View Full Version : One Piece Chapter 568
Wed, 12-16-2009, 10:29 AM
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No Shonen Jump Next Week.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 10:57 AM
How much has Luffy shortened his life? He isn't going to make it past 20 if he keeps going on like this.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 11:34 AM
Holy... is Garp having an inner affair between his duty and his beliefs? Remembering all that of young Ace in the middle of battle. Though I think Ace was also remembering the same things.
WhiteBeard looks to be down... damn Akainu I think I dislike him the most out of the 3 Admirals. Aokiji at least seems to have some decency, as we saw on Water Seven, but Akainu is just rotten. Wasn't he the one that destroyed Clover now that I think about it? Kizaru is just meh.
Luffy really needs to invoque the Haki of the Kings again to empower himself, appart from the hormones, and invent a Gear Fourth or something like that if he really wishes to save Ace.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 11:55 AM
Well, the vigor hormones are different than the healing hormones. Its the healing ones that reduce your life substantially.
Luffy is definitely gonna be unconscious for the next 2 weeks, though.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 12:08 PM
I think it will still put unneeded strain on his body, because you know he is probably going to use more gear attacks.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 01:08 PM
Supposedly just using gear 2nd shortens his life. There's moves like that in every anime, though.
Death BOO Z
Wed, 12-16-2009, 01:11 PM
maybe they'll do a trade in, Ace will escape, and they'll threaten to execute Luffy, and hope to get Dragon (and maybe Shanks) out to the open seas.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 01:28 PM
incredible episode, it was kind of disappointing though how quickley the whitebeard pirates have been dispatched (if this is the demise of them) because it seems like just three admirals could have wiped the floor with the whole fleet, or 3 sichibukai.
Im not sure just how much luffy can do right now with the speed at which the WB pirates have been dispatched, we already know that sengoku is confirmed to be a fighting type person and not just a weed, so he should be comparable to garp at least. If luffy can make it up to the stage then he has sengoku to deal with, i wonder if it will break down to him freeing ace, and ace becoming white beards replacment, just flipping and burning everything up.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 01:28 PM
Coby, Helmeppo, Fullbody, and Jango haven't done anything yet.
They must be saving the best fights for last.
Wed, 12-16-2009, 08:45 PM
No Shounen Jump Next Week.
Dang. :( :( :( :( :(
Thu, 12-17-2009, 09:00 AM
Kaio-ken x10 !!!!!
Thu, 12-17-2009, 12:54 PM
What are you guys fretting for... Luffy's rubber powers will obviously be used to extend/stretch his life.
Thu, 12-17-2009, 03:41 PM
What are you guys fretting for... Luffy's rubber powers will obviously be used to extend/stretch his life.
Who really cares about Luffy's lifespan beyond the point he becomes the Pirate King and conquers the grandline? He would have accomplished everything by then, and I am betting he will probably do it at a relatively young age. After that the life shortening stuff is irrelevant. I really don't see Luffy as a guy who 'lived happily ever after' so he doesnt need to have a long life.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 01:53 PM
Who really cares about Luffy's lifespan beyond the point he becomes the Pirate King and conquers the grandline? He would have accomplished everything by then, and I am betting he will probably do it at a relatively young age. After that the life shortening stuff is irrelevant. I really don't see Luffy as a guy who 'lived happily ever after' so he doesnt need to have a long life.
Because personally, I care about the character? Call it what you want, but I think that's a legitimate reason to care about his life being shortened. Even if it's fiction, those things are meant to have an effect on the reader.
Sun, 12-20-2009, 02:37 AM
So this is totally random and mostly unrelated, but I just realized the total bounty of the straw hats is now $700,000,050.
Used to be a funky number, but Brooke's contribution rounded it out nicely.
Sun, 12-20-2009, 05:25 AM
Now all that's left is for chopper to get the recognition he deserves with a controlled monster form
Oh And Luffy getting bumped to like 500 or 600 Mil
Sun, 12-20-2009, 09:37 AM
I dont know I feel it strange for Luffy to get such a large boost in bounty without becoming substantially stronger. He hasn't mastered any form of Haki yet nor introduced any new attacks forms really. Not that I doubt his head will raise several hundred beli after breaking out of Impel Down and assaulting HQ, but just saying.
Sun, 12-20-2009, 09:48 AM
I dont know I feel it strange for Luffy to get such a large boost in bounty without becoming substantially stronger. He hasn't mastered any form of Haki yet nor introduced any new attacks forms really. Not that I doubt his head will raise several hundred beli after breaking out of Impel Down and assaulting HQ, but just saying.
Oda has already explained that Bounties aren't proportional to the pirate's strength but to how much trouble they cause for the world government
Now since his last one Luffy has defeated a shichibukai, punched a tenryuubito, fought an admiral and escaped, penetrated and escape from Impel Down along with hunderds of other inmates including some with bounties over 100 Mil, is now fighting along with the most wanted pirate in the world and had his connection with both Dragon and Ace exposed to the entire entire world
That's one hell of a shit list to ignore
Sun, 12-20-2009, 10:10 AM
Oda has already explained that Bounties aren't proportional to the pirate's strength but to how much trouble they cause for the world government
I know that, hence why I said "Not that I doubt". My point was, it will be strange for him to have a bounty so much higher than so many pirates on and above his level. He will have to become stronger if he wants to compete with other 500-600 million bounties that could be as powerful as their bounties portray.
