View Full Version : Mirai Nikki
Mon, 10-10-2011, 08:41 AM
Middle school 2nd year, Amano Yukiteru, is a boy who has problem making friends. He thinks of himself as a bystander and will always write down everything he sees in a cell phone diary.
Tormented by solitude, Yukiteru began to imagine things like a friend called Deus Ex Machina who is apparently the Lord of Time & Space. Seeing Yukiteru's miserable state, Deus gives him a new ability. His diary will now record events that will happen in the near future. Yukiteru is then forced to participate in a game which the winner will become Deus's successor.
GotSpeed - 01 (
ANN (| MAL (| AniDB (
Board of Command
Mon, 10-10-2011, 09:59 AM
Free Tibet. Download our shit.
Mon, 10-10-2011, 12:06 PM
Nice Manga vs. Anime Comparison ( here.
Mon, 10-10-2011, 01:27 PM
I'm confused with the distinction between [GotWoot] and [GotSpeed]. According to the website, GS is 8-bit only whereas GW is both 8-bit and 10-bit. Maybe I'm just not tech savvy anymore, but if GW is doing 8-bit as well, why have GS as 8-bit? Or is GS supposed to be what it sounds like, a speedsub, then have GW produce the quality releases?
If that is the difference, then I think I'll wait for the GW version.
Mon, 10-10-2011, 02:01 PM
The stalker girl kicked ass. I might have dropped the show without her creepy love. The main character dude was annoyingly much in denial, though. I hope he'll grow balls fast or this show will break plot device records.
Mon, 10-10-2011, 04:48 PM
Or is GS supposed to be what it sounds like, a speedsub, then have GW produce the quality releases?
Yes. GotSpeed was basically released without QC.
Tue, 10-11-2011, 04:43 PM
Did you mistranslate the 4ths line or is the anime going in a different direction on that part? Also, why did the karaoke in the ED theme rape my CPU? :/
That greatly surpassed my expectations, especially after that piece of shit OVA from a while back by the same animation studio. I still think the VAs are sort of crap but you got to break into the business somehow, maybe these will be their breakthrough roles!
Will watch, get some QC up on that bitch so i can archive it.
Tue, 10-11-2011, 10:30 PM
Want to watch this... will wait for a another group though =P
Tue, 10-11-2011, 10:33 PM
Want to watch this... will wait for a another group though =P
Though actually, it doesn't seem like another group has released anything yet. I checked on Nyaa. I'm still just waiting on the GW version, since I prefer not to watch a speedsub without QC =/.
Wed, 10-12-2011, 04:00 AM
So, question!
Is this anime good? yeah, lol, what a question. I have heard the title of it many times, but never read the manga. From the description, it sounds rather interesting, but it could be something completely different than what Iīm imagining right now. So, is it a high-quality series with Death Note-like real-world drama, supported by a single fantasy-device (the diary), or is it more of a full-fledged full on fantasy-anime with all kinds of crazy monsters and happenings?
In short, is Mirai Nikki rather like Death Note, or is it rather like Toaru Majutsu no Index?
Wed, 10-12-2011, 06:03 AM
For all practical purposes the fantasy in this show are those phones and the game they are connected to. Otherwise the fantasy equals to dreams or imagination that doesn't affect the bulk of the show. At least if the first ep was of any indication. So, yeah, I suppose this is closer to Death Note. Although less world-weary and overdramatized, plus the main character needs some shounen development to get up to the task. If you saw Eden of the East, this story reminds more of it, only with the phones operated by a supernatural entity, not quantum computers.
Wed, 10-12-2011, 06:03 PM
Enjoyed the first ep, looking forward to more :)
Thu, 10-13-2011, 08:01 AM
Yuno is one of my favorite characters of all time but her presentation in the first ep felt more over the top than my impressions from the manga. It will be interesting to see how things play out with her presentation over the course of the show.
Thu, 10-13-2011, 09:56 PM
Stalker girl is full of win.
Got Gotwoot's version. Don't care about Gotspeed.
Thu, 10-13-2011, 10:50 PM
Got Gotwoot's version. Don't care about Gotspeed.
Gotwoot torrents:
8-bit ( and 10-bit (
Fri, 10-14-2011, 12:46 PM
Okay, so I watched episode 1. I like. Itīs not yet as interesting as Chaos:Head was, because of the rather bland main character here, who hopefully develops into something, well, more interesting. Donīt know how I feel about the "survival game"-idea, feels like Iīve seen stuff like this a thousand times already.
I really loved the stalker girlīs expression in the last scene, however. I guess she really "loves" the hero and will either kill herself to make him win or go for a double ko, dying together with her loved one. Weīll see.
Fri, 10-14-2011, 12:52 PM
Yuno is one of my favorite characters of all time but her presentation in the first ep felt more over the top than my impressions from the manga. It will be interesting to see how things play out with her presentation over the course of the show.
If you give it another read you'll notice the portrayal was pretty faithful
Fri, 10-14-2011, 06:35 PM
I was pleasantly surprised with the first episode. It didn't hesitate to move to the main plot, and even made a decent attempt at explaining it. I don't think this "game" will go on for long though... I get the feeling the main character will find some way to stop the game, or at least prevent as many people as possible from reaching their Dead End.
Stalker girl's face at the end of the episode screams Yandere (if it wasn't already made apparent from her diary, of course). Should the story move along to the end of the game, I'm hoping she goes for the double kill. The main character doesn't seem very interesting or likeable at the moment. Maybe that will change too, though.
Fri, 10-14-2011, 06:44 PM
I was pleasantly surprised with the first episode. It didn't hesitate to move to the main plot, and even made a decent attempt at explaining it. I don't think this "game" will go on for long though... I get the feeling the main character will find some way to stop the game, or at least prevent as many people as possible from reaching their Dead End.
Stalker girl's face at the end of the episode screams Yandere (if it wasn't already made apparent from her diary, of course). Should the story move along to the end of the game, I'm hoping she goes for the double kill. The main character doesn't seem very interesting or likeable at the moment. Maybe that will change too, though.
Far from me to spoil you Al, but you should bookmark that post and read it again when the show is done.
Wed, 10-19-2011, 08:49 PM
Gotwoot - 02: 8-Bit ( and 10-bit (
The 10-bit file is actually larger than the 8-bit file this release, but it seems like it was on purpose.
Wasn't planning on linking Gotspeed, unless anyone prefers speedsubs over quality.
Wed, 10-19-2011, 11:10 PM
Fantastic 2nd episode. Already love this series.
I don't think many care about speed subbing Alhuin
Wed, 10-19-2011, 11:37 PM
Yeah... I had a slight hint of sarcasm behind my last post.
Second episode was pretty good. I'm not sure how I feel about the "world" being exposed to the existence of the diaries (the world of course referring to the school and anyone around the currently revealed diary owners). I was under the assumption it was a secret game... not sure why I was under that assumption, but none the less. I'm also surprised they've already introduced 5 owners in two episodes. Last I checked, this was an extended season series, so if the introductions continue as quickly as they have been, looks like there will be plenty of action to spare.
Oh, and... Yuno es numba wan. Would have preferred her in her normal attire this episode instead of gym clothes... but I guess it appeals to some.
Wed, 10-19-2011, 11:50 PM
Pyscho bomber (forgot the name) was on the 1st episode investigating. Also the killer from the 1st episode being the teacher caught me offguard.
But yes... Yuno is... wow.
Thu, 10-20-2011, 03:10 AM
i have no idea whatīs the difference between 8-bit and 10-bit, but iīll just assume that 10-bit is better lol
Thu, 10-20-2011, 06:43 AM
Very good 2nd episode. Hope 'First' gets less moany as time goes on though.
Thu, 10-20-2011, 06:48 AM
i have no idea whatīs the difference between 8-bit and 10-bit, but iīll just assume that 10-bit is better lol
You get better quality per MB on a 10-bit encode than an 8-bit encode.
Thu, 10-20-2011, 08:54 AM
You get better quality per MB on a 10-bit encode than an 8-bit encode.
Changes in quality are hardly noticeable, the true advantage of 10 vs 8 bit was supposed to be the file size reduction...
Thu, 10-20-2011, 09:22 AM
10-bit over 8-bit ain't that much better for compression if you use the same x264 build. The difference is actually rather noticeable if you encode with a better crf value. Boop.
Thu, 10-20-2011, 11:24 AM
I don't think many care about speed subbing Alhuin
Heh, I've been watching Gotspeed (I keep thinking it as Godspeed, lol) without issues. Unless Gotwoot seriously needs QC, I'm pretty confident in the quality of the staff on the chain. The CPU-hogging OP/ED effects are more annoying than anything. \
The most interesting thing for me right now is finding out why Yuno loves Yuki to death. Exactly what is so good about him? As punishment for our wussy main character, I propose that he ends up really falling for Yuno towards the end of the series. Then she decides that she doesn't like him anymore for some reason. Then Yuki can piss his pants again.
Thu, 10-20-2011, 11:25 AM
I can't remember where I read it... I tried looking for it... but the best comparison I saw was "10-bit allows for the same quality as 8-bit at a lower filesize, or a better quality than 8-bit at the same file size".
Thu, 10-20-2011, 11:28 AM
We might start hardsubbing the OP/ED since it wouldn't delay the release. You should wait for GotWoot, the translation better.
Thu, 10-20-2011, 04:14 PM
We might start hardsubbing the OP/ED since it wouldn't delay the release. You should wait for GotWoot, the translation better.
Thu, 10-20-2011, 04:22 PM
I don't think you quite understand the difference between the speed release and the quality release.
Sat, 10-22-2011, 02:11 PM
I don't think you quite understand how your own language works.
Episode 2:
If i remember the manga correctly that last entry in Yuno's diary could also be interpreted as having sexual undertones.
I've said it once and i'll say it again, I'm very impressed with the quality so far especially after that awful OVA from the very same studio.
Sat, 10-22-2011, 02:52 PM
If i remember the manga correctly that last entry in Yuno's diary could also be interpreted as having sexual undertones.
Translator rejected my proposal of "cum together". *Shrugs*
Sat, 10-22-2011, 03:48 PM
...I'd go with "Yuno and Yuki become one"
Sat, 10-22-2011, 06:27 PM
What about "becum" one?
Mon, 10-24-2011, 10:49 AM
GotSpeed - 03 (
Mon, 10-24-2011, 10:56 AM
Reverse Causality.. in the room? I would have thought that it means everyone who was meant to die was already dead in the room or something.. Or perhaps it was just Third..
But the problem is what that has to do with Yuno.
Mon, 10-24-2011, 12:41 PM
I was really close to dropping this show when Yuki started to become more loser and emo than Shinji Ikari during his worst days, but all the explosions forced me to postpone that decision. The contrast between the no-corners-cut full-blown terrorist ready to kill hundreds of kids to eliminate one player and the wreck of a person First was just too big and funny. Of course a stalker girl in the mix didn't hurt.
