View Full Version : Game: Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Tue, 04-20-2010, 06:07 AM
It's official, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is in development. From the trailer on the Capcom side you can see, Ryu, Morrigan (Darkstalkers) and Chris Redfield (Resident Evil).
On the Marvel side there's Wolverine, Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk.
Also, in one of the shots it looks like Chun-Li's outline, so she's almost certainly in the game as well.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Teaser Trailer (
Tue, 04-20-2010, 06:20 AM
Yeah great stuff, this also pretty much confirms TvC was running on MT framework too, and could easily be ported to other platforms.
I hope chris's super involves him punching boulders lol.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 08:50 AM
Dang... there is a trailer already? I'll download it somehow and give my impressions later.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 09:18 AM
Oh, fuck yes. God knows how much money and quarters I spent playing this thing destroying my friends.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 09:21 AM
Ok, watched the video. I was hoping it had more gameplay that video but oh well. Its good anyway.
I just hope the console version has the option to configure better your buttons. I just couldn't get myself to replay Marvel vs Capcom 2 from the PSN with the horrible button configuration. It just doesn't work for a controller like it worked on an arcade.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 11:48 AM
Kotaku has a new article up about the game.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Will Be a "Living Comic" With A Deep Story (
Kotaku also put up some promo pics with guesses on the silhouettes.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 12:22 PM
Ok, watched the video. I was hoping it had more gameplay that video but oh well. Its good anyway.
I just hope the console version has the option to configure better your buttons. I just couldn't get myself to replay Marvel vs Capcom 2 from the PSN with the horrible button configuration. It just doesn't work for a controller like it worked on an arcade.
I actually only played it on the dreamcast, so I love the xbla port :].
Tue, 04-20-2010, 01:36 PM
Press release:
Innovative graphics and gameplay bring the Marvel and Capcom Universes to life: Powered by an advanced version of MT Framework, the engine used in Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2, now comes to Marvel vs. Capcom 3, bringing beautiful backgrounds and character animations to the forefront.
Evolved VS. Fighting System: Wild over-the-top gameplay complete with signature aerial combos, hyper combos and other original systems. The evolved battle system takes the exciting mind-reading game to a whole new level!
3-on-3 Tag Team Fighting: Players build their own perfect team and use Assist Attacks and each character’s special moves to create their own unique fighting style.
Living Comic Book Art Style: See the most adored characters from the Capcom and Marvel universes brought to life in a “moving comic” style, blurring the boundaries between 2D and 3D graphics.
Tue, 04-20-2010, 03:14 PM
Tue, 04-20-2010, 06:57 PM
It already has Morrigan, now all I need is Cammy and I'll figure out the rest!
Chris Redfield will luckily indicate a return of Jill (hopefully in RE5 costume!). The Kotaku article says that the roster is only a little over 30 though...
/Crosses fingers/ ...Phoenix Wright!
Wed, 04-21-2010, 11:11 AM
2 wishes. Back to 6 button configuration and Spidey.
Wed, 04-21-2010, 11:24 AM
GameTrailers - Captivate 10: Debut Interview HD (
And the original trailer in HD.
GameTrailers - Captivate 10: Debut Trailer HD (
Mon, 05-17-2010, 06:46 PM
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is in the newest Game Informer. Dante (Devil May Cry), Felicia (Darkstalkers), Deadpool and Captain America were listed as confirmed characters.
• The game is currently using Tatsunoko vs. Capcom style Light, Medium, and Hard attacks along with the Exchange button to be more accessible, but will retain stuff like Hyper Combo cancels, Snapbacks and assists. .
• The game will have the alpha, beta and gamma assist types, just like in Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
• The game has simplified launch attacks which are universally performed with one button, the Exchange button. This can also be pressed along with certain directions to slam opponents into the ground, leaving them susceptible to combos. Players can also hit the Exchange button in midair to tag in other team members on the fly. You can also counter exchange moves by guessing the correct exchange move to input at the same time as your opponent.
• Deadpool's teleportation device will comically malfunction if you spam his teleport move. Also, he breaks the fourth wall by beating his opponents with his health bar.
• Chris Redfield uses his weapons from Resident Evil 5, his shotgun and the "shock stick."
• Moves from the previous games seemed to have been retained.
• MvC3's characters were all created from scratch — you won't see recycled character models.
• A sort of cross-over aerial rave can be performed, where you can safely change your character in the middle of an air combo, using the exchange button.
• The flow of combat is just as intense and hectic as MvC2.
• Story mode is being slightly improved, with beginning and ending story bookends, along with in-game events to keep it fresh in players' minds. Producer Ryota Niitsuma insists that though this story is better than in other MvC games, it doesn't steal the spotlight from the action.
• Capcom is paying a very large attention to detail to make sure all the characters are very in-character and act like themselves.
Backgrounds will be lively. J Jonah Jameson is in a helicopter in the background of the Daily Bugle stage shouting and pointing at the players. There's also a parade in the background that has huge air balloons of characters like Spider-Man and Viewtiful Joe. Servbots and Tron Bonne in the background of the Megaman Legends stage.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 07:21 PM
• Deadpool's teleportation device will comically malfunction if you spam his teleport move. Also, he breaks the fourth wall by beating his opponents with his health bar.
• The flow of combat is just as intense and hectic as MvC2.
These things and Morrigan alone make this a must-buy.
Awesome info, thanks for the update.
Mon, 05-17-2010, 07:34 PM
Famitsu 1 (
Famitsu 2 (
Tue, 05-18-2010, 12:34 PM
I just hope the console version has the option to configure better your buttons. I just couldn't get myself to replay Marvel vs Capcom 2 from the PSN with the horrible button configuration. It just doesn't work for a controller like it worked on an arcade.
I had an okay time with the XBL version, just had to swap around some buttons.
Don't think I'm gonna get this, but it still looks pretty cool. Just hoping they take out the "IM GONNA TAKE YOU FOR A RIIIIIDEEEE~ dundundun" loop out of the menu screen, because that song haunts my nightmares.
*goes off to play some MvC2 for the hell of it*
Thu, 05-27-2010, 02:51 PM
Capcom-Unity released some HQ screens today on their blog.
Blog Entry (
Fri, 05-28-2010, 01:34 AM
Yeah they were up on eventhubs as well.
I really like the shot of iron man with his proton cannon.
Fri, 06-11-2010, 03:01 PM
E3 2010: Exclusive New Character Teaser HD (
Has a few seconds of Dante and Deadpool.
Tue, 06-15-2010, 10:53 PM
MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 - E3 Gameplay 3 (
stumbled across this. O_O
Tue, 06-15-2010, 11:14 PM
Here's a part 1 and 2.
Part 1 (
Part 2 (
Wed, 06-16-2010, 04:22 AM
There is a lot more footage over on eventhubs btw.
All I can say is, deadpool is my main definitly. Now all I need is baby bonnie hood, and mvc3 is total win for me (though it seems chris plays exactly like her, just slower).
Wed, 06-16-2010, 04:38 AM
Part 4 ( | Part 5 ( | Part 6 ( | Part 7 (
Gamespot E3 2010 Stage Demo (
Long Trailer (
:) @ Morrigan and Felicia.
I hope someone from Third Strike makes it in. Alex was in T vs C, so I'd like to see Remy this time around.
Wed, 06-16-2010, 03:02 PM
Part 6 (
Long Trailer (
:) @ Morrigan and Felicia.
The thing that really got to me is that whoever was demoing Morrigan really doesn't know how to play her at all. It was very sad. It's not like she's hard to use either...
Either that or Wolverine is currently way overpowered.
Thu, 06-17-2010, 04:53 AM
E3 2010: Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Stage Show Demo (
Thu, 06-17-2010, 08:41 AM
It's kinda weird seeing Chris take on Captain America, but I'm really liking it so far. I'm sold as long as they keep the 6 button layout, which I hope is the case.... :p
Thu, 06-17-2010, 01:58 PM
how many characors ?
"We're saying over 30"
You'd have to assume there will be a ton more... this looks awesome. Dante has some cool looking moves.
Thu, 06-17-2010, 05:24 PM
It's kinda weird seeing Chris take on Captain America, but I'm really liking it so far. I'm sold as long as they keep the 6 button layout, which I hope is the case.... :p
Nope, 4 button layout, with 3 of them being attack buttons, number 4 is the launcher.
