View Full Version : Bleach 271

Tue, 05-18-2010, 07:52 PM
[DB] Bleach 271 [5FF99426].avi (http://www.dattebayo.com/t/b271.torrent)

Tue, 05-18-2010, 07:57 PM
That might be a troll, the subs aren't working for me

Anyway i can't believe they actually reused the animation from soul carnival 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUzbqwBMBPk) in this week's episode, how fucking cheap can you get?

Tue, 05-18-2010, 08:07 PM
That might be a troll, the subs aren't working for me.

Make sure you have the new version

[4253AB7D] didn't have subs. [5FF99426] does.

Tue, 05-18-2010, 10:26 PM
OMG! Definitely enjoyed that one!

Tue, 05-18-2010, 10:31 PM
That might be a troll, the subs aren't working for me

Anyway i can't believe they actually reused the animation from soul carnival 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUzbqwBMBPk) in this week's episode, how fucking cheap can you get?

Re-use, ummmm they pulled the animation from the episode to do the parts for soul carnival. If anything re-used it, it would have been soul carnival. Fucking cheap? Seriously? What are you going to spend more production money to "RE-DO" parts of an episode again? That's pointless money down the drain, take a minute and really look at how much it would cost to go back and re-do something that was slated as done. It's entertainment most people are in it to make money and have fun, the company is probably accomplishing both.

Tue, 05-18-2010, 10:53 PM
Oh wow this one made going through all the previous episodes worthwhile. For me this definitely got me hooked from start to finish and left me asking questions :P

Tue, 05-18-2010, 11:21 PM
they censored ishida losing his arm:
but uliqorra lost his a few mins later. doesn't make much sense.

also, ichigo was supposed to throw uliqorra's arm back at him, not that huge rock. the arm would have been funnier.

im surprised they drew the hole in ichigo's chest instead of something like this:

I thot I missed an ep judging from the first 15 secs of this one. talk about spoilers. what was the point exactly?

Wed, 05-19-2010, 07:09 AM
It was good after the first half... before that I think the idea was

"Let's see how many times we can reuse the same sequence!"

Wed, 05-19-2010, 07:31 AM
That was a pretty great ep i must say, except for the always annoying "Kurosaki-kun, Kurosaki-kun ,Kurosaki-kun ,Kurosaki-kun".... atleast call him Ichigo to change things up a little :P

Wed, 05-19-2010, 11:42 AM
yep that bitch is the most annoying character.

Testarossa Autodrive
Wed, 05-19-2010, 12:07 PM
The only cool thing about this episode was Ichigo's transformation. I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time, only watched for this. I think I'll watch the next episode, too, but after that, I probably won't watch the anime again until abouts where we're at now with the manga (which, judging by how many episodes it'll take to get there, will be over 9000).

Wed, 05-19-2010, 12:33 PM
Just finished downloading and am greatly looking forward to the episode! Thanks for posting!

Harima Kenji
Wed, 05-19-2010, 12:33 PM
Didn't we get fillers because the anime was so close to the manga?

Anyways, very sweet episode. So Ichigo finally has a real Super Saiyan moment. I only missed the "I won't forgive you!" line :p.
I always thougth his bankai was the SSJ equivalent, but this is more like it. It would be funny as hell if the shows it to the other Vizard and they still think he's a weakling :D

Edit: with all of the "I'm too damn powerless" speach, I was hoping for a Inoue power boost..

Wed, 05-19-2010, 01:08 PM
Hot Damn! That was soooo sick! Hollow Ichigo owns everything! Bring on Commander Yamato! Like that would ever happen....

Great episode all around! Would have liked a little more tortured screams coming for Ichigo tho. When he yells in his mask/hollowform it sounds soooooo badass!

