View Full Version : Naruto Shippuuden Episode 326

Thu, 08-22-2013, 09:08 AM
[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden 326: 1080p (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=465597) | 720p (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=465595) | 480p (http://www.nyaa.se/?page=download&tid=465594)

Thu, 08-22-2013, 12:55 PM
Ah, what a fun episode.

First we have Sasuke waking up with his even stupider looking Sharingan finally and immediately murdering one of his allies because fucking Sasuke, that's why.

I'm sure Juugo and Suigetsu will bumble into him just in time to be his abused, unappreciated lackeys again.

And then, well, turns out the Demon Fox isn't such a bad guy after all, he's just been mistreated. So sweet. This is gonna be a fun series of events I'm sure.

I wonder what's going to happen when he released the 4-tails. Is it really going to release the creature from it's Jinchuuriki?

I'm glad Kakashi had the exact same thought as me of "Why aren't they using the Rinnegan's powers?" Though I didn't like, or really understand his answer. Controlling the Jinchuuriki is taking too much concentration to use the Rinnegan or something?

Thu, 08-22-2013, 02:08 PM
That was the least to expect from Sasuke. Zetsu wasn't too smart if he didn't see that one coming. But then again Zetsu is a plant and plants aren't exactly known for their brain power, so it's understandable.

Kyuubi turning into a good guy annoys me. And certainly it annoys me even more if he was a bad guy because a tough childhood... But I guess I can stomach it if he's at least left highly whimsical and capricious. In the beginning he was introduced as a force of nature that appears randomly to destroy a village or two, so unless he was actually looking for something every time (or obeying demented Uchiha commands), then that ought to be the basic nature, neither good nor evil any more than a tornado. Unless it was all propaganda.

Thu, 08-22-2013, 06:21 PM
Well unless the translation was wrong, there was a part about the tailed beasts being a balancing force. I'm guessing the ending intent is to rid them of their human bondage and allow them to be free to be the balance again, whatever that may entail. Which, given that it's Naruto, some will stick around to be friends with him and the others.

But I definitely agree this episode was fun and opened up some good possibilities. I like how Kurama is acting. Not friendly, but Kraco you put it well... whimsical and capricious. A force that could go either way but still has a personality to it. I wonder if by freeing at least a few of the tailed beasts they can then band together against Tobi. I'm sure Tobi can control at least a few at a time, but having all (or close to all) tailed beasts in one spot all hunting you, that could be a problem. One already tried to attack him while being under control.

Previews look like some flashback coming up. Given the clips, I wouldn't mind a little rewind. It's been awhile since I've seen the long-lost worthwhile eps of kid Naruto. At least there's none of the flashback to 5 minutes before within the same episode crap.

Thu, 08-22-2013, 07:34 PM
Kurama! Yes! Kyuubi has a real name!

That was the least to expect from Sasuke. Zetsu wasn't too smart if he didn't see that one coming. But then again Zetsu is a plant and plants aren't exactly known for their brain power, so it's understandable.It's not even understandable to ME and I'm a 3rd party observer.

Zetsu saved him repeatedly when he was going up against the Kage's, and Sasuke was still at least moderately aligned with Akatsuki up until now, so there's literally NO reason Sasuke should be killing Zetsu other than the fact that Sasuke is a shitbird.

In the beginning he was introduced as a force of nature that appears randomly to destroy a village or twoThat was kind of the implication for ALL the tailed beasts in the beginning, but as the series has progressed, it's shown that most of those rampages seem to happen when the beast escapes it's Jinchuuriki somehow and goes apeshit on it's former jailers.

I wonder if by freeing at least a few of the tailed beasts they can then band together against Tobi. I'm sure Tobi can control at least a few at a time, but having all (or close to all) tailed beasts in one spot all hunting you, that could be a problem.I suspect that if the beasts really start giving Tobi problems he can probably just wave his hands and send them back into the statue.

It's still an improvement since at least the good guys won't still have to fight them, but I don't see Tobi having to fight against them either.

Fri, 08-23-2013, 12:33 AM
That five tails was a little too "pokemon" to my tastes... but at least the ep was entertaining.
Naruto's greatest force seems to be in his capacity to make friends with anyone and against all odds.
I wonder if he can do that with Kurama.

