View Full Version : Naruto Chapter 482
Wed, 02-10-2010, 01:48 PM
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Wed, 02-10-2010, 01:54 PM
That dumb bitch.
It better be her plan, and I hope it backfires. Then her, Sasuke, and Sai end up dead in a ditch.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:08 PM
Why Sai? He has the least to do with this Sasuke bullshit but he's been stepping up to the plate to do something to at least help Naruto.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:09 PM
Sai's just a terrible character. And I predict with Danzou dead, he's not going to amount to much in the future either knowing Kishimoto.
Kishi has no idea what to do anything besides his lovechild, Sasuke.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:34 PM
Sai's ink clone is kind of cool. So is Madara's mausoleum of Uchiha.
How did Sasuke do the Shishi Rendan during the forest of death part of the Chuunin exam? He learned that from Lee, after the forest of death part.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:40 PM
No he learned it before the written exam when Lee and he fought the first time. He just didn't show it until the third exam. His fight was the first in the third exam and he didn't see Lee fight a single time between since he was out cold when Lee came to defend Sakura & Co. And Lee got beaten before Sasuke woke up.
So he must have used the time between the first exam and the third to think up that move..
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:54 PM
Yup, called it, treacherous bitch, murder her. Though to Sasuke's credit, he's quite the fucking ladies man, I'm a little jealous. This guy does nothing whatsoever, at all, nada con nada to lead these girls to believe there's anything between he and they. Yet, he becomes a freaking god worthy of worship and all manner of sacrifices in the eyes of these pathetic excuses for females. Is it bad writing? Or maybe it's Sasuke's version of Naruto's power to be able to make friends out of anyone? Looks like Sasuke trumps our favorite idiot once again xD.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 02:58 PM
No he learned it before the written exam when Lee and he fought the first time. He just didn't show it until the third exam. His fight was the first in the third exam and he didn't see Lee fight a single time between since he was out cold when Lee came to defend Sakura & Co. And Lee got beaten before Sasuke woke up.
So he must have used the time between the first exam and the third to think up that move..
Except he only learned Shadow Dance from Lee (the move where you teleport behind the opponent).
Shishi Rendan is his silly combo he used after Shadow Dance. And the first time he used it was during the exhibition matches.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 03:16 PM
Naruto catches up with them then starts a fight. That's all I want. Sakura gets in the way right at the beginning and gets 1 shotted.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 04:00 PM
Sakura must not be interested in ranking on the character popularity polls lately is she?
Wed, 02-10-2010, 04:03 PM
maybe she's just pulling-a-sasuke, and once she earns his trust she's gonna turn on him and kill him?
Wed, 02-10-2010, 04:26 PM
at least sasuke is almost out of chakra
Wed, 02-10-2010, 04:46 PM
I thought this chapter was pretty neat. Finally we see some Naruto after his panic attack, Madara and what looks like his Uchiha museum, Sai willing to face all 3 of them, Sasuke with the intention to finish Karin, Naruto escaping and headed after Kakashi/Sakura and Sakura with the intention of leaving Konoha. It would actually be awesome if she actually preferred Sasuke to Konoha, and not some stupid tactic to get him later on.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 04:50 PM
I hate Kishimoto.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 05:16 PM
Did not see the ending of the chapter coming, honestly, I thought Sakura had a better grip on reality. I hope she has some plan and is lying (like she has been the last few chapters) to do something. But I suspect Naruto will intercept them leaving and sh!t will hit the fan. next chapter will be good (I hope).
(the collection of Uchiha eyes was creepy and foreboding)
Wed, 02-10-2010, 05:25 PM
last page literally made me laugh out loud. I needed that, especially after the new bleach chapter.
but I kinda hope sakura is serious about it. maybe she will become more interesting. I was quite surprised she said that, altho I know I prolly shouldn't have been. I can't see sasuke being interested in accepting her offer tho.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 05:35 PM
Between this week's Bleach and Naruto, I can't tell which was worse.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 02-10-2010, 05:42 PM
plot aside, that was completely from the left field.
when did Karin get captured by the Orochimaru team? she obviously wasn't one of them during the Chunin exam, and after that, Orochimaru was mostly involved in molding Sasuke.
it always seemed like she was an old-timer at the freak camp.
It's not impossible, but since nobody ever cared to establish how she got there, it seemed like Kishi just made it up now..
speaking of which, what about Juugo? he's the source of the curse seal, he's around 16? Anko had the seal before Orchi escaped the leaf (or right around that time, probably?), so Juugo has been, what, two years old?
