about Livius being so young and mismatched (I expected the lean, handsome king ala Kaichou wa Maid-sama standard shoujo), but this works nicely. Being physically a child makes any weakness much more believable.

Sun, 05-11-2014, 05:37 AM
Thematically, I really liked this episode. Luna loved Livius the way he was, but ran away after what he became. Nike on the other hand, only knew Livius at his worst, and soaked her way to his heart. Luna had to admit she lost because she couldn't accept all of what Livius was, but Nike not only could...she did.

So...Nike's boobs definitely have grown. It wasn't just the one scene where Luna was groping her, Nike was larger in the bed, larger practicing at night, and well endowed in the next episode as well. She grew tall so fast, but now she's finally growing out. She'll make a splendid queen after all.

What is sort of weird is how contemporary Nike's clothes are compared to the rest of the series. The Sun and Ocean kingdoms both have sort of 19th century clothing, but given that the Rain Kingdom appears to be old-timey Korea or China from the first episode and flashbacks, they have very modern clothing. Each time we see her in Sun Kingdom clothing, she matches. The rest of the time she has her standard jumper/one-piece from the 1970s and the shirt, tie, and tight-waisted skirt on the roof (also very mid 20th century), among others. She's got the legs for it (as far as anime character legs go...), but her clothes seem so out of place compared to the rest of the world that we've seen. It's not bad, just weird.

I assume all her clothes expose her legs because otherwise she'd rip them or get them dirty running all over the place like the barbarian she is.

Sat, 05-24-2014, 05:56 PM
Episode 7 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=557939)

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Haha. The beginning of this ep looked quite inconsequential, but the end was something else for sure. Up until now there has been little sign of a man who conquered the world, rather we have been seeing a temperamental boy with quirks, but the last scene surely was somebody knowing he wields absolute power in the country. No doubt it was a rare in the heat of the moment kind of thing, since this show could hardly go on with a Livi like that, but it was still rather interesting to see. Especially telling Nike to remember he could burn her little country to the ground. I assume nothing much will come out of this, perhaps just another trauma from Livi's past will surface for Nike to learn. Nevertheless, with Nike having so much action and significance with her power and nosy personality, it's good Livi has his moments as well, as rare as they are likely to continue to be. Especially since it looks like we won't have a chance of seeing him act as the military genius he supposedly is.

Sat, 05-24-2014, 11:25 PM
This ep had me compare Livi to Napoleon more than ever. The kid's always had his little bit of inferiority complex, but if there's one to bring it all out it'd be Bard. Perhaps part of the reason is that Bard passed kingship to Livi without competing, making Livi feel forever inferior since "everything he is now" was based on Bard not trying. I'm not sure how much the assassination plot plays into this since that is what ticks Livi off the most.

[Nipponsei] Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Original Soundtrack.zip (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=557883)
[얼티메이트] [140521] TVアニメ「それでも世界は美しい(Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii)」オリジナルサウンドトラック(OST) [OP+挿入歌+ED収録] (FLAC+BK) (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=556514)

Sun, 05-25-2014, 12:59 AM
Wow, that was disgusting shoujo drivel. In one episode, we get a random uncle antagonist (never hinted/foreshadowed before), ultra cliche shoujo love triangle, Nike acting like a weak pussy while being assaulted for no apparent reason (she can cut metal with air, yeah), Livi acting incredibly stupid and juvenile with his outburst (he is the Sun King for crying out loud, he should have read something a fucking shoujo fan could have read), AND THEN we have the shoujo antagonist morality switch/fake out...

OMG, travesty.

Sun, 05-25-2014, 11:46 AM
Definitely a nice tidbit with Nike being amazing at throwing knives. She may be nice at heart, but there's assassin-level skills under that consistent smile. Maybe there's another reason the Rain Country hasn't been conquered in addition to the magical powers of their royals and political pairings. The fact that she says she was undefeated at it means throwing knives are a regularly displayed skill.