Kinda like TvC.
Fri, 06-18-2010, 08:47 AM
I just hope I can adapt to it. I didn't like the buttons in MvC2 very much since I spent so much time on the previous games with the 6 button layout.
Fri, 06-18-2010, 11:40 AM
This looks tight I'll forsure end up playing. But it just makes me wish they would make a new CapcomVsSNK game already. Just cause its more subtle and not as flashy aka not as popular, we have to wait even longer.
Fri, 06-18-2010, 12:37 PM
But it just makes me wish they would make a new CapcomVsSNK game already..
Yeah man, that would be nice. I'd love some more Millionaire Fighting. I still play it on my Dreamcast to this day, along with 3rd Strike. Man I'd kill for a Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike HD Remix.
Fri, 06-18-2010, 04:38 PM
Indeed, to this day I still regard CvS2 as the best 2D fighter.
I actually dunno If I'd want my CvS3 in a TvC style or just plain old KOF13 style 2D.
Meh either would be fantastic really ;P.
Mon, 06-21-2010, 10:17 AM
Don't know how trustable is this info... but a Spaniard site published this 'possible' list of characters
Posible plantilla de luchadores de Marvel
* Spider-Man
* Hulk
* Wolverine
* Mr Fantastic
* Captain America
* Iron Man
* War Machine (color alternativo de Iron Man)
* Elektra
* Thor
* X-23
* Magneto
* Dr Doom
* Shuma-Gorath
* Emma Frost
* Deadpool
* Super Skrull
* Taskmaster
* Juggernaut
* She-Hulk
Posible plantilla de luchadores de Capcom
* Ryu
* Mike Haggar
* Frank West
* Chuck (color alternativo de Frank West)
* Spencer (Bionic Commando)
* Dante
* Chris Redfield
* Morrigan
* Arthur
* Amaterasu
* Albert Wesker
* Zero
* Chun-li
* Viewtiful Joe
* Trish
* Tron Bonne
* Hsien-Ko
* Akuma
* Felicia
Source (
Mon, 06-21-2010, 01:07 PM
All I'm thinking is capcom has so many chances in the roster to make it not suck. All they need to do is fill it with a with characters we haven't played in fighting games repetitively thousand of times.... or ones that aren't in every street fighter. AKUMAAAA? WHY? Chun Li? Go DIE.
Was Hibiki from capcom or snk? Hahah I know I'm sounding like a fanboy now but they need to bring some fresher characters back into the lineup.
Wed, 07-21-2010, 01:54 PM
From the Marvel universe, iron-clad antagonist Doctor Doom will be making a nefarious appearance, along with the multifaceted Super Skrull.
From Capcom's titles, the pint-sized powerhouse Chun-Li joins the fray, as does Devil May Cry's femme fatale, Trish.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Comic-Con Character Reveals Trailer
Thu, 07-22-2010, 02:39 PM posted some pics of Thor and Okami's Amaterasu.
Thu, 07-22-2010, 02:55 PM
Amateratsu <3
Thor? nice, now we have the lead avengers :D
This makes me want to play okami
Fri, 07-23-2010, 09:42 PM
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Thor Montage (
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Amaterasu Montage (
Sat, 07-24-2010, 01:17 AM
Dr. Doom and Chun Li Walkthrough (Cam) HD (
Trish and Super Skrull Walkthrough (Cam) HD (
Wed, 08-18-2010, 06:29 AM
Two More Join The Cast Of Marvel vs Capcom 3 (
Wed, 08-18-2010, 07:08 AM
Dormammu? that was unexpected...
Wed, 08-18-2010, 12:16 PM
Weird... Dormammu and not Dr. Strange? Talk about obscurer than an already rather obscure hero.
Wed, 08-18-2010, 03:08 PM
Dormammu was in like the first trailer already or something....
Fri, 08-20-2010, 10:51 AM
Dormammu Gameplay (
Viewtiful Joe Gameplay (
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Characters Video (
Fri, 08-20-2010, 03:45 PM
I already liked dormammu in the screens...but damnnn, he looks absolutely terrific in motion. Pretty much my new favorite thus far.
Custom intros is pretty awesome too, hearing him say "I shall strike you down...demon hunter", in his awesome voice was pretty great.
Hope that the game is filled with these custom intros.
Fri, 09-10-2010, 08:25 AM
Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds - HD Trailer 3 (
Thu, 09-16-2010, 02:36 PM
X-23 Reveal (
Tron Bonne Reveal (
Tron Bonne & X-23 Gameplay (
TGS Trailer (
Simple Mode Demo (
There will be more characters announced in the morning via twitter.
Thu, 09-16-2010, 05:06 PM
I'm actually really excited about x23 after seeing her in motion. I mean sure she's gorgeous, but a wolverine clone would've been pretty meh.
I some how get a bit of bayonetta vibe from her when she's fighting, and anything bayonetta is awesome ofcourse.
Really hoping that one of the new char announcements will be B.B. Hood, my fav from mvc2.
Also I noticed you can select jp/eng per character just like in SF4, which is really really nice, more dev's need to do this.
Thu, 09-16-2010, 05:44 PM
I some how get a bit of bayonetta vibe from her when she's fighting, and anything bayonetta is awesome ofcourse.Really?
I definitely got more of a Tsubaki (from BlazBlue) vibe from her. Especially with a few of those aerial dives. Methinks you're just confused by the amount of black leather.
Fri, 09-17-2010, 04:22 AM
Well yeah leather, but also Durga + Red Hot dive kicks, plus just the red streaks in general when you use scarborough.
Sat, 09-18-2010, 03:04 AM
Wesker and Spider-Man were the two new characters announced this morning.
Gamespot: Spider-Man, Wesker join MvsC3 roster (
Sat, 09-18-2010, 05:25 AM
It looks like Wesker is more of a counter-focused character. He even has that super that looks fairly underwhelming, but is definitely a counter. His other two supers look great. He's not really as flashy as a lot of the other characters so far, which is kind of amusing considering how flashy his combat is in the RE games. Maybe it is just the black/purple that makes it look understated.
Note: Curse you DS for predicting this. At least you're screwed in picking who to use now. If they add BB Hood, you won't know what to do.
Sat, 09-18-2010, 05:54 AM
Wewwwt Wesker finally, super awesome :D.
He seems more like a super rush down character, no delay teleports are even more annoying than divekicks, the counter super is THE RHINO CHARGE, which is fucking awesome, but I guess only for RE5 Mercenaries fans.
The counter solidifies him being a super rushdown char, cause not only will you have to guess his angle of attack, you need to be careful not to be baited into the counter as well. Kinda like Fei Long in that aspect.
But yeah fucking awesome he finally got added, was waiting for it.
And yeah if they add BB Hood, I'll be kinda screwed D:
Tue, 09-21-2010, 01:09 AM
Well the Official HD trailers are out, so no more crowd noise.
Wesker Reveal (
Spider-Man Reveal (
Fri, 10-08-2010, 08:25 PM
Sir Arthur Gameplay (
Nathan "Rad" Spencer Gameplay (
Magneto and MODOK were confirmed too, but they don't have vids yet.
Fri, 10-08-2010, 08:47 PM
I'm surprised to see Arthur, but he didn't really impress me. He came off kind of bland.
Spencer on the other hand, or arm, was awesome. He looks like a combination of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and Hazama from BlazBlue. He should be a ton of fun to play with.
Fri, 10-08-2010, 08:51 PM
• Arthur has all the attacks and specials he had in the original Ghost 'n Goblins games.
• Spider-man is the first character they're showing who will have alternate costumes. Iron Spider, Symbiote Spidey, and the new Spider-Man costume from the upcoming "Big Time" comics.
• The plot of the game is that Doctor Doom, with the help of Wesker, has assembled a team of villains together that could destroy both Capcom and Marvel's worlds. As such, it's a "Battle that will decide the fate of two worlds." i.e. Fate of Two Worlds.
• The lead battle designer for MvC3 is the same person from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
• There could be a Marvel Super Heroes 2 if there was enough requests for one, but currently there are no plans. This is a pretty standard answer that Capcom gives, though.
