View Full Version : Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
Sat, 12-05-2009, 10:53 AM
The ball's rolling very nicely this time, though I'm not too impressed with those demon-eyes in the preview. It just feels too magic-like for this.
I predict that when Uiharu uses her ability under those correct conditions, it would be kickass (as in cool, though not necessarily great). For all we know, she may be a level 1 because all these conditional rules exist that make it practically useless.
I noticed that we're only at Ep 10, and mahou showtime still has this listed as a 24ep anime. Perhaps it was the slow build-up episodes at the beginning, because for me this already feels like the final boss.
Sat, 12-05-2009, 11:02 AM
I predict that when Uiharu uses her ability under those correct conditions, it would be kickass (as in cool, though not necessarily great). For all we know, she may be a level 1 because all these conditional rules exist that make it practically useless.
Ya Bill, I'm sure that Uiharu is just a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment :o
Sat, 12-05-2009, 11:12 AM
Ya Bill, I'm sure that Uiharu is just a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any moment :o
well, why not?
From the tests we've been shown, they seem to test aspects of one's ability such as:
1) range of effect (Kuroko - may be related to power)
2) power (Mikoto)
3) control/consistency (Kuroko managing to hit the spot, Misaka's precisely timing her railgun "magnets" to produce a linear cannon).
I have no idea what Uiharu's power and range is, but if there's multiple conditions that have to be met, and that she has to be "lucky", it indicates to me that her control/consistency is lacking, usually having to do with an undeveloped power.
For example, how Kuroko couldn't teleport herself indicates that she didn't have as much control over them, likely due to the lack of exploration and understanding of how her power works. If conditions have to be "met", it means that there are things you can't yet control, and that you rely on the environment to produce those requirements for you rather than overcoming those obstacles yourself through training and control.
(insert Mikoto's hurdle-talk analogy here - instead of learning to jump your own hurdle, you wait for chance to produce a ramp -> said "condition")
As another example, perhaps Mikoto had to figure out the best way to transfer electricity through air (air has a very high resistance to electric current). If conditions are met (eg direct contact), perhaps she could let out a full blast.
Sat, 12-05-2009, 11:24 AM
That's what i was saying too
I'm sure that the reason why the magicians haven't waged war on the espers yet is because they don't want to piss her off
Final Boss!
Sat, 12-05-2009, 12:49 PM
I'm a bit disappointed in Saten. I thought she was better than that. I guess Mikoto was right though, just because she made it through hard work, doesn't mean everyone else won't take the easy route out. She has been taking her own experiences and impressing them on others, where it usually isn't appropriate. She's at the top of the stack, a lot of others must be jealous no matter how much work she says it took since all to many of them might have tried just as hard as she did early on and never got anywhere.
I'm pretty sure Mikoto didn't start her hard work from level zero not even knowing what kind of a power she might have. She started it from level 1 already knowing where she was aiming. It's pretty hard to work hard to develop something when you don't know what you might be developing.
That being said, I understand Saten's point of view perfectly. Getting to level 1 already made her immensely happy because at least she had something, no matter how small. Mikoto was completely correct when she berated herself for not noticing the difference.
Too bad these plot heavy episodes don't leave any room for Touma. I kind of understand how he can't be around: It's not like they could allow him to solve every case in this series as well in addition to Index.
Sat, 12-05-2009, 01:05 PM
Too bad these plot heavy episodes don't leave any room for Touma. I kind of understand how he can't be around: It's not like they could allow him to solve every case in this series as well in addition to Index.
Well... Index hasn't started... I remember Index began just when Touma got his summer vacations. And Railgun is taking place during classes... so Touma would have any time to participate here if invited.
Sat, 12-05-2009, 01:42 PM
So, (Mikoto,) Kuroko and the rest are simply skipping school all the time? Quite responsible and convincing law enforcement members if they skip school for their hobby. Besides, Touma has been around, like the time he stopped that explosion saving Mikoto. I think I believe my own explanation more: They simply don't want to make this another Touma series and thus use him only for occasional comedic or otherwise special scenes to develop Biribiri, but he won't be around to actually help solve bigger cases, leaving thus more room for the actual main characters.
Sat, 12-05-2009, 01:44 PM
Eh no... this episodes just take place after classes... do see what Uiharu told Saten on the phone: 'you're not talking much in school...and you don't answer my calls'
'Designed for Macindows EXP. Macindows BST Capable. Outel Cora i7 Outside' @ 17:50 owns. (
Sun, 12-06-2009, 03:00 AM
I wonder what would happen if Touma tried using the Level Upper. The world would implode, probably.
Sun, 12-06-2009, 03:24 AM
I wonder what would happen if Touma tried using the Level Upper. The world would implode, probably.
That's... a very pertinent question
And remind me of this for next episode's discussion, there's more to this but i can't discuss all of it just yet
Fri, 12-11-2009, 05:23 PM
[Ayako] A Certain Scientific Railgun - 11v2 - HD ( 0-%2011v2%20%5BHQ%5D%5BH264%5D%5BA0210E06%5D.mkv.tor rent) | SD ( 0-%2011v2%20%5BLQ%5D%5BXVID%5D%5BABD5DB8F%5D.avi.tor rent)
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 11 - HD ( | SD (
Fri, 12-11-2009, 11:33 PM
The "HOLY SHIT" factor went through the roof here.
They did a really good job in redeeming Kiyama. Granted, it wasn't too hard since in the worst case people were left unconscious, and she has even developed a way for them to turn back to normal. I would believe she waited to for the completion of such a reversal program before she went out distributing Level Upper to the population given how she wanted nobody to be physically hurt. Those heavy eyes turned out to be something manifested from her guilty consciousness, and probably enhanced by tireless research since then.
With things progressing as they are, I highly doubt she'd get to perform her intended simulation of what went wrong, but if those last few seconds are any indication, Kiyama may well have reproduced this out-of-control-AIM field phenomenon.
If fact, if the data gathered during this incident revived those children but left Kiyama in a vegetative state, you really can't say she did any wrong anymore when they cry all over her unmoving body.
I would have said the chances of Touma getting involved in taking down an AIM monster is good, but if canon is to be maintained, then I do think his first encounter with one would be in Index S1.
edit: I teared up the second time I watched that. The soundtrack @19:23 was greatly effective.
Sat, 12-12-2009, 12:52 AM
Kiyama's past was very well done. Even though the childre were 'new characters' it did tore at you to see them used and discarded like that.
Just how many corrupt scientists this academy city has anyways?
Sat, 12-12-2009, 03:36 AM
Truth is Kiyama is probably still toyed with, regarding her levelupper experiments and goal, as she stated, the antiskill was really too fast cornering her at that point.
She's been toyed with in the past, and the developments coming now also are in the same category.
It's not the first time we get an AIM field singular entity, as Buff said.
It's just that that one doesn't seem to be as friendly as the one we've seen in Index.
Sat, 12-12-2009, 04:32 AM
I would have said the chances of Touma getting involved in taking down an AIM monster is good, but if canon is to be maintained, then I do think his first encounter with one would be in Index S1.
He wouldn't remember it later even if he got involved with this one as well. However, I still maintain my opinion/prediction we won't see Touma around when significant matters happen in this series. Although I do hope we will see him again soon otherwise. It has been too long since the last Mikoto tsundere moment. She even clearly missed him in this episode, mentioning him before electrocuting Kiyama.
Sat, 12-12-2009, 07:25 AM
Touma should be busy with the first events of Index (or at least close to it) by my estimations. There is a disconnect between the two series as it should be summer vacation now if that were the case.
Again, concerning the timescales, this would actually be the first AIM field singularity entity we see. The other doesn't break through the veil until Mikoto meets Index.
I'm still hoping to see Uiharu save the day with her mystery ability!
One thing that Kiyama brought up before Mikoto performed a Electrocuter Mind Meld. Is the ability development they go through everyday really any safer and humane than what Kiyama did to Saten and the others with Level Upper? How much does Mikoto (or any of the students) really know about what is happening to them?
We don't really get to see many Espers outside the city, nor do we really see that many adults with powers. We see elementary school kids up through college age, and then very few adults. The only one over 25 I can think of is the frog face doctor. The majority of other adults in the two series do not have powers. If you wanted to claim that is just because the recent explosion of getting students to recognize their potential, you might have a valid argument, if the doctor didn't exist as a counterexample. His ability is useful enough to at least try to replicate it. He's like the hero of a medical manga and then some.
We still don't really know the long term effects of ability use. One thing we did learn from Index is that any Esper becomes unable to use magic. That means there must be some fundamental disconnect from the natural forces of the world when one becomes an Esper. Compared to Espers, magic has existed for centuries or more and is well tested. It might be just as corrupt and abused by authority like with what they do to Index, but I do find it strange that only "normal" humans can use it.
I think Kiyama brought up a very good point, but by going into her specific personal tragedy, they might glance over the larger ramifications about how little the audience and the students truly know about side effects of esper abilities.
Sat, 12-12-2009, 09:28 AM
Truth is Kiyama is probably still toyed with, regarding her levelupper experiments and goal, as she stated, the antiskill was really too fast cornering her at that point.
The reason AntiSkill acted so fast was because Kuroko and the others discovered that the underlying protocol brainwave matched Kiyama's, and deduced it was her. This was the "alternate" route Kiyama talked about. She was saying that Anti-Skill moved too fast to have deduced that she was the culprit from the kidnapping of Uiharu alone.
He wouldn't remember it later even if he got involved with this one as well.
Ah, good point Kraco. I keep forgetting Touma had a memory loss since it seemed to matter so little in daily life due to his acting. Ryll's point about Mikoto having met Index was also well noted.
We still don't really know the long term effects of ability use. One thing we did learn from Index is that any Esper becomes unable to use magic. That means there must be some fundamental disconnect from the natural forces of the world when one becomes an Esper. Compared to Espers, magic has existed for centuries or more and is well tested. It might be just as corrupt and abused by authority like with what they do to Index, but I do find it strange that only "normal" humans can use it.
If I was to use my previous hypothesis that magic was the ability to create and manipulate AIM fields temporarily, then the reason Espers can't use magic may be because the AIM field created from magic interfers with the one being emitted from their esper ability. Science called it An Involuntary Movement, so by definition they can't control it (as far as espers are concerned).
As to why they can still perform it and suffer bodily damage rather than simply be unable to use it, I don't know. Perhaps somehow disturbing your AIM field in order to use another ability(magic) has disastrous effect on your body. After all, out-of-control AIM fields do.
As for magic having a much longer history, it may be that they've had a more prominent history. I dare say that espers preceded magic. Due to random chance or other factors, people were born with superhuman abilities. Magic was the route which normal people sought to replicate these powers despite not being born with them. It so happens that magic could be taught and passed down, while only recently could science allow esper abilites to be induced in normal people, at least relatively safely/successfully and on such a large scale.
When I rewatched I noticed the monitors with stats going haywire were in fact brainwaves, and hence the flat wave indicating a loss of consciousness. Those graphs would have been easily and commonly interpreted as electrocardiograms, making it all feel as if they are really dead.
Sat, 12-12-2009, 10:34 AM
Apologies for the incoming wall of text. I may also have an inconsistency here or there. No level of proofreading could catch them all, feel free to correct any you find.
If I was to use my previous hypothesis that magic was the ability to create and manipulate AIM fields temporarily, then the reason Espers can't use magic may be because the AIM field created from magic interfers with the one being emitted from their esper ability. Science called it An Involuntary Movement, so by definition they can't control it (as far as espers are concerned).
As to why they can still perform it and suffer bodily damage rather than simply be unable to use it, I don't know. Perhaps somehow disturbing your AIM field in order to use another ability(magic) has disastrous effect on your body. After all, out-of-control AIM fields do.
When I rewatched I noticed the monitors with stats going haywire were in fact brainwaves, and hence the flat wave indicating a loss of consciousness. Those graphs would have been easily and commonly interpreted as electrocardiograms, making it all feel as if they are really dead.
While the monitors were EEGs instead of EKGs, there was an awful large quantity of blood on the one station of the girl Kiyama was the closest to. The techs also mentioned blood transfusions. Now that you bring it up, perhaps the effect induced on the orphans was very similar to the one when an Esper uses magic.
I think you might be right about the the formula of magic. Skimming the first three episodes of Index, Stiyl needed runes all over the place to summon his flame monster. Similarly, Loli-sensei was nearly swallowed a few times when she was invoking the ritual to save Index. In the latter case, every time she started to lose focus, the world distorted in a way that Index's programs called "dangerous" for Loli-sensei. So perhaps a magician invokes a random, out of control AIM field and then warps it to their will in a form that is familiar to them. An Esper on the other hand starts from the reverse. They start with a controlled form of reality manipulation, and slight imperfections in their control generate AIM fields. If those coalesce, we get AIM field singularities.
In Kiyama's case, she was unfamiliar with the unique distortions of all the abilities she absorbed. This caused a great deal of stress on her mind (which was bolstered by the fact that she was the node for the Level Upper). This appeared physically when all the capillaries in her one eye burst. Later when Mikoto did enough damage to her, she lost control over the disparate abilities, and the number of imperfections created expanded rapidly, already centrally located. They then immediately formed a AIM field singularity entity.
During the experiment, perhaps they forced through science an out of control AIM field on the children in the same way that a magician invokes their out of control field through belief, reproducing the same effect of an Esper trying to use magic. However, a magician has a number of safeguards in place, which may even include their "magic name."
Suppose that a magician creates the field, and if it fails to be controlled properly, they are killed in the backlash. Strict training allows them to avoid this, but in an event like Touma destroying runes, the field was controlled already and merely dissipates when the laws binding the field are destroyed.
This would fit with Index's own ability of Spell Intercept. She can't interfere with a self-contained, bound AIM field, like a summoned magical construct in automaton mode, but she is able to inject her own variations of the remotely bound AIM field, like signal noise in a broadcast. This may be due to the runic binding not being completely self-contained, as the magician is altering the invoked AIM field from a distance, so the ritual would not be considered "completed."
An Esper wouldn't be able to bind this kind of field properly because even if they have the proper training, the AIM flows toward the nearest source, an Esper's body. They generate AIMs on their own, so an invoked one might be bound, but it may still go toward the path of least resistance instead of dissipating completely. Magicians in essence pull an AIM out of the ether, so it goes back to it when it is done, their physical bodies are not receptive to the reality altering quantum physics that Espers are.
In a way, an Esper may be like a permanently invoked and bound incantation. The AIM fields they generate are gaps in the binding. As such, when they attempt to use magic, it creates a level of interference and produces a backlash similar to the one when a magician fails to bind an AIM field. In most cases, they don't get swallowed into it because their own distortion of reality manages to eventually wrest control, at the cost of the extra energy ravaging their body. If the spell was large enough, it destroys their body when they fail to control it. An Esper's ability is largely unconscious calculations being done a million times a second, so characters like Acclerator can do truly amazing things. Perhaps someone like him could wrest control over magically invoked fields with less damage to his own body.
