Wed, 11-18-2009, 12:21 PM
Titles sounds somewhat strange?
Well youtube is starting to offer 1080p vids.
It's not the first video service doing it to my knowledge, Vimeo started months ago I think.
But it's the most popular one swtiching.
Why would traditional TV die?
Well if the internet can provide top notch quality image and sound when you want, without delay... it certainly is more interresting than checking you tv guide and have to wait for a program to start. Also, you should have more choice and create your own schedule of things to watch etc...
For the moment, it might be a bit presomptuous to say that, actual resolution is 1080, but there's the compression factor. So there's a need to wait a little I guess for high quality content. But it's not impossible, after all some ISP offer HDTV via ADSL thanks to MPEG4 encryption. It'll be even easier when optic fiber gets home... and I'm not that far to get it, I just need to move at the right place... but it's almost there, I've actually played with some of those lines at 100mb/s down and 20 up... Obvious change is download speed. TV services were still encoded for ADSL bandwidth, so no difference here.
What I mean is that in the not so far future, the primary way of connecting the TV could well be a wireless or ethernet socket, and your TV will get its programs directly from the web, rather that from a calbe/satellite or traditionnal antenna. And the set should be able to get lots of different contents, not just sequential schedules, premaid and with no user interaction.
So youtube in 1080?
Well here are some samples, might stutter depending on the comp and software config:
Air OP
Some movie
Find more with a google search, thanks to the fmt37 trick
Youtube will probably track copyrighted material, but for many anime shows, I sure will check wether there's something on youtube or other similar sites, before torrenting.
I already did to check wether I would like a show or not, but since quality wasn't that good and flasplayer not that ergonomic (shortcut keys?) I restrained my use.
But that might change in the future.
Well youtube is starting to offer 1080p vids.
It's not the first video service doing it to my knowledge, Vimeo started months ago I think.
But it's the most popular one swtiching.
Why would traditional TV die?
Well if the internet can provide top notch quality image and sound when you want, without delay... it certainly is more interresting than checking you tv guide and have to wait for a program to start. Also, you should have more choice and create your own schedule of things to watch etc...
For the moment, it might be a bit presomptuous to say that, actual resolution is 1080, but there's the compression factor. So there's a need to wait a little I guess for high quality content. But it's not impossible, after all some ISP offer HDTV via ADSL thanks to MPEG4 encryption. It'll be even easier when optic fiber gets home... and I'm not that far to get it, I just need to move at the right place... but it's almost there, I've actually played with some of those lines at 100mb/s down and 20 up... Obvious change is download speed. TV services were still encoded for ADSL bandwidth, so no difference here.
What I mean is that in the not so far future, the primary way of connecting the TV could well be a wireless or ethernet socket, and your TV will get its programs directly from the web, rather that from a calbe/satellite or traditionnal antenna. And the set should be able to get lots of different contents, not just sequential schedules, premaid and with no user interaction.
So youtube in 1080?
Well here are some samples, might stutter depending on the comp and software config:
Air OP
Some movie
Find more with a google search, thanks to the fmt37 trick
Youtube will probably track copyrighted material, but for many anime shows, I sure will check wether there's something on youtube or other similar sites, before torrenting.
I already did to check wether I would like a show or not, but since quality wasn't that good and flasplayer not that ergonomic (shortcut keys?) I restrained my use.
But that might change in the future.