• New game modes will be announced once more characters are revealed.
• Marvel will officially announce two new characters on their side at the Comic-Con panel tomorrow (Saturday) at 10:45 a.m. EST tomorrow. This is likely Magento and M.O.D.O.K who were accidentally leaked.
Sat, 10-09-2010, 03:05 AM
Oh god, Arthur looked so mad awesome.
I mean the wacky run/jump/attack animation's, the shorts, the music, the voice! They absolutely nailed his character.
Spencer looked fun too, but I dunno.
Modok and magneto are a suprise for me though. Modok I'm just wondering what the fuck he will play like, but I wasn't expecting mags to return. I hope he's still as awesome since he is my main in mvc2.
Sat, 10-09-2010, 01:19 PM
NYCC Magneto Gameplay - MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 (
Gameplay info and modes
• Tag ins are much faster than they were in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, and are now overhead attacks (must be blocked high). You can't really combo after connecting with a tag in, but there may be some exceptions to this.
• As previously mentioned, tag ins are still performed by holding one of the Assist buttons.
• There will be a Trials (Challenges) mode in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, similar to the one that was in Super Street Fighter 4. While SSF4's trials were very difficult, MvC3's will be geared towards getting players familiar with the characters and preparing them to play against other people.
• The game no longer shows the amount of damage done in combos. The team wanted to keep MvC3 more like MvC2, and when they had the damage numbers in there, it just didn't feel right, so they took them out.
• The developers have expanded the ability to combo after throwing your opponent. This isn't overly easy to do, but it's more common now than it was before.
• Some of the cast members do not have levels 3 Supers right now, but they all have three different Supers. It's still being decided if everyone will get a Level 3 or not.
• There will be taunts in the game, every character has one so far. These are performed by pressing the Select button.
• Complete button configuration is available, like in every Capcom fighting game, so you can layout your buttons however you want. One of the defaults you can select is an MvC2-styled layout.
• The MvC3 character balancing process is handled by the Battle Director, primarily, but he also consults with Niitsuma-san and Capcom USA staff, including Seth Killian, to get input on balancing the game.
Characters and misc. details
• Some of the character models have been improved since you first saw them in-game. Characters like Dante and Deadpool were fairly far along when they were shown, but others have received numerous touch ups.
• Niitsuma said he doesn't like to deconfirm characters because he doesn't want to say that a character won't be in the game when they may end up being in there after all. Also, deconfirming characters could lead to knowing the roster through a process of elimination.
• Capcom never had plans to add in any Monster Hunter characters to MvC3. Marvel had some characters that were off the table from the very start, but this is a contract thing and Niitsuma couldn't elaborate on it.
• The original proposal from Capcom was to have Stan Lee in the game, but Marvel is handling that side of things, so Niitsuma wasn't sure if he'd show up.
Simple Mode
• Seth Killian very much emphasized that Simple Mode won't give an advantage to expert players. Balance was definitely a concern when they were creating this, so Capcom has designed it so that it cannot be abused by people who know what they're doing.
• An example Seth gave is that Dante has around 40 special moves, in Simple Mode he has access to 4 of them. Simple Mode only has one Super per character as well.
• Simple Mode will be available online. You might be able to block people who are using it though, but this hasn't been decided yet.
• One of the reasons Simple Mode was added to the game is that some fighters were difficult to play, so they added in a mode so even new players could jump in and try these characters out.
Future plans and next MvC3 Fight Club
• Capcom will have the next Fight Club at a location they've never hosted one at before. Seth is 90% sure that Wesker, Tron Bonne, Spider-man and X-23 will be playable there. This event will happen on October 28, 2010.
• Once the console versions of MvC3 are complete, they'll consider doing a arcade port of the game. Again, they're only going to consider it — it may not happen.
• They're looking into making a Collector's Edition for both the USA and Japan.
• A demo is still up in the air at this point.
X-Factor System
• Seth warned that the X-Factor system has been one of those things that is constantly changing, so keep in mind a lot of this stuff could be different by the time the game is released.
• When you activate X-Factor, the game takes into account how much life you have with your remaining player(s). It's more powerful if you use it when all of your other characters are dead, as the less life you have the longer it lasts.
• Also, X-Factor gradually restores your Red (regenerable) portion of life.
• It cannot be activated while you're getting hit, which is unlike the Mega Crash system in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
• You can Cancel your own move with X-Factor, it returns you to a neutral state where you can pull off combos that wouldn't otherwise be possible. An example used was Canceling Iron Man's Proton Cannon Hyper and then going into another Proton Cannon Hyper.
• X-Factor works the same for all of the characters — there are no unique properties depending on who you activate it with.
Music and voices
• The 'Take You For a Ride' song is officially back.
• As previously mentioned, the dialogue the characters speak will change depending on the situation and which teammates you choose.
• Marvel characters will only have English voice actors, but users can select between Japanese and English voices for the Capcom fighters.
• An external team outside of Capcom is creating the music for this game. This team used to work on Capcom games, but is now their own outlet. The person in charge of X-23's song didn't work for Capcom, but was asked to do work for SSF4.
Sat, 10-09-2010, 01:24 PM
Magneto looks as strong as he was in MvC2.
Sat, 10-09-2010, 02:21 PM
Well I think he won't be able to triangle dash, but if you didn't use that...I think he actually looks stronger now....awesome ;].
Modok looks like a keep-away character that can go on offense for short timed bursts
Sat, 10-09-2010, 02:48 PM
Simple Mode
• Seth Killian very much emphasized that Simple Mode won't give an advantage to expert players. Balance was definitely a concern when they were creating this, so Capcom has designed it so that it cannot be abused by people who know what they're doing.
• An example Seth gave is that Dante has around 40 special moves, in Simple Mode he has access to 4 of them. Simple Mode only has one Super per character as well.
• Simple Mode will be available online. You might be able to block people who are using it though, but this hasn't been decided yet.
• One of the reasons Simple Mode was added to the game is that some fighters were difficult to play, so they added in a mode so even new players could jump in and try these characters out.
I've got to give Capcom huge credit for this. There are a couple of characters in BlazBlue who are constantly abused using Beginner Mode online (Ragna :mad: ). At least on the lower-mid rankings. That's mostly due to the small number of moves some characters have, so there may be some similarities with characters that aren't Dante. Either way, good news is that they're thinking about this kind of abuse.
• The 'Take You For a Ride' song is officially back.
Yay, now it will infect my brain forever.
Modok looks like a keep-away character that can go on offense for short timed bursts
I wonder what kind of damage you have to do to that triangle shield to blow through it. Something like that could get really annoying if your opponent does enough damage to your team, then switches to MODOK and turtles until the round runs out.
I like trap and keep-away characters, but MODOK looks like he'll piss me off even to play as, much less fight against.
Sat, 10-09-2010, 05:24 PM
I had no where else to put this, so I apologize in advance.
Konami's X-Men Arcade Classic Headed For XBLA And PSN (
Man, I love old school beat-em-ups like this, so I'm really excited about this announcement. I'm happy that the game will feature six player online support. The 4 player local limit doesn't bother me.
All I need now is the Simpsons arcade game on Live Arcade.
Edit: Here's another video from the NY Comic-Con. It features the four recently announced characters, plus Wesker and Spider-Man in alternate costumes.
NYCC Gameplay Video 1 (
lol @ Spencer to Spider-Man: "You don't know nothing about swinging."
Sun, 10-10-2010, 03:06 AM
Spencer looks pretty powerful, it also seems that even though modok's shield can't be broken, he can't block himself.
I really liked how spidey and magneto ( lol maggy) finished off spencer only to be raped by arthur ;o.
Tue, 10-12-2010, 11:21 AM
Is it just me or does Modok look like he'll be a pain in the ass to play against?
Seeing Arthur in the game is a huge surprise. He looks like he'd be a lot of fun to play with and it's kind of nostalgic seeing him...reminds me of how impossibly hard Ghosts n Goblins was when I was a kid.