If this theory is correct, then it would also fit in with Touma's ability. He can cancel both magic and esper abilities because he simply negates AIM fields entirely. Espers generate them as a byproduct of their internal, self-contained reality modification, and magicians attempt to gather them and warp them to their will.
Sat, 12-12-2009, 10:37 AM
I hope Touma doesn't show up. This is a multi skill monster, not only does it probably have the same regenerative properties displayed by the AIM girl from Index it also has the abilities of hundreds of espers which should make for on hell of a fight; but the thing is that one touch from Touma and all that badassery goes down the drain and that would be highly anticlimactic in my opinion
Sat, 12-12-2009, 10:58 AM
Apologies for the incoming wall of text. I may also have an inconsistency here or there. No level of proofreading could catch them all, feel free to correct any you find.
While the monitors were EEGs instead of EKGs, there was an awful large quantity of blood on the one station of the girl Kiyama was the closest to. The techs also mentioned blood transfusions. Now that you bring it up, perhaps the effect induced on the orphans was very similar to the one when an Esper uses magic.
I think you might be right about the the formula of magic. Skimming the first three episodes of Index, Stiyl needed runes all over the place to summon his flame monster. Similarly, Loli-sensei was nearly swallowed a few times when she was invoking the ritual to save Index. In the latter case, every time she started to lose focus, the world distorted in a way that Index's programs called "dangerous" for Loli-sensei. So perhaps a magician invokes a random, out of control AIM field and then warps it to their will in a form that is familiar to them. An Esper on the other hand starts from the reverse. They start with a controlled form of reality manipulation, and slight imperfections in their control generate AIM fields. If those coalesce, we get AIM field singularities.
In Kiyama's case, she was unfamiliar with the unique distortions of all the abilities she absorbed. This caused a great deal of stress on her mind (which was bolstered by the fact that she was the node for the Level Upper). This appeared physically when all the capillaries in her one eye burst. Later when Mikoto did enough damage to her, she lost control over the disparate abilities, and the number of imperfections created expanded rapidly, already centrally located. They then immediately formed a AIM field singularity entity.
During the experiment, perhaps they forced through science an out of control AIM field on the children in the same way that a magician invokes their out of control field through belief, reproducing the same effect of an Esper trying to use magic. However, a magician has a number of safeguards in place, which may even include their "magic name."
Suppose that a magician creates the field, and if it fails to be controlled properly, they are killed in the backlash. Strict training allows them to avoid this, but in an event like Touma destroying runes, the field was controlled already and merely dissipates when the laws binding the field are destroyed.
This would fit with Index's own ability of Spell Intercept. She can't interfere with a self-contained, bound AIM field, like a summoned magical construct in automaton mode, but she is able to inject her own variations of the remotely bound AIM field, like signal noise in a broadcast. This may be due to the runic binding not being completely self-contained, as the magician is altering the invoked AIM field from a distance, so the ritual would not be considered "completed."
An Esper wouldn't be able to bind this kind of field properly because even if they have the proper training, the AIM flows toward the nearest source, an Esper's body. They generate AIMs on their own, so an invoked one might be bound, but it may still go toward the path of least resistance instead of dissipating completely. Magicians in essence pull an AIM out of the ether, so it goes back to it when it is done, their physical bodies are not receptive to the reality altering quantum physics that Espers are.
In a way, an Esper may be like a permanently invoked and bound incantation. The AIM fields they generate are gaps in the binding. As such, when they attempt to use magic, it creates a level of interference and produces a backlash similar to the one when a magician fails to bind an AIM field. In most cases, they don't get swallowed into it because their own distortion of reality manages to eventually wrest control, at the cost of the extra energy ravaging their body. If the spell was large enough, it destroys their body when they fail to control it. An Esper's ability is largely unconscious calculations being done a million times a second, so characters like Acclerator can do truly amazing things. Perhaps someone like him could wrest control over magically invoked fields with less damage to his own body.
If this theory is correct, then it would also fit in with Touma's ability. He can cancel both magic and esper abilities because he simply negates AIM fields entirely. Espers generate them as a byproduct of their internal, self-contained reality modification, and magicians attempt to gather them and warp them to their will.
It took more than one attempt, but it sunk in. I 100% agree with your theory Ryll. Looks like you and I are on the same page.
Apparently only espers emit this, but they can't control it. In which case, I wonder if magic is but the result of harnessing and control this An Involuntary Movement in a way that users (magicians) can control its effect. It could explain why Touma's hand works against magic as well.
The only things I can think of now is whether Touma absorbs these AIM fields, or if he creates some random AIM find of his own that scrambles others, or automatically turns into an anti-AIM field or sorts.
There's also the issue of him self-negating his luck, which doesn't look to be something AIM specific.
Sun, 12-13-2009, 07:43 AM
Wow... she really looked like a mage by using all these different esper powers
that was some awesome action right there
Fri, 12-18-2009, 07:29 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 12 - HD ( | SD (
Fri, 12-18-2009, 09:35 PM
Badass comes to mind when describing this episode
Well, next we have the mandatory swimsuit fanservice episode, so Touma better show up this time !!
Sat, 12-19-2009, 12:15 AM
The animation was superb this episode. Easily the best one so far.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 10:24 AM
Badass comes to mind when describing this episode
Well, next we have the mandatory swimsuit fanservice episode, so Touma better show up this time !!
I'm not sure if it emotionally topped the previous episode, but I certainly enjoyed this to approximately the same degree.
I really didn't think it was all that great until the song kicked in though, but that was the same for last episode (but replace song with the flashback).
This episode included the same style of dramatic railgun firing (amongst other overpowered, but totally cool moves) in the OP that we've been so eager to see a real fight scene about.
If it wasn't for the preview and the introduction of the nuclear antagonist, I would have sattled for this being a nice finale, slow ED insert and all.
I find it a little bit hard to believe myself (or maybe not), but Kuroko's actions were no less, if not even more entertaining for me.
Running teleport hug, taking advantage of Misaka's fatigue...she's the gem of this show really. Her scenes would be the ones I'd miss when the focus shifts to other characters in Index S2.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 01:27 PM
[Ayako] A Certain Scientific Railgun - 12 - HD ( 0-%2012%20%5BHQ%5D%5BH264%5D%5B46F74B74%5D.mkv.torre nt) | SD ( 0-%2012%20%5BLQ%5D%5BXVID%5D%5BC24E99CC%5D.avi.torre nt)
Sat, 12-19-2009, 01:43 PM
<3 Kuroko, it's too bad she couldn't have a bigger role in the final battle since this is supposed to be all about Misaka and what not. While I blame pretty much all the collateral damage on Misaka I have to give her props for handling the mess she helped to grow out of control. I kind of wish she'd get in trouble for being a vigilante at least since she tends to cause a lot of property damage for a civilian.
Anyway, swimsuit episode ho!!!!
Sat, 12-19-2009, 03:15 PM
I kind of wish she'd get in trouble for being a vigilante at least since she tends to cause a lot of property damage for a civilian.
I doubt they really care about property damage since it's a city dedicated for the creation of high level espers. If it means a little property damage, then so be it. Worth the price.
The next ep better have Touma! It has been forever since he was last time seen. But then again, now that they don't need to save the city anymore (for now), Touma can very well appear again as there's no heroic moments to steal from the actual main character.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 03:33 PM
By the way, the stripper lady never did tell us what the higher ups are planning on using their esper army for
Sat, 12-19-2009, 03:43 PM
By the way, the stripper lady never did tell us what the higher ups are planning on using their esper army for
She certainly does not know.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 04:01 PM
By the way, the stripper lady never did tell us what the higher ups are planning on using their esper army for
She certainly does not know.
Would the answer be fairly obvious to us viewers, or anyone within the show who knows about the other side of society? Like the Arthur C. Clarke quote, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
They finally advanced science to a degree where the can compare abilities created through science with magic. I have no illusions that the higher ups are somehow amazingly unaware of magic. They most likely want to strike at the Church, or at least a faction of it. Quite possibly even one led by this young lady ( shown at the end of Index 24.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 04:06 PM
She certainly does not know.
Well she was certainly talking as she did
They finally advanced science to a degree where the can compare abilities created through science with magic. I have no illusions that the higher ups are somehow amazingly unaware of magic. They most likely want to strike at the Church, or at least a faction of it. Quite possibly even one led by this young lady ( shown at the end of Index 24.
But what would both sides have to gain from such a struggle?
Sat, 12-19-2009, 04:18 PM
The Church wouldn't have anything to gain. With them out of the way, whoever is controlling this Esper army might have control of the entire world. We know the Church and magicians are far older than any organized group of Espers. They mentioned in Index that the two factions are at a balance of power, and a certain individual who began to develop a third faction after meeting a certain someone else. This group mixed both magicians and espers. So at the time (a few to several months past this event), both sides believed there was a stable balance.
Perhaps the faction in control of the espers was secretly building an army to finally tip the balance their way.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 04:24 PM
The Church wouldn't have anything to gain. With them out of the way, whoever is controlling this Esper army might have control of the entire world. We know the Church and magicians are far older than any organized group of Espers. They mentioned in Index that the two factions are at a balance of power, and a certain individual who began to develop a third faction after meeting a certain someone else. This group mixed both magicians and espers. So at the time (a few to several months past this event), both sides believed there was a stable balance.
Perhaps the faction in control of the espers was secretly building an army to finally tip the balance their way.
I just assumed that the situation was something much like the power struggle between our World's major powers.
Obviously no side they will willingly let the other get ahead in terms of military force/technology etc but that doesn't mean it's a cold war in the making
And for such a well planned and elaborate show wouldn't a mysterious villain organization with plans of world domination be a little farfetched?
Sat, 12-19-2009, 04:35 PM
We don't even know for sure whether or not both sides aren't led by magic users. One may have simply shifted to science and allowed it to advance through the thorough examination of his/her magic. It may boil down to Church versus Heretics. No mysterious villains, just two sides that have been arguing for centuries.
Like as if aliens or time-travelers dropped a transistor back into the 1860s. Science would have made it there on their own, but getting to study advanced energy manipulations would create a giant boom in numerous scientific fields. Basically exactly what happened at Academy City.
Sat, 12-19-2009, 05:01 PM
There's a flaw in your theory, we've already been told by Index that magic was created by and for people who weren't lucky enough to be born with esper powers. Seeing as this is information coming from the walking library ( or whatever Zell used to call her ) i'd say we can assume it to be true
Actually you know... if you combine that with the history of our own catholic church maybe magic users became Exorcists of the church to purge the demons ( espers ) from the land. That would fit in well with the story and explain the apparent rivalry that comes from both sides.
Obviously now that esper abilities have been analyzed and proven to be natural occurrences by science the fighting has subsided but there may still be members of the church who believe in their own ways and espers who believe themselves entitled to revenge
Mon, 12-21-2009, 05:51 AM
Well, since I was downloading Ayako's release (even though I broke and watched Mazui first this time), I thought I'd redownload to keep things consistent.
And boy was I in for a good laugh. Ayako showed no common sense at all when subbing this episode. There were some pretty shocking difference between Mazui and Ayako eg (I didn't get involved, I chose to get involved -vs- That thing won't hit you, but I might).
For that line, and in general, my limited Japanese pickup tends to agree with Ayako's more. But that song....I can't stop laughing....
Who plasters an anime with 4 lines of subs? Song romanji, song translation, Japanese lyrics, Misaka's speech. Oh, and these weren't the nicely rendered, semi-transparent, karaoke-styled subs to make things more acceptable both visually and in a sing-along way. This was white, block text.
So what happens when they start singing in Engrish?
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
| ..h way(Misaka subs be here) pl.arc...|
I have no idea if this was their idea of a troll for ruining awesome moments. They've done it in the past ( :3 ).
Kiyama, really, was just like the Level Zeros. She tried her best over and over again only to be roadblocked by something called "Access Denied", Just as these kids are being met with "No Abilities Detected" on their reports.
Her powerlessness and desperateness drover her through a fast-track, just as the Saten resorted to the Level-Upper. Kiyama knew she'd lose the trust of the city in her as a "responsible" scientist/teacher, just as Saten knew she'd be betraying her Justice friends' trust in her that she'd avoid (or turn in) any clues on the Level Upper.
Arguably Kiyama actually "sacrificed" people for her cause while Level Zeros only broke a code-of-conduct or moral at best. Considering the state of the children who were in Kiyama's care though, and the fact that the coma is apparently completely reversible, from Kiyama's perspective, the magnitude of a few days' consciousness lost is hardly a "sacrifice".
"I'll keep doing this" is probably the most non-villainous version of "I'll be back!" I've ever heard :o.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 10:27 AM
I do wonder how often Misaka flips a coin considering she did it pretty well with lots of spin and height even though the coin was practically vertical in her hand when she flipped it, not to mention her aim with the flip.
Wondering were the anime will take it from here, we haven't really seen much of anything that have to do with her problems in Index yet after all.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 10:30 AM
Her nickname is railgun, i'm sure she has that move practiced to perfection
Mon, 12-21-2009, 12:31 PM
Well, since I was downloading Ayako's release (even though I broke and watched Mazui first this time), I thought I'd redownload to keep things consistent.
And boy was I in for a good laugh. Ayako showed no common sense at all when subbing this episode. There were some pretty shocking difference between Mazui and Ayako eg (I didn't get involved, I chose to get involved -vs- That thing won't hit you, but I might).
For that line, and in general, my limited Japanese pickup tends to agree with Ayako's more. But that song....I can't stop laughing....
Who plasters an anime with 4 lines of subs? Song romanji, song translation, Japanese lyrics, Misaka's speech. Oh, and these weren't the nicely rendered, semi-transparent, karaoke-styled subs to make things more acceptable both visually and in a sing-along way. This was white, block text.
So what happens when they start singing in Engrish?
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
|The blitz loop this planet to search way|
| ..h way(Misaka subs be here) pl.arc...|
I have no idea if this was their idea of a troll for ruining awesome moments. They've done it in the past ( :3 ).
And you guys asked me why I hated Ayako...
Mon, 12-21-2009, 12:38 PM
To this day i don't understand why no better group ever picked up Railgun
Mon, 12-21-2009, 01:06 PM
To this day i don't understand why no better group ever picked up Railgun
At the beginning of the season GG said that they and another 4 groups made an agreement to not touch each other series. Eclipse, Ayako, GG and I don't know the other two. I do not know how they separated the series, but Eclipse ended with Seitokai (which I love) whereas Railgun ended with crappy Ayako (which I hate).
Mazui isn't that great, but at least its better than Ayako.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 01:35 PM
Fuck! Why didn't ayako keep their shitty student council and let the big boys take care of this one??!
