View Full Version : Amagami SS
Fri, 07-02-2010, 01:33 AM
Genre: Romance
Based on: the PlayStation 2 romance simulation game Amagami by Enterbrain
Plot Summary: A second-year high school boy finds himself uneasy during Christmas time due to an experience in the past. However, this year at Christmas, he gets his last chance to ask out a graduating female senior named Haruka Morishima — or one of several other classmates. The story of the anime will be arranged in an omnibus format, with each heroine getting her own version of the story animated. Each heroine will sing her own version of the ending theme song. -ANN
Links: ANN (, Official (
UTW - Episode 01v2 (
Fri, 07-02-2010, 02:26 AM
I was expecting a lot from this series based on solely the fact it has inspired quite a lot of fanart. The trailer also didn't look bad at all. The only thing I did suspicious is the "each heroine getting her own version of the story". That doesn't sound altogether wholesome considering the bigger picture of the anime, even if it of course is the most accurate representation of the game. It might get tiresome to forget the previous arc and go through a reset to the next one. But maybe the game was such that it wouldn't have been possible to make a more traditional anime out of it. Well, if I'm interpreting the idea correctly at all...
Anyway, it seemed like a decent story and standard animation with no problems. Naturally it's all about the characters in a story like this, and they seemed nice enough. Perhaps streamlined quite strongly but that is to be expected especially if the story will get reset after each arch and thus the time is highly limited for each of them.
I'll keep watching this one for the time being, no matter what Bill didn't say.
Fri, 07-02-2010, 03:02 AM
I wonder if they could have possibly fit any more tropes in this show...
Seemed so generic and bland.
Fri, 07-02-2010, 05:20 AM
I was about to write it off as boring and cliché but then that crash and burn on the last few seconds made me interested again
I yelled REJECTED! irl, twas fun.
Fri, 07-02-2010, 05:59 PM
This turned out to be Eclipse's show of the season:
Episode 1 HD ( rent) | SD ( - Eclipse
Fri, 07-02-2010, 08:27 PM
Makes sense, it has sort of a Key feel to it
Fri, 07-02-2010, 09:55 PM
I doubt Haruka's gonna end up being the girlfriend in the end. Senpai's usually always lose (with the exception of a certain other harem anime that starts with an S). That is, if the whole storyline is actually just one continous storyline.
By the looks of it, according to the episode titles at least they're gonna do an arc for each character. Maybe they'll have alternate endings for each possible girlfriend after each of their respective arcs? Or maybe they're just going the common route of focusing on developing a girl each arc and then just having him choose at the end.
Not sure what I think about Haruka wanting an older reliable man. It kinda just ticked me off for some reason. Maybe it just seemed like a stupid way of rejecting someone. A simple, I don't like you (or yet) would've done better than, "You're not an option, simply because of your age." Kinda just gave me the impression of her either being a gold digger, or a person that just wants to play around all the time and needs someone to pick up her slack. Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into it.
Board of Command
Sat, 07-03-2010, 12:36 AM
Gold digger.
Sat, 07-03-2010, 07:47 AM
Seemed so generic and bland.
Those are the feelings I got from the trailers, and to an extent this first episode.
Funny thing is, it probably got its timing right or something, as those aspects make it feel refreshing and different. Maybe it's that the last lot of highschool romance anime have been rather upbeat and somewhat "unreal" - not that this is a perfect representation of reality but you know what I mean. adding in something special (sexual predators, for example)
I found the eyes are weird at times - like their position in the socket is off or something. Other times they can look rather pretty.
I'll definitely give Eclipse a go, since I had a bit of trouble with the flow of UTW's subs.
Not sure what I think about Haruka wanting an older reliable man.
She threw "older" and "reliable" together, implying that Juunichi is younger, and therefore unreliable. It's age discrimination. She knows nothing about him other than that "he's nice".
The fact that she was being so friendly with him (while the general consensus makes us believe she's unapproachable) right before the rejection gives the impression that she's playing with him and/or disregards his feelings.
Sat, 07-03-2010, 08:04 AM
So this sounds like Hatsukoi Limited. How does this compare to Hatsukoi Limited?
Sat, 07-03-2010, 08:09 AM
So this sounds like Hatsukoi Limited. How does this compare to Hatsukoi Limited?
Comparisons, by nature, may contain spoilers
Hatsukoi Limited had different couples pairing up. Amagami SS seems to be about the main character vs various girls (or so the description suggests).
Hatsukoi Limited is more light hearted - Amagami SS is more serious (the main character has relationship problems to begin with).
Hatsukoi Limited has humour. Amagami SS... doesn't.
Hatsukoi Limited feels like an animated story. Amagami SS feels like an animated dating sim.
Hatsukoi Limited features white uniforms. Amagami SS has black ones.
End Spoilers
Sun, 07-04-2010, 12:48 AM
UTW releases a v2.
Episode 01 v2 - UTW (
I watched Eclipse's episode one and noticed the following differences with UTW(v1):
Nii-Nii (UTW) vs Nii-Ni (Eclipse) - I prefer UTW's version because it keeps the "double sound" effect, even if Eclipse's conveys the sound in a more phonetically accurate way.
Sempai (UTW) vs Senpai (Eclipse) - I prefer Eclipse simply because it's correct. Japanese actually do say sempai a lot because it's easier, but it's the equivalent of writing "I dunno" because that's how people say it. For some reason, the English versions don't invoke such a strong reaction from me though, so I'm a bit hypocritical about it. (UTW used "wanna", after all)
Onii-chan (UTW) vs Junichi (Eclipse) - I prefer UTW because what I read on screen matches what I hear. Similar stuff also happened when "pronouns" are used. (senpai vs "name of senpai" etc)
"You're hated now (paraphrased" (UTW) vs "I'm hated now (paraphrased)" (Eclipse) - I have no idea who's right here.
Paper, siccors, Rock scene - Eclipse gave two different responses for the boys after Kaoru explained the loser's job, and added "Shoot" afterwards, while Junichi didn't say anything.
1st meeting with Morishima-senpai:
-Morishima: Have we met before?
-Junichi: No
-Morishima: I see.
UTW: I don't really remember people I've only met once (paraphrased)
Eclipse: I'm pretty good at remembering people I've only met once (paraphrased)
Judging from the conversation alone, Eclipse makes more sense.
Also in that scene, UTW refers to Junichi as Mr Big Appetite, while Eclipse takes some liberty to use Mr Piggy (to tie in Morishima's fondness of little animals).
Overall flow: Eclipse feels better (but by how much?). Perhaps it's due to concise sentences, or better use of punctuation - but it reads easier.
I'm not really sure who comes out on top after all this, or if it even matters at all.
Fri, 07-09-2010, 06:42 AM
UTW - Episode 02 (
Fri, 07-09-2010, 10:09 AM
There isn't really overly much to say about this episode. But it occurred to me Morishima is quite similar to Suzumiya Haruhi. Both are apparently actively looking for new exciting things without much reservations yet equally quickly get bored of them. Maybe she hasn't dated anybody because she thought it would soon become a drag and it would be harder to get out of it than walking out of a club.
Fri, 07-09-2010, 10:29 AM
There isn't really overly much to say about this episode. But it occurred to me Morishima is quite similar to Suzumiya Haruhi. Both are apparently actively looking for new exciting things without much reservations yet equally quickly get bored of them. Maybe she hasn't dated anybody because she thought it would soon become a drag and it would be harder to get out of it than walking out of a club.
It didn't seem to me like that would be a reason. It actually feels like the opposite, that she'd jump at the idea whenever she felt it would be "fun" to do so, regardless of the consequence.
A simple, I don't like you (or yet) would've done better than, "You're not an option, simply because of your age." Kinda just gave me the impression of her either being a gold digger, or a person that just wants to play around all the time and needs someone to pick up her slack. Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into it.
Yeah, this ep pretty much confirmed it was the latter.
Morishima is a very "princessy" type of girl, without the arrogance and elitist mannerism, but touched up on the "omg, kawaii" and "this looks fun" aspects. Outwardly, she seems really inconsiderate of people's feelings (she didn't even remember the excuse she gave him, and sexually teases him like anything), does things on a spurt (sign of impulsiveness, "in the moment" mentality, and lacking long-term planning), and in general rather childish.
I'm undecided on whether she knows this inwardly.
Morishima actually reminds me of Charlotte Hazelrink from Princess Lover mostly in a bad way. (Her riding Junichi during Episode 1's leapfrog instantly made me think back to Charlotte's own little ride back in P.L Episode 03 (!/Princess%20Lover!%20-%2003%20-%20Large%2012.jpg))
It's funny how despite all these flaws that we can still like her. Guess it sells.
We finally got to hear some lines from the cold-looking Ai, and she doesn't sound too cold at all.
Fri, 07-09-2010, 02:48 PM
Well, she's young.
My reading of her reactions was that she's afraid of a love relationship, she's not ready yet. After all she's probably around 15 since she's a 3rd year. No wonder she can't be considerate of others, understand what they feel when she doesn't even understand herself yet.
Fri, 07-09-2010, 03:12 PM
They are high school students, not middle school.
Fri, 07-09-2010, 05:18 PM
Hell, that was painful to watch
There's just no valid reason for liking this girl other that wanting to get in her pants, and yet because Japan ( maybe i'm generalizing here but that's how it felt ) is so prone to confusing lust with love we have to get half asses explanations as "It's fun being with you...".
All she does is pull you around like a dog! Stand up for yourself you spineless wimp!
How this guy can be infatuated to an airhead that uses him as her personal bitch servant is beyond me, especially while actively knowing she's not into him. I'm with the sister on this one, just forget the damn bitch and move on already.
I still see potential here, all the other girls presented so far seem decent enough and fun to watch so i just want this damn arc to be over by the next episode.
Thu, 07-15-2010, 08:01 PM
Episode 3HD(UTW):
Fri, 07-16-2010, 10:48 AM
It's one thing for Morishima to think of Junichi like a puppy, but when even the male lead says "I'm a dog. Let me lick you like a dog"...
Shit just gets hilarious.
As easy as Morishima is to fall for, she's just so damn unstable. She's like those girls who buy a puppy because she thinks they're cute, only to abandon them in a box 3 weeks later.