She also had the feeling she was being watched, which is pretty impressive considering she's well-known around the city by now, and the festival is crowded anyway. Anime cliché or no, that's one capable princess. Way better than a pampered ditz or a spoiled brat. Livi knows how to get the good ones. Her Sense Motives skill is quite high once she gets serious.

It makes me wonder how much of the threat of burning the rain country to the ground is more bluster than an actual threat (again, that particular method not very effective when the royal family controls the wind and sky). Harkening back to Napoleon again, entire armies have been brought down by mud and/or cold. Can an army mount an effective attack on a country when they are being hit by localized torrential rain every day (if not constantly)?

Sun, 05-25-2014, 12:26 PM
Can an army mount an effective attack on a country when they are being hit by localized torrential rain every day (if not constantly)?

In that case the army wouldn't need to do anything because the country would be drowning itself... Besides, Nike's rains are very, very short. Her wind is deadly, though, but wouldn't help against ranged attacks from multiple sources.

In the first place Nike was sent to marry the Sun king to save the Rain country. I don't think the jolly family we saw would have given one of their own to the demonic conqueror king if they were sure nothing could threaten them.

Sun, 05-25-2014, 07:13 PM
I think this story was designed to end with the previous arc, then it was extended due to popularity, so we ended up with this.

Sat, 05-31-2014, 02:52 PM
I think this story was designed to end with the previous arc, then it was extended due to popularity, so we ended up with this.

If Bakuman taught me anything, it's one of the facts of the manga business that authors can't afford to design complete, wholesome stories because they need to submit n proposals to the publishers, one after another, until one finally catches fire. So, it's more like settings, not stories. I have no doubt that's also the reality, not just Bakuman, considering how dodgy many of the series are if you look at the bigger picture.

Although I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Episode 8 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=560155)

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Very traditional. Men fight and a woman can't understand it, meddles, and manages to make them stop fighting - for a little while. But I suppose he can't be half bad if he was the prime minister during the military expansion and during the reconstruction of the country and the increase in citizens' general quality of life. Livi just needs to keep a close watch on his wife as she doesn't quite seem to realise what's acceptable and what's not.

Looks like they will be travelling to Nike's home country in the next episode. I was actually expecting such an episode sooner or later. Very smart of Nike; if Livi comes to like the place, he might not anymore threaten to burn it to the ground!

Sat, 05-31-2014, 04:27 PM
It's quite dangerous to anger a wife who can sever bangs (or throats) with a few words. At the same time, it is fortunate that Nike is the crown princess, because no one else could get away with breaking out condemned prisoners. I thought it was very amusing he let the guards go on account of how pointless it was to try and keep her confined.

I think any dangerous elements of resistance should be quite wary now that the Prime Minister has returned. Like you said, they are well known as a combination (along with the elder council) that took over the world.

I found Nike's grandmother's words rather cryptic. Nike doesn't seem to be particularly deficient in anything (aside from gracefulness). Also eager to see Nike's sisters again. Perhaps they will be quite jealous with how happy she is as a result of the "forced" arrangement.

Sat, 05-31-2014, 06:08 PM
Also eager to see Nike's sisters again. Perhaps they will be quite jealous with how happy she is as a result of the "forced" arrangement.

Only if they are shotacons. Nike hardly is, herself, as she's only occasionally treating him as a man, though I guess that's slowly changing when she's getting to know him better and better. But the sisters don't know anything, they'd just see a brat with a bad attitude, just like Nike did when they first met. I wonder if the lazy sisters really can appreciate Nike's happiness not having experienced any of it. Moreover, I wonder how Nike will feel being back home again. Will she develop any regrets when they sooner or later need to return? It could be harder than leaving the first time, as back then it might have felt like nothing but a big adventure.

Sat, 05-31-2014, 10:52 PM
Although I'm not sure what you mean by this.

This episode sums this up pretty well. The arcs before this had shoujo tropes, but they did not smash them into your face like the last 2 episodes did. It had a unique balance of fun and seriousness with interesting main characters, but now we get the ultimate cliche story with all the shoujo love triangle tropes, which you can predict even before it started. I seriously could have done without Bard declaring his desire for Nike at the end. I was hoping it would not go that far, but it did.