Sun, 12-20-2009, 01:48 PM
This arc also isn't over, and I would seriously doubt that this entire arc goes over without Luffy kicking at least someone important's ass.
Sun, 12-20-2009, 02:00 PM
Another possibility is having someone join with a bounty of 299,999,950
Sun, 12-20-2009, 03:33 PM
I know that, hence why I said "Not that I doubt". My point was, it will be strange for him to have a bounty so much higher than so many pirates on and above his level. He will have to become stronger if he wants to compete with other 500-600 million bounties that could be as powerful as their bounties portray.
Not any stranger than Chopper having a 50 belli bounty when he has single handedly beaten a CP9 member
And it's by fighting stronger enemies than himself that Luffy has evolved so far so i don't see what your problem is
Sun, 12-20-2009, 10:53 PM
what he probably meant is that if Luffy dosent develop any stronger attacks or if he dosent master anything more powerful that can match the admirals then his bounty probably wont go up no matter what he does. He has shown that he can spit out some really heavy haki shit but can he use it at will? no which is why his bounty will probs stay at 300 for a while.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 03:51 AM
Uhhh actually that couldn't be farther than the truth. Its a well accepted fact that Bounties don't correspond to how strong someone is. Robin had a Bounty of like $80,000,000 when she was just a kid, and she certainly wasn't strong at all. Luffy's bounty will definitely go up after all the stuff he has pulled, its just a question of how much.
Plus, Luffy doesn't really have to defeat any Admiral. He just has to escape after causing a ruckus/accomplish primary goal (saving Ace). That's what he did at Ennies Lobby as well, and the marines regarded that as their own defeat.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 09:36 AM
what he probably meant is that if Luffy dosent develop any stronger attacks or if he dosent master anything more powerful that can match the admirals then his bounty probably wont go up no matter what he does. He has shown that he can spit out some really heavy haki shit but can he use it at will? no which is why his bounty will probs stay at 300 for a while.
...have you even read my previous post at all?
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:16 PM
Uhhh actually that couldn't be farther than the truth. Its a well accepted fact that Bounties don't correspond to how strong someone is. Robin had a Bounty of like $80,000,000 when she was just a kid, and she certainly wasn't strong at all. Luffy's bounty will definitely go up after all the stuff he has pulled, its just a question of how much.
Plus, Luffy doesn't really have to defeat any Admiral. He just has to escape after causing a ruckus/accomplish primary goal (saving Ace). That's what he did at Ennies Lobby as well, and the marines regarded that as their own defeat.
On the other hand though, we know that the WG likes to control media and perceptions. It could be quite possible that they won't admit that Luffy's responsible for all that stuff (although it seems it might be hard to hide). It would be quite interesting if they can somehow "hide" Luffy away...although with all the shit he has been causing, and the fact that Sengoku knows that he is Dragon's son, and knowing how he thinks, the only thing he could possibly want for Luffy is death.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:49 PM
On the other hand though, we know that the WG likes to control media and perceptions. It could be quite possible that they won't admit that Luffy's responsible for all that stuff (although it seems it might be hard to hide). It would be quite interesting if they can somehow "hide" Luffy away...although with all the shit he has been causing, and the fact that Sengoku knows that he is Dragon's son, and knowing how he thinks, the only thing we could possibly want for Luffy is death.
They hid the fact that Luffy defeated Crocodile too, and still gave him a $100,000,000 bounty
Mon, 12-21-2009, 06:52 PM
On the other hand though, we know that the WG likes to control media and perceptions. It could be quite possible that they won't admit that Luffy's responsible for all that stuff (although it seems it might be hard to hide). It would be quite interesting if they can somehow "hide" Luffy away...although with all the shit he has been causing, and the fact that Sengoku knows that he is Dragon's son, and knowing how he thinks, the only thing we could possibly want for Luffy is death.
They hid the fact that Luffy defeated Crocodile too, and still gave him a $100,000,000 bounty
It's not like anyone will complain about Luffy's bounty rising, they may very well sweep the Impel Down incident under the rug and still add a couple of millions to it so shit like this doesn't happen again.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 09:49 PM
And it's by fighting stronger enemies than himself that Luffy has evolved so far so i don't see what your problem is
My point is not as much that it is strange as is the fact that Luffy will be competing against other 500-600 million bounties when he isn't there power wise (he's still only about as strong as when he first got his $300 million bounty). With crocodile, Luffy had been gradually fighting enemies with rising bounties not too far above his $30 million bounty, such as Mr. 3, the guy who eats everything, and 2 fights with Crocodile before his third. But at this rate he'll be jumping into a sea of bounties that may start at double his initial ($300 million). It'll be tough for him to beat someone 300 million berries higher than he is now and instantly have an upgrade, it'll have to be a pretty large leap. Not that I put it past Oda to pull this off somehow.
Tue, 12-22-2009, 01:31 AM
Well, you also have to take into account matchups, allies, etc. I mean Luffy beat Enel, who (Oda says) would have a 500,000,000 berrie bounty. However, it just so happened that he was the antithesis to Enel's abilities. It wouldn't mean that he could beat just anyone with a 500,000,000 or higher bounty. Heck; its possible (but not likely) some chump who had a power or ability that negated Luffy's could emerge and take him out. I hate to reiterate points, but to me bounties aren't so much a power level thing, but how much someone is a threat to the government's way of doing things.
Tue, 12-22-2009, 02:06 AM
Luffy deserves a bounty much higher than Kid's
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