Mon, 12-21-2009, 03:11 PM
Seitokai is great. Period.
But yes... I do think this group agreement was lame. I hope they trash it soon. Specially with GG dropping series and Ayako screwing them.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 04:28 PM
And you guys asked me why I hated Ayako...
Horrible karaoke aside, Ayako's translation seems much better than Mazui's. There is a huge disparity in how they translated the lines this episode.
Railgun (and Index) are pretty technical shows, often not too far below the likes of Ghost in the Shell or Real Drive, and Mazui's was largely...lacking in that department.
Mazui: Don't give up so easily. Also...I didn't get dragged into this. I decided to get involved myself.
Ayako: So, don't give up so quickly. And's not going to hit you...What I'm saying is that I might hit you.
Mazui: That's the same insulating forcefield I used before...
Ayako: It's using the same type of dielectric polarization field I used.
Mazui: The electricity isn't directly hitting, but the head from the sheer force of electricity she's throwing at it is melting away the surface of its body...
Ayako: The electric shock isn't hitting directly? However, the surface of the body is being destroyed by the heat of the electrical conduction resistance.
Now, I won't say that I know enough Japanese to actually know which one of these is accurate. However, at least for 2) and 3), I think Ayako has the edge. Kiyama is an accomplished scientist, and she speaks in a rather technical manner. Ayako's translation seems far more appropriate.
The bigger problem is 1). There is a vastly different meaning to these two sentences. Unlike the latter two, it isn't a matter of editing and translational wiggle room that allows for a different delivery of the lines. The two mean completely different things. Again, I can't say which is correct, but I would like to know.
Still, that doesn't excuse the ridiculous karaoke Ayako did, and worse, tying it directly to the subtitle track and not offering a separate karaoke-free track like gg did for the song-laden Macross Finale.
Mon, 12-21-2009, 08:11 PM
Well for whatever reason, here's Ayakao's Ep 11v2. 0-%2011v2%20%5BHQ%5D%5BH264%5D%5BA0210E06%5D.mkv.tor rent
Perhaps hope exists for a 12v2.
Thu, 12-24-2009, 03:56 AM
@Ryll - Mazui is correct for number 1. Ayako is more accurate for 2 and 3.
Fri, 12-25-2009, 08:58 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 13 [D12956B6].mkv (
Sat, 12-26-2009, 07:52 AM
hahaha the ending was great.
Sat, 12-26-2009, 08:21 AM
hahaha the ending was great.
It was, and yet another priceless memory loss for Touma.
Kuroko had the wrong taste for swimwear, but she's got the right attitude. ;)
Nothing much to comment on, other than the fact I found Uiharu's lack of fear towards snakes kind of cute.
Sat, 12-26-2009, 09:02 AM
Nothing much to comment on, other than the fact I found Uiharu's lack of fear towards snakes kind of cute.
Best part of the episode as far as I was concerned. Uiharu is becoming my favorite character in this spinoff. Kuroko is great for a laugh, but Uiharu is a moe overload, and the incredible mystery about what her ability actually is has me craving more.
Kuroko knows what it is, but it feels like no one else in the entire city does. It might be something that is only useful in the perfect circumstances that Kuroko was alluding to, but should those be fulfilled, she'd be unstoppable. Or, they might just be tactically useless, but good for comedic effect.
Sat, 12-26-2009, 12:17 PM
Toaru Shirai no Kuroko for the next spinoff !! I laughed my ass off when she was showing off her swimsuit
Bah, Touma could have made an appearance sooner... being seen on her swimsuit was sure to bring out some very enjoyable tsun tsun moments
Sat, 12-26-2009, 02:07 PM
I didn't like most of the episode surprisingly. The focus on Mitsuko, who so far has being very unimportant, was the reason of this. I would have preferred they focused on Konori-senpai.
Regardless... the parts with Kuroko, Uiharu, Saten and Mikoto were the best. Specially Uiharu's non-fear of snakes, Kuroko's showing of her swimsuit and Mikoto broadcasting her swimsuit to a freaked out Touma.
Sat, 12-26-2009, 07:52 PM
The best part was Touma and his reaction. This episode was crap other than when Konori-senpai stepped out in her swimsuit...yes!
Sat, 12-26-2009, 10:39 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 13v2 - HD ( | SD (
Sat, 12-26-2009, 10:49 PM
what changed?
Sat, 12-26-2009, 10:49 PM
The scrolling text was fixed.
Sun, 12-27-2009, 12:12 AM
Why not just a patch then? >_>
Sun, 12-27-2009, 01:01 AM
The scrolling text was fixed.
Did they fix the typos, misplaced text and so on?
Other than that, well not much to say about the ep.
Sun, 12-27-2009, 01:38 AM
[1:35:03:am] <@Skyward> re-encoded from ts, few gramar fixes, xvid, scrolling text fix, and a few other things
Sun, 12-27-2009, 01:45 PM
I certainly expected Touma to make a bigger appearance in this episode. He was, naturally, absent during the big plot events of the previous episodes to give the stage to the actual main characters but in a no-content episode like this he should have had a significant role for a better comedy effect. As it is, without him, this episode pushed Mikoto, the title character, to the background and instead gave most screentime to characters I hardly even remembered. There were a few good scenes but I consider this episode mostly sad waste.
Mon, 12-28-2009, 10:31 AM
[Ayako] A Certain Scientific Railgun - 13 - HQ ( 0-%2013%20%5BHQ%5D%5BH264%5D%5BEC53D790%5D.mkv.torre nt) | LQ ( 0-%2013%20%5BLQ%5D%5BXVID%5D%5B3A5DDEC0%5D.avi.torre nt)
Mon, 12-28-2009, 11:27 AM
They sure were late on the uptake this time
Fri, 01-08-2010, 09:15 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 14 - HD ( | SD (
Sat, 01-09-2010, 04:06 AM
I guess building a personal reality is harder than building a personal computer...
It's getting somewhat cruel how they are underlining time after time ways and methods of getting stronger yet Saten stays a solid zero after every attempt. If she's destined to be without powers, it's a good question why we get these kind of episodes. Unless she becomes a mage at some point. That would explain why she keeps staring at that old good luck charm.
At least the next ep seems to have some action again.
Sat, 01-09-2010, 06:43 AM
Having her become a mage would be interesting, but I wonder if that is possible anymore due to her use of the Level Upper. She might suffer backlash if she attempts to use it because she still exhibited a personal reality for a brief period.
I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of development though, since the one thing we never got to see in Index is how one trains to become a mage. We just know the basics (theory, magic name, origin). One thing we do know is that being trained for effective combat magic emphasizes hard work almost as much espers do, if not more so. Komoe was given the basic introduction, and since it was a powerful spell, it took a long time and was very dangerous.
Sat, 01-09-2010, 09:54 AM
Having her become a mage would be interesting, but I wonder if that is possible anymore due to her use of the Level Upper. She might suffer backlash if she attempts to use it because she still exhibited a personal reality for a brief period.
I think it'll be more to do with her "stats" that she retains, more than anything else. since that should be the source of any AIM field interference.
I liked the re-introduction of loli-sensei. I liked those (cute) ankle shots even more.
Sat, 01-09-2010, 10:54 AM
Well, Saten sure has an esper power.
But it's ridiculously weak even with the help of the Power Upper.
Her wind control was extremely small scale, and it seems she still passed out very quickly.
I don't know if there's meaning in the time you need to pass out, but if there is, that would mean that either her powers are so small that it needed too much energy to get even those small results. Or she has in fact a normal or even great power, but her psychological barriers are so strong that it prevents her from expressing that power.
I'm thinking that her good luck charm is what creates those limits, because it gets too much screentime. It also keeps reminding her of her familly. And for some reason, if I'm not wrong, the other great level 0 we know of also has strong ties with his familly.
I do not remember other espers having familly ties, or at least we did not get to know that.
We do know that espers to be HAVE to be separated from their famillies. I don't know if there's a relationship.
Then, there's the idea that using powers is a danger for the user... explaining why most (if not all) espers are so young. If Saten deep inside, knows that, that could explain why she doesn't express powers. After all, she got the power upper through social pressure, not totally by her own free will.
Sat, 01-09-2010, 12:08 PM
I'm thinking that her good luck charm is what creates those limits, because it gets too much screentime. It also keeps reminding her of her familly. And for some reason, if I'm not wrong, the other great level 0 we know of also has strong ties with his familly.
I do not remember other espers having familly ties, or at least we did not get to know that.
We do know that espers to be HAVE to be separated from their famillies. I don't know if there's a relationship.
Then, there's the idea that using powers is a danger for the user... explaining why most (if not all) espers are so young. If Saten deep inside, knows that, that could explain why she doesn't express powers. After all, she got the power upper through social pressure, not totally by her own free will.Using powers are not a danger. Using magic when you have esper powers are, or using esper abilities improperly is (the same as magic). There are so many young espers compared to older ones because research is exploding on how to invoke or develop them, especially in younger individuals, who are more imaginative by nature and should have an easier time creating a personal reality.
While I do think you may be on to something with her charm, being an item of faith that she clings to, most espers not having a close connection to their families is false, same goes for Touma having an especially close one.
Remember that Touma isn't a Level 0 because he doesn't have an ability like Saten does. He is a Level 0 because it is impossible to evaluate his ability by the standards used. In fact, if you were to give him an appropriate level, it would probably be more like negative 5, since he can nullify the powers of two Level 5s that we have seen. Touma's Imagine Breaker is at least equivalent to Level 5.
Most espers appear to not have close ties to their families because their families live elsewhere. Touma's (current) home is within an hour of the shore. Saten's is somewhere in a metropolitan suburb, and so is Mikoto's. Students all gather in Academy City because it has a huge collection of high-end and high-profile schools, and not just for ones that are meant to develop Esper abilities. Touma and Mikoto's schools are both geared towards Esper development, which is why the Level Uppers got a lesson from one of Academy City's leading experts. Tomoe-sensei has a huge collection of books on esper abilities in her apartment, she's very well versed in it, even though she does not have one herself. Saten and Uiharu's school seems more geared towards regular studies, though they have esper development classes.
Espers are only separated from their families because the only places in Japan to develop esper abilities is in Academy City. Touma is as close to his family as any normal person would be. It is his parents that are especially concerned about his well being, at least his father anyway. His mother is certainly the, "ara ara," type of airhead. I think Mikoto and Kuroko are exceptions to the rule, rather than definitions of it. There was that little girl who lost her backback, who also kept a reminder of her family very precious. Most students seem to be that way, rather than isolationists like Mikoto, who certainly has exceptional circumstances.
Sat, 01-09-2010, 06:55 PM
Remember that Touma isn't a Level 0 because he doesn't have an ability like Saten does. He is a Level 0 because it is impossible to evaluate his ability by the standards used. In fact, if you were to give him an appropriate level, it would probably be more like negative 5, since he can nullify the powers of two Level 5s that we have seen. Touma's Imagine Breaker is at least equivalent to Level 5.
After an episode about personal reality, I'm now more convinced that Touma being rated a Level 0 is somewhat appropriate. Instead of looking at the ability/power thing, if we instead define "levels" as the "power to modify nature to match the user's personal reality", then Touma really is a level zero in that regard. In fact, he's as much of a level zero as one can get, since not only does he ground himself to reality, but he also destroys other people's personal realities with his rightly named Imagine Breaker
Sat, 01-09-2010, 07:29 PM
I think it has been mentioned before that Touma's power cannot be explained by science alone. It probably has something to do with magic and science at the same time, although I am not sure how they will pull that explanation off.
Sat, 01-09-2010, 10:58 PM
I liked the re-introduction of loli-sensei. I liked those (cute) ankle shots even more.
I think it has been mentioned before that Touma's power cannot be explained by science alone. It probably has something to do with magic and science at the same time, although I am not sure how they will pull that explanation off.
Indeed, Hyouka ( the last harem girl of the first season ) stated it herself.
It wouldn't be that hard to explain, just like there's never been evidence of an esper using magic there's never been another example of the imagine breaker, meaning that Touma may very well be the exception
Sat, 01-09-2010, 11:56 PM
I mean, how they will explain how the Imagine Breaker actually works as a combination of magic and esper abilities.
Sun, 01-10-2010, 12:37 AM
I think it might be holy power, or maybe the complete opposite. Assuming that angels exist then it's logical to assume that demons are laying around somewhere too.
Sun, 01-10-2010, 02:52 AM
I mean, how they will explain how the Imagine Breaker actually works as a combination of magic and esper abilities.
Doesn't Ryll's theory before address that?
Sun, 01-10-2010, 03:11 AM
After an episode about personal reality, I'm now more convinced that Touma being rated a Level 0 is somewhat appropriate. Instead of looking at the ability/power thing, if we instead define "levels" as the "power to modify nature to match the user's personal reality", then Touma really is a level zero in that regard. In fact, he's as much of a level zero as one can get, since not only does he ground himself to reality, but he also destroys other people's personal realities with his rightly named Imagine Breaker
Quite the contrary, I'd say. Touma believes in his own power at least as strongly as Mikoto in her level 5 power. Thus, Touma's personal reality is perfectly founded. The fact he also believes in his unluckiness, even though in the beginning he couldn't really explain it, is another facet of his personal reality.
Although I'm not saying that would be the real explanation of his unusual power, I still maintain it could be explained with it, meaning level minus five is more appropriate than zero. Especially when zero is actually reserved to people who can do zilch.
Mon, 01-11-2010, 12:27 PM
If you want to get technical Touma doesn't seem able to actually 'do' anything in the active, controlled sense that every other leveled ESPer we've seen can. If memory serves he has never shown any sort of conscious control over reality through his ability, only conscious control over his hand which happens to have an the ability to dispel any supernatural effect. From what I understand Levels are a measure of mental control over ones ability, not a measure of the 'quality' of one supernatural ability in comparison to other supernatural abilities. I believe his level 0 was applied due to this lack of control. In bit of irony he would probably increase in level if he could make his ability work less well as it would demonstrate a measure of control.
However, I am not entirely convinced there must be a link between Touma's mind and his hand's ability. Thinking back I don't recall any specific evidence that a causal link exists between his mind and his hand's power. Does anyone else recall anything that would attest to Touma's hand's ability being connected to his brain in any way? Has Touma's willpower or mental state ever actually affected how his ability worked? I do not rule out the possibility but I don't think I'll truly believe he's an ESPer in the sense we're used to unless it is somehow shown that his hands power wouldn't work if it were to be cut off and thrown at something supernatural.
Mon, 01-11-2010, 12:53 PM
Unless there's a demon living in his arm, it's his hand and his ability. Whether he has any control over it is another matter. We have never seen him exert control but on the hand have we even seen him try? He seems to never train the power or do anything else with it, aside from the occasional fights where he needs it - or accidental use like preventing Kuroko from teleporting him. Again, it could be he tried in the past and failed - and gave up. Or it could be he never even tried if it was on from the beginning.