As long as she keeps thinking of him and being attracted to him like a dog, Junichi is going to be in for a heart break sooner or later. (and I'd say, very soon).
Fri, 07-16-2010, 11:30 AM
I liked the ramen scene a lot. It takes a perfect pair to do something like that. I kinda wish I could try it myself.
Sat, 07-17-2010, 03:25 PM
Meh, annoying bitch wasn't so annoying this time around
Still want this arc to be over though
Sun, 07-18-2010, 12:46 PM
I liked the ramen scene a lot. It takes a perfect pair to do something like that. I kinda wish I could try it myself.
It was nice yes, probably not what teenagers would be capable of, which gives some more power to the scene.
The behind the knee kiss was fun too.
Fun=win, so I'll keep watching.
Thu, 07-22-2010, 10:19 PM
UTW - Episode 04 (
To be honest, after learning that Junichi not only reminds Haruka of a dog, but her dog, I was even more sceptical of this relationship. The fact that Junichi was also so damn unsure of their relationship, along with all the distance he's verbally keeping by using "Senpai", it just amounted to a fairly superficial relationship.
But.. that somehow worked out. We'll simply have to take for granted that their bond grew out of a master-dog relationship without really telling us before Haruka jumped the gun and came out with a towel. Thinking back, reminding her of her dog should have actually been the key, as it goes beyond the fluffy outside-level of attraction and actually reminds her of an emotional bond. (I've never had a dog, so the significance wasn't immediately apparent)
"Junichi might not be able to protect Japan, but he'll protect me" - what a bullseye. Hibiki was left speechless.
Anyway, moving on..... Kaoru!!
Sat, 07-24-2010, 03:14 PM
He didn't go peek because you're a motherfucking mixed signal cockteasing bitch !!
I mean seriously... it's like this cunt embodies everything i hate about the chase and highschool romance... and what was that bit about the dog, was that supposed to be heartwarming?
I will say that the last scene was pretty funny, in the end they made a dysfunctional yet amusing little couple
Anyway, moving on..... Kaoru!!
Sat, 07-24-2010, 04:31 PM
The episode was so butcherushed it was painful on so many levels.
Just when the fun was begining.
I guess there's a visual novel with the same name, I should check if something is available...
I also hope next arc is not rushed towards the end.
Sat, 07-24-2010, 08:31 PM
I mean seriously... it's like this cunt embodies everything i hate about the chase and highschool romance... and what was that bit about the dog, was that supposed to be heartwarming?
It was supposed to mean that they actually met each other before, and their feelings were completely random.
It plays on the "Oh, you were this no-name saviour from my past" scenario.
"Heartwarming"? - no, more like "Fated".
Sun, 07-25-2010, 02:59 AM
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS OP Single - i Love [azusa].zip (
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED1 Single - Kimi no Hitomi ni Koishiteru [Itou Shizuka].zip (
Fri, 07-30-2010, 03:15 AM
UTW - Episode 05 (
Fri, 07-30-2010, 05:31 AM
Kaoru >>>> Haruka
Fri, 07-30-2010, 05:48 AM
Everything > annoying bitch... i completely agree with archie on this.
Fri, 07-30-2010, 06:19 AM
This episode was more fun to watch than all of the previous episodes put together.
And for good reason.
The biggest one is that Junichi's his normal self around Kaoru. The two of them are completely at ease with each other and just say whatever they want. Junichi in particular isn't bound by trying to impress Kaoru, or worrying about whether or not he can win her and act accordingly.
All of this gives a relationship that feels GENUINE.
All the previous bits involved Junichi trying to impress Haruka in such a way that he can't be himself. It's as if she's with him because he does interesting things (like kissing the back of her knees and coming up with hostage-ramen scenarios), not because she loves him. You live with the insecurity that one day you'll fail to impress her, and she'll find someone else more interesting.
It's like trying to meet your monthly sale quota. Simply stressful if it doesn't come naturally. (By the end of it they made it seem natural, but ....)
In real life I could never date someone like Haruka without doubting her or myself every second. Only part of it would be due to my own insecurity, but the good majority of that would be because she's just so shaky.
I took an instant liking to Kaoru during the last arc, and after this episode, exponentially more so.
Kaoru Forever!
Fri, 07-30-2010, 08:41 AM
So this is going to be 4 episodes each for 6 girls right?
I can't wait for the swimmer and class president arcs. I really like this arc too, but I laughed quite a bit in the last one. I hope this one delivers the comedy as well.
Fri, 07-30-2010, 08:54 AM
So this is going to be 4 episodes each for 6 girls right?
I can't wait for the swimmer and class president arcs. I really like this arc too, but I laughed quite a bit in the last one. I hope this one delivers the comedy as well.
The swimmer (Ai?) is my next favourite girl after Kaoru.
Fri, 07-30-2010, 09:00 AM
In terms of personality, we know next to nothing about the president, but there is something about long straight black hair that I can't resist, as obvious from my sig and avatar.
Fri, 07-30-2010, 11:30 AM
Kaoru doesn't seem too interesting. Not that she would need to be as interesting in all the wrong ways as Haruka but I guess I have never been much of a childhood friend route supporter. It seems too smooth and natural with them both knowing each other already and at least one having been gradually growing into the relationship over time - if not having always considered it their destiny (like it happens in most harem shows, where the childhood friend always thinks she has the first claim to the guy and everybody else are intruders).
Fri, 07-30-2010, 11:55 AM
I thought Rihoko was the childhood friend then again if Kaorus known him since middle school that kinda counts as well I guess.
I agree with Bill though since they already know each other it's easier to make the connection compared to when he had to pursue Haruka. So hopefully it'll feel more natural if nothing else they at least spend more time and talk together than he did with Haruka at the start.
Anyone else notice that they shuffled Karou and Haruka's place in the last segment of the OP?
Sat, 07-31-2010, 03:44 AM
The game it's based on was released on PS2, so I guess there's no way to find a translated version on a PC... Too bad.
I have troubles with Kaoru's violence, I like her style/hair, but violence isn't my thing.
Sat, 07-31-2010, 06:49 AM
The game it's based on was released on PS2, so I guess there's no way to find a translated version on a PC... Too bad.
I have troubles with Kaoru's violence, I like her style/hair, but violence isn't my thing.
Normally I dislike the violence too, but it's offset in Kaoru's case because she's otherwise really friendly/clingy with Junichi. (Just look at that husband/wife/ear-nibble play!)
She doesn't just hit people because she enjoys it, has violent tendencies, or is unable to express her embarrassment/frustration in any other way. She swung at him out of jealousy, and that's okay in my books. As for seeing her panties, that's an exception in most people's books I think.
Sat, 07-31-2010, 06:18 PM
So this is going to be 4 episodes each for 6 girls right?
I can't wait for the swimmer and class president arcs. I really like this arc too, but I laughed quite a bit in the last one. I hope this one delivers the comedy as well.
The total will be 26 episodes so either we'll have a couple of specials or some girls will have an extra episode
As expected, the series became much more enjoyable once they added a girl who... you know, wasn't a fucking bitch
Nah but seriously, Bill already pretty much said everything i was planning to say with emphasis on how genuine the relationship feels this time around
Thu, 08-05-2010, 08:22 AM
Nanasaki Ai (swimsuit girl) is voiced by Yukana.
I am soooooo looking forward to her arc now. I wish she was next, but it doesn't seem like it from the OP.
Thu, 08-05-2010, 08:26 AM
Nanasaki Ai (swimsuit girl) is voiced by Yukana.
That's great! I was kind of missing her roles of late. It doesn't really matter if it's next or later as long as it's coming.
Thu, 08-05-2010, 09:19 AM
Excuse the ignorance, but who's Yukana?
Thu, 08-05-2010, 09:34 AM
C.C.'s VA.
Thu, 08-05-2010, 07:32 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 06 [h264-720p] [D8AA05E3].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 06 [XviD] [9DD1DEA0].avi (
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 06 (1280x720 h264) [3ECC82BB].mkv ( .torrent)
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 06 (XviD) [35EE3C4B].avi (
Fri, 08-06-2010, 09:40 AM
Keep the fetishes coming!
Fri, 08-06-2010, 09:47 AM
Does this mean that each girl gets a kiss in a weird place?
I hope either Ai or the class prez gets the armpits.
Fri, 08-06-2010, 09:57 AM
Does this mean that each girl gets a kiss in a weird place?
I hope either Ai or the class prez gets the armpits.
I just hope Ai gets some place awesome.
What I rather enjoy about these arcs is that even though they're focused on various characters, they still build the peripheral ones by throwing in little bits and pieces, so in the end we'll still get lengthy development of each character despite this non-linear showing.
(To take a serious guess, I would put my money on that Ai gets her feet kissed.)
Fri, 08-06-2010, 10:35 AM
I'm starting to like this childhood friend route better after this episode. Maybe because Kaoru does have, after all, quite an interesting personality once she got to the point of questioning the status of their relationship and what she wanted out of it.
But yes, it seriously looks like every girl will receive a weird kiss.
Fri, 08-06-2010, 02:32 PM
I'll guess that Ai gets her inner thigh kissed
Thu, 08-12-2010, 03:41 PM
It's true that we're getting closer. And although I like the idea, I do not see it happening in that anime, or the category is wrong, is it?
Belly button kissing is already very close as a suggestion. I do not remember teenagers being so playfull, but anything works if you can finaly get laid :D... is what hormone fueled teens think.
Thu, 08-12-2010, 04:19 PM
Belly button kissing is already very close as a suggestion. I do not remember teenagers being so playfull, but anything works if you can finaly get laid :D... is what hormone fueled teens think.
Yeah, because once men grow up they stop thinking with their dicks?
Thu, 08-12-2010, 06:57 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 07 [h264-720p] [83B8F09D].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 07 [XviD] [655EA76F].avi (
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 07 (1280x720 h264) [54F7A2E0].mkv ( .torrent)
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 07 (XviD) [E220460C].avi (
Fri, 08-13-2010, 02:42 AM
Yeah, because once men grow up they stop thinking with their dicks?
We don't think with it.
We think for it.
Fri, 08-13-2010, 02:58 AM
Over time, it evolves with experience and responsabilities ;)
Also, the hormone boost really transfers thinking abilities down there Bill :D
Fri, 08-13-2010, 04:18 AM
Over time, it evolves with experience and responsabilities ;)
Tell that to Clinton
Fri, 08-13-2010, 05:45 AM
Lol, the lines in this episode made me chuckle a fair bit.