Mon, 11-15-2010, 01:49 PM
She-Hulk in Action (
Zero in Action (
Mon, 11-15-2010, 04:23 PM
She-Hulk? Marvel picks their other major fourth-wall breaking character? MvC has always been tongue-in-cheek, but it seems a bit cheap. At least it doesn't look like she does it too much (if at all?) in the video, they're going strong with her lawyer aspect.
edit: I love her spring-blade attack (in the style of BlazBlue's Noel or Melty Blood's Sion)
She looks fun to play though. A little slowish for my tastes, but I've no doubt I'll throw her into the mix.
As for Zero, that's blatant fanservice.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 11-15-2010, 06:18 PM
As for Zero, that's blatant fanservice.
Then they might as well be more blatant and give me X.
Tue, 11-16-2010, 05:32 AM
I haven't read the comics at all but why is She-Hulk so shapely? I was expected her to be like Hulk but with a top and a wig.
Tue, 11-16-2010, 06:54 AM
Because she's a girl.
It probably also has something to do with the fact that she doesn't change personality or intelligence when she changes, she's not overcome with rage like hulk is. There was also a period of time that she couldn't change back for some reason.
But yeah, my sentiments on these 2 chars are pretty much the same as ryll. Though I am VERY glad about seeing RE5 possessed Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath in the game.
I'm guessing Jill be a mix between deadpool/wesker/x-23.
Also who is that girl below spiderman and felicia on the cover?
*@Marik, I guess it is x-23, the colour of her hair confused me a bit.
Tue, 11-16-2010, 07:29 AM
DLC already? *sigh*
Tue, 11-16-2010, 09:10 AM
Also who is that girl below spiderman and felicia on the cover?
Looks like X-23 to me.
Tue, 11-16-2010, 02:11 PM
Well there's a press release out now with the release date and official cover art. A couple of new gameplay videos were released for She-Hulk and Zero as well.
She-Hulk & Zero Gameplay 1 (
She-Hulk & Zero Gameplay 2 (
Seeing as this is the season for giving, we have decided to drop a ton of new Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds information, covering the Special Edition, preorders, new characters, and the release of the box art. Starting off, we are pleased to announce that Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds is launching on February 15th, 2011.
On top of that, yesterday it was revealed that She-Hulk from the Marvel universe and Zero from the Capcom universe are joining the roster of characters for Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. She-Hulk’s mean-and-green attitude and Zero’s high-tech prowess will be welcome additions to the highly-anticipated fighting title.
Those looking to dive deeper into this epic fighting experience will get the following:
- Steelbook case featuring exclusive art work
- Comic/Art book- A 12-page prologue comic, written by Marvel writer Frank Tieri, plus campaign art and a curated selection of fan art.
- 1-month Subscription to Marvel Digital Comics, providing unlimited online access to Marvel content
- 2 Playable DLC Characters – Shuma Gorath and Jill Valentine. Content is available 4 weeks post-launch.
Indeed, not only are we announcing the Special Edition, but we’re piling on the announcement of two new playable characters:
First, your favorite cap-poppin’ zombie-killer Jill Valentine is back for another round. She’s sporting her Resident Evil 5 battlesuit and packing serious heat. She’ll be joined by Capcom comrades Arthur, Nathan “Rad” Spencer, Wesker, Tron Bonne, Viewtiful Joe, Amaterasu, Dante, Ryu, Morrigan, Chris Redfield, Felicia, Trish and Chun-Li.
Next-up is everyone’s favorite one-eyed demon Shuma-Gorath, famous for delivering his unconventional brand of tentacle-based combat with a little magic thrown in. Other Marvel characters include Magneto, M.O.D.O.K., Spider-Man, X-23, Dormmamu, Thor, Deadpool, Hulk, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, Doctor Doom and Super-Skrull.
For those that go out and pre-order the game today, GameStop has something exclusive to reward your good taste. Gamers will be able to pick up a set of three exclusive Console Decals to spruce up their hardware—MvC3 style. The collectible decals feature Ryu, Wolverine, Deadpool and Dante, plus the essential move-set for each hero. For a closer look, check out GameStop’s listing here: (
Finally, today is the day that we reveal the stunning new box art for Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. Check it out for yourself at the Capcom press center or Capcom Unity.
Adi Granov, the phenomenal artist that designed the armor for the Iron Man movies, is the cover artist behind this riveting piece. His unique approach to illustration with digital painting enables him to blend a near photo-real aesthetic with a surreal interpretation of texture and color. The result is a compelling art piece depicting an epic battle between Marvel and Capcom characters.
It’s an exciting package we have coming next year. Get set for the ultimate 3-on-3 faceoff when Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds hits PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on February 15, 2011.
The European release date is February 18th, 2011.
Tue, 11-16-2010, 02:13 PM
Don't like the boxart so much.
Jill looks fantastic.
Tue, 11-16-2010, 04:52 PM
I'm going to miss Zombie/Tyrant-Summoning, Herb-using Jill.
At the same time, I welcome ninja-dash/leaping, machine-gun, screaming-in-pain Jill.
And that steelcase-totting, free-DLC-with-pre-order release date.
Wed, 11-17-2010, 10:46 AM
Term DLC is too misleading. It's just a time based/purchase based unlock. :(
Wed, 11-17-2010, 01:40 PM
Is that a problem? >_>
Wed, 11-17-2010, 11:54 PM
It gives the false impression that more contents are being developed when it's not.....
Thu, 11-18-2010, 03:48 AM
When it's not?
DLC on disc is entirely benificial, since it means you won't have to download some patch to be able to play with people that do have the DLC enabled.
This also indicates that extra characters via DLC is at least possible.
Thu, 11-18-2010, 04:39 AM
Disclaimer: This is not directed at anyone in particularly, since it is a systemic problem in the gaming community.
I'm getting really sick of the argument that we're being "robbed" by DLC. It's even worse when the claim is made that it's a game disc unlock. Yes, Horse Armor in Oblivion was a ripoff, and the colors in SSFIV and BlazBlue are too, but you don't have to buy it.
Even when it is something more crucial like a character in a fighting game, it's still not wrong.
There seems to be a fundamental disconnect with gamers and knowing how the dev cycle works. At some point, major development needs to stop. Then it shifts to QA and Testing before working its way out the door to go Gold (pressing discs). What exactly are the artists, modelers, and other creative parts of the team supposed to do, sit around for a few months and tweak an asset once or twice when a tester identifies a problem?
No, they start working on new stuff! But maybe this won't make it into the game in time, maybe their animation is only half done at this point, perhaps Jill and Shuma-Gorath aren't going to have time to be balanced. The last one is vitally important to a fighting game, and takes a lot of time to properly tweak. MvC2 was notorious for having a few unbeatable individuals, not just teams.
Jill and Shuma-Gorath being available 4 weeks after launch leads me to believe they're not anywhere near close to being done. Accounting for testing, the final coding, pressing the discs and distribution, that means that everything else has to be done and ready two full months before Jill and Shuma-Gorath are coming out.
DLC is great because we get more content without paying full expansion pack prices or having to wait for sequel.
Sorry Psyke, you set me off, but Joystiq commenters have been pissing me off for months about this stuff.
Thu, 11-18-2010, 05:43 AM
Don't get me wrong, I definitely agree with your points, granted that it's true that new material is being created or enhanced. DLC is definitely a good thing to have.
My earlier posts were specifically aimed at games which releases content based on purchases or being time sensitive when they are already on the disc. For example, in the original Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, the support characters were evidently inside since the CPU gets to use it. For us, the consumers, we had to wait months to use it. By the time the 1st and 2nd Hokages were available to people who didn't pre-order (or like me, outside the US), I've already moved on to other games by then.
On the other side, DLC for games such as RE5 or SSFIV were excellent. New costumes and modes, definitely increases the replayability of the games.
So, just to conclude, I'm all for DLC which is developed post launch, but not for stuff already on the disc.
Thu, 11-18-2010, 09:10 AM
I completely agree with Ryll, and his post is actually what I wanted to type up, but I just thought forget it.
DLC "developed" post launch is a misleading term, because how do you know has consumer that it was actually developed post launch?
The DLC for UNS was different, because it was used to artifically lengthen the game. Hence the DLC also costing nothing.
But as Ryll said, just because the DLC is on the disc, doesn't mean it's part of the main development scope.
When stuff goes into testing the artists move on to different things like a new project or supporting the current project with add-on material.