I'm actually a bit surprised we haven't really seen plots with espers having problems controlling their powers. Since it's all so very psychological, this whole personal reality requirement almost begs for the appearance of people who completely lose the grasp on the reality around them in favour of their own inner reality, because that would make them reach their peak. An autistic level 6, for example (if they are ever going to use the theoretical level 6 for anything).
Fri, 01-15-2010, 09:20 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 15 - HD ( | SD (
Fri, 01-15-2010, 10:34 PM
Sat, 01-16-2010, 05:06 AM
That sound system didn't make a whole lot of sense. An esper can begin as level zero and develop the skill up and up. This episode suggested that it causes specific physiological changes in the brain that for an arbitrary mysterious reason have no connection whatsoever to the type of an esper ability the individual possesses, and so will affect any esper through the auditory system.
I don't buy it. It was 100% pure no additives Musashino plot device.
I might be wrong but did Touma disappear entirely from the OP? I guess he's out of the series for good then. Good bye, my favorite Mikoto tsundere scenes...
Sat, 01-16-2010, 08:39 AM
I might be wrong but did Touma disappear entirely from the OP? I guess he's out of the series for good then. Good bye, my favorite Mikoto tsundere scenes...He's there...sortof. At the beginning of the scene where Kongo and her two friends are walking down the street, a flash of a shirt passes by, and a second one as well, which is clearly a very angry Index. It is part of the transition from the scene where Uiharu is doing pushups.
Sat, 01-16-2010, 01:44 PM
Touma needs fighting lessons from this Kurozuma dude, he'd kick all kinds of ass if he did
If you're talking about the new OP then i agree, i even found the animation to be lacking and lack of Touma made me rage all over the place
And this ( crap doesn't count
Tue, 01-19-2010, 07:45 AM
Good bye, my favorite Mikoto tsundere scenes...
Having Kuroko's scenes are enough for me. Therefore, this episode was enjoyable, even if only on a rather average level.
Fri, 01-22-2010, 10:11 PM
Mazui - Episode 16 (
Fri, 01-22-2010, 10:15 PM
There's a v2 coming later, so you may want to wait if video quality is important to you.
"Encoder came back from his journey of enlightenment later than expected, so for now we're using a generic raw. v2 to follow with real raw when it's done."
Sat, 01-23-2010, 12:01 AM
Dang... guess it was lucky I kinda forgot this came out today. I'll wait for V2.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 06:20 AM
Damn Konori is hot in a red leather jacket. She has a nice body too, so it looks even better.
Kuroko also says some pretty mature things when she's not going into crazy Onee-sama Luv-Luv mode. There definitely exists the feeling that despite her relatively young age when compared to the rest of the cast, she is one of the most mature. It is a bit strange, but that's another reason she's my favorite character in this show. There is a depth to her, and while on the one side she is very carefree, she also has some really good insights about personal relations. Sometimes she seems like the big sister in her relationship with Misaka.
The three girls really got to show off a bit. Misaka scaring the crap out of them, Kuroko instantly disabling most of their weapons, and Konori showing off her close combat skills amplified by her ability.
Heh, Kuroko drinking a carton of milk after the credits.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 06:23 AM
I got somewhat annoyed by the whole Mii-Kuro relationship stuff that dominated this episode. I don't give a shit about the whole thing, which was never even hinted at before (not that Mii would be even such a prominent character), yet now it's the focus of the whole episode. I got bored of it very quickly and hoped this arc would have something else interesting but alas no. I guess the only concrete thing out of this is the third party that supplied the gang with the antiesper system.
Where the heck is Touma! When Mikoto was pondering the importance of feelings towards someone I really thought we would get a sudden Touma flashback and Mikoto would deny it immediately in her mind. A useless hope, of course. Instead we got nothing at all.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 09:46 AM
Lol Kraco, i have to agree. This episode felt to me as a reminder that although this is nice Index is so much better.
I think most of us love Misaka mostly for her personality and a big part of that ( maybe the best part too ) is only shown by her going tsun tsun with Touma. Taking him out of the equation killed this show for me.
At this point i'm just going through the motions as i wait for Index S2
Sat, 01-23-2010, 09:52 AM
Kuroko also says some pretty mature things when she's not going into crazy Onee-sama Luv-Luv mode. There definitely exists the feeling that despite her relatively young age when compared to the rest of the cast, she is one of the most mature. It is a bit strange, but that's another reason she's my favorite character in this show. There is a depth to her, and while on the one side she is very carefree, she also has some really good insights about personal relations. Sometimes she seems like the big sister in her relationship with Misaka.
It's funny how that works. Misaka's view seemed to be as narrow and straight-forward as her railgun, while Kuroko's maturity belongs to one who is able to look at things from different angels.
I expected more Konori action than what we got. Since they're both so well endowed, I was really hoping for some Byakugan action.
Back to Kuroko though, I think I've enjoyed each and every one of her hair-down scenes, whether they were comical or otherwise.
I think most of us love Misaka mostly for her personality and a big part of that ( maybe the best part too ) is only shown by her going tsun tsun with Touma. Taking him out of the equation killed this show for me.
I believe for Ryll and myself at least, Railgun's really been about Kuroko and Uiharu. Putting them into the equation makes this show for me.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 10:04 AM
I believe for Ryll and myself at least, Railgun's really been about Kuroko and Uiharu. Putting them into the equation makes this show for me.
True enough. Kuroko has been a great character since Index, and it is nice to see more of her. Several episodes so far have proven that she's not just a gag character. She has as much depth as Saten or Mikoto (in Index, less so here) does. A serious arc or episode about her aside from the flashback episode would be a very welcome addition.
...but what really has me watching now is the hope that they will show what Uiharu's power really is. It's driving me nuts, especially in light of Kiyama and Kuroko's remarks about it.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 10:58 AM
I watch this show for Kuroko's antics, and Misaka's cool battle scenes. If I want some Misaka tsundere action, I will go rewatch Index. Railgun is proving to be awesome in its own right, and with a different approach at that.
Sat, 01-23-2010, 03:47 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 16v2 - HD ( | SD (
Sat, 01-23-2010, 04:03 PM
Tinyurl? >_>
Sat, 01-23-2010, 05:21 PM
Tokyotosho was dead when the episode was released.
As dead as my interest on this series
The torrent is real. Tokyotosho is up now, but the torrent ain't there. I got the episode from their irc channel though.
Sun, 01-24-2010, 10:20 PM
As much as it pains me to be on the same side as shinta|hikari I am also not missing Touma at all in this series. I watch because I like the universe of Academy City and that appeal is independent of any particular character. The yuri vibes in Railgun don't hurt either considering I'm not much of a Misaka fan when she's talking as opposed to blasting things. I could really do with less Mikoto though as I have gotten pretty tired of her immaturity and nosiness at this point.
In this particular arc I didn't like how Misaka and co decided to get themselves involved with Konori's personal business and pry into her life though it did turn out for the best in the end. It was interesting to see another example of how the dregs of Academy City live though I wish they'd gone into a bit more detail about Konori and the identity crisis she went through.
Sat, 01-30-2010, 01:41 AM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 17 - HD ( | SD (
Sat, 01-30-2010, 08:02 AM
What a completely and utterly useless episode. I can't even begin to try to understand what the studio people were thinking when they decided to animate this. I've been under an impression every single anime episode costs a lot of money but episodes like this make me wonder the truthfulness of such an impression.
I had no recollection whatsoever of the main character of this episode, so she was even worse than Mii, whose existence I at least somewhat remembered although didn't really care much about. But this one... What the hell kind of a story is this series supposed to be telling?
Sat, 01-30-2010, 08:22 AM
What a completely and utterly useless episode. I can't even begin to try to understand what the studio people were thinking when they decided to animate this.Probably something like, "We need filler, this will have to do."
The final arc must be pretty awesome (or at least I am hoping that it is), but there is no way they can drag it out to fill the remaining number of episodes. So they give us this episode. In contrast to the last two episodes, this one was utterly worthless. At least the Konori episodes were about someone that at least two of the main cast have a lot of history with and spend a considerable amount of time with. Even Saten spends a decent amount time with her because she is always visiting Uiharu in their Judgment office. They also presented a side of Academy City we hadn't usually seen, what happens to all those students who feel inferior because they have no power. Ultimately, I liked the two Konori episodes.
As for this episode, I don't even remember what Aya Endo's character's name is, and the whole episode was about her. At least we saw Index again, and Komoe mentioned her roof had been blown off, so this occurred after the incident where Touma completely lost his memory. It should be interesting to see what happens if Touma and Mikoto meet in these remaining episodes.
...oh wait, it looks like the next episode is some light hearted filler too!
Fri, 02-05-2010, 12:02 PM
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun OST 01 - Spark!! (320kbps).rar (
[Nipponsei] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Oriignal Soundtrack - SPARK!!.zip (
Fri, 02-05-2010, 10:46 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 18 - HD ( | SD (
Sat, 02-06-2010, 04:47 AM
This time it was the sadistic dorm mistress. This wasn't as utterly useless an episode as the previous one considering the entertainment value but in fact I believe characters like the dorm master should be left with relatively little screen time to maintain their specific and quite one-sided personalities. If they are given much development, they will lose something else where it really matters. And this particular character was only essential as a part of the nazi regime dorm where Mikoto and Kuroko live. She should have staid an threatening part of the dorm, not a person only working there and having a different life elsewhere.
Besides, it was clear from the beginning no couple would be born. It's not like Kuroko's plans ever worked. The whole affair was doomed from the moment it gained her interest.
Sat, 02-06-2010, 06:14 PM
Special 1 - SubSmith (
- - - - - - - -
Whoever wrote the script for this special was dead drunk. At least the voice actors must have had fun recording the lines. I was, however, fully sober and thus half incapable of really following it.
SubSmith could have done a little bit better job subbing it but it was understandable (as much as it could be in the first place).
Sat, 02-06-2010, 07:22 PM
Special 1 - SubSmith (
- - - - - - - -
Whoever wrote the script for this special was dead drunk. At least the voice actors must have had fun recording the lines. I was, however, fully sober and thus half incapable of really following it.
SubSmith could have done a little bit better job subbing it but it was understandable (as much as it could be in the first place).
At least is way better than the last 4 episodes.
Mon, 02-08-2010, 02:54 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 18 - HD ( | SD (
Well that was... painful to watch
Sat, 02-13-2010, 06:33 AM
Certain Scientific Violinist:
Episode 19 HQ - Mazui (
There's only a HQ raw currently available, the HD coming later, so this is like that.
- - - - - - - - -
Actually finally seeing Touma again surprised me as I already believed they had forsaken him for good and even in this episode he came quite late and only briefly. But nevertheless even that brief visit managed to completely save Mikoto's day, so he's quite a dude. It was actually a likely event, considering how seeing him practically switched Mikoto from the nervous middle-schooler mode to the (natural to her) railgun mode and thus removed all her hesitation in a second.
Nonetheless, it was a more or less sucky episode but that's what Railgun has seemingly become so it can't be helped.
Sat, 02-13-2010, 06:54 AM
I thought this was the best of the Railgun side-story episodes. It mostly featured characters from the main cast we actually care about, and the pointless side characters were relegated to an individual gag or two.
It was notable that Touma had no idea who she was.
Still, I thought it was a bit out of place that he was asking some random (to him) person standing behind a stage obviously about to perform where his nun friend eating all the food at the festival was and not one of the 80-odd girls in the rest of the dorm hallways. That almost ruined the whole moment for me. If he had caught her in the hallway or behind a door rather than right behind the curtain it would have made a lot more sense. Touma isn't as stupid as this made him look.
Plus Mikoto played off the neck of the violin. Aside from that, I enjoyed the scene and that Kuroko was so blown away by it that she couldn't even take pictures/video of it.
Saten and especially Uiharu really stole the episode. Saten being good at embroidery while eating the sugar flowers and admiring the cake too much to cut it, Uiharu ruthlessly cutting that cake and failing to acknowledge that she has flowers on her head. Uiharu's burning mode, as well as her MariMite mode staring out the window, that only Saten could break her from so dramatically.
Sat, 02-13-2010, 03:49 PM
For another filler episode we got quite a bit of information out of it:
Not sure if it's a mistranslation or misinterpretation on my part but the way Uiharu acted when they mentioned her hairpin makes it sound like the flowers are a byproduct of her esper abilities other than an accessory
The fact that Touma has already lost his memory place this before the sister's incident and after his encounter with Index, meaning that they did indeed decide to not animate the bridge scene. With that in mind, you can read about it here (
More than being an awesome tsun tsun dere dere scene it makes an interesting point by showing Touma stopping a moving railgun with his right hand, making a fact that he can also stop esper induced projectile attacks
Sun, 02-14-2010, 12:30 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 19 - HD ( | SD (
Wed, 02-17-2010, 04:07 PM
[Nipponsei] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun OP2 Single - LEVEL 5 -judgelight- [fripSide].zip (
Sat, 02-20-2010, 01:43 AM
Mazui - Episode 20 (
Sat, 02-20-2010, 01:46 AM
Nobody cares anymore, Bill
Sat, 02-20-2010, 04:07 AM
Looks like we are finally getting a promising arc. No more nonsense stories of minor characters' daily lives. Even though it's still a bit early to say but nevertheless the basis of this arc seems to be some sort of an amalgam of the AIM fields and mass control stuff we have seen before. Unless that all was nothing but distraction stories invented by the no doubt wicked antiskill woman, whose smile right before the credits was nothing but suspicious. But who knows.
I hope this arc lasts till the end of the series, sparing us from more rubbish episodes.
Fri, 02-26-2010, 06:31 PM
[Nipponsei] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun ED2 Single - Real Force [ELISA].zip (
Sat, 02-27-2010, 05:46 AM
Marik posted by accident only a music release, so here's the real thing:
Episode 21 - Mazui (
- - - - - - - --
Uiharu had no lesser self-confidence issues than Saten, I reckon, based on this episode. She seemingly wants to be needed and relied upon so much that her old friends don't anymore matter at all if she has to choose between them and this new person she has known for a couple of days. Kind of cold, if you ask me, unless she was brainwashed by the level 2. I guess even level 2 is enough for that if she keeps doing it for hours. Seriously, though, I find plots like this annoying. Especially since Uiharu herself should be a part of Judgement and is even proud of it. But suddenly if it's her friend - that she knows nothing about - then there simply can't be anything worth inspecting over there. She should be fired from Judgement for being so biased.
Sat, 02-27-2010, 08:32 AM
Is raigun a shoujo now...?
Sat, 02-27-2010, 10:01 AM
Is raigun a shoujo now...?
