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View Full Version : Naruto Shippuuden Episode 175

Thu, 08-26-2010, 06:11 AM
[HorribleSubs] Naruto Shippuuden - 175 - 720p (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=154045) | 480p (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=154043)


Here's another version of the ED Single. This one contains files from both discs. The music from the CD, the PV and CMs from the DVD, and all of the scans.

NARUTO Shippuuden ED14 & Mahou Tsukai no Yoru ED Single - Utakata Hanabi & Hoshi ga Matataku Konna Yoru ni [supercell] (V0 mp3, Scans, mkv) (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=154027)

[Nipponsei] NARUTO Shippuuden ED14 Single - Utakata Hanabi [supercell].zip (http://tracker.minglong.org/torrents/%5BNipponsei%5D%20NARUTO%20Shippuuden%20ED14%20Sin gle%20-%20Utakata%20Hanabi%20%5Bsupercell%5D.zip.torrent)

Harima Kenji
Thu, 08-26-2010, 07:38 AM
Liked this episode quite a lot. Finally the 4th's wish came true.
I'm quite curious about the next episode too.. anyone know if that is filler or cannon?

Thu, 08-26-2010, 07:49 AM
anyone know if that is filler or cannon?

It's an Iruka filler arc.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 08:39 AM
This would have been a pretty grand finishing episode. I'm dreading, as well as looking forward to the actual ending after this, since it'd suck if it never equalled this, but would be even more awesome if it surpassed it.

I'm doubtful about Konan's ability to take over the Village of Rain, but knowing how stories go, it'd be highly unlikely that she fails and retreats to Konoha or something. Perhaps the village really regards her as much as they do Pain-sama.

Danzo can't be pleased Naruto one-upped him instead. Well at least Tsunade's got the people's support now, since she's got Naruto's support (or is it the other way around :rolleyes:? )

Iruka flashback filler... way to ruin the momentum. (I'll wait and see, but I doubt it'll be able to carry this on and make it one super-long, climatic flashback.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 11:59 AM
It's an Iruka filler arc.


Thu, 08-26-2010, 12:22 PM
So, can anyone confirm for me? i just need to clarify something, you guys liked this "plot twist"?

Thu, 08-26-2010, 12:44 PM
Great episode. Especially 2/3 in where they relived Naruto's finest moments but with random villagers commentary. I liked how they were changing their minds throughout the series and then at the end praising him. Very cool.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 01:00 PM
Yeah, I'm generally not any fan of flashback but they worked here, mixed in with those villagers' comments. All in all a jolly good episode and succesfully created the kind of atmosphere it was aiming at. An arc filled with that much pain needed an ending like this.

I liked Pain's change of heart because in reality it was no change but a reversal back to what he really had wanted to believe in all the time. Based on the flashback he was far from any villain by his basic nature, so in a sense he was looking forward to going back, given a chance.

I wonder if they'll allow Naruto to skip the next chuunin exam based on his performance here, har har.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Weird, i expected people to be a tad more enraged after the dragon balls no jutsu

Thu, 08-26-2010, 04:16 PM
Enraged after half of them were resurrected? It wouldn't be Konoha if they were. Shattered houses mean little if dads, moms, husbands, wives, siblings, friends, and children are suddenly saved against all odds. It's a ninja village so destroyed property is given. Even lost lives are to be expected but like Pain said, nothing will make that easier. So, I don't really think in that situation the people present in the episode would be enraged. Somewhere else there were probably loners who didn't even have anybody to lose and who thus would cry after their annihilated possessions.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 05:18 PM
I think he was expecting anime only viewers to be enraged by it, not the people in the show.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 05:23 PM
... Kraco, what are you on and can i have some?

I didn't even understand your post at first, i had to read Marik's to get how far off you were.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 08:07 PM
I'll put a vote in for "mass resurrection is stupid" or hell, any sort of bring back to life deal is stupid. Making death pointless is really annoying.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 08:21 PM
I'll put a vote in for "mass resurrection is stupid" or hell, any sort of bring back to life deal is stupid. Making death pointless is really annoying.

This arc was more about Jiraiya's students going head to head more so than a political power shift, so I'm completely happy with the mass resurrection.

@Kraco: lol

Thu, 08-26-2010, 08:55 PM
Man, what a great episode. It felt like the culmination of the entire series up to this point. Like Buff said, if the series had ended here I almost wouldn't complain.

