View Full Version : Kill la Kill
Fri, 10-04-2013, 03:31 PM (
Alternative Title: キルラキル
Genre: Action
Plot Summary: Ryuuko Matoi carries a large weapon shaped like half of a pair of scissors. She's looking for the woman with the other half, who killed her father. Satsuki Kiryuuin, student council president of Honnouji Academy, is said to know the woman's identity, so Ryuuko transfers there. Those who arrive at the school receive a special "goku uniform," and Satsuki has used that power to rule the school in fear.
Links: ANN ( AniDB ( MAL (
[Commie] Kill la Kill - 01 [07B80133].mkv (
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 01 [720p].mkv (
Amazing first episode. Interesting how all the power is tied to the Goku Suits. I wonder if that is the only source of power. This is going to be great for sure.
Fri, 10-04-2013, 04:05 PM
I think the massive hype for this show killed it a little for me. It's Action Action Action so it's good if you liked TTGL but I was expecting more of a wow factor.
Fri, 10-04-2013, 04:12 PM
This reminded me more of Soul Eater than TTGL, but perhaps only because of the setting. Quite interesting, but I always reserve a dose of doubt for goof based shows. It still remains to be seen if this can fly.
Sat, 10-05-2013, 03:58 AM
It was noisy and annoying as hell.
They tried to add some fun in the sidekick girl, but that pinch of salt didn't help in having a nice dish in the end.
Terrible first ep, for my tastes at least.
Sat, 10-05-2013, 04:22 AM
Kinda generic battle manga feel to it with chaotic delivery.
Sat, 10-05-2013, 04:37 AM
Kinda generic battle manga feel to it with chaotic delivery.
In fewer word, yup.
Tiring too.
Sat, 10-05-2013, 07:40 AM
dropped after 2 minutes of watching. i cant get myself through this kind of goofy, silly animation and presentation. thx, but no thanks.
Sat, 10-05-2013, 10:20 AM
Throughly excited after watching the first ep. Textbook example of a show that knows its scope and executed within it. This is stupid done right. Also, love the retro style animation.
Edit: And, this looks like it will be the only Kurapika I get this season... again.
Sat, 10-05-2013, 10:31 AM
All of you have incredibly bad taste.
Sun, 10-06-2013, 12:15 AM
But we have negative, relatively neutral, and positive opinions on this show. What way of seeing this show is in good taste?
Sun, 10-06-2013, 04:26 AM
Pretty great first episode.
If you're weren't expecting over-the-top action, I'm not sure what you were expecting out of this show.
Sun, 10-06-2013, 05:06 AM
Some originality I guess.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 10:10 AM
I enjoyed the first episode, it reminded me of TTGL of course but also Star Driver. It looks like a good bit of fun.
My two cents about those who disliked/dismissed it is that they should have known what they were getting into just from the trailer/description/promo pic. I don't disagree at all that this show is not everyone's thing and there's no value judgement implied in not being into it, however this show apes Gurren Lagann and its ilk so hard it hurts. If you don't like crazy over the top action tropes for their own sake as opposed to their novelty value then of course you were not going to be happy with a show that telegraphed that it was going to be drawing heavily on those tropes as hard as this one has.
@Shinta: If you expected originality out of a show that looks exactly like what you'd expect if you combined Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann with Medaka Box and added a sprinkle of Tenjou Tenge then you are bad at setting your expectations.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 10:53 AM
The 2 former are more original than this in terms of plot. Tenjou Tenge isn't original but I liked it at first. I just hoped there would be something different, even one aspect, in this one. Like I said, some originality.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 10:53 AM
TTGL worked its action in such a way that allowed it to climax. While over-the-top, it was discriminatory. The same can't be said here. Every bit of action was POW!, just like the labelling fonts.
It's like highlighting. When you apply it to the entire book it becomes excessive and losses its effect.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 11:06 AM
You just clarified exactly how I felt when I said this was chaotic. Too much of a good thing, I guess.
Still, I don't think this show is bad or anything. It just does not fit into my preferences. I mean, Mushibugyo was as generic a shounen as you can get, but I liked it.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 03:41 PM
I get what you guys didn't like about the episode itself, it was all flash and very little substance and it didn't have any much, according to Ryllharu there was a bit there originality to it. I can't really begrudge anyone not liking 18-20 minutes of the distilled essence of shounen battle anime tropes with not much else going on, it's not for everyone. But what I don't see is where the expectations of substance and certainly of originality that went unmet came from. How did any of the promo material make you think you were going to get anything approaching a deep well characterized plot with new ideas or even a fresh spin on old ones?
Here's a link to the PV (with subs) for reference (
The PV basically covers the plot of the first episode it is practically screaming "I AM MADE OF SHOUNEN BATTLE TROPES AND FLASHINESS IF YOU WATCH ME THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL GET" as loud as it can.
If you don't watch the video here's my overly long breakdown:
A badass/punk/outlaw looking character shows up at a city/school/place (Tenjou Tenge, Ikkitousen, Bleach SS ARC etc. the standard way to start out a shounen battle anime arc)
They are looking for/seeking after something or someone (the typical reason for a battle shounen anime main char to go anywhere and do anything).
They run afoul of some strong adversary who is a mid-boss ranked member of an army of minions who answers to one very big bad (every battle shounen main villian ever).
We see that the mid-boss is one of a relatively small group of mid-bosses under the main boss (very often there will be 4 mid-bosses, go figure)
The other mid-bosses are all very different but the implication is they are all similarly untouchable to the main char at the beginning (shounen battle anime trope #9351).
The evil organization (always somewhat fascistic) isn't about to let the main char just go walking around thinking they're little miss badass without a fight (but not against their top level people b/c that would be too fast).
The main char fights whatever sub-midboss person is sent out to them and it doesn't work out that great overall, even if they do survive (beginning of most battle shounen first acts ever)
Then they discover a power source they either never knew they had or lucked into and that allows them to fight on equal or better footing with the level of sub-midboss they first had trouble with (end of every battle shounen first act ever).
Nowhere in this trailer do I see a single indication of of originality or depth of plot, it's all flash and style and battle action tropes that I've seen before and made up my mind how I felt about years ago. From this trailer I concluded that I was going to watch this show because it should be full of flashy shounen battle action tropes, which I like, and it was. For any of you who expected there to be substance or originality in this anime what is it that made you expect that?
For background, my philosophy is to expect shows to be what they present themselves as, which usually boils down to what trope set they seem to be drawing from in their promo material. If, during airing, a show seems to go above and beyond whatever was in the promos and goes above and beyond the trope set its promo indicated then I might start believing that maybe the show is going to go farther than just being a particular niche filler for the season and might actually be good outside it's niche and I will adjust my expectations accordingly, but when a show is exactly as tropey as its trailer indicated, I don't see that as a surprise I just see it as a show filling a particular niche slot in a season.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 04:16 PM
I get what you guys didn't like about the episode itself, it was all flash and very little substance and it didn't have any originality to it. I can't really begrudge anyone not liking 18-20 minutes of the distilled essence of shounen battle anime tropes with not much else going on, it's not for everyone.
I'll need to see a couple of eps more to judge it sufficiently, but right now my gut feeling is that while this might be distilling shounen battle tropes and some shounen stylistic choices (art, direction, etc), this might fall far short of the likes of TTGL in distilling shounen spirit. Well, the main character being a girl might already matter a bunch in that regard. After all, saving the princess is a solid element of shounen tropes.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 04:27 PM
Nowhere in this trailer do I see a single indication of of originality or depth of plot, it's all flash and style and battle action tropes that I've seen before and made up my mind how I felt about years ago. From this trailer I concluded that I was going to watch this show because it should be full of flashy shounen battle action tropes, which I like, and it was. For any of you who expected there to be substance or originality in this anime what is it that made you expect that?
[snip]...but when a show is exactly as tropey as its trailer indicated, I don't see that as a surprise I just see it as a show filling a particular slot in a season.I agree that the trailer indicated that his would be about as bare-bones of a school delinquent taking over a school with a terrible looming secret behind it's autocratic student council. Just like Medaka Box or anything OhGreat! has ever written (TenTen, AirGear, etc.). I was absolutely sure that Kill la Kill would be exactly what it was presented as.
Because I almost didn't watch the first episode at all.
I didn't find anything in the trailer remotely compelling to give me a reason to watch. I watched the episode ultimately. It was a Thursday and I was surprised something was out after the pattern of the past few season where all the shows are loaded up on Friday-Sunday...and mostly I was bored. True, it has a great voice cast...which can be reason enough for me sometimes.
But there is some originality here. Sure, it is a stupid fighting school anime. Yes, the art kinda sucks but works stylistically. There are over the top punishments that go too far. The evil student council controls all the nearby schools too. It follows the formula Yuki described to a tee. They even gave her a moron sidekick (perfectly cast too, Tamako Market's title character). But what Kill la Kill does do is play with the clichés of these type of fighting series (especially ones that feature girls) in an interesting way:
Exploding clothes.