Still, Yuki is really getting on my nerves. Considering he's the First, you'd think he had a bit better grasp on things. Instead he's a blistering idiot.
Mon, 10-24-2011, 04:55 PM
I was really close to dropping this show when Yuki started to become more loser and emo than Shinji Ikari during his worst days, but all the explosions forced me to postpone that decision. The contrast between the no-corners-cut full-blown terrorist ready to kill hundreds of kids to eliminate one player and the wreck of a person First was just too big and funny. Of course a stalker girl in the mix didn't hurt.
Still, Yuki is really getting on my nerves. Considering he's the First, you'd think he had a bit better grasp on things. Instead he's a blistering idiot.
Yuki is an average introverted guy in the middle of an outrageous situation, i suggest you make peace with that if you have any intention of continuing to watch this show.
Who gives a fuck about him anyway? Yuno is where it's at!
Mon, 10-24-2011, 05:57 PM
Yuno looking through the letterbox creeped the shit outta me! Good ep, wonder what was in the room :confused:
Mon, 10-24-2011, 07:42 PM
Yuno looking through the letterbox creeped the shit outta me! Good ep, wonder what was in the room :confused:
Dead bodies is my guess.
Third had to have gone somewhere.
Mon, 10-24-2011, 09:57 PM
Thanks for the releases! So, by assuming the OP and ED are chock full of spoilers, I went ahead and overanalyzed the hell out of them. I haven't read the manga yet, so anyone who knows about details, don't spoil! I just wanted some feedback from other Mirai Nikki watchers and their thoughts on whether or not these are valid, based on how much they saw from the first three episodes.
My premature speculations: (How do I spoiler in this forum? [spoiler] doesn't work.)
1. Gasai Yuno is heavily injured/dies (OP animation, ep. 1 intro)
2. Amano Yukiteru is heavily injured/falls into a coma/dies (OP animation showing cracked glass, ep. 1 intro)
3. Uryuu Minene wins the survival game (She is transposed against Deus Ex Machina's throne in the OP, symbolic of a connection between her and the god of spacetime; she is also the only diary owner not to fade/disappear in the ED)
4. (Somewhat a repeat of 1 and 2) Amano Yukiteru and Gasai Yuno meet DEAD END (OP sequence showing DEAD END where the two of them are supposed to be)
5. Yuno and Yukiteru have sex (OP scene clearly showing a female hand sliding into a male one, then locking fingers)
6. A diary owner with glasses is killed by diary owner 12 (op sequence, look at reflections in the glasses next to the dead puppy)
7. Murmur is the evil mastermind behind all of this (evil grin that she hasn't shown up until now)
8. The fat diary owner (#8? According to the OP sequence) with the hat is responsible for 5 deaths (op sequence shows that skull with 5 around it)
Mon, 10-24-2011, 11:20 PM
Argh... must resist Gotspeed and wait for GotWoot. I hate you Sapphy :(
Tue, 10-25-2011, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the releases! So, by assuming the OP and ED are chock full of spoilers, I went ahead and overanalyzed the hell out of them. I haven't read the manga yet, so anyone who knows about details, don't spoil! I just wanted some feedback from other Mirai Nikki watchers and their thoughts on whether or not these are valid, based on how much they saw from the first three episodes.
My premature speculations: (How do I spoiler in this forum? [spoiler] doesn't work.)
1. Gasai Yuno is heavily injured/dies (OP animation, ep. 1 intro)
2. Amano Yukiteru is heavily injured/falls into a coma/dies (OP animation showing cracked glass, ep. 1 intro)
3. Uryuu Minene wins the survival game (She is transposed against Deus Ex Machina's throne in the OP, symbolic of a connection between her and the god of spacetime; she is also the only diary owner not to fade/disappear in the ED)
4. (Somewhat a repeat of 1 and 2) Amano Yukiteru and Gasai Yuno meet DEAD END (OP sequence showing DEAD END where the two of them are supposed to be)
5. Yuno and Yukiteru have sex (OP scene clearly showing a female hand sliding into a male one, then locking fingers)
6. A diary owner with glasses is killed by diary owner 12 (op sequence, look at reflections in the glasses next to the dead puppy)
7. Murmur is the evil mastermind behind all of this (evil grin that she hasn't shown up until now)
8. The fat diary owner (#8? According to the OP sequence) with the hat is responsible for 5 deaths (op sequence shows that skull with 5 around it)
You don't need a spoiler tag as long as you haven't read the manga. Speculations are fine to post in here without whiting out your post.
Tue, 10-25-2011, 07:25 AM
My premature speculations: (How do I spoiler in this forum? [spoiler] doesn't work.)
There is no spoiler tag in this forum. The colour change you used is as close as it gets (besides maybe telling people with bold tags or something).
"Spoiling" is also strictly defined as talking about or revealing information that isn't covered in the anime (that includes games, VNs, manga etc. Information release on the anime's official website is a tricky one). Calling out others for spoiling is also considered a spoiler. (use the Report Post function to notify moderators/admins).
So what you're doing isn't considered a spoiler here. Feel free to post your speculations without hiding!
Tue, 10-25-2011, 07:30 AM
Thanks for the releases! So, by assuming the OP and ED are chock full of spoilers, I went ahead and overanalyzed the hell out of them. I haven't read the manga yet, so anyone who knows about details, don't spoil! I just wanted some feedback from other Mirai Nikki watchers and their thoughts on whether or not these are valid, based on how much they saw from the first three episodes.
My premature speculations: (How do I spoiler in this forum? [spoiler] doesn't work.)
1. Gasai Yuno is heavily injured/dies (OP animation, ep. 1 intro)
2. Amano Yukiteru is heavily injured/falls into a coma/dies (OP animation showing cracked glass, ep. 1 intro)
3. Uryuu Minene wins the survival game (She is transposed against Deus Ex Machina's throne in the OP, symbolic of a connection between her and the god of spacetime; she is also the only diary owner not to fade/disappear in the ED)
4. (Somewhat a repeat of 1 and 2) Amano Yukiteru and Gasai Yuno meet DEAD END (OP sequence showing DEAD END where the two of them are supposed to be)
5. Yuno and Yukiteru have sex (OP scene clearly showing a female hand sliding into a male one, then locking fingers)
6. A diary owner with glasses is killed by diary owner 12 (op sequence, look at reflections in the glasses next to the dead puppy)
7. Murmur is the evil mastermind behind all of this (evil grin that she hasn't shown up until now)
8. The fat diary owner (#8? According to the OP sequence) with the hat is responsible for 5 deaths (op sequence shows that skull with 5 around it)
According to the OP Yuno will also be fighting her own clone and then fusing with it... maybe there's little point to overanalyzing every single detail?
Tue, 10-25-2011, 09:17 AM
What? Everyone in here seems to understand what is going on. I have no clue what is going on in ep 3. That room just made me think Yuno was a psycho killer, especially when she peaked through that letterbox. I guess Yuki entering that room is messing up something, but I have no idea what.
Tue, 10-25-2011, 09:24 AM
Only realised this ep how badass the op is. Love the riff at the start!
Tue, 10-25-2011, 09:46 AM
What? Everyone in here seems to understand what is going on. I have no clue what is going on in ep 3. That room just made me think Yuno was a psycho killer, especially when she peaked through that letterbox. I guess Yuki entering that room is messing up something, but I have no idea what.
By "reverse causality", I understood it as "shit that's about to happen, or will happen, has already happened". Somehow, the Third's body is in there I think..
Since Deus Ex also said that only one of them will survive, I thought that instead of having them all kill each other for real, they're actually already dead. The winner will be the one to be revived by Deus Ex. That's a complete guess though.
I just don't understand the connection with Yuno. She acts as if she already knows the contents of that room - and normally one would think she's a psycho-killer (still a very valid guess, I think). But perhaps she deduced the contents or at least understood the consequence of Yukkii's actions from her phone. (It might have contained an entry like: Yukkii did XXX, and cause YYY).
Despite how scary the ending scene was, the fact that she still wished him good-night might actually be good news.
Tue, 10-25-2011, 10:09 AM
Despite how scary the ending scene was, the fact that she still wished him good-night might actually be good news.
Or bad, depending on how you look at it i suppose.
Tue, 10-25-2011, 01:54 PM
You guys do realize the room scene wasn't censored right? Turn up the brightness in your screens and the contents are visible.
Tue, 10-25-2011, 08:49 PM
Heh... someone pirated GotWoot Subs and made a 'GotBang' using Gotwoot's translations with another typesetting
Wed, 10-26-2011, 07:37 AM
Heh... someone pirated GotWoot Subs and made a 'GotBang' using Gotwoot's translations with another typesetting
Using GotWoot's subs with IB's video and typesetting. So, fully soft subbed and 10bit.
I fixed the TS text to match GotWoot's for the most part, but I did not change the karaoke lyrics. I also didn't QC the script, so if there were any mistakes, they're still in it. Willing to fix that if someone comments any (ie. spelling and grammar only - won't change sentences unless GotWoot changes them).
Hopefully BD rippers will use these scripts in the future instead of simply pasting on IB's (which doesn't match the GotWoot script) or GotSpeed's (which is incomplete) typesetting.
Note: I'm a slow seeder, so if you can DDL and help out, that would be great!
....(I was doing it for myself, I like things softsubbed and thought GotWoot has the best subs. )
That's the full story from the guy. Personally I'm pretty cool with it, but I'm not the one putting in the effort to sub this..
You guys do realize the room scene wasn't censored right? Turn up the brightness in your screens and the contents are visible.
You see some arms, legs, face etc. From memory, probably enough to make one corpse only? It was too dark to tell if the parts were rotting, or if they were burnt. The marks on the walls suggest there was conflict in the room, supporting the "psycho Yuno" theory.
Wed, 10-26-2011, 07:45 AM
The way you guys were talking it was like you couldn't see anything.
I think it's a fair assumption that there was 1 or 2 cadavers in there.
Wed, 10-26-2011, 11:19 PM
Gotwoot - Episode 03 (10-bit) (
Gotwoot - Episode 03 (8-bit) (
Time to catch up to all the discussion
Thu, 10-27-2011, 04:00 AM
The way you guys were talking it was like you couldn't see anything.
I think it's a fair assumption that there was 1 or 2 cadavers in there.
2 bodies is what I saw, i'm guessing they belong to her parents
however it could be any number and anyone
since their corpses are already rotten, cut into pieces and piled up.
dunno if this scene is the outcome of the first few seconds of the very first episode, where Yuno(?) got hacked to death
the funny thing is, now that you mentioned
According to the OP Yuno will also be fighting her own clone and then fusing with it... maybe there's little point to overanalyzing every single detail?