I loved how in the flashbacks you can see the progression of the villagers opinion of him as they go from calling him "the fox kid" to "Naruto".

It's also nice to know the village was actually hearing about all the great things Naruto was doing. The series had been kind of making it seem like everything on the missions was secret. And nobody knew how awesome Naruto was.

Although, wtf with Sakura getting to hug Naruto while Hinata just watches. That's messed up. I didn't see Sakura getting almost killed to save him. She doesn't deserve hugs!

So, can anyone confirm for me? i just need to clarify something, you guys liked this "plot twist"?I believe the emotional payoff for this episode more than makes up for the loss of narrative weight that came from Pain ressurecting everyone. If half the village was still dead, I doubt the mood in the village would have been positive enough for Naruto to be receiving the welcome he's getting now.

I'm doubtful about Konan's ability to take over the Village of Rain, but knowing how stories go, it'd be highly unlikely that she fails and retreats to Konoha or something. Perhaps the village really regards her as much as they do Pain-sama. The whole village thinks she's an angel. And if Pain was the Rain's leader, then she's the next in the chain of command anyway. Why would she even need to "take over". She's the rightful ruler.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 10:00 PM
I believe the emotional payoff for this episode more than makes up for the loss of narrative weight that came from Pain ressurecting everyone. If half the village was still dead, I doubt the mood in the village would have been positive enough for Naruto to be receiving the welcome he's getting now.

Meanwhile, the emotional build up to the last 20ish episodes goes to hell since everyone that we cared about and died were a-ok at the end thus rendenring their "deaths" completelly totally fucking pointless, this is exactly why i stopped watching dbz, and how exactly did he ressed Kakashi since he really didn`t killed him? why res what`s her name? she does nothing to the series besides cleaning tonton`s shit in Tsunade`s office, why should we feel releived when we found out Chouza was alive? why should we care about Hinata? it didn`t mattered at all at the end.

Although i must admit, the Konoha greeting Naruto scene was done far better than the manga.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 10:08 PM
There's still the Lightning (that's the horrid-rapping Jinchuuriki right?) village subplot to finish up, Naruto still has to face off with Sasuke and use whatever power Itachi gave him, and Naruto is bound to remember the name Danzou sooner or later. I get the feeling Naruto is going to have all of the major ninja village's rulers following him before they get to the finals, and each arc will feature a different village's involvement. As long as they don't draw out the fillers again I won't go on a rampage.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 11:04 PM
Very touching ep.,
I cried watching the dead rise.
So glad that N won.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 11:07 PM
UChessmaster that is not exactly the case here.

Kakashi's "death" allowed him to forgive his father and let him let go of one of the greatest pains in his past it allowed him to grow while resolving the plot point of his father.

Shizune didn't even really get much of a death scene they just ripped out her soul and moved on. Honestly nothing was lost or gained with her.

Hinata never died in the first place so she wasn't resurrected at all. I do think she deserved the hug more then Sakura but with her injuries and the fact that Naruto's interest lies in Sakura its pretty sensible that it wasn't her who embraced him.

So really what was lost here? A bunch of nameless villagers didn't end up dead and we got a epic battle that greatly improved Naruto and took care of Pain and Konan (plus the rain village for now). I really can't see what the true hatred for this plot twist is.

Jiraiya is still dead. Its pretty clear those injured were not magically healed in any way unless they were killed meaning Tsunade is still unaccounted for.

Overall I really liked this episode it felt like a proper conclusion to a epic arc. I'm a bit sad we are getting some filler now but hopefully its a quick bit before they get back on track and continue the story.

Thu, 08-26-2010, 11:19 PM
Yeah, i don`t think you got my point... at all.

Kakashi`s dad scene was nice and all, but at the end it needed no resolution, his tale was a tragic one, i would`ve rather they kept it that way, and that`s not even what i meant!, what i mean is that Pain didn`t really killed him, Kakashi died because he used MS twice when he was short on mana, Pain`s technique shouldn`t affect him.

As for Shizune, the fact that she had a quick dead was a good thing, i always perceived it as a way for Kishimoto to indirectly tell us "Yeah, that`s right, Pain is here and shit just got real, and none of your beloved secondary characters are safe", but no, he just had to come and res everyone.

As for Hinata, you misunderstood me again, let`s put it this way, If Hinata survives, she survives, if she instead died, she survives anyway, so why should we care about her well being if she`s going to survive no matter what!?