Regarding what we know of the tail beasts, well Kraco you're right, Propaganda.
I guess the writers were careful to show us things from angles that could be discarded thanks to the war(s), legends and lies.
That way they can rewrite some parts without contradicting anything.
The angle they introduced is that tail beasts are dangerous when you try to catch them and use their powers against their will... like placing them into jinchuriki.
The same might be true for 10 tails, it's possible we've been told it was a very dangerous and destructive force, because the ones that passed the legend had to fight against it as enemies.
Now, it seems Naruto really is on the path to become a new sage of the six paths (that's the name I think)

Fri, 08-23-2013, 02:15 AM
I don't see how Naruto could really become friends with Kyuubi as long as he's a jinchuuriki. Unlike Hachibi, it seems to me Kyuubi actually desires freedom (which seems natural, of course). Currently he's the prisoner and Naruto is the prison warden. There can hardly be friendship without any trust, and there can be no trust as long as one of them remains a prisoner. The first concrete step toward friendship and trust would be for Naruto to let Kyuubi take control during some tough part of a fight. Using Kyuubi as nothing more than an infinite battery is what every jinchuuriki always did and is the exact opposite.

Fri, 08-23-2013, 04:00 AM
Now, it seems Naruto really is on the path to become a new sage of the six paths (that's the name I think)I don't know. Being a Jinchuuriki seems like only a small part of what makes the SotSP's so powerful.

Wood Style and the Rinnegan are at LEAST as important a part of what he was. The badguys have 4 of his 5 treasured tools(not that they're using any of them). And 7/9ths of his Bijuu power besides.

And those are just the Sage's powers we know of.

I'd say Naruto has a hell of a long way to go before before he's as strong as the Sage.

But then, I don't think he's ever going to get there, because I think the final fight of the series is going to be Naruto vs. Sasuke with each of them having, like, half of the Sage's powers.

Fri, 08-23-2013, 05:31 AM
I don't see how Naruto could really become friends with Kyuubi as long as he's a jinchuuriki. Unlike Hachibi, it seems to me Kyuubi actually desires freedom (which seems natural, of course). Currently he's the prisoner and Naruto is the prison warden. There can hardly be friendship without any trust, and there can be no trust as long as one of them remains a prisoner. The first concrete step toward friendship and trust would be for Naruto to let Kyuubi take control during some tough part of a fight. Using Kyuubi as nothing more than an infinite battery is what every jinchuuriki always did and is the exact opposite.

Did you watch the preview?

Kyuubi these days looks more like an angry rabbit than a fox.

Fri, 08-23-2013, 09:56 AM
Yeah, he's almost cute when he's sleeping when not staring out at you from a nebulous black shadow from between giant dungeon bars.

Fri, 08-23-2013, 02:40 PM
Wasn't that Zetsu just a clone? Why are we assuming it was THE Zetsu?

Fri, 08-23-2013, 03:11 PM
Wasn't that Zetsu just a clone? Why are we assuming it was THE Zetsu?I don't think there is a THE White Zetsu honestly.

There was a THE Black Zetsu, but unless he can survive being cut in half(which I wouldn't put past him what with him being some kind of plant), he's dead too.

Honestly, with Naruto destroying all the clones, I think they're just taking Zetsu out of the series at this point.

Which brings Akatsuki down to two!

Mon, 08-26-2013, 10:54 PM
I don't think there is a THE White Zetsu honestly.

There was a THE Black Zetsu, but unless he can survive being cut in half(which I wouldn't put past him what with him being some kind of plant), he's dead too.

Honestly, with Naruto destroying all the clones, I think they're just taking Zetsu out of the series at this point.

Which brings Akatsuki down to two!

Two? I dont think Saskue was ever really part of Akatsuki, unless theres someone else I'm not remembering.

Mon, 08-26-2013, 10:55 PM
Two? I dont think Saskue was ever really part of Akatsuki, unless theres someone else I'm not remembering.

Which reminds me. Where the hell is Itachi?

Tue, 08-27-2013, 02:28 AM
Which reminds me. Where the hell is Itachi?

Isn't he on his way to knock Kabuto's door for a little surprise visit?

Tue, 08-27-2013, 04:17 AM
Isn't he on his way to knock Kabuto's door for a little surprise visit?

Ah. Well, then good on him. I hope he doesn't take long.

Tue, 08-27-2013, 10:19 AM
Two? I dont think Saskue was ever really part of Akatsuki, unless theres someone else I'm not remembering.I was counting Tobi and Kabuto.

I would count Sasuke since he WAS wearing the robes at one point. But he seems to spend more time inconveniencing Akatsuki then helping them.

Ah. Well, then good on him. I hope he doesn't take long.Not that Kabuto is really even strategically relevant at this point.

I mean, sure, stopping Kabuto would stop Madara, but Madara's already going up against the 5 Kages.

Tue, 08-27-2013, 10:55 AM
Getting rid of Kabuto ought to remove all but the jinchuuriki zombies (if those were raised by Tobi), so it's not like finding Kabuto would be meaningless. Although I haven't really kept track of how many zombies there still are left. But in the end they need to find Kabuto no matter what happens as the man is simply far too dangerous and unpredictable to leave alive and free. Not to mention there're likely hundreds of families already that won't sleep soundly until he's brought to justice.