To be fair, I have watched and read a fair amount of shoujo, so that may be the reason I am reacting so negatively about this. It is just so trite.

I would also have been more open to the uncle introduction if they hinted about it even just a little bit at the start. Shingeki no Kyojin anime did that. They changed some scenes at the start to accommodate plot twists that happen later on (the manga did not have them because the author probably has not thought of them yet at that point).

Sun, 06-01-2014, 12:29 AM
Initially I forgot that Bard was the previous King's younger brother and instead thought he was Shiela's brother.

Livi just needs to keep a close watch on his wife as she doesn't quite seem to realise what's acceptable and what's not.

I really think it's the other way around. Nike can be unconventional, but she never does anything harmful. When Livi throws tantrums, entire countries suffer. That said, good luck burning the Land of Rain to the ground. I wonder why the royal family even needs a spell to summon rain anyway. If the naming sense is anything like the Land of Sun, then it must rain all the bloody time.

Sun, 06-01-2014, 12:51 AM
Initially I forgot that Bard was the previous King's younger brother and instead thought he was Shiela's brother.

Same here until the confession. It did not help that Bard looked very similar to Sheila with the long blonde hair. Livi had black hair after all, hinting that the King would be the same as well, which would suggest that the King's siblings would share the same trait.

The show needed to hit the blonde bishounen quota, so it makes sense in that regard.

Sun, 06-01-2014, 04:02 AM
Same here until the confession. It did not help that Bard looked very similar to Sheila with the long blonde hair. Livi had black hair after all, hinting that the King would be the same as well, which would suggest that the King's siblings would share the same trait.

He was the previous king's brother, so we can assume the previous king's own father and mother were one dark haired and the other a blond, to produce offspring of both kinds. Considering all this, we seem to be able to assume it's a long tradition in that country for dark haired king's to seek blond consorts, Livi being no different.

Sun, 06-01-2014, 07:22 AM
Genetically that doesn't work at all, but neither does weather summoning so I guess science isn't really grounds for argument here.

Sat, 06-07-2014, 06:04 PM
Genetically that doesn't work at all, but neither does weather summoning so I guess science isn't really grounds for argument here.

Sure it does, if we are talking about recessive alleles from both parents, one of them being heterozygous. Well, I admit it's more unlikely than some trait governed only by a single gene, but it's still far from impossible. I'm sure you know some families with both darker and lighter haired offspring. It's merely taken to the absolute point here.

Episode 9 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=562452)

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An island of laid-backedness. Except for that one token jealous, shadowy dude. This almost makes me think they had no pressure whatsoever to send one of their princesses to the Sun country, rather they did it as a prank to Nike. Or maybe they really were just as super ignorant about the Sun country as Nike personally seemed to be. So, they might have thought better safe than sorry, even though it doesn't really matter. Considering the mastery of winds, they certainly could repel any uninvited fleets. Trade embargo and general isolation might be the only things to would worry about. However, if they really were ignorant, they might have thought Sun country could summon drought and fire magic, the same they can use rain and wind.

Exceptionally good development between Livi and Nike in any case. Previous eps have increased trust, warmth, understanding, respect, and such things between them, but now it truly felt like romantic feelings. Jolly good Livi could gouge all these lines and intentions out of himself and not mask them behind his usual arrogant personality. I do hope he manages to leave a bit more royal and capable impression of himself on all these people before they return to the Sun country. Now he's viewed as a toy.

Sun, 06-08-2014, 01:11 AM
Sure it does, if we are talking about recessive alleles from both parents, one of them being heterozygous. Well, I admit it's more unlikely than some trait governed only by a single gene, but it's still far from impossible. I'm sure you know some families with both darker and lighter haired offspring. It's merely taken to the absolute point here.

Hmm, you're right. I forgot about Livi's dad being heterozygous.

I'm perfectly fine with Livi being a little kid until it's absolutely necessary for him to save Nike, since King Mode is just a hair's width from Asshole Mode when it comes to Livi.

