View Full Version : Naruto Chapter 492
Wed, 04-21-2010, 05:38 PM
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No chapter next week, because of Golden Week in Japan.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 04-21-2010, 05:51 PM
Best...chapter...EV-ER. Never get enough of that jutsu.
Wed, 04-21-2010, 05:56 PM
Well I guess it makes sense that he has to get over his own darkness if he wants a shot at controlling the Kyuubi's. But... lame.
Wed, 04-21-2010, 06:27 PM
Yeeaaaaahh BOOOII~~.
Anyway, star wars yoda training forest stuff? >_>
Wed, 04-21-2010, 07:01 PM
Next Chapter: Naruto vs Hollow Naruto!
Wed, 04-21-2010, 07:54 PM
Welcome to Shin Megami Tensei: Naruto 4
Evil Naruto: 'I am a shadow, the true self... those assholes at Konoha annoy me"
Naruto: "No... that is not true..."
Evil Naruto: "Yes. They always hurt me. And now they want my autograph? Fuck them. I should kill them."
Naruto: "No!! I don't think like that"
Evil Naruto: "And the Hokage Sarutobi... that old bastard never took care of me. Sakura is a bitch who only slaps me. Kakashi never trained me. And Jiraiya left me behind. Tsunade is just a drunk."
Naruto: "No! Stop!!"
Evil Naruto: "And the Yondaime... that bastard fucked my life..."
Naruto: "NO!!!! STOP!!! YOU ARE NOT ME!!!"
Evil Naruto: "HAHAHAHAHA" ---- *rises*
Evil Naruto transforms into Kyuubi: "I am a shadow!! The true self!!!"
Yes... I know... Im the one fucked in the brains...
Prof. Chaos
Wed, 04-21-2010, 08:23 PM
OMG YES!!! Guy is back! Looks like the prophecy of him going all 9 gates to sacrifice his own life by killing Kisame will come to pass.
/end prediction
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 04-21-2010, 09:47 PM
Wow...with all that's happened, I've totally forgotten about the gates stuff. It's like, I'm not even excited at the prospect of them all being open anymore.
"Lol...he opened up all 9 gates and died. lol. Why didn't he just do this:
*sage mode*
Wed, 04-21-2010, 10:05 PM
Wow...with all that's happened, I've totally forgotten about the gates stuff. It's like, I'm not even excited at the prospect of them all being open anymore.
"Lol...he opened up all 9 gates and died. lol. Why didn't he just do this:
*sage mode*
Aren't there only 8 gates?
Wed, 04-21-2010, 10:42 PM
Aren't there only 8 gates?
Who cares?
Wed, 04-21-2010, 11:03 PM
what a bad, embarrassing chapter.
kishimoto has no shame.
this is the most blatant Hunter X Hunter-rip off ever. The whole island with its instant-altert and the dangerous animals...itīs EXACTLY like the island where Killuaīs family lives. sigh
Wed, 04-21-2010, 11:30 PM
Yeah, this is up there on the lameometer. I thought Sasuke was the only emo. Now they're gonna have an emo Naruto moment, I bet. The rhyming was kinda funny for a minute, but the ending with "evil Naruto" is too cliche and lacks creativity on Kishi's part. There has to be some other way you can clense evil from yourself in an anime without having to fight your alterego.
Thu, 04-22-2010, 12:08 AM
I at least am somewhat curious as to how this "Evil" Naruto will play out. Especially now considering the real Naruto went all goody goody with the whole revenge thing and not killing Pain (bah). Will they battle? Will he have the exact same techniques as the real Naruto (lame), or will he have actually awesome unique stuff (interesting)? Hopefully it's not just some blahblahblah, "Cool, I'm awesomer now!"
Also, the whole Guy vs Kisame thing seems so obvious, it's almost stupid. Hopefully there's an unexpected twist somewhere and.. say.. Guy is actually Tobi/Madara/Danzo/Obito/Everyone or zumshiz that makes us go OMG.
Thu, 04-22-2010, 12:29 AM
Maybe evil Naruto will represent the first 12 years of Naruto's "I hate everyone" personality, which, unfortunately, was more or less glazed over since the very first episode.
Thu, 04-22-2010, 12:30 AM
What would be interesting is if Naruto simply accepts what the evil clone says, and admits that it is a part of him, surprising even the Kyuubi with his maturity. That way, we only need 2-3 pages for the entire power up development and we can move on to more important things, assuming they still exist in this story.
Or he can simply turn evil permanently. That would be unexpected, and by consequence, interesting.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 04-22-2010, 01:08 AM
so, after 490 chapters,, Kishi has decided to write some angst emo fan-fiction. heck, I'm not complaining.