Despite all the doujin suggesting otherwise, I don't think Touma has yet managed to turn Mikoto into a woman, so I'd say the answer is yes.
Other than that, what do you mean?
Sat, 02-27-2010, 02:46 PM
I mean that despite being cataloged as a seinen all we've gotten out of this show is lovey girly flower power
The manga went on depth on the sisters and how Misaka "dealt" with the whole situation giving meaning to that tag but the lighter tone set by the anime adaptation makes me reconsider calling it such.
[ The above is a light spoiler regarding a possible Railgun S2 ]
Sun, 02-28-2010, 02:15 AM
Who the heck categorizes Railgun as seinen?
Sun, 02-28-2010, 05:37 AM
AniDB for one, and pretty must every manga website
Mon, 03-01-2010, 04:27 AM
loli/pseudo-loli = seinen pretty much, from my observations.
Likewise, big Oppai everywhere more often than not is shounen.
Sun, 03-07-2010, 08:03 AM
[Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railgun_-_22_[h264] (
[Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railgun_-_22_[XviD] (
Mazui's tracker was down the other day, back up now.
This was a mixed episode for me. The exposition lately has been a nice change from the fairly vapid character development episodes, Mikoto humor was in prime form again, and Uiharu's power was revealed.
On the other hand, Uiharu revealed her power to her ultra new best friend and continued the annoying subplot of hating Kuroko and Mikoto without a good reason to do so. I like Uiharu, but they haven't even given a good reason for why she'd become so much more attached to Haruue to the point of condemn her friends. The only thing I can think of is that she wants to make her new roommate feel welcome by becoming her ally, but repeatedly calling out your other friends is not the way to welcome someone new into the fold. It's getting annoying, and thankfully Saten called her out on it this episode. With any luck Saten will push her harder next episode, maybe even bitch her out, and then we might get the real reason Uiharu has suddenly turned into a bitch. If not, and it all turns out to be manufactured drama for drama's sake, then I'm going to be really pissed.
Concerning Uiharu's power, it sounds lame, but I can't help but think the reason that she is still a Level 1 is that she isn't thinking creatively enough. She did admit that she needs to touch it, so that limits the effectiveness since she isn't immune to burns/frostbite, but if she can just get over that hurdle, she could be immensely powerful. Being able to lock things at a constant temperature (perhaps even a constant state of any property) could allow her to do some pretty nasty things.
If Uiharu does manage to grow in power, she could use a little help from any other esper to do pretty much anything. Somone who can add heat or energy (Mikoto) could allow Uiharu to ramp up the heat in anything since she breaks the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. She prevents equilibrium from being achieved. Or vice versa with cold. If she could extend this ability beyond thermodynamics, she could essentially "lock" a region of space. All esper abilities would become useless, along with the cessation of any other dynamic imbalance of forces. Mikoto relies on being able to manipulate the difference and alignment of nearby electrons to generate her charge. If she powered up, Uiharu could prevent that, similar to the way a certain someone else does it. But rather than negating, things would "pause" and not fire, but still exist once Uiharu stopped.
Sun, 03-07-2010, 09:28 AM
The new best friend is a telepath and I still reserve a chance to hope she's actually brainwashing Uiharu to be her ally. She's only level 2 but considering they spend a lot of time together, she has had all the time to do it ever so slowly. Actually that would be the best tactics anyway rather than an even more sudden change everybody would have noticed for sure. She just hides her villainous true personality behind the victimized and sad mask of a really good actor.
It doesn't seem to me Uiharu much cares about her own power. Like you said, it has tremendous possibilities in fact but when have we seen her train at all? All she cares about is doing rather unchallenging work at Judgement, and that's it. She doesn't have any ambitions whatsoever and without ambitions it's pretty hard to actively strenghten your personal reality.
Waking up the comatose children would be actually quite easy, and Mikoto even knows it. All she would need to do is to get Touma, make him lay his hand on the head of one of them and then that person could be waken up medically or otherwise and there would be no chance of going berkerk with the esper powers. Of course if waking up is not the actual problem but staying sane while awake, then that would solve nothing. But they seemed to me making a big deal about the moment of waking up specifically.
Sun, 03-07-2010, 11:57 AM
Uiharu´s power is pathetically lame.
First sample... if Im reading things correctly... they have a small chance to slightly make up for all the recent... failure.
Sat, 03-13-2010, 03:32 AM
The difference and alignment of nearby electrons:
Episode 23 - Mazui (
Sat, 03-13-2010, 06:12 AM
Not that it wasn't fairly obvious that MAR was up to no good, but the abruptness with which Telestina went evil made it hard to take seriously. One minute she's cool, collected and mean (ripping out Kiyama's hair and crushing the data) and the next she is full-on psycho-Beatrice from Umineko.
You'd think that grenade launcher fire would attract a lot more attention than one Kongo Mitsuko who happened to be in a nearby hospital. Anti-Skill should have immediately gotten authority to take down MAR, not have to "work something out" after the girls gather Misaka out of the hospital and plan their move at their headquarters. Someone (other than Anti-Skill during an operation) just used heavy ordinance in the middle of the city. MAR is a "rescue" team, and shouldn't have the authority to just blow up whatever they want.
I was also a bit disappointed that they didn't show how Kongo rescued Misaka. We know she has a power similar to Kuroko (but teleports in fewer dimensions) but we've yet to see her actually use it.
Those gripes aside, it was entertaining, and I'm eagerly awaiting Misaka blowing up half the city or whatever else needs to be exploded.
Sat, 03-13-2010, 06:26 AM
The finer aspects of script writing certainly leave much to be desired in this show. They didn't even try to make Telestina plan forward at all, which was a total opposite to how she was acting in the beginning of the arc. It could the experiments turned her into a mad psychopath but then she should have been like that from the beginning, not only suddenly now. It's not like she indeed could do whatever pleases her when she finally has the human samples. Unless she indeed has no other plan than to wreck the whole city with a huge poltergeist incident and only needs moments of time for it.
A decent script writer not bowing too deeply in front of the shounen textbook would have made Telestina use the law to her own advantage. That is, would have forced Mikoto & co to attempt to break the law to rescue the children. I don't care what Archie says but this isn't really seinen script writing - unless Telestina only wants total destruction and thus has no worries in the world anymore.
Still, the thing that really bothers me is not the dodgy writing of this arc but the fact Touma doesn't anymore interact with Mikoto...
Sat, 03-13-2010, 12:57 PM
It's incredible how a show about a human electrical canon can be so weak in terms of action. Without that and lack of MisakaxTouma this show is all about the annoying yuri undertone and Kuroko ( redundant? ), that although amusing hardly carries the whole anime as far as i'm concerned
I'm ready for this to be over ( i was ready about 10 episodes ago actually ) and for an Index S2 announcement by the end of it
Sat, 03-13-2010, 02:32 PM
I'm ready for this to be over ( i was ready about 10 episodes ago actually ) and for an Index S2 announcement by the end of it
I wasn't expecting much when this became filler land anyway.
Fri, 03-19-2010, 07:07 PM
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 24 [F64E8354].mkv (
[Mazui] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - 24 [XviD] [6B24D544].avi (
Fri, 03-19-2010, 08:41 PM
Let's see if I can keep track of all the terrible clichés this episode. These are things that are so incredibly overused and retarded that I can't help but groan every time one of them came up. It isn't unusual to see a few of these at a time, but all of them crammed into a single episode?
Konori is riding a motorcycle that she never used before now.
Giant robot destroys part of a freeway showing itself, no law enforcement cares.
Giant robot was somehow built to withstand all of the hero(ine)'s powers.
Villain(ess) has "studied" the hero(ine)'s powers extensively to develop this mech.
Organized militant force (Anti-Skill) is defying the higher-ups to "do the right thing."
Villain(ess) literally says, "I know all your attacks!"
Immediately before proving her wrong, Hero(ine) says the line, "This is my full power/strength/resolve!" line.
Villain(ess) emits a "WHAT!" exclamation while appearing to be destroyed.
Villain(ess) reappears when the heroes are about to achieve victory.
Villain(ess), renders heroes helpless, then proceeds to enter tirade about how predecessor didn't go far enough, and will finish their research.
Set pieces glow in a manner that is not readily apparent what purpose such luminescence serves.
"Powerless" side character saves the heroes.
Villain(ess) reveals another device, that was "developed based on [heroine's] powers," but is "definitely stronger."
Hero(ine) and Villain(ess) enter into a beam power contest, or other arm wrestling analogue [insert...insert song].
Heroine easily wins, despite having been at some manner of "disadvantage."
Set pieces perform opposite function by glowing in an opposite color (or cool versus warm colors).
Character who didn't do all that much brags about doing it all in the epilogue sequence.
This whole episode was pretty much shonen clichés chained together to form storyboards and a plot for the episode. While it was pretty to look at, I couldn't take it seriously at all. I thought the last episode was bad with Telestina firing grenades in the middle of the city right next door to a hospital. No one cared then, but when the highways are destroyed by a giant freaking robot, still no one cares? We should have at least seen more emergency personnel, even if MAR has enough authority to mysteriously make them have to withdraw. The media should have picked it up. Nothing there either. The episode ends with all of this somehow happening secretly. Multiple explosions, railguns going off, giant robots, vans flying through the air, and no one bats an
But it wasn't all bad. On the positive side of the this episode:
- Mikoto actually called the robot "ridiculous," which was exactly the same thing I thought the moment she said it.
- Kongo's air rocket power was actually really cool. Kuroko was right in the first episode, it certainly isn't very elegant for a "teleport" power, but Kongo knows how to use it and it has a few unique applications that Kuroko's power doesn't. Kongo could probably create traps with it, since there is a short time delay before they go off.
- Kuroko was badass fighting the grenade launcher guys.
Fri, 03-19-2010, 09:47 PM
While I certainly welcomed the expansion of Kiyama Harumi's story and the awakening of the kids I could have lived without Telestina and all the crap they pulled. I pretty much agree with Ryll's rant above.
Anyway. Since the series ended I can speak it freely now. Every damn episode after episode 13 is filler. All of them. Everything was pulled out of their asses because the real 2nd Arc hasn't finished in the manga. Which is god damn shame since its awesome.
I, even with my Mikoto-tardness, hate what they did to this show. Episodes 1 to 13 where good. Fourteen onwards where mostly a pain to watch. Specially those centered on the lesser characters. Though I did like Harue and Banri.
Glads its over though. Oh...and I was dissapointed they didn't announce a Season 2 of Index after the episode ended. We definitely need that. We still have 16 un-animated Index novels. And Im quite looking forward for some of them.
And my last rant, that in no way can be described as a spoiler since you guys have already seen Index, I was completely dissapointed Misaka 10032 (or any other serial) didn't make it into the ending scene as a cliffhanger.
Fri, 03-19-2010, 11:51 PM
Anyway. Since the series ended I can speak it freely now. Every damn episode after episode 13 is filler. All of them. Everything was pulled out of their asses because the real 2nd Arc hasn't finished in the manga. Which is god damn shame since its awesome.
Actually... (
I assume that this is referring to this last arc
Lol and you call yourself a Mikototard? GTFO!
Sat, 03-20-2010, 01:26 AM
Actually... (
I assume that this is referring to this last arc
Lol and you call yourself a Mikototard? GTFO!
So? I already knew that. Even before you read the manga.
Even if they said the author himself made this, it didn't turn so well. Or did you enjoy this bad arcs? Telestina can't compete with... you know who.
Sat, 03-20-2010, 06:12 AM
I have to agree on this episode being largely worthless. It didn't give me a grand final battle vibes for a second, nor was it exciting for a moment. The giant robot appearing out of nowhere was the stupidest part of it by far. The earlier exoskeletons they sported in disaster relief were somewhat plausible since even in RL they would surely be used. But this huge thing that still moved as fast as Kiyama's bloody Italian sports car..?
They should have made this a 13 episodes series instead of this shitty latter portion. I certainly won't be missing this.
Sat, 03-20-2010, 11:40 AM
So? I already knew that. Even before you read the manga.
Even if they said the author himself made this, it didn't turn so well. Or did you enjoy this bad arcs? Telestina can't compete with... you know who.
Well then i don't know why you're claiming they pulled it out of their asses
Personally i didn't find this last arc all that bad, it's just that most of us we're already fed up with railgun at that point for all the ridiculous naruto-like fillers we'd been getting as of late and the ones like yourself that had already read the manga were disappointed so much content didn't make it to the anime
To finalize, it's no Toaru Majutsu no Index but still an overall enjoyable series 7/10
Sat, 03-20-2010, 12:14 PM
Well then i don't know why you're claiming they pulled it out of their asses
Personally i didn't find this last arc all that bad, it's just that most of us we're already fed up with railgun at that point for all the ridiculous naruto-like fillers we'd been getting as of late and the ones like yourself that had already read the manga were disappointed so much content didn't make it to the anime
To finalize, it's no Toaru Majutsu no Index but still an overall enjoyable series 7/10
Look at it like this. They said this episodes had the input of Kamachi to be done? Right? They said the same thing about the Six-tails arc of Naruto and the Humanized-Zanpaktou of Bleach.
I find hard to believe Kamachi did episodes like the ones of the Antiskill girl or the Dorm manager. Kamachi probably only said: "you can expand on Kiyama's story and bring back the children" and the studio filled the gaps.
Kamachi's plot on Index and the Railgun manga have never been so messy like this Telestina arc was. It just seemed to borrow ideas from here and there to create it. They made Mikoto preachy like Touma and then they created another Level-6 experiment.
If Kamachi had indeed wrote all of this, First Sample would have been Mikoto. Im almost sure the guy on Mikoto's flashback, during Index, was Kihara himself.
And do remember they messed up the timeline. We never got to see Mikoto chasing Touma to the bridge, for the start of Index, like we saw on the Railgun manga.
The ending shows both Index and Aisa already on Academy City. Heck, Aisa is already with Konoe-sensei. They left very little time for Mikoto to fall into despair in preparation for the Index Arc.
The studio messed it up. Not only the Railgun manga, but also the Index Timeline.
Sat, 03-20-2010, 03:51 PM
last ep was awesome... well, haters gonna hate
must be a manga-reader thing, I m a bit disappointed because I expected to see a lot more Touma+Misaka stuff but thats all.
I don't know why ryou says they messed up the timeline though, not showing the bridge scene doesn't mean it didn't happen.
and after all... why do you care? They didn't give away dates and to be honest, its weird that Touma doesn't know about such events in the first place..
srsly... he's the same type as Shirou from FSN... whenever something is wrong, he is around to help
Sat, 03-20-2010, 04:55 PM
I just had a slight concern about a massive and huge mech outrunning a lamborghini gallardo and Misaka using electromagnetism as an attractive force towards that same car that is mainly made of aluminium (though you'd probably wouldn't need that much iron to attract such a light body)
Other than that, it was more of a shounen end, wasn't it? Not that bad with some great deal of power and "I shout so I'm getting stronger" final shot.