Sun, 06-08-2014, 05:10 AM
So, it turns out there is a legend about the Rain nation obliterating 3 other countries in the same night. It seems Livi's threat of burning their country to the ground is completely unfounded. Then they get the additional benefits of general environmental defenses. It's so humid and the air pressure so much lower that all invaders will feel ill almost immediately.

They also appear to be far more technologically advanced, at least over what we've seen. They're sort of based off South Eastern China. They also have color photography (which we've never seen anything remotely like in the Sun Kingdom, they've been sitting for paintings), as well as electricity and sound systems from the preview. The latter may merely be a plot convenience...but given Nike's attire throughout the series, the Rain Principality looks like it is hiding quite a bit of their own capabilities. No wonder the geezers were so devastated that they weren't allowed to go.

Starts to make me wonder what threat the Sun Kingdom posed to them after all. Perhaps a drawn-out embargo and endless numbers of soldiers and artillery? Based on what we've just seen, I'd more likely believe they just felt that war was a complete hassle when the problem could be solved by sending off a princess.

The next plot with the scheming local assassin dude clearly in love with Nike is typical shoujo trash, but that's not what we're here for anyway. Nike getting embarrassed about being called 'okusan' and the two of them having their first spontaneous romantic kiss is why we're here.

Sun, 06-08-2014, 06:14 AM
They also appear to be far more technologically advanced, at least over what we've seen. They're sort of based off South Eastern China. They also have color photography (which we've never seen anything remotely like in the Sun Kingdom, they've been sitting for paintings), as well as electricity and sound systems from the preview. The latter may merely be a plot convenience...but given Nike's attire throughout the series, the Rain Principality looks like it is hiding quite a bit of their own capabilities. No wonder the geezers were so devastated that they weren't allowed to go.

I'll postpone evaluating that for the time being. HS's translation was "Call an artist. We need a photo session." An artist? That sounds like somebody painted those small pictures, and they just called it a photo session in an atemporal kind of way. I also imagine Livi would have been a bit more interested in the photos if they really were that and the technology was totally alien to him. What comes to the preview, it might just be there for the sake of comedy.

Up until now we have been led to believe the Rain country is backwaters, poor, and insignificant. Nike herself has been doing nothing at all to deny that, even during her solitary moments. While they might be able to defend themselves against any military actions using the magic, if they indeed are poor to begin with, an embargo would be nasty, which seems more and more likely to be the reason they allowed Nike to go. Maybe they even thought to gain a little by having such an allience with the strongest country out there.

The legend likely is true, but it was probably achieved with their magic. Maybe their society is now as it is as a backlash; they got wary of their own high power and decided to become docile and leave others in peace. If it's a matriarchy, and the royals are always so lazy and relaxed, they would be a threat to nobody.

Sat, 06-14-2014, 03:58 PM
Episode 10 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=564650)

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Even after seeing the episode, I still don't know if it was meant to be only a joke or not... It would seem pretty strange they had that sort of technology, especially when they seem to be able to use magic for various other things as well, not only controlling the weather and moving air. I guess I'll take it as a joke.

A pretty nice twist in this episode. The best one in the show (let's forget the fact it's actually the only one), although what Livi said is true, now in retrospect: There's no way that granny would have recalled Nike because a sprained back. The duke was so happy go lucky it totally fits his personality to send a princess away when he happend to have the authority. Otherwise it looks like the Rain country isn't afraid of anybody and doesn't give a shit about the rest of the world. No wonder they are called poor, then, if they are isolationists. I'm not sure if it's as high righteousness as everybody says from the granny to keep her country poor and closed off, though. The people themselves should have the right to decide that. The rulers always live in comfort in any case, but the regulars folks are the ones to suffer from the adverse effects of isolation.

Livi sure needs to prove time after time to the world that he can make a queen out of Nike. First his own country's military tries to get rid of her, then the religious order, and now even her country tries to separate them. I'm quite happy he was on top of things, like a genius should, and didn't get poisoned but instead struck back immediately. Quite a funny way to treat a foreign ruler in any case... They really are afraid of nobody or any consequences in the Rain country. No wonder they stay poor.