Aoba makes his glorious return to the scene.
I'm still hoping that Kisame turns to the good side, we need one akatsuki to turn out a good guy (itachi doesn't count)
Thu, 04-22-2010, 03:37 AM
Hopefully there's an unexpected twist somewhere and.. say.. Guy is actually Tobi/Madara/Danzo/Obito/Everyone or zumshiz that makes us go OMG.
I think it would be truly EPIC. If something crazy like Gai = Tobi crap happens I will crap my pants and give Kishi mad props. There is even some foreshadowing with Tobi's wacky personality . Have we ever seen Gai and Tobi in the same place?
Erm...Tobi might be unlikely, but anyhow, Gai being a bad guy would truly throw everyone off.
so, after 490 chapters,, Kishi has decided to write some angst emo fan-fiction. heck, I'm not complaining.
Aoba makes his glorious return to the scene.
I'm still hoping that Kisame turns to the good side, we need one akatsuki to turn out a good guy (itachi doesn't count)
What do you mean? All Madara really wants is peace on Earth, correct? He's the classic misunderstood bad guy. But I'd place my bet on Kabuto for switching sides.
Also, it seems King Kong made an appearance in this chapter. Nice cameo.
Thu, 04-22-2010, 07:14 AM
Luke's in Dagoba, just need him to fail at everything then for his training to be complete.
Thu, 04-22-2010, 11:53 PM
He should have harem'ed into rap video ho's. :(
Fri, 04-23-2010, 12:08 AM
I just thought of something wonderful. Instead of Naruto and Evil Naruto fighting, they will have a freestyle battle. 8-mile got nutn' on dis.
Fri, 04-23-2010, 12:33 AM
Welcome to Shin Megami Tensei: Naruto 4
Evil Naruto: 'I am a shadow, the true self... those assholes at Konoha annoy me"
Naruto: "No... that is not true..."
Evil Naruto: "Yes. They always hurt me. And now they want my autograph? Fuck them. I should kill them."
Naruto: "No!! I don't think like that"
Evil Naruto: "And the Hokage Sarutobi... that old bastard never took care of me. Sakura is a bitch who only slaps me. Kakashi never trained me. And Jiraiya left me behind. Tsunade is just a drunk."
Naruto: "No! Stop!!"
Evil Naruto: "And the Yondaime... that bastard fucked my life..."
Naruto: "NO!!!! STOP!!! YOU ARE NOT ME!!!"
Evil Naruto: "HAHAHAHAHA" ---- *rises*
Evil Naruto transforms into Kyuubi: "I am a shadow!! The true self!!!"
Yes... I know... Im the one fucked in the brains...
Evil Naruto has a point on Sakura
Fri, 04-23-2010, 12:37 AM
this is the worst chapter since freaking Konohamaru actually landed a rasengan on Pein.
The worst one before that was when Konohamaru did the love jutsu with Sasuke and Sai making love.
This chapter blew. I haven't disliked Naruto in awhile and now I dislike him cause he used that crappy jutsu again -_-
Kishi sucks sometimes.
Oh well at least no Sakura
Fri, 04-23-2010, 01:00 AM
The worst one before that was when Konohamaru did the love jutsu with Sasuke and Sai making love.
Dude, that part was hilarious! Sakura got pwned!
Fri, 04-23-2010, 11:10 AM
this is the worst chapter since freaking Konohamaru actually landed a rasengan on Pein.
The worst one before that was when Konohamaru did the love jutsu with Sasuke and Sai making love.
This chapter blew. I haven't disliked Naruto in awhile and now I dislike him cause he used that crappy jutsu again -_-
Kishi sucks sometimes.
Oh well at least no Sakura
Do racy jokes make you feel uncomfortable?
Fri, 04-23-2010, 11:50 AM
I liked King Kong's cameo.
Sun, 04-25-2010, 09:15 PM
Do racy jokes make you feel uncomfortable?
Nope. When entire chapters turn into something I can go and read creepy fanfics about that annoys me.
Sun, 04-25-2010, 09:45 PM
Nope. When entire chapters turn into something I can go and read creepy fanfics about that annoys me.
So it's not that it makes you feel uncomfortable, it's just that it annoys you because it's creepy. Wait. Huh? Uncomfortable; creepy : Hahandnd . <===code.
Haha, I'm just playing with you. But you might want to re-think your wording, there. And it wasn't like the whole chapter was about that. It just played on the stereotype that all guys are perverts, but when the tables are reversed, Sakura is just as bad. It's not like they showed Sai pitching and Sasuke catching.