Not as fanservice, not as titillation, not as a way to fill frames because there is no real plot, but as a goal. It's like Those Who Hunt Elves in that way (striping elves to find spell fragments). They set it up from the very start. Ryuuko's one half of a pair of scissors is designed to destroy the uniforms. Not only that, when she exploded the clothes, a single thread floated out of the pieces and was absorbed by her possessed sailor suit, presumably powering it up further. She'll only be able to achieve her revenge by systematically destroying all the uniforms, leaving them all naked.
Second example:
The over the top punishments? No, they don't leave someone beat up and in the hospital, they don't threaten to throw them off a rooftop. They show that at the beginning to get the idea that they act that way. But what do they actually threaten the idiot friend with? Putting her in tempura. Is she terrified or frightened? No, she's actually stupid enough to worry about her clothes being see-through, rather than the threat of harm.
No, it was never presented as anything more than what it is. Where it succeeds, and why I'll keep watching, is that it knows that it is messing around with as many dumbass clichés it can get, in as over the top a presentation as possible. It's originality stems from twisting those clichés.
It's the school battle anime version of what TTGL was to mecha.
Tue, 10-08-2013, 08:01 PM
I didn't watch the trailer/PV. I did read the short summary in the fall anime chart though.
I remember feeling the same way about this as I did for Medaka. I understand it is a satire, which I usually love, but just could not get into the lack of seriousness (which I understand is part of the point but still).
Tue, 10-08-2013, 10:13 PM
I didn't watch the PV prior either, and any expectations I had must either come from "From the makers of TTGL" or baseline anime expectations. (I was originally going to write that I had zero expectations, but that can't be true if Happiness = Expectations - Reality).
It's the school battle anime version of what TTGL was to mecha.
Except that TTGL used its over-the-top-ness more appropriately for better effect.
Wed, 10-09-2013, 02:56 AM
Except that TTGL used its over-the-top-ness more appropriately for better effect. episode so far. TTGL didn't get that far in a single episode. They sat in the Lagann and hit the surface. You're thinking of the second or third episode before they got to anything over the top crazy.
Wed, 10-09-2013, 03:13 AM
I found the first ep of Kill la Kill far more more entertaining than the first ep (or really eps 1-5 skipping 3) of TTGL. Instead of the slower and more methodical world building and characterization build up we got with TTGL over the first 6 episodes KLK feels like being tossed right into episode 7 of TTGL with a character sheet flashing in the eye catches before and during the show.
It's definitely dirtier and less elegant and sure it precludes a certain type of storytelling, but at the same time I like the idea that they've fast forwarded through the usual setup fluff. If this show delivers on what it actually seems to be promising the people who finish watching it through shouldn't care much about the characterization or world building because they should be too busy goo-gahing over the action sequences and insane events that take place getting from beginning to end.
Wed, 10-09-2013, 03:29 AM episode so far. TTGL didn't get that far in a single episode. They sat in the Lagann and hit the surface. You're thinking of the second or third episode before they got to anything over the top crazy.
Which is exactly my point. It's doing too much, too fast, leading to desensitisation. Deliberate use of notes and silence creates music. The opposite (and overuse of notes) is called noise, which is how I describe this currently. I'm basing this all on the first episode of course - the rest of the show need not be like this.
Wed, 10-09-2013, 04:02 AM
Maybe it will mellow out a little. They will run out of story if they go at this pace anyway.
Thu, 10-10-2013, 04:50 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 02 (
Continuing the first episode's fun with clichés, the second episode was no different. The arch-nemesis announced up front that she doesn't wear one of the special uniforms, she's just that fucking badass all on her own. No need to wait for a later episode, they just toss it in there.
They play around with the overly dramatic name subtitles, even overusing them on people that barely matter, such as on the Mankanshoku family, initially labeling the father "PERVERT" and pausing to name the dog. They all look like a cross between Shin-chan and Dr. Slump characters.
The scene with the teacher was just bizarrely funny, shining beams of light and all.
Fun bit-role for Takahashi Chiaki ( as the tennis captain.
And there's even a spot in the episode where they are two dogs just...humping. I'll leave it up to the rest of you to find it.
You know what all this makes the show? Fun. Trigger is good at that. They excel at making anime that is simply fun.
edit: Forgot about the transformation scene. Ryuko's henshin isn't fantastic, shiny and pretty. It's actually really, really gross.
Thu, 10-10-2013, 05:47 PM
The arch-nemesis announced up front that she doesn't wear one of the special uniforms, she's just that fucking badass all on her own.
Er, did you catch the very end of the preview?
Thu, 10-10-2013, 10:07 PM
Satsuki is wearing a Kamui too.
As Ryll said, this show is extremely fun. I don't even mind that they are only giving out tidbits of back story every episode.
I didn't think she would already be fighting Satsuki by episode three. I figured that she would have to go through all her underlings first. Next week should be exciting.
Fri, 10-11-2013, 05:35 AM
The scene with the teacher was just bizarrely funny, shining beams of light and all.
Hosaka became a teacher.
This episode reminded me of Panty & Stocking. With the dogs humping scene and the weird animation. Wasn't Panty & Stocking full of such stuff?
So, either Satsuki, or someone on her behalf, slew Ryuuko's old man in order to steal a Kamui or to prevent more Kamui from being created.
Fri, 10-11-2013, 11:47 AM
This episode felt a lot better than the first for some reason. The best one I can come up with right now was that there was only one real fight that got your blood pumping. The rest of the episode with Mankanshoku and the doctor was just comedy. The entire thing's still loud, but at least you still got to relax for some parts (recovery at Dr), build up for a confrontation (prior to washing down the sewers) then a climax (scissors).
It's simply a better paced episode.
Fri, 10-11-2013, 12:57 PM
I don't get why Ryuuko accepted all the conditions. She accepted the stupid challenge to play tennis against the bloody captain of the tennis club using the good for nothing normal rackets (of course given to her by the enemy), while the captain used the monstrosity. Furthermore she accepted the enemy dude as the judge and furthermore^2 accepted all of his judgements.
I guess she's not too bright, huh. Maybe her brain doesn't get enough oxygen with the pervert uniform drinking so much of her blood.
Sat, 10-12-2013, 05:37 AM
Er, did you catch the very end of the preview?
Satsuki is wearing a Kamui too.
I stand corrected.
HOWEVER! After carefully examining the episode and the preview, Satsuki isn't wearing hers in this episode or the first. Her Kamui has a skirt instead of the pants, and the sleeves and waist are different.
So she really is that badass.
That's right, I used Kill la Kill inspired formatting for the dramatic effect.
Sun, 10-13-2013, 11:24 AM
Fun is a good word. If literary value and artistic merit (besides the animation) were the only factors, this show classifies as complete cognitive flat-line, but I will gladly watch it.
I likened the experience to a friend who looks down on this sort of show as being in a buffet line, and the serving spoon in my hand telling me "What are you doing? You're so fat~!". We stare in awkward silence before the spoon and I bust out in laughter as I slop on more mashed potatoes to my plate. It ain't good for me, but its sure good to me.
Kill la Kill is much fun compared to some more... stuffy anime as of late.
Sun, 10-13-2013, 11:29 AM
That is a great metaphor.
I dislike buffets.
That said, I do see what is appealing in this show. It is indeed blatantly satiric, which I like. I guess I am just averse to the extremely chaotic (bordering on lazy) art. The humour is quite interesting though.
Sun, 10-13-2013, 11:46 AM
I guess I am just averse to the extremely chaotic (bordering on lazy) art.
...says a fan of *monogatari series.
The art on the teacher's abs was nothing less than fabulous, as well as anything Satsuki-sama. And that typesetting (the official kanji, not the subs)...
Just noticed this now, Satsuki's pants and boots are a single piece. That's both inconvenient and impractical! But what an amazing feat of tailoring.
Sun, 10-13-2013, 05:18 PM
tbh, this show is boring imho, I thought at least the fights are going to be cool, but they are not :(
and its not funny either,
and 24/7 "over the top" doesn't make it any better, it gets annoying if every single character acts like edward...
Sun, 10-13-2013, 08:02 PM
I don't watch Monogatari for the art.
Unless it is fanservice art.
Kidding aside, they are a different kind of lazy. Monogatari is detailed but full of stills, while this is the exact opposite. I don't think they are comparable at all.
This reminds me more of Panty and Stocking, without the hot transformation scene.
Thu, 10-17-2013, 10:57 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 03 [720p] (
There is your hot transformation scene shinta. From Satsuki and Ryuuko.
Man that was an intense fight. I'm interested in what that teacher would've done had she not mastered the suit.
It's interesting that Satsuki was the leader even without the Kamui. If Ryuuko can match her, I really don't see what challenge her underlings will offer.
Fri, 10-18-2013, 05:04 AM
It's interesting that Satsuki was the leader even without the Kamui. If Ryuuko can match her, I really don't see what challenge her underlings will offer.
Don't all the star uniforms come from Satsuki's family? It means none among the student body would amount to much without her.
Ryuuko's uniform has been absorbing the life threads released from her defeated enemies' uniforms. I actually wonder if Satsuki isn't counting on that. Either to make Ryuuko more powerful or to simply see how the kamui might develop (if it leads to such things). But even without such hidden agendas, she might just want Ryuuko to get more fighting experience to put up a better fight.