So again just because it is on the disc, doesn't mean it is part of the project that turns into the product that consumers will buy.
So even if at one point the development of main project and add-on material starts to run parallel, it doesn't mean that you as consumer are entitled to anything other than content from the main project. If you don't like it then don't buy it, but don't feel entitled to it just because they put it on the disc for everyone's convenience.
Here is a very basic outline of the process to illustrate it a bit better.
Main project:
code > working on prototype
art > working on artstyle
art/code > working on alpha
art/code/sound > working on milestones
art/code/sound > working on beta
code > big testing phase
art/sound > starts on supplemental project
art/code/sound > working on gmc (gold)
code > big testing phase
art/sound > continue work on supplemental project
final: main project done 100%, supplemental project done 25%
In the case of MVC3, that 25% would be Jill and Shuma, and are included on disc.
Heck sometimes deadlines can only be made if some stuff gets cut out, even if some of the assets are already done. Just like DeeJay and Thawk were cut out of SF4.
I'm just glad this game will at least have DLC support.
Fri, 11-19-2010, 12:55 PM
Some information and pics of license cards and character challenges.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Of Modes and License Cards (
Fri, 12-10-2010, 04:20 PM
They are continuing with the two new characters a month plan. Last month it was She-Hulk and Zero, this month it’s Storm & C. Viper.
Storm Character Reveal (
C. Viper Character Reveal (
Storm & C. Viper Gameplay 1 (
Storm & C. Viper Gameplay 2 (
Fri, 12-10-2010, 05:25 PM
Yeah I saw this earlier, was waiting for you to post it ;P.
I think viper fits really well to be honest, she seems like a combo machine, even more so than chun/morrigan/felicia.
And storm looks as powerful as ever, probably not as broken as in mvc2 though, but she still has a LOT of option in any range.
Fri, 12-10-2010, 06:02 PM
I think viper fits really well to be honest, she seems like a combo machine, even more so than chun/morrigan/felicia.
Yeah, she felt slow, unwieldy, and awkward (still my favorite though :3) in SFIV, though most of that is because SFIV plays so awkwardly with her kind of character, and she obviously wasn't perfected before release. The video made it feel like this was how C.Viper was supposed to play. She'll definitely make it into my rotation.
Storm still looks cheap. I was hoping Marvel would use fewer X-men...they have so many other good franchises.
Tue, 12-14-2010, 01:03 AM
I found a couple of the Q&A notes interesting.
• The Thing was considered at one point, but they felt he would be too similar to Hulk.
• Human Torch was a completed character, but he ate up too much RAM and had to be taken out.
• Marvel suggested Super-Skrull as a Human Torch replacement.
• To balance the roster out, Niitsuma wanted to include a young Marvel female, and ultimately X-23 was decided on.
• Niitsuma intentionally held off Spider-Man's announcement until the Tokyo Game Show because he is a popular character in Japan.
• Marvel was reluctant to grant permission to include Shuma-Gorath, but Capcom convinced them that he is popular and an important part of the series history.
• Shuma-Gorath was the first Marvel character that Capcom proposed to Marvel — and he may have originally been planned as an on-disc character.
• Felicia has yet to appear in an official English language gameplay video because of the ESRB.
Thu, 12-16-2010, 01:55 PM
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds - Episode 3 Trailer (US Version) (
Thu, 12-16-2010, 03:47 PM
X-23 ♥, I lol'ed when hulk just punched modok out of the screen.
Though this made me wonder, are there 3 factions now, cause mags and wesker are obviously not friendly >_>.
Thu, 12-16-2010, 04:02 PM
X-23 ♥
Indeed. She's going to be the first character I choose. Seems that Hulk ♥'s her as well. I could do without MODOK. He doesn't interest me at all. I'd like to hear the reasoning behind his selection.
Fri, 12-24-2010, 04:29 PM
M v C 3 Special Holiday Trailer (
Fri, 12-31-2010, 05:25 AM
Found this on SRK. The character select screen from the Storm/Viper build.
The same article has an almost complete list of Assit Moves ( with spoiler tags.
Fri, 12-31-2010, 08:40 AM
So we're expecting at least 12 more characters? :pp
Fri, 12-31-2010, 08:50 AM
So we're expecting at least 12 more characters? :pp
I'm only expecting six more to be added to that screen. Jill, Shuma-Gorath, two new chars revealed in January, and two more revealed in February, for a total of 36.
The current screen has five rows with six characters in each row for a total of 30. I'm expecting the final screen to be similar with a sixth row that contains the last six chars.
Mon, 01-03-2011, 09:27 PM
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Secret Event in Vegas on Jan 6th ( h)
We should be seeing videos of the new characters soon. :)
Thu, 01-06-2011, 08:28 AM
Phoenix Reveal Trailer (
Haggar Reveal Trailer (
Edit: Going by Lupinko's post (, these are the characters that are left. Akuma and Hsien-ko from the Capcom side and Taskmaster, Sentinel, and Galactus (Boss) from the Marvel side.
Thu, 01-06-2011, 03:06 PM
Phoenix looks totally beastly, that resurrection is badass, though she seems like she will play like wesker, good thing, now I can at least switch her up with wesker or use her as base for a different team.
That resurrection is just so fucking badass lol. She seems to have really low stamina to compensate for her awesomeness though.
Thu, 01-06-2011, 04:17 PM
Joystiq: Marvel vs Capcom 3 preview: Crossover chaos (
IGN: Simplifying Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (
GameSpot: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - New Character Roundup (
Destructoid: Marvel vs. Capcom 3 extravaplosion! (
MSXbox-World: Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Preview (
MSXbox-World: Alternate Costume Color Screens (
Captain America, Iron Man and More (
Viewtiful Joe is not Charmed by Felicia (
Wolverine and Amaterasu Double-Team Spencer (
Tron Bonne Punches Arthur Out of His Shirt (
X-23 and her Crew Take on M.O.D.O.K. (
gameplay montage #1 (
gameplay montage #2 (
gameplay montage #3 (
gameplay montage #4 (
Thu, 01-06-2011, 06:53 PM
I`m still waiting on that Megaman confirmation.
Tue, 01-11-2011, 02:53 AM
Phoenix and Haggar Gameplay 1 - 2:37 (
Phoenix and Haggar Gameplay 2 - 2:44 (
All Level 3 Hypers - 4:38 (
USA Today Game Hunters Blog: Some thoughts on the new fighters (
VideoGamer: Hands-on Preview (
RipTen's Simple Mode Impressions (
Tue, 01-11-2011, 02:17 PM
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: First TV Commercial - 0:37 (
Marvel vs Capcom 3: Online Rep System Info (
Tue, 01-11-2011, 03:37 PM
Marvel vs Capcom 3: Online Rep System Info (
Sounds like a good idea. I'm sure everyone here has encountered at least one little bitch who disconnected from a match that wasn't going their way. I don't understand what the big deal is with losing. Whenever I came across someone who was a skilled player, I would be happy if I even managed to make it to a third round. And it's not really considered acceptable to just start throwing a fit and unplug an arcade machine or console if you were playing against someone in person so why would you do it in an online match?
Mon, 01-17-2011, 05:36 AM
Akuma & Taskmaster Trailer (
Both of these characters are unlockable fighters. Akuma is unlocked after reaching 2,000 player points, Taskmaster 8,000.
2000 PP is roughly equivalent to a single playthrough of Arcade Mode. You also earn them by playing multiplayer, doing character challenges and spending time in training mode. Capcom estimates most players will have unlocked all the secret characters within a couple of hours, regardless of skill level,
Hrmm, so that just leaves Hsien-ko and Sentinel.
Edit: I just realized that all three Darkstalkers representatives are female. I would rather have B. B. Hood instead of Hsien-Ko, though.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 01-17-2011, 06:29 AM
Meh, was it really necessary to have FOUR street fighters character? Especially since SSFIV came out recently.
Taskmaster is awesome though, I've been waiting to see if he would make it into the game ever since they announced Deadpool.
Mon, 01-17-2011, 09:29 AM
Akuma & Taskmaster Trailer (
Both of these characters are unlockable fighters. Akuma is unlocked after reaching 2,000 player points, Taskmaster 8,000.