Tue, 04-27-2010, 09:48 AM
"if anyone or anything suspicious approaches us, we'll be alerted"
woot? didnt killerbee came with a human-shark shape transformed into a chakra eating sword? if that is not suspicious then only god knows what it is
Tue, 04-27-2010, 10:04 AM
So it's not that it makes you feel uncomfortable, it's just that it annoys you because it's creepy. Wait. Huh? Uncomfortable; creepy : Hahandnd . <===code.
Haha, I'm just playing with you. But you might want to re-think your wording, there. And it wasn't like the whole chapter was about that. It just played on the stereotype that all guys are perverts, but when the tables are reversed, Sakura is just as bad. It's not like they showed Sai pitching and Sasuke catching.
I get that. I'm just saying that entire chapter had no plot. No plot = why am I reading.
I read stories for character development. Kishi has gone through a whole big deal of Naruto "Growing up" From his fight with Pein until the whole Sasuke drama crap a few weeks back. Then imo he kills it by having Naruto try to seduce a fellow Jinchuurikin which he knows is supposed to teach him something important.
Just makes no sense to regress at that moment to me. If its him joking around with Konohamaru thats that but its him joking around with a stranger. Seems moronic to me.
Tue, 04-27-2010, 08:03 PM
I get that. I'm just saying that entire chapter had no plot. No plot = why am I reading.
I read stories for character development. Kishi has gone through a whole big deal of Naruto "Growing up" From his fight with Pein until the whole Sasuke drama crap a few weeks back. Then imo he kills it by having Naruto try to seduce a fellow Jinchuurikin which he knows is supposed to teach him something important.
Just makes no sense to regress at that moment to me. If its him joking around with Konohamaru thats that but its him joking around with a stranger. Seems moronic to me.
It's just a cultural thing you're misunderstanding. In Japan, all adult males are perverts who will do anything for a young girl's panties. In contrast, black rappers have no respect for bitches and hoes </racist comment>. If you ask me, this is Kishi doing cross-cultural character development, and it's far deeper than meets the eye. Harem no Jutsu is not some immature thing, it lets us peer inside our very souls.
Wed, 04-28-2010, 01:00 AM
It's just a cultural thing you're misunderstanding. In Japan, all adult males are perverts who will do anything for a young girl's panties. In contrast, black rappers have no respect for bitches and hoes </racist comment>. If you ask me, this is Kishi doing cross-cultural character development, and it's far deeper than meets the eye. Harem no Jutsu is not some immature thing, it lets us peer inside our very souls.
I did missionary work over there for 2 years. I perfectly get the culture. But think about what you're saying.
"Okay Naruto I'll train you since you gave me your panties"
Getting seduced by a guy. Whee plot dev rules!
Killer Bee is sorta black so I guess that works. Still freakish though.
Wed, 04-28-2010, 05:21 AM
"Okay Naruto I'll train you since you gave me your panties"
Worked with Jiraiya. why wouldn`t he try it?
Wed, 04-28-2010, 11:01 AM
I had no problem with it showed that a lot of Konoha men are pervs and that B doesn't really go for such silliness. Or maybe he lives an ahem alternative lifestyle.
Although that would not work on me, as I would know it is actually a boy...come to think of it, that is kinda of weird that it has worked on guys that explicitly knew Naruto was a little boy. Now, if it were "Anko no Jutsu"...slightly different matter.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 04-28-2010, 03:16 PM
I get that. I'm just saying that entire chapter had no plot. No plot = why am I reading.
I read stories for character development. Kishi has gone through a whole big deal of Naruto "Growing up" From his fight with Pein until the whole Sasuke drama crap a few weeks back. Then imo he kills it by having Naruto try to seduce a fellow Jinchuurikin which he knows is supposed to teach him something important.
Just makes no sense to regress at that moment to me. If its him joking around with Konohamaru thats that but its him joking around with a stranger. Seems moronic to me.
Naruto got Jiraiya to teach him with the sexy no jutsu. Jiraiya was a stranger to him at the time, and historically speaking, the technique's been useful when trying to influence the thinking of men. Just saying.
Thu, 04-29-2010, 02:54 AM
I did missionary work over there for 2 years. I perfectly get the culture. But think about what you're saying.
"Okay Naruto I'll train you since you gave me your panties"
Getting seduced by a guy. Whee plot dev rules!
Killer Bee is sorta black so I guess that works. Still freakish though.