Man, part of the ED's melody has been copied from an old song, but I simply can't gouge an identification out of my rotten memory.
Fri, 10-18-2013, 08:54 AM
I stand corrected.
HOWEVER! After carefully examining the episode and the preview, Satsuki isn't wearing hers in this episode or the first. Her Kamui has a skirt instead of the pants, and the sleeves and waist are different.
So she really is that badass.
That's right, I used Kill la Kill inspired formatting for the dramatic effect.
It seems I stand corrected then. Satsuki really is just that bad ass.
I'm not sure how I feel about this episode. I kind of felt like this was a "last episode" battle with the final boss and yet now we're going back to the "fight all these minor bosses until you get to me" format. It all felt like one big tease and not in a good way.
Fri, 10-18-2013, 02:36 PM
It just proves what a wonderful person Satsuki is. Sure, she is overwhelming with pride (for good reason mostly), but she hates to lose just as much as Ryuko. Unlike her underlings, I very much doubt that she would even think to attack Ryuko after she was weakened by one of her underlings. Rather, I expect that scenario to occur at some point by one of her 2 or 3 star subordinates, with Satsuki punishing them herself.
She knows that the two of them are on par after their little battle here, but she smirks at the claim that Ryuko will be able to unravel everything that she's built. She's willing to see who's will is more powerful, her own to create absolute order, or Ryuko's to destroy it all.
I gotta admit, I like Satsuki a lot more than I like Ryuko at this point. Her obsessions are no less over the top. She can't stand being anything but #1.
What would make it insane is if we find out later that the two are half-sisters that share a mother, or some other equally ludicrous scenario that makes them related. I wouldn't put it past Trigger. It's such a wonderful cliché for this type of series.
Sat, 10-19-2013, 08:14 AM
Those skirts are absolutely pointless. How GLORIOUS!
Sun, 10-20-2013, 09:45 AM
If you just look at Satsuki's face, I cannot help but perceive it as male. Even the long black hair does not alleviate that perception. Every part of that face is decidedly masculine, from eyebrows, eye shape, nose, and facial contours.
The macho Ryuko looks like a maiden compared to him.
Sun, 10-20-2013, 10:57 AM
She doesn't look any more masculine to me than Tsumugi does in K-ON. She just looks like she's European or has thick eyebrows (or both).
It's the perpetual frowny-face that's throwing you off.
Sun, 10-20-2013, 08:33 PM
Here is a comparison. I don't really see how you can view Satsuki as not more masculine than Tsumugi, but that is not really a fair comparison because it is from a different anime (even if you were the one who made it), so I also put in a very masculine (it would be unfair to use a blushing and cute version) and frowning picture of Ryuko in there.
It is obviously not just the frown. Satsuki has a longer and thinner face, longer and sharper nose, sharper jaw and chin, sleeker eyes with smaller irises, much thicker eyebrows and almost no eyelashes. There are anime females who have the same characteristics (although to be honest not all of them like in Satsuki), but do not forget that they are intentionally made masculine and are even treated as prince characters. To put it simply, these facial characteristics are masculine in anime.
Ryuko has a rounder face, much larger eyes, and thinner eyebrows, making her look much less masculine (in anime standards) than Satsuki. Do not forget that Ryuko is also very masculine in design compared to the other female characters in the show. I don't think I need to add in a picture of Mako to prove that point because it is obvious.
If you say that she looks "European" as an excuse for these features (which I understand to a certain extent, because Americans and Europeans are generally given sharper features in anime), I just have to say, she is Japanese.
Thu, 10-24-2013, 12:54 AM
Just caught up to the latest episode and I'm putting Kill la Kill the second best anime this season! (First being Yowamushi Pedal)
The fight with the president is crazy (and sexy :D)
Thu, 10-24-2013, 03:34 PM
Episode 4 - HS (
- - - - - - - - -
Man, the creator of this show isn't any milk drinker: The Elite docking music (Strauss, The Blue Danube) took me by surprise when the roofless car was slowly sailing in the air toward the narrow doorway, and then not quite fitting due to the orientation.
Otherwise quite a traditional episode of "what will happen if the protagonist suddenly loses her main powers". And of course she wasn't altogether useless even without the Kamui. It's not like a loser could fight even with the Kamui. Still, the family she's staying with is more trouble than worth...
Thu, 10-24-2013, 08:32 PM
I'm not sure, but I might have had some bad fish or something before I watched this episode...
Sat, 10-26-2013, 12:26 AM
I am extremely disappointed that the head of trap development was not a trap.
Sat, 10-26-2013, 01:13 AM
so ... if I hated episode one, should I still jump on board? Or is it more of the same?
Sat, 10-26-2013, 01:36 AM
so ... if I hated episode one, should I still jump on board? Or is it more of the same?
Though you didn't specify why you hated it, but considering all the elements only get more intense and goofy during the following eps, I'd guess you would hate them even more. So, unless you imagine you could overcome your hate and learn to like what you saw in the first ep, I don't see why you should. It's just my personal opinion, but I don't see this show becoming the kind of landmark people refer to and compare other shows with, such as Gurren-Lagann, for example.
Sat, 10-26-2013, 11:09 AM
What he said *4.
Sat, 10-26-2013, 11:11 AM
so ... if I hated episode one, should I still jump on board? Or is it more of the same?
I would watch episode 2 before you decide. It's more polished there. Ep1 wasn't a particularly attractive episode.
Thu, 10-31-2013, 05:47 PM
Kill la Kill - 05 [HorribleSubs] (
"Trigger" (knows exactly what they're doing)
Yeah, episode 4 was kinda stupid fun. BUT, then I watch episode 5. I come to the conclusion that Trigger knows exactly what they're doing the entire time. All the crazy shit from earlier on is starting to make sense now.
The teacher stripping all the time? He's a member of a resistance organization called Nudist Beach, who oppose the use of Life Fibers and the Kiryuuins. Surprise, surprise, they're nude a lot.
Tsumugu's uzi. It's shaped just like a sewing machine (less obvious than the rest of his tools).
There really is a colossal danger to wearing clothes with too many Life Fibers (we see a woman's body twisted to paste in a still shot, Ryuko's mother maybe?!). This means that Satsuki may not be as safe as she presumes. As confident as she is, we're not aware of whether or not she speaks to Junketsu. It would seem likely that Satsuki could be merely being used by her kamui, only thinking that she controls it. She's drunk with the power it provides, confident in it, but she merely wears it, she isn't friends with it.
Satsuki actually does have a close friend. Maybe her only friend. The rest are followers, but Jakuzure understands her. Similar in the way that Mako, dumb as she is, understands Ryuko on a certain level (though she's usually wrong about specifics, she gets the tone and mood correct).
"<Arkangel> Trigger is the master of controlled chaos"
Sun, 11-03-2013, 08:46 AM
Similar in the way that Mako, dumb as she is, understands Ryuko on a certain level (though she's usually wrong about specifics, she gets the tone and mood correct).
After this episode I'll be thinking, at least for a while, that Ryuuko is actually more stupid than Mako, as impossible as such a thing would seem like.
Fri, 11-08-2013, 10:29 AM
HS - Episode 06 (
There's just something inherently cool about blind swordsmen. He was kinda cool prior, but now he's off the charts.
Fri, 11-08-2013, 10:50 AM
I hate using blindness as an excuse for more power/ability. Absurd.
Fri, 11-08-2013, 10:53 AM
I hate using blindness as an excuse for more power/ability. Absurd.
It is absurd unless you can believe the "mind's eye" thing.
On a related matter, Satsuki thought the guy snuck up behind her, but he was actually in front. She.. got that wrong?
Sat, 11-09-2013, 06:11 AM
Not gonna lie, got a little misty-eyed during the scene at the very end.
Satsuki is always alone, even though she has so many people serving her, only one of them is even her friend at all (Nonon), and she doesn't spend down time with Satsuki either. Even Ryuko spends all her free time with Mako when she's not fighting.
We also saw that Satsuki can't quite handle her Kamui. Now that Ryuko and Senketsu are best pals, Ryuko barely loses any blood. Satsuki on the other hand, appears to get anemic just from daily wear. She has to take it off, secure it down and rest for a few hours.
Thu, 11-14-2013, 05:49 PM
Kill la Kill - 07 [HorribleSubs] (
What a delightfully heartwarming episode about family, Satsuki never letting a resource go unused, and Mako and Ryuko's Shining Brilliant Friendship.
I loved the fact that they gave Mako super exaggerated, over-sized gloopy KEY/KyoAni tears that made ridiculously loud and wet noises. Nice jab at that type of scene.
Satsuki's hidden plan was quite clever though. She got rid of dead weight, and kept her subjects loyalty fiercely to her by making Ryuko do all the work.
Fri, 11-15-2013, 09:51 PM
Mako's design in Goku Uniform is very nice! I love it. Reminds me of Jotaro :)
Wed, 11-20-2013, 02:55 AM
I really wish Mako could've kept that uniform. I loved it's design.