Wed, 05-19-2010, 02:16 PM
Yeah... somehow i still think the new and improved Super Hichigo would get his ass handed to him if he were to fight the Captain Commander ^^

Wed, 05-19-2010, 03:22 PM
I was left with an impression this is Hichigo, not Ichigo. There didn't seem to be too much of Ichigo left there because he didn't spend half the fight talking. Hichigo is the one who knows how to fight, Ichigo the one how to talk. So, if he reverts back to normal, who knows if he can get back to this form again. Or do anything but fight senselessly in it (which would be a welcome change of pace but not welcomed by his friends).

It was a decent episode, I have to admit that, after Ichigo was gone and Hichigo was performing.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 06:16 PM
Well that was awesome.

Not entirely sure I understand the powerup, but it kind of seems like he really did die, and now he's a for real Hollow instead of some kind of Human/Hollow hybrid.

The censorship continues to make me sad in this series. Without even reading the manga I could tell that Ishida was supposed to have lost his arm at that point. After calling it out you just knew there was no way Ulquiorra was just going to singe it a little.

I was left with an impression this is Hichigo, not Ichigo. There didn't seem to be too much of Ichigo left there because he didn't spend half the fight talking. Hichigo is the one who knows how to fight, Ichigo the one how to talk. So, if he reverts back to normal, who knows if he can get back to this form again. Or do anything but fight senselessly in it (which would be a welcome change of pace but not welcomed by his friends).

It was a decent episode, I have to admit that, after Ichigo was gone and Hichigo was performing.I was really hoping that was the case, but if it really was Hichigo he'd be all cocky and wise-cracking and shit.

This just seems more like straight up berserk Hollow. Just like when the Vizard were training him and he transformed into a Hollow.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 07:30 PM
I have been waiting so long for this episode, and it didn't disappoint.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 07:40 PM
Re-use, ummmm they pulled the animation from the episode to do the parts for soul carnival. If anything re-used it, it would have been soul carnival. Fucking cheap? Seriously? What are you going to spend more production money to "RE-DO" parts of an episode again? That's pointless money down the drain, take a minute and really look at how much it would cost to go back and re-do something that was slated as done. It's entertainment most people are in it to make money and have fun, the company is probably accomplishing both.
Don't double post you idiot

Wed, 05-19-2010, 09:03 PM
Nice comback Potsy.

Wed, 05-19-2010, 09:53 PM
Don't double post you idiot

I'll make sure I don't use up all the bandwidth/server storage space next time with my terrible double post.:)

Wed, 05-19-2010, 10:02 PM
Nice comback Potsy.
They reused animation made for a psp console, i'm not gonna dignify any attempt at validating that decision with actual discussion

Wed, 05-19-2010, 10:09 PM
as long as they put the same amount of effort into it as they would have if it wasn't for psp then i dont see the problem

Thu, 05-20-2010, 12:56 AM
In fact anything they put together for a game is likely going to be higher quality, they don't use filler style animation for stuff like that. That's a win in my book.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 01:03 AM
The fucking parts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUzbqwBMBPk)

Oh yeah that was awesome! It had frame by frame, repeating movement, lame cgi...

Seriously, you'd have to have holes for eyes not to notice when they switched between game and episode animation

Thu, 05-20-2010, 05:28 AM
dunno what you're talking about. if you mean how they zoomed in on inoue at the beginning, they did it like that so it would look like how the panels in the manga were done.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 05:32 AM
No shit sherlock?

When you see something airing on a major Japanese networking channel that you could do yourself with flash and some photoshop we usually refer to it as some shitty fucking animation

Thu, 05-20-2010, 08:38 AM
The fucking parts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUzbqwBMBPk)

Oh yeah that was awesome! It had frame by frame, repeating movement, lame cgi...

Seriously, you'd have to have holes for eyes not to notice when they switched between game and episode animation

What the fuck are you talking about? There is no difference between the episode and the short sequence they showed in the game because they're all the same thing.

The fucking openning for the game was taken from the episode, get it? The episode was done by the time they showed the intro of the game, and since the game covered some events that were only shown in the manga, as an appetizer they went and took some parts of the episode that would air later.