Sat, 06-14-2014, 10:16 PM
A pretty nice twist in this episode. The best one in the show (let's forget the fact it's actually the only one), although what Livi said is true, now in retrospect: There's no way that granny would have recalled Nike because a sprained back. The duke was so happy go lucky it totally fits his personality to send a princess away when he happend to have the authority. Otherwise it looks like the Rain country isn't afraid of anybody and doesn't give a shit about the rest of the world. No wonder they are called poor, then, if they are isolationists. I'm not sure if it's as high righteousness as everybody says from the granny to keep her country poor and closed off, though. The people themselves should have the right to decide that. The rulers always live in comfort in any case, but the regulars folks are the ones to suffer from the adverse effects of isolation.

Livi sure needs to prove time after time to the world that he can make a queen out of Nike. First his own country's military tries to get rid of her, then the religious order, and now even her country tries to separate them. I'm quite happy he was on top of things, like a genius should, and didn't get poisoned but instead struck back immediately. Quite a funny way to treat a foreign ruler in any case... They really are afraid of nobody or any consequences in the Rain country. No wonder they stay poor.

More so than anything else, they isolated themselves so that their power doesn't leak out and destroy the world. That's what I got from all of it. This was especially the case during the drought since their power would be even more noticeable. One could argue that there were better ways to do things though.

Sun, 06-15-2014, 03:49 AM
More so than anything else, they isolated themselves so that their power doesn't leak out and destroy the world. That's what I got from all of it. This was especially the case during the drought since their power would be even more noticeable. One could argue that there were better ways to do things though.

Yeah, the only other choice worse than this would have been to conquer the world using their magic. Now it's the classic case of forgetting they are still a part of the world. A country's first priority should be the well-being of its citizens, even a kid like Livi realised that as the regular folks in his country (and possibly the countries he conquered) are now enjoying a time of peace, economic growth, and a boost in state sponsored infrastructure. The Rain country totally failed that based on what we know, and they did that out of fear, even though they should have nothing to fear. So they are afraid for the sake of being afraid. Livi certainly had the better attitude of caring only for the present, not what might or might not happen in the future.

Mon, 06-16-2014, 10:22 PM
The plot developments this episode were obviously fueled by shoujo tropes rather than logical thinking. This could have been executed so much better, but we get yet another male suitor with random developments that make no sense from all previous information.

Livi has been humanized so much he no longer even seems to matter aside from being a pity symbol. He is the sun king from crying out loud. Receiving pity from grandma and being given a trial for Nike's hand is just pathetic and inconsistent.

Mon, 06-16-2014, 10:49 PM
Livi aside, my favorite moment this episode was seeing Nike going apeshit at the thought of Livi forgetting her. That prison isn't breaking, but she doesn't care. Going with the idea of predictable developments though, I bet you get cousin will soften up and let her out.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 03:32 AM
Livi has been humanized so much he no longer even seems to matter aside from being a pity symbol. He is the sun king from crying out loud. Receiving pity from grandma and being given a trial for Nike's hand is just pathetic and inconsistent.

I reckon humanising Livi was one of the main elements of the larger story. He had become the devil conqueror king after his mother's assassination (although we learned already in the first episode that was only his personal behavior and in fact his actions largely benefitted the general population even if they hurt the elite). Nike's role was to return his humanity.

This particular arc was doomed to end up like this from the beginning. Livi didn't really even travel like the Sun King to the Rain country. He had nobody but the butler with him. No personal guards, for example. He sat on the floor much lower than the granny during the reception, the same as Nike and Neil. That basically means the Rain county never acknowledged him as a foreign ruler in the first place. Not that anybody's basic attitude would have indicated otherwise, perhaps with the exception of the meak duke. However, you can't really say Livi would have objected such treatment since he went through it all, even if he complained to Nike in private. Now in retrospect it was all in purpose: They insulted Livi as much as possible (as a ruler) since they intended to rob Nike back and mess with Livi's brain to make him forget everything, likely wanting to leave Livi with such an impression of the place that he would never want to return.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 10:19 AM
Doesn't this mean that for Livi to survive this ordeal, the Rain country (or at least the rulers) will have to be destroyed? If there is some random peaceful resolution to this, it is going to be horrible. The conspirators should at least be jailed for a time period, and that is the most lenient possible punishment.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 12:04 PM
Doesn't this mean that for Livi to survive this ordeal, the Rain country (or at least the rulers) will have to be destroyed? If there is some random peaceful resolution to this, it is going to be horrible. The conspirators should at least be jailed for a time period, and that is the most lenient possible punishment.