Well, thank you very much for taking my silly sarcastic racism seriously. In return I will actually be serious and quit giving you a hard time. I agree with you 100%. It's a major turn off when a girl turns into a 15-year-old boy after you touch her. It would be hard to believe that anyone would fall for such a technique, even if they were perverts. However, in Naruto's defence, the technique isn't usually used like that. It has usually been used as a distraction technique to defeat an opponent, not so much a seduction technique. There is a pretty good reason to think it would work. Imagine you are in a ring preparing to fight someone. Suddenly, you are surrounded by 12 naked bodies of oiled-up teenage squish begging to hold your member. Are you at least semi-confused, horny, and distracted? I believe many people would be. Now take Jiraiya's case where such a fantasy is so desirable he may overlook the fact that it's just an illusion made by a little boy. The point is that most real ninjas would never think of doing something so outrageous to distract their opponents, but apparently Naruto would. </serious>The only reason Bee didn't fall for it is because he is a rapper who probably gets hoes left and right. He gets 12 cloud girls any time he wants, so he's not really impressed by the technique, in fact, it's probably a downgrade for him--you saw the jugs on that one blonde student of his.
Thu, 04-29-2010, 04:13 AM
Well, thank you very much for taking my silly sarcastic racism seriously. In return I will actually be serious and quit giving you a hard time. I agree with you 100%. It's a major turn off when a girl turns into a 15-year-old boy after you touch her. It would be hard to believe that anyone would fall for such a technique, even if they were perverts. However, in Naruto's defence, the technique isn't usually used like that. It has usually been used as a distraction technique to defeat an opponent, not so much a seduction technique. There is a pretty good reason to think it would work. Imagine you are in a ring preparing to fight someone. Suddenly, you are surrounded by 12 naked bodies of oiled-up teenage squish begging to hold your member. Are you at least semi-confused, horny, and distracted? I believe many people would be. Now take Jiraiya's case where such a fantasy is so desirable he may overlook the fact that it's just an illusion made by a little boy. The point is that most real ninjas would never think of doing something so outrageous to distract their opponents, but apparently Naruto would. </serious>The only reason Bee didn't fall for it is because he is a rapper who probably gets hoes left and right. He gets 12 cloud girls any time he wants, so he's not really impressed by the technique, in fact, it's probably a downgrade for him--you saw the jugs on that one blonde student of his.
The way they portray the Cloud girls in the anime it seems like not only are they hella hot but they're all saps for bee. I'd take one of them over a million female Narutos.
For Jaraiya's char it makes sense (Sorry I'm being lazy and not quoting you too homey) but they pounded the perv thing in with him from day one. Bee is older obviously. I remember during that pause in the fight between him and Sasuke + friends he said "Time to go home and get a drink"
That always cracked me up. Not too often you see a ninja think about that. Its humanized him a lot for me.
That being said I think he is a dead man walking. Sadly.
Thu, 04-29-2010, 11:31 AM
I am pretty sure B is younger than Jaraiya by a lot, but he doesn't seem to be a perv.
Fri, 04-30-2010, 05:26 AM
I am pretty sure B is younger than Jaraiya by a lot, but he doesn't seem to be a perv.
Older than Naruto homeboy. But you couldn't resist I get it.
Fri, 04-30-2010, 05:27 AM
Well, thank you very much for taking my silly sarcastic racism seriously. In return I will actually be serious and quit giving you a hard time. I agree with you 100%. It's a major turn off when a girl turns into a 15-year-old boy after you touch her. It would be hard to believe that anyone would fall for such a technique, even if they were perverts. However, in Naruto's defence, the technique isn't usually used like that. It has usually been used as a distraction technique to defeat an opponent, not so much a seduction technique. There is a pretty good reason to think it would work. Imagine you are in a ring preparing to fight someone. Suddenly, you are surrounded by 12 naked bodies of oiled-up teenage squish begging to hold your member. Are you at least semi-confused, horny, and distracted? I believe many people would be. Now take Jiraiya's case where such a fantasy is so desirable he may overlook the fact that it's just an illusion made by a little boy. The point is that most real ninjas would never think of doing something so outrageous to distract their opponents, but apparently Naruto would. </serious>The only reason Bee didn't fall for it is because he is a rapper who probably gets hoes left and right. He gets 12 cloud girls any time he wants, so he's not really impressed by the technique, in fact, it's probably a downgrade for him--you saw the jugs on that one blonde student of his.
b.t.w no sarcasm tags so you can't complain at being taken seriously. Sarcasm in text is like truth in women. You just never know.
Fri, 04-30-2010, 10:39 PM
Sarcasm in text is like truth in women. You just never know.
Oh snap! Tell us how you really feel.
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