I'm all in for the girls switchroo, Sasuke and Sakura deserve each other. Karin deserves better.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 05:44 PM
Actually, I think Juugo is older than Sasuke. I forgot where they hinted at it, but I am pretty sure he is an adult.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 06:16 PM
No surprise here. Sakura will attempt to assassinate Sasuke. Only thing is that Sasuke won't fall for it...... at least he better not. Knowing the shitty writing that's been happening, he very well could. But yeah, he won't fall for it, owns Sakura, then Naruto comes to save her from Sasuke.
@DBZ, lol at they both deserve each other. So funny and true. Sakura's character is completely destroyed. She needs to die as well.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 02-10-2010, 07:59 PM
You know what? I'm now more interested in seeing how badly this can fuck up than I am in seeing how little of it will be redeemed. Next chapter, Sakura saves Karin, some stupid discussion between Sasuke and Sakura happens, though he may actually try to kill her. Both Kakashi and Naruto show up just in time to make Sasuke raise an eyebrow before delivering a fatal blow to Sakura.
Or, Naruto and Kakashi show up just in time to make Sasuke raise an eyebrow and Sakura go "oh fuck" preventing them from leaving together.
Why am I still following this doodoo?
Wed, 02-10-2010, 08:08 PM
Actually, I think Juugo is older than Sasuke. I forgot where they hinted at it, but I am pretty sure he is an adult.
Juugo was at least a few years older than Kimimaru, who was like 16 when Sasuke split the village. Now, three years later, Juugo has to be (13-14) (for Sasuke's age when he left) + 3 (for time jump) + 3 (for Kimimaru) + some (for just being older than Kimimaru). So he's at least 19-20, and probably older.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 08:14 PM
I try not to join bandwagons but this is the last straw..I can't fking stand Sakura anymore. She decides to ditch Konoha for Sasuke? Wow talk about lame
As we saw Sasuke / Naruto live up to Jiraiya / Oro's standards, Sakura doesn't have jack on Tsunade (Plus Tsunade has a big rack)
Wed, 02-10-2010, 08:18 PM
Tsunade tried to help Konoha by betraying Orochimaru, when his arms were messed up. Sakura might still live up to that.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 09:00 PM
I'm going to jump on the "Sakura saves Karin" bandwagon on this one...
Wed, 02-10-2010, 09:15 PM
Sakura would die before Karin does. That would be awesome.
On a serious note Sakura can't be serious about aligning with Sasuke. She witness the destruction of Konoha and how much suffering Sasuke brought to Naruto and the others. She's on a suicide mode.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 10:12 PM
I bet naruto gets there as sakura leaves, and saves karin. Then karin takes sakura place in this weird try to get sasuke back but settles for naruto triangle of emo love. Stupid chapter I now hate sakura even more than I did, and I thought that was not even possible.
Wed, 02-10-2010, 11:24 PM
Well, seeing how Naruto didn't fall for Sakura's fake love connection, what makes her think Sasuke is going to fall for this? This is gonna be a fail. She reminds me of fox-head guy in bleach.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 12:29 AM
I'm going to jump on the "Sakura saves Karin" bandwagon on this one...
I agree. Sakura is too nice and naive not to save her. Knowing Naruto, he will show up right as they are leaving only to have his heart and hopes crushed even more.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 07:26 AM
Well, Sakura did say she would leave the village and her family and friends for Sasuke before he left. Technically She doesn't know he is going after the village yet. Maybe once she hears his reasoning, she'll be on board. I'm starting to like Sakura again, I hope she is serious about this.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 08:04 AM
Just when you think you couldn't hate Sakura more.....
But I'm liking the short Karin flashback. Nice.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 09:54 AM
i really want sakura to die this time because of what she said... but im hoping thats a plan to get sakuke offguard for her to attack him.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 09:56 AM
maybe sasuke will ask sakura to kill naruto to prove herself. all she has to do is punch him in the back of the head as hard as she can and pop it like a watermelon while hes not expecting anything. then we can call the series sasuke. which is the only ninja out of the original nine who has the balls to cause violence instead of stop it. then sakura can save karin which leads to a 10 chapter threesome between sasuke, sakura, and karin. then the uchiha clan is considered revived and the series comes to an end. man im good.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 10:17 AM
When did Karin's flashback take place anyway?
Thu, 02-11-2010, 11:20 AM
When did Karin's flashback take place anyway?
During the Chunin exams, in the forest of death.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 11:24 AM
I call bad writing on this one.
For one, i'm sure that if we go back and check the teams that made it to the forest of death part of the exam we won't see Karin anywhere, and secondly this line ( makes it sound like he just came up with the move on the spot
Also, does anyone remember when lee was still awesome?