2000 PP is roughly equivalent to a single playthrough of Arcade Mode. You also earn them by playing multiplayer, doing character challenges and spending time in training mode. Capcom estimates most players will have unlocked all the secret characters within a couple of hours, regardless of skill level,
Hrmm, so that just leaves Hsien-ko and Sentinel.
Edit: I just realized that all three Darkstalkers representatives are female. I would rather have B. B. Hood instead of Hsien-Ko, though.
BBHood....word....heres hoping on DLC ;[
Mon, 01-17-2011, 05:32 PM
Akuma & Taskmaster Gameplay Video #1 - 2:47 (
Akuma & Taskmaster Gameplay Video #2 - 3:02 (
Fri, 01-21-2011, 09:13 PM has posted a 14 page preview of Marvel vs Capcom 3.
Marvel vs Capcom 3: Ultimate Character Guide (
Sat, 01-22-2011, 05:30 PM
It appears that Ryota Niitsuma, Marvel vs. Capcom 3's producer, has disconfirmed Sentinel in an interview conducted with Eurogamer Espana (Google Translate link) (, which was originally written in Spanish.
This normally wouldn't be too big of a deal, but someone posting under the name Lupinko has been leaking information about MvC3 for some time, and has been extremely accurate to date, revealing numerous characters in advance. He claimed Sentinel and Hsien-Ko would be announced, but Niitsuma's statement today goes directly against one of his predictions.
Here's a translated version of the relevant paragraph from RyanCE.
Ryota Niitsuma: Indeed, we could not choose characters that were not on [Marvel's] list, and if there were some we wanted to use Marvel told us "do not pick that, take this one instead." In this sense, we wanted to bring back a couple of characters from MvC2, such as Juggernaut and Sentinel, but we could not.
Many people are currently split over who to believe on this since Lupinko has been so accurate to date, but Niitsuma is the title's producer.
Other things of note from the article include:
• The first DLC package won't be expensive. When asked about the schedule for DLC, Niitsuma said they haven't already planned this, but, "Potentially we could release a DLC [package] every two weeks..."
• Niitsuma talks about the possibility of releasing a balance patch once the game has launched, although Capcom has made other statements like this in the past for the Street Fighter 4 series, saying they can patch the game after wards, if needed.
• There's at least one character to be revealed besides the 36 member roster. This might be Galactus, as an unplayable boss.
Mon, 01-24-2011, 11:33 AM
In a short interview posted today by ( html), Marvel vs Capcom 3 Total Producer Ryota Niitsuma had a few interesting things to say about the possible inclusions of Frank West and Phoenix Wright as playable characters.
"As for Frank West, he was actually in the process quite deep, and in one of our high quality CG trailers he was actually part of it," Niitsuma told at the end of last week. "But we've taken him out, due to the fact that we've foreseen some extra work involved, just from the nature of his moves. We felt we could direct our resources to better use, so we've taken Frank out."
Eurogamer: MVC3 has "speed of light" netcode (
Tue, 01-25-2011, 04:43 AM
SPOnG: The character roster means a lot to everyone playing the Marvel vs Capcom series, so you must get an awful lot of requests. My big question in this regard is Mega Man. You have Zero, but not the original. Where is he?
Ryota Niitsuma: I assume you’re talking about the original Mega Man. There was a Mega Man slot for this game - we had room for a character from that series. But when it came to the propriety of that character being in a fighting game, Mega Man has some problems.
If we were to adapt the original Mega Man character into a fighting game he would have to have a lot more extra moves and abilities, and that would then create a different Mega Man entirely. You couldn’t retain his original character as he is. So we looked into other Mega Mans, and decided that Zero had the best list of moves already in existence when it comes to fitting into a fighting game.
The Rest of the Interview (
Tue, 01-25-2011, 05:25 PM
I would`ve rather they made a totally new Mega Man, this zero looks too much like the one from TvC, not to mention they preferred to put in freaking Tron Bonne over Mega Man.
Thu, 01-27-2011, 12:52 PM
Hsien-Ko Reveal (
Sentinel Reveal (
Lupinko called it. Capcom is probably mad.
Thu, 01-27-2011, 01:33 PM
Lol @ niitsuma "deconfirming" sentinel ;'D
Thu, 01-27-2011, 01:37 PM
Lol @ niitsuma "deconfirming" sentinel ;'D
lol, yeah. I loled @ who they paired Sentinel up with in it's vid. The broken, Team MSS.
Edit: Gameplay Videos
3:07 Hsien-Ko Gameplay (
3:12 Sentinel Gameplay (
2:51 Hsien-Ko & Sentinel Gameplay (
Thu, 01-27-2011, 03:04 PM
Doesn't look like Taskmaster will have a copy ability, but he does mimic some abilities. It would be cool if he were find of like Rogue, but without superhuman abilities.
Thu, 02-03-2011, 03:48 AM
New Screens of Jill and Shuma-Gorath Revealed for Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (
Fri, 02-04-2011, 04:06 PM
I forgot how completely bodacious jill's body was in RE5, it's even hotter than phoenix'.
Sucks that EU won't get the CE though, means I'll just have to buy jill seperately.
Mon, 02-07-2011, 06:11 PM
Galactus Reveal Trailer (
I heard about this on GameSpot last week, but they didn't have much info. Capcom-Unity has a post about it now.
New DLC Shadow Mode Revealed for Marvel vs Capcom 3 ( 3_?pg=5)
---- ( xbox_360) has a first look article today on the upcoming "Marvel Edition Versus Fighting Pad" by PDP.
The controller was "specifically designed for AAA fighting games on the Xbox 360." High quality micro-switch activators were used for the thumb stick, which aims to match the feel of a joystick under your thumb. The pad even uses the classic 6 button layout on the face, making it great for many Capcom fighting games. It is expected to retail at $39.99 beginning February 14, 2011.
Tue, 02-08-2011, 09:56 PM
IGN: Special Edition Unboxing Video (
The video shows the release date of the Jill and Shuma Gorath DLC. They'll be available for download on March 15th.
In Depth with the Marvel Versus Fighting Pad (PDP) (
More info on the pad I posted about yesterday from OneHandedTerror.
Dark Dragon
Mon, 02-14-2011, 06:29 AM
A little taste of Phoenix level 5 super. (
Mon, 02-14-2011, 07:30 AM
"Oh man I freaking love Street Fighter, Autograph your spleen for me?" :D
Deadpool is my favorite so far and I think he will remain my favorite. I mean his Hyper Combo allows him to beat someone with his HP bar and Combo Bar. I mean come on!
Mon, 02-14-2011, 02:27 PM
Have him fight magneto, and hear what might be the best quote in gaming history ;D.
Mon, 02-14-2011, 04:41 PM
A little taste of Phoenix level 5 super. (
I guess we know why she has the lowest health in the game now...
Tue, 02-15-2011, 08:40 AM
The alternative costume DLC pack looks set to include a Street Fighter 1 outfit for Ryu, Resident Evil 1 clobber for Chris, Kirby era Thor, as well as costumes for Captain America, Dante and Iron Man.
It's due to launch on March 1 for $5 on PSN and 400 MS points (£3.43) on Xbox Live.
Also available on the same day will be the 'Shadow mode', which will allow you to play against AI routines based on famous players and specific themed teams.
The first to be included are the game's producer, Ryota Niitsuma, as well as teams for assistant producer Akihito Kadowaki and a QA team leader.
MvC3 DLC Costume Screenshots (
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Episode 4 Trailer (3:59) (
Final Roster Trailer (2:48) (
Tue, 02-15-2011, 07:55 PM
Played for a few hours with friends while my copy only shipped today...
This is one awesome game. X-factor lets the right character completely turn the tide of battle if used at the right moment (best toward the end in my opinion after many failed "head-start" attempts). The gameplay is fun and furious, allows for a huge range of play styles, and the humor/fun is perfect. Deadpool especially with his moonwalk, prancing, silly attacks. But I'm really in awe of X-23. She's just beyond nasty. X-factor makes her supremely vicious. Her teleports, invisibility and the speed and ferocity of her attacks is just...beyond words.