Sat, 03-20-2010, 04:58 PM
I just had a slight concern about a massive and huge mech outrunning a lamborghini gallardo and Misaka using electromagnetism as an attractive force towards that same car that is mainly made of aluminium (though you'd probably wouldn't need that much iron to attract such a light body)
If you're gonna be anal about it that first railgun was pretty wacky too with the coin ignoring any air resistance at all and gently falling in front of Misaka
Sat, 03-20-2010, 05:23 PM
If you're gonna be anal about it that first railgun was pretty wacky too with the coin ignoring any air resistance at all and gently falling in front of Misaka
I think that we can agree that the attention to detail and foundations in science and metaphysics that Index and Railgun are usually very well grounded in were not present at all in this episode.
Sat, 03-20-2010, 05:29 PM
I think that we can agree that the attention to detail and foundations in science and metaphysics that Index and Railgun are usually very well grounded in were not present at all in this episode.
It was still cool though
Sat, 03-20-2010, 06:20 PM
I liked how she called Kuroko for the tandem super railgun. Other than that, I think I only liked the scene when the children woke up.
Sat, 03-20-2010, 07:44 PM
*insert random bashing here*
Other than that, it was an ok series. Exactly what I thought it would be. Filler with fanservice. Kuroko entering the bathroom while spouting crap was hilarious. Funniest part of the whole series IMO. Love her character, even though she's the less cute one. The powerless girl (forgot her name, too lazy to look it up) was the cutest IMO.
Sat, 03-20-2010, 08:28 PM
I don't know why ryou says they messed up the timeline though, not showing the bridge scene doesn't mean it didn't happen.
and after all... why do you care? They didn't give away dates and to be honest, its weird that Touma doesn't know about such events in the first place..
srsly... he's the same type as Shirou from FSN... whenever something is wrong, he is around to help
Dates were ignored in the anime version. The novel and mangas are full of dates.
The manga chapter where Mikoto Railgun's the bank robber is titled July 16th
The chapter where Mikoto is confused as a Judgement member and seeks a 'bomb' was titled July 17th. This same day she chases Touma all night and uses the iron-sand sword.
Bomb guy appears on the chapters titled July 18th
Then Mikoto investigates with Kuroko the Level upper and acts as a cute girl. Touma interferes here (but wasn't shown in the anime) and its titled July 19th. This is the same day Index starts.
Kiyama´s story comes to pass through chapters titled July 20th onwards until July 24th
Then we see several flashbacks, including how Kuroko and Uiharu meet, to resume the plot on August 10th.
How are this dates important?
July 20th is the day Touma meets Index
I don't remember the exact date... but Touma meets Aisa around the 1st of August
And then Touma meets the SISTERS on August 20th
Touma lost his memories around July 25th, so he forgets all he did with Mikoto prior to this. So I don't understand why you mention its weird Touma doesn't know any of this. Its obvious he didn't know. He lost his memories.
Looking at the gap between dates... they could really easily fit all this anime-only railgun eps after all. Still... they changed how key events took place. We never saw the bridge scene which had importance to both Railgun and Index.
I'll stop ranting there. Kamachi probably knew the gap existed and allowed the story to be developed there. But I still dislike how they explored this side of things. I still don't believe Kamachi wrote it. Kamachi probably only gave the ideas.
Sun, 03-21-2010, 09:11 AM
Touma lost his memories around July 25th, so he forgets all he did with Mikoto prior to this. So I don't understand why you mention its weird Touma doesn't know any of this. Its obvious he didn't know. He lost his memories.
his memory loss has nothing to do with it... he's the guy whos always around whenever something weird/strange/big happens in the City.
Sun, 04-25-2010, 07:28 PM (
Which one is the hottest Misaka? Start your voting, now!
Sun, 04-25-2010, 08:44 PM
1. 原修一
2. 加藤初重
3. 立石聖
Sun, 04-25-2010, 10:13 PM
I like the 4th, the 6th and Last one
Tue, 04-27-2010, 05:49 AM
I go for nr , 2, 4 and 14
On side not I don't think i've seen this one on here so figured I'd put it here since i have no idea where else to put it. Since the Needless thread is kind of dead.
I give you..Saten!
Tue, 04-27-2010, 08:36 AM
Lol, that second one is pretty epic
Wed, 06-02-2010, 07:44 AM
So.. with a huge assignment on the horizon.. I decided to catch up on this instead..
last ep was awesome... well, haters gonna hate
Haha, I find myself agreeing with you. Not something you can call original or coherent, but it was fun, no?
I was just itching to see Kongo's ability, and Aerohand turned out to be pretty cool. Jut give her some airspace (or exemption from collateral damage) and something to fling, and you're in for one troublesome fight. Despite our previous debates on Kuroko's ability, we've never seen her teleported objects carry any momentum. She doesn't usually teleport anything moving, but that fact still stands, so I liked how they considered each other rivals. One is fast, while the other packs a punch.
Still, it's not like Kuroko's ability can't take out big targets. She's just never been brutal enough to completely slice an enemy in half by putting a window in him, or taking out a chopper by replacing its chassis with truck.
I liked how she called Kuroko for the tandem super railgun.
Probably my favourite scene too. I always imagined Tandem scenarios with the pair, though I never came up with the "reload" scenario. They could have executed something a bit less cliche with Misaka overpowering the cannon (which is supposedly stronger) by having Kuroko jump in and take away a powerpack/arm or something along those lines (jamming it like she always does?). I was actually expecting something similar to happen as Kuroko just woke up to hear about Misaka's supposed "disadvantage", so I'm a tad disappointed there.
As much as they tried to making that Misaka's "moment", it still didn't beat Kuroko pulling out an entire belt full of ammo.
<3 Kuroko.
edit: oh yeah, Uiharu was annoying as fuck. Good job Kuroko.
Wed, 06-02-2010, 08:29 AM
The manga has officially made this arc canon by including Harue-san recently... even though she never did appear before it. It helps that the original level upper arc and the 'next arc' had a month of difference already on the manga. Still, I can't help but dislike how most of the 2nd arc was developed.
Sure, I love Harue-san, Banri-chan and the conclusion of Kiyama's story, but Telestina is the worst character I've seen on this universe.
Nevertheless... Im waiting for my new Mikoto figurine to be released.
Wed, 06-02-2010, 08:31 AM
Nevertheless... Im waiting for my new Mikoto figurine to be released.
What about the Aegis figurine?
Wed, 06-02-2010, 08:42 AM
What about the Aegis figurine?
Its also preordered. Mikoto releases on July, while Aegis releases on September.
Mon, 06-14-2010, 12:23 AM
2nd To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Special (
Only the yellow mouse joke was good. The rest was pathetic.
Tue, 06-22-2010, 03:29 PM
A flyer included with a preview sample of the fifth Toaru Kagaku no Railgun (A Certain Scientific Railgun) manga volume has confirmed that production of an OVA version has been green-lit for an October 29 release.
There will also be an extra anime episode bundled on a DVD with the Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Official Visual Book on July 24.
Something to look forward to.
Source (
Tue, 06-22-2010, 04:06 PM
Is it?
I just hope they don't butcher it further...
Tue, 06-22-2010, 04:41 PM
The extra episode on the DVD will be another 'beach episode'. And we already had one...
I hope the new OAV covers 'that' storyline that came after Kiyama's arc. Though it would need to be longer than 30 minutes though.
Based on the flyer... I don't think it will be though. And placing the 5th manga on the same picture is very misleading of ANN.
Tue, 06-22-2010, 04:50 PM
Yeah. I doubt the extra ova will be anything really significant. Though I suppose it must be better than some dvd extra episode, which are practically never worth their bytes. But then again, if it just happens to feature both Mikoto and Touma in close proximity to each other, it will be hard to disappoint me.
Tue, 06-22-2010, 09:22 PM
Is it?
It is bound to contain Kuroko.
Therefore, it is.
Wed, 06-23-2010, 08:31 AM
It is bound to contain Kuroko.
Therefore, it is.
I think the opposite.
A good Railgun episode needs to focus on Mikoto, like the manga, instead of side characters like Kuroko, Uiharu and Saten.
Yes, I am aware they are popular. Yes, I am aware people like those three. Specially Kuroko. But the manga doesn't give them that much screentime as the anime. And I want the 2nd Manga arc so badly...
Wed, 09-01-2010, 07:26 AM
Why hasn't anyone posted this yet?
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Entenka no Satsuei Model mo Raku Ja Arimasen wa ne (
Wed, 09-01-2010, 09:18 AM
Why hasn't anyone posted this yet?
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Entenka no Satsuei Model mo Raku Ja Arimasen wa ne (
Perfect doujin material right there.
Wed, 09-01-2010, 10:53 AM
"Entenka no Satsuei Model mo Raku Ja Arimasen wa ne "
wat? I don't even know what this is about.
whats that stuff about?
Wed, 09-01-2010, 11:58 AM
It's about raep
Sat, 10-16-2010, 02:33 PM
The official site ( has a trailer up for the new OVA that comes out on 10/29. The OP single is already out.
[Nipponsei] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun OVA OP Single - future gazer [fripSide].zip (
[Nipponsei] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun OVA ED Single - Special 'ONE' [ELISA].zip (
Sat, 10-16-2010, 02:56 PM
The official site ( has a trailer up for the new OVA that comes out on 10/29
I didn't feel much wiser after watching the trailer...
Sat, 10-16-2010, 03:09 PM
Filler doesn't amuse me.
Fri, 10-29-2010, 03:32 AM
Railgun EX OVA - UTW-Mazui (
Fri, 10-29-2010, 08:21 AM
That reminds me I never did download that 2nd beach filler episode...
Fri, 10-29-2010, 09:12 AM
This wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. In fact this wasn't bad at all. Nothing great either, but quite a decent watch. It even had a little of Touma-Mikoto interaction, which was, honestly, more than I dared to really hope for. I expected this to be a silly story with only the core girls and nothing new and nothing solid. But it actually sported a believable story (or as believable as anything is in the Railgun saga).
Poor boat, though. It was a nice boat.
Fri, 10-29-2010, 10:28 AM
It was pretty crap until it ended.
Kuroko = Entertainment.
Sun, 10-31-2010, 01:37 AM
I've always liked the character interactions in Railgun than Index. Too bad the title doesn't suggest that there'll be any more of these.
Kuroko = win (again).
Sun, 10-31-2010, 01:52 AM
I've always liked the character interactions in Railgun than Index. Too bad the title doesn't suggest that there'll be any more of these.
What are you on and i don't want any of it?
In Index the characters have depth, here it's all moe sunshine and rainbows. Other than Kuroko's homolust increasing over 9000 i much prefer Index's depiction of its characters.
Sun, 10-31-2010, 02:05 AM
Index wins in plot and mystery.
Railgun's more slice of life with fun characters. They each have their strengths and I can appreciate Railgun's, even if it's a bit very biased.
Tue, 01-11-2011, 10:44 PM
Just started watching this, didn't want to read the thread and risk being spoiled, but does anyone have a timeframe on where this takes place in regards with the Index series (the first one)? During Index? Before, after? Seems like a prequel to me.
Anyways, I thought the first episode was enjoyable enough. At least the action was more fast moving instead of the annoying Touma monologues.
Tue, 01-11-2011, 11:35 PM
The Railgun anime takes place before the novels / anime of Index. One or two months I think.
Tue, 01-11-2011, 11:36 PM
Just started watching this, didn't want to read the thread and risk being spoiled, but does anyone have a timeframe on where this takes place in regards with the Index series (the first one)? During Index? Before, after? Seems like a prequel to me.
Anyways, I thought the first episode was enjoyable enough. At least the action was more fast moving instead of the annoying Touma monologues.
It starts off as a prequel, then overlaps. I don't think it was meant to strictly tie in with the Index series anyway.
The Railgun anime takes place before the novels / anime of Index. One or two months I think.
Really? No overlap at all? Hmm....
Tue, 01-11-2011, 11:41 PM
There's a slight overlap at the end... but the true overlap comes in the unanimated arcs.
Wed, 01-12-2011, 04:42 PM
Takes place as in starts 2 months before
We've met with plenty of overlap before, though it was more obvious in the manga. The very first scene in Index for example is explained in further detail.
Mon, 01-17-2011, 03:02 PM
Just finished what seems like the first major arc, with the Level Upper network. Enjoyable enough. Mikoto kicked some real ass. But I hear the 2nd half is bad?
Index's second half seemed bad too me, so it seems to run in the family.
Mon, 01-17-2011, 03:04 PM
If you found the first half of Railgun only "enjoyable enough", you are better off not watching the rest (except 13, which is hilarious).
Mon, 01-17-2011, 03:44 PM
The main problem of Railgun's Part 2 is that it wasn't in the manga (Railgun's source is a manga, contrary to Index which is a novel). The story itself was suggested by the author and made canon by being referenced by the manga itself... but seeing as it was only 'suggested' and not written by the author it suffered a lot.
Index's second half, on the other matter, is the author's complete problem. There are good novels and weak novels. The 2nd Novel (Himegami Aisa), for example, is the one most disliked by fans... to the degree of being ignored on the manga conversion.
Mon, 01-17-2011, 04:28 PM
It isn't nearly as good as the first half but i wouldn't say it's terrible either
I say you finish it for consistency, then move on to the gataris.
Mon, 01-17-2011, 06:56 PM
Just finished what seems like the first major arc, with the Level Upper network. Enjoyable enough. Mikoto kicked some real ass. But I hear the 2nd half is bad?
Index's second half seemed bad too me, so it seems to run in the family.
I didn't think it's bad when I marathoned the second half. Perhaps that's what it takes to enjoy it?
Mon, 01-17-2011, 06:59 PM
I just watched the OVA (finally). It was quite better than the 2nd half, but still filler.
Wed, 06-27-2012, 09:38 PM
Well, right now I'm up to episode 18 and I don't care for this 2nd half of the season so far. Fun interactions in general, but nothing plot-wise I would care for. Mikoto also has had very little screen-time in these episodes and pretty much doing nothing of worth. Just going through the motions while the rest of the cast take the spotlight.
Hope it improves a bit towards the end.
That said, any news on this getting another season?
Thu, 06-28-2012, 05:56 AM
You would have been better off not coming back to finish the latter half of this show.
I don't think the Railgun manga has quite enough material out for a decent second season, unless they did it like this one and filled it with bullshit fillers. There's certainly jolly stuff I'd enjoy animated, but not enough of it yet.
Thu, 06-28-2012, 07:43 AM
They do have enough material for a 13 episode sequel. Maybe they can even manage the 26 eps. Lots of material is unanimated right now.
