View Full Version : Movie: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Sat, 07-23-2011, 08:22 AM
An origin story set in present day San Francisco, where man's own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.
I feel like I know the whole storyline through the trailer now, which I don't like, but it still looks freaking awesome, therefore I must see it.
Note: This movie is a reboot.
Sat, 07-23-2011, 08:37 AM
That actually looks pretty damn cool, and certainly alot different than what i was expecting, in a good way.
And Saph, you're dead on about the trailer pretty much spoiling the entire movie lol
Sat, 07-23-2011, 12:30 PM
Wow this movie looks awesome, and heart-warming and moving too. From other trailers one would be led to believe the monkey was given intelligence then decided to take over the world. This trailer shows his motivations for world domination... because humans suck.
As far as spoiling the story, I think this is a prelude to the Planet of the Apes series, so we kind of already know where it's headed.
Sat, 07-23-2011, 12:51 PM
Yeah but now you know exactly why and how it was headed there. Hence seeming spoilerific... :(
Sun, 07-24-2011, 05:48 PM
Been keeping an eye on this one. I really enjoy the old Ape movies (only seen the first 3 though), and even though I can't stand Burton's remake, I'm holding out hope that this will be enjoyable. Though I am disappointed they're doing cgi apes. The makeup work was one thing that made the original films so groundbreaking and notable, even if only in a subtle meta-sense. And that was one thing you could give Burton credit for, keeping the apes as humans with makeup. But then again, it could be argued that mo-cap is replacing makeup in this sense, and therefore the film is keeping in the boundary-pushing technology-utilizing legacy of the originals (Even though mo-cap like this is actually pretty common these days)
I'm not sure how I feel about them changing the process through which the Planet was overrun by Apes, but then again the original story is pretty ridiculous, so it's probably good to revamp it. (In the old movies, the apes take over because apes from the future go back in time which leads to the planet getting overrun. That is, the planet becomes the planet of the apes, because it became the planet of the apes. Delightfully paradoxical.)
In preparation for the remake, I plan to watch the fourth and fifth movies at some point before I see the new one. The Planet of the Apes saga is a brilliant and entertaining series that doesn't get near enough credit. The old movies (Maybe just the first 2, but still) are just as intelligent, relevant, and enjoyable today as they were when they first came out in the 60s-70s. If you guys wanna watch something before seeing this movie, then I would definitely recommend the original Planet of the Apes, and definitely not recommend Tim Burton's 2001 remake.
Sun, 07-24-2011, 06:58 PM
btw, 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' sucks balls as a movie title, i hate the double "of the" -.-
Sun, 07-24-2011, 07:09 PM
btw, 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' sucks balls as a movie title, i hate the double "of the" -.-Have to agree with you, though I don't hate it that much. It would have been cooler as "Rise of the Apes" or "Planet of the Apes: The Fall of Man".
@Pandadice: I think this movie is still early on in the evolution of our simian overlords, so they are still more monkey than man. Dressing up men as monkeys at this stage of evolution would be basically putting them in monkey/ape suits that would add little to the realism. Later when they evolve to be more human like in stature and behavior, then makeup would make more sense.
Thu, 08-04-2011, 10:31 AM
Sort of confident that I just watched the best parts of the movie in that trailer. Why is it the norm to make them short films that outline the entire plot of the story?
I find the viral videos on their youtube channel much more effective:
Chimp with Machete (
Thu, 08-04-2011, 12:47 PM
hAHAHAH! My boss thought that was a real monkey for a second.
Thu, 08-04-2011, 03:41 PM
Sort of confident that I just watched the best parts of the movie in that trailer. Why is it the norm to make them short films that outline the entire plot of the story?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just poor trailer making. Cowboys and Aliens had a great first trailer. It showed just enough to get you totally interested in the movie, yet didn't show anything that'd ruin the whole movie (And so far, even with the newer longer trailers, I'd say that holds true). I remember one of the worst trailers being The Island. They literally show you everything that happens in that trailer. I saw the trailer and thought "surely there has to be more to the movie, there must be some grand twist that they aren't revealing." However, I was wrong, and the Island was boring.
But honestly, who cares about the plots and writing of films these days? I'd love to think that the general population who are going to see this movie would be completely interested in the plot development and social commentary of the film etc. But really, in a world where they were able to make a third transformers movie, I just know that can't be the case. The plot of the movie is pretty simplistic as is, but establishing all the subtle details in the trailer will ensure that the audience is well aware of everything beforehand. This will allow them to zone out that boring "dialogue" and other stupid elements of the movie like "Character motivation" etc. and thus they can simply admire the explosions and stuff.