I settled on Phoenix (a), Trish (b) and C.Viper (g), though C.Viper can get traded for a couple of different characters. Pheonix is beyond weak health wise, but her damage is nasty. X-Factor makes her as much of a nightmare as X-23. Her healing hyper can keep her alive in the right conditions (completely negating some hypers). Trish has some supremely awesome traps and ranged attacks, her hypers are pretty nasty. She moves slow, but if you're in the right spot and cleverly use assists, she's very strong. Her X-factor kind of sucks because it is hard to close in to really bring the hurt. C.Viper goes either way, and her moves take timing, but she has some very good hypers.
Morrigan was a bit slower than I expected (I was hoping to have her lead), but it might just be a learning curve thing. Amaterasu will take lots of practice to take on. Magneto wasn't bad though I did some great damage with him, and Dormammu same (his traps are quite fun). Haggar was fun, but I had a few problems with him.
also...Spencer sucks. Why was he included?
Tue, 02-15-2011, 08:52 PM
Bought the special edition of MvC3? You get Jill and Shuma Gorath! Available March 15th, 2011.
The SE version of the game comes with downloadable characters, Jill and Shuma Gorath. You may redeem these characters on March 15, 2011. We did not intentionally delay the DLC characters as we know how badly our fans want to play them. This was an unfortunate technical issue and we apologize for them not being available today.
For PS3 copies of the special edition, your PSN code is printed on the back of your art book. On March 15th, your PSN code will be available for activation. If you attempt to enter your code before March 15, 2011, PSN will tell you that it's an invalid code.
For Xbox 360 copies of the special edition, we will send you your Xbox LIVE DLC code on March 15, 2011. To register your email with our system, please visit: follow the step by step instructions. The code on the back of your art book is NOT a Xbox LIVE code but rather, the code you input into our redeem site.
Jill and Shuma-Gorath is the only DLC that comes with the special edition. Buying the special edition does not also make you eligible for other DLC.
Jill and Shuma-Gorath will still be available for purchase on March 15, 2011 for the people who did not buy the Special Edition. Each character will cost $5 or 400 Microsoft points.
What's the point of the special edition then you ask? For the same $10 premium that you pay for Jill and Shuma Gorath, you'll also get a steel case, custom sleeve, 48-page artbook, and 1-month free of Marvel Digital Comics.
Kinda sucks that you have to get a code emailed to you if you have the 360 version.
Wed, 02-16-2011, 06:36 AM
As I told ryll on IRC, I'm in love with x-23....totally fucking enamored with every bit of her character :x, she's just so damn awesome. Tailor-made for me ;D.
My main team used to be her, wesker an dormy, but I found wesker a bit slow on upstart and with dorm I keep sabotaging myself by going on offense. I still use that team cause they are fun and dormammu is a badass, but my main team now is x-23, hsien-ko and taskmaster.
Taskmaster is great fun, his movement speed is just right and his sword strikes are fast as hell with great range, he only has 2 supers but his hawk-eye super is greeeaaaat, seriously even when blocked it does great chip damage, plus his assist is great for getting x-23 and hsien-ko closer.
Now I think I might actualy be better with hsien-ko than I am with x-23, she's a bit more well rounded with a set of fantastic normals, seriously even that is understating it, and I seem to do more damage with her per combo than x-23.
Her sword super is quite useless and I have no idea what her sister super does, but her third (lvl1) super is really good, it combo's easily, hits fast (pretty much right after the flash) and does decent damage, it can also not be advance guarded, which is great cause she moves around a bit slow.
I also have a team that is logan, morrigan and phoenix, but I didn't use it a lot yet, dark phoenix is monstrous though.
March 15th for jill and shuma is still a damn long time though.
Thu, 02-17-2011, 01:03 PM
I love how in this game everyone is somewhat badass in their own way, I mean in mvc2 the only really badassess were, IMO, logan, jin, capcom, dr doom and venom. The rest were either just cool or fun to play with.
I'll have to place it at the animations and top notch voice work.
I actually messed around a bit with dr doom because I thought his voice was fucking badass, so I just picked Hulk and iron man as random assists, but I've actually come to really like that team.
Hulk is way faster than you would expect, and his gamma crush super is pretty much a counter, it beats EVERYTHING cept actual counter supers, pretty sick.
Doom is now pretty much the embodiment of badass for me, everything about him just screams "kneel or die" ;D.
Sun, 02-20-2011, 05:34 PM
Wed, 03-02-2011, 02:05 PM
Zero is imba. He's the only one where I get rolled even if its someone way out of my league. So far I see Dante in nearly every fight. Next most is Wesker. Wolverine gets used a lot too.
My team: Wolverine, Deadpool, and Phoenix/Ryu.
Marik how can I link my Gamertag like that? It be cool to play some of you, not all tho.... most of you smell.
Wed, 03-02-2011, 02:09 PM
Marik how can I link my Gamertag like that? It be cool to play some of you, not all tho.... most of you smell.
Enter your tag there, select the style you want, and then click Generate GamerCard. It will then give you the bb code to use on forums.
Wed, 03-02-2011, 02:37 PM
I don't think zero is really that good at all, he's really fun to use though. I prolly need to spend more time in the lab with him though, but so far I don't feel like his combos do enough damage.
Wed, 03-02-2011, 02:42 PM
Thankyou sir.
Yeah I haven't seen many people use Zero effectively but when someone is good I get destroyed by him, even if I've already taken out the other two. And I forgot to add Amaterasu that overused cheap bastad. If I get caught by him its basically game over.
Tue, 03-08-2011, 03:26 PM
Jill Valentine MVC3 Trailer (
Shuma Gorath MVC3 Trailer (
Thu, 03-10-2011, 08:00 AM
Potencial new DLC characters. (
Thu, 03-10-2011, 09:37 AM
strider looks super fake.
Thu, 03-10-2011, 10:38 AM
strider looks super fake.
Because it is. It was taken from this...
Thu, 03-10-2011, 10:52 AM
But seriously, has there ever been any totally new download characters in any game? There's always speculation, but nothing new.
Tue, 03-22-2011, 01:18 PM
Sentinel got a health nerf, seem it's around ~910k now, that's A LOT down from 1.3m, I can easily kill him in 1 combo now with my anti-sentinel team.
Did my sentinel killer combo on him a couple of times and he died around different damages:
Going by the first stuff it seemed like his health was 915k, but the other data shows it's even lower than that. He's still alive after 900k damage though, so I'd say 910k is prolly what he has.
With this nerf it seems they gave him a damage boost on some of his normals, so I guess he's marvel's Akuma now.
Fri, 04-15-2011, 11:38 AM
Marvel vs Capcom 3 received a 2mb patch this morning. The official patch notes are listed below.
• Fixed bug where a cross counter and X-factor activation would cause Ryu to float if using the B or Y assists.
• Fixed bug involving snapping out Zero during the activation of his Shadow Clone, which was disabling control.
• Fixed bug involving the hit time for Captain America's Shield Slash against Ryu, Amaterasu, and Hulk, which was allowing an unintended combo.
• Fixed bug for displaying more than 128 victories in a game lobby.
• Fixed bug involving Haggar blocking an attack in the air, immediately after using the Hoodlum Launcher.
• Fixed bug for displaying consecutive victories over 99 in Player Match.
• Fixed bug that allowed an infinite combo by Amaterasu against Taskmaster (Standing), Amaterasu (Standing or Ducking), Zero (Standing), and Shuma-Gorath (Ducking). Bug fix involved Amaterasu's Solar Flare attack (x5) and Power Slash combo.
• Fixed bug where Spencer's Bionic Maneuvers would cause Viewtiful Joe and Arthur to be stuck in the ground, when used as part of a combo with Haggar's Rapid Fire Fist.
• Fixed bug where Spencer's Bionic Maneuvers would cause the damage to display incorrectly, when used in a combo with Haggar's Steel Pipe and Rapid Fire Fist.
Tue, 05-24-2011, 04:24 PM
Finally picked it up, and have not had a chance to play it that much; I hope the learning curve isn't too ridiculous.
Wed, 05-25-2011, 07:53 AM
It is..... if you're trying to be real good at it. Casual fun, no problem with it at all.