Maybe i`m wrong, but i was under the impression this arc was about the cruelty of war, and being a ninja is not all about bringing your butt body back, unicorns, rainbows, and unicorns that shit rainbows, is hard to be on the edge of the seat thinking everything is at stake when at the end, nothing is. It`s like watching a movie only to realize it was all a dream, bleh.

Now, let`s say 6 of the Konoha twelve are fighting some foreign ninjas, one of them uses a technique that will undoubtelly kill him in the end, another one gets a fatal wound in his chest/shoulder/whatever, both mortally wonded, yet both survive somehow, you`d be dissapointed yes?

Thu, 08-26-2010, 11:30 PM
At this point I sensed a darker, more sinister-like Naruto anime. Everyone in Konoha psychotic and disorderd from being brought back to life, Naruto vanished (probably in pursuit of Sasuke) and all loyal ninja's turned rogue. Ninja Scroll-ish.
A man can only wish...

I fucking hate Shippuuden's main theme. It ruined Naruto's welcome scene for me. What happened to those traditional flutes, drums and chants from back in Naruto? It's waaaay more suiting!

Although, wtf with Sakura getting to hug Naruto while Hinata just watches. That's messed up. I didn't see Sakura getting almost killed to save him. She doesn't deserve hugs!

That is messed up! WTF is the bitch's problem, punching him in the face again???

Other than that, a sweet episode.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 12:56 AM
I didn't even understand your post at first, i had to read Marik's to get how far off you were.

On the contrary your post was very easy to understand. To misunderstand, that is.

Although, wtf with Sakura getting to hug Naruto while Hinata just watches. That's messed up. I didn't see Sakura getting almost killed to save him. She doesn't deserve hugs!

It's quite simple in my opinion: Sakura used to love only Sasuke, but now Sasuke having been a rogue ninja for years, she must be calculating it's possible she will never have him. With Naruto's star rising all the time, she planned to reserve Naruto as the fallback man if it indeed turns out Sasuke is a completely lost cause. Now she suddenly witnessed Hinata confessing to Naruto. So, she has to do anything to keep them apart, lest she loses her alternative.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 01:19 AM
That is messed up! WTF is the bitch's problem, punching him in the face again???

Yeah that surprised me the most from this episode. Omitting the punch and just having the hug there would have shown how uncharacteristically relieved Sakura was at that moment. Or they could have shown her arm flying out like she was going to punch and shown Naruto's face flinching, then cut to that hugging animation with petals floating, doves being set free, harps playing, champagne bottles uncorking, condoms being unwrapped, etc.

And yeah I also expected more outrage from viewers about the resurrection, but I was pleasantly surprised. My thought was: Naruto earned every single praise he's finally getting, and he earned Kakashi's life too.

Hopefully he'll give Hinata more of his attention from now on-if he wants to find her after THIS performance I imagine he need only follow the slippery trail.

I'm really interested to see how townspeople will interact with Naruto now. Up until this point, he basically blended into every crowd in Konoha scenes(between major events) and the only one I can remember calling him on a first name basis would be the Ramen Chef. Think Naruto will still have to pay for his food? He fucking shouldn't.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 01:42 AM
Now, let`s say 6 of the Konoha twelve are fighting some foreign ninjas, one of them uses a technique that will undoubtelly kill him in the end, another one gets a fatal wound in his chest/shoulder/whatever, both mortally wonded, yet both survive somehow, you`d be dissapointed yes?Not if someone else had to die to make sure they lived. Like I said last week, I don't mind resurrection techniques that kill the user, since there's still a cost to be pai...

Oh wait, you're talking about the Sasuke chase arc....sneaky bastard. That did piss me off at the time. Especially since neither of them have done anything worthwhile since then.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 01:43 AM
and how exactly did he ressed Kakashi since he really didn`t killed him?

Okay, I'll spell it out for you (since it obviously isn't done obviously enough)

Nagato is not a soul tank. He does not give back the souls he took.

Nagato has the power to control life and death. He can bring anyone to life again given he has enough chakra, and they died within a certain time frame. Physical mortal damage is of no concern.

(They never showed something like decapitated ninjas or completely burnt corpse, so we have insufficient data on that)

The whole village thinks she's an angel. And if Pain was the Rain's leader, then she's the next in the chain of command anyway. Why would she even need to "take over". She's the rightful ruler.

If the village regards her the same as they regard Nagato (which does seem to be the same), that'll be the case. There's a little bit inside me that wonders how "Pain has died" will affect the population. If Pain and Angel had a big gap in terms of status, potential uprisers could cause problems in terms of the entire country's vision.