"That's pretty good" - He was so not talking about her snooker shot.
"What are you doing Nii-Nii?" - He took so long in the bathroom. What do you think?
Junichi's so much more cooler in this arc. Their relationship isn't skyrocketing at a million miles an hour, which places focus on the subtle details more. Particularly where Junichi went "how cool did I look?", it shows that he didn't suddenly grow a pair of balls compared to the last arc (though he's pretty close), but that it was deliberately done so Kaoru can get over her troubles.
They also both like to think about each other in the bath.
Fri, 08-13-2010, 07:23 AM
Bathing allows you to relax and ponder. I think it is quite normal and makes a lot of sense.
Fri, 08-13-2010, 08:18 AM
Bathing allows you to relax and ponder. I think it is quite normal and makes a lot of sense.
I can't remember the last time I've had a bath. I've been having showers exclusively for years. :(
Fri, 08-13-2010, 11:50 AM
Particularly where Junichi went "how cool did I look?"
That ending to the scene was pretty funny and somehow believable.
A bit slow episode with half of it taken by Junichi running around looking for Kaoru but all in all it was good stuff.
Thu, 08-19-2010, 08:08 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 08 [h264-720p] [2A252B27].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 08 [XviD] [CBA1868A].avi (
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 08 (1280x720 h264) [9C9DE014].mkv ( .torrent)
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 08 (XviD) [A451EAE3].avi (
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED2 Single - Kitto Ashita wa... [Satou Rina].zip ( .torrent)
ED2 Fully Translated by UTW (
Fri, 08-20-2010, 03:44 PM
A somewhat mild ending for this arc in my opinion, with little unexpected happening. Not bad as such and maybe fitting for the series. But not overly exciting, although the sleeping in the same bed end was kind of nice in its own way.
I'm not particularly looking forward to the next arc, but maybe it will surprise me.
Fri, 08-20-2010, 05:36 PM
I was kind of hoping for another 10 year skip like they did with Haruka. Ahh well...let's see what how the next arc goes. But for now..Kaoru is still my nr 1
Fri, 08-20-2010, 11:31 PM
A somewhat mild ending for this arc in my opinion, with little unexpected happening. Not bad as such and maybe fitting for the series. But not overly exciting, although the sleeping in the same bed end was kind of nice in its own way.
I'm not particularly looking forward to the next arc, but maybe it will surprise me.
I think the whole mildness thing comes from the fact that these to really do know each other. The next "Lovers" step from what they already are isn't really that big a step forward for them considering all that's build up already.
While Haruka's was a roller coaster thriller, this one was like the maturing of cheeze. It comes about slowly and naturally.
Predictability was also a big factor here. Junichi and Kaoru share so much understanding and experience that they know what to expect from each other (eg Kaoru's lateness and showing up), just as the episode itself was for the most part predictable. It's not devoid of jokes though, and the bed scene still kept us guessing, but you're not frustratedly confused as to what could happen next like our should-be Ms Santa.
I'm the type of guy who'd gladly rest on the safety of my feet rather than being kept on my toes.
The lack of tension here did make me appreciate Haruka's arc a more though, but at the time the tension was just too much to bear.
(PS: I finally worked out why I didn't like Haruka's relationship(1) as much as I wanted to. She reminded way too much of [SDF Macross reference]Minmay's wishy-washy-ness towards Hikaru[END reference])
(1) Not to be confused with her person.
Sat, 08-21-2010, 06:27 AM
Maybe it's just me, but isn't this getting really boring to watch?
I think it's because we already know what's gonna happen and even when it's going to happen.
Oh and i think i'm gonna drop the next arc, the featured girl's voice wants to make me rip my ears off
Sat, 08-21-2010, 07:34 AM
Oh and i think i'm gonna drop the next arc, the featured girl's voice wants to make me rip my ears off
The exact reason why I'm not looking forward to it.
Sat, 08-21-2010, 07:39 AM
The exact reason why I'm not looking forward to it.
I hated her to begin with, but the more exposure I get, the more she reminds me of Hinata from Naruto, so I'll let it play out.
Sat, 08-21-2010, 07:49 AM
Hinata doesn't sound like a brain aneurysm
Sat, 08-21-2010, 09:28 AM
Damn it. We didn't get to see Kaoru's panties.
Thu, 08-26-2010, 06:59 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 09 [h264-720p] [744BDCCB].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 09 [XviD] [9D8E537C].avi (
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 09 (1280x720 h264) [5803A0F7].mkv ( .torrent)
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 09 (XviD) [25801A4C].avi (
Fri, 08-27-2010, 04:35 PM
While Sae's voice sounds just as bloody annoying as the preview indicated, ironically enough I'm liking this arc already more than the previous ones. Somehow this is more down to Earth than the Morishima one, yet still more... intriguing and comedic than Kaoru's, which was all the way to the knees down to Earth. I also appreciate the senpai feeling Junichi gives in this arc, more than the puppy and buddy feelings of the Morishima and Kaoru ones.
If only Sae's VA had been more pleasant sounding... Somebody like Kana Hanazawa ( (Nadeko, Angel, Kusano, etc). I'm sure many VAs who have the ability to sound young would have also had the ability to sound unsure of themselves.
Fri, 08-27-2010, 05:29 PM
While Sae's voice sounds just as bloody annoying as the preview indicated, ironically enough I'm liking this arc already more than the previous ones. Somehow this is more down to Earth than the Morishima one, yet still more... intriguing and comedic than Kaoru's, which was all the way to the knees down to Earth. I also appreciate the senpai feeling Junichi gives in this arc, more than the puppy and buddy feelings of the Morishima and Kaoru ones.
If only Sae's VA had been more pleasant sounding... Somebody like Kana Hanazawa ( (Nadeko, Angel, Kusano, etc). I'm sure many VAs who have the ability to sound young would have also had the ability to sound unsure of themselves.
... this, down to the Tenshi suggestion
Only thing though, i found her voice much more bearable than in the previous arcs seeing as she rarely spoke and when she did it was quite low in volume
Sun, 08-29-2010, 12:15 AM
While Sae's voice sounds just as bloody annoying as the preview indicated, ironically enough I'm liking this arc already more than the previous ones.
The narrator does a glamorous job at that.
He's like the male version of Kuroko's Ookami narration. (Completely with character/narrator interaction).
Adding Miya to the fray also works to increase the dynamic interactions. Especially so since Sae doesn't actually speak much yet. I had a good laugh when Miya introduced her as well. I was like "So that's what her name is" after 8 episodes.
While I find it "disloyal" to admit liking other girls' arcs aside from the relationship we personally support, they're doing a wonderful job at keeping each arc fresh.
Mon, 08-30-2010, 09:48 AM
I really dislike Sae and it has nothing to do with her voice and everything to do with her being weak and timid and lame. I can empathize somewhat with her indecisiveness but her almost complete inability to function beyond basic command following in the presence of others just frustrates me. I imagine the purpose of the arc is for her to grow a spine but her initial showing was so pathetic I don't even want her to succeed now.
Tue, 08-31-2010, 01:26 AM
I really dislike Sae and it has nothing to do with her voice and everything to do with her being weak and timid and lame. I can empathize somewhat with her indecisiveness but her almost complete inability to function beyond basic command following in the presence of others just frustrates me. I imagine the purpose of the arc is for her to grow a spine but her initial showing was so pathetic I don't even want her to succeed now.
She's pretty much like Asahina (Haruhi).
Tue, 08-31-2010, 02:17 AM
Only less useful. Asahina was practically the perfect traditional housewife.
I don't like those types either though.
Tue, 08-31-2010, 04:00 AM
Only less useful. Asahina was practically the perfect traditional housewife.
I don't like those types either though.
Ah, you're right.
I forgot she could serve tea. :p
Tue, 08-31-2010, 03:10 PM
Indeed, Mikuru was certainly timid and shy, especially when under pressure (or molestation), but she could stand around in a room with other people without looking like she was afraid for her life all the time. Sae gives me the impression any non zero social pressure is too much for her feeble ego to handle.
Dark Dragon
Thu, 09-02-2010, 01:48 AM
So i just caught up to episode 9.
So far this shows just seems...... lacking.
It lacks an interesting main chracter that makes you cares about what actually happens to him. I personally think that's especially important for a series that rely on more drama rather than a lot of slapstick.
It lacks likable female leads that makes you want to root for them to end up with the main char. Granted it's showing all the story, but that just made the first arc felt very rushed and the 2nd arc was "just ok". The fact that it's doing it by story mean we really only focus on one girl every four episodes then they get completely sideline. I guess i'm just not of fan of this method of story telling.
It lacks a good support character to keep the momentum going when the shows start to get slow.
I also really don't like the voice of that 3rd girl, so i think i'll be dropping this and try picking it up later and see if the other heroine are better.
Thu, 09-02-2010, 02:26 AM
All of those problems are a result of the rather rare choice to make this a series presenting all (?) the girl routes from the visual novel. You can't get overly much development in 4 episodes and you certainly can't afford to spend time on anything unnecessary. However, they aren't completely sidelined after (or before) those four eps. The main character is more or less reset after every arc, meaning he losts a lot of development as well. There are some supporting characters, though.
But yeah, the format brought a whole truckload of problems for the price of having all the routes. Which is probably why almost all VN anime adaptions stick to only one route.
Thu, 09-02-2010, 03:05 AM
This is what you get when you try to please everybody. I personally don't mind the 1st 3 episodes of each arc, then it starts rushing towards a very very anticlimactic ending. It has happened twice now, so chances are it is going to be like that for the rest.
Thu, 09-02-2010, 08:38 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 10 [h264-720p] [4692753B].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 10 [XviD] [858CEE82].avi (
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 10 (1280x720 h264) [A5929413].mkv ( .torrent)
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 10 (XviD) [16E117BC].avi (
Thu, 09-02-2010, 11:28 PM
I daresay that rather than getting a "kissing fetish" this time, we're getting the entire Master Instructor/Trainee role-play that'll cover the lot (like /strip and toe "massage").
