Wed, 02-15-2012, 01:51 PM
Really glad I stuck with it all these years and kept coming here. I feel like this site and to a lesser extent you guys are a part of my life in some strange way. Unfortunately I don't get much attention round these parts from the inner circle cause I'm not in IRC with yall like I used to be when Mut and Assertn and GodsSun's crazy black ass were around. Who else? So many people who's names escape me.... Anime50 was a badass.... umm I'm pretty sure Arcness trolls I think I see him post from time to time usually in the IRC thread. Kitkat was always awesome to talk with.... The asian chick.. URASIAN! Yeah her she was nice too. Umm NarutoMaster and his epic 'stache ;D endless more just added a few that just hit me. But there used to be 20 or so regulars on the forum and chatroom that I could mess around with when I was online. Nowadays my internet family revolves around Starcraft and the IGN Pro League that I moderate the chat for. But I wouldn't mind jumping in IRC now that I work from home all day on the computer 5days a week.
But only if you'd have me.
anyway yeah... naruto. Glad I kept reading it all these years. The series is definitely a part of my life, and I think its been in a very positive, inspiring way. It has decent writing, great art, and is just something fun to read/watch.
And I guess I just wanted to say something like.. thankyou. Thanks for all you guys being here and enjoying it right along with me all these years.
Thankyou very much to the admins Cyber, complich8, and sorry if I'm forgetting someone please tell me what his name is if I am... cant blame me, its been forever and even back then you weren't around much. But even tho you were too busy to join our discussions but you did from time to time. So merci beacoup! Thanks for keeping this place up and running for us long after the vast majority of people have long since stopped flooding in. I know we used to hate the mass of narutards that would show up in proverbial clown cars on the daily, but for every 50 or so there was at least 1 new person that was a nice, semi interesting guy/gal, who contributed to make this a place to be when you started up your computer.
And thanks to Kishimoto who if he never started up this little comic strip about some ninjas some cooler than others (forreal how completely badass was Kakashi back then?) that has made him a millionaire, I hope he gets most of the money and not any bloodsucking company he works for, and deserves it cause he has given me countless hours of entertainment and gave me a home on the internet when I had none and was still but just a wee lad, but with still a wee that was not very wee.
Oh wow look at that! As I'm typing this I see LaZie in here lurking down at the bottom. LaZie I hope you take this as your cue to start posting here a lot more again! Just type some shit it doesn't have to be literary genius! Thats what stopped my lurking I just wanted to be a part of the conversation and not worried that I didn't always have much to say. Once your fingers start moving a lot of it just starts to flow right there onto the screen. I wanna see you start posting here again like you used to!! Okay!?!? K.
Stay classy, Gotwoot.
But only if you'd have me.
anyway yeah... naruto. Glad I kept reading it all these years. The series is definitely a part of my life, and I think its been in a very positive, inspiring way. It has decent writing, great art, and is just something fun to read/watch.
And I guess I just wanted to say something like.. thankyou. Thanks for all you guys being here and enjoying it right along with me all these years.
Thankyou very much to the admins Cyber, complich8, and sorry if I'm forgetting someone please tell me what his name is if I am... cant blame me, its been forever and even back then you weren't around much. But even tho you were too busy to join our discussions but you did from time to time. So merci beacoup! Thanks for keeping this place up and running for us long after the vast majority of people have long since stopped flooding in. I know we used to hate the mass of narutards that would show up in proverbial clown cars on the daily, but for every 50 or so there was at least 1 new person that was a nice, semi interesting guy/gal, who contributed to make this a place to be when you started up your computer.
And thanks to Kishimoto who if he never started up this little comic strip about some ninjas some cooler than others (forreal how completely badass was Kakashi back then?) that has made him a millionaire, I hope he gets most of the money and not any bloodsucking company he works for, and deserves it cause he has given me countless hours of entertainment and gave me a home on the internet when I had none and was still but just a wee lad, but with still a wee that was not very wee.
Oh wow look at that! As I'm typing this I see LaZie in here lurking down at the bottom. LaZie I hope you take this as your cue to start posting here a lot more again! Just type some shit it doesn't have to be literary genius! Thats what stopped my lurking I just wanted to be a part of the conversation and not worried that I didn't always have much to say. Once your fingers start moving a lot of it just starts to flow right there onto the screen. I wanna see you start posting here again like you used to!! Okay!?!? K.
Stay classy, Gotwoot.