She was never really that close to Naruto in the first place. Up until recently, she bolted and/or fainted whenever got close to him. (excluding fillers).

Fri, 08-27-2010, 01:50 AM
I almost forgot the Crowning Moment of Funny from this episode which was Ino saying how tingly badass Naruto makes her and the reactions of the others when she said it.

I'm really interested to see how townspeople will interact with Naruto now. Up until this point, he basically blended into every crowd in Konoha scenes(between major events) and the only one I can remember calling him on a first name basis would be the Ramen Chef. Think Naruto will still have to pay for his food? He fucking shouldn't.Well, the village is full of ninja heroes. We never see anyone buying Kakashi dinner. They're celebrating his victory now, but it's gonna die down. It's not like Naruto is gonna have ninja papparazi following him around for a year.

Of course, how the hell did Naruto pay for his food BEFORE he became a ninja anyway? He was a fucking 10 year old orphan living in an apartment! How did that even work!

If the village regards her the same as they regard Nagato (which does seem to be the same), that'll be the case. There's a little bit inside me that wonders how "Pain has died" will affect the population. If Pain and Angel had a big gap in terms of status, potential uprisers could cause problems in terms of the entire country's vision.
I'm not worried about her. She's still an Akatsuki level ninja. I'm sure she can put down any opposition.


She was never really that close to Naruto in the first place. Up until recently, she bolted and/or fainted whenever got close to him. (excluding fillers).I wasn't expecting her to run up to him. I was expecting HIM to go to her. He heard her tell him she loves him. He should acknowledge that one way or the other.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 03:15 AM
I wasn't expecting her to run up to him. I was expecting HIM to go to her. He heard her tell him she loves him. He should acknowledge that one way or the other.
... I wouldn't get my hopes up

Fri, 08-27-2010, 07:17 AM
Okay, I'll spell it out for you (since it obviously isn't done obviously enough)

Obviously not, if he can res anyone then it still makes no sense, i have a question for you, and it`s in all caps to stress my frustration so you better brace yourself and hold on to something, extra exclamation and question symbols may occur.


Since we are assuming stuff to make sense of this mess, i`m going to say that it`s obvious (see what i did there?), that he had knowledge of his own techniques when Yahiko died.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 07:53 AM
Maybe he didn't know that technique yet, and you could say Yahiko commited suicide by impaling himself on a kunai.

Also, I'm wondering what will happen with the already caught bijuu's. I doubt that anyone else can summon that statue. Some interesting info will come our way I hope.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 07:58 AM

Maybe he didn't know that technique yet,

^ that......

Fri, 08-27-2010, 08:04 AM
Yeah, read the last part of my post guys. Here, i`ll quote it.

Since we are assuming stuff to make sense of this mess, i`m going to say that it`s obvious, that he had knowledge of his own techniques when Yahiko died.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 08:07 AM
You think it's obvious he already had mastered control over life and death at age 15?

Fri, 08-27-2010, 08:11 AM
Yeah, read the last part of my post guys. Here, i`ll quote it.

We never assumed anything. He (or Konan) told us.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:00 AM
You think it's obvious he already had mastered control over life and death at age 15?

So i should assume he had control over his other techniques but not the one he actually needed, even though he could clearly control the statue itself at age 15?

Naruto has Sage control at age 15, Sasuke has MS control at age 15, Gaara has a lot of control over his jinchuuriki at age 12, Lee could open the gates at age 13, Nagato having control over his Rinnengan at age 15 (with jiraiya as his teacher of all people) is not such a crazy idea.

We never assumed anything.

You assumed the technique works on those that recently died instead of those Pain killed as he himself said so.

I`ll bring back those that i`ve killed since i attacked Konoha

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:02 AM
Should you assume that he couldn't seeing as he didn't and it would be logical for him not to? Yes, yes you should.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:08 AM
Should you assume that he couldn't seeing as he didn't and it would be logical for him not to? Yes, yes you should.

Is logical for him not to know it, but to know the other techniques?

Fine then, let`s forget about that part, i was trying to prove a point and i`m clearly terrible at it.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:10 AM
What other techniques? I saw a half assed force push and a summoning, that was it.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:15 AM
What was so half assed about it? seems like he did it perfectly to me...