I'm surprised Junichi's integrity has held up so well thus far, while it's actually Sae who actually broke the "friend" barrier first. I guess it comes to reason since Junichi will be the first male to have such successful interactions with her aside from her father (and an overprotective on no less).
Miya's actions are actually pretty supportive of this relationship. You wouldn't change your friend into your brother's favourite swimsuit unless you desired the results.
I'm not sure if it's just the lack of a jacket, or if Junichi actually has shorter hair this time round, but I'm enjoying the younger looking version. It's refreshing.
Fri, 09-03-2010, 11:43 AM
Quite an episode. Junichi is far from the somewhat colourless shape he had in the first two arcs. He's a totally different man, as a matter of fact. I'm definitely enjoying this arc the most so far.
Miya is also quite an interesting character. She's sometimes really harsh on him following the usual slapstick comedy ways but like Bill said, she's actually supporting him at the same time.
Thu, 09-09-2010, 07:05 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 11 [h264-720p] [08500434].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 11 [XviD] [B9CBCB42].avi (
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 11 (1280x720 h264) [CA900E4D].mkv ( .torrent)
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 11 (XviD) [FB34A6CC].avi (
Fri, 09-10-2010, 02:14 AM
This turned out to be a pretty dull and mushy episode. I guess the best part of this arc was the first two episodes and now it's going to be more akin to the earlier arcs. But with only one episode left, I don't mind. It's not like I didn't enjoy watching this, after all... To see how all that silly training paid off.
Edit: For fairness's sake I have to add that the Hero show was awesome.
Fri, 09-10-2010, 01:00 PM
This has been the best arc so far, i've found myself not hating Sae's voice quite as much as i predicted
I miss the awkward kisses though, i thought they were gonna be a staple for this show :/
Sat, 09-11-2010, 01:17 AM
This has been the best arc so far, i've found myself not hating Sae's voice quite as much as i predicted
I miss the awkward kisses though, i thought they were gonna be a staple for this show :/
I think fetishes are going to be a staple for this show, and this arc has delivered the most.
Thu, 09-16-2010, 11:19 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 12 [h264-720p][6ED7962D].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 12 [XviD] [46AF753B].avi (
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 12 (1280x720 h264) [C4FBCE84].mkv ( .torrent)
[Eclipse] Amagami SS - 12 (XviD) [A8DB2208].avi (
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED3 Single - Anata Shika Mie nai [Konno Hiromi].zip (
Fri, 09-17-2010, 02:11 AM
It was a cute enough ending for sure, although personally I've to say they should have cut the animal costumes filming part... It was just too goofy after the nicely built atmosphere of the movie theater. But then again, they always had that some time after scene so it couldn't be helped.
Next arc is finally Nanasaki Ai. I'm looking forward to it. Looks like it won't be as smooth a ride as this past one. I feel like we know less of her personality than the class chairman's who is the other one I'm looking forward to. Can't say I'd be particularly interested in the dojikko right now, despite her numerous scenes.
Sat, 09-18-2010, 10:33 AM
It was a cute enough ending for sure, although personally I've to say they should have cut the animal costumes filming part... It was just too goofy after the nicely built atmosphere of the movie theater. But then again, they always had that some time after scene so it couldn't be helped.
Ha, I remember you commenting that this was halfway in terms of "down to earth" relationships between Kaoru's and Haruka's, but this ending made it seem like the most fairy-tale-ish of them all. (in a good way).
Sae making that dress makes perfect sense. There's no way a parent would order a wedding dress for their timid daughter's Best Couple Contest.
Next arc is finally Nanasaki Ai. I'm looking forward to it. Looks like it won't be as smooth a ride as this past one.
Everything's pointing to it being a "breaking the ice" type of arc, so it's nice that they can come up with something refreshing every time to keep the ball rolling.
I'm with you on Rihoko. She's got nothing going for her at the moment.
Mon, 09-20-2010, 12:27 AM
I think fetishes are going to be a staple for this show, and this arc has delivered the most.
Theory proven. We got maid outfits, school uniforms, bloomers, swimsuits, maid outfits, wedding gowns and frilly black dresses
It's like an ecchi show in disguise, luring the perverts secretly and quietly
Mon, 09-20-2010, 06:24 AM
Theory proven. We got maid outfits, school uniforms, bloomers, swimsuits, maid outfits, wedding gowns and frilly black dresses
It's like an ecchi show in disguise, luring the perverts secretly and quietly
You forgot the tickling fetish too, or so it seem he had a kink for it judging his reactions from Sae's reactions.
Fri, 09-24-2010, 12:15 AM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 13 [h264-720p] [F2431D22].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 13 [XviD] [D0208803].avi (
Fri, 09-24-2010, 10:15 AM
Hmm... My expectations were off. I somehow thought Nanasaki Ai will be a rougher and tougher opponent than the previous ones. Though I still can't shake the feeling something is off. But superficially at least she's in fact quite aggressive by her own right and Junichi didn't really need to do anything but say yes to get relatively close to her. So far he has been more passive in this arc than in any of the previous ones.
Maybe the next episodes will require something from him and the so far smooth ride will turn bumpier. Well, despite the discrepancy between what I expected and what it was, I still find Nanasaki's character interesting and I'm hopeful this arc won't disappoint me.
Sat, 09-25-2010, 04:47 AM
Amagami isn't airing next week. The next episode airs on October 8th.
Sat, 09-25-2010, 10:34 PM
Hmm... My expectations were off. I somehow thought Nanasaki Ai will be a rougher and tougher opponent than the previous ones. Though I still can't shake the feeling something is off. But superficially at least she's in fact quite aggressive by her own right and Junichi didn't really need to do anything but say yes to get relatively close to her. So far he has been more passive in this arc than in any of the previous ones.
Well everything we've seen up till this episode had portrayed her as being pretty cold, but the newly revealed encounter when Junichi got dumped showed how she's actually pretty upbeat and caring inside (towards her brother, at least). There wasn't a real need to mention her brother when the shopping conversation came up, but she did leave him out.
So far she resembles Haruka the most. They're both into teasing Junichi, though Ai is much more realistic and understandable in this regard. She just enjoys joking with people and seeing them flustered while Haruka's randomness was all over the place. Both of them also see him as "cute" whereas Sae and Kaoru saw him as a more reliable person.
It's great how the past girls continue to be fun. I chuckled at "embarrassing clothes" - it didn't occur to me that Sae made the black dress herself.
Also loved her cream pancake metaphor.
Fetish count: swimsuit, pansu, upskirt.
Sun, 09-26-2010, 12:53 AM
I guess what mislead us with Nanasaki was her stern and cold glares at the guy from early in the show.
I think she was like that because she was angry he was with other girls. Her jealousy had her react that way. I don't know wether it'll be of importance later.
Wed, 09-29-2010, 10:45 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 13 [h264-720p] [F2431D22].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 13 [XviD] [D0208803].avi (
Any word on why Eclipse is taking so long with episode 13? Is it because of the break?
Wed, 09-29-2010, 11:20 PM
No idea. Kaichou wa Maid-sama has already ended and they are still four episodes behind on that, so there's no telling what's going on.
Thu, 09-30-2010, 12:50 AM
They're having problems with their TL, apparently that's half the reason why they're not picking up Index S2
Thu, 09-30-2010, 06:55 AM
They're having problems with their TL, apparently that's half the reason why they're not picking up Index S2
Again? Well... as long as GG doesn't take the show.
Meh. I wait for Eclipse's episode 13 then.
Thu, 09-30-2010, 06:57 AM
Again? Well... as long as GG doesn't take the show.
gg and UTW are doing a joint.
Thu, 09-30-2010, 11:55 AM
gg and UTW are doing a joint.
Ta dum tchaaa~
Thu, 10-07-2010, 10:47 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 14 [h264-720p] [900255E1].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 14 [XviD] [AD625447].avi (
Fri, 10-08-2010, 12:43 AM
Ai is really too sweet.
And I do not remember having such a hottie as a teacher when I was a tennager. My guess is that it can only happen in fiction, as it sure would be too dangerous to have that around in a lust filled school/classroom :D
Fri, 10-08-2010, 06:42 AM
And I do not remember having such a hottie as a teacher when I was a tennager.
I had one. It was great.
I guess what mislead us with Nanasaki was her stern and cold glares at the guy from early in the show.
I think she was like that because she was angry he was with other girls. Her jealousy had her react that way. I don't know wether it'll be of importance later.
I didn't consider that much when you first mentioned it, but that was definitely the feeling Ayatsugi conveyed.
Fetish count: swimsuit, pansu, upskirt, small breasts?
Fri, 10-08-2010, 07:57 AM
What is Nanasaki? I like her character but it's hard to classify her like the earlier girls. She's just too sweet like David said. Quite a normal girl with some active tendencies. Such a mellow personality would be quite different from the other girls, although I suppose the class rep won't necessarily be very sharply defined to fit any classes either.
I can't help but feel an impending doom...
Fri, 10-08-2010, 08:10 AM
Oh. Its finally out. And me at work. Dang. I'll watch it tonight.
Fri, 10-08-2010, 09:21 AM
Honestly, when Junichi thanked his teacher and came up with an idea for Ai, I thought he would tell her to pat his (growing) brother's ass to get his obedience.
Junichi's really cranked up his hormones for these two kohai arcs. :D
Fri, 10-08-2010, 09:19 PM
So far Ai-chan is my favorite character, followed by the ever-cute Sae-chan and energetic Kaoru.
Don't care about Morishima-senpai nor the Class President. Im not sure about the childhood friend whose name I can't remember at the moment.
Thu, 10-14-2010, 09:14 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 15 [h264-720p] [25CA12DA].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 15 [XviD] [E42F0183].avi (
The best episode of the series so far (in my opinion, of course). The Ramen scene in the haunted house, the kiss on the swing set, and the scene where he held Nanasaki while she was crying were all awesome. The Sae arc was my previous favorite, but this one has surpassed it.
Fri, 10-15-2010, 07:21 AM
This was indeed a good episode. The haunted house was especially interesting, even if it's a stretch any amusement park would resort to hallucinogenic drugs to make it better...
Somehow Nanasaki, while she isn't exactly visibly doing anything that extraordinary, is, so far, the most intriguing girl in the selection. Must be partially due to Yukana being an expert of mysterious voicing. I simply can't shake the feeling Nanasaki is hiding something.