I love how Satsuki always manages to appear at the right time. Makes me feel like she has nothing better to do than stand on top of the tower with a button to turn on a sun and play her theme song.
Thu, 11-21-2013, 06:50 AM
Apparently, nobody told me there was another FLCL/TTGL-like series.
Just watched all of it. Pretty fucking great so far. Not on the level of those other two yet, but it's still early.
And man, I like always, they REALLY know how to pick awesome climactic music for these things.
I would totally join an Automotive Airsoft club.
Fri, 11-22-2013, 11:02 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 08 [720p].mkv (
Man that was one unexpected transformation. I didn't think he was a masochist. I hope when he fights, beating him doesn't come down to just standing there and not hitting him.
I alsothought he was the skinny nerd at first in the flashback.
Sat, 11-23-2013, 06:05 AM
I know Ryuko's really, really stupid, but I hope that she recognizes that and like...pets him or something instead.
Overall I felt this was a rather weak episode. Honestly the best part was the Kiryuuin Deluxe Trampoline.
and that the flashback was 4:3
Sat, 11-23-2013, 01:14 PM
All flashbacks have been in 4:3..
Tue, 11-26-2013, 12:00 AM
I know Ryuko's really, really stupid, but I hope that she recognizes that and like...pets him or something instead.
Everyone knows the loser is the one who climaxes first.
Thu, 11-28-2013, 08:10 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 09 [720p].mkv (
I didn't think that he could whip himself in his first form. Simple solution to what seemed to be a major flaw in his attacks. I was underwhelmed in the amount of damage he did to her though. All of her opponents so far have completely tired her out. This fight just seemed too easy.
At least we now have confirmation that Satsuki actually cares about all of her underlings. She was quick to save him while at the same time not letting anyone else see her do so. I'm glad for that.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 01:02 AM
I thought the really obvious way to win was the throw him out of the arena. Half hour fight over in half a second.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 02:16 AM
I noticed that Ryuko's lewdness gave Mako a nosebleed. This pleases me.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 02:59 AM
I thought the really obvious way to win was the throw him out of the arena. Half hour fight over in half a second.
Really obvious, but unfortunately Ryuko is too stupid even for that. One has to wonder what kind of airhead of a mother she had since the father apparently was a great scientist. She certainly inherited little from the father's side, wits wise.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 04:52 AM
I thought the really obvious way to win was the throw him out of the arena. Half hour fight over in half a second.
Wouldn't he just use his whips to catch the ring and pull himself up again? Better yet, he could just latch onto Matoi even before she got a chance to throw him out. Does she even have the strength to do it?
I'm curious to know if she gets some kind of power up from absorbing a 3-star uniform.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 07:37 AM
I'm curious to know if she gets some kind of power up from absorbing a 3-star uniform.Probably not, since this isn't the first one she's absorbed.
I'm expecting Sanketsu to have different transformations for each of the Elite Four now.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 08:57 AM
OST Release date : 25 December
Fri, 11-29-2013, 09:05 AM
What a delightful christmas present!
Fri, 11-29-2013, 11:14 AM
Wouldn't he just use his whips to catch the ring and pull himself up again? Better yet, he could just latch onto Matoi even before she got a chance to throw him out. Does she even have the strength to do it?
There aren't any real grappling hooks or such for him to hold. He'd have to pierce the stadium for a hand-hold like Ryouko did with her scissor. Ryouko should be pretty strong from her suit's powerups. She can jump and stuff, which requires decent strength anyway.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 11:22 AM
Does she even have the strength to do it?
You thought the only thing Senketsu does is to make her look like a slut? Just rewind a little and remember all the stuff she has been doing throughout the show while wearing the uniform.
Fri, 11-29-2013, 11:32 AM
I doubt she could have pushed him out of the ring. Her finishing move didn't even make him budge. That man is a tank after all. On that note, why was he so big in the flashback? Satsuki was the size of his finger. Did he grow or did Satsuki shrink?
Fri, 11-29-2013, 11:36 AM
You thought the only thing Senketsu does is to make her look like a slut?
Everyone in the show thinks she looks like that on purpose, and has control over Senketsu's appearance. This new transformation does nothing to alleviate that impression.
It's well known that Satsuki doesn't mind how it makes her look, she pays it no mind and still acts confidently. However Ryuko's actions make her look like an exhibitionist in every way. The more self-conscious she gets about it (even now after their little "I trust you!" episode), the more it is reinforced.
I'm really looking forward to Nonon's episode. The data guy will probably be mostly straightforward, but Nonon seems to be deceptively stronger than the others, especially since she's ranked third.
At least we now have confirmation that Satsuki actually cares about all of her underlings. She was quick to save him while at the same time not letting anyone else see her do so. I'm glad for that.
This is of course why Satsuki is my favorite.
That and her delightful "kamawan!" Approving absurd requests everywhere, or consoling everyone. A truly great leader. I cannot wait for Ryuko to deliver unto her suppressed droopy tears of failure. Her ambition will be broken, but her pride will not!
Fri, 11-29-2013, 03:41 PM
if i was living in that world i would support Satsuki-sama!
Thu, 12-05-2013, 04:26 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 10 [720p].mkv (
For some reason, I am finding all of these on the fly transformations really annoying. I was fine when she did it against the first one but now it is kind of tiresome. Now that Ryukou can fly, it should take no time at all for her to drop that flying stereo. Hopefully, she doesn't cheese her way through fight number 4. I do find it suspicious that Ryukou has not run out of blood yet. Previous fights wore her down rather quickly. Fight number three and she is still going strong. Her constant transformations may turn on her soon.
The next episode looks very interesting. Wouldn't it be interesting if that was Satsuki's mother in a goku uniform?
Thu, 12-05-2013, 09:07 PM
I still enjoy the speeches of wisdom Satsuki gives in the flashbacks. The kindergarten one was even better, because it was so much more philosophical and she was 5 or 6 at most.
The slowly growing losers crew and Mako scenes were pretty funny too.
Thu, 12-05-2013, 10:28 PM
Loli Satsuki actually looked cute.
Fri, 12-06-2013, 12:35 AM
Hah, Ryuko being surprisingly genre savvy (
Recognizes her opponents obvious awesomeness ay analysis ( and immediately employs the appropriate confusion fu (
I do find it suspicious that Ryukou has not run out of blood yet. Previous fights wore her down rather quickly. Fight number three and she is still going strong. Her constant transformations may turn on her soon.
The next episode looks very interesting. Wouldn't it be interesting if that was Satsuki's mother in a goku uniform?
Tue, 12-10-2013, 06:14 AM
The programmer/hacker's fighting pose is full of win. It's very awkward yet awesome! I wanted to see more of him but he got defeated pretty quickly.
Tue, 12-10-2013, 06:43 AM
The programmer/hacker's fighting pose is full of win. It's very awkward yet awesome! I wanted to see more of him but he got defeated pretty quickly.
I thought it was a little creepy and pretty damn hilarious. It was like he scratches/types himself in ecstasy.
Thu, 12-12-2013, 06:26 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 11 [720p].mkv (
Ok, that third defeat was some bs again. I am loving this show but these wins are kinda lame. Then again, Satsuki is merely using these fights to power up her underlings suits so I can accept it.
Now we see Satsuki's mother. Was that a closet full of Kamuis? If it was then that is ridiculous. No wonder Satsuki is always pulsing with light. Her mother is a living rainbow. I can't wait to see the father.
Don't know about you guys, but I think this is where Ryuko's winning streak ends. I doubt she will be able to beat that girl in her state of mind.
Thu, 12-12-2013, 11:28 PM
I agree that she'll probably lose against the tailor. So far Ryuko's been after answers, but she knows nothing about her father's research and all. She's gotten pretty far with powering up and evolving but it would make sense to take a break now and learn something about Kamui and other uniforms to reach the next level.
Despite everything that's been said, the woman from the flashback still had a hairstyle that resembled Satsuki's the most.
Fri, 12-13-2013, 12:59 AM
Despite everything that's been said, the woman from the flashback still had a hairstyle that resembled Satsuki's the most.
It probably was her. She just wasn't the one who killed him. She probably found him impaled like Ryuko did and fled with part of the blade before Ryuko showed up. How the other girl got it is a mystery. Could be a fake since we know they can change shape. Satsuki's sword could be the real thing.
Fri, 12-13-2013, 01:05 AM
Tailor... Scissors.. cutting.. kamui/clothing...
That just hit me.
Fri, 12-13-2013, 01:24 AM
Satsuki was running away from the murder scene having failed to stop the actual murderer.
Fri, 12-13-2013, 02:01 AM
Satsuki was running away from the murder scene having failed to stop the actual murderer.
I've been thinking that this was the case for a while. Could be a good bit before it is proven to be true or false.
Seeing how pissed Ryuko is right now, she will most likely become a slave to her anger and get shot with that life fiber bullet in the next episode. Then we will get a time skip or something.
Fri, 12-13-2013, 02:20 AM
Satsuki was running away from the murder scene having failed to stop the actual murderer.
