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Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:13 PM
MangaStream / Binktopia

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No chapter next week.

Death BOO Z
Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:25 PM
no one piece?
but what about the rest of this shit?

Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:28 PM
I'm highly skeptical about Blackbeard's plan in all this. I still refuse to believe that all this was built up to destroy the marines and/or Whitebeard, considering that none of this would have happened if he captured Luffy instead of Ace.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:32 PM
At first I wasn't sure if Akainu just took a chunk out of Whitebeard's head...How in the hell is he still alive? And how is Akainu alive after that punch?

Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:35 PM
Damn, Whitebeard just reached a new level of awesomeness by pwning Akainu. Its quite sad to see Blackbeard here though, its all over for Whitebeard.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:37 PM
When a chapter is titles 'Silent Anger' I kinda thought it would be Luffy, yet he remained comatose all through it. Regardless, it was an awesome chapter.

Though I can't say anything regarding BlackBeard. And how the hell did he manage to get 3 more crewmembers between now and his defeat to Magellan? Its too fast.

I hate break btw. Just one week? Thats a relief. When I read "One Piece will be back on #14" I kinda thought it would be more than one week.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:39 PM
Maybe he recruited them from level 6 back in Impel Down? Who`s to say he only went there for Shiryu?

Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:43 PM
You may be right. 3 out of 4 new members (I miscounted in the previous post) are wearing clothes fit for a prisioner. I guess he did bring people out as well. Which makes me wonder if he attacked Magellan to get them out. I doubt he would have allowed them to leave that easily.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:50 PM
A few notes:

BB's 3 new crew members are almost for sure the three mentioned by Iva here:


1. Rina Devon; the most powerful female pirate to be imprisoned. (obviously the ugly woman)
2. Colossal Battleship san Juan Volf (my obvious guess is this is the giant)
3. Mighty Drinker Busco Shot (obviously the drinking guy)

Also BB's crew now has 9 members (excluding the horse) to mirror the 9 member of the strawhats. Although his crew seems a ton stronger atm.

Edit: Didn't notice the 4th guy to the left of the ugly female. So i guess his crew has 10.

Back to the chapter:

I am disappointed Luffy just sat there looking like his dick is being pulled off, but I guess Oda would rather show him develop through these events rather than go berserk.

I am happy WB finally showed some power, and actually hope Akainu is dead just for the fact that Whitebeard, being arguably the strongest pirate currently living, deserves to take someone down. I will be a tad disappointed if Ace and WB both die without anyone of influence dying in the Marines.

I also hope BB doesn't pick off a sick, injured WB.

Edit: no clue who the 4th one is. (to the left of the ugly female)

Wed, 02-17-2010, 05:01 PM
I count 4 new crew members, totalling 10 for Blackbeard. Interesting theory, though, Joker.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 05:04 PM
Actually BB has 10 members (excluding the horse) you forgot the horn guy beside the woman.

And i prefer that Luffy works on his strength than sudden power ups.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 05:05 PM
Yeah Assertn is right, there's a giant guy in the background you cant see him entirely, the drinker, the woman, and some guy with horns, long hair, in a coat to the far left.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 05:58 PM
Lol, thanks guys. I edited my post once I seen the guy with the funky beard, didn't notice him at first.

What's interesting is that we know where Shiruu came from, and the 3 wearng prisoner suits (including the giant) are obviously the ones mentioned by Iva, but I wonder who the other guy is (to the left of miss ugly). Was he a prisoner or someone else?

Wed, 02-17-2010, 06:40 PM
All I know is, I cannot fucking wait for the 1 vs 1 battles between the Straw Hat Crew and Blackbeard's.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 10:31 PM
All I know is, I cannot fucking wait for the 1 vs 1 battles between the Straw Hat Crew and Blackbeard's.

Will take a while though, considering BB now has 10 members (not including horse)

Wed, 02-17-2010, 10:34 PM
Oda never fails to deliver.

Wed, 02-17-2010, 11:51 PM
I'm highly skeptical about Blackbeard's plan in all this. I still refuse to believe that all this was built up to destroy the marines and/or Whitebeard, considering that none of this would have happened if he captured Luffy instead of Ace.

His plan was sort of generic though: become a Shichibukai, betray the government before a battle against a Yonkou, on too short notice for them to do anything about it, and mop up after the fight. He went after Luffy and then captured Ace to show the WG he would be a military asset (so that they would be confident against a Yonkou). Provoking Whitebeard made the timing of his plan quicker, but the WG would have picked a fight with some Yonkou, because they thought they were stronger.

And he was probably waiting for someone to take out an Admiral before revealing himself.

Thu, 02-18-2010, 03:41 AM
Awesome chapter as always but i'm still somewhat disappointed that we didn't get to see Luffy going apeshit on both friend and foe. I guess all that physical and mental strain finally got the best of him, so it should be interesting to see his reaction when he recovers

Interesting theory joker, i certainly wouldn't put it past Oda

A week without OP isn't much of a week at all, can't wait for the next chapter.

Thu, 02-18-2010, 10:09 AM
His plan was sort of generic though: become a Shichibukai, betray the government before a battle against a Yonkou, on too short notice for them to do anything about it, and mop up after the fight. He went after Luffy and then captured Ace to show the WG he would be a military asset (so that they would be confident against a Yonkou). Provoking Whitebeard made the timing of his plan quicker, but the WG would have picked a fight with some Yonkou, because they thought they were stronger.

And he was probably waiting for someone to take out an Admiral before revealing himself.

Blackbeard himself acknowledges that things havent gone exactly as planned (http://www.onemanga.com/One_Piece/544/08/). I think his plan only involved freeing the prisoners from Impel Down after obtaining Shichibukai status. Everything else has just been a very convenient turn of events so far as he is concerned.

Luffy's causing a ruckus in Impel Down, Whitebeard attacking Marineford and getting stabbed, and the marines incurring heavy damage are not things he planned. Although I do think he may have altered his plans somewhat after hearing about Whitebeard's attack, using it as a perfect distraction to penetrate Impel Down. He probably wanted to come back to the battlefield after bolstering his ranks and kill Whitebeard himself. WB being mortally wounded is another convenient twist.

So yes, his plan probably was probably as general as capture Luffy, become a Shichibukai, wait for the perfect time to assault Impel Down, enter the new world with his new crewmates and defeat a Yonkou. It was a convenient change in fate that he captured Ace instead, setting in motion a chain of events that sped up his overall plan greatly.

Thu, 02-18-2010, 01:48 PM
If all he wanted was to go into Impel Down, he could have just done it instead of becoming a Shichibukai first. None of the Marines at Impel Down were "fooled". They immediately realized he was betraying the WG.

Edit: Yeah, as I thought, Blackbeard didn't use his Shichibukai credentials to get into Impel Down. He stole a Marine ship.


I think the betrayal is an important part of the plan, because it has destabilizing effects. The WG was counting on him and his powers when they "declared war".