Fri, 10-15-2010, 08:20 AM
The ramen scene was a bit... exagerated. Like Kraco mentioned... drugs? Whatever. The rest of the episode was awesome.
Nanasaki is the first girl to kiss the dude before the climax of the arc right?
After the Sae and Nanasaki arcs... they final two need to do something fabulous to top them. I dread the airhead and the boring (so far) class president.
Fri, 10-15-2010, 09:38 AM
Are Japanese haunted houses really that scary? I have trouble imagining anybody beyond the age of elementary school being affected by them.
Ai has a subtle sweetness about her (largely due to voicing??) that comes through at a level that's not overwhelming. She also isn't as easily defined as the other girls, which keeps her appeal fresh and rather unpredictable. Her hairstyle's resemblance to Ayanami Rei's just tops it all off for me.
Ramen was pretty awesome.
Fetish count: as before + finger sucking.
Fri, 10-15-2010, 10:39 AM
What the hell did i just watch?
I'm disappointed in Ai, here i thought i'd get to see a Kuudere and she's been all sugar and spice the whole arc
Fri, 10-15-2010, 11:00 AM
While I would have enjoyed a kuudere more, I don't really dislike this Ai, or am I disappointed in her arc.
Fri, 10-15-2010, 01:04 PM
Somehow I feel that Ai is a very rare type of girlfriend for anime.
She's almost normal in every aspect except one: her behavior seems to be one of a more mature woman. I'm talking relations/interactions. I'm pretty sure she isn't that mature for more intimate interactions though.
The way she speaks, the way she gets her love interrest to care about her, how she knows that a young teen male behaves and not being offended by it, the way she cares for him etc... she's almost motherly, and at the same time clearly shows how much of a girlfriend she is/can be.
It's hard generalising, but out of the nice type girlfriend, her behavior would be more like one of a 25-30 woman.
That's just how I feel it. And I like her character type/script a lot.
Wed, 10-20-2010, 02:57 PM
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS OP2 Single - Kimi no Mama de [azusa].zip ( )
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED4 Single - Koi wa Mizuiro [Yukana].zip (
Thu, 10-21-2010, 07:09 AM
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED4 Single - Koi wa Mizuiro [Yukana].zip (
/me moves to the groove ~
Thu, 10-21-2010, 08:43 AM
I love this song. Yukana sounds so different when she sings.
Thu, 10-21-2010, 09:57 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 16 [h264-720p] [47DE7355].mkv (
[UTW] Amagami SS - 16 [XviD] [81866C25].avi (
Amagami SS - Nanasaki Ai (Arc) - Character Monologue Subbed by UTW (
Fri, 10-22-2010, 12:12 AM
Ai was pure win to the end.
I can't say I remember having an anime character that arose interrest as much as her, in my eyes. Usually you get so much indecisive and violent/childish girls... Here we have a more down to earth, earnest and very caring girl. I really like how she's portrayed. I'll be sure to remember to play the game in the event a good PS2 emulator comes and the game is then translated.
Next arc might be less appealing, with Rihoko, but who knows?
Fri, 10-22-2010, 12:29 AM
Onsen scene FTW
Fri, 10-22-2010, 09:26 AM
Next arc might be less appealing, with Rihoko, but who knows?
It's because of the fact that Rihoko has so far been the least appealing of the girls plus the fact that each arc has been more enjoyable than the last in general that I'm really looking forward to it (surprising me).
I was already sure she was lying when she said she had her swimsuit on (she would definitely NOT be wearing a boob-tube style suit), but her pounce still had full impact.
Ai is officially going down in my books as Favourite Female Characters, which currently brings it to 5.
Fri, 10-22-2010, 09:41 AM
Rihoko hasn't made an impact on the others arcs... at least you knew you wanted to see Kaoru, Sae and Ai since you met them on the other arcs.
But... I'm looking forward to her arc more than the Class President. I just don't look forward to the last arc.
Do tell the other Favorite Female Characters Bill
Fri, 10-22-2010, 09:55 AM
Do tell the other Favorite Female Characters Bill
C.C., Tohsaka Rin, Fate T.Harlaown, Ayanami Rei, and now Nanasaki Ai.
Fri, 10-22-2010, 10:09 AM
Yeah, she was indeed a good girl. Pretty much a completely different arc than I was expecting, but that's only good. Still, so few strange things happened in Ai's arc that this length of four eps was actually sufficient for it.
Fri, 10-22-2010, 10:24 AM
@Buff - Off topic - You say that now, but I remember you voting otherwise before (
Why is it that the epilogue always seems so rushed? It just comes and goes so quickly. A better transition would make it feel a lot more natural.
Fri, 10-22-2010, 10:35 AM
@Buff - Off topic - You say that now, but I remember you voting otherwise before (
That was pre-R2.
Why is it that the epilogue always seems so rushed? It just comes and goes so quickly. A better transition would make it feel a lot more natural.
Ever since Haruka's arc, I've always wanted to see the 10 Years After scenarios for each girl, but I never got any :(
Fri, 10-22-2010, 10:45 AM
I think a bigger time skip would indeed make a better ending. I think the first epilogue was the best conclusion because of this, though I really like how cute Ai was in the latest one.
Fri, 10-22-2010, 11:20 AM
Maybe I'm a bit biaised, but Ai is typically one of the best girlfriend/love of your life type you can get.
Some would consider that it could be boring in the long run, because everything seems too quiet and peaceful.
That would be forgetting the little mischief she had here and there. She seems playful too at times and there are hints her intimate behavior would be both beautiful and hot.
As you read I'm sold, maybe because she ressembles so much, on many aspects, to someone very near, someone I share my life with.
Or maybe I'm only seeing that character with applying that model and forgetting the things that do not fit.
Fri, 10-22-2010, 11:27 AM
You're just bragging, but I don't blame you. Your lucky if even half of your post is true ;)
Ai seemed to have forgotten a lot (if not all) of her mischievous side in the latter episodes of the arc. Even the swimsuit lie in the onsen was not her being mischievous, but shy.
Mon, 10-25-2010, 03:28 PM
C.C., Tohsaka Rin, Fate T.Harlaown, Ayanami Rei, and now Nanasaki Ai.
Say whaaaaat? That's like making a list of the world's best wines and ending it with a beer from the Kwik-E-Mart.
Mon, 10-25-2010, 03:38 PM
Well, you know, you end up enjoying the cheap beer more often, so in the end it's not always a bad choice :D
But I'm a bit biaised here, as everyone knows I like her character, as bland, lacking and unperfect as it is.
Mon, 10-25-2010, 04:11 PM
Say whaaaaat? That's like making a list of the world's best wines and ending it with a beer from the Kwik-E-Mart.
Well, you know, you end up enjoying the cheap beer more often, so in the end it's not always a bad choice
Exactly. It's the same as listing your favourite dish that you'd eat day in day out.
Ai's points stem from her practical appeal developed over four episodes. It's much different compared to the other more high-profile "classics".
Besides Fate-mama, I don't think I can keep up with the others on the list IRL for long.
Mon, 10-25-2010, 04:19 PM
Practicability shouldn't be a factor when deciding your favorite though, not from my opinion anyway
Anyone looking forward to the fatty arc?
Mon, 10-25-2010, 04:26 PM
Practicability shouldn't be a factor when deciding your favorite though, not from my opinion anyway
Anyone looking forward to the fatty arc?
"It's because of the fact that Rihoko has so far been the least appealing of the girls plus the fact that each arc has been more enjoyable than the last in general that I'm really looking forward to it (surprising me)."
Thu, 10-28-2010, 09:23 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 17 [h264-720p] [775D35B1].mkv (
Fri, 10-29-2010, 12:55 AM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 17 [h264-720p] [775D35B1].mkv (
I can't say I was surprised (since I was expecting to be surprised), but more like impressed.
Rihoko comes off as much more innocent and airheaded than stupid. (One has to wonder if there is a difference between the two, and if so, where the line is to be drawn). She's also the first girl who Junichi wasn't sexually attracted to by the first episode, which makes this much more of a Junichi-pursuit than a Rihoko one.
Miya laughing like she always does (Ni-hi-hi :D ) was nice touch.
Fri, 10-29-2010, 02:23 AM
True childhood friend, a bit fat -not that much for that age though, as she's depicted-, quite a gluton.
For the moment, she has no appeal.
Regarding Junichi being attracted to her. Well there was that particular scene where we understand he likes women with a tad more meat... :p
Fri, 10-29-2010, 08:23 AM
Regarding Junichi being attracted to her. Well there was that particular scene where we understand he likes women with a tad more meat... :p
Where was that?
Fri, 10-29-2010, 08:38 AM
When he was stating his impression of the porn mag.
Fri, 10-29-2010, 09:05 AM
This episode didn't impress me too much. And it wasn't only due to my negative expectations. Junichi's personality during this arc might be the only good thing about it. He shows some of the proactivity he boasted in the Sae arc.
Sat, 10-30-2010, 12:14 AM
As expected of chubby, the episode was pretty meh
I loled irl when loli Miya nishishied
Sat, 10-30-2010, 12:35 AM
I actually enjoyed the episode a lot.
Initial impressions put my favorite arcs in this order:
Ai - Sae - Rihoko - Kaoru - Haruka
Yes. Im liking Rihoko more than Kaoru.
Fri, 11-05-2010, 12:12 AM
[UTW] Amagami SS - 18 [h264-720p] [69E83186].mkv (
Fri, 11-05-2010, 01:49 AM
Supple and big boobs, seems enough for Jun :D
Fri, 11-05-2010, 07:56 PM
Someone get me the 3 measurements on those girls!
Sat, 11-06-2010, 12:26 AM
Someone get me the 3 measurements on those girls!
Well for rihoko that would be something like 80 50 85 (cm) but with C cup already when she barely 14 right?
Height would be 140cm
Pure guess.
Sat, 11-06-2010, 08:03 AM
Height would be 140cm
Pure guess.
I would have thought she'd be taller. She gives off a "big girl" vibe for me. (as in she's tall and somewhat meaty.. the type that could never ever really be called "slim").
The snowman building scene was funny. Big-boobs lover to the core :D
Interestingly, this arc flew right out of the Founder's Festival arc without a climax. We haven't seen anything after that even from any other girl (outside of the timeskips), so at the very least this will be refreshing.