Then that means Tailor-Girl was lying since she not only admitted to killing Ryouko's father, but also "pulling it out of him". I take the last part to mean pulling the scissors out of the stab wound rather than "extracting" a dissolved version from his body or something.
I wouldn't be surprised if she lied, but that is still an assumption we have to make.
She'd also have to be rather late to the party if tailor-girl also never disobeys her.
Fri, 12-13-2013, 05:31 AM
Why else would Satsuki want to build an empire? It's not to prove herself, it is to defeat her mother and her followers, who have strayed from the path of true justice! She build's her (apparently) pale imitation uniforms anyway, knowing what she faces. She races against time, hoping to gather enough strong allies to win.
She'd also have to be rather late to the party if tailor-girl also never disobeys her.
Didn't Satsuki only disobey her mother the one time too, when she decided to wear her "wedding dress" early? Satsuki and her mother are clearly enemies, regardless of who killed Ryuko's father and whether or not Satsuki was there. There's always a lot of interpretation allowed with obeying someone's commands. "Oh, but you never said I couldn't _______ along the way."
It should also be noted that her mother's hair has a distinct undercolor (yes, rainbow is a color now). I'm sure it is just a coincidence that Ryuko shares a similar physical trait...
One girl with a hair undercolor, and the other with a shining aura. A woman with both.
Fri, 12-13-2013, 07:05 AM
Man, I thought this series might be coming to a close, but then they go and drop a whole bunch of new stuff into it all at once.
#SatsukiSecretGoodguySeems likely.
Fri, 12-20-2013, 10:46 AM
Worst. One-Winged Angel. Ever.
Fri, 12-20-2013, 04:59 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 12 [720p].mkv (
Wish they would give Mako a 3 star uniform. I think she could take everyone.
Guess they will start to trickle those answers to us now. I wonder how Ryuko fits into the whole Satsuki challenging the big three.
Sat, 12-21-2013, 01:50 AM
I love Satsuki's kamui. That skirt does nothing at all.
Sat, 12-21-2013, 10:37 AM
I fucking love trigger
Sun, 12-22-2013, 12:49 AM
It's interesting that everyone in the episode - Satsuki, the Elite Four, Mikisugi - assume that Ryuko was overwhelmed by the Kamui, when the exact opposite happened; her violent impulses destroyed the stability of Senketsu. Ryuko's uniform is fundamentally different from Junketsu or other Kamui.
Still on board the "Satsuki secret good guy" bandwagon, although really it's not even a secret anymore. She tries to snap Ryuko out of the berserker state, and she's clearly not the same page as her mother. She may or may not be telling the truth about ordering Nui to steal Ryuko's dad's research, but I'm fully on board with this.
Sun, 12-22-2013, 09:43 AM
It's interesting that everyone in the episode - Satsuki, the Elite Four, Mikisugi - assume that Ryuko was overwhelmed by the Kamui, when the exact opposite happened; her violent impulses destroyed the stability of Senketsu. Ryuko's uniform is fundamentally different from Junketsu or other Kamui.
Still on board the "Satsuki secret good guy" bandwagon, although really it's not even a secret anymore. She tries to snap Ryuko out of the berserker state, and she's clearly not the same page as her mother. She may or may not be telling the truth about ordering Nui to steal Ryuko's dad's research, but I'm fully on board with this.
Or it could be that her rage unleashed Senketsu's primal urges, it could just be that he keeps them in check through his own will but the boiling blood was too much for him.
I don't think she's a secret good or bad guy, it looks more like while there's these issues and friends and foes all over the globe Satsuki has her own agenda.
Sun, 12-22-2013, 01:44 PM
Senketsu said that her boiling blood is the problem. It's what made him lose control of himself. I suppose he likes tasty hot-blooded women... just like all fans of Trigger and Gainax, as he literally chowed down on her when they transformed into the beastly form.
Mako's comments about her father's common business practices, as well as yet another "make fun of FSN's cheesy line" and Sanageyama's shinai handle all in the same scene. Nothing short of glorious.
You can't not look at it.
Sun, 12-22-2013, 01:51 PM
I feel so bad for Sanageyama. He went through the trouble of going through all that character development for his power up only to get Worfed by an incoming new character.
Wed, 12-25-2013, 03:25 PM
OST's out. Before My Body Is Dry is fantastic.
Thu, 12-26-2013, 08:39 AM
I don't like it.
Seems like all the tracks are about 4 minutes long, and at the 2 minute mark, every song seems to turn into a COMPLETELY different song.
So every awesome track ends up being half of a shitty one.
Like KiLLL la KiLL is my favorite song. The track is 4:25 long, and the first minute and a half is epic, then it turns to shit.
Thu, 01-09-2014, 07:34 PM
HorribleSubs Kill la Kill - 13 1080p.mkv (
Well damn. I can't say I didn't see it coming, but at the same time I'm a bit surprised they went that route.
Fri, 01-10-2014, 01:10 AM
Oh boy! Now she gets to be on a quest to defeat all the people that got Sanketsu pieces!
But....WHY UNDERWEAR UNDER SANKETSU?! Nobody ELSE wears underwear under their outfit!
Fri, 01-10-2014, 04:52 AM
You forget that underneath that gruff exterior, Matoi Ryuko is still a delicate high school girl, innocent and pure. Not a true exhibitionist like Satsuki-sama.
Fri, 01-10-2014, 10:44 AM
Obviously that's why she was defeated so easily.
Fri, 01-17-2014, 02:42 AM
Well that was disappointing. She got those pieces back so fast it feels like there wasn't any point in spreading them out in the first place. I thought the whole point of powering her down was so she could fight some lower level opponents again. But I guess not.
On the plus side, at least I got to hear my favorite song 3 times in this episode!
Fri, 01-17-2014, 03:59 AM
HorribleSubs Kill la Kill - 14 1080p.mkv (
I love Ryuko's Jersey. Probably my favorite costume for her so far.
Sat, 01-18-2014, 01:02 AM
It's the scarf and sunglasses look for me. Add the motorbike to it and you've got some badassery right there.
Regarding the previous comments about Ryouko's "innocent" underwear the problem is its inconsistency. If she's wearing that underneath Senketsu, then her transformed look shouldn't be showing so much underboob.
Sat, 01-18-2014, 06:53 AM
The creators must have had a bad experience in Osaka, but enjoyed the food. The other two cities weren't cast in nearly as bad a light. Actually, Kyoto and Kobe weren't even shown negatively.
Well that was disappointing. She got those pieces back so fast it feels like there wasn't any point in spreading them out in the first place.
Trigger has been doing stuff like that all season, from the beginning. They do an overused anime plot device in KLK, but then either make it meaningless or subvert it entirely.
- "If you defeat me, I'll tell you who killed your father!" [Killer shows up within the next two episodes and says it herself.]
- Let's do a fighting tournament! Used as filler episodes to pad series episode counts. [Fights are over in less than an episode.]
- Threaten her best friend to get to her, but then she's actually more durable than the protagonist, and arguably stronger too.
- They didn't bother to save Satsuki's powerup until the final arc or first climax of a 24 episode series, they did it within the first three episodes.
- Gamagori is this huge musclebound student, and he's actually 20.
- Satsuki is the shown as the villain character early on, not allowing for any failures, but the way she acts toward the four on the student council is exactly like the hero character of a story.
- Ryuko doesn't even last half an episode without Senketsu, despite her strong initial appearance.
And so on.
Fri, 01-24-2014, 11:16 AM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 15 [720p].mkv (
Nudist beach fell quite easily. Will be funny if the teacher was her father all along and the man she thought was her dad was her grandpa.
Fri, 01-24-2014, 08:29 PM
Mako vs Gamagoori. Awesome.
Fri, 01-24-2014, 08:36 PM
Was it just me, or does the dialogue between Gamagori and Mako during those scenes imply that Gamagori has begun developing feelings for Mako?
The lines he was using were straight out of the "I love you but don't make me fight you," Sunrise Anime Manual for Writing Angsty Teen Mecha Pilots.
Oh, and Satsuki-sama ~♥~ As usual, you are fabulous.
Fri, 01-24-2014, 08:38 PM
Was it just me, or does the dialogue between Gamagori and Mako during those scenes imply that Gamagori has begun developing feelings for Mako?
He's softer for her now, but I'm not sure if it's a friendly one or otherwise. He seems to admire her qualities if nothing else.
Fri, 01-24-2014, 10:00 PM
Was it just me, or does the dialogue between Gamagori and Mako during those scenes imply that Gamagori has begun developing feelings for Mako?I'd assumed that was the case for awhile now, ever since he praised her for having guts.
Sat, 01-25-2014, 06:44 AM
But when will his loyalties to Satsuki be overwhelmed by his desire for Mako's affections!?
The public has a need to know!
Sat, 01-25-2014, 07:55 AM
I don't think he'll ever become antagonistic towards Satsuki, but he may as her to reconsider certain orders if they are bad for Mako's well being.
Sat, 01-25-2014, 09:20 AM
Was it just me, or does the dialogue between Gamagori and Mako during those scenes imply that Gamagori has begun developing feelings for Mako?
