View Full Version : Naruto Chapter 630
Wed, 05-15-2013, 01:08 AM
MangaPanda (
Wed, 05-15-2013, 01:27 AM
...And the Fourth showed up, as many expected. Now the real fun will begin. As long as they don't keep cutting back to show what a whiny bitch Obito is.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 03:31 AM
That happened a lot faster than we expected. Well at least faster than some of us expected.
Looks like Minato teleported to Naruto? Or at least the battlefield somehow. Well actually it looks like he did not teleport directly to Naruto instead he was near by and toss one of his Kunai but I am wondering how he got there so quick. He must have had some type of seal in the area. Question though? Did he bring his new friends with him yet?
I liked this chapter and I'm glad there not dragging this out anymore.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 05:16 AM
I'm sort of excited to see what Orochimaru actually does.
I could totally see him deciding to side with Toby and Madara just because.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 07:12 AM
Boringass chapter. Last page is the only relevant part of it. So sick of good guys trying to talk villains into changes of heart. It was okay back then when Naruto talked to evil Gaara, but we´re at the final portion of the manga now, where the villain should be evil for realz. yawn.
I'm sort of excited to see what Orochimaru actually does.
I could totally see him deciding to side with Toby and Madara just because.
I´m still kinda hoping that Orochimaru turns out to be the final villain, humiliating Madara.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 03:17 PM
The 4th is here~~~ Shit's about to get real son.
I wonder if this all means Sasuke isn't the final boss anymore?
Wed, 05-15-2013, 03:47 PM
Its weird that Naruto isn't surprised, unless they are going to come up with the explanation that he senses Yondaime's charka when in Kyuubi/Sage mode.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 03:52 PM
Its weird that Naruto isn't surprised, unless they are going to come up with the explanation that he senses Yondaime's charka when in Kyuubi/Sage mode.
Everyone can sense Chakra now, Madara could tell when the 1st came back as well. It's pretty much like Dragon Ball's Ki these days.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 07:27 PM
Everyone can sense Chakra now, Madara could tell when the 1st came back as well. It's pretty much like Dragon Ball's Ki these days.
So this means that Karin is even more useless now? lol But since she is currently my least favorite character in the manga this makes me happy. I think everyone should magically get a jutsu that heals the person who bites them. So there won't be a need for Karin to exist in the slightest. Karin will only gain my respect if shes secretly pretending to like Sasuke in order to attempt to kill him. Even if she fails and dies it will give me "some" form of respect for her. But no.... life is cruel, so I know Karin won't be anything more than... filler? A none character? something for me to hate?
Wed, 05-15-2013, 08:30 PM
Karin exists to be Sasuke's broodmare, thereby producing children who have both Uchiha and Senju dna.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Karin exists to be Sasuke's broodmare, thereby producing children who have both Uchiha and Senju dna.
Kind of want to make a joke on how Naruto could serve the same purpose.
Wed, 05-15-2013, 11:31 PM
lol, sexy no jutsu.
Thu, 05-16-2013, 01:27 PM
lol, sexy no jutsu.
You know, assuming that a henge perfectly replicates the thing you're imitating, shouldn't a female Naruto be capable of becoming pregnant? If so, when Naruto cancels the henge, does it abort the fetus?
Thu, 05-16-2013, 01:46 PM
Exactly, high level transformations are supposed to be genuine so he should totally be able to conceive a child and if he maintains the technique all the way through gestation then he could give birth to the antichrist. Not to mention shadow clones, and this is officially the creepiest thing I have ever done.
Thu, 05-16-2013, 01:52 PM
Can Naruto reproduce with himself?
Thu, 05-16-2013, 03:58 PM
You know, assuming that a henge perfectly replicates the thing you're imitating, shouldn't a female Naruto be capable of becoming pregnant? If so, when Naruto cancels the henge, does it abort the fetus?
More importantly, if it's born is it an actual Naruto or just another shadow clone? These are the questions.
On another point, you have to figure masturbation is fairly pointless when you can make girl you appear out of thin air whenever you want. Blowjobs beat wanks by a longshot. get it?
Thu, 05-16-2013, 06:53 PM
Your mindset is so freaking disturbing. If you had the ability to make copies of yourself and transform into anything, you would use it so you could have sex with yourself? Damn that is taking self love to a whole other level. You and Narcissus.
Thu, 05-16-2013, 07:32 PM
What the hell did I just read.....
Thu, 05-16-2013, 07:37 PM
Your mindset is so freaking disturbing. If you had the ability to make copies of yourself and transform into anything, you would use it so you could have sex with yourself? Damn that is taking self love to a whole other level. You and Narcissus.
Girl me would be totally hot, i'd tap that shit :3
Thu, 05-16-2013, 08:20 PM
And then your clone disappears and you have to live with the experience of fucking yourself; you are disgusting.
Thu, 05-16-2013, 08:25 PM
Old topic is old.
Thu, 05-16-2013, 09:51 PM
Ah, I see you have really thought this through. I can't believe you guys actually spend any amount of time thinking about such things.
Thu, 05-16-2013, 10:24 PM
And then your clone disappears and you have to live with the experience of fucking yourself; you are disgusting.
This is what the forums are all about. Takin' gotwoot back to its roots!
Thu, 05-16-2013, 11:25 PM
As long as my shadow clone got some cake I'm on board this fantasy no jutsu
Fri, 05-17-2013, 06:57 PM
Ah, I see you have really thought this through. I can't believe you guys actually spend any amount of time thinking about such things.