Rihoko doesn't look like much with her school jumper, but her coat ver and kimono ver (especially the coat ver) are fairly appealing (still not piping hot though).
Thu, 11-11-2010, 08:05 PM
UTW - Amagami SS - 19 - 720p (
UTW - Amagami SS - 19 - XviD (
Fri, 11-12-2010, 12:12 PM
I'm still failing to see interesting point in Rihoko.
Maybe her traditional side? Maybe her boobs? Maybe the fact that she could be as caring as a mother? That she's the childhood friend and is a secure bet?
Regarding the class prez, the more they do close-ups, the more standard she gets.
I wonder how this anime will finish. I admitt I'm losing the enthusiasm I had.
Fri, 11-12-2010, 12:18 PM
I haven't yet lost my hope in the class president but Rihoko didn't do much for me in this episode. Unless the last girl fails my expectations, Rihoko will be the most boring of them all, just like I anticipated.
Fri, 11-12-2010, 08:33 PM
The only thing I find wrong with Rihoko's arc is that their relationship is making close to zero advancement. The fetish count is also fairly miserable.
From a romance point of view, this arc isn't delivering. But from a slice of life point of view it's pretty enjoyable. For one, because of Rihoko's (lack of) properties, we're getting a whole lot more screentime for more minor characters, and seeing what happens after the "post-Founder's Festival" is a little refreshing (though nothing much actually does happen).
By doing that though, this arc has pretty much lost its focus. The whole point of all the other ones were to climax at Christmas.
I swear Miya's broken her "#Nishishi's per arc" record this time.
Tue, 11-16-2010, 12:23 PM
Ritsuka - Amagami SS ED5 Single - Koi wa Aserazu [Shintani Ryoko].rar (
Nipponsei - Amagami SS ED5 Single - Koi wa Aserazu [Shintani Ryouko].zip ( p.torrent)
Sun, 11-21-2010, 06:57 AM
UTW tells us the raw was not good.
So there's a delay.
I didn't have my Amagami fix on Friday morning as usual, when I had an extra hour before going to work that day... talk about luck...
There's another fansub available, I'm currently downloading and tell if it's worth it. Do not expect to much of it, good surprises are rare ;)
[GRUNNUR]_Amagami_SS_-_20_[h264][720p][69602C2E].mkv (
Sun, 11-21-2010, 07:08 AM
Tells something about my interest in Rihoko's arc that I didn't even notice Amagami's usual release day went past without the release.
Sun, 11-21-2010, 07:32 AM
The fansubs were decent. 2 or 3 sentences not translated. Some minor mistakes. So it's ok.
The image quality was nice, also, not that much judder for once. I'll check that file for differences compared to others where judder is horrible.
Regarding the ep, totally bland, and ends without much.
The only thing is maybe the traditional setting and the cherry tree petals around.
I'm glad that arc is over, eventhough I still fear the last one might not be that good too.
Mon, 11-22-2010, 12:59 AM
UTW - Amagami SS - 20 - 720p (
UTW - Amagami SS - 20 - avi (
Mon, 11-22-2010, 10:41 PM
God damn it... why end it like this?
Tue, 11-23-2010, 02:09 AM
Friend-zoned with the fist of Zeus!
Even with multiple endings childhood friends just don't stand a chance, i loled hard.
Tue, 11-23-2010, 04:35 AM
Well that sucked. At least it can't get worse. The president arc is gonna be interesting though. If it is anything like the manga I mean.
Tue, 11-23-2010, 05:56 AM
Finally we are on the arc I have been waiting for since the beginning.
I am not interested in her personality. I just really like her character design. I am shallow.
Tue, 11-23-2010, 09:05 AM
I am shallow.
What else is new?
I am not interested in her personality. I just really like her character design.
I just hope she surprises me... so far Im not interested neither on her personality nor design.
Thu, 11-25-2010, 04:36 AM
You'd think they wouldn't risk having the last arc the worst. Why would anybody buy a full set of DVDs/BDs if the last arcs were both as bad as Rihoko's?
I still maintain my initial interest in the class president. Like Shinta said, the design is pleasing and she also seems to have some willpower and wits.
Thu, 11-25-2010, 05:32 AM
You'd think they wouldn't risk having the last arc the worst. Why would anybody buy a full set of DVDs/BDs if the last arcs were both as bad as Rihoko's?
I still maintain my initial interest in the class president. Like Shinta said, the design is pleasing and she also seems to have some willpower and wits.
Not even endless 8 slowed those otakus down so... i won't assume anything.
Fri, 11-26-2010, 06:39 AM
UTW - Amagami SS - 21 - 720p (
Fri, 11-26-2010, 06:46 AM
Alright! I was correct to retain my faith despite the loud doubters. I don't know how dark this is going to get, I'm certainly not expecting any nice boats, but considering the past arcs have hardly had any darkness at all, it's quite refreshing to see even a hint of such. Of course it could only be a dualistic personality trait, like something as boring as a repressed personality and a good girl public personality, but somehow the meeting with her sister made me think otherwise, that there is something deeper in the background. Time will tell. I'm intrigued, nevertheless, which is good after the blank Rihoko arc.
Fri, 11-26-2010, 07:14 AM
Hell yeah. The Yan has come!!!
I like the tie pulling scene, especially with her shoulder getting his shirt wet. Pretty original for an anime, I must say.
ANN lists this show as 26 episodes and Mahou for 25. That means that either way, Tsukasa (god I love that name) is going to have more episodes than the rest of the girls. Can anyone confirm this?
Fri, 11-26-2010, 08:00 AM
ANN lists this show as 26 episodes and Mahou for 25. That means that either way, Tsukasa (god I love that name) is going to have more episodes than the rest of the girls. Can anyone confirm this?
It's 26 episodes. It's 24 episodes for the six main girls, a 25th episode for Risa, and a 26th episode for Miya. Mahou lists 25 eps, because Miya's episode won't be aired on tv.
The six main girls have 12 Blu-ray volumes with 2 episodes on each disc. The 13th Blu-ray will have the Risa and Miya eps.
Fri, 11-26-2010, 08:01 AM
Fri, 11-26-2010, 01:37 PM
Alright! I was correct to retain my faith despite the loud doubters. I don't know how dark this is going to get, I'm certainly not expecting any nice boats, but considering the past arcs have hardly had any darkness at all, it's quite refreshing to see even a hint of such. Of course it could only be a dualistic personality trait, like something as boring as a repressed personality and a good girl public personality, but somehow the meeting with her sister made me think otherwise, that there is something deeper in the background. Time will tell. I'm intrigued, nevertheless, which is good after the blank Rihoko arc.
I don't know if the yan has come, to paraphrase the message just after yours.
They made that flashy ending, but it could be some joke she does to him. She could be playful.
I also did react to her behaviour towards her sister. She might have done so because she didn't want her personal life exposed. To me her sister was very similar to Morishima in her reactions and even voice traits (especially towards the end of her appearance).
Other than that, well quite bland if you ask me. I need glitter, sparks, marshmallow love/romance, etc :p
Fri, 11-26-2010, 01:54 PM
It didn't really seem playful in my opinion. It seemed more like she got angry and worried because he read the notebook. For whatever reason, be it its contents or the fact she keeps such a book.
To be frank my first reaction was that her family has some memory disorder hereditary syndrome and she thus need to keep a detailed log to function normally. Maybe it's affecting her sister far more, making her something Tsukasa is embarrassed of. But, yeah, that's an exceedingly early theory after so little revealed.
But in any case, it seemed to me she dropped her facade and got ready to deal with Junichi appropriately.
Edit: Actually I had another theory as well: The Ayatsuji sisters switch roles sometimes and thus need detailed notes to keep each other updated. They did look so similar!
Fri, 11-26-2010, 10:51 PM
Well this episode was certainly quite enjoyable. A very nice surprise for me since I wasn't expecting much from her.
Who's Risa? (wait... don't answer that... I want to get surprised)
When are the Bluray selling so we can see Miya's episode?
Fri, 11-26-2010, 11:05 PM
When are the Bluray selling so we can see Miya's episode?
The 13th volume won't be released until April 20, 2011.
Thu, 12-02-2010, 09:28 PM
UTW - Amagami SS - 22 - 720p (
Fri, 12-03-2010, 01:54 AM
Playful/manipulating girl, as a front before a potential love interest, when she puts a sweet and perfect front to everyonelse...
I laughed a bit, but somehow I thought the ep was too long meaning it was a little boring.
At least there's a lot more potential compared to Rihoko's arc.
Fri, 12-03-2010, 03:21 AM
44 seconds into it I knew this chick would be the coolest of them all. She operates like Unohana from Bleach with the command they can't refuse tactic. And she wasn't even phased by the groping. When her real personality kicks in 24/7, which Junichi's gonna make happen, the only competition will be the arc with Kaoru. Direct women are just awesome.
Fri, 12-03-2010, 02:01 PM
I liked the episode, even if Tsukasa's character wasn't explained that much. One could always draw the conclusion she's a really angry person, possibly due to the family circumstances, yet has a high goal of succeeding, again possibly partly due to the same family circumstances, and thus keeps up the facade. Though the late evening scene of her entertaining herself with thoughts of Junichi rendered her image a bit more ordinary. One the other hand, none of the arcs so far have been overly extraordinary so it's understandable.
Fri, 12-03-2010, 06:33 PM
I'm pretty sure there isn't going to be a (very) dark twist coming. Amagami seems to focus on the ordinary, and maybe that is the reason it was even popular as a game. I'm guessing a lot is lost in the conversion in terms if detail.
Fri, 12-03-2010, 10:52 PM
Im enjoying this arc more than I expected. So far I've liked Ai and Sae's arcs the most with Tsukasa closely following. Afterwards Kaoru and in a very distant last place Morishima-senpai. I'm trying to forget Rihoko happened.
Sun, 12-05-2010, 11:22 PM
I'm trying to forget Rihoko happened.
Rihoko lost by default due to lack of fetishes.
Thu, 12-09-2010, 10:43 PM
UTW - Amagami SS - 23 - 720p (
UTW - Amagami SS - 23 - avi (
Board of Command
Fri, 12-10-2010, 03:49 AM
I suspected this earlier, but I think there's some role swapping going on between Tsukasa and her sister. The one at the end of ep 23 is probably the sister. The real Tsukasa has too much pride to pull that off.