Thu, 06-28-2012, 10:09 AM
Just finished the 24 episodes, and although the last few episodes were a bit more action oriented, I really didn't care for it. I'm not a fan of bad guys who go this bad shit crazy.
Will watch the OVA later today and start on Index II.
Thu, 06-28-2012, 12:08 PM
You'll hate the OVA and find Index II thoroughly average until the last couple of episode where things will pick up and you'll wish they had animated more of that shit and less of the cutesy crap.
Calling it.
Sun, 10-21-2012, 03:58 AM
A Certain Scientific Railgun TV Anime Gets 2nd Season (
Sun, 10-21-2012, 05:07 AM
Someone somewhere is doing something feverishly perverted now that they know Onee-sama's returning.
I like that.
Sun, 10-21-2012, 05:13 AM
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S
So 4 episodes of filler?
Sun, 10-21-2012, 05:47 AM
Good, very good! I hope it won't veer too much off the canon road this time. Based on what has been translated of the manga so far, there ought to be some decent stories in the source material.
Unlike Bill, I'm not looking so much forward to seeing Kuroko, but Biribiri herself and some of the other people that hopefull will appear. Maybe there'll be an arc with Touma in as well.
Sun, 10-21-2012, 06:19 AM
The last arc was so bad I'm not even sure if I care. That's sad.
At least the story arcs in Railgun can end in ways other than Touma punching someone in the face. Used over and over and over and over again. She's got some variety in her techniques.
Fri, 04-12-2013, 07:22 PM
Season 2 officially begins!
[UTW] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S - 01 (
Another Level 5 introduced, right from the start!
Sat, 04-13-2013, 02:34 AM
Another Level 5 introduced, right from the start!
And Mikoto can't deal with her any better than she can with Accelerator. Level 5 is a windy place.
Considering the radicals seemed pretty petty, I wonder who lost, totally unnecessarily, a helicopter. It must have been stolen. Removing the wreck from the river in the middle of the city will be a nuisance as well.
Sat, 04-13-2013, 04:02 AM
Insurance premiums in Academy City must be astronomical, if the option is even available.
I assume a Certain Someone Floating in a Tank reimburses people instead if his prized subjects cause too much damage.
Sat, 04-13-2013, 04:37 PM
I wonder if we are going to get a scene where Misaki tries to control Touma, with the end result being that Touma only stares at Misaki and asks in his laconic way what she's trying to do.
Sat, 04-13-2013, 06:13 PM
I just wonder why she uses television remote controls for her power. Seems kinda weird for a Level 5 to rely on a device. Maybe she can't really control her power, and the remote is locking it down? Kinda like the soundwave stuff from last season, but on an individual basis.
Either way, it's only a matter of time before she uses it on Kuroko or Saten. Mikoto isn't going to be happy when that happens. She'll probably fry her to crispy bits even if she was only playing around.
Sat, 04-13-2013, 08:11 PM
Is she immune to her own power? I wonder what would happen if Accelerator automatically reflects her move. Will she just resist it? Or will she become a mindless doll with no controller?
Sat, 04-13-2013, 08:48 PM
I guess that would depend on how her power worked. If it is some kind of electromagnetic wave (I would say that it is likely because Mikoto naturally blocks it), then I suppose it would. If she is actually a pure psychic, and it is just a coincidence that Mikoto's fields intercept it, then maybe not.
I doubt you'd notice anything though, she's already in love with herself.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 12:49 AM
Was it ever mentioned if Kuroko can teleport organs out of a human body? For example, she teleports behind controller girl, touches her, then teleports her brain outside.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 02:20 AM
Was it ever mentioned if Kuroko can teleport organs out of a human body? For example, she teleports behind controller girl, touches her, then teleports her brain outside.
Depending on how well she calculates and adapts her power, I guess she could.
(site note, it seems she's still only level 4 because her teleportation range is somewhat limited to a few tens or hundreds meters.)
She never intended to kill anyone, so she might never go to such a gory side.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 03:15 AM
That means she can easily kill people with her power, making her the perfect assassin that can even conveniently get rid of level 5s, excluding Accelerator of course.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 03:31 AM
Can she teleport anything she's not touching? She can't touch a brain: there's hair, skin, bone, and some membranes in the way. Although for all practical purposes she could simply teleport the whole head away from the body. More bloody, but the end result is hardly different. But then again, she's all the time telling people she will teleport those spikes inside their bodies, so that would likely be her preferred method of assassinating someone in Shinta's dreams.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 03:39 AM
A spike in the brain eh? Makes sense. I was just wondering because if she cannot defend herself against the controller girl, the best defense would be a good offense. Just make the bitch a vegetable and be done with it, instead of allowing herself to be made a hostage to be used against her beloved onee-sama.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 03:46 AM
I noticed that Accelerator didn't have his collar on so would this show take place before the previous Index? Because I believe he got shot in the head in that one. It's been a long time since I've seen it so I could be wrong.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 03:56 AM
I think so. Otherwise, Accelerator would be weakened without a loli, much like myself.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 04:17 AM
I noticed that Accelerator didn't have his collar on so would this show take place before the previous Index? Because I believe he got shot in the head in that one. It's been a long time since I've seen it so I could be wrong.
Yeah, remember how the first episode of Index actually took place around the mid of the first Railgun season? It's moving at a slower pace than the original.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 04:17 AM
A spike in the brain eh? Makes sense. I was just wondering because if she cannot defend herself against the controller girl, the best defense would be a good offense. Just make the bitch a vegetable and be done with it, instead of allowing herself to be made a hostage to be used against her beloved onee-sama.
You seem to be considering Misaki very villainous. She did take control of the people in the library, but she didn't make them do anything at all. It was just a demonstration. Mikoto is going biribiri all the time. Misaki's power is controlling people, so that was the only sort of demonstration she could pull off. Controlling people ought to be as much a second nature to her as producing sparks is for Mikoto or blinking here and there is for Kuroko. Misaki would have never gotten level 5 if she didn't do it all the time for practice if for nothing else.
Sun, 04-14-2013, 05:12 AM
She acted like a school queen, and arrogant like crazy, so she is a bitch.
The fact that she is a villain though, I derived from the OP/ED(?).
Sun, 04-14-2013, 05:43 AM
she is featured for like 0,5 seconds in the ED and all she did is smirk
Sun, 04-14-2013, 06:51 AM
Kuroko could also just teleport a plate between their neck and their shoulders. She's threatened to do the same before with a plate of glass, but only as a form of intimidation. This is why I like Kuroko so much. She could easily be the greatest assassin the world has ever seen, but she's doesn't even like to hurt people, she always goes for immobilizing them first. She has the capacity for truly terrible things, but doesn't use them that way.
she is featured for like 0,5 seconds in the ED and all she did is smirk
I'm with shinta on this one.
She acted like a school queen, and arrogant like crazy, so she is a bitch.
Not to mention her words were, "Consider this a warning. You've been making far too many friends lately. If you start to move into my territory, I'll be forced to deal with you."
If that isn't a blatant threat, I don't know what is. She's basically saying that all the girls at Tokiwadai are hers. She's been merely allowing Mikoto to have a few, namely just the two idiots Kuroko and Kongou Mitsuko. Becoming friends with the swim team girls was probably taken as a threat to Misaki's popularity dominance.
By simultaneously taking all the girls in the library in an instant, Misaki is also implying that while Mikoto is safe from her powers, her own friends aren't.
Mon, 04-15-2013, 05:45 AM
Kuroko could also just teleport a plate between their neck and their shoulders. She's threatened to do the same before with a plate of glass, but only as a form of intimidation. This is why I like Kuroko so much. She could easily be the greatest assassin the world has ever seen, but she's doesn't even like to hurt people, she always goes for immobilizing them first. She has the capacity for truly terrible things, but doesn't use them that way.
^This. There's a doujin where she teleports sheets of glass to slice apart monsters' heads. In one of the previous episodes, she also teleported window glass into the cement support of a building to totally collapse it.
Even if she didn't have anything to teleport, she could just teleport herself into someone (aka Mr Smith from The Matrix). She replaces matter with her teleported mass - she could probably wipe out Academy city's occupants faster than Misaka could.
I don't get why she uses the needles at all. It's really not that effective since they're so small. You have to aim for non-vital organs in a law-enforcement setting (which essentially means upper/lower limbs for guarantee - even then you could hit an artery). She should just use her judo moves that she showed off one time and just drop everyone on their backs (or give them a 3m free-fall.. whatever works). The pins are only good for disabling weapons and firearms.
What I hadn't thought of was sustained flight (she performed leaps and shorter bursts last season, but nothing like chasing a helicopter), so that makes her even more awesome.
Welcome Back, Kuroko. :3
I'm expecting (and looking forward) to seeing Kuroko being mind-controlled. We'd hopefully get to see some brutal applications of her power, and nothing would piss Misaka off more (except maybe hurting Touma, but he's invulnerable).. so we'd see some spectacular sparks from that.
Misaki's power is 100% EM-related. There's no doubt about that since she:
a) needs a remote to control EM
b) can't hurt Misaki's electro-shield
It'll be an ability where she can control brainwaves and/or neural impulses. I reckon finer control would involve grouping people into channels.
We never got to see Uihara's power last season, did we? All I remember was that she can use it after satisfying certain conditions (which were never elaborated on).
I'm also eager to see lvl5 #2. It'd better not be laser-lady from the OP/ED, because that would be boring.
By simultaneously taking all the girls in the library in an instant, Misaki is also implying that while Mikoto is safe from her powers, her own friends aren't.
Misaki's threat also worked because Misaka cares about reducing casualties. 1000 students might as well be 1 in the face of a railgun.
PS: looked up the progress of real-world railguns a few days ago. Projectile reaches horizon in 6 seconds.. pretty scary stuff.
Mon, 04-15-2013, 05:32 PM
I don't get why she uses the needles at all. It's really not that effective since they're so small. You have to aim for non-vital organs in a law-enforcement setting (which essentially means upper/lower limbs for guarantee - even then you could hit an artery). She should just use her judo moves that she showed off one time and just drop everyone on their backs (or give them a 3m free-fall.. whatever works). The pins are only good for disabling weapons and firearms.reckon finer control would involve grouping people into channels.
We never got to see Uihara's power last season, did we? All I remember was that she can use it after satisfying certain conditions (which were never elaborated on).That's exactly why she uses the needles. They're light, she can carry a ton of them, and because they are both small and light, she can move them with pinpoint accuracy. The heavier an object, the more variance with her aim at distance (ref: the first episode of s1 when she and Kongou are bickering during the ability examinations, before Kongou sees a real Level 5's power moments later).
Kuroko teleports the needles all over a person's clothes, pinning them to the ground so she can work on the next threat. If your clothing is attached to the ground in eight places (and also very close to your body, gathering the loose fabric), you're not moving easily. Also as you mentioned, it renders guns and other weapons useless with immediate effects.
Uiharu's powers were brought up in the latter half of the first season, when she was holding a bag of taiyaki. I don't remember the episode. Uiharu can keep things at a constant temperature, though she can risk burning herself with something too hot. She probably controls the vibration rate of molecules. The obvious implications is that if she wasn't a Level 1, she would probably be both a pyrokinetic and a cryokinetic at the same time. Mikoto's Level 2 Sisters are a good indication, since they can barely even generate sparks without direct contact, and even then mostly only sense fields, so Uiharu can probably advance past having to touch things.
edit: Index Wiki tells me it was Railgun eps 22.
I assume Kuroko needs to touch things because she needs to use it as a frame of reference before she sends it across 11 dimensions. That way she only has to think/calculate where she wants it, not where it is.
Fri, 04-19-2013, 08:39 PM
UTW-Mazui - S Episode 02 (
That's exactly why she uses the needles. They're light, she can carry a ton of them, and because they are both small and light, she can move them with pinpoint accuracy. The heavier an object, the more variance with her aim at distance (ref: the first episode of s1 when she and Kongou are bickering during the ability examinations, before Kongou sees a real Level 5's power moments later).
Kuroko teleports the needles all over a person's clothes, pinning them to the ground so she can work on the next threat. If your clothing is attached to the ground in eight places (and also very close to your body, gathering the loose fabric), you're not moving easily. Also as you mentioned, it renders guns and other weapons useless with immediate effects.
The inconsistence with this is that the pins could actually be heavy. Recall that episode where she flipped someone onto their back, teleported the pin above him before letting them drop. The pins penetrated the concrete below.
We're not entirely sure of how her power works though besides that mass is proportional to difficulty. What about the number of things she has to teleport? She not only has to teleport each individual pin she touches, but they also have to be orientated and organised around a person's body shape/clothing. It's arguable whether or not simply relocating someone 4m higher than their original position and letting them fall is actually easier.
Don't forget that teleporting distance is also a factor. Whether or not it's simply a power/amplitutde limitation, or whether it's only reduced by Kuroko's knowledge/familiarity with the surroundings isn't clear cut. You'll be teleporting the culprit on contact, while the pins will have to be used from a distance. On the other hand, pins mean you can use them outside punching range.
I assume Kuroko needs to touch things because she needs to use it as a frame of reference before she sends it across 11 dimensions. That way she only has to think/calculate where she wants it, not where it is.
True, and I believe that to be in line with what we've established in the Index threads too. It explains why Kuroko found teleporting herself more difficult than teleporting Uiharu(?) out of the bank robbery.
I'm starting to think that Kuroko's best parts aren't actually her Onee-sama lusting noises, but simply her grunts and other sudden moments of emotions. She had no rebuttal for being amused of a pervert at all.
Like usual I'll take a wait-and-see approach to this show (like most other anime), but I'm not so positive that I can be excited about Railgun S. We already know the conclusion of the Sisters arc. It's not like they're weaving a new story into a parallel story - this is a prequel to the Accelerator arc in Index and a direct prequel to Railgun.
Sat, 04-20-2013, 06:24 AM
Not too much to discuss about the actual episode given that this is the beginning of her perspective of the Sister's arc.
The inconsistence with this is that the pins could actually be heavy. Recall that episode where she flipped someone onto their back, teleported the pin above him before letting them drop. The pins penetrated the concrete below.
We're not entirely sure of how her power works though besides that mass is proportional to difficulty. What about the number of things she has to teleport? She not only has to teleport each individual pin she touches, but they also have to be orientated and organised around a person's body shape/clothing. It's arguable whether or not simply relocating someone 4m higher than their original position and letting them fall is actually easier.
Don't forget that teleporting distance is also a factor. Whether or not it's simply a power/amplitutde limitation, or whether it's only reduced by Kuroko's knowledge/familiarity with the surroundings isn't clear cut. You'll be teleporting the culprit on contact, while the pins will have to be used from a distance. On the other hand, pins mean you can use them outside punching range.