Tue, 08-27-2013, 12:34 PM
Getting rid of Kabuto ought to remove all but the jinchuuriki zombies (if those were raised by Tobi), so it's not like finding Kabuto would be meaningless.I actually forgot the Jinchuuriki were reanimations somehow(I guess because they're Pains, and Nagato's Pains didn't need to be reanimated, though they also didn't have personalities or regenerate the way reanimations do).

So, yeah, nevermind. I guess stopping Kabuto is still pretty important.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 04:28 AM
Well we're still not entirely sure that the Jinchuuriki are "reanimations". Remember that good ol' Pain used dead bodies to insert those rods for power and control. If Pain's power now exists within Tobi and they're being controlled by the rods (which would be smart for Tobi since he's got to have at least some distrust for Kabuto) it's not beyond belief that he used the Jinchuuriki bodies as Rinnegan hosts instead of using Kabuto's reanimation. He'd have full control and not have to worry about Kabuto ever pulling the plug on him.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 04:39 AM
Well we're still not entirely sure that the Jinchuuriki are "reanimations". Remember that good ol' Pain used dead bodies to insert those rods for power and control. If Pain's power now exists within Tobi and they're being controlled by the rods (which would be smart for Tobi since he's got to have at least some distrust for Kabuto) it's not beyond belief that he used the Jinchuuriki bodies as Rinnegan hosts instead of using Kabuto's reanimation. He'd have full control and not have to worry about Kabuto ever pulling the plug on him.

If they are reanimations, they would be ones created by Tobi himself. The man has a sharingan so copying the reanimation should be a breeze if Kabuto showed him it once. He would be incredibly foolish to trust Kabuto's zombies with the bijuu, that's for sure. In any case they seem to possess the powers of the original jinchuuriki (the bodies), which would suggest reanimation zombies. Didn't Pain's rod undead have static powers given by Pain, nothing related to the bodies?

Wed, 08-28-2013, 07:43 AM
Well we're still not entirely sure that the Jinchuuriki are "reanimations".I'd say the fact that they have the black around their Sharingan eyes, cracked skin, and we SAW Kabuto summon them from coffins makes it a pretty safe bet that they're Edo Tensei reanimations.

Plus, we've seen the Two Tails chick regenerate already. Nagato's Pains would only regenerate if he threw them inside the demon head.

I think they're obviously reanimated by Kabuto, but Tobi is using the Chakra receivers to control them, share his eyesight with them, and infuse them with Bijuu chakra.

In any case they seem to possess the powers of the original jinchuuriki (the bodies), which would suggest reanimation zombies. Didn't Pain's rod undead have static powers given by Pain, nothing related to the bodies?They did, and Kakashi thinks these should have those as well, but don't because controlling the Bijuu is taking up too much of his concentration(which, frankly, just feel like a lazy writing excuse because Kishi has given too many powers to this character)

Wed, 08-28-2013, 08:15 AM
we SAW Kabuto summon them from coffins makes it a pretty safe bet that they're Edo Tensei reanimations.

We did, huh? I'm watching Naruto so superficially these days, with half of my brain turned off, that I couldn't have remembered even if I wanted.

Incredibly foolish from Tobi, in that case. One look at Kabuto's face should be enough to scream "never trust this man"... Doubly so because Kabuto is actually a man who can collect your betrayed corpse and make a loyal servant out of it.

Wed, 08-28-2013, 01:05 PM
We did, huh? I'm watching Naruto so superficially these days, with half of my brain turned off, that I couldn't have remembered even if I wanted.Hell, it was such a big scene they even put it in the credits. Where at the start of the war, we saw him summon Akatsuki, then we saw him summon the Jinchuuriki, then we saw him summon a bunch of Kages, then he summoned...a bunch of dead characters that fans really liked.

Incredibly foolish from Tobi, in that case. One look at Kabuto's face should be enough to scream "never trust this man"... Doubly so because Kabuto is actually a man who can collect your betrayed corpse and make a loyal servant out of it.Well, he doesn't really have a choice.

I mean, the war is already going REALLY badly, and that's WITH Kabuto's help. And he still hasn't even captured one of his two targets yet.

Imagine how bad it would be going if all he had was himself and a bunch of Zetsus(that would have been weaker even because Kabuto supposedly buffed them).

That said, Kabuto really DOES seem like he intends to betray Tobi, but I'm not really sure to what end.

Presumably, he's doing all this in the first place because Tobi promised to give him Sasuke. And he wants Sasuke I assume to get the eyes that Orichimaru always wanted. So if he turns against Tobi, would it just be to take HIS eyes instead?

Actually, now that I think about it...Tobi is only using one Rinnegan. Doesn't that mean there's another Rinnegan sitting around unguarded in a jar someplace?