I start to think that this is exactly what happened... now if you consider the very first moment with was shown in episode 1, I can totally see where this is going (at least somewhat)
that is, unless the first scene shows what will happen near the end. rather than what happened before the game started.
Board of Command
Thu, 10-27-2011, 09:11 AM
Heh... someone pirated GotWoot Subs and made a 'GotBang' using Gotwoot's translations with another typesetting
I saw that. Frankly I don't care because it looks like IB can't even match the [GotWoot] release in terms of speed, so by the time "GotBang" comes out every few people will bother with that release.
Thu, 10-27-2011, 01:33 PM
@Kray: I completely forgot about the beginning of the first episode, but now that you mentioned it and I went back to watch it, it does seem like she was in that room.
If that is the case, and as such she is dead, that would also explain why opening the room would have such a monumental shift to each diary owner's futures (the whole "reverse casualty" thing). The significance of Yuno fighting her "clone" in the opening would also become clearer, as maybe she was the one that killed herself.
This is, of course, assuming she was the one that was dead.
Also, after rewatching the beginning of episode one, I'm thinking Yuki will sacrifice himself in the end.
Thu, 10-27-2011, 05:29 PM
Also, after rewatching the beginning of episode one, I'm thinking Yuki will sacrifice himself in the end.
it certainly looks like it, but only if we assume that the very first scene shows the future
but then the clone-theory wouldn't make *that* much sense, where did the clone come from (ok that deus-guy said something about some disorder in the causality-continuum) and why would she kill her other-self with such madness?
but what happens if we assume it shows the "past"?
what if we assume the game has already been played
and Yuno won it because Yuki sacrificed himself at the end
Yuno would've become a God..the "God of Spacetime" as Deus said....
now what would someone like *her* probably do, to be at his side again :)
go back in time, kill her old-self (Haruhi-movie style) and take up her place!
then try to protect Yuki no matter what or maybe just to spend some time with him, since they couldn't do so before.
maybe thats why Yuno's diary is already saying "happy end" because from the beginning her goal has always been nothing else but to come together with him (again) be honest I never got why it stopped recording his future after that day.
and alot of her statements become more suspicious imho
for example the big-wheel scene in ep3... Yuki doesn't get why she is following him around and he can't believe that one conversation has turned her into such a stalker.
and Yuno says "its a secret"
so probably, something has happened during the first game which made them fall in love with each other.. and of course she doesn't want to tell him that.
god I wish something similiar to this will happen/happened
Yuno is already one of my favorites characters, but this would probably place her on top of everyone else in my list. Crazy Stalkerm gotta love them, especially if they are female :D
Thu, 10-27-2011, 08:44 PM
I picked up something after Krayz33 mentioned Yuno's comments being fishy.
During the 1st episode's death scene, Yuno addressed Yuki as "Amano-kun". That plays in rather well with his "falls in love from previous game" idea.
The thing that killed Yuno in that scene too.. not idea if it's a clone, but it looks like the weird fellow who hypnotised #9.
Thu, 10-27-2011, 10:23 PM
I didn't think about the possibility of it being the past. Well, not fully at least. I noticed the "Amano-kun" earlier when I rewatched, but I forgot to comment about it. That, coupled with the idea of Yuki sacrificing himself and Yuno becoming the God of Spacetime actually makes sense that that was the beginning, and Yuno used her powers as a god to "start over". Bleh... now I'm not sure which theory I want to believe more...
Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:01 AM
People who read the manga already are either laughing their asses off or standing there dumbfounded at this theorycraft. I can feel it.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:17 AM
People who read the manga already are either laughing their asses off or standing there dumbfounded at this theorycraft. I can feel it.
Are you doing the same? I'm not sure I understand where you're getting at.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 01:06 AM
People who read the manga already are either laughing their asses off or standing there dumbfounded at this theorycraft. I can feel it.
Why would you think that? Discussion is happening in a discussion thread. Who cares how crazy it sounds. Crazier things have happened in other anime. And even if someone was laughing and/or left dumbfounded by our theorycrafting, why would it matter to those that haven't read the manga? We don't know what's happening/going to happen, so everything we say is going to be theorycrafting. That's the fun in watching anime!
Fri, 10-28-2011, 03:14 AM
The thing that killed Yuno in that scene too.. not idea if it's a clone, but it looks like the weird fellow who hypnotised #9.
after rewatching it, that thing really looks weird, I didn't really notice it because it was so dark.
hmmm, i can't tell what or who that thing is supposed to be
that cage in the middle of the room is weird too.
edit: and theres a corpse inside of it.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 06:52 AM
People who read the manga already are either laughing their asses off or standing there dumbfounded at this theorycraft. I can feel it.
I'm both.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 07:25 AM
The intro's sequence of Yuno fighting against an image of her self probably symbolizes internal conflict or something similar, if we don't take it at face value.
I didn't think about the possibility of it being the past. Well, not fully at least. I noticed the "Amano-kun" earlier when I rewatched, but I forgot to comment about it. That, coupled with the idea of Yuki sacrificing himself and Yuno becoming the God of Spacetime actually makes sense that that was the beginning, and Yuno used her powers as a god to "start over". Bleh... now I'm not sure which theory I want to believe more...
I would have kind of doubted this idea, had I not noticed the same thing myself. Note also that Episode 1's ED consists of scenes being played backwards, perhaps symbolic for the turning back of time? This is especially notable since it does end at a point prior to Yukiteru receiving his future diary.
Episode 1's intro shows what are ostensibly the same corpses that Yukiteru found, placed in a cage. The fact that Yuno says "Papa. Mama." makes it fairly likely that those are her parents' corpses, especially since it seems like no one is paying for the electricity bills at her house. How does Yuno manage to live a fairly normal-seeming life in that condition?
Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:40 PM
The intro's sequence of Yuno fighting against an image of her self probably symbolizes internal conflict or something similar, if we don't take it at face value.
could be possible, but both Yunos look seriously mad and wicked in the OP.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 12:50 PM
Now here's a question:
The "Yukkii" Yuno - is she the clone? :rolleyes:
Fri, 10-28-2011, 01:03 PM
what do you mean?
I thought the reason Gotwoot translated it as Yukkii at first was because they didn't know how to spell the name :D
Fri, 10-28-2011, 01:08 PM
what do you mean?
I thought the reason Gotwoot translated it as Yukkii at first was because they didn't know how to spell the name :D
I used it to differentiate "Amano-kun" Yuno and "Yuki" Yuno. What I mean is whether the current Yuno that Yuki has been interacting with is the clone or the original (assuming there's an original to begin with) if we go along with the clone theory.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 01:16 PM
As a manga reader let me just say this, overanalyzing is fucking retarded.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 01:51 PM
I used it to differentiate "Amano-kun" Yuno and "Yuki" Yuno. What I mean is whether the current Yuno that Yuki has been interacting with is the clone or the original (assuming there's an original to begin with) if we go along with the clone theory.
ah, ok
hmmm then my guess would be that
"Amano-kun" = dead original Yuno (killed in the very first seconds of the show)
"Yuki" = time-travel new God Yuno
because Yuki = more familiar etc.
As a manga reader let me just say this, overanalyzing is fucking retarded.
>implying manga reader don't/didn't do the same
the only difference is that they've got no OP and ED which might spoil thinks. (which is why I skip them most of the time)
Fri, 10-28-2011, 02:18 PM
>implying manga reader don't/didn't do the same
the only difference is that they've got no OP and ED which might spoil thinks. (which is why I skip them most of the time) (
Well i didn't look at that cover and assume Yuno was secretly a hairstylist...
Fri, 10-28-2011, 02:40 PM
she could be a Senjougahara, the essence of tsundere....
Fri, 10-28-2011, 02:52 PM
Well i didn't look at that cover and assume Yuno was secretly a hairstylist...
what makes you think that this is the same thing
OPs/EDs show upcoming battles, upcoming characters and upcoming events most of the time.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 03:00 PM
what makes you think that this is the same thing
OPs/EDs show upcoming battles, upcoming characters and upcoming events most of the time.
It's not the same thing, it's just equally stupid :)
Fri, 10-28-2011, 03:07 PM
if you think so, you don't have to do it then
no reason for us to stop doing it.
Fri, 10-28-2011, 04:20 PM
As a manga reader let me just say this, overanalyzing is fucking retarded.
Stop bad-mouthing people who are trying to speculate on present and future events of the anime.
Sun, 10-30-2011, 08:39 PM
Poor Yuno D:
Sun, 10-30-2011, 11:33 PM
GotSpeed - 04 (
Sun, 10-30-2011, 11:47 PM
The tension in this show is through the roof. I'm lov'n it.
Yukki's got it all wrong about who he shouldn't make an enemy out of. At least Yuno loves him so much she'll take his fault off everything.
Mon, 10-31-2011, 12:02 AM
GotSpeed - 04 (
Damn you Sapphy. You made me watch GotSpeed.
I want next episode now...
Mon, 10-31-2011, 12:09 AM
I was about to sleep until I saw ep 4 posted. This show is so damn awesome. Ninth.... looked kind of good.
EDIT: So what about the effects of Yukki seeing that room in Yuno's house??
Mon, 10-31-2011, 04:02 AM
I was about to sleep until I saw ep 4 posted. This show is so damn awesome. Ninth.... looked kind of good.
Yeah. I really disliked her previous get-up that made her look like a circus performer. Her current get-up and past history now reminds me of Alphard from CANAAN. Now I find her really agreeable, and it's not just because she's stripped down.
Mon, 10-31-2011, 11:30 AM
I thought she looked great as well, but it might just be the waki.
Tue, 11-01-2011, 08:52 PM
Gotwoot: 10-bit (|8-bit (
Wed, 11-02-2011, 09:31 AM
I can't be the only one who hears English in the OP; from 0:00 to 0:13 of the intro (, whatever is being said is likely not "nonsense" as some have stipulated. I'm not a native English speaker so I unfortunately have more difficulty recognizing English words than a lot of others, but I definitely hear "survive!" being chanted at 0:12, and the preceding chorus ends with the word "fantasy".
Anyone want to take a stab at transcribing it? Since it's not in the opening karaoke, I'm assuming that's not part of the official lyrics.
Wed, 11-02-2011, 09:55 AM
I can't be the only one who hears Engrish in the OP
I think the part with "fantasy" was part of "This is fantasy".
But.. yeah.. Engrish.. goodluck translating it, lol.
Wed, 11-02-2011, 09:55 AM
I wouldn't open that video and read the comments if i was an anime watcher, i'm just sayin.
Wed, 11-02-2011, 09:59 AM
I wouldn't open that video and read the comments if i was an anime watcher, i'm just sayin.
