View Full Version : One Piece Chapter 700
Wed, 02-27-2013, 03:56 AM
MangaPanda (
Wed, 02-27-2013, 07:35 AM
Zoro is learning to cut through flames......the Fire Fire fruit is body is ready.
Edit: Abusa = absolom?
Wed, 02-27-2013, 09:27 AM
The clown star, Buggy
Fuck yeah~
Wed, 02-27-2013, 12:04 PM
Wow buggy is a shichibukai now....
Calling it now: luffy eats the mera mera by accident and gains ALL DA POWWWWAAAASSS
Wed, 02-27-2013, 12:09 PM
Oda's not messing around. I wonder who else could possibly be the remaining schichibukai...
Prof. Chaos
Wed, 02-27-2013, 02:03 PM
Who is the 7th? Blackbeard has to be out after what he did. Also Buggy as one is amazing.
Wed, 02-27-2013, 02:48 PM
Who is the 7th? Blackbeard has to be out after what he did. Also Buggy as one is amazing.
Lol, you think he became a Shichibukai so he could then become a Yonkou and then a Shichibukai again?
Wed, 02-27-2013, 09:31 PM
Btw why is jewelry Bonney free? I thought sakaizinu (sp) had her when Blackbeard released her after he fled from that island before the fish man arc
You guys don't think jinbei would rejoin? I mean aside from him there aren't many pirates that would take the job. Also in terms of strength there aren't many pirates I could fathom who would join. I'm ruling out the super novas especially since xdrake is and ex marine and enel is most likely with Capone. Could it be *gasp* DON KRIEG!! Lol I hope not. But there aren't many other pirates shown previously that would be equipped to strike fear or out right be strong enough to be shichibukai.
Thu, 02-28-2013, 12:44 AM
Motherfuzzing Buggy! I had to re-read the page before and that page just to make sure that Buggy was indeed a Shichibukai now. Hilarious!
Also I suddenly miss Crocodile. I wonder what he's been doing all this time.
Prof. Chaos
Thu, 02-28-2013, 03:16 PM
Well I'm pretty sure once you renounce or lose your spot, you cant get it back. Also isnt Bonney Money blood related to someone high up in the World Government?
Thu, 02-28-2013, 07:14 PM
Law totally fell to Luffy's pace :p
Thu, 02-28-2013, 07:53 PM
Well I'm pretty sure once you renounce or lose your spot, you cant get it back. Also isnt Bonney Money blood related to someone high up in the World Government?
Where are you getting this information from exactly...?
Fri, 03-01-2013, 09:13 AM
Buggy already has the lock on biggest pirate crew seeing how he is a pirate "distributer". Aside from his origins with the PK I can't understand how they would put anyone weak up there. They still need another 2 marine admirals to shift the balance back. Now that sakaizinu is fleet admiral, only kizaru is the sole admiral in the fleet. Ao kiji is roaming. Unless they gave rob lucci another title there's not much firepower on the marine side. Fortunately the supernovas are planning to wreck what's left of the balance by messing with big mam and kaidou's empire. With Whitebeard dead that would leave shanks kaidou and big mam also at each others throats for territory and balance in power. In terms of the balance of the sea this leaves every plateau shaky except for the revolutionary side. They have been making some moves behind the scenes during the time skip. When we spotted robin at that prison she was freed by the revolutionaries. They might have picked up some momentum in force by freeing some potentially strong people akin to what impel down did for the WB WG war
Tofu #2
Fri, 03-01-2013, 05:15 PM
I mean aside from him there aren't many pirates that would take the job. Also in terms of strength there aren't many pirates I could fathom who would join. But there aren't many other pirates shown previously that would be equipped to strike fear or out right be strong enough to be shichibukai.
Buggy already has the lock on biggest pirate crew seeing how he is a pirate "distributer". Aside from his origins with the PK I can't understand how they would put anyone weak up there. They still need another 2 marine admirals to shift the balance back. Now that sakaizinu is fleet admiral, only kizaru is the sole admiral in the fleet. Ao kiji is roaming. Unless they gave rob lucci another title there's not much firepower on the marine side. Fortunately the supernovas are planning to wreck what's left of the balance by messing with big mam and kaidou's empire. With Whitebeard dead that would leave shanks kaidou and big mam also at each others throats for territory and balance in power. In terms of the balance of the sea this leaves every plateau shaky except for the revolutionary side. They have been making some moves behind the scenes during the time skip. When we spotted robin at that prison she was freed by the revolutionaries.
Where the hell are you getting all this info from? You meet oda recently?
Fri, 03-01-2013, 05:55 PM
Where the hell are you getting all this info from? You meet oda recently?
There's a lot of stupid going on in this thread.
Fri, 03-01-2013, 10:33 PM
Where the hell are you getting all this info from? You meet oda recently?
What in my post didn't happen in the manga....I'll wait. The part about buggy was a translation misread. The part about enel is a guess considering how the last time. Capone was seen was in the new world with a giant arc hovering over him.
Pay attention and you will know that Ao Kiji CLEARLY left the marines, leaving kizaru and sakaizinu. But sakaizinu is fleet admiral now because sengoku stepped down. Robin's whole time skip arc was about her being in a prison/labor camp and being freed by revolutionaries.......catch the fuck up.
Tofu #2
Sat, 03-02-2013, 02:53 AM
I mean aside from him there aren't many pirates that would take the job.
Also in terms of strength there aren't many pirates I could fathom who would join. But there aren't many other pirates shown previously that would be equipped to strike fear or out right be strong enough to be shichibukai.
I'm assuming you correctly predicted Law became a shichibukai over the time skip, especially since you just ruled out every other pirate previously shown, I'll find your prediction post for you.
Supposedly a 2 year skip did NOT just happen and you seem to know for a fact that no pirates we know of got stronger over that time
PS last one is most likely an unknown,
They still need another 2 marine admirals to shift the balance back. Now that sakaizinu is fleet admiral, only kizaru is the sole admiral in the fleet. Ao kiji is roaming. Unless they gave rob lucci another title there's not much firepower on the marine side.
Still need 2 admirals? A 2 year time skip just happened and we know NOTHING. Do you really think they just left the 2 positions open? How about this guy that Akainu just dispatched out? Not a candidate? Maybe the other 20 vice admirals have some firepower kickin?
Fortunately the supernovas are planning to wreck what's left of the balance by messing with big mam and kaidou's empire. With Whitebeard dead that would leave shanks kaidou and big mam also at each others throats for territory and balance in power. In terms of the balance of the sea this leaves every plateau shaky except for the revolutionary side.
Hey apparently the yonkou are shaky cause they only have...4 members, and the marines are shaky because we don't know anything yet!
With that logic, all 3 forces were shaky for the first 700 chapters
Btw, not that I even quoted this part since it was only a speculation, you forget Enel is on the fucking moon?
Sat, 03-02-2013, 09:58 AM
Couldve swore there was a cover of enel leaving the moon where the moon guys he met built him another arc. I see what you mean in your other points. I'm sure they wouldn't leave the positions just plain open. I know the story hasn't developed yet to say exactly who. I was saying as they are now the seas are unbalance, you are saying that is too big of an assumption seeing as how time has passed and we just don't have that type of info yet.
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