View Full Version : March Schedule

frog hermit
Mon, 03-10-2014, 04:26 PM
3/06 - 353 - Orochimaru's Test Subject (Kakashi ANBU filler Arc)
3/06 - 354 - Their Own Paths (Kakashi ANBU filler Arc)
3/13 - 355 - The Targeted Sharingan (Kakashi ANBU filler Arc)
3/20 - 356 - Konoha Shinobi (Kakashi ANBU filler Arc)
3/27 - no episode
4/03 - 357 - Title unknown, but the episode is supposedly related to the "Itachi/Uchiha coup".
Also new OP&ED should start on this episode, still part of the Kakashi ANBU filler Arc)

people seem convinced that episode 356 on 3/20 will be the last episode in this filler arc. then 3/27 no episode and 4/3 will be back to canon.

new rumors:

You really think there's just going to be one episode with Itachi and then everything ends? There's obviously at least a month left still

Tue, 03-11-2014, 12:37 AM
Barf, this month...

frog hermit
Thu, 03-13-2014, 08:24 AM
sad update

Thu, 03-13-2014, 09:12 AM
It's not so bad. Pure fillers are easy to skip entirely. I wish One Piece could do this as well, instead of diluting nearly all the eps. I could go without watching One Piece for a few months if it meant half a year of a bit more intensive episodes. It seemingly works with Naruto, after all.

Thu, 03-13-2014, 09:56 AM
Honestly, I've really started to become a fan of the "do a couple seasons, then just stop, then start up again later" style that things like Fairy Tail, Magi, and Jojo seem to have adopted.

I'd rather a show just go off the air than resort to fillers or terrible pacing.

It really is too bad anime seems dead set against adopting the seasonal model the US uses.

frog hermit
Thu, 03-13-2014, 04:00 PM
in 2013, March to mid July was all filler
"usually" they wait till the manga is ahead of the anime by 85-100 chapters ish. then continue with canon episodes. that seems to be a pattern with this anime.

based on that:
i think episode 349 ended with material for manga chapter 607 and they currently on chapter 668, so a 61 chapter gap currently. A chapter is released every week, 24-39 weeks of filler to be 85-100 chapters ahead. that would put canon coming back anywhere from the end of August to beginning of December.

I'm guessing this WILL NOT HAPPEN because Hayato Date, Naruto's anime director - posted on his twitter that the current plan is for canon to resume after the ANBU arc for the remainder of the year, and i cant see this filler arc going THAT much longer.

"current plan"

Thu, 03-13-2014, 04:39 PM
I still can't believe the manga is still on the same arc as this. There's only two enemies left! How do to stretch that out another 60 chapters?!

I mean, shit, even Aizen's battle in Bleach only took, like, 20 chapters.

Sat, 03-15-2014, 03:45 PM
You can't deny that was a great fight scene at the end of 355 though. Had to rewatch that.