Oh, right. Thanks for the warning. I completely ignored it (the link) somehow though. :)
Wed, 11-02-2011, 10:32 AM
The comments basically just say "The OP is full of spoilers lol", and don't actually spoil anything as far as I can tell. Of course, just use your own copy of Mirai Nikki for listening to the OP if you want to be absolutely safe.
EDIT> Seems like I hear
"Surrender now since were sure of what we see
Cherish the resistance fantasy!
Survive!". Anyone hear something different/more accurate?
Sat, 11-05-2011, 01:57 AM
Actually, that's pretty darn close to what I heard.
--30 seconds later--
Holy crap, that's exactly it. And that makes sense because of spoiler, spoiler, spoiler
Yeah, don't wanna ruin it for anyone. I've seen it happen too much over on Youtube. (literally, every video has at least one spoiler in the comments)
Sat, 11-05-2011, 05:09 AM
This reminds me so much of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. The whole text messages that would state their death and stuff.
Sat, 11-05-2011, 06:16 PM
Sun, 11-06-2011, 05:03 AM
Yep, definitely yandere. If anything, that pic. proves it.
Sun, 11-06-2011, 07:17 PM
Holy fuck the yandere trance pose is popular
I wonder if there's any way to adapt it to a banner...
Sun, 11-06-2011, 07:40 PM
Sun, 11-06-2011, 08:08 PM
GotSpeed 05 (
Sun, 11-06-2011, 08:14 PM
Sun, 11-06-2011, 08:14 PM
GotSpeed 05 (
......... I am..... not amused!
Sun, 11-06-2011, 08:21 PM
My eyes. they hurt!
Check the link to the ep Saph, you put this in it
Sun, 11-06-2011, 08:22 PM
Sun, 11-06-2011, 09:19 PM
Is that... first person view? Isn't 12th supposed to be blind?
Sun, 11-06-2011, 10:54 PM
This series is simply put... brilliant.
Mon, 11-07-2011, 01:54 AM
Yukkii manned up!! Like f*ing finally..
How the hell did Sixth go from a "sin outlet" to someone who commands respect from everyone - and also somehow learns to hypnotise? I can only think of one answer....
Dark Dragon
Mon, 11-07-2011, 03:26 AM
Yay, with this episode Yuno can finally be tagged with Ax Crazy. (
Mon, 11-07-2011, 03:31 AM
Yuno's words suggested that she's still a virgin (yay!), which means that in the This-Is-A-Replay-After-Yuno-Won-The-First-Game theory:
1) They didn't make out before this, or
2) Yuno wiped her memories, and/or
3) Yuno reversed her body's condition, or
4) Yukkii-Yuno's a clone whose experience is separate from the original Amano-Yuno.
edit: oh, and Sixth is a bit of a weird one too.
"I'll use you as a lure to capture the First."
"I'll kill him before your eyes."
"I didn't expect him to actually show up."
..exactly what were you expecting or trying to do????
Dark Dragon
Mon, 11-07-2011, 03:50 AM
By the way
As a manga reader, I try to stay out of discussions since i don't want to inadvertently post spoilers.
I'm honestly impressed with a lot of the theories that are getting thrown around in this thread though. I'm glad that they are finally doing a proper adaptation of this series and this is probably going to be the best show this season (even better than Fate/Zero).
Mon, 11-07-2011, 11:01 AM
Another great ep. So is fourth trying to hit on ninth? lol. And wow at twelfth actually not being a bad guy. They didn't need to kill him! I wasn't expecting sixth to be deceiving Yukki, and more of Yuno just being "jealous", but in the end I guess sixth really was trying to. About time Yukki manned up.
Anyways, I'm still waiting to see what happened when Yukki saw that room in full of dead bodies...
Mon, 11-07-2011, 11:06 AM
12th kind of killed himself. He implanted a bomb inside of himself?!
Mon, 11-07-2011, 11:08 AM
I guess since Yuno got the "Yukkii and Yuno cum together - HAPPY END -" diary entry back, it was undone to some extent. I suppose the drastic change was a result of Yukiteru no longer trusting Yuno after seeing the dead bodies. That, however, was undone thanks to 12th and 6th interfering. Just a guess though.
Mon, 11-07-2011, 11:13 AM
I'm still not quite sure hoe Dead End flags work. It's not good enough that someone knows your identity and wants to kill you, or has a plan to want to kill you? Does the plan have to be foolproof or something?
Up until now, I thought it was just a Locked On type of thing..
I guess thinking back to previous cases, the people getting targeted were sneaked up upon, whereas this time it's more of a You vs Me thing.
Mon, 11-07-2011, 02:21 PM
I'm still not quite sure hoe Dead End flags work. It's not good enough that someone knows your identity and wants to kill you, or has a plan to want to kill you? Does the plan have to be foolproof or something?
Up until now, I thought it was just a Locked On type of thing..
I believe the Diaries foretell future as it would occur if none of the parties involve read the diary entries and change their actions based on them. You set a Dead End flag by putting a plan into action, and it would go according to keikaku if the other parties don't do anything different that saves themselves. This implies that Diary entries change as soon as you decide to take a different course of action than what you would have done without reading the diaries.
Mon, 11-07-2011, 03:00 PM
This implies that Diary entries change as soon as you decide to take a different course of action than what you would have done without reading the diaries.
that however, won't always take care of the Dead End flag.
sometimes you need to do something which prevents the plan from working so to say. otherwise your diary will keep saying "Dead End" as the last entry.
so basically, you need to do the *right* thing before the Dead End flag disappears.
for example:
enemy planted a bomb in Yukkiis house, which will soon explod (in several minutes/seconds)
Yukkii checks his Diary, it says "Dead End" if he keeps watching TV
so he decides to run -> entries change since he passes by different locations and such, however the bomb radius is so fucking huge, he can't escape it by running
so as he runs he checks his phone again -> after several entries about his surroudings he is going to pass by soon it says "Dead End" again
so he decides to turn around and find a suspicious looking object (the bomb) and tries to defuse it -> entries change again, he sucessfully defuses the bomb -> no more "dead end" flag.
Wed, 11-09-2011, 06:24 PM
I'm late to the party this time, but this was an amazing episode. I'm all for a combination of Ninth and Yuno fanservice... >_>.
Glad to see that Yuki actually decided something. Let's hope he continues to make actual decisions instead of becoming Shinji 2.0 (or _.0, if you consider all the Shinji-clones before this series).
@Bill: I'm thinking it's not as convoluted as it seems. Judging from the opening of episode 1, Yuki sacrifices himself for Yuno, so one would assume they hadn't actually consummated their relationship.
I'm actually going to toss out a new theory pulling from previous ones. Continuing with the "replay" scenario, Amano-Yuki did not know, or at least wasn't yandere for Yuki in the "original" game, but after Yuki saved her numerous times, or just by being with her, she started to become like she is now, thus the change from "Amano-kun" to "Yukkii". And then, as mentioned before, Yuki sacrifices himself for Yuno, and she becomes the new God of Spacetime; chooses to go back and try to change the past (whether being herself, and subsequently killing her past self, or as a clone) so she can be with Yuki. Thoughts? Most of it has been said before, but I wanted to touch upon the relationship change.
Sun, 11-13-2011, 06:42 PM
I didn't think it was possible but they made ninth even hotter.
Sun, 11-13-2011, 08:00 PM
It was probably the coloured waki.
Sun, 11-13-2011, 08:06 PM
It was probably the coloured waki.
What coloured waki?
Sun, 11-13-2011, 08:26 PM
I mean, in colour (anime) vs monochrome (manga).
Mon, 11-14-2011, 01:20 AM
Depressed Yuno D:
Now I really want to know about her past. Seems like a really sad story.
(Also, the animators kept making this error ( in the episode. What gives? :<)
Mon, 11-14-2011, 01:27 AM
What's wrong with the error?
Mon, 11-14-2011, 01:30 AM
Feet don't work that way. Sit down and see for yourself.
EDIT> The conversation between Murmur and Deus Ex Machina seems to suggest that Murmur is the one who set all of this up, since she seems to know everything while Deus simply observes. Her evil grin in the OP may suggest that she has ulterior motives behind this? Perhaps the position of "God" is not all that convenient; Deus's body rotting away does not sound like something that a God of spacetime should be afflicted with.
Mon, 11-14-2011, 08:05 AM
GotSpeed - 06 (
Mon, 11-14-2011, 10:49 AM
Just when we thought Yuno's just a little abnormal, but perfectly lovable - she raises her craziness to a new level. Before, she just got pissed at people who harmed Yukkii, or were harming her relationship between herself and Yukkii.
That's fine.
Today she's taking precautions against such things. I'm curious, but I never hope to find out what's in her bag of "tools".
Mon, 11-14-2011, 03:35 PM
Just when we thought Yuno's just a little abnormal, but perfectly lovable - she raises her craziness to a new level.
Welcome to Mirai Nikki
Mon, 11-14-2011, 04:56 PM
Good thing Yukkiis mother was so nice. I didnt need to use my tools.
Oh Yuno, this is one of the reasons why I miss you...
Mon, 11-14-2011, 06:05 PM
Idk if I would be glad a hot girl is so obsessed with me or not. So I guess that room of dead bodies was Yuno's parents or something. I don't know why she would have killed them though? Perhaps they didn't approve of her and Yuki.
Mon, 11-14-2011, 07:07 PM
Good thing Yukkiis mother was so nice. I didnt need to use my tools.
That's what she said, but her face said:
You got lucky bitch.
Tue, 11-15-2011, 01:48 AM
Oh Yuno, how adorable you are in your obsession with being with Yukki-kun. My favorite quality of Yuno is her single-minded devotion to her goal of a happy end with Yukki and her total indifference towards anything not related to that. As long as the happy end is not threatened she's nearly the perfect girlfriend, though with some glaring boundary issues, but who doesn't have trouble figuring out how much space to give their significant other early in the relationship?
Tue, 11-15-2011, 06:08 AM
As long as the happy end is not threatened she's nearly the perfect girlfriend, though with some glaring boundary issues, but who doesn't have trouble figuring out how much space to give their significant other early in the relationship?
Ah.. that's only if they really are "figuring it out".
Figuring it out means you constantly have a feedback mechanism going to monitor and correct those actions. Yuno has only one feedback mechanism:
-Don't kill?
Wed, 11-16-2011, 02:59 PM
I thought her name was Muru Muru, not Murmur.
Wed, 11-16-2011, 03:06 PM
The OP spells her name Murmur.
Wed, 11-16-2011, 03:20 PM
The OP spells her name Murmur.
Fair enough.