Is cinema dead? I wouldn't say completely, but sometimes it's hard to see any life left..
Thu, 08-04-2011, 04:25 PM
in a world where they were able to make a third transformers movie
I love the idea of this phrase becoming akin to "in a post-9/11 world" for movie buffs.
Cinema is alive and well, just not in Hollywood.
Thu, 08-04-2011, 09:28 PM
...However, I was wrong, and the Island was boring.
But really, in a world where they were able to make a third transformers movie, I just know that can't be the case... some other elitist arthouse claptrap
The Island was a good movie, and at the time it was timely commentary on the potential corruption of stem cell research and cloning. I'm not a Scarlett J fan, but she made the movie worth watching, especially in white leather.
The Transformers is a franchise older and more time-tested than you. It deserved a third movie to try to make up for the second one, but needed a new director and direction.
Fri, 08-05-2011, 01:19 AM
Cinema is alive and well, just not in Hollywood.
Hah, that's actually how I originally phrased that line, but then I felt bad excluding good current "hollywood directors" like Aronofsky (Despite him only marginally/recently becoming "Hollywood"), Paul Thomas Anderson, the Coen Brothers, or hey, even Christopher Nolan (It's awesome what a competent director can do with generic comic book material).
The Island was a good movie, and at the time it was timely commentary on the potential corruption of stem cell research and cloning. I'm not a Scarlett J fan, but she made the movie worth watching, especially in white leather.
The Transformers is a franchise older and more time-tested than you. It deserved a third movie to try to make up for the second one, but needed a new director and direction.
"Elitist art house claptrap"? Really? I blame The Wire (Along with pretty much anything else HBO puts out), but I just find it impossible to tolerate mediocre writing/characters/execution etc. these days. I was never into that mindless explosion stuff, and would much rather watch something like Magnolia, Rocket Science or Children of Men (Which, sure, has plenty of explosions and shoot outs. But there's also a lot more to it, and doesn't let excessive sfx overshadow it's characters and writing). I disagree about The Island. Maybe it was just because the trailer spoiled the entire film, but I just could not get into the movie.
The Transformers is more time-tested than me? What does that even mean, it's been around longer? Tformers started as 30 minute commercials for kids toys. Sure it had awesome characters, and that 80s animated film is super awesome. But don't try to act like the new movies are genuinely trying to uphold some honored franchise. They're just trying to make cash. Sell toys, sell cars, sell whatever else they can get in the movies, all while getting the director and producers a sweet paycheck. Maybe you could say something about the first movie honoring a time-tested franchise, but (And this is true really for all sequels) two and three are nothing more than cash cows. It's like, I want to enjoy a movie because the director has something to say, or it's a legitimately interesting story and setting, not just because it has massive explosions and characters from some show I watched as a kid. Is an interest in legitimate story really grounds for being labeled elitist? I completely agree that the third tformers needed a new director and to go in a new direction, unfortunately it did not, in anyway, go in an even slightly different direction.
Planet of the Apes is a time-tested franchise older than you, and no matter how time-tested it is, I highly doubt this new movie is going to do it justice.
ps. on the double "of the" name conversation, I don't mind it. The old movies all have that "Escape from the...", "Conquest of the..., "Battle for the...," so it's keeping inline with the old movie titles. And that'll probably be the only noticeable link between this new movie and the old ones.. I mean, if they didn't keep the naming scheme, it could've passed as some completely different project.
Sat, 08-06-2011, 05:24 AM
I am too excited to watch this movie..
Fri, 08-12-2011, 05:30 PM
This song was stuck in my head during the ENTIRE MOVIE, starting when he goes into a tree for the first time and especially when the character that looks EXACTLY like the big badass ape in Tarzan that dies, dies.
Sun, 08-21-2011, 04:55 PM
Just seen this movie, it's pretty good. CGI was very, very good.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 10:07 AM
I watched it and it was great. But I've never seen any other movie in the series. Am I missing out anything?
Mon, 08-22-2011, 10:25 AM
Not really, this is a reboot/reimagining.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 07:26 PM
It`s a bit hard to say, since it IS a reboot, but it acts as a prequel to what is getting rebooted, the only thing you could be missing is the real meaning of a certain tv report that was shown on the movies a couple of times and knowing how this apes vs. humans thing ends up specifically.
Mon, 08-22-2011, 08:32 PM
But honestly, who cares about the plots and writing of films these days? I'd love to think that the general population who are going to see this movie would be completely interested in the plot development and social commentary of the film etc. But really, in a world where they were able to make a third transformers movie, I just know that can't be the case.
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