View Full Version : Naruto Chapter 646
Tue, 09-10-2013, 02:52 AM
MangaPanda (
Tue, 09-10-2013, 05:04 AM
It's the Tree of Might! Everyone needs to raise their hands and give Naruto their chakra.
Tue, 09-10-2013, 03:31 PM
It's the Tree of Might! Everyone needs to raise their hands and give Naruto their chakra.
Yeah it's time for some strange comparisons... So chakra is a Devil Fruit Power? Who would have thought? I never guessed that this was the origins of the Juubi and the Sage of the Six Paths. I don't know what to think. Kishimoto is welcome to do as he pleases. Hopefully it makes a little more sense in the end. Just all of a sudden a giant tree grew with sacred fruit? Something like that? That's weird and farfetched even for the Naruto series.
I would feel so sorry for Oda if the origin of Devil Fruit was a giant mysterious tree as well. And Oda has been waiting all these long years to reveal the truth and is still like 5-10 years off and than he reads this chapter of Naruto and is like WTF! Because you know Kishimoto just invented this off the top of his head most likely. Probably no more than 200 chapters ago.
Tue, 09-10-2013, 04:30 PM
Did kishi read a bible and watch the tree of might at the same time seems like a more plausible question....
Well there's the 3rd. Feels like someone from gotwoot summoned him *cough cough* DB_hunter *cough cough*
I think this is a big ass cop out for a final boss....I mean what actually stops someone from just....well, burning it. I mean even the jyuubi was susceptible to Amaterasu
Death BOO Z
Tue, 09-10-2013, 04:47 PM
so, the tree gave fruit. a woman ate it, and then gave birth to a son. the tree turned into the juubi, and the son turned the juubi into the moon?
Tue, 09-10-2013, 06:34 PM
Tree of BS more like. The Jyuubi is a glorified Venus fly trap?
Another thing that's been bugging me; Obito has never been shown to use Tsukuyomi in normal battle, how on Earth is now going to use it for the first time on such a massive scale? He's had no practice at it, the only one I would think that may be able to use it is Madara but even he hasn't been shown to be a genjutsu expert like Itachi was but more of a ninjutsu expert.
Tue, 09-10-2013, 09:15 PM
Did kishi read a bible and watch the tree of might at the same time
The Tree of Might IS the bible.
Prof. Chaos
Tue, 09-10-2013, 09:48 PM
Did kishi read a bible and watch the tree of might at the same time seems like a more plausible question....
Well there's the 3rd. Feels like someone from gotwoot summoned him *cough cough* DB_hunter *cough cough*
I think this is a big ass cop out for a final boss....I mean what actually stops someone from just....well, burning it. I mean even the jyuubi was susceptible to Amaterasu
Was Sarutobi using Emna to save Naruto?
Tue, 09-10-2013, 10:19 PM
I'm half expecting Naruto to destroy the moon with a rasengan before this is all over...
Wed, 09-11-2013, 01:41 AM
I'm half expecting Naruto to destroy the moon with a rasengan before this is all over...
I suppose that would be one way of stopping the infinite tsukiyomi. And I think that would be pretty damn badass.
Wed, 09-11-2013, 05:40 AM
Or maybe Madara is going to use his meteor jutsu to move the moon to a different place. He has to do something at this point.
Wed, 09-11-2013, 07:33 AM
Or maybe Madara is going to use his meteor jutsu to move the moon to a different place. He has to do something at this point.
Was it just the translation or did Madara declare that it was going to be him that uses this jutsu? Or was he saying it was because of him? That he set everything into motion? It feels like Madara does indeed wish to stop Obito so he can use the jutsu himself? Maybe Madara still has a trump card in term of the Zetsu's inside Obito or his own will he put inside Obito? So far though that seems like it did not work.
He would have to move, destroy or block the path to the moon? Destroying the moon goes against his plans. By the way I have a feeling that we will likely be seeing the other kages soon. It feels like there is to many "good guys" left and to few villains. So I wonder if there will be some deaths or side switching.
Wed, 09-11-2013, 12:24 PM
i just had an aneurism from reading this chapter.
/posted from heaven
Wed, 09-11-2013, 06:55 PM
i just had an aneurism from reading this chapter.
/posted from heaven
Owe... Come on it was not that BAD! "Rolls eyes..."
Alright it may have been a little bad. But congrats for making it into heaven... How good is heaven Wifi? Does it have a wide area coverage and fast speeds? If not I can use edo tensei to bring you back. But only until you have an emotional moment and turn into ashes once your plot runs out.
Edo Tensei is fueled by plot.
Sat, 09-14-2013, 11:34 PM
Idk I thought it was a pretty interesting turn of events. But I suppose maybe I'm just not jaded enough yet.
Mon, 09-16-2013, 06:21 AM
Tree of BS more like. The Jyuubi is a glorified Venus fly trap?
Another thing that's been bugging me; Obito has never been shown to use Tsukuyomi in normal battle, how on Earth is now going to use it for the first time on such a massive scale? He's had no practice at it, the only one I would think that may be able to use it is Madara but even he hasn't been shown to be a genjutsu expert like Itachi was but more of a ninjutsu expert.
This has been his lifelong goal for how long? And you honestly think that he hasn't done his research?
Mon, 09-16-2013, 12:38 PM
Obito: Ops, turns out I can`t use Tsukiyomi
Madara: Tobiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!! > : (
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