Thu, 11-17-2011, 01:15 AM
I'm starting to really hate Yuki. Actually, I'm just getting tired of whiny, indecisive, boring male leads in general. His only saving grace so far is that he's accomplished more than most in the first few episodes. If his character doesn't change, he will be the downfall of this show for me. Right now it's hanging on as a new favourite, with Yuno making up for the majority of it, but I don't know how much more whining I can take just to see her go axe-crazy again.
Aside from that... Yuki's mom. Why do I suspect she has something to do with the "bigger picture"? This episode made her seem innocent enough, but the fact that she's always gone and that she's a game developer makes me think we'll see her behind the curtain eventually.
Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing.
Also, I love seeing images of Yuno's many expressions (though screen-caps seem unnecessary), but is it possible we could get links to those instead? I'd enjoy posting without my browser getting bent out of shape.
Thu, 11-17-2011, 03:34 AM
I don't get why Yuki is so hellbent on staying a loner, possibly till his death. It doesn't seem like only fresh practicality for the sake of this game that should separate everybody nearing the end (since there can be only one). He had fun with Yuno at the amusement park and even kissed her of his own volition at the end of the previous ep, so it's not like he wouldn't know having friends (or even more) wouldn't beat loneliness. If he was much older I could see him having developed a genuine strong hermit personality but not at that age.
He's just a loser, plain and simple. Shinji iteration n.
Sun, 11-20-2011, 08:31 PM
Speed - Stalker Dairy - 07 (
Sun, 11-20-2011, 09:04 PM
Geez Sapphi, lol.
edit: Yuno came out of the shock.. much more unharmed than what I expected. Then again, I'm no expert on electric shock lethality.
9th coming to rescue Yuki's the biggest headscratcher by far. She wants to kill him, now she feels sympathy? Wtf?
Thought 4th wanted to capture the 9th.. so he only really wants to capture her heart now?
It also irked me that Yuno knew who the 5th was, yet her cautious self was letting him bath with her and all? Come one.. what happened to bringing tools with you to the battlefield, then feeling "relieved" that they were "nicer than you thought"?
Am I just disappointed because my balls didn't shrink an inch from seeing Psycho-Yuno lvl up this week?
edit2: Question about the translation - when 5th said he doesn't really need such a right (to kill Yuno), he finished with "betsuni iranai". How does that double negative turn out into what you guys had "don't really need"?
Mon, 11-21-2011, 06:11 AM
I thought her name was Muru Muru, not Murmur.
Of course it is Murmur - - if you write his name in katakana you get murumuru... scanlator/translator didn't knew that and just put <urumuru in manga.
Geez Sapphi, lol.
edit: Yuno came out of the shock.. much more unharmed than what I expected. Then again, I'm no expert on electric shock lethality.
9th coming to rescue Yuki's the biggest headscratcher by far. She wants to kill him, now she feels sympathy? Wtf?
Thought 4th wanted to capture the 9th.. so he only really wants to capture her heart now?
It also irked me that Yuno knew who the 5th was, yet her cautious self was letting him bath with her and all? Come one.. what happened to bringing tools with you to the battlefield, then feeling "relieved" that they were "nicer than you thought"?
Am I just disappointed because my balls didn't shrink an inch from seeing Psycho-Yuno lvl up this week?
edit2: Question about the translation - when 5th said he doesn't really need such a right (to kill Yuno), he finished with "betsuni iranai". How does that double negative turn out into what you guys had "don't really need"?
I think that Yuno noticed that he was 5th after the bath. Part with the salad was just her general paranoia.
Mon, 11-21-2011, 06:16 AM
The one big thing that has made the latest couple of episode feel off-track is that they never went back to the whole Continuality-changing - that Yuki opened that door with dead bodies. There hasn't been any real significance shown besides him running from Yuno that time.. and that's it.
Mon, 11-21-2011, 07:34 AM
edit: Yuno came out of the shock.. much more unharmed than what I expected. Then again, I'm no expert on electric shock lethality.
Something like that wouldn't even shock you IRL. *shrug*
EDIT> Just realized something: All the diary owners shown thus far, with the exception of #4, has some sort of depressing backstory that made them start keeping the diaries in the first place. More notably, they all revolve around the motif of loneliness.
1st: Yukiteru keeps his diary because he is lonely and has no friends.
2nd: Yuno stalks Yukiteru and keeps a diary because she wants to be together with him, for she is lonely otherwise.
5th: Reisuke keeps his diary because his parents never pay attention to him.
6th: Tsubaki keeps her diary because she can't see the world, and her followers have exploited that and used her as a "sin outlet".
9th: Minene keeps her diary because her parents died during war.
12th: I suppose blindness can be depressing? Not enough about Yomutsu's past is revealed. He also seems to be someone who acts alone, however.
What is the significance of this?
Thu, 11-24-2011, 08:40 PM
Gotwoot - Episode 07 10-bit (
I always feel like I'm late to the party since I wait for the quality release >_>
Edit: Yuno panty-shot ftw! Wasn't expecting yellow...
Also wasn't expecting the death of a child. I mean, the cause was understandably blurred out, but I was surprised that that was it.
Sat, 11-26-2011, 07:49 PM
Something like that wouldn't even shock you IRL. *shrug*
EDIT> Just realized something: All the diary owners shown thus far, with the exception of #4, has some sort of depressing backstory that made them start keeping the diaries in the first place. More notably, they all revolve around the motif of loneliness.
1st: Yukiteru keeps his diary because he is lonely and has no friends.
2nd: Yuno stalks Yukiteru and keeps a diary because she wants to be together with him, for she is lonely otherwise.
5th: Reisuke keeps his diary because his parents never pay attention to him.
6th: Tsubaki keeps her diary because she can't see the world, and her followers have exploited that and used her as a "sin outlet".
9th: Minene keeps her diary because her parents died during war.
12th: I suppose blindness can be depressing? Not enough about Yomutsu's past is revealed. He also seems to be someone who acts alone, however.
What is the significance of this?
curse you manga for making me want to spoil....
But in all seriousness, it's probably like you said, they all wanted to get all away,and I'm guessing that they started getting delusional (maybe) and started to imagine Deus Ex Machina. Then... well you know the rest.
Sat, 11-26-2011, 09:43 PM
@hollow: Maybe it's just me, but the fact that you say what you do in your first sentence makes it feel like the rest of it is actually spoiling... >_>.
I've always felt the best practice to be that if you read the manga, don't mention it directly before stating a theory. Otherwise you risk experiencing what I just commented about.
Sun, 11-27-2011, 04:41 AM
I agree. Once knowledge that you are a manga reader has come to light, anything you say about speculations and story/character development can be considered a spoiler by some of those who have not read the source material, whether it is actually a spoiler or not.
People will infer and deduce things based on the premise that you know what is going to happen, and whether or not that will lead to actually spoiling is unimportant. It's better to simply avoid doing stuff like that altogether.
Mon, 11-28-2011, 09:29 AM
Ep 8 was much better than Ep 7. I hope the manga develops the characters in much more depth than the anime, since I plan on reading it after Mirai Nikki finishes airing.
Also, I'm fairly sure Akise is not a diary owner, since he isn't in the commune of the diary owners summoned by Deus, and doesn't show up in the credits as an owner (look for 秋瀬 或; not part of the lineup of diary owners).
Mon, 11-28-2011, 09:30 AM
Gotspeed - Episode 08 (
Hmm, well I thought that the photography girl was going to be a diary owner (as well as the heavily hinted Akise). Didn't expect the tanned girl until they showed the photogragh.. but I guess that doesn't exactly conflict with any previous statements.
What I absolutely, absolutely HATE about Yuki is that he treats Yuno as his only (deserving) friend in dire situations, but then backseats her to the overcautious, paranoid tag-along role when the going's good. It's just totally not fair.
Mon, 11-28-2011, 11:56 AM
Trust nobody
Mon, 11-28-2011, 01:11 PM
Yuki is dumb as fuck, he should just lie about the cellphone. Tell that he had the layout of the area on his phone or something.
Mon, 11-28-2011, 01:21 PM
Knowing the layout of the place does not enable you to predict which window the dogs are going to crash into. Even the bully knew he was foreseeing things after the first few commands.
Mon, 11-28-2011, 03:45 PM
Hmm, well I thought that the photography girl was going to be a diary owner (as well as the heavily hinted Akise).
I thought of that too, until I realized that neither of them match the silhouettes of diary owners we got before (not to mention the credits of ep1 giving us the names of every diary owner). As far as I can tell, Tsukishima gave his diary to his daughter to use; his daughter can abuse the diary as much as she wants and not risk death upon destruction of the diary, since she is not the owner. A clever plan, especially since it looks like he isn't free to move about due to having to take care of his dogs.
Yukiteru is such a fool; sigh. I'm guessing he won't fall for Yuno until he gets betrayed by every other girl he comes into contact with.
Tue, 11-29-2011, 08:07 AM
Sorry if i'm offtopic, but can anyone tell me what's the font used in OP karaoke?
Tue, 11-29-2011, 02:14 PM
Yay, Kaworu is finally here! My favorite character in the whole series.
Tue, 11-29-2011, 08:39 PM
Sorry if i'm offtopic, but can anyone tell me what's the font used in OP karaoke?
Wilderness ( and EPSON 太行書体B (
Wed, 11-30-2011, 04:54 PM
How the hell can a main character be that stupid and miserable? He even keeps repeating the same goddam mistakes, so he's not only as stupid as a rubber boot, but also has the memory of one. If it wasn't for Yuno, I'd have dropped this show without a second thought a long time ago.
What comes to explaining the situation to the others, he's so strange as a person that if he had told them he can only think rationally when fiddling with the phone, nobody would have suspected a thing. Or at least people that didn't already know of the diaries. Like an autistic person. Only a plot armour can save an idiot of that calibre. Or Yuno.
Wed, 11-30-2011, 05:05 PM
How the hell can a main character be that stupid and miserable? He even keeps repeating the same goddam mistakes, so he's not only as stupid as a rubber boot, but also has the memory of one. If it wasn't for Yuno, I'd have dropped this show without a second thought a long time ago.
What comes to explaining the situation to the others, he's so strange as a person that if he had told them he can only think rationally when fiddling with the phone, nobody would have suspected a thing. Or at least people that didn't already know of the diaries. Like an autistic person. Only a plot armour can save an idiot of that calibre. Or Yuno.
Think of Kawaru or Yuno as the main characters, you'll live longer.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 02:44 PM
I don't really know what to say about this episode. You have the continuing trend of new characters showing up that are the opposite of what they seem, Yuki being afraid of/distant to Yuno, Yuno wanting to kill everyone, and everyone getting into trouble where Yuki is a useless piece of shit. I don't even consider his use of the diary to "save" everyone a heroic feat. Different, yes, because he actually did something. But I'm contributing that more to his desire not to die, instead of the monologue he gave. Oh, and they recycled the "serial killer" this early?