Fri, 12-10-2010, 05:09 AM
Yeah, I was thinking of the same thing earlier when I mentioned the need for the notebook to keep the other informed of what's going on, to make the whole role swapping thing possible. However, I still consider the theory a bit of a stretch. The fact Tsukasa seems to dislike her sister would make it more unlikely, as well. But who knows. Something's wrong in any case, that much is clear.
Fri, 12-10-2010, 05:39 AM
I can't say I liked the ep, or the arc till now.
But I like they take mild risks in the direction. After all, they could go for mellow moe much quicker, but they stick to their idea of a darker character. I'd like a nice ending to the arc that can wrap it and give full meaning to all we've seen so far.
At least, it's so much more enjoyable than Rihoko's arc that I wish it didn't happen.
Fri, 12-10-2010, 07:49 AM
Split personality would make more sense than the switching of sisters.
Fri, 12-10-2010, 08:24 AM
Split personality would make more sense than the switching of sisters.
The last scene in this episode makes me think that it's a result of a self critique after hearing what Tachibana told her the night before, and her reacting the way she did when she obviously has developed strong feelings for him.
I wouldn't say it's split personality, she's more like a really manipulative, highly intelligent girl with a bit too much pride. She would do anything to reach her goals, and that's why she puts up that facade of a nice helpful girl since she understands that a perfect reputation is important in school. But then this guy shows up in her life, and she sees that from now on she won't be alone, and that it is okay to rely on someone else from time to time, which in turn will make her show more of that genuine good side of her that we've only seen rarely when she's with Junichi.
Tue, 12-14-2010, 07:07 PM
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED6 Single - Nageki no Tenshi [Nazuka Kaori].zip ( .torrent)
Thu, 12-16-2010, 09:53 PM
UTW - Amagami SS - 24 - 720p (
Board of Command
Fri, 12-17-2010, 03:46 AM
Well that wasn't what I expected at all...
Fri, 12-17-2010, 06:21 AM
Well that wasn't what I expected at all...
Anti-rapist combo? Not at all.
That 10 years later scene was awesome. They chose the best way to bring it back. I've missed it since Haruka's arc. I'm fine with the things way are now, though it means we'll never find out the significance of that notebook. (Actually, a better way to put it would be that the notebook was never significant at all - she might have just scribbled some badmouthing about a teacher).
I can't pick out whether I like Nanasaki's arc or this one better. Tsukasa's perfect-student vs inner-self flicked my Tohsaka Rin switch. "Best Couple" aside, I do think that this one wrapped up better for two reasons:
1) This arc had a clearer direction. The contents were quite vague, but in terms of character development and pacing it was the most solid of them all in my opinion.
2) The "10 years later" flashbacks just add so much more conclusiveness and sense of fulfilment at the end. The only reason why it didn't work with Haruka was because she's a goddamn timebomb. (albeit a hot one).
Regarding the notebook, UTW's translation of Tsukasa's monologue released with her ED shines a tiny bit of light on what it might mean. I'm guessing it's correct to say that previously her notebook was the only thing (that had outside contact) which knew about her true self (from all the scribbling she would have wrote in it). That role now is fulfilled by Junichi.
edit2: Forgot said link:
Fri, 12-17-2010, 07:31 AM
Nanasaki remains my favourite.
I wasn't able to tune to that arc although it had nice elements here and there.
Fri, 12-17-2010, 10:04 AM
I think Nanasaki will remain my favourite as well. It's partially due to my unrealistic expectations from this arc even though this clearly isn't an unrealistic show. Nevertheless, I thought Tsukasa's case would be something extraordinary due to the small hints in the beginning. I'm not saying I'm disappointed in it, but it just didn't end up being so fancy. I'm happy there was the 10 years after scene, though, it saved a lot.
Fri, 12-17-2010, 10:53 PM
Ai and Sae remain my favorite tied at 1st place, followed with a new tie between Tsukasa and Kaoru. I don't care about Haruka and Rihoko, as said before, was a dissapointment.
Board of Command
Fri, 12-17-2010, 11:27 PM
Kaoru was my favorite by far.
Fri, 12-17-2010, 11:40 PM
Tsukasa > Ai > Haruka > Kaoru > the rest
Thu, 12-23-2010, 11:29 PM
UTW - Amagami SS - 25 - 720p (
My favorite just got a new fig :).
Fri, 12-24-2010, 02:14 AM
So Risa was a 1 ep arc... well, it does add bits and pieces to the overall story, but does not hold anything worthwhile romance-wise. Butchering it into a single ep probably was a huge mistake, we've experienced that before -Clannad with the Fujibayashi Kyou and Ryou twins comes to mind- .
I guess they'll also have to butcher Miya's story, since she also only has a single ep?
Fri, 12-24-2010, 02:31 PM
Its not like they butchered Risa's plot. Its more like she was the side-plot from the start. A secret route in the game is you will. If would have been a bit better, though, if they had added bits of her here and there in the past arcs.
And I liked her single episode more than Haruka and Rihoko's arcs.
Sat, 12-25-2010, 09:55 AM
Lol, what a conniving little bitch. And not even the good kind like the Inchou who was completely aware of who she was and manipulated all around her.
But hey it was just 1 episode so who gives a shit?
Sat, 12-25-2010, 10:42 AM
would have been a bit better, though, if they had added bits of her here and there in the past arcs.
I guess some fans will check every frame in the 24 first eps to check wether she was there or not...
Sat, 12-25-2010, 08:11 PM
Lol, what a conniving little bitch. And not even the good kind like the Inchou who was completely aware of who she was and manipulated all around her.
But hey it was just 1 episode so who gives a shit?
Tsukasa should have grilled her.
Too late for Risa to "work on it" now. Should have done that when Junichi took the milk.
Mon, 01-03-2011, 05:55 AM
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Scene 1 ( - MU (
Mon, 01-03-2011, 10:11 PM
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Scene 2 ( - MU (
Sat, 01-08-2011, 11:03 PM
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Scene 3 ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Scene 4 ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Scene 5 ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa - Omake ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Monologue - A Waking Voice ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Monologue - Dreaming and Personal Awakening ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Drama CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Monologue - First Valentine Monologue ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Character CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Monologue ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami SS ED6 CD - Ayatsuji Tsukasa Character Monologue ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Character CD - Tachibana Miya Monologue ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Character CD - Tachibana Miya Song - Grown up! ( | MU (
Harth - Amagami Character CD - Nakata Sae & Tachibana Miya Scene ( | MU (
Tue, 01-18-2011, 06:04 PM
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS Original (
Wed, 01-19-2011, 11:12 PM
Hey guys I just picked up the first few blueray subs of Amagami. I watched the first 3 episodes and... I like it so far...
[Spoilers depending on your point of view]
Although I am getting this creeeping suspicion that the arcs are going to chop after each heroine's story concludes (like for instance Yosuga no Sora). I saw the topic roughly touched upon near the top of the thread but I was wondering if someone could give me a straight out answer. I'm not really a fan of arc chopping... at all. I'd just like to know if I am walking into a short story series. I love romance series' so I hope I can continue this series.
Wed, 01-19-2011, 11:28 PM
Hey guys I just picked up the first few blueray subs of Amagami. I watched the first 3 episodes and... I like it so far...
[Spoilers depending on your point of view]
Although I am getting this creeeping suspicion that the arcs are going to chop after each heroine's story concludes (like for instance Yosuga no Sora). I saw the topic roughly touched upon near the top of the thread but I was wondering if someone could give me a straight out answer. I'm not really a fan of arc chopping... at all. I'd just like to know if I am walking into a short story series. I love romance series' so I hope I can continue this series.
Each arc starts over from "I was stood up on Xmas eve 2 years ago...".
They don't chop "into" a previous girl's arc, if that's what you're asking. I dropped Yosuga no Sora after the first girl's arc and have only read about how they do things there.
Isn't arc isn't totally isolated though, as later girls benefit from little bits of exposure from previous arcs and earlier girls continue to make appearances later instead of disappearing like they usually do. All in all, I can only call the way they pulled this off "successful".
Wed, 01-19-2011, 11:58 PM
Each arc starts over from "I was stood up on Xmas eve 2 years ago...".
They don't chop "into" a previous girl's arc, if that's what you're asking. I dropped Yosuga no Sora after the first girl's arc and have only read about how they do things there.
Isn't arc isn't totally isolated though, as later girls benefit from little bits of exposure from previous arcs and earlier girls continue to make appearances later instead of disappearing like they usually do. All in all, I can only call the way they pulled this off "successful".
Yeah. Amagami SS managed to do what Yosuga couldn't. Yosuga failed horribly in the end. Though I would recommend watching the 2nd arc Bill, its the best of the series... the rest is crap.
Thu, 01-20-2011, 12:09 AM
Yeah. Amagami SS managed to do what Yosuga couldn't. Yosuga failed horribly in the end. Though I would recommend watching the 2nd arc Bill, its the best of the series... the rest is crap.
I originally typed up this post because I thought you were talking about Amagami's second arc, and was like: Where did all that Sae passion go? All crap? RAAAAGE! :P
Thu, 01-20-2011, 12:23 AM
I originally typed up this post because I thought you were talking about Amagami's second arc, and was like: Where did all that Sae passion go? All crap? RAAAAGE! :P
LOL Bill... you know already how I loved Sae and Ai. And Tsukasa to an extent... yes... I was talking about Yosuga. Only good arc of Yosuga is the 2nd.
Thu, 01-20-2011, 05:42 PM
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED7 Single - Koi no Yukue [Kadowaki Mai].zip ( rent)
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED8 Single - Suteki na Aru Hi [Asumi Kana].zip ( .torrent)
Miya's Seiyuu = Felicia in Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Thu, 01-20-2011, 05:47 PM
Each arc starts over from "I was stood up on Xmas eve 2 years ago...".
They don't chop "into" a previous girl's arc, if that's what you're asking. I dropped Yosuga no Sora after the first girl's arc and have only read about how they do things there.
Isn't arc isn't totally isolated though, as later girls benefit from little bits of exposure from previous arcs and earlier girls continue to make appearances later instead of disappearing like they usually do. All in all, I can only call the way they pulled this off "successful".