There are no conspirators. Or in fact you could say the duke was the first conspirator by sending Nike to marry Livi. Another conspirator could be the short haired princess for helping Livi. After all, the granny is the highest de facto authority in the country, and the plan to reprogram Livi's memory and separate him from Nike is hers. Thus, the official stance of the Rain country at the moment is to repair this breach in the total isolation. The fact this is happening at all is a reflection of the ancient legend that the Rain country could destroy other countries in a single night: They fear absolutely nothing but themselves. So, they don't give a shit about the Sun King or the Sun Country, they just want to get Nike back and Livi to leave and never return. Who's going to jail anybody under such circumstances?

I see this ending in the granny being moved by Livi and Nike's reckless and desperate love which basically means they would need to reprogram Nike as well. Like Bill said, the shadowy cousin will also give in. No doubt the other princesses will vouch for Livi. In the end the granny might not have much of a choice. I very much doubt anybody will be punished in any way. Livi wouldn't even want to punish Nike's relatives.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 01:23 PM
By conspirators, I meant Nike's family.

If the Rain country was so strong and unconcerned, why did they send Nike out in the first place? They could have just refused and that's it.

No punishment for doing all this sets a horrible image for the Sun King. He is no longer the feared ruler, but the whipped pansy who can't even fight back after being pushed around so much.

Of course, this entire incident will conveniently be unknown to anyone else not involved in the affair (as it always is for plot).

Tue, 06-17-2014, 02:03 PM
If the Rain country was so strong and unconcerned, why did they send Nike out in the first place? They could have just refused and that's it.

Because Nike's father, the duke, is super meek and weak. It's also possible, should he voice his own opinion, that he wouldn't like the country to remain isolated. Thus he gladly sent Nike out as an emissary to learn about the outside world while the tyrannical granny and the jealous cousin were out of town. But who knows, as long as the granny is present, he won't do anything, I reckon.

Since they want to remain isolated to keep themselves in check, the duke might have thought this was the easiest way out. They could have sunk any fleet sent to the island, but that would have also been using their magical powers, in a public fashion, which seems to be something they desire to avoid. I wonder if they know Nike's been using the magic all the time to amuse Livi's guests...

No punishment for doing all this sets a horrible image for the Sun King. He is no longer the feared ruler, but the whipped pansy who can't even fight back after being pushed around so much.

Of course, this entire incident will conveniently be unknown to anyone else not involved in the affair (as it always is for plot).

It'll be conveniently unknown to anyone because Livi doesn't have anybody with him, aside from the butler who would never betray him. The Rain country itself is isolated and I doubt they would want to advertise what happened: It's so shameful treatment of a guest. They would lose what little reputation they had and be treated as barbarians not knowing the basics of diplomacy and courtesy. They officially want to remain isolated, but I doubt they would want to be hated and mocked.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 03:55 PM
See, that is the main problem I have with this development. Nike's family are such asses, and all this will end with them being redeemed and without being punished, only because this is shoujo (yeah, just like the priest, the uncle, and now the cousin). They deserve to be jailed (or killed) for the asshattery they are doing.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 05:35 PM
See, that is the main problem I have with this development. Nike's family are such asses, and all this will end with them being redeemed and without being punished, only because this is shoujo (yeah, just like the priest, the uncle, and now the cousin). They deserve to be jailed (or killed) for the asshattery they are doing.