The lines he was using were straight out of the "I love you but don't make me fight you," Sunrise Anime Manual for Writing Angsty Teen Mecha Pilots.
Oh, and Satsuki-sama ~♥~ As usual, you are fabulous.
Yep, he def fell for Mako.
This ep was action heavy... and had some animation errors - and if i was able to notice them they must've been pretty severe.
Sat, 01-25-2014, 03:30 PM
But when will his loyalties to Satsuki be overwhelmed by his desire for Mako's affections!?I don't foresee a situation where Satsuki would expressly order him to attack her, so I'm guessing never.
He'll just keep doing like he does now. Getting in her way and warning her off when she's being troublesome.
Sat, 02-01-2014, 04:24 AM
Hah, they really had me going with that intro. I was all "Recap episode? Nooooo!" Good one guys.
I love the absolute seriousness and gravitas they say the stupidest shit in this series.
Counting down the number of arcs before the series goes into space.
And that bath scene...yikes.
Sat, 02-01-2014, 11:09 AM
So, this might be stating the obvious but...does anyone else thing Nui is one of those alien life fibers given human form? She's just too damn unnatural to be just a human.
I still love her though.
Thu, 02-06-2014, 05:34 PM
HorribleSubs Kill la Kill - 17 1080p.mkv (
So.....did anyone not see this coming? My question is, what is Ryuukos role in all of this?
Thu, 02-06-2014, 06:34 PM
HorribleSubs Kill la Kill - 17 1080p.mkv (
So.....did anyone not see this coming? My question is, what is Ryuukos role in all of this?
To defeat the Grand Couturier when they reveal her to be the real big bad
Thu, 02-06-2014, 10:00 PM
So.....did anyone not see this coming? My question is, what is Ryuukos role in all of this?
They've been hinting at Satsuki rebelling for quite a while. During Nonon's flashback about sandcastles, Satsuki was very clear that she was never going to rely on her heritage, but create her own lasting tower to stand on. We knew from the start she likes high places, but it was clear then that she didn't just mean standing on top of the jungle gym. There have been similar speeches from her throughout the season.
Satsuki has always emphasized and admired a person's ability to stand on their own two feet. She has even expressed praise toward Mako. She also admires people who attempt to overthrow authority. She's liked Ryuko from the start, happily allowing her to test Satsuki's creations to see how powerful they really are, and particularly Ryuko's tenacity.
In contrast, she loathes people (or not people) like Nui and her mother's toady servants/relatives. She has no mercy for the club presidents that fell before Ryuko, overly reliant on their uniforms. She was merciful toward those who refused to give up like Sanageyama and Nonon.
By the time Satsuki and her student council were drinking sake the night before, it was pretty clear what she specifically intended to do. They'd been hinting at it the whole season, one piece at a time. Though that scene was blatant foreshadowing. Drinking and then smashing the cup is a symbol of determination and rebellion.
To defeat the Grand Couturier when they reveal her to be the real big badAgree totally. Nui's not just creepy, she actively wants to see life fibers devour humans in the grossest way possible...while giggling.
Perfect casting btw.
Fri, 02-07-2014, 07:51 AM
She also admires people who attempt to overthrow authority
Except Gamagoori. More accurately I think it's that she admires those who aren't afraid of challenging authority when they feel it isn't just, as opposed to overthrowing authority for the sake of it.
Ragyo certainly dressed up appropriately for the occasion. I wanted to punish her as soon as she came on stage for such a poor style. I like that Nui just didn't give a shit about dressing up even when ordered to. (Unless horriblesubs was wrong and Ragyo was requesting a dress made by her instead)
Sat, 02-08-2014, 07:01 AM
So.....did anyone not see this coming?Nobody could have guessed!
Thu, 02-13-2014, 11:13 PM
Episode 18:
Fri, 02-14-2014, 04:10 AM
Underwater KILL la KILL - 18 (720p) (
For those who don't want to wait.
That ending. A bit predictable, but still.
Also, what the hell was Nui so surprised about? That her heart was made of life fiber?
Fri, 02-14-2014, 04:58 AM
Jeez, I knew they'd lose but she pretty much massacred them.
Fri, 02-14-2014, 04:56 PM
It's been a strong possibility from the beginning (, but they finally revealed all the clues we needed to prove that Ryuko and Satsuki are sisters...and then they just outright admitted it. We had the hair similarity (especially when Ryuko is synchronized) from the moment we saw Ragyo.
December 22nd, 2013
[21:12] <%Ryllharu> The only thing I'm sure of is that the two of them are at the least half-sisters
[21:12] <%Ryllharu> and Ryuko is the reject
[21:12] <&Y> lol
[21:12] <&DS> I'm pretty sure she has buttons that produces stairs everywhere
[21:13] <&Y> also laughed really hard at the ability to produce light being a kiryuin family thing
[21:13] <%Ryllharu> Except Satsuki didn't inherit the hair undercolor
[21:13] <%Ryllharu> Ryuko did
Obviously the next hint was that Ryuko is going to need the other half of the scissors, which will finally and thoroughly sever Ragyo's head from her body.
Fri, 02-14-2014, 09:18 PM
Yeah, it was obvious soon as they said there was a 2nd baby that it was Ryuko.
Obviously the next hint was that Ryuko is going to need the other half of the scissors, which will finally and thoroughly sever Ragyo's head from her body.Wrong. Satsuki is going to wield the other half and they're going to cut her head off together.
I hope Ryuki beats Nui by taking her other eye.
Sat, 02-15-2014, 05:36 AM
Wrong. Satsuki is going to wield the other half and they're going to cut her head off together.
I hope Ryuki beats Nui by taking her other eye.
Good call, especially since her katana has been broken.
If that's the case, maybe Ryuko won't be the person to kill Nui and Satsuki will do it, though that is unlikely.
Sat, 02-15-2014, 05:51 AM
Satsuki will kill Nui but naked without a sword? I can't see that happening.
Sat, 02-15-2014, 07:06 AM
Sastuki has cut deeply into Senketsu on her own before. She's far more capable than you are giving her credit for. All she needs is a new blade, even if it is Ryuko's half of the scissors temporarily.
Sat, 02-15-2014, 07:59 AM
Wrong. Satsuki is going to wield the other half and they're going to cut her head off together.
After Ryuuko rips Junketsu away from Ragyou and gives it back to Satsuki, of course.
Speaking of Junketsu, I wonder when we will hear his/her voice?
Sat, 02-15-2014, 09:06 AM
After Ryuuko rips Junketsu away from Ragyou and gives it back to Satsuki, of course.
Speaking of Junketsu, I wonder when we will hear his/her voice?
We'll probably never get to. We know that Senketsu is designed to fight the Original Life Fibre, but is Junketsu? I'm not entirely sure what the predominant reason is behind Satsuki's anaemia. Is it because Junketsu is a defective product or even a bloodthirsty Life Fibre that isn't entirely artificial (and therefore shares will to dominate), or is it because Satsuki doesn't have the same level of sync as Ryouko?
This episode suggested that their bodies may be the reason for their difference, but up until now I had suspected that Senketsu was superior because he was unique. None of the other Life Fibre beings have had a voice, so I don't have a reason to think that Junketsu would have one either - especially since you have to lock the thing down like a dangerous beast you can barely control.
Sat, 02-15-2014, 11:50 AM
We'll probably never get to. We know that Senketsu is designed to fight the Original Life Fibre, but is Junketsu?Of course he is. It was made by her treasonous father specifically for her, and given to her at the same time he explained why the life fibers needed to be rebelled against.
The only difference is that Satsuki's life fiber infusion procedure didn't take. But she did go through the procedure, which means it could suddenly awaken at any sufficiently pivotal moment because reasons.
Thu, 02-20-2014, 04:10 PM
HorribleSubs Kill la Kill - 19 1080p (
So, they took the time to get her broken sword but they couldn't even be bothered to rescue Satsuki? OK...
Thu, 02-20-2014, 11:29 PM
Satsuki was captured. They probably picked the sword up as they were retreating.
The greatness of the cast really helps to obscure the fact that Ryuko is a terrible main character who sucks and never develops and goes through the same bullshit I'M ANGRY AT MY SLUTTY SUPERSUIT shit.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 01:18 AM
That whole "Having a serious conversation while he's standing there distractingly naked" bit gets me every time.
Gamagori, you is so transparent.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 04:15 AM
Anyone else notice that Sukuyo (Mako's mom) was repeatedly staring directly at Mikisugi's crotch? They made a point of her "noticing" it. The straying gaze of a bored housewife!
To emphasize her powers as the true heroine of the series, I definitely would have liked it if Mako came out of the COVERS suit normally (the way she did in the episode), but all the other students that Ryuko rescued were all still dehydrated and anemic. The suit that grabbed Mako bulked up at least double the size of the average one.
Also really curious how the metal toenail is going to allow Satsuki to escape.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 09:17 AM
Also really curious how the metal toenail is going to allow Satsuki to escape.
It's a weapon similar to the special fibre-cutting sword that Satsuki passed down, and it'll cut her chain because Satsuki does not falter against things like inflexibility.