Don't get me wrong, this is probably my favourite (new) series this season. But I'm really getting frustrated with several things.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 02:54 PM
I'll remind you good sir that fate/zero is also a series this season.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 03:01 PM
That's why I put "new" in parentheses. Fate/Zero is new, but it's not new... if that makes sense.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 03:01 PM
It doesn't.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 03:49 PM
F/Z is based on existing characters. It's a "new" anime, but the universe itself isn't new. MN has no precedence. As far as I'm concerned (since I don't read the manga), MN is an original work, therefore "new".
It's really not that hard to understand, I'm just bad at explaining it.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 04:11 PM
Ok i guess i get it now, it's a new universe being presented to you.
I loved reading through Mirai Nikki as well, though it's certainly not without its faults.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 05:15 PM
For people who have not read the source material for both, the faster pace of Mirai Nikki may seem more attractive at the start.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 05:40 PM
Your argument is now invalid
Thu, 12-01-2011, 05:51 PM
No, it isn't.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 09:42 PM
For people who have not read the source material for both, the faster pace of Mirai Nikki may seem more attractive at the start.
Faster pace of the manga or the anime?
Thu, 12-01-2011, 09:49 PM
Faster pace of Mirai Nikki vs Fate/Zero anime. Why would I compare manga in an anime thread?
The reason why I mentioned the source material is because knowing about how Mirai Nikki goes ruins most of the enjoyment. I am not sure about Zero because I have not read it.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 09:49 PM
Faster pace compared to other anime?
The manga is paced about the same as the anime in terms of fleshing characters/plot out.
Thu, 12-01-2011, 10:24 PM
Why is this so hard to explain?
Mirai Nikki anime is faster paced than Fate/Zero anime.
Fri, 12-02-2011, 03:34 AM
They are highly different shows. Why is it even relevant to compare them? Because Fate/Zero is a better show and thus Mirai Nikki can't be called the best show of the season in somebody's anybody's opinion? In fact I don't know why anybody at all would even attempt to call a show with such a wretched waste of skin main character the best of anything but the pool of shows with contemptible main characters where it might do surprisingly well. It can't be reasonable to consider a show with a big flaw to be the best of season unless it's an overall disappointing season (which this is definitely not).
Fri, 12-02-2011, 03:53 AM
It can't be reasonable to consider a show with a big flaw to be the best of season unless it's an overall disappointing season (which this is definitely not).
edit: I don't think you can call Yuki's character a flaw. It's annoying to watch at times all the time, but not only is he essential to the storyline at the moment, but it's his weakness that allows characters like Yuno to shine.
Mirai Nikki's appeal lies in its gripping events/pacing and Yuno. If the overall quality of Mirai Nikki beats out the overall quality of another show, it becomes Best Show of the Season.
Fri, 12-02-2011, 07:48 AM
There's something quality wise wrong with the storyline if it repeatedly relies on the main character's idiocy and the story is not a comedy. That's something you see in B movies of no ambition.
Fri, 12-02-2011, 09:29 AM
You know, in a sense I agree with that. Yuno and yuki should have advanced after the Sect arc - and the only reason for their develepment to yoyo back and forth seems to be because the author doesn't how s/he should write without it...
Fri, 12-02-2011, 07:14 PM
How did my comment of (possible) 'favourite' show of the season become an argument about it being the 'best' show of the season? >_>
Fri, 12-02-2011, 07:20 PM
We're bored.
Mon, 12-05-2011, 06:27 AM
Gotspeed - Episode 09 (
"Yuno, why do you stop me from making friends?"
Yuki, it's official. You're dumb as fuck.
And it seems you don't REALLY care about Yuno neither.. so what were all those actions before?
Mon, 12-05-2011, 03:44 PM
Really? He's just supposed to assume that she wants them all to die out of jealousy?
And why the fuck did it take them so long to call an ambulance? And animal control? Forget the all might power to see the future, use the fucking phones to call for help!!!
Mon, 12-05-2011, 04:24 PM
Mon, 12-05-2011, 05:26 PM
Really? He's just supposed to assume that she wants them all to die out of jealousy?
She's outright told him on at least 2 occasions that all he needs is her. He knows she's a nutcase who is head over heals for him.
You just have to fill in the gaps.
Mon, 12-05-2011, 06:47 PM
Okay, I know they have similarities, but here is one critical difference between Shinji and Yukiteru.
If Shinji does not fight, everyone dies.
If Yukiteru does not fight, only he dies, and even then, he has been fighting to protect not only himself, but others as well.
Yuno, while absolutely hot and awesome and yandere, is fucking crazy. I can certainly understand why Yukiteru is acting the way he does.
Mon, 12-05-2011, 09:01 PM
I understand that Yuno's a nutcase, but I'm referring specifically to the kissing scene in the car after Sixth died. He's acting too much like he genuinely cares about her when he should reply with an "I'm not ready", and tell her whether or not he's willing to try to warm up to her.
Then again.. He was too dumb to figure stuff out this episode, so that's prolly too much to ask.
Tue, 12-06-2011, 05:36 AM
He's probably afraid to do that because Yuno will do something crazy, and he is probably right.
Tue, 12-06-2011, 10:03 AM
His eyes look real awesome in the second pic. Doesn't change the fact that he's a loser, though.
If I were Yuukii I'd bone Yuno like no tomorrow, then massacre bitches I guess.
Tue, 12-06-2011, 10:14 AM
What I'd give for a girl like Yuno(not exactly as crazy maybe)..... all it takes is something like a "I love you" to keep her at bay. lol.
Anyways, it's probably the fact that Yuno is a nutcase that Yuki probably has 2nd thoughts about her. Wouldn't you guys be scared? Yeah she is crazy about you, but you have no idea when she might just snap and kill you as well.
Tue, 12-06-2011, 12:04 PM
Yukki had a hunch at first but he quickly feared her. The thing is that she's his lifeline/shield for now. Without her, he'd be dead multiple times. He also probably knows deep inside (feeling becoming fear) she might turn against him either when her love turns to hatred or when they are the last 2 players... It has been clearly stated that only one must remain.
You could say he's been very lucky till now, with events going his way, making right decisions even by pure luck. Or he's utterly smart/badass. Another idea would be he's really the true God of the game, ie the one who created all of this game/rules and false god so he can't be dying no matter what.
Tue, 12-06-2011, 06:58 PM
if he is god of this game, then how he can be dumb as fuck?
Tue, 12-06-2011, 11:35 PM
if he is god of this game, then how he can be dumb as fuck?
Because he is god. :rolleyes:
Sun, 12-11-2011, 10:57 PM
Gotspeed - Episode 10 (
Edit: Okay.. first up, the OP replacement. Did you guys consider using the voiceless versions of the music instead? I would think the effect would improve since you don't have 2 "instruments" trying to be the focus, and remove the effect the passages have when the vocals and piano weren't playing in unison. The hardest bit here would actually be manipulating the voiceless, full-length tracks from the CDs into the TV version. That said, nicely played.
Hopefully with this, Yuki finally gets over the whole corpse thing. They still haven't covered what space-time-continuum-changing effect that room had... At this rate I can only say that it's an exaggeration of having Yukki running away from his Happy End.
That Akise fellow.. fishy.. very fishy... who the hell is he anyway?
As for 9th.. :3. Mummur's voice-over was hella confusing. Guessing that cop wasn't some childhood friend but just another cop after her head.
Mon, 12-12-2011, 08:00 AM
I hope the Piano crap is removed from the real episode.
Mon, 12-12-2011, 09:28 AM
I second that. not to mention that my ears started hurting when murmur was reading that crap. god that was one of most awful ideas ever.
Mon, 12-12-2011, 10:16 AM
The fancovered OP was not to my liking but I don't think it sucked, it just didn't live up to what it was trying to replace. Hopefully that was a one time thing but I worry that all the inevitable negative feedback this will receive could become the troll food that turns Gotwoot into the next gg, but such is life when getting your wares from volunteers.
Anyway, props to Yukiteru for questioning why he wouldn't want Yuno as a girlfriend, I mean sure she's nuts, but she's the best possible kind of nuts in his case and it's not like he can get rid of her so he may as well make the most of it. Minene's back story was nice too, I like a mild tsundere once in a while, in fact iirc Minene had some dere moments around the 4th as well, maybe she has a thing for cops and her whole terrorism thing is a tsun tantrum.
Mon, 12-12-2011, 10:29 AM
That Akise fellow.. fishy.. very fishy... who the hell is he anyway?
"Akise Aru (秋瀬 或 Akise Aru?) is the Fifth Child and the seventeenth Angel, Tabris."
Mon, 12-12-2011, 03:29 PM
Wait, so... replacing the OP was retarded?
Mon, 12-12-2011, 04:37 PM
why you no use dis as op
(not that I watched it...o-or anything:o)
Mon, 12-12-2011, 05:09 PM
The fancovered OP was not to my liking but I don't think it sucked, it just didn't live up to what it was trying to replace. Hopefully that was a one time thing but I worry that all the inevitable negative feedback this will receive could become the troll food that turns Gotwoot into the next gg, but such is life when getting your wares from volunteers.
Anyway, props to Yukiteru for questioning why he wouldn't want Yuno as a girlfriend, I mean sure she's nuts, but she's the best possible kind of nuts in his case and it's not like he can get rid of her so he may as well make the most of it. Minene's back story was nice too, I like a mild tsundere once in a while, in fact iirc Minene had some dere moments around the 4th as well, maybe she has a thing for cops and her whole terrorism thing is a tsun tantrum.
If someone removed the original sound of the opening it wouldn't be so painfull, but it was only made a bit silent.
Tue, 12-13-2011, 01:15 AM
Bad opening for a bad episode :)
Tue, 12-13-2011, 10:46 AM
If someone removed the original sound of the opening it wouldn't be so painfull, but it was only made a bit silent.
Yes it would be.
Tue, 12-13-2011, 12:42 PM
Yes it would be.
It would be what? Painful?
Tue, 12-13-2011, 12:46 PM
We tried it. It sounds too hollow.
Tue, 12-13-2011, 01:16 PM
Well, this may sound pretty crazy but i'm just putting it out there.
What if... you left it the fuck alone?
Tue, 12-13-2011, 01:21 PM
At least try to put an amusing spin on it if you're going to attempt to be amusing... :(
Tue, 12-13-2011, 11:21 PM
The fancovered OP was not to my liking but I don't think it sucked, it just didn't live up to what it was trying to replace.
As a pianist, I don't think ANYTHING would replace original songs. The original songs sound full, and include many instruments that a single piano (digital piano even) can never ever replace.
Tue, 12-13-2011, 11:43 PM
Bro says:
December 12, 2011 at 2:46 PM (UTC -4)
The FCC sign was actually in response to viewers who accused us of adding mosaic censors to some scenes. It’s an outrageous claim — I know. But what the heck? We decided to play along with it. We’re in this business to have fun after all.