Normally I'd fully agree with you, but I don't like the concept of victimless crimes. I have a feeling Livi will forgive them all if he's able to return home with Nike, doubly so if they don't need to flee but the granny actually comes to accept their union. The granny is a highly important person for Nike, and a couple of eps ago Livi confessed he feels gratitude for the Rain country because it gave birth to Nike. So, I don't think Livi will want to hate the second most important person for Nike (Livi's the most important, obviously). Thus, I don't think there will be a victim once this is all over. And with no victim, I don't think anybody needs to be punished.

Tue, 06-17-2014, 09:33 PM
Yeah, the prideful ruler lost all his pride, so victimless it will be indeed.

Sun, 06-22-2014, 05:38 AM
Episode 11 - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=566969)

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I have to say I kind of didn't foresee this particular outlook of Livi's. However, it does fit his personality. As long as he's the winner in the end, he doesn't care what manner of shit they put him through. Considering his past, background, the assassination attempts (and even the successful one on her mom), the less dramatic internal political troubles in the Sun Country, the wars, and all the other problems, this makes sense. It's not like he would have grown up as a pampered prince (at least by others than his late mom). In other words he doesn't mind trudging in the mud if that's what it takes to have his way. It's also pretty obvious he's not overly concerned about what others think of him or his decisions. Thus, it was no trouble at all for him to forgive them all. On the other hand Nike herself went through so much in the Sun Country that it was only fair Livi faced challenges in the Rain Country.

After having seen both parents, it's not hard to understand how the daughters are all like that. I also liked how the emo cousing described Nike. It makes sense it took somebody like Livi to capture her. She was certainly somebody who wouldn't have been won over by any kind of passive methods. Throwing her into a prison cell was a good beginning, in retrospect, to gain her attention...

Sun, 06-22-2014, 05:42 AM
Not reading any of the postings in this thread. I´ve been waiting to pick this one up at the end of the season, so my question: Can you guys post some anime that this one is comparable to in terms of story/atmosphere/characters? Thanks a lot!

Sun, 06-22-2014, 05:59 AM
Nike's mum > Livi's Mum.

Not reading any of the postings in this thread. I´ve been waiting to pick this one up at the end of the season, so my question: Can you guys post some anime that this one is comparable to in terms of story/atmosphere/characters? Thanks a lot!

I can't think of anything besides Kyou Kara Maou in terms of setting etc. Kaichou wa Maid-sama gives off similar vibes of as a romantic comedy type of show, without the adventuring.

Sun, 06-22-2014, 10:14 PM
This is a pile of predictable (and I did, almost every scene of it) shoujo tropes.

Still, the execution from start to almost finish is commendable. I really like Livi and Nike. The entire background and plot could be overhauled and changed. The side characters can all die and whatnot, but those two would have still shined through anyway.

Sat, 06-28-2014, 04:11 PM
Episode 12 Final - HS (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=569103)

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A prince riding a white horse (or actually the king, but whatever)... I couldn't help but laugh at that moment. I was expecting him to appear since it would be a pretty ridiculous final if they didn't meet anything but were left all melancholic, but I didn't expect such a super cliche image. Well, it was all the more funnier because of that.

Quite a decent last episode all in all. Forcing their way to the granny, Nike's tearful farewell and then Livi's usual haughty attitude were very natural from them. Bard's vision of the castly was also spot-on. Even the three old geezers got some action!

One of my favourite shows of the season, no doubt about it. Fortunately I don't watch, or read, shoujo so much that the endless series of tropes would annoy me as much as they did Shinta.

Sat, 06-28-2014, 10:14 PM
Nike is just.. awesome. Her likeability alone pretty much won this series for me. I'm sort of happy that we're stopped here for now because the package feels complete. We've gone through the final boss both in the Sun and Rain. Any existing character darkness or weakness has already been dealt with. I'm not sure what else they could use to keep this entertaining. Better to keep this one short and well done in my opinion.

Sun, 06-29-2014, 10:54 PM
I really liked the final episode. Those two are meant to be happy with each other. I actually liked the white horse scene, despite the cliche. They just fell in love all over again, and it was good.