Thanks for the info. Ill keep trekkin through the series to see this success you claim. What I meant by arc chopping is what u described, how each arc just goes over the same timeline leading to the same ultimate climax in the form of Christmas Eve.
Thu, 01-20-2011, 07:01 PM
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED7 Single - Koi no Yukue [Kadowaki Mai].zip ( rent)
[Nipponsei] Amagami SS ED8 Single - Suteki na Aru Hi [Asumi Kana].zip ( .torrent)
Miya's Seiyuu = Felicia in Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Miya already even though we haven't seen the episode? Awesome
Thanks for the info. Ill keep trekkin through the series to see this success you claim. What I meant by arc chopping is what u described, how each arc just goes over the same timeline leading to the same ultimate climax in the form of Christmas Eve.
Not quite exactly, but mostly. But each arc is unique in its own way. You won't regret seeing the series.
Sat, 01-22-2011, 09:07 PM
UTW - Amagami - Character Monologues 1-6 (
Uploaded it in case Nyaa goes down again.
MegaUpload (
Thu, 04-28-2011, 02:44 PM
The official website for the Amagami SS romance anime series began streaming a promotional video for the 26th episode on Thursday. This episode about the character Miya Tachibana did not air on television, but it will be included on the 13th Blu-ray Disc/DVD volume on Friday. Miya is the younger sister of the main character Junichi Tachibana.
This volume will also have an episode devoted to the Risa Kamizaki characer from Enterbrain's original Amagami game.
26th Episode PV (
Sun, 05-01-2011, 01:29 AM
[Nishishi-subs] Amagami SS - 26 - BD 1080p: Torrent ( 0F01%5D.mkv.torrent) | DDL (
[Nishishi-subs] Amagami SS - 26 - BD 720p: Torrent ( ent) | DDL (
Amagami SS - 26 - BD 720p: Torrent ( | [U]DDL (
Sun, 05-01-2011, 09:55 AM
Lol, nishishi subs
Sun, 05-01-2011, 01:07 PM
After this episode was announced to not be aired... I honestly expected something else. Not a completely innocent sibling episode.
Setting that aside... I like how Miya's episode ties up with every other arc, even Risa's. The cat subplot was a bit dull... but I guess it was needed to get Miya to bite him (lol)
I laughed when they previewed the first episode creating a cycle.
Sun, 05-01-2011, 02:36 PM
This wasn't an overly exciting episode for sure. I'm actually no fan of incest plots so I wasn't sure what I wanted to expect from this episode, and in that sense I'm happy it didn't have anything of that sort - even if they are closer siblings than I'd view realistic considering they live in a normal household. But then again, this was an extra episode and rarely those offer anything tremendous. The biting scene was quite funny even if a little embarrassing. Miya is a bit weird girl. Maybe growing up with her made Junichi look for a bit out of the ordinary girls.
Sun, 05-01-2011, 10:37 PM
Even in an innocent sibling episode they managed to fit in the obligatory fetish. Miya was never much of a romantic interest anyway (for Junichi OR the viewer), so the way this turned out was 100% okay.
Their closeness was emphasised in a couple of ways.. like how Miya simply refused to call Risa Nee-nee.. or like how Junichi didn't instinctively cover up his johnny. Or maybe Junichi's just weird like that.. who knows.
Setting that aside... I like how Miya's episode ties up with every other arc, even Risa's.
I liked the homage.
Morishima's still the biggest tease ever, and Ai's as understanding as ever.. though Risa probably comes close to a tie in that regard.
Mon, 06-20-2011, 12:04 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS Short Animations - 01 - DVD 480p: Torrent ( | DDL (
Mon, 06-20-2011, 04:16 PM
So they animated the extra chapters from the manga and extended them a bit. Nice
Haruka, Kaoru, Sae are in this one so I guess we shall see the others in the second release.
EDIT: Also...more Risa stalking.
Mon, 06-20-2011, 10:16 PM
Now I want to rewatch her arc.
Sun, 08-07-2011, 11:36 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS Short Animations - 02 - DVD 480p: Torrent ( | DDL (
Thu, 08-11-2011, 02:44 PM
Fetishes R Us
Sat, 08-13-2011, 07:14 PM
Amagami SS Anime Gets 2nd Season
Sat, 08-13-2011, 07:52 PM
So if we get the same format... would we get the followup to each arc then? Want more Sae and Nanasaki
Sun, 08-14-2011, 03:41 AM
My feelings are mixed, as always when continuations are announced for series that already feel complete. Funnily enough, it's Sae that I'm looking forward to most out of everybody even though I wasn't particularly going for her out of all the girls. I think it's because I've always associated Amagami SS with "fun", and her arc was definitely the most fun to watch.
Sun, 08-14-2011, 06:25 AM
Probably won't watch it, i honestly wasn't much of a fan of the original
Sun, 08-14-2011, 06:29 AM
I guess when I say "complete", I was talking about how the last Miya arc linked back to the Haruka arc too. But meh, more of the girls is welcome. Very welcome.
May the trainer/trainee relationship continue.
Sun, 08-14-2011, 07:35 AM
I am happy since I'd get more Kaoru <3
Sun, 08-14-2011, 10:13 AM
I've been reading reactions towards this 2nd season around several forums... and one general concensus seems to be that they may be animating the routes anew since the original game actually have about 3 or 4 different endings for each girl. Don't know how to feel about this. At least its just a theory for now.
Sun, 08-14-2011, 11:42 AM
They will animate the bad endings? Haha, that would be novel.
Sun, 08-14-2011, 11:47 AM
They will animate the bad endings? Haha, that would be novel.
Its a rumor for now, but it has a chance for this to happen unless they make a completely original season.
Fri, 10-14-2011, 03:33 PM
2nd Amagami SS Season Gets New Director, Head Writer (
I don't really care who's directing and who's writing. I'm mainly posting this because it has some info on the title, format, and when it starts.
Title is Amagami SS+
Starts in January
Same omnibus format
More original story elements set after the first Amagami SS season
Each girl only gets two episodes this time around, so it must be a 12 or 13 ep series.
Thu, 12-22-2011, 04:42 PM
Starts January 5th...
Thu, 12-22-2011, 09:09 PM
I was looking at that thinking "hmm, doesn't seem that interesting.. kinda like supplement material for the first series"
That is.. until about 2/3 of the way through. Looks good after all.
Thu, 12-22-2011, 09:17 PM
I'll pass, don't even know why i watched the prequel in the first place.
Fri, 12-23-2011, 03:31 PM
I was looking at that thinking "hmm, doesn't seem that interesting.. kinda like supplement material for the first series"
That is.. until about 2/3 of the way through. Looks good after all.
Yes, couldn't have said it better myself. Instead of telling similar clips all again, it's better if they take the existing ones a little further, like could be interpreted from this trailer. I hope my impression is correct.
Fri, 12-23-2011, 03:49 PM
58 Second Promo ( Scroll down a bit. 30 seconds of it is in the earlier video. :(
Enterbrain's Famitsu website began streaming the newest 58-second promotional video for the Amagami SS+ television anime series on Friday. The video had premiered during a live recording of the Amagami web radio program "Ryoko and Kana's Amagami Coming Sweet" that was also held on Friday in Tokyo. The hosts of the program, Ryoko Shintani (Rihoko Sakurai) and Kana Asumi (Miya), were joined by other cast members and singer Azusa, who sings the themes for both Amagami SS and Amagami SS+. Azusa sang the opening theme song "Check my soul" and the ending theme song "Kokuhaku" (Confession) at the event.
The event also unveiled the "Amagami SS+ Manma Nikuman", a meat bun that will be sold for a limited time only at LAWSON's convenience stores in Tokyo's Kantō area, starting January 10. Famitsu muses if that people were to eat the pork bun — a favorite snack of Amagami protagonist's sister Miya — they might make the "nishishi" laugh like her.
Fri, 01-06-2012, 06:32 AM
[UTW] Amagami SS Plus - 01 - 720p: Torrent ( | DDL1 ( | DDL2 (
Fri, 01-06-2012, 09:13 AM
Vice-president candidate being a two-timer isn't good for Tsukasa.
Sat, 01-07-2012, 10:14 AM
When I saw "1st half" in the episode title, I was afraid that this would be some sort of prequel to the events of the first series. Good thing I'm wrong.
Cliche plot there, sure, but it works since we're not expecting revolutionary writing anyway.
I always forget the thing that makes Amagami SS work isn't the female lead alone, but Junichi's behaviour. He's rather passive as a male lead overall, but not entirely useless or overly naive like many others are.
Sat, 01-07-2012, 12:52 PM
Junichi getting really carried away during the photo shoot session was the best part of this ep. It's indeed good he has that much man inside him, even if he was again like a real wishful wuss in front of the other girl.
Thu, 01-12-2012, 11:19 PM
[UTW] Amagami SS Plus - 02 - 720p: Torrent ( | DDL1 ([UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_02_[h264-720p][1037320D].mkv) | DDL2 ([UTW]_Amagami_SS_Plus_-_02_[h264-720p][1037320D].mkv)
Fri, 01-13-2012, 03:26 AM
Junichi getting really carried away during the photo shoot session was the best part of this ep. It's indeed good he has that much man inside him, even if he was again like a real wishful wuss in front of the other girl.
Furthering that, I find that I'm always rooting for Junichi. Maybe it's the effort that he puts in along with his personality that always results me in wanting him to end up with someone - that he deserves a happy ending with someone. (Think of all the other anime where we're droning Why would you choose a guy like that?)
Add that to the format of Amagami SS, and we're not forced into a certain girl's camp and forced to wish fruitless conclusions upon all the other competing girls. The fact that each girl will get their turn means we can wholeheartedly support each relationship every time without a conflict of interest.
I like this.
And that certainly is a loveshack.
Fri, 01-13-2012, 05:49 PM
I very much liked how that confrontation turned out. Tsukasa didn't suspect his loyalty for a moment, but instead suspected his ability to remain professional and smart in such situations.
The theatrical innocence in the bathroom scene was also funny.
I might be too jaded to root for Junichi all the time, but it's true he's worlds above the stereotypical harem leads that wouldn't deserve anyone.
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