My thought process when I wrote that, six years ago, was "Damn, I wish I was getting laid." -- Later, after reading Naruto, "Damn, I wish I was getting laid now. Kage bunshin + sexy no jutsu would be pretty cool." Later, after reading that the bunshin's experiences get transferred back, "Oh, fuck that! I'll troll gotwoot with this train of thought. I'm sure everybody can relate, and they'll hate that I pointed it out."
Fri, 05-17-2013, 07:31 PM
Can't say I can relate at all buddy, can't say I can relate at all. I'm sure you have some sympathizers though.
Sat, 05-18-2013, 12:36 AM
This is a lot to read and I am not really serious about this. Also I don't really know what I am saying because I have always wondered about the Henge it's a jutsu that really makes no sense to me if you think about it.
Transformation are not perfect, won't have proper anatomy at least on the insides. And cannot get pregnant or perform any advanced opposite sex functions. Reason why? The henge does not perfectly replicate the object or subject.
As seen here
During the Chunin exam someone transforms into Naruto not only do they have the weapon holster on the wrong leg, they also forget the cut. Meaning that the overall accuracy of the Jutsu is dependent on knowledge and skill. I believe that the jutsu does have an automatic factor to it. But not to that much of an extent. It is hard to think about though. Because I am sure someone will counter some of what I just said. And I already have myself. And than I had more to say but I cut 50% of this message out because I did not want it to be to long. In a nutshell I don't think the average ninja has any way in hell to exactly copy the opposite sex and stuff like that past the skin deep level etc. However Naruto transforms into a dog! And Ninja have turned into weapons. I had a lot to say about all of that. But I won't yet. lol What do you all think about this? The Henge is really messed up.
(I almost think that during a Henge the insides NEVER change. It's like the they put in a pocket dimension with some kind of space/time ninjutsu. Or the whole body or something? Basically compressed and an illusion is born in place of the real body. Because turning to a Kunai should kill the ninja pretty fast. So it's more of an illusion than a real change? But even that makes no sense! So it's more like swapping form and the real body does not exist during the transformation? Yeah none of that makes sense to me. lol)
But back to what I was talking about.
How could someone get Narutos holster and cut wrong! But Naruto knows the 100% exact exterior and interior of a dog. Because dogs have different everything including vocal cords and I believe naruto barked. So the jutsu can somehow resize and move organs and even slightly change them? So naruto must have knew all of this and been able to do it perfectly! But at the same time the person put a holster on the wrong leg? Naruto could NOT have done what I just said. Meaning the jutsu must have some form of automatic means to it. But it's fair to say that those means work on memory and or sight? But you cannot memorize a specific person or objects anatomy and insides perfectly or even remotely perfectly without years of training and stuff.
And even if you remember how they look and where they are. They have different functions like a dogs vocal words. So that to was changed or adjusted. In all reality I think we all have to admit this jutsu makes no sense and lets just let the series Naruto do what it wants. I'm not complaining I just cannot rationalize any of this. I am sure the jutsu does not send out a magic scaning wave that scans the target and automatically adjust organs and such! lol So this was half of my original message. I had much more things to say that both support and counter some of the things I'm talking about.
Also I'm not even directly talking about the Naruto giving birth part I'm not even sure if the person who said that was even 1% serious. And I don't think anyone took it to serously. But even the other things about the Henge make no sense to me. The whole Naruto giving birth possibility would be even more difficult than copying other small internal changes. Because you have chemicals, hormones and very complicated things that take place during the development of a human body in a womans womb. I don't think science even knows 100% everything that goes into it. It's more than just a egg, sperm, womb and genetics. lol
Sat, 05-18-2013, 08:51 AM
See? Now that's taking it too far.
Sat, 05-18-2013, 09:52 AM
@Viperwasp: A lot of things in Naruto make no sense that said you have to remember it's magic.
Sat, 05-18-2013, 05:33 PM
I cringe every time someone says "Technique X makes no sense in Naruto."
Sat, 05-18-2013, 05:39 PM
See, I already knew about this, I mean, after all, Naruto's "training" for the sexy no jutsu required that he study playboy magazines and sneak into girls' dressing rooms, so clearly henge is limited to the person's mental image of the thing they are trying to imitate.
However, I am unable to fap to this.
Sat, 05-18-2013, 11:49 PM
Uh, glad we could help you with your little problem assertn.
I cringe every time someone says "Technique X makes no sense in Naruto."
I hope you mean that we should just accept what we are told as far as this series is concerned and not think about it too much because you could not possibly be even implying that this crap makes sense. Speaking of, I should get back to that 626 thread but nah.
Sun, 05-19-2013, 01:00 AM
Abdula I agree with what you just said. And my post was silly and I even admitted that from the start.
Personally though some things in Naruto or other series are not to impossible, at least in the world that the series takes places in. and using the logic and rules within the series I can fathom and understand how things work. This is fantasy after-all. But sometimes even in Fantasy certain things are just way to over the top, or WTF. Or impossible/impractical and don't even make sense no matter how much you try to make sense of it. It's usually the die hard fans that cry rivers when someone complains or starts to question things. Fans can come up with any amount of excuses of how it still makes sense! lol
I'm a fan but I don't bow down to nonsense. (Well usually I don't...)
Sometimes Naruto makes no sense at all.
Sun, 05-19-2013, 06:06 AM
I hope you mean that we should just accept what we are told as far as this series is concerned and not think about it too much because you could not possibly be even implying that this crap makes sense. Speaking of, I should get back to that 626 thread but nah.
That is exactly what i meant.
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