And yes, it was hilarious how "entertained" Mako's mum was.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 01:26 PM
Yeah...pretty sure it's not okay to be fingerbanging your daughter like that all the time.
The Covers are creepy as fuck. Like something out of the latter parts of Earthbound.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 01:52 PM
To emphasize her powers as the true heroine of the series, I definitely would have liked it if Mako came out of the COVERS suit normally (the way she did in the episode), but all the other students that Ryuko rescued were all still dehydrated and anemic. The suit that grabbed Mako bulked up at least double the size of the average one.
Also really curious how the metal toenail is going to allow Satsuki to escape.
The best part of this is the joke Mako made earlier about how you should only get naked with the one you love, and then she pops out nude in front of Gamagoori.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 02:42 PM
To emphasize her powers as the true heroine of the series, I definitely would have liked it if Mako came out of the COVERS suit normally (the way she did in the episode), but all the other students that Ryuko rescued were all still dehydrated and anemic. The suit that grabbed Mako bulked up at least double the size of the average one.
Wait a minute, I thought Satsuki was the true heroine of the series? Have you jumped ship already?
Fri, 02-21-2014, 03:17 PM
Pretty much any of these people would be a better main character than Ryuko. I think early on a lot of people were wondering if she was going to end up becoming something more than the bog-standard protagonist because her mannerisms and how her fights ended up often had her spouting typical villain lines. Nope it's just that she is kind of a boring asshole.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 04:07 PM
I think early on a lot of people were wondering if she was going to end up becoming something more than the bog-standard protagonistNope. Nobody else is that cynical and hates fun as much as you.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 05:24 PM
Wait a minute, I thought Satsuki was the true heroine of the series? Have you jumped ship already?
I still love Satsuki-sama of course, but she's not the heroine. She's just the most heroic character.
If you think back carefully, Mako has always been the main motivator of change. Ryuko gets fussy, Mako gets her back on her feet. Ryuko gets hopeless, Mako's words encourage her, Ryuko does something stupid, Mako says something really stupid but strangely insightful and the story moves forward.
Mako is basically invulnerable, Mako in a 2-Star is stronger than Ryuko properly synchronized with Senketsu. Even if Ryuko was holding back, there's no way she'd be that much weaker. Mako was totally kicking her ass even when Ryuko was actively defending herself. Mako has split Gamagori's previously-unwavering loyalty, etc.
Mako has pretty much always been the driving force of this series, even if she's usually in the background.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 07:45 PM
Nope. Nobody else is that cynical and hates fun as much as you.
Ryuko is no fun. She's a whiny grouch. Put the spotlight on the fun characters. And like, it's not me, there's a reason her theme song is Don't Lose Your Way and it's because she fucking constantly does. Notice that even though Satsuki's motive is revenge, just like Ragyo, all her cutting remarks about how Ryuko is a shallow person driven by anger over things she never understood hit dead on still.
Ryuko constantly falls back into unfocused anger and self-loathing and it's not very interesting.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 10:20 PM
But if Ryuko didn't constantly lose her way, then Mako would be not be needed and she is needed.
Fri, 02-21-2014, 10:30 PM
Notice that Mako can give plenty of inspiring speeches in situations other than "Ryuko is super mad for no good reason."
Sat, 02-22-2014, 01:42 AM
Ryuko is no fun. She's a whiny grouch. Put the spotlight on the fun characters.You say that, but that's exactly what they've done.
They've had multiple episodes where Ryuko's basically been in a coma and they've just followed other characters around, so I don't know what you're complaining about.
She was in about 30 seconds of this episode, so what the hell else do you want?
Wed, 02-26-2014, 01:18 AM
This was a good episode, I was just being negative about Ryuko because episodes without her are a marked improvement.
Wed, 02-26-2014, 09:33 PM
Ah. I see.
Thu, 02-27-2014, 07:27 PM
[Underwater] Kill la Kill - 20 (
"Not even you can pull out the earplugs she wears, for they are earplugs of the heart."
Now that, I honestly could never had predicted. I definitely expected Satsuki to get overtaken by whatever Ragyo and Nui had planned, not that they were merely restitching Junketsu (same outlines as previous episode) and forcing a brainwashed Ryuko to wear it. It was mildly surprising that they caught Ryuko so easily, and brainwashed her too. But never in a million years could I have guessed that Satsuki would be wearing Senketsu, and look so god damn awesome in it. She does kinda look like Yuuko from Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (
It also looks like Senketsu's eye has narrowed to better fit Satsuki's smaller boobs.
Of course, another episode where Satsuki proves to be the best (killing COVERS just with her false toenails) and Mako shows once again that she is the true heroine of the series, the most stubborn (and dumbest) in all of the school. Ryuko sucks.
Thu, 02-27-2014, 07:50 PM
Now that, I honestly could never had predicted. I definitely expected Satsuki to get overtaken by whatever Ragyo and Nui had planned, not that they were merely restitching Junketsu (same outlines as previous episode) and forcing a brainwashed Ryuko to wear it. It was mildly surprising that they caught Ryuko so easily, and brainwashed her too. But never in a million years could I have guessed that Satsuki would be wearing Senketsu, and look so god damn awesome in it.
Well, there's been a lot of fan art and rumors going around with the two kamui's switched so it wasn't that big of a surprise to me.
I just watched the raw. Is Underwater any good?
So, I get that Ryuko has been a bit off and she's made some very...poor choices, but let's be fair shall we? That poor girl's been through a lot. And, as twisted as this may seem, at this very moment of time she is probably the happiest that she's ever been outside of being with Mako's family.
That being said, I was a bit sad that we didn't get to see Ryuko's transformation with Junketsu. Hopefully we will see Satsuki's transformation next week.
Also, why the hell didn't Satsuki, the Devas, and/or Nudist Beach try and save Ryuko when she got captured instead of going back to the carrier? (again I haven't seen the subs so if they answer that then ignore this)
Fri, 02-28-2014, 03:22 AM
There was no way they could've saved her. All Satsuki had were her toenails. Ragyo and Nui would've destroyed them.
Fri, 02-28-2014, 04:18 AM
Well, there's been a lot of fan art and rumors going around with the two kamui's switched so it wasn't that big of a surprise to me.
I just watched the raw. Is Underwater any good?
There's always fan art for characters wearing the opposite uniform, pretty much for every series. Even genderswapped if need be. That's how crazy pixiv users are. With something like this, uniform swap fan art was a given from the first episode. So for me, it's pretty impossible to use that as proof.
Underwater translates everything that isn't a name, where CR/Horrible leaves "kamui" as-is. Other than that, they're fine.
Fri, 02-28-2014, 08:21 AM
What ever happened to that starch bullet Nudist Beach had that would automatically lock down any article of clothing?
Seems like that's the kind of thing that would have come in handy a lot recently.
It was mildly surprising that they caught Ryuko so easily, and brainwashed her too.I'm not. Remember that she's only really as strong as she is, and only able to get free of Mind Stitching because of Sanketsu.
She ran in there without him, so of course she lost easily.
But never in a million years could I have guessed that Satsuki would be wearing SenketsuSeemed pretty obvious once they put Ryuko in Juunketsu that that was going to happen.
Fri, 02-28-2014, 05:07 PM
Seemed pretty obvious once they put Ryuko in Juunketsu that that was going to happen.
No shit that it's obvious by mid-episode. I clearly stated it.
I definitely expected Satsuki to get overtaken by whatever Ragyo and Nui had planned, not that they were merely restitching Junketsu (same outlines as previous episode) and forcing a brainwashed Ryuko to wear it. It was mildly surprising that they caught Ryuko so easily, and brainwashed her too.
After they put Ryuko in it there's only one conclusion.
Sat, 03-01-2014, 05:18 AM
Not really sure what part of the bolded text implies that Satsuki was going to put on fact, since nothing Ragyo or Nui planned seemed to have anything to do with Satsuki putting on Sanketsu, it seems to say almost the exact opposite of that.
Anyway, did I miss something happening to the dark skinned servant Ragyo had? Previous episodes made it seem like she might be a badass on a similar level as Nui, but she seems to have disappeared completely.
Sat, 03-01-2014, 06:15 AM
I'm not going to parse the paragraph out sentence by sentence so someone who doesn't even have 5th grade reading comprehension can understand.
Learn to read.
But I guess it is pretty nice for you to make yourself look smart after it's already all spelled out for you. You're like College Humor Batman (
Sat, 03-01-2014, 09:29 AM
She does kinda look like Yuuko from Dusk Maiden of Amnesia.
For me a better comparison is Yomi from Ga-Rei Zero (
She's awesome regardless.
As for mind-stitching resistance, I thought it was Ryouko's life fibres that did the job (symbolised by her hair cutting the fibers).
Sat, 03-01-2014, 12:15 PM
Did anyone else notice Satsuki totally killed those dudes who were trapped within the COVERS?
Welp never mind, those were conveniently empty. Hey if Nui is so fine with getting pierced through the gut why didn't she regenerate her eye last time?