True, and I believe that to be in line with what we've established in the Index threads too. It explains why Kuroko found teleporting herself more difficult than teleporting Uiharu(?) out of the bank robbery.
I thought that we had established in the Index threads that Kuroko, because she teleports through 11 dimensions, can have the pins come out any way she pleases. Their speed, the slight delay in their reappearance (since they often appear simultaneously, like in a gun, as often as they appear sequentially), their orientation, etc. If she was a Level 5, I imagine she could teleport through time as well, and probably transmute them as well (warping their properties through each of the higher dimensions). She can teleport them off her legs in a stationary position, but they can reappear with a vector.
She changes her own orientation and vector all the time.
Sat, 04-20-2013, 08:22 AM
I thought that we had established in the Index threads that Kuroko, because she teleports through 11 dimensions, can have the pins come out any way she pleases. Their speed, the slight delay in their reappearance (since they often appear simultaneously, like in a gun, as often as they appear sequentially), their orientation, etc.
I did think that at one point, but it didn't really make sense. There's also no direct evidence to support it.
I can only remember one occasion where we saw the pins drop down on a suspect, and the pins emerged in a stationary position. Since Kuroko has shown no signs that she can teleport objects without touching them thus far, I reason that she can have no influence of an object after it emerges from her translocation.
Just from memory, everything she teleports has never emerged significantly fast. It either comes out either completely stationary, or appears to have a very slight (<0.5s of gravity, as a conservative observation) acceleration. Whether that's just for effect, I'm not sure.
As for Kuroko jamming the guns, I don't actually recall if we saw both her hands and their guns simultaneously. For all we know, Kuroko could be simply teleporting them sequentially.
I think Kuroko would be Level 5 if she could increase her quantitative limitations dramatically, or being able to overcome one or both her two weaknesses:
1) Kuroko needs to touch things to get an accurate bearing on what she wants to teleport. If she could teleport without touching, she'd be godly
2) Kuroko needs massive concentration to execute her powers. Punching her in the gun (or other forms of pain / medication) would render her powerless. If she could be more resilient in this regard it could make her more combat-able. Her current role is mainly supportive both because her power ideal, but also because she can't take a hit.
Sat, 04-20-2013, 09:29 AM
I did think that at one point, but it didn't really make sense. There's also no direct evidence to support it.
I can only remember one occasion where we saw the pins drop down on a suspect, and the pins emerged in a stationary position. Since Kuroko has shown no signs that she can teleport objects without touching them thus far, I reason that she can have no influence of an object after it emerges from her translocation.
Just from memory, everything she teleports has never emerged significantly fast. It either comes out either completely stationary, or appears to have a very slight (<0.5s of gravity, as a conservative observation) acceleration. Whether that's just for effect, I'm not sure.
I don't want to keep having this conversation if you are going to keep being so recalcitrant to facts. You are only ever looking at incidents in Index, where Kuroko is a minor player. Look at Railgun.
Just watch the first half of episode 24 from season one.
Before this retort even comes up, people like to say that arc isn't even canon, but that's no longer true. Characters from it were woven into the Index novels, so yes, now it is canon.
- Kuroko brushes across an entire belt of needles, but they reappear (and there are sound effects) in only five batches as they are stuck into the enemies' grenade launchers. She can delay the reappearance of a teleported object.
- The blown off robot arm of Telestina's mech is flying through the air, propelled by gravity and Mikoto's power. Kuroko matches its vector, and teleports it to a stationary position pointed the other way, for Mikoto to fire it.
I honestly cannot see how you are pretending she can't change the vector of things. She does it with herself or people she rescues ALL the time. Otherwise she or her friends would be smears on pavement each time she moves them to ground level and they skid at 40 mph along the pavement. When she teleports herself she usually gives herself forward momentum too, otherwise she's just fall straight down.
Sat, 04-20-2013, 11:17 AM
Kuroko brushes across an entire belt of needles, but they reappear (and there are sound effects) in only five batches as they are stuck into the enemies' grenade launchers. She can delay the reappearance of a teleported object.
- I don't expect the studio to count the number of needles she teleported (if they even knew), then to reproduce exactly the same number of strikes on the guns. While from the video, technically needles aren't being teleported at the same time I find it hard to think that that's really the case. On the other hand, why did she delay them into batches of 5 when there are only 3 guns to skewer? (The guy on the far right has his arm impaled, though one could argue that the target was actually the gun's stock).
At 3:22 (Ayako's release), Kuroko teleports 4 needles individually. Each of those have an individual teleportation sound as well as an impact sound. Note that the teleportation sound of the needles sound sonically different to Kuroko teleporting away.
During the belt scene at 3:32, the "mass needed teleportation" sounded exactly like Kuroko's self-teleportation. I have no idea what 10+ sounds at 3:22 being strung together would sound like.. I'm guessing not that.
From the above observation, I actually think it's the studio cutting more so than anything else. They pay attention when they can...
^ That's what I was originally writing.. but then I decided to flick through eps 1-09 for some other scenes.
Episode 1, 18:31 shows delayed teleportation if a very clear fashion. I'll agree with you that Kuroko can delay her objects.
Given that, I wonder how long she can delay the teleportation, and if she has to be actively thinking about them during her move (such that it can never be used as an 11th dimension storage move). If she stops thinking about it, does the matter disappear into the 11th dimension, or will it simply appear where ever she happened to lose concentration?
Delay doesn't make much sense though, when you think about it. If Kuroko couldn't teleport herself (which I believe is due to a change in the whole self-bearing idea of calculating teleport-exit points), then the cancel must have happened because the calculation as a whole failed.
Teleportation need not necessarily be instantaneous since there could be travel time, but I think it should be a process that only happens after you've successfully established an exit point. Travel time may exist, but should not be modifiable. If the guarantee-to-exit isn't established before teleportation is initiated, what's stopping someone from being lost in the process and never making it back to our dimension (3rd, I'll call it)?
- The blown off robot arm of Telestina's mech is flying through the air, propelled by gravity and Mikoto's power. Kuroko matches its vector, and teleports it to a stationary position pointed the other way, for Mikoto to fire it.
I honestly cannot see how you are pretending she can't change the vector of things. She does it with herself or people she rescues ALL the time. Otherwise she or her friends would be smears on pavement each time she moves them to ground level and they skid at 40 mph along the pavement. When she teleports herself she usually gives herself forward momentum too, otherwise she's just fall straight down.
Firstly, I must clarify that I used words wrongly in my exposition previously. What I meant was that Kuroko could only teleport things into a stationary position, regardless of their pre-teleport speed - not that she can't change their vectors. I had no issues with her re-orientating her objects.
That's clearly not the case now since at Ep09 14:42 Kuroko throws a needle which she teleports to reduce the distance/time of travel. There would be no point to that unless the needle travelled fast post-teleport. The previous paragraph's conclusion was incorrect, and Kuroko's objects can carry speed.
On that point though, why throw the pin at all if you can speed it up (as per the "Kuroko can speed things up" theory)? Two ideas come to mind:
-Because she can't. She can let an object carry its pre-teleport velocity, or reduce it to zero. She can't modify it outside of those parameters.
-For ease of calculation. Instead of calculating the vector, perhaps she substitutes with "Vector as previous". I don't ever recall Kuroko ever throwing an object at one way (North, let's say), but have the item post-teleport and flying in another direction (North-East). Maybe she's never bothered, she can't, or it's too much trouble.
Established so far in this post regarding vector: Kuroko can reorientate an object (but not necessarily its vector). She can reduce the vector to zero. She can let it keep its vector.
We've never seen her accelerate anything yet. I'll accept "Matching the speed of the arm" as evidence, but I eye it suspiciously. "Landing with forward motion instead of dropping straight" will be something I'll look out for, since that makes some sense. (scenes from past episodes are hard to locate by skimming) I can't tell from memory whether they were truly forward vectors, or whether they were simply teleported with a forward tilt.
I had previously thought Kuroko jumps a little before teleporting, but that would have been the "teleport blur" instead.
Sun, 04-21-2013, 08:53 AM
Railgun is so slowly paced, basically nothing of importance (other than foreshadowing) happened in ep2
Fri, 04-26-2013, 10:15 PM
UTW-Mazui - S Episode 03 (
Sat, 04-27-2013, 04:00 AM
Mikoto is so gullible. The beginning of the document reveals to her she was lied to and fooled years ago, yet she immediately believes it when the end of the same document tells the project was terminated, despite the fact she now admits there at least existed clones.
But I guess being so honest and straightforward (in things other than her own tsundere feelings) is a part of what makes her so cute.
Sat, 04-27-2013, 08:46 AM
This is pretty boring so far. Mikoto's character per se never really appealed to me (in contrast to her design and ability), so seeing her doing some detective work (while new - especially the change of clothes) didn't really click. She's a front-liner. She needs characters to get angry at (I'm talking about you Kuroko/Touma), and bitches/robots to shoot railguns through.
Control Freak in episode one was promising, but she's yet to make another appearance. On that note, I wonder if the lvl2 sisters have the same immunity as Mikoto to that remote control.
Sat, 04-27-2013, 08:57 AM
If it's boring is because they're setting up an arc to which we already know the outcome. It's just a matter of waiting either for some backstory or actions scenes, but until we get there the snoozefest will be long.
Oh and by the way, what sort of rich bitch purchases a whole hotel room just to change?
Sat, 04-27-2013, 10:47 AM
Oh and by the way, what sort of rich bitch purchases a whole hotel room just to change?
My exact though. You cant change in toilets in Academy City because some robot might shoot you for it ?
Sat, 04-27-2013, 10:56 AM
Oh and by the way, what sort of rich bitch purchases a whole hotel room just to change?
I don't know, maybe she had a lot of those cash cards?
That kero kero wallet seems endlessly deep though. I actually thought she'd be too broke to pay for her clothes, since the wallet kind of looks like Naruto's.
Sat, 04-27-2013, 11:58 AM
She is a rich girl. Apparently everybody who goes to Tokiwadai is rich. It's obvious she was born an ojou-sama since nobody who had to make riches through hard work wouldn't behave so. However, I believe that's the whole point and charm of such characters.
All the more reason for Mikoto and Touma to become a pair: One is too rich to realise the worth of money and one is so poor that getting food can become a problem. They would balance each other nicely.
Sat, 04-27-2013, 12:00 PM
she also paid 37.000 yen for the pants and the t-shirt she wears probably only once
and the t-shirt had a 5.300 yen price tag on it
in case you don't know
37000 yen =~ 300€ =~ 380$
"yo, thats fifty dollars for a t-shirt" and 300 for the pants
Fri, 05-03-2013, 07:44 PM
UTW-Mazui - S Episode 04 (
Sat, 05-04-2013, 03:41 AM
This episode felt really slow, but now things should speed up.
Mon, 05-06-2013, 09:34 AM
So each and every sister got an individual haircut?! Anyway, Kuroko was quite right - Misaka is quite modest around her chest already.
[Shin-S] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S OP Single - sister's noise (FLAC) [fripSide].zip (
[Shin-S] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S OP Single - sister's noise [fripSide].zip (
Wed, 05-08-2013, 08:51 AM
It's over 9000!!!
The hairdresser must be way beyond even the severing crime edge by now.
Finally, Accelerator appears. He is my favorite character in the Index series, so I am looking forward to the mayhem he will cause in this one.
Nothing of actual worth happened during most of the episode, but I still liked it. I always thought that Railgun had better slice-of-life parts than Index.
Wed, 05-08-2013, 09:24 AM
I always thought that Railgun had better slice-of-life parts than Index.
That's actually quite natural since Index is about Touma "Hero" Kamijou, who doesn't have an ordinary daily life, unlike the four main girls of Railgun. But of course Touma is so boring without somebody to help (usually at the expense of his own health) that we should be extremely thankful we don't have to follow what would go for slice-of-life for him.
Wed, 05-08-2013, 09:28 AM
That's actually quite natural since Index is about Touma "Hero" Kamijou, who doesn't have an ordinary daily life, unlike the four main girls of Railgun. But of course Touma is so boring without somebody to help (usually at the expense of his own health) that we should be extremely thankful we don't have to follow what would go for slice-of-life for him.
I was going to reply like you did, but then remembered that being unfortunate is also part of Touma's life - so really, running into shit all the time is just another day for him.
More seriously, I do agree with you though. Touma's your unintended superhero while the girls here are part-time police.
Fri, 05-10-2013, 08:18 PM
UTW-Mazui - S Episode 05 (
Fri, 05-10-2013, 09:11 PM
Well... that was... wow.
Sat, 05-11-2013, 12:50 AM
What made this episode enjoyable (and also completely unexpected) was a cheeky MISAKA. Why did we not ever see one until now? Does that personality only emerge because of interaction with their Onee-sama, or is it chalked up as normal variance?
I was hoping to see Accelerator before this project, but crazy-ass Accel works too. I'm not fond of his "This is annoying / This is a drag" persona, but the preview's yes YES YES! Accel is up my alley.
Sat, 05-11-2013, 02:22 AM
Since there are so many Misakas and they had audience talks they could take into account, it wasn't very difficult to create a little sub-arc with cheeky Misaka as variance as you said.
And the way she's been utterly crushed (pun intended) did really contrast well.
Sat, 05-11-2013, 02:24 AM
Audience talks?
Sat, 05-11-2013, 03:12 AM
I was hoping to see Accelerator before this project, but crazy-ass Accel works too. I'm not fond of his "This is annoying / This is a drag" persona, but the preview's yes YES YES! Accel is up my alley.
It makes me wonder even more just what kind of a level 6 person were the masterminds of this project planning to create. A psychopath, nothing else. If someone has to kill 20000 girls to level up, it's going to affect the personality. For example, he wouldn't likely mind killing a bunch of scientists or politicians later. It seems quite self-destructive. But I suppose it still perfectly suits a technocracy like the Academy city.
In any case, an episode like this is building more background to why Mikoto was driven so crazy trying to save the sisters, since in Index we mainly saw Touma's side of things.
Sat, 05-11-2013, 03:59 AM
Audience talks?
BBS, letters, and the likes?
Having a Cheeky Misaka, even to crush her in the next 10 minutes is some king of Fanservice?
Still, we had no Kuroko, and I clearly missed that.
Sat, 05-11-2013, 04:05 AM
Well, Mikoto is going to receive a ton of damage to her pride next episode. I wonder if Accelerator will injure her.
Sat, 05-11-2013, 04:09 AM
On a side note, this format is so much better than having an ED.
It serves the franchise better than showcasing some pop/j/rock/shit music band babbling in hope of selling CDs
Sat, 05-11-2013, 04:27 AM
Fuuuuck Accelerator is just as bad ass as he's always been. With that I mean crazy. But there's no way for her to beat him right now.
Sat, 05-11-2013, 10:36 PM
But there's no way for her to beat him right now.
Or ever.
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