Uchiha Barles
Thu, 02-11-2010, 11:48 AM
You know what the problem is? The argument can be made that we didn't get to see every little thing that happened during the forest of death portion of the test. I have zero interest in going back and seeing if there was any wiggle room for that karin flashback scene to occur, but it's not beyond reason to assume it's possible if you choose not to check. So, assuming we did not see every little thing that happened in the forest of death part of the chuunin exam, it's possible that Sasuke had opportunity to test out Lee's move, which goes a long way to explain why he could pull it off so effectively during the preliminaries.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 11:58 AM
I don't really care about Sasuke doing a lion combo in the forest, but that giant fuckin bear seemed like less of a threat for Sasuke than the regular sized tigers that surrounded Anko during that same time.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 02-11-2010, 01:42 PM
You know what the problem is? The argument can be made that we didn't get to see every little thing that happened during the forest of death portion of the test. I have zero interest in going back and seeing if there was any wiggle room for that karin flashback scene to occur, but it's not beyond reason to assume it's possible if you choose not to check. So, assuming we did not see every little thing that happened in the forest of death part of the chuunin exam, it's possible that Sasuke had opportunity to test out Lee's move, which goes a long way to explain why he could pull it off so effectively during the preliminaries.
that's not the problem.
it's just jarring, that we've seen Karin for about two years now (or something?) and we never even heard about something to suggest this connection between them.
it's like we get to see some 3rd rate ninja of Konoha dying, and then in his flashback he'll suddenly turn out to be Kakashi's best friend. or Naruto's other father figure.
expecting Karin to match to one of the contenders in the chunin exam is far above what I expect from Kishimonto (it's not like he's god, or Oda). but come on, this is the first time we hear about Karin's past, and suddenly there's a connection between them?
Thu, 02-11-2010, 01:57 PM
It would be a miracle to expect that much forethought from Kishimoto.
Hell, if you read the first chapters of the manga, you won't even see the Kiba or Shikamaru's team among Naruto's classmates like you do in the anime. They were basically last-minute additions.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 09:09 PM
My main problem with the flashback is that Sasuke looks to be non-cursed seal. But they never had enough time to seek other teams since Oro went after them immediately.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 09:27 PM
My main problem with the flashback is that Sasuke looks to be non-cursed seal. But they never had enough time to seek other teams since Oro went after them immediately.
If you want a roughly estimate of when it happened, remember that scene that had Naruto fishing? it happened a bit before that.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 09:49 PM
well that makes alot more sense now.
Thu, 02-11-2010, 10:02 PM
Sakura catches Sasuke in the middle of killing his new bitch, and Sakura still loves him. How effing stupid is that?
Fri, 02-12-2010, 03:55 AM
maybe sasuke will ask sakura to kill naruto to prove herself. all she has to do is punch him in the back of the head as hard as she can and pop it like a watermelon while hes not expecting anything.
Donkey punch?
Anyway, you guys really think Sakura is going to leave the village for Sasuke? What do you think the point of everything else she's been doing is? Didn't she just "confess" her undying love to Naruto to persuade him to fight Sasuke? Or are people suggesting that she was planning to kill him...but when she saw him, she fell in love all over again.
Fri, 02-12-2010, 07:34 AM
She's clearly going to fight. If she's improved, she's learned to make a chidori-like move out of her medical ninja chakra. A combination of Kabuto's jutsu (from way back) and Sasuke's.
Sat, 02-13-2010, 06:19 AM
With Danzo and Itachi dead, why is Sasuke so focused on revenge still? At least he shouldn't have descended to the point of considering killing Karin (considering he's not a medical ninja, most likely that's a chidori).
Most likely Sakura is trying to assassinate Sasuke. Otherwise, Kishi is pretty much destroying any likability Sakura had.
Sat, 02-13-2010, 10:31 AM
With Danzo and Itachi dead, why is Sasuke so focused on revenge still? At least he shouldn't have descended to the point of considering killing Karin (considering he's not a medical ninja, most likely that's a chidori).
Most likely Sakura is trying to assassinate Sasuke. Otherwise, Kishi is pretty much destroying any likability Sakura had.
He still wants to kill Homura, Koharu and then the rest of Konoha.
Sat, 02-13-2010, 09:41 PM
ARGH Sakura....
I'm seriously starting to think that any girl that comes into contact with Sasuke instantly suffers from some form of Stockholm Syndrome.
Sun, 02-14-2010, 01:48 AM
As stupid as it sounds, I can't wait for the next chapter. Let's hope we get to see Sasuke talk some shit to Sakura then maim her.
Sun, 02-14-2010, 05:15 AM
Actually, I think Juugo is older than Sasuke. I forgot where they hinted at it, but I am pretty sure he is an adult.
He pretty much has to be considering Anko has a cursed seal from yonder days.
Sun, 02-14-2010, 07:59 AM
juugos age doesnt seem to be fixed, hes gotten younger before so maybe he can have a more fixed change in age as well, for all we know juugo could have this split personality as a side effect of being so old and not as a result of his bloodline.
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