Sat, 03-01-2014, 05:16 PM
I like how whenever they show Ryuko's mother and father in the past, they look like they're drawn in a completely different art style. Like something out of a 70s-80s anime.
But I guess it is pretty nice for you to make yourself look smart after it's already all spelled out for you.I suppose it's right up there with claiming to have said something you in no way said.
(symbolised by her hair cutting the fibers).I thought that was a piece of Sanketsu that she turned inwards.
Hey if Nui is so fine with getting pierced through the gut why didn't she regenerate her eye last time?Hey...that's a good question.
I can only assume Ragyo's explanation about herself also applies to Nui. That as long as there is a single thread still attaching them, that they can immediately regenerate.
Maybe Ryuko's dad actually cut her eye OUT of her face, and cut any connection the eye had to her body.
Fri, 03-07-2014, 11:17 AM
Man, why does this show spoil all the good nude scenes by making them sooooooooooo damn creepy.
And Ryuko planting one on many conflicting feelings...
Fri, 03-07-2014, 01:56 PM
Show of hands, who here thoroughly lost their shit when Mako was absorbed as well? I was crying
Fri, 03-07-2014, 02:28 PM
Crying cause it was funny, or crying cause you were sad?
Fri, 03-07-2014, 02:29 PM
How are you so stupid? You can't tell from the context?
Fri, 03-07-2014, 02:31 PM
Nope. I wouldn't begin to try and guess how something makes YOU feel. You tend to have the opposite of the logical reaction to just about everything.
Fri, 03-07-2014, 02:34 PM
Will be sad when Nui dies. That being said...
HorribleSubs Kill la Kill - 21 1080p (
So, did anyone order one Satsuki with Nudist Beach attire?
Sat, 03-08-2014, 02:11 PM
Man, why does this show spoil all the good nude scenes by making them sooooooooooo damn creepy.
Think about this for a few minutes and get back to me.
Sun, 03-09-2014, 07:07 AM
Will be sad when Nui dies. That being said...
HorribleSubs Kill la Kill - 21 1080p (
So, did anyone order one Satsuki with Nudist Beach attire?
That was like... soooo good.
Kinda glad Junketsu got ripped up now actually. :3
Thu, 03-13-2014, 10:19 PM
[Underwater] KILL la KILL - 22 (720p) [5B70288D].mkv (
Horrible subs should be up in a few hours or so.
This episode just put so many smiles on my face. Nui getting what she deserves, two sisters getting along for the first time, Satsuki being happy for a change, and the return of Mako in her Goku Uniform. I wonder if Junketsu will talk to Satsuki before this ends? Should be an exciting next week.
Fri, 03-14-2014, 05:47 PM
I am so fucking hyped
Sat, 03-15-2014, 12:22 AM
I wonder if Junketsu will talk to Satsuki before this ends?I noticed this week's episode gave him, like, a kind of screaming effect when he was being torn off that wasn't in last week's episode.
Tue, 03-25-2014, 09:31 AM
Can't help but notice nobody had anything to say about episode 23...
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 23 - 1080p ( | 720p ( | 480p (
And next week looks like it's gonna be the finale.
So every awesome track ends up being half of a shitty one.
Like KiLLL la KiLL is my favorite song. The track is 4:25 long, and the first minute and a half is epic, then it turns to shit.Update on this. I learned how to use Audacity just enough to cut out the shitty part of the song and loop the rest a couple of times. Now this track is awesome! :p
Tue, 03-25-2014, 12:24 PM
Honnō-ji is most famous for the Honnō-ji Incident. Oda Nobunaga lodged there before his invasion of the west. However on the morning of June 21, 1582, the traitorous forces of Akechi Mitsuhide surrounded the temple and set it on fire. Knowing there was no way out for him, Nobunaga committed seppuku along with his attendant Mori Ranmaru. Ranmaru's brothers also perished at Honnō-ji.
Now... is Ragyo parallel to Nobunaga, or is it someone else?
also in some other series I've heard phrase 'sen-i-soshitsu' - it probably used different kanji... but it was translated as a 'lost will to fight'.
Tue, 03-25-2014, 01:10 PM
also in some other series I've heard phrase 'sen-i-soshitsu' - it probably used different kanji... but it was translated as a 'lost will to fight'.
That is correct, but it is sen i soushitsu (戦意喪失). Sen (戦) is battle, i (意) is will, and soushitsu (喪失) is loss.
This show uses 戦維喪失. It reads the same but the i word means something different. It is probably taken from the word sen i (繊維)which means fiber. It is a pretty clever pun now that I analyzed it.
Fri, 03-28-2014, 01:13 PM
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 24 - 1080p ( | 720p ( | 480p (
Fri, 03-28-2014, 01:49 PM
I had a feeling it was going to be a lackluster ending, but I was hoping I was wrong. Atleast Nui was amusing as always.
Also, dammit Satsuki, why did you cut your hair???
Fri, 03-28-2014, 04:39 PM
Well, I called Ryuko and Satsuki each taking a scissor and cutting up Ragyo together. It just didn't end the fight.
Fri, 03-28-2014, 05:17 PM
Well, I called Ryuko and Satsuki each taking a scissor and cutting up Ragyo together.
Oh yeah, it took a real genius to figure that one out.
I'd like to report that I called the series ending this week, and that Senketsu would somehow play a part in its conclusion.
Fri, 03-28-2014, 06:12 PM
I'd like to report that I called the series ending this week
Not sarcasm but there is technically the OVA:
Fri, 03-28-2014, 06:21 PM
Oh yeah, it took a real genius to figure that one out.I guess that makes me smarter than you then.
Obviously the next hint was that Ryuko is going to need the other half of the scissors, which will finally and thoroughly sever Ragyo's head from her body.
Wrong. Satsuki is going to wield the other half and they're going to cut her head off together.
Good call, especially since her katana has been broken.
Fri, 03-28-2014, 07:41 PM
I guess that makes me smarter than you then.
90% of discussion happens on irc.
Fri, 03-28-2014, 11:13 PM
I had a feeling it was going to be a lackluster ending, but I was hoping I was wrong. Atleast Nui was amusing as always.
Also, dammit Satsuki, why did you cut your hair???
So... were you wrong?
I liked this, and it turned out to be worthy of being called the spiritual successor of TTGL. Senketsu even had to go in the end.
Marathonning always makes things better though.
Sat, 03-29-2014, 12:20 AM
WHY did Sanketsu have to go! Whyyyyyy! I kept hoping they'd show one scrap of him floating down in the end...but no...
I don't even understand what killed him exactly. I know he burned up in the atmosphere, but he can fly, even without the SSJ powerup, so I don't get why they had to just fall the whole way.
It was funny that she seriously went Super Saiyan for the final battle. Gold hair and everything.
Sat, 03-29-2014, 01:28 AM
WHY did Sanketsu have to go! Whyyyyyy!
I don't even understand what killed him exactly.
"Not making sense is what they're all about."
111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -Gainax Trigger
Sat, 03-29-2014, 03:53 AM
So... were you wrong?
To be clear, I felt disappointed. But, now that I've had some time to think about it, I can't really think of any way for it to have an ending that I would have been satisfied with.
Accept maybe if Nui was actually alive and just trolled everyone. And then she randomly appears in the background while the credits rolled. I would be satisfied with that.
Sat, 03-29-2014, 05:52 AM
Yeah, I feel like Nui and the dark skinned chick both got away without really being beaten in a fight. They both just ended up as powerups for Ragyo, so there was never any, like, big one-on-one battle they got to have.
Fri, 09-05-2014, 10:01 PM
[Ryuketsu] Kill la Kill - 25 [6BAF8A1A].mkv (
Sat, 09-06-2014, 12:46 AM
Did not Watch it yet.
just wanted to say how mean the idea was to put eyes on the sailor uniform. Now I see those every time such an uniform pops up in anime. Like Ao Haru Ride or others.
Truly a mean idea I can't unsee anymore, probably for a long long time.
Sat, 09-06-2014, 12:58 AM
Good epilogue.
Sat, 09-06-2014, 03:55 PM
Screw you Hououmaru. How dare you cut such beautiful hair like that.
Sat, 09-06-2014, 08:39 PM
Screw you Hououmaru. How dare you cut such beautiful hair like that.
But thanks to her we saw Satsuki strung up again. Surely all is forgiven.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 02:36 AM
Oh hey, they addressed my complaint about the dark-skinned girl. That's cool.
I guess I somehow missed the part where Nui died.
Anyway, was a fun epilogue.
Sun, 09-07-2014, 07:08 AM
But thanks to her we saw Satsuki strung up again. Surely all is forgiven.
No, but I will give her some credit; we did get to see some of the old Satsuki.
Thu, 01-29-2015, 12:10 PM
I just watched this whole show in like a week...No lie, my doctor told me not to watch it before bed because it was too exciting. I don't think I have laughed as hard as I have in my life as when I watched episode 4 (I think it was 4).
Thu, 01-29-2015, 11:54 PM
While this thread has a recent post, I highly recommend this video of Man at Arms forging a real life scissor blade:
Pretty cool stuff.
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