The statue thing he had full control as well, and the ressurrection technique, to me seems like an extention of the statues abilities, if he could rip the life of those rain ninja with the statue, he should be able to give Yahiko his life back as well.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:18 AM
You're not even gonna try and defend your original point anymore are you?

And by halfassed i mean it looked weak in comparison to what God Realm could do ( forget the fact he took down a village at full power, even his normal push was able to deflect some of the strongest physical attacks we ever saw in the anime ) and it was only done once

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:26 AM
You're not even gonna try and defend your original point anymore are you?

??? my original point in this thread is that i didn`t liked the mass ressurrection. Which one do you mean exactly?

And by halfassed i mean it looked weak in comparison to what God Realm could do ( forget the fact he took down a village at full power, even his normal push was able to deflect some of the strongest physical attacks we ever saw in the anime ) and it was only done once

What was so weak about it? ninjas throw shit at Nagato, he deflected ALL of them, what else you need?

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:29 AM
... when God Realm did it he threw 3 giant frogs a mile away

Fri, 08-27-2010, 09:36 AM
... when God Realm did it he threw 3 giant frogs a mile away

And when some Konoha ninjas throws stuff at him, he deflected them for like 3 feet away. Did he sent chouza 3 miles away? no, i always ASSUMED he could adjust the strenght of his push, thus why he uses a big push for giant frogs, a normal push for the white haired ninja with lightning in his hand, or a small push for random kunais. Back in the flashback he used a small push cause it was just kunais, i don`t see the point in him leveling everything so he can save himself from the harmless kunais.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 04:55 PM
I think an interesting aspect of the entire Nagato deflect/pull power was the transmission of it's weakness to the actors on the battle field. If for nothing else,. it gave real weight to the idea of intel being valuable. It was literally a matter of life and death. It was neat to see how that intel was passed along, protected, and ultimately important.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 06:47 PM
Sakura needs to either get her shit straight and go for Naruto or back the fuck off and let Hinata have her man -.- (i'd prefer the latter)

And yeah, very good flashback-centric episode, which is a rare thing.

Also, it'd be hilarious if Naruto really did have to take his exam fights to rank up, sucks for the one who gets to face him in it, since he's like one of the most powerful Ninjas on the planet now :P

Fri, 08-27-2010, 07:00 PM
I've read this before somewhere, dunno where, but it seems that if Naruto ever becomes Hokage, it will be from Genin>Hokage, just like he said during the written test of the chunin exams.

Fri, 08-27-2010, 10:27 PM
What was so half assed about it? seems like he did it perfectly to me...

The statue thing he had full control as well, and the ressurrection technique, to me seems like an extention of the statues abilities, if he could rip the life of those rain ninja with the statue, he should be able to give Yahiko his life back as well.Well, in the manga, it's much clearer that he'd actually never used the statue before that point, because it didn't have Konan's reaction as though she recognized it like the anime did.

It's pretty obvious though that he'd never used the statue before then since:

Before - He isn't emaciated and impaled with a dozen metal rods

After - Is emaciated and impaled with a dozen metal rods

Which is the condition he's in to this day. If he'd ever used the statue before, he'd have been in that condition already.

Shadow Skill
Sat, 08-28-2010, 02:26 AM
Darth is correct.

Just like to say, if you think about it, you can stab someone, but they are still alive for a few seconds or minutes. So does that make it mean you killed them or they died after the fact due to blood loss etc etc?

I am thinking, even though Kakashi used his last remaning chakra to use Magenkyo Sharingan, I do believe enough damage was done to him by pain, to warrant Kakashi being killed by pain. He may not have died instantly, but he did die soon afterwards.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Sat, 08-28-2010, 03:29 AM
I really don't think the absolute technical culprit for the deaths has anything to do with his technique. If he said he will bring back all that he killed, it's only due to the ultimate reason that he was the one who decided to attack Konoha, thus being also the final reason why they perished. He could simply resurrect anybody who died in a limited area (the town and immediate surrounding areas) within a likewise limited time frame.

For all we know some nameless ninja might have even died of friendly fire. It would be beyond ironic such a victim would be the only one staying dead.

Sat, 08-28-2010, 04:14 AM
Okay, let me just try to interpret his resurrection skill here.

He has to summon that statue with the big mouth to use it; we have seen him do this before to ressurect the other Pains. He ressurected his other bodies that Jiraiya killed. This also means he can ressurect anyone, not just someone he killed. The statue seems to have some sort of radius that probably depends on how much chakra Nagato uses. A whole village seemed a little much for him.