They really said that? haha.
Anyway, lol at your 181 comments from this episode. xD
Wed, 12-14-2011, 08:15 PM
Episode 9: More of Yuki's stupidity. All going home together like nothing happened? How much more of an idiot can he be? I'm not quite sure what Mao was doing when she stabbed the other chick, but either she moved really slow, or Yuno has super speed to be able to stab her at the same time. I also don't understand the effect of calling Yuno his girlfriend. In Yuno's mind, weren't they already lovers? Seems like she would have said "Well, duh" at that point (or something to that effect). In the end though, I really liked Akise. I figured he didn't have a diary, but he's incredibly smart at figuring out what to do and when to do it.
Episode 10: This felt like a filler episode. It introduced the cop from Minene's past, and gave the illusion of a distraction while Akise toured Yuno's house, but it still felt like filler. It wasn't really bad, but I didn't really enjoy it (the wedding trial scenes at least; Minene's struggle against the third was quite interesting, sans Murmur dialogue).
I have a feeling the space-time-contortion situation is either already (still) in effect, or will be explained soon. Even if they all seem unrelated, there were three points in episode 10 where something was "forgotten".
Wed, 12-14-2011, 09:46 PM
I also don't understand the effect of calling Yuno his girlfriend. In Yuno's mind, weren't they already lovers?
It's a declaration that upped her status, and told others to back off. It provided the security that Yuno was missing. Before, she was still in the "friend" zone.
Mon, 12-19-2011, 12:55 AM
Gotspeed - Episode 11 (
Thu, 12-22-2011, 02:35 AM
I forgot to comment about this in my last post since I was focused more on catching up:
Troll food; Gotwoot is the next gg
Paraphrased slightly, to elaborate the feeling I have. Reading through a few of the entries on the site definitely made it apparent. Although, it seems trolling is the "in" thing for fansubbing at the moment; several other websites I visit come off the same way. Didn't think GW would take that route, but to each their own I guess. As long as the releases are there, I'll support their effort.
As for the episode: I enjoyed it. Not as much as the previous episodes, but it had it's moments. Fourth planning out his diary with Yuki's and Yuno's crimes was a nice touch. Looks like he's slightly more cunning than I originally gave him credit for. The truce between Ninth and Fourth seemed pointless, especially if it dissolved minutes after she showed up. Unless that was part of his plan. Doesn't seem like he'd want to intentionally put his son in danger though.
I have to say, I was annoyed with the random "comedic" tone towards the end of the episode, after Yuki inadvertently blew-up another part of the floor. It felt out of place.
Looking forward to seeing this wrap up. I want to see the remaining three diary owners.
Thu, 12-22-2011, 03:33 AM
Reading through a few of the entries on the site definitely made it apparent. Although, it seems trolling is the "in" thing for fansubbing at the moment; several other websites I visit come off the same way. Didn't think GW would take that route, but to each their own I guess.
Ugh. There is no route and there is no plan. The only plan is that we aim to consistently be the best group by having the best releases, but we're going to have fun along the way, too.
It's a pity when 'dowloaders' see one ep and then sum your entire present and future based on that one ep. For the record, we did something similar a season or two ago, and people said the same prophetic and condemning shit then. Maybe the 'downloaders' don't realize how entitled and demanding they come off as.
Anyway, the whole thing was born from the response of the users falsely accusing us of hardencoding mosaic censors and doing things such as dubbing it with fake Murmur's voice, etc. to the episode. The suggestions were so appalling and amusing that we just went with it.
Thu, 12-22-2011, 04:45 PM
GotWoot is a brand, and that brand has an image which is tied directly to the type and quality of work that it associates with itself and to the people who choose to consume it. And if there's anything we should know about branding it's that negatives far outweigh positives in peoples minds. I think people react so strongly to stuff like OPgate or more legitimate trolling b/c they tend to assume that a fansub group cares about creating quality fansubs more than anything else. When a group demonstrates that it's perfectly fine releasing knowingly poorer quality subs (without any form of acknowledgement of the lower quality) then people tend to feel like they were mislead into placing their trust in the group to provide quality subs.
In the case of Gotwoot and OPChangeGate, it seemed like a lot of people's problem wasn't that the Gotspeed release wasn't perfect, GotWoot subs has clearly indicated that GotSpeed releases are not given the level of attention to quality that GotWoot releases are for the sake of speed, it was the fact that the Gotwoot staff went out of their way to make a GotSpeed release more imperfect than it would have been if they'd just done what they always do for those releases. (In this case I'm define perfection as a release that is as close to the original as possible for a non-Japanese speaker not watching the show in Japan on an HDTV can get).
EDIT: In talking to Sapphi via IRC I was reminded that 'quality' may mean something very different between seasoned fansub creators and seasoned anime consumers. Watchers should tend to value the experience of watching the anime the most while fansubbers might come to value the technical aspects of the art of creating the fansub the most. Such a dichotomy is bound to result in hissy fits from time to time as what is desirable from a watchers perspective may not be what's desirable from a fansubbers perspective, thus DORAMA!
MORE EDIT: Yes fansubbers are often watchers as well, but for the sake of simplicity I'm going out on a limb and assuming that in the long run fansubbing trumps watching and long time subbers will tend to care less about just enjoying a show than then would about things that fansubbers tend to care about but most watcher only types would not notice or would not consider to greatly affect the overall watching experience. Any long time subbers who don't care about the quality of the fansubs they watch that they didn't make please forgive me.
Mon, 12-26-2011, 02:17 AM
[GotSpeed] Mirai Nikki - 12 - 720p: Torrent ( | DDL (
Mon, 12-26-2011, 07:28 AM
The beginning of Yuki's confession just got old for me. "Yeah yeah.. when was the last time I heard you say that.." was all I could think about. It was so finite this time though, that I can't help but hope that he really does pull through. I'm not at all worried about Yuno pulling a fit because Akise is sending warnings to Yuki. She's too trusting for that bullshit drama card. It's always going to be about Yuki swaying away from Yuno due to other people's words and shit.
(And please, please, PLEASE don't let the trigger be those skulls she's carrying. He's already gotten over that one).
edit: wait.. skulls.. so she didn't completely dispose of those skeletons.. or forgot they existed.
Thu, 12-29-2011, 11:40 AM
This episode was good. I mainly watch for the hilarious Omake's though.
Best part of the episode was when Yukkii stood around and got caught by the cops! I lol'd.
Thu, 12-29-2011, 11:45 AM
This episode was good. I mainly watch for the hilarious Omake's though.
Best part of the episode was when Yukkii stood around and got caught by the cops! I lol'd.
Yeah.. there was that..
But then Gasai took down a team of SWAT. I lolled harder.
Fri, 12-30-2011, 07:38 AM
whoo, finally caught up, marathoned from ep 3 to ep 12 in a single day. And I thought this was a 12 now I have to wait with you peasants :P
Anyway, veeery crazy show. A bit too crazy for me, tbh, but mostly because I donīt like that how not a single character can stay consistent in what they do and why they do it. Sure, some will applaud for these shades of grey, but some black and white-scheming is alright, too.
Btw. Yukkiīs VA is the same as Rentonīs from Eureka Seven, eh? Sounds familiar...and he even looks similar, haha.
Really liked Kurusu-san, slightly crazy, but a smart, thinking type, who even had a noble reason for becoming god. Silliest character is Akise-kun. Yeah, I just donīt like these "young school boy is a master detective"-plots. Iīll read Detective Conan if I want that.
Looking forward to how this is going to end.
Fri, 12-30-2011, 09:18 AM
Yeah, I just donīt like these "young school boy is a master detective"-plots. Iīll read Detective Conan if I want that.
I don't like him neither. The thoughts I get when I see him:
"Why is he here?"
"WTF does this have to do with him?"
"What does he want?"
"Where does he get his info anyway.. (Yuno's bodies, for example)"
Fri, 12-30-2011, 10:12 AM
Obviously, heīs Kaworu. (Seriously, could the author of this show have been more blatant? lol)
Fri, 12-30-2011, 01:47 PM
I like how Murmur goes through the lengths of explaining the diary to everyone, but with Yukkii they were just like, "um, who said other people won't get it?"
Fri, 12-30-2011, 03:28 PM
I like how Murmur goes through the lengths of explaining the diary to everyone, but with Yukkii they were just like, "um, who said other people won't get it?"
The first was the last to know.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 02:49 AM
Gotspeed - Episode 13 (
Mon, 01-09-2012, 09:08 AM
Where did Asread's animation budget go?
Mon, 01-09-2012, 09:34 AM
I wasn't concerned with the animation at all this episode, and therefore didn't see any difference from the previous eps. I'm mostly thinking about two things after this ep:
1) Is Yuno really in this for Yuki, or is she selfish?
2) Was Yuno only being her cautious self, or was she actually expecting company? If so, was she expecting the party that actually arrived, or was she baiting the other diary holders into her trap-laiden fortress?
Mon, 01-09-2012, 12:48 PM
Yuno wants to eliminate people who might, that's what she's thinking, endanger her or Yuki.
Akise is dairy holder, #7 or #11, 90% probability, uses the traditional dairy instead of cellphone.
Akise is Murmur, probability 10%, but not totally out of question.
Mao is dairy holder too, probability 70%, 20% for borrowed dairy.
It is easier for Yuno to 'protect' herself and Yuki without random factor - aka Yuki.
And Yuki once again has proven us that he is from Dumbfuckinstan. He knows that Yuno is insane and dangerous, yet he didn't go off with her to take the drink for himself(it is obvious that she would bring one for him too), and he drank it without any question.
Mon, 01-09-2012, 08:55 PM
I like that Yuki fully trusts Yuno now. It's about time.
As for Yuno's intentions, I was slightly confused because she wasn't accompanying him. Yuki wasn't bound in bed, or just laid on a bed. He was strapped to a chair - the hell?
Unless Yuno also plans to fake a "rescue operation" in front of Yuki, her love for him should at least result in her staying by his side. She may think of Yuki as someone so trusting and nice that she'd ruin her plan, but if all was consistent she won't think of him as a bother.
Talking about consistency, she did read the message that Akise sent to Yuki's phone the other week.. maybe her precautionary moves and/or distrust for Yuki started there..
Tue, 01-10-2012, 01:35 AM
Akise is dairy holder, #7 or #11, 90% probability, uses the traditional dairy instead of cellphone.