Your complains are simply retarded, there's no other word to describe it.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 08:57 AM
-So if you look at the scene where Hichigo "retrieves his sword" and slices the ground orihime becomes thrown, but in the PSP version she's just there. If you watch carefully you'll see the difference. By the time the rocks are falling (ground parts) when running both videos side by side it's two different scene's.
-Every time Hichigo does the scream it's different, the swirling red colors and the back drop on the actual episode vice the "PSP" version.
-When Ulquiorra makes the "Lanza Del Relampago" for the first time there is he has yellow green eyes vice pure green eyes.
-When Ulquiorra throws the "Lanza Del Relampago" at Hichigo in the "PSP" version he "flash steps" to behind Ulquiorra but then in the actual episode he moved to the side dodging it, then when his hair is waving in the air due to the explosion he performs the "flash step"
-When Hichigo swings his sword at Ulquiorra in the "PSP" version after the "flash step" and Ulquiorra jumps away, in the actual episode that scene doesn't happen till Hichigo comes in from the ground swing and then Ulquiorra jumps away.
-When Hichigo blocks Ulquiorra's "Lanza Del Relampago" with his bare hands in the "PSP" Version the back drop is the black night sky but in the actual episode it's part of the crubled tower.

Those are all the difference's that I can see plainly. So if it is "RE-used" they spent a lot of time changing a lot of the stuff in it.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 09:34 AM
Arch sure is a dick lately.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 10:01 AM
I think he's upset that AL found the stock he used for his signature and made the exact same thing out of it.

The hilarious part is he tried saying he cut the girl out and did it all on his own when its obvious to anyone with eyes that he did the same thing as Alhuin, basically. Cut n paste. Nice colors though arch.

Anyway back on track, this ep had the potential to do big things. Turned out to fall shorter than arch's time he spends on one piece of work in photoshop.

Thu, 05-20-2010, 03:16 PM
At least try to keep discussing the episode, not other Gotwoot members' sig making efforts...

I couldn't care less if they reused or were just impressed by game footage since I never played the game. I'm only happy this was the first Bleach episode for a long time I actually enjoyed watching - even if just a little bit.

Fri, 05-21-2010, 03:02 AM
I liked this episode. I also really liked the Manga during this part. Afterwards, the manga just keeps getting better and better (ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaa)

Fri, 05-21-2010, 03:57 AM
My favorite Hichigo scream is right here, at about 1:14


I couldn't tell if that last slice at the end of the episode was just Ulquiorra's blood or Hichigo firing off a getsuga.

Ichigo's gonna be pissed if he doesn't get to win this fight himself.

Fri, 05-21-2010, 05:00 AM
Ichigo's gonna be pissed if he doesn't get to win this fight himself.

Ichigo has no bloody business winning any to death fights against strong opponents. He's a fricking "boohoo, I don't want to fight, I don't want to hurt anybody, I don't want to train to get better at fighting but I still must win all the fights for my friends" stupid piece of shit. He's the last person in this series who should win a fight, with a reproachable and childish attitude like that. I'd prefer Ichigo really dead and this violent hollow mofo as the new main character of the series...

Fri, 05-21-2010, 06:42 AM
It sure would be nice to see SuperHichigo taking over Ichigo for a long period of time.
He'd be kicking anyone's ass for the heck of it, regardless of good and evil, and create havoc in soul society.

Fri, 05-21-2010, 09:03 PM
I think he's upset that AL found the stock he used for his signature and made the exact same thing out of it.

I just want to state, for the record, I didn't re-create a spitting image of his sig to piss him off, or try to show that he "didn't spend enough time on it"... I was simply impressed with it and copied it the best I could in my own way, so I could use it for future works. The only reason I posted it was so I could explain how I came about the second sig in that post.