The statue also seems to have some healing abilities. The three that Jiraiya stabbed did not have wounds on them after being ressurected. So it would appear that Nagato's skill probably is a bit like Tsunade's, using his chakra to heal the person ressurected as well. I would bet the way it works is a lot different than Tsunade's technique, however. This means that Nagato used his remaining chakra to revive and heal the entire village.

There seem to be some limitations besides just the distance. I doubt he could heal a severed head or torsoe. Something Orochimaru could do, but he wasn't human anymore. As far as Jiraiya, his body is at the bottom of the lake and has probably been eaten by the fishies. We can probably safely assume that Nagato can only ressurect recently dead bodies that just need their spirit back plus some healing.

I don't think Jiraiya would have ever left Nagato if he knew Nagato could bring back the dead. So we can also safely assume Nagato would have saved Yahiko, his parents, or anyone else for that matter if he knew how to use the ressurection technique at the time.

As far as what happend: it sucks. It totally cheapens the deaths. You almost feel robbed. However, I'm about 48% pissed off to 52% happy that Kakashi is alive. The ressurection technique may have killed what would have been the most bad ass arc ever, but the Kakashi revival saved the series (is that the word we use?). Who knows, Kishimoto might not have meant to ressurect everyone, but received some threatening phone calls after killing Kakashi off, originally.

On a side note: Nagato's ability to just ressurect and heal people seems like it would be the perfect technique to have if you were, per chance, striving for world peace.

Sat, 08-28-2010, 07:08 PM
I don't think Jiraiya would have ever left Nagato if he knew Nagato could bring back the dead. So we can also safely assume Nagato would have saved Yahiko, his parents, or anyone else for that matter if he knew how to use the ressurection technique at the time.To be fair, even if he didn't know Nagato could bring back the dead, leaving Nagato was the dumbest thing ever.

You have an orphan, with the most powerful Kekkei Genki in the world, who considers you his master, and instead of bringing him and his friends back to your village, you just leave him to his own devices?

There is no level on which that makes sense. Considering the lengths ninjas go to to protect or steal lesser KGs, having the Rinnegan user and having him pretty much willing to follow you around, and not taking him?

Even the more assholish Leaf ninja like Danzo, who probably would have considered the kid a threat for being from another village, would still probably have preferred the rinnegan user be in the village where they could keep an eye on him.

There seem to be some limitations besides just the distance. I doubt he could heal a severed head or torsoe. Something Orochimaru could do, but he wasn't human anymore. As far as Jiraiya, his body is at the bottom of the lake and has probably been eaten by the fishies. We can probably safely assume that Nagato can only ressurect recently dead bodies that just need their spirit back plus some healing. I think time HAS to be an issue. From Konan's reactions, she implies that Nagato wouldn't die from using that technique if he wasn't already exhausted from fighting Naruto. If time wasn't an issue, he could have just rested up, THEN resurrected everyone.

Sat, 08-28-2010, 11:22 PM
Pain brought back his bodies on more than one occasion and they weren't killed by him.

So, no. The revival jutsu isn't limited to the people he kills. Or else Konan's words that he controls death and life would be a lie.

Sun, 08-29-2010, 03:09 AM
I think time HAS to be an issue. From Konan's reactions, she implies that Nagato wouldn't die from using that technique if he wasn't already exhausted from fighting Naruto. If time wasn't an issue, he could have just rested up, THEN resurrected everyone.

You're right, but for the same reason I'm right. The body just decomposes with time to a point where putting the spirit back in doesn't do anything.

He has to summon that statue with the big mouth to use it; we have seen him do this before to ressurect the other Pains. He ressurected his other bodies that Jiraiya killed. This also means he can ressurect anyone, not just someone he killed. The statue seems to have some sort of radius that probably depends on how much chakra Nagato uses. A whole village seemed a little much for him.

Pain brought back his bodies on more than one occasion and they weren't killed by him.

So, no. The revival jutsu isn't limited to the people he kills. Or else Konan's words that he controls death and life would be a lie.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Wed, 09-01-2010, 05:46 PM
And exactly what "spirits" was he resurrecting when he brought back the Pain bodies? They're just dummies with Nagato's chakra, as far as we know as the audience.

Sounds like a plot hole.

Thu, 09-02-2010, 01:45 AM
It seems there some healing powers as well that come with the reviving. So I bet the bodies are just getting healed through that technique. They seem to be actual living bodies with no soul attached.