Wed, 05-25-2011, 10:44 AM
Actually it isn't, it's fairly easy to pick it up and get good quick, much more so then SF or BB. You just need someone who can show you the ropes a bit, run through some systems with you cause the only reason why you'll feel outplayed is when you don't fully grasp what's going on/possible in a match/certain matchups.
There are several good online resources though, like the "Assist Me" videos by Maximilian dood, which are great cause they are pretty funny as well.
And then there is CrosscounterTV which analyzes a pro match from time to time. They also have their own show on which they play ranked matches on Xblive, and they put out a training dvd.
online warrior assist me:
Crosscounter analysis:
Marvelous adventures:
Training dvd:
enjoy ;D
Wed, 07-20-2011, 11:15 AM
[ 18:11:50 ] <DS> OMGS
[ 18:12:01 ] <DS> ULTIMATE MARVEL vs CAPCOM 3
[ 18:12:02 ] <DS> OMGSZZZZ
[ 18:12:04 ] <DS> GHOST RIDER
[ 18:12:06 ] <DS> STRIDER
[ 18:12:08 ] <DS> FFUUUUUUUUU
[ 18:12:11 ] * DS faints
[ 18:13:19 ] <DS> HAWK FUCKING EYE
[ 18:13:20 ] <DS> GAWD
yeah.....fuck, watch all trailers here (
Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, and Marvel Entertainment today announced that Ultimate Marvel® vs. Capcom® 3 is in development for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will take the epic battle to all new heights with new iconic characters from the Marvel and Capcom universes, a refined fighting system, eight new stages and new modes when it releases this November for the low MSRP of $39.99.
The highly acclaimed fighting game adds 12 new legends to the robust Marvel vs. Capcom 3 roster, bringing the total overall roster of characters up to 50. The first new characters revealed for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 include much-requested Capcom character Strider who slashes his way into the fray along with Ghost ‘n Goblins™ villain Firebrand. On the Marvel side, Ghost Rider will finally exercise his vengeance and Hawkeye will pick apart foes. More characters will be revealed in the coming months.
In addition to characters, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 features a host of enhancements and new features to improve the game’s balance and online functionality. One of the biggest additions to Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is the fan-requested Spectator Mode, which allows fighters to watch live online matches together. With multiple improvements and 12 new characters, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 brings home the ultimate fighting experience for newcomers and pros alike.
Wed, 07-20-2011, 01:20 PM
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Announced (
Frank West
Phoenix Wright
Ghost Rider
Dr Strange
Rocket Raccoon
Iron Fist
Edit: lol, Capcom finally took down the original pics.
Wed, 07-20-2011, 02:34 PM
I remember once upon a time they said neither Frank West nor Phoenix Wright would be in the game due to some reason I forgot.
Heh... I skipped the original MVC3... this version may look interesting.
Lots of screenshots here:
Wed, 07-20-2011, 03:58 PM
This seems kind of sudden, but I guess that is how these things work. When did MvC3 come out? Like January?
Wed, 07-20-2011, 04:16 PM
It came out February 15th here. I'm glad I didn't buy it. It's on sale at Best Buy and Amazon this week for $29.99 and now I know why. I'll just wait and pay $10 extra for Ultimate.
Wed, 07-20-2011, 04:56 PM
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Announced
Phoenix Wright
Dr Strange
Fuck you Capcom...I hate you with every fiber of my being.
Wed, 07-20-2011, 06:03 PM
I completely forgot there was an mvc3 thread...I should prolly ask a mod to put my post here.
But yeah, doc strange, ghost rider, strider and the fucking nova!...Oh and DAT MORRIGAN >_>.
"[12:53:19] <MrWizard> SETH IS FUCKING PISSED"
Lol people are going to get fired over this leak ;P
Wed, 07-20-2011, 09:35 PM
Few changes I've noticed:
-Hiryu seems generally awesome
-exchange glitch gone, no more she hulk buttsmash glitch
-DHC glitch gone; now this is a great and much needed fix, no more easy touch of death combos
-cinematic supers connect on assists
-airborne xfactor; on the fence on this one...
-phoenix nerf, only one action in the air; after one fireball she floats down, pretty great nerf
-wolverine nerf, slower an non invincible berserker slash.
-magneto nerf, slower dash speed and slower disrupter speed.
-everyone has at least 1 new move now; magneto had a new force pull/push/drop like thing, storm had some random fullscreen stuff and ryu had a "force" hadouken (longer time to shoot, invisible projectile, super fast) and a hadoushoryuken (like ken's shoryuken but instead of fire it's blue hadou) lol.
There was some more stuff, like taskmaster stabbing you in the chest...but it's too much to list all of it.
Sun, 07-24-2011, 10:01 PM
Dat music, DEM arrows, DAT MOBILITY~
Firebrand, Ghostrider and Strider reveal trailers here. (
Thu, 08-04-2011, 08:24 AM
Mega Man? never heard of him.
Wed, 09-14-2011, 10:19 AM
Since Marik only updated SFxT:
TGS trailer and Vergil/Iron Fist reveal:
2 more gameplay vids here (
More screens here (
Iron fist looks awesome as hell, he reminds me of polymar from TvC which is freaking great, I was hoping he was like that.
Shame vergi's devil trigger isn't Nero Angelo though....
Thu, 10-13-2011, 10:23 AM
Thu, 10-13-2011, 10:50 AM
Phoenix Wrights moveset is a lot more awesome than I expected.
Thu, 10-13-2011, 11:02 AM
Thu, 10-13-2011, 01:04 PM
My comment on eventhubs:
The attention to detail for PW is pretty damn great, from the sound effects, animations music changes...yeah lot's of love went into making him.
I'm really loving Nova btw, def gonna try to make a nova/iron fist team work. Also really like his theme song.
Yeah the fucking Nova, really feeling this char.
Thu, 10-13-2011, 10:00 PM
I was planning on buying the original MvC3, but now that the ultimate is coming I guess I'll just get that.
Thu, 10-13-2011, 10:07 PM
I was planning on buying the original MvC3, but now that the ultimate is coming I guess I'll just get that.
I skipped the original and I'm glad I did.
Mon, 10-31-2011, 07:55 PM
"That's for letting them mess up Raccoon City, ya wanker!" :) Best line I've heard so far.
Wed, 11-02-2011, 09:39 AM
Rocket Raccoon? What an obscure pick...
Wed, 11-02-2011, 01:12 PM
Not obscure, all marvel picks are based on what's hot and what marvel is going to give a marketing boost.
RR and Nova are going to be animated.
Ghost rider for ghost rider 2
Strange and Iron fist are getting movies
Hawkeye for the upcoming Avengers movie.
I think the only one that came back to mvc3 in general "just because", was shuma-gorath.
Thu, 11-03-2011, 08:55 AM
Oh, I didn't realize Rocket was hot right now. I thought the pick was obscure because every other Marvel character was instantly recognizable to me and I'm a casual comic book reader, at best. The only exception was Shuma-Gorath; I only recognized him from other Capcom fighting games because I never read any Dr Strange comics.
Tue, 11-15-2011, 09:46 PM
I LOVE Iron Fist, fuck he's awesome; he needs to get in close but once he gets going shit gets wrecked so hard ;D.
Wed, 11-16-2011, 08:47 AM
Not obscure, all marvel picks are based on what's hot and what marvel is going to give a marketing boost.
RR and Nova are going to be animated.
RR is kinda obscure, just because he`s going to get animated doesn`t means he`s suddenly recognizable.
Wed, 11-16-2011, 12:38 PM
I'm didn't say rocket raccon isn't obsuce, I meant the pick isn't obscure seeing how marvel has plans for him.
Wed, 11-16-2011, 01:30 PM
Could you elaborate? are you saying RR is obscure but marvel picking him is not obscure since they have plans for him...? did i understood that correctly?
Wed, 11-16-2011, 04:05 PM
Mon, 12-12-2011, 12:12 PM
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 patch coming December 19th and it will include Heroes and Heralds mode.
Edit: Heroes & Heralds week: a primer for Ultimate MvC3's free DLC ( free_dlc)
Fri, 12-16-2011, 04:36 PM
Mon, 12-19-2011, 09:11 AM
Heroes and Heralds mode is out. I just downloaded the 19mb patch on PS3.
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