Ichigo has no bloody business winning any to death fights against strong opponents. He's a fricking "boohoo, I don't want to fight, I don't want to hurt anybody, I don't want to train to get better at fighting but I still must win all the fights for my friends" stupid piece of shit. He's the last person in this series who should win a fight, with a reproachable and childish attitude like that. I'd prefer Ichigo really dead and this violent hollow mofo as the new main character of the series...

I don't disagree with you, but I was curious about this: Didn't he train to get his shinigami powers back; to learn Bankai; and to use his Vaizard form? I mean, yeah, he was no Naruto with his training, but he did at least train. Unless you mean like... battle tactics and strategy and whatnot.

But then, who uses battle tactics and strategy in Bleach.

Except Ishida.

Fri, 05-21-2010, 10:57 PM
Afterwards, the manga just keeps getting better and better (ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaa)

Almost had me there;)

Sat, 05-22-2010, 02:13 AM
I just want to state, for the record, I didn't re-create a spitting image of his sig to piss him off, or try to show that he "didn't spend enough time on it"... I was simply impressed with it and copied it the best I could in my own way, so I could use it for future works. The only reason I posted it was so I could explain how I came about the second sig in that post.
Oh now you've gone ahead and gave his troll post attention... nobish move dude, nobish move

Sat, 05-22-2010, 02:43 AM
I don't disagree with you, but I was curious about this: Didn't he train to get his shinigami powers back; to learn Bankai; and to use his Vaizard form? I mean, yeah, he was no Naruto with his training, but he did at least train. Unless you mean like... battle tactics and strategy and whatnot.

Sure, he trained a little when he absolutely had to. And when reaching the next step he immediately stopped the training. There are a few other shinigami who I doubt train much, like Matsumoto. Saying: "You fight as well as Matsumoto" would probably sound like an insult.

But when has Ichigo tried to learn demon magic, for example? It's one of the main reasons why Byakuya kicks much ass, and a very basic thing for all the shinigami. Even the idiot Renji can do something with it. Ichigo has never bothered to try to learn a single spell. He's always relying solely on the sword, yet most of the time lacks the stomach to actually try to kill anybody with it. It's ridiculous how he accepts the possibility of his own death when he grabs the sword but rejects the possibility of the opponent dying.

Sat, 05-22-2010, 03:41 AM
I'm confused. It's not like Ichigo has a whole bunch of free time and decides to roll up a fatty and watch cartoons. He's usually busy with random messed up crap and has pretty much been fighting since the series began. When does he have time to learn demon magic?

Sat, 05-22-2010, 04:23 AM
Although I don't read the manga but it's my understanding it's only the fillers that have make it look like he hasn't had much of a break. He could have skipped the shit happening in the fillers and used the time for training. Actually he should have trained himself in the SS. Magic training from Rukia and others and attitude training from Kenpachi. He would have beaten Grimmjaw and Nnoitra in no time. He probably would have still lost the fight against Ulquiorra but at least it wouldn't have looked so miserable.

Sat, 05-22-2010, 04:25 AM
Although I don't read the manga but it's my understanding it's only the fillers that have make it look like he hasn't had much of a break. He could have skipped the shit happening in the fillers and used the time for training. Actually he should have trained himself in the SS. Magic training from Rukia and others and attitude training from Kenpachi. He would have beaten Grimmjaw and Nnoitra in no time. He probably would have still lost the fight against Ulquiorra but at least it wouldn't have looked so miserable.
The only free time he's had so far was after the sould society arc, and even then he was being "devoured" by his inner hollow and then dragged to his vaizard training

Sun, 05-23-2010, 06:34 AM
It sure would be nice to see SuperHichigo taking over Ichigo for a long period of time.
He'd be kicking anyone's ass for the heck of it, regardless of good and evil, and create havoc in soul society.I don't really agree. SuperHichigo doesn't have any personality. I'd get pretty bored watching some monster go on a rampage week after week.

Now regular Hichigo I can watch all day every day.