Credits from episode 1 show the names of all the diary holders; Akise [highlight to read]isn't one of them. [/end highlight]
Fri, 01-13-2012, 01:07 AM
It was a decent episode, but honestly, after seeing Yuki, I just couldn't help but think he had been raped. Am I alone in this? >_>
Glad to see that Murmur is getting more exposure. I don't remember if I said it, or someone else did and I agreed, but I definitely felt that Murmur was going to be more of a central character, since the beginning. She's manipulating the game to make it go "faster", but is it truly for Deus' sake? It also felt like she knew more about Yuno than Deus does. If we go with the "Yuno is the new God of spacetime, and is redoing the game in order for Yuki to win" theory, maybe there are more people that aren't affected by the time reset, like Murmur.
Speaking under that same theory, what if the skulls Yuno is carrying around are actually Yuki's skulls from other "survival games"? If we're already under the theory that she's gone back once, who's to say she hasn't done it multiple times? "Oh look, Yuki died again. I'll harvest his skull and reset."
Fucked up, I know.
Fri, 01-13-2012, 01:22 AM
Murmur seems to be more powerful than Deus. He tried slamming his hand on her, but she just teleported away and he didn't try again. She also appears to be the one controlling everything, which is strange since Deus is supposed to be the god. He's quite powerless for a god, so far at least.
Fri, 01-13-2012, 02:15 AM
It was a decent episode, but honestly, after seeing Yuki, I just couldn't help but think he had been raped. Am I alone in this? >_>
Glad to see that Murmur is getting more exposure. I don't remember if I said it, or someone else did and I agreed, but I definitely felt that Murmur was going to be more of a central character, since the beginning. She's manipulating the game to make it go "faster", but is it truly for Deus' sake? It also felt like she knew more about Yuno than Deus does. If we go with the "Yuno is the new God of spacetime, and is redoing the game in order for Yuki to win" theory, maybe there are more people that aren't affected by the time reset, like Murmur.
Speaking under that same theory, what if the skulls Yuno is carrying around are actually Yuki's skulls from other "survival games"? If we're already under the theory that she's gone back once, who's to say she hasn't done it multiple times? "Oh look, Yuki died again. I'll harvest his skull and reset."
Fucked up, I know.
And if we are to assume those skulls were harvested from the corpses in her room..
She drags all the previous Yukis with her to each new game??
Fri, 01-13-2012, 02:25 AM
You could assume that, yes. But you could also assume those corpses were of different people, and the skulls themselves, or trophies as Yuno may consider, could have been locked away elsewhere. We never saw the rest of Yuno's house, so we can assume she may have had a "shrine" for Yuki, and the skulls could have been placed there. Upon realizing they needed to get out of town, she decided to take the skulls with her. They were showcased in her bag, and she's using them now as armrests. They hold sentimental value. The corpses in the taped-up room were eventually thrown into a giant pit.
Of course, you could also assume the corpses were her parents, like we brought up before, and therefore provide the sentimental value needed to collect their skulls. But I like my multiple-timeline theory better... >_>
Sun, 01-15-2012, 09:54 PM
Gotspeed - Episode 14 (
Mon, 01-16-2012, 11:56 AM
Well I certainly did not see that one coming. The game now has two sides. Deus and that kid. Seems the kid can make people Apprentices instead of full on Future Dairy Holders. Should be interesting.
Mon, 01-16-2012, 02:45 PM
1) we don't know who makes apprentices. I'm betting on Deus.
2) i pity the fools who are going to challenge Yuno. Even without power of future prediction she is dangerous, too dangerous. Rule of thumb: Do Not Challange Psychotic Bitches on Their Own Terrain.
3) Yuki lost small advantage of Yuno's dairy.
4) 3rd body - I've thought that were only two bodies!
Tue, 01-17-2012, 12:31 AM
1) we don't know who makes apprentices. I'm betting on Deus.
It said "8th", so...
4) 3rd body - I've thought that were only two bodies!
Flashback to the intro of episode 1; Yuno killed Yuno? What?
Evil twin? Clone army? I'm confused as hell.
Tue, 01-17-2012, 01:26 AM
Flashback to the intro of episode 1; Yuno killed Yuno? What?
Evil twin? Clone army? I'm confused as hell.
Amano-Yuno came to like Yuki after the events of the first game. She travels back in time to kill Yuno & parents. That's my take.
I was bothered that Yuki snapped out of his daze as fast as he did. Turns out he wasn't drugged, and Yuno was being quite accommodating. He was malnourished or something on his own accord (though given how Yuno forced him to eat anyway, I don't see how that happened). Good to know Yuno would look after me well if I ever had a stroke (if I was Yuki, anyway).
8th can make people apprentices.. That's interesting. Perhaps her diary allows her to see the events that her apprentices can see (or the events that show up on their diary anyway).. kind of like 6th's power, but operating in a smaller circle of more powerful followers. Akise might not be a diary holder, but he might well be one such apprentice. No one said you can't delete your own messages.
Tue, 01-17-2012, 02:21 PM
Amano-Yuno came to like Yuki after the events of the first game. She travels back in time to kill Yuno & parents. That's my take.
Amano-Yuno appears to be the one being killed there, though. Also not sure why Yuno wants to kill herself, assuming my interpretation of that flashback is correct.
Tue, 01-17-2012, 05:02 PM
Amano-yuno becomes Yukkii-Yuno after the events of the first game. She travels back in time to kill her parents and the pre-Amano-yuno of that time to replace them. No one would have known, nothing would have happenned, and Yuki would have liked Yuno without hesitation had he not openned the door to that room.
That's my interpretation of the flashback and the time-continuum-breaking consequence of openning the room. Deus dying might even be a side effect of it. This really could have just been a game.
Mon, 01-23-2012, 07:44 AM
Gotspeed - Episode 15 (
Oh, great.. we back to watching POS Yuki again.
Mon, 01-23-2012, 01:56 PM
Just so I got that perfectly right: 7th was a "twin-user", aka two people made up 7th. No apprentices, right?
Crazy shit going on, and I reeeeally want to know where Yuno learned fighting. Certainly points to the above theory of Yuno being the winner of a hypothetical first game, thus having these god-like fighting skills.
Mon, 01-23-2012, 08:15 PM
Aww man... reusing animation for the opening? That's just rude.
Tue, 01-24-2012, 08:29 PM
Aww man... reusing animation for the opening? That's just rude.
I totally agree lol
Is it just me or has the overall animation quality gone down? I guess it will go back up towards the finale.
Tue, 01-24-2012, 08:41 PM
I totally agree lol
Is it just me or has the overall animation quality gone down? I guess it will go back up towards the finale.
Not sure.
It's not the animation quality or the reuse of scenes I'm worried about mainly. :(
Buffed-up Yuno at least was entertaining.
Encouragement - removes all negative effects on the target. Special Effect - Yuno: If given by Yuki, grants Happiness +110, increases all stats by 150% for 30 seconds.
Sun, 01-29-2012, 03:05 PM
Not sure.
It's not the animation quality or the reuse of scenes I'm worried about mainly. :(
Buffed-up Yuno at least was entertaining.
Encouragement - removes all negative effects on the target. Special Effect - Yuno: If given by Yuki, grants Happiness +110, increases all stats by 150% for 30 seconds.
Encouragement - removes all negative effects on the target. Special Effect - Yuno: If given by Yuki, grants Happiness +110, increases all stats by 150% for 30 seconds. GG
Mon, 01-30-2012, 07:46 AM
Gotspeed - Episode 16 (
Those who paid some attention would notice that the characters are revealed in their order in the OP. Interestingly Yuki's group of friends show up in 8th's slot. Aristocrat's previously said that Akise isn't a diary holder because his name wasn't in the ED credits as 8th.
I propose the question: what if Akise's name isn't really Akise?
The general trend thus far is that only diary holders give a shit about other diary holders. Even Yuki's dad only came to see him because he's a diary holder.
I have no idea why Mars and the chick hid the phones in the flowers such that they could be easily snatched. Ai in particular seemed really timid when she was cool with throwing knives last time. Ah well.
Mon, 01-30-2012, 02:27 PM
Gotspeed - Episode 16 (
Those who paid some attention would notice that the characters are revealed in their order in the OP. Interestingly Yuki's group of friends show up in 8th's slot. Aristocrat's previously said that Akise isn't a diary holder because his name wasn't in the ED credits as 8th.
I propose the question: what if Akise's name isn't really Akise?
The general trend thus far is that only diary holders give a shit about other diary holders. Even Yuki's dad only came to see him because he's a diary holder.
I have no idea why Mars and the chick hid the phones in the flowers such that they could be easily snatched. Ai in particular seemed really timid when she was cool with throwing knives last time. Ah well.
"I have no idea why Mars and the chick hid the phones in the flowers such that they could be easily snatched."
They hid their phones in general (or the guy anyway) solely for the purpose of showing Yuki's Father's true colors, hence why they used doubles (fake similar phones), as to why they hid them in the flowers, it was "meant" so they could be "well hidden" and still be close enough to them as not to lose them, but well...we all know how that worked out didn't we?
Mon, 01-30-2012, 06:26 PM
They hid their phones in general (or the guy anyway) solely for the purpose of showing Yuki's Father's true colors, hence why they used doubles (fake similar phones), as to why they hid them in the flowers, it was "meant" so they could be "well hidden" and still be close enough to them as not to lose them, but well...we all know how that worked out didn't we?
I got that they were trying to show the father's true nature with the fakes (actually, why would Mars do that anyway??), but the way the phones were completely vulnerable at least to Yuno was pretty jarring for me. It could have been, say, leg-strapped on Ai for example.
I can't make out which I was more surprised by though: the location of the phones or the ease with which Ai relinquished them when Yuno attacked. I expected Ai to be that feisty partner of Mars who kicked ass (almost) as much as Yuno did, that's all.
Mon, 01-30-2012, 07:52 PM
I got that they were trying to show the father's true nature with the fakes (actually, why would Mars do that anyway??), but the way the phones were completely vulnerable at least to Yuno was pretty jarring for me. It could have been, say, leg-strapped on Ai for example.
I can't make out which I was more surprised by though: the location of the phones or the ease with which Ai relinquished them when Yuno attacked. I expected Ai to be that feisty partner of Mars who kicked ass (almost) as much as Yuno did, that's all.
I expected Ai to be that feisty partner of Mars who kicked ass (almost) as much as Yuno did
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Sat, 02-04-2012, 02:41 AM
Since GotWoot decided to deny us an OP karaoke... I timed one.
Sat, 02-04-2012, 09:52 AM
Since GotWoot decided to deny us an OP karaoke... I timed one.
Hmm.. I knew the single was out but I never bothered to read the lyrics. Assuming this song was made with the anime in mind, it's pretty foreshadowing of future events (or perhaps it's better labelled as past events..).
I didn't realise the entire song was in Engrish.. no wonder it made no sense aurally.
Mon, 02-06-2012, 08:28 AM